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Academic year: 2021



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SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 7LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 7 1. Bima : Where does the sailor work ?

Yongki : He works ... A. in the field B. on the sea C. in the garden D. in the workshop E. Kunci Jawaban : B Pembahasan Teks :

Sudah jelas yang ditanyakan Where does the sailor work ? ( Dimanakah Pelaut itu bekerja?). Pilihan jawaban ( B ). on the sea ( di laut) lah yang benar.

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.01.smil/manifest.mpd

2. This person helps your mother at home. She is a ____ . A. house wife B. house maid C. house work D. dentist E. Kunci Jawaban : B Pembahasan Teks :

Untuk pernyataan , This person helps your mother at home ( Orang ini membantu ibumu di rumah). Pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah opsi (B) house maid ( pembantu rumah tangga ). Pilihan jawaban lainya salah, A . house wife (ibu rumah tangga, C. house work ( PR), D. dentist ( dokter gigi). karena tidak sesuai .

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.02.smil/manifest.mpd

3. Shakira works in the aeroplane. She is a ____ .


▸ Baca selengkapnya: kd 3.7 bahasa inggris kelas 9


B. nurse C. stewardess D. waitress E. Kunci Jawaban : C Pembahasan Teks :

Dari kalimat , Shakira works in an aeroplane( Shakira bekerja di pesawat). Jelas sekali dia adalah seorang pramugari.Jadi pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah ( C). stewardess

( pramugari). Opsi (A). Secretary (sekertaris), (B). nurse (perawat), dan ( D ) waitress (pelayan) tidak sesuai. Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.03.smil/manifest.mpd

4. These men work to find fish in the sea. They are ____ . A. fishermen B. mechanic C. tailors D. postmen E. Kunci Jawaban : A Pembahasan Teks :

Untuk pernyataan , These men work to find fish in the sea ( Orang-orang ini pekerjaanya mencari ikan dilaut). Pilihan jawaban yang benar tentu saja adalah opsi (A) fishermen ( nelayan ). Pilihan jawaban lainya salah, B . mechanic (mekanik), C. tailors ( penjahit), dan D. postmen( tukang pos) tidak sesuai .

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.04.smil/manifest.mpd

5. Saka : What is your plan, Dina?

Dina : I ___ go to Bandung in the next holiday. A. will B. can C. may

▸ Baca selengkapnya: soal like and dislike smp kelas 7





Kunci Jawaban : A Pembahasan Teks :

Perhatikan keterangan waktu dari jawaban pertanyaannya, I ...go to Bandung in the next holiday ?, Next holiday

menunjukkan future tense, jadi modal yang tepat adalah pilihan (A). will ( akan). Opsi lainya salah. C. can (dapat), C. may (mungkin) dan D.must (harus).

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.05.smil/manifest.mpd

6. Wibi : There will be semester test next week.

Dira : Thats right. We ___ study hard if we want to succeed in our test. A. will B. can C. may D. must E. Kunci Jawaban : D Pembahasan Teks :

Perhatikan pernyataan dari, Thats right. We ... study hard if we want to succeed in our test( Itu benar. Kita ... belajar jika kita ingin sukses dalam ujian). Pilihan yang benar adalah (D). must ( harus). Opsi lainya salah. A. will (akan), B. can (dapat) dan C. may (mungkin).

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.06.smil/manifest.mpd

7. Dika : Sony looks pale.

Pegy : You are right. He ___ be sick A. will B. can C. may D. must E.

▸ Baca selengkapnya: soal bahasa inggris adjective kelas 7


Kunci Jawaban : C Pembahasan Teks :

Perhatikan pernyataan dari Dika , Sony looks pale ( Sony kelihatan pucat). Dan jawaban dari Pegy, You are right. He ... be sick ( Kamu benar. Dia ... sakit). Pilihan (C). may ( mungkin ). Opsi lainya salah. A. will (akan), B. can (dapat) dan D. must (pasti).

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.07.smil/manifest.mpd

8. Sugi : The table is very heavy. I __ lift it alone. Anto : Dont worry. Ill help you.

A. will B. cant C. may D. must E. Kunci Jawaban : B Pembahasan Teks :

Perhatikan pernyataan , The table is very heavy. I ...lift it alone ( Mejanya sangat berat. Saya ... mengangkatnya sendiri). Pilihan (B). cant (tidak dapat). Opsi lainya salah. A. wont (tidak akan), C. may (mungkin) dan D. must (pasti/harus).

