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THE USE OF CLASSROOM BLOG IN TEACHING WRITING TO JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS : A Case Study Of Second Year Junior High School In One Of Public Schoool In Bandung Year 2011/2012.


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The Use of Classroom Blog in Teaching Writing to

Junior High School Students


BANDUNG YEAR 2011/2012)


Submitted to English Department of FPBS UPI Bandung as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree


Eugenia Ines Dwi Artvianti




Eugnia Ines Dwi Artvianti, 2013

The Use of Classroom Blog in Teaching Writing to Junior High School Students

(a Case Study of Second Year Junior High School in One of Public Schoool in Bandung Year 2011/2012)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu




(A Case Study of the Second Graders of Junior High School)


This research investigated the implementation of classroom blog in teaching writing on the second grader in one of public school in Bandung. It was also aimed to find out the strength and challenges faced by the students in using Classroom Blog as a learning tool to write. A case-study design was used in this case-study and the data collected through observation, interview and document analysis. Then, the data that had been gathered were analyzed qualitatively. The results were in line with previous research which stated that classroom blog helps activate interaction with readers, create an audience and feedback for their writing, this findings are compatible with prior research findings from (Song & Chan, 2008; Zhang, 2009; Galien; 2010).The research also found out that Classroom Blog has its strength and challenges. Classroom Blog enables the students to: (1) have a fun learning environment; (2) write easily; (3) get feedbacks from teacher and peers; (4) discuss more with friends and teacher outside classroom easily; (5) access more reference for students’ writing; (6) get more motivation to write; (7) have their personal space to read and write in a community; and (8) build their analytical and critical thinking skill. There are also some challenges faced by the students, as

follows: (1) technical problems; (2) time management; (3) students’ inability to point out


Eugnia Ines Dwi Artvianti, 2013

The Use of Classroom Blog in Teaching Writing to Junior High School Students

(a Case Study of Second Year Junior High School in One of Public Schoool in Bandung Year 2011/2012)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



2.1 Definition of Writing and Teaching Writing ... 10

2.1.1 Definition of Writing... ... 10


2.2 Classroom Blog ... 18 2.3.1 The Teaching of Writing in EFL Classroom ... 2.3.2 Classroom Blog in EFL Classroom ... 2.4 Model of Teaching ... CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ... 33


Eugnia Ines Dwi Artvianti, 2013

The Use of Classroom Blog in Teaching Writing to Junior High School Students

(a Case Study of Second Year Junior High School in One of Public Schoool in Bandung Year 2011/2012)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



4.1 Findings On Lesson Plan in Teaching Writing Using Classroom Blog ... 41

4.1.1 Lesson Plan... ... 41


Eugnia Ines Dwi Artvianti, 2013

The Use of Classroom Blog in Teaching Writing to Junior High School Students

(a Case Study of Second Year Junior High School in One of Public Schoool in Bandung Year 2011/2012)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu




1.1Background of the Study

The existence of internet in the last century created new and

challenging environments for learning, teaching and also assessment. A

number of studies explore the uses of new technologies such as web pages and

discussion groups (Schellens &Valcke, 2006) as cited in Ridgway (2009),

emails, synchronous chats, blogs and wikis in various educational settings and

across disciplines. However, the technologies are new and it is important to

explore new and effective ways of using them to enhance the processes of

teaching and learning.

Nowadays, people come up with some new ways of communicating

which make a significant impact on teaching and learning situation. As we

move forward through this rapidly evolving information age, the integration of

information and communication technologies into education has become “an

imperative” (Warchauer, 2002; p.455). However, electronic literacy or called

it as mastery of basic technology skills has become a prerequisite for every

literate person in this era. As such, there is an overwhelming demand for the


Eugnia Ines Dwi Artvianti, 2013

The Use of Classroom Blog in Teaching Writing to Junior High School Students

(a Case Study of Second Year Junior High School in One of Public Schoool in Bandung Year 2011/2012)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


fact, these technologies have opened new avenues for assisting both teacher

and learners (Dixon and Johnson, 2001).

One of the useful technologies which can be used as an interactive

media in teaching and learning process is internet. The use of internet for

researching and gathering information is enriching in many language teaching

and learning situations, and most of the sites in English are more accessible

than ever before. These kinds of resources are intended to help language

teachers to be able to use them as various kinds of media in various language

teaching contexts.

