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Creating A Positive Working Environment At The On air Department Of Radio Maestro.


Academic year: 2017

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“Menciptakan Lingkungan Kerja yang Positif di Divisi On Air Radio Maestro” merupakan topik yang saya pilih dalam tugas akhir ini. Topik ini dipilih berdasarkan pengalaman saya dalam program magang yang berlangsung selama 30 hari di Radio Mestro, tepatnya di Divisi On Air. Berdasarkan teori, rasa percaya antara mereka yang bekerja di dalam sebuah divisi yang sama merupakan salah satu hal yang harus dimiliki untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang positif. Hal kepercayaan ini jugalah yang menjadi inti dari permasalahan lingkungan kerja di Divisi On

Air. Buruknya komunikasi antar karyawan disertai dengan adanya jurang

pemisah antara karyawan junior dengan senior menyebabkan lingkungan kerja di Divisi On Air cenderung menjadi negatif.

Dalam tugas akhir ini, saya akan menguraikan situasi kerja di Divisi On

Air, bagaimana pengaruh lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja para karyawan

di Divisi On Air, dan usulan perubahan yang dapat dilakukan Radio Mestro untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang positif di Divisi On Air. Pada bagian akhir dari tugas akhir ini, saya akan mengajukan sebuah solusi yang mungkin dapat menjadi bahan masukan bagi Radio Maestro untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang positif.



Abstract ………..i

Declaration of Originality ………....ii

Acknowledgements ………iii

Table of Contents ………iv

Chapter I: INTRODUCTION ……….1

A. Background of the Study B. Statement of the Problem C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution E. Limitations of the Study F. Organization of the Term Paper Chapter II: THEORETICAL REVIEW ………..8

Chapter III: CAUSE AND EFFECT ……….11


Chapter V: CONCLUSION ………..19

Bibliography ………..20



A. Background of the Study

“Creating a Positive Working Environment at On Air Department at Radio Maestro” is the topic that I choose for my term paper. This topic was chosen because during my personal experience taken from my

apprenticeship programme, I discovered some aspects about the working condition there that need to be improved so that the employees will work more effectively. Without a good working condition, employees will be the first that are affected, and it will also affect the company’s performance as a whole. The On Air Department is one of the most important departments in Radio Maestro because its daily activities are related with Radio

Maestro broadcasting; and broadcasting is the heart of every radio station, and it is also the same for Radio Maestro.

A positive working environment can be defined as a situation where the individuals, groups, and structure within the company feel comfortable with the physical surroundings (Robbins and Judge 88). In a simple way, a positive working environment can be defined as a situation where co workers and management work together well (Hamlin 1). There are some

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points that can be used as indications of a positive working environment according to Robbins and Judge (88):

• Resources availability: the equipment and facilities that the

company can provide (computer, phone, and so on.).

• Leadership and structure: people in the organizational structure and

line of management.

• Climate of trust: a condition where members of the environment

trust one another; not only their colleagues but also their leaders. • Evaluation and reward: provide the employees with suitable

rewards (payment, recognition, promotion, and so on), and evaluation for the employees’ and company’s progress.

The working condition at the On Air Department of Radio Maestro, on the other hand, is quite the opposite of a positive working environment, especially regarding the third point; the climate of trust. There are two indications taken from my apprenticeship experiences that show why the On Air Department does not have a climate of trust in their working environment. The first indication is the lack of communication between employees at the On Air Department Office, the second indication is the gap that exists between senior and junior employees.

The employees at the On Air Department have different reactions toward their working environment. In one case, one of the employees decides to resign from his position because he did not feel comfortable with the working environment. Robbins and Judge confirm this action as

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one of the indications that can be used to see whether a certain working environment is considered to be a negative one (83).

The problems will be analyzed using the cause and effect approach. The first step is to find out the actual causes of the problem and then the effects. The final step is to find the best solution to solve this problem; which is to create a more cooperative working environment at the On Air Department Office of Radio Maestro.

B. Statement of the Problem

A positive working environment is an ideal working environment that needs to be implemented at the On Air Department of Radio Maestro; however, employees who do not communicate well with each other and the gap between the senior and junior employees have turned the working environment at the On Air Department of Radio Maestro into a negative one.

The first point that I am going to analyze is the current working

condition at On Air Department of Radio Maestro and the employees’ work performance with their current working environment. The second point is the things that need to be changed in relation to the working environment to create a positive working environment at the On Air Department of Radio Maestro.