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.08.smil/manifest.mpd


Child : Dad, this mathematics is too difficult. I ___ do it. Father : Let me help you do it.

Child : Thanks, Dad. A. can B. cannot C. am able to D. am capable of E. Kunci Jawaban : B Pembahasan Teks :

Dari pernyataan Ayah, soal matematikanya terlalu sulit (Dad, this mathematics is too difficult.). Dapat dimpulkan jawaban yang sesuai adalah Saya tidak dapat mengerjakanya. (I cannot do it).


Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.09.smil/manifest.mpd

10. Teacher : Students, you ___ cheat during the test. If you cheat, you will get nothing. Students : Yes, sir.

A. may B. must C. mustn't D. will E. Kunci Jawaban : C Pembahasan Teks :

Saat ujian tentunya Kamu dilarang mencontek (You mustnt cheat during the test). Untuk menyatakan larangan digunakan modal mustnt (dilarang)..

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.10.smil/manifest.mpd

11. Heksi : I know ou are studying Math. Are you studying English too? Andre : Yes, Im studying not only Math .... English.

A. and B. or C. but also D. and also E. Kunci Jawaban : C Pembahasan Teks :

Perhatikan kalimat jawabanya , Yes, Im studying not only Math ...English ( Iya, saya sedang belajar tidak hanya Matematika ... Inggris ). Correlative conjuction dari Not only adalah but also. Jadi pilihan (C) but also lah yang benar.

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.11.smil/manifest.mpd



Rudi : Do you know Mr. Aldi.

Yogi : Of course, almost everyone in the village knows him. He is ... rich but also generous.

A. not B. only C. not only D. also E. Kunci Jawaban : C Pembahasan Teks :

Perhatikan kalimat jawabanya , He is ...rich but also generous ( Dia ...kaya tetapi juga dermawan ). Correlative conjuction dari Not only adalah but also. Jadi pilihan (C) not only lah yang benar.

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.12.smil/manifest.mpd

13. Mr. Bakrie a very good guide. He can speak not only English ____ other languages. A. and B. but also C. or D. also E. Kunci Jawaban : B Pembahasan Teks :

Perhatikan kalimatnya , He can speak not only English ....other languages ( Dia tidak hanya bisa bicara bahasa Inggris ... bahasa lainya). Correlative conjuction dari Not only adalah but also. Jadi pilihan (B) but also lah yang benar.

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.13.smil/manifest.mpd


My Family

My name is Randi. I am an SMP student. I live on Jalan Suryakanta. My fathers name is Mr. Rahman. He works in a hospital. He is a doctor. My mother is a teacher.

My parents have three children. Ely, the eldest, works as a programmer in a private company. Wulan is my sister. We are students. She goes to SMA 3.


A. He is an SMA student. B. He is a teacher. C. He is a doctor. D. He is an SMP student. E. Kunci Jawaban : D Pembahasan Teks :

Untuk mengetahui informasi tertentu dari pertanyaan , Who is Randi?( Siapakah Randi)?. Perhatikan paragraph1 baris ke1, My name is Randi. I am an SMP student( Nama saya Randi. Saya adalah pelajar SMP). Jadi pilihan yang benar adalah (D). He is SMP student.

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.14.smil/manifest.mpd


My Family

My name is Randi. I am an SMP student. I live on Jalan Suryakanta. My fathers name is Mr. Rahman. He works in a hospital. He is a doctor. My mother is a teacher.

My parents have three children. Ely, the eldest, works as a programmer in a private company. Wulan is my sister. We are students. She goes to SMA 3.

How many people are there in Mr. Rahmans family? A. five B. four C. three D. two E. Kunci Jawaban : A Pembahasan Teks :

Untuk mengetahui informasi tertentu dari pertanyaan , How many people are there in Mr. Rahmans family?( Ada berapa orangkah di keluarga P Rahman)?. Perhatikan paragraph 2 baris ke1, My parents have three children( Orang tua saya punya tiga anak). Jadi jumlah keluarga tersebut ada 5 ( Ibu, bapak dan 3 anaknya). Jadi pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah (A). five.

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.15.smil/manifest.mpd



My Family

My name is Randi. I am an SMP student. I live on Jalan Suryakanta. My fathers name is Mr. Rahman. He works in a hospital. He is a doctor. My mother is a teacher.

My parents have three children. Ely, the eldest, works as a programmer in a private company. Wulan is my sister. We are students. She goes to SMA 3.

What is Randis mother?