It seems that internet is no longer only a place to look for

information, it is rapidly a place to expand, communicate, build network,

publish, play and collaborate. Those advantages from internet make foreign

language learners can have access to virtual classrooms and depth and breadth

of teaching and learning situations, also materials which previous online

learning or even physical classroom-based learning could not give. In

pronunciation class, for example it is better showing students with news

program on BBC, so the students know exactly how to pronounce the words

correctly rather than teachers pronounce the words by themselves.

Clearly, the influence of technology in education manifested in the

shift toward adopting new forms of course delivery which conceptualizes

learners as knowledge creators, rather than as a passive recipient. It enables


and constructivist where the two sides act like a partner. Thus, there are also

several things that teacher should consider before choosing what technology

can help the teaching and learning process, to begin with teacher need to

understand what they are doing from a theoretical standpoint, then what

teaching approach that they are taking, and the last is what type of learning

they are encouraging. Teachers also need to know how the technology itself

can fit with students’ understanding of language acquisition and how it can

best support the pedagogical practices. Also, teachers need to know the

technology which is going to be used.

With this concern in mind, blog can be one of valuable ways which

can be used in EFL or ESL classroom. Blogs can add value to a lesson, it is

also can be effectively integrated into the “broader professional context”

which includes an understanding of learner needs, the educational setting,

available resources, syllabus, and teaching learning goals (of Mc.Donough &

Shaw, 1992, p.5).

There are unlimited reasons for using blogs in education, such as to

provide a real audience for students writing, to provide extra reading practice

for students, to increase the sense of community in a class, to encourage

students to participate, to create an online portfolio of students written work as

stated by Stanley (2005) on Zhang (2009). The primarily factor creates student

interest in starting to use blogs. It is claimed that blogs work best when


Eugnia Ines Dwi Artvianti, 2013

The Use of Classroom Blog in Teaching Writing to Junior High School Students

(a Case Study of Second Year Junior High School in One of Public Schoool in Bandung Year 2011/2012)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


to write in the blog, as well as Classroom blog, blogs can quickly be


Classroom blogs are well suited to serve as online journals for

students, particularly since they normally enable uploading and linking of

files. Language learners could use a Classroom blog linked to a course. By

publishing students’ writing in the Classroom blog, the students have

possibility of writing for readers beyond classmates, not usually possible in

discussion forums. Readers in turn can comment on what they have read.

Self-publishing encourages ownership and responsibility on the part of the

students, who may be more thoughtful if they are writing for real audience.

The research set out to explore the extent to which writing through

classroom blog facilitated students’ knowledge construction and reflection. It

was hoped that blogs would support them in writing. Here, the researcher

explores Classroom blog as an environment for students to write journals and

communicate with both tutor and peers.

1.2Research Questions

Based on the background of the study above, the writer formulates the

problem statement of the research entitled “The Use of Classroom blog in

Teaching Writing to Junior High School Students” In order to answer this

question, the writer arranges some subsidiary questions as follows:


2. What are the strength and challenges in using Classroom blog in

teaching writing?

1.3Aims of the Study

The purposes of the study are to find out

1. The ways teacher applied classroom blog to teach writing.

2. The strengths and challenges in using classroom blog in teaching writing.

1.4The Scope of Study

This study limits its investigation into two concerns. The first is the

strategies in using blog that teacher are using to develop students’ fluency in

writing, and the second is the strengths and challenges in using classroom blog

in teaching writing.

1.5Significances of Study

This study expected to provide theoretical, practical, and professional benefits.

1. Theoretical benefits

The research finding can be used to enrich the theories and methods in

teaching writing using classroom blog.


Eugnia Ines Dwi Artvianti, 2013

The Use of Classroom Blog in Teaching Writing to Junior High School Students

(a Case Study of Second Year Junior High School in One of Public Schoool in Bandung Year 2011/2012)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


Practically, the research finding will be beneficially useful for the students,

the improvement of teaching method in EFL classroom, and also for the

readers who are interested in teaching media.

a) The students

 Students can develop their mastery on English writing using

fascinating and sophisticated learning media, which is

Classroom blog.

 Students will be able to express themselves freely in a written


b) Teaching method of English as Foreign Language (EFL) program

 To present the implication of using classroom blog in EFL

writing activity.

 To give solutions to the EFL learning process, especially in


 To provide information about the strategies which teacher used

in using Classroom blog in writing activity.

 To provide sufficient evidence about the strength and the

challenges that the teacher faced in using Classroom blog to

teach writing

3. Professional benefits

In this perspective, the teacher, school and even a language course will get


a) The teacher

 Teacher knows the level of students’ mastery in writing.

