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Chapter II The Strategies Of Katniss Struggle Of Life In “Quarter Quell Iii Games” In The Hunger Games: Catching Fire By Suzanne