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Nursing Home Abuse Cases


Academic year: 2017

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A Nursing homes’ sole purpose is to give physical, occupational and rehabilitative therapies. In the United States, there were more than 16,000 nursing homes in 2002 and all of them are asked to work under governmental and legal requirements such as: to have a licensed nursed on duty 24/7, and during at least one shift each day, one of those nurses must be a Registered Nurse (a professional nurse who supervises the assistants).


Nursing Home Abuse Cases

Article Body:

A Nursing homes’ sole purpose is to give physical, occupational and rehabilitative therapies. In the United States, there were more than 16,000 nursing homes in 2002 and all of them are asked to work under governmental and legal requirements such as: to have a licensed nursed on duty 24/7, and during at least one shift each day, one of those nurses must be a Registered Nurse (a professional nurse who supervises the assistants).

Depending on the type of assistance the resident needs, daily costs of a nursing home can run between US$350 and up. When a family decides to put a dear one into one of these places, they rely on the good will and attention from the crew of the home. They expect to get great of attention, so that good physical and emotional conditions of living are pertained. Unfortunately, this is not what happens all the time. Besides representing a place of relief for many, nursing homes have seen all sorts of injustices and abuses between their walls.

Different eye witnesses and surveys have shown that nursing home abuse is a reality, and that it is sadly underreported. Among the reasons for this alarming percentage of cases of elder mistreatment, there are stressful working conditions (staff shortages), staff burnout and inadequate staff training. If the work conditions are not the best at nursing homes, this is obviously shown in the treatment the staff gives the residents. There has been dreadful and unbelievable cases of elder abuse: open wounds, cuts, bruises, burns caused by cigarettes, caustics, acids, dehydration, malnutrition, unclean conditions, and fecal or urine odor. If you find out that a relative or a friend of yours is undergoing one of these situations, try to contact the immediate authorities and report the case.

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