 Teacher can provide students with creative media in teaching


 Teacher can improve the strategy on teaching writing for young


b) The school or a language course

The research findings can be used as a consideration to improve the

teaching language, especially in EFL classroom. School or language

course can provide students with more creative media, in this case is

Classroom blog to help improving students’ writing skill.

c) The writer

The research findings are valuable as self-reflection on teaching

writing by using classroom blog.

1.6Clarification of Key Terms.

Avoiding mistake and misperception of terms used in this research, there

is an elaboration on these related terms, which are:

a) Use

Use refers to the application of a media or a program on how


Eugnia Ines Dwi Artvianti, 2013

The Use of Classroom Blog in Teaching Writing to Junior High School Students

(a Case Study of Second Year Junior High School in One of Public Schoool in Bandung Year 2011/2012)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


with the use of classroom blog in teaching writing in Junior High


b) Classroom blog

Enzer (2006) stated that a blog is basically a journal that is

available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is “blogging”

and someone who keeps a blog is a “blogger”. Over all, there is no

difference with classroom blog, classroom blog is bigger than a

personal blog where all of classroom member post their writing in

the classroom blog, so it gives chance for tutor and students to

communicate easily.

c) Writing

Writing refers to a task which requires Junior High School students

to write something in English based on topic given by the teacher.

Since the need of the students is to be able to write descriptive text

based on curriculum given, the teacher specified the writing as

writing descriptive text. Their writing is a part of learning, and

classroom blog is used as a media to write.

3.7. Paper Organization


CHAPTER I introduce background problems, research questions,

aims of the study, significance of the study and also contents of


CHAPTER II presents related theories and literature. Basic

principle which is relevant to the present study. Theories of

teaching writing using classroom blog.

CHAPTER III describes the method and research used by

researcher in conducting this research. This chapter includes

research design, data collection, research subjects, research

instruments, and data analysis.

CHAPTER IV elaborates findings and discussion. It presents the

findings of the study and its discussion.

CHAPTER V presents conclusions and suggestions. In this

chapter, the researcher draws the conclusions about the study and


Eugnia Ines Dwi Artvianti, 2013

The Use of Classroom Blog in Teaching Writing to Junior High School Students

(a Case Study of Second Year Junior High School in One of Public Schoool in Bandung Year 2011/2012)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu




This chapter provides detailed presentations of procedures in the study to

answer the two research questions previously stated in Chapter I. The presentation

begins with research designs, research site and respondents, data collection

techniques, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Method

The research method used in this study is qualitative. The choice of using this

method was relevant with the research questions and the purpose of this study: to get

in-depth understanding of the strategies used by teacher in teaching writing through

Classroom blog in EFL Classroom. Qualitative methods focus primarily on the kind

of evidence (what people tell you, what they do) that will enable you to understand

the meaning of what is going on. The greatest strength is that qualitative method can

illuminate issues and turn up possible explanations (Gillham, 2000).

To investigate such study, this method has two main objectives: (1) to the two


Eugnia Ines Dwi Artvianti, 2013

The Use of Classroom Blog in Teaching Writing to Junior High School Students

(a Case Study of Second Year Junior High School in One of Public Schoool in Bandung Year 2011/2012)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


strategies teacher used in the use of Classroom blog in EFL Classroom, (2) also the

strength and challenge is using Classroom blog in EFL Classroom.

Berg (2001) describes further that qualitative technique allow researchers to

share in the understanding and perceptions of others and to explore how people

structure and give meaning to their daily lives. Researchers using qualitative

techniques examine how people learn about and make sense of themselves and


Additionally, the researcher made use of multiple sources of evidences (Yin,

1993) such as data derived from observation, interview, and document text analysis.

3.2 Site and Participants

This research took place in one of public Junior High School in Bandung.

This institution was chosen for at least three reasons. First, this school provides

Bilingual Classes where the students should have their own online access in

classroom, so that researcher is able to conduct the research. Second, location of the

school is accessible. Third, researcher has access to the school, so that it enhances the

feasibility of the study.

The researcher decided that the participants in this study were the students of

8th grade because students in that age are familiar with internet. Based on a research


than it is among any other age group. The participants consisted of three students who

were voluntarily participated in this study.

3.3 Research Procedure

First, the researcher administers a test where the students were asked to write

a descriptive text with the selected topic to measure the students’ prior knowledge on

writing. The students should collect the information about the topic from various

resources, after that then they do the writing.