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C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

This term paper is written to provide a helpful suggestion for Radio Maestro to improve their working environment so that a positive working environment will be created and the employees there will see the benefits by working more efficiently and effectively.

This term paper also provides me with an opportunity to practice my English skill one step further and to help me to think logically in analyzing a problem systematically. Furthermore, I also hope that this term paper will give me suitable knowledge, and as a stepping stone to continue my education to the next degree, the English for Business Professionals Programme.

Last but not least, I hope that this term paper will be useful for other students who will do their apprenticeship programme. I hope this will give the readers some information about the real working environment,

especially the working environment at the On Air Department of Radio Maestro.

D. Description of the Institution

PT. Madah Ekaristi Swaratronika, known better as Radio Maestro 92.5 FM, is one of the most well known radio stations in Bandung. ‘How sweet the sound’ has become the motto of Radio Maestro for more than 38 years in broadcasting. Starting from a hobby of some teenagers, Radio Maestro began its first broadcast in eastern Bandung. January 1969 was a historic time for Radio Maestro, as it became an official radio station in Bandung.

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This radio station, with classical music as its trademark, is located on Jl. Kacapiring 12, Bandung.

Up until now, Radio Maestro has more than 4.500 watts of

broadcasting capacity with West Java (Bandung, Subang, Jatiwangi, Majalaya, Garut, Pangalengan, Ciwidey, Cianjur and Purwakarta) as its coverage area. Recent data shows that 70% of Radio Maestro audiences are above 25 years old of age, and the other 30% is below 25 years old. Radio Maestro airs daily from 5 AM to 11 PM. Various programmes, such as classical music programmes, gospel music programmes, and talk shows, are some of Radio Maestro’s many broadcasted programmes.

E. Limitations of the Study

The problem stated in this term paper is taken from a real working situation at Radio Maestro. Observations had been made since my first day of apprenticeship until the end of my apprenticeship programme there, lasting for 30 days. Out of so many valuable experiences, I decided to choose 2 (two) points for my analysis. The first one is the communication at the On Air Department, especially the communication between co workers at the On Air Department. The second point is the working conditions at the On Air Department with the communication problem within the department.

The first point will be analyzed using theories about communication, especially effective communication at the workplace. The second point will be analyzed using theories about organizational behavior, working

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environment, and managing people from the library research. The theories are taken from various sources; textbooks, and internet sources.

F. Organization of the Term Paper

Chapter I, the Introduction provides us with information about the problem. Chapter II, the Theoretical Review, explains about the problem, using the theories from various sources. It will also provide readers with theories of an ideal working condition. Chapter III, Cause and Effect, discusses some things that cause the problem and the effects as results from the problem. Chapter IV, the Potential Solutions, provides

comparison and contrast of the three potential solutions that might solve the problem. Chapter V, the Conclusion, provides us with one chosen potential solution to overcome the problem. This solution is proposed based on the analysis of the previous chapters. The final part of this term paper is the bibliography that contains all of the printed sources that I use as a reference in writing my term paper.

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After analyzing the working situation at the On Air Department of Radio Maestro, it is certain that Radio Maestro needs to do something to improve the working environment. The current working environment at the On Air Department has created a negative atmosphere for the working

environment and affects the employees’ work performance. To improve the current working environment, the first and the most important thing that Radio Maestro must do is to create a climate of trust; a condition where employees have faith in other intentions and behaviors (Schuler and Jackson 350). After comparing and contrasting the possible solutions based on the current working condition at the On Air Department, I

propose that Radio Maestro should implement an effective team in the On Air Department. The aim of implementing an effective team is to create a climate of trust so that employees at the On Air Department can work together more effectively. Implementing an effective team will cost the company more but Radio Maestro should think of it as an investment for the company’s long term benefit. Investment will be made to hold various training or team building activities as a part of implementing effective team

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at the On Air Department. By implementing an effective team, the

communication and the gap between employees can be solved quite soon because an effective team can improve communication, cooperation, understanding, trust, and many other aspects that will result in the employees working more effectively.

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Printed Sources

Kreitner, Robert, and Angelo Kinicki. Organizational Behavior. 7th ed. McGraw-Hill International. 2007.

Robbins, Stephen P., and Timothy A. Judge. Organizational Behavior. 12th ed. Pearson-Prentice Hall. 2007.

Schuler, Randall S., and Susan E. Jackson. Human Resource

Management. International Student Edition. Thomson-South Western. 2005.

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