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Perfect Partners Tramadol and Physical Exercise


Academic year: 2017

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The article talks about the contribution of muscle overuse to the development of injuries. Health experts advice individuals to perform stretching before and after physical exercise to avoid this condition. However, muscle pain and injury are inevitable discomforts especially among athletes and people who perform strenuous physical work. Individuals who develop muscle pain may use Tramadol to help reduce muscle pain and discomfort.


Tramadol side effects

Article Body:

Leading an active, healthy lifestyle is crucial to having long, productive years. People are now more conscious about their health. Many have included exercise and other health-enhancing activities to their daily regimen. However, the lack of professional supervision and wrong exercise procedures have exposed a lot of people to muscle pain. Occasional muscle pain, if left untreated, may hinder one’s quality of life. Health experts say that muscle overuse and physical exertion are the main culprits behind muscle pain. In may cases, the pain tends to affect specific muscles. Muscle pain may be experienced before or after a certain strenuous activity. Muscle overuse is one of the most common causes of muscle pain. It is a small-scale but potentially harmful muscular disturbance that develops when muscles are exposed to extreme or prolonged stress. Repetitive stress may lead to the development of micro-tears on the tissue and cause a greater tear over a period of time. In addition to these effects, overused muscles may lose up to 40 to 50 percent of its normal strength. This condition may be painful and could have a negative impact on one’s physical performance. Neglected injuries could linger and hamper a person’s mobility later on in life.

Individuals who suffer from muscle pain may use pain relieving drugs. One of the most notable medications for pain relief is Tramadol, a synthetic pain reliever that has gained the approval of many doctors across the United States. It works by binding the receptors of the brain which are responsible for transmitting painful sensations throughout the body. Several medical studies show that this medication has a low abuse rate compared to other pain relievers. In addition, Tramadol side effects are milder compared to other pain relieving drugs out in the market. Tramadol side effects may include the following:


constipation dizziness headache

drowsiness and vomiting

Despite its effectiveness and safety, individuals who want to use Tramadol should seek the approval of their doctors before starting on the medication. This medicine may not be used by individuals with certain ailments or those who are using other drugs. Care should be taken to avoid adverse drug interactions.

Moreover, it is best to realize that injury prevention is better than cure. Although injuries are inevitable, especially for those who participate in competitive sports, there are some things people can do to limit stress on the body. Regular stretching before and after physical activity coupled with conditioning training is important in the prevention of injuries. Individuals who engage in physical activities should do them properly and in moderation because fatigue or physical exhaustion may heighten the risk of developing injuries. Finally, the best advice for anyone working out or playing sports is to perform only with proper technique. Bad form will always result in undue stress to the body and lead to injury. If these things fail, the use of Tramadol together with rest and physical therapy may alleviate muscle pain and discomfort.

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