A. She is a programmer. B. She is a teacher. C. She is a student. D. She is a doctor. E. Kunci Jawaban : B Pembahasan Teks :

Untuk mengetahui informasi tertentu dari pertanyaan , What is Randis mother?( Apakah pekerjaan ibunya Randi)?. Perhatikan paragraph1 baris terakhir , My mother is a teacher( Ibu saya seorang guru). Jadi pilihan yang benar adalah (B). She is a teacher.

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.16.smil/manifest.mpd


My Family

My name is Randi. I am an SMP student. I live on Jalan Suryakanta. My fathers name is Mr. Rahman. He works in a hospital. He is a doctor. My mother is a teacher.

My parents have three children. Ely, the eldest, works as a programmer in a private company. Wulan is my sister. We are students. She goes to SMA 3.

How many children does Mr. Rahman have? A. two B. three C. four D. five E. Kunci Jawaban : B


Pembahasan Teks :

Untuk mengetahui informasi tertentu dari pertanyaan , How many children does Mr. Rahmans family?( Berapakah putra P Rahman)?. Perhatikan paragraph 2 baris ke1, My parents have three children( Orang tua saya punya tiga anak). Jadi pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah (B). three.

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.17.smil/manifest.mpd


My Family

My name is Randi. I am an SMP student. I live on Jalan Suryakanta. My fathers name is Mr. Rahman. He works in a hospital. He is a doctor. My mother is a teacher.

My parents have three children. Ely, the eldest, works as a programmer in a private company. Wulan is my sister. We are students. She goes to SMA 3.

The main idea of the second paragraph is about .


the children in the family B.

The jobs in the family C.

The parents job D.

The education E.

Kunci Jawaban : A Pembahasan Teks :

Untuk mengetahui ide utama dari paragraph 2, kalian harus memahami isi paragraph 2 , kemudian membuat kesimpulan. Pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah (A). the children in the family ( anak-anak dalam keluarga tersebut).

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.18.smil/manifest.mpd


I have a friend named Indra. He is a very fat person. His hobby is eating. He likes all kinds of foods. He eats everything in front of him. His weight is 95 kilograms. He has a very chubby cheek. His family and friends like him very much.

How is the writers friend? He is .... A. short B. tall C. big D. slim E. Kunci Jawaban : C


Pembahasan Teks :

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan, How is the writers friend? (Bagaimanakah teman penulis ). Bisa di temukan di pr 1 baris 1, He is a very fat person (Dia sangat gemuk). fat = big. Jadi opsi yang benar adalah (C) big. Opsi lainya tidak benar, A. short (pendek), B. tall (tinggi), D. slim (langsing).

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.19.smil/manifest.mpd


I have a friend named Indra. He is a very fat person. His hobby is eating. He likes all kinds of foods. He eats everything in front of him. His weight is 95 kilograms. He has a very chubby cheek. His family and friends like him very much.

What is his hobby? A. Reading B. Drinking C. Eating D. Sleeping E. Kunci Jawaban : C Pembahasan Teks :

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan, What is his hobby? (Apa hobinya? ). Bisa di temukan di pr 1 baris 1, His hobby is eating (Hobinya makan), Jadi pilihan yang benar adalah (C). Eating.

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.20.smil/manifest.mpd


I have a friend named Indra. He is a very fat person. His hobby is eating. He likes all kinds of foods. He eats everything in front of him. His weight is 95 kilograms. He has a very chubby cheek. His family and friends like him very much.

What does he look like? A.

He likes eating. B.

He likes all kinds of foods. C.

His weight is 95 kilograms D.

He has a very chubby cheek. E.


Pembahasan Teks :

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan, How does he look like? ( Seperti apakah dia? ). Bisa di temukan di baris ke 3, He has a very chubby cheek (Dia mempunyai pipi yang cabi/ gemuk). Jadi opsi yang benar adalah (D).

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.21.smil/manifest.mpd

22. Sinta : Where does the pilot work ? Dita : He works in a/an ....

A. terminal B. station C. airport D. E. harbour Kunci Jawaban : C Pembahasan Teks :

Sudah jelas yang ditanyakan Where does the pilot work ? ( Dimanakah Pilot itu bekerja?). Pilihan jawaban ( C ). airport ( bandara) lah yang benar.

Pembahasan Video :http://stream.primemobile.co.id:1935/TestVOD/_definst_/smil:SEMESTER 2/SMP/Kelas 7/B INGGRIS/Chapter 7/BING7-7.22.smil/manifest.mpd


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