Second, the researcher explains the nature of Classroom blog. After they have

brief knowledge about Classroom blog, the students start to work in the Classroom

blog for writing the task. Here, the researcher plays a role as the teacher-researcher. It

could be in that the role of teacher in task-based learning is to monitor, and also as a

facilitator (Nunan, 1992), so that both observation and informal interview can be

done in the same time.

Third, the researcher administers interview to the students after engaging with

Classroom blog.

Fourth, the researcher analyzes the data from observation and interview, also


Eugnia Ines Dwi Artvianti, 2013

The Use of Classroom Blog in Teaching Writing to Junior High School Students

(a Case Study of Second Year Junior High School in One of Public Schoool in Bandung Year 2011/2012)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


Fifth, the researcher concludes the findings and finished the thesis.

3.4 Data Collection

The data collocation techniques employed in this study were observations,

interviews, and written documents analysis.

3.4.1 Observation

To collect the data, the researcher used classroom observation to know if

Classroom blog helps the participants to do the writing task or not. The researcher

observed what the participants did and said. The researcher observed the participants’

activities including learning the nature of Classroom blog, managing resources,

identifying and using proper information from various resources, collecting data, and

their collaborative interaction between other students during and after finishing the


The instruments which were used in collecting the data were field notes and

video-recorded. The following situations were observed by the researcher to gain

more data about the learning activity. The observations were conducted six times.

Each observation took 80 minutes per meeting.


The interview used open-ended questions to focus on participants’ experience

when working with Classroom blog. This is to find out how the Classroom blog help

participant to accomplish the written task.

The interviews were conducted in Bahasa Indonesia. The interview was

conducted during the program; it is aimed to gain the congruity of the observation

result and to inquire their experience during the course. The interview inquires

participants’ activities such as helping the participants to know about the nature of

Classroom blog, managing resources, identifying and using proper information,

collecting data, and also their collaborative interactions between others participants.

The interview questions consist of two parts: first part is questioning the

guiding directions on Classroom blog stages to know how the participants work with

Classroom blog components they inquire the students’ experience, opinion, and

performance in every stage. Second part inquire the students activities when

involving in the Classroom blog such as reading, skimming, scanning, evaluating,

and synthesizing the web reading. These second parts also question the participants’

experiences and opinions when they get involved in Classroom blog. For details, list

of questions for the interview see appendix 1. The interview was audio-taped and also

written on the sheets.


Eugnia Ines Dwi Artvianti, 2013

The Use of Classroom Blog in Teaching Writing to Junior High School Students

(a Case Study of Second Year Junior High School in One of Public Schoool in Bandung Year 2011/2012)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


PART I 1. What do you think about the English Lesson so far?

2. Which skill is the most difficult and easiest for you? Why? How about writing?

3. Which one is your favorite media? How about Classroom blog? 4. What do you think of Classroom blog? Is it difficult to use? 5. Have you ever use Classroom blog or Blog before this?

PART II 1. Does Classroom blog make you easier to learn writing?

2. If we relate it to writing, how is the use of Classroom blog in your opinion?

3. Do you enjoy using Classroom blog as a toll in learning writing? 4. What difficulties you face during the process in using Classroom


5. How Classroom blog helps you in learning writing?

3.4.3 Document Analysis

Written document is also one of the instruments that were used to gather the

data in order to answer the research questions. The written documents were in the

forms of lesson plans and students’ writing task in Classroom blog. The lesson plans

were analyzed to further determine the class activities during the observations, while

the observation sheets and teacher field notes were also analyzed to see teacher’s

strategies applied in Classroom blog.

3.5 Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the data, which were

collected from observations, interview, and written documents. Therefore, the


explanation. These data were categorized by data collection techniques: observation

data, interview data, and text analysis. Each category described such categories in

order to draw answers to the research questions. The sub categories were relevant to

the research questions formed in chapter one i.e. guiding directions, links, and student


3.5.1 Data from Observation

In analyzing the data, videos were used to get deeper comprehension of the

class activities, particularly the writing activity. It was also used to capture the real

situation in the class, and also support the data from observation sheets, and teacher’s

field notes. Then, the researcher played back the video, wrote down some notes. The

result of the analysis will briefly discuss in Chapter 4.

3.5.2 Data from Interview

The data from interview were examined as markers that showed participants’

activities during their learning using Classroom blog. Then, the results of the

interviews were transcribed to gain equivalent information about participants’

experience with in the process of writing through Classroom blog.


Eugnia Ines Dwi Artvianti, 2013

The Use of Classroom Blog in Teaching Writing to Junior High School Students

(a Case Study of Second Year Junior High School in One of Public Schoool in Bandung Year 2011/2012)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


The researcher also used the lesson plan and students’ writing task to help

gain more information in line with the research questions. The data from document

analysis were used to give physical evidence of the findings from observation and

interview. The analysis revealed whether classroom blog can help students to write or


3.6 Concluding Remark

This chapter has presented the research method used in this present study

which covers research design, sites and participants, data collection, and data

analysis. This study attempted to find out the benefits of the use of Classroom blog to

help EFL students learn writing. Case study was used as the research design, and it

involved the 8th grade students from a public Junior High School in Bandung. The

data were collected through observation, interview, and document analysis. The

analyzing of data employs multiple data sources. The further results of this chapter




This final chapter presents the conclusions that can be drawn from the result

of the study, describes its limitations and also provides ideas for further research.

5.1 Conclusions

This study was concerns with the use of classroom blog to help students learn

writing. The purpose of the study is to find out the ways teacher applied on using

classroom blog in helping students’ writing process and also strengths and challenges

in the writing activities.

This study also confirms findings from previous research which showed that

classroom blog is an effective media to be used as a writing prompter (Armstrong,

2008; Sollars, 2007; Bloch, 2007; Lee, 2012; Noytim, 2010; Huang & Hung, 2009)

The research comes up with the finding that the use of classroom blog is an

effective media for writing. That argument was supported by the data gathered from

the observation and interview. Clearly it can be seen regarding the students’ choice of

more various languages in writing, the addition of new perspectives to their thoughts,


Eugnia Ines Dwi Artvianti, 2013

The Use of Classroom Blog in Teaching Writing to Junior High School Students

(a Case Study of Second Year Junior High School in One of Public Schoool in Bandung Year 2011/2012)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


Writing for a purpose, in this case as self-expression and self-reflection, has

encouraged the students to produce language more fluently. They were also

concerned on correctness which leads the researcher to consider classroom blog a

potential tool for the development of foreign language linguistic skills. Although the

purpose of the activity aimed at improving writing skills, reading skills are likely to

have also improved because of the intensive exposure to reading in peers’ writing

post on the blog which has a relationship with real audience. As Thorne & Payne

(2005) suggest, creative guidance from the instructor and collaboratively chosen

activities are needed to integrate online writing. This new learning environment and

the meaningful context have raised high motivation for the students and will help

them become life-long and more efficient learners.

5.2 Recommendation

Based on the research findings, discussions, and the conclusions of research

results, the writer proposes some suggestions concerning the writing activity for

students, as follows:

1. Classroom blog is highly recommended to be used in helping students

with their writing skills. It is an effective media to provide the students

with real audience since it creates a good learning atmosphere between the


2. Since classroom blog is a new teaching media for the students, the teacher

should make the students get used to the media first by introducing

Classroom blog clearly before beginning the lesson.

3. The research has successfully proved that classroom blog could help

junior high school students in learning writing. It is suggested that the use

of Classroom blog be apply for other students in other grades.

4. The teacher should anticipate some technical problems before beginning

the writing session using classroom blog, since the media can be used only

when the internet access are available.

5. For future researchers who are interested in classroom blog as media in

teaching writing, training for the teachers in line with the usage of the


Eugnia Ines Dwi Artvianti, 2013

The Use of Classroom Blog in Teaching Writing to Junior High School Students

(a Case Study of Second Year Junior High School in One of Public Schoool in Bandung Year 2011/2012)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



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Eugnia Ines Dwi Artvianti, 2013

The Use of Classroom Blog in Teaching Writing to Junior High School Students

(a Case Study of Second Year Junior High School in One of Public Schoool in Bandung Year 2011/2012)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


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Table 3.1 Questions List


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KKL merupakan mata kuliah yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman atau melihat dari dekat dunia kerja pada perusahaan/institusi yang ada kaitannya dengan kajian bidang

4.2 The Teachers’ understanding on school vision and missions and its affect on their teaching ………...... iv LIST


Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa posisi foramen mentale pada Masyarakat di Kecamatan Medan Selayang mayoritas berada pada posisi segaris akar premolar kedua mandibula


bahwa posisi foramen mentale yang paling banyak yaitu 81,55% regio kanan dan 81,50% regio kiri mempunyai foramen mentale yang terletak segaris dengan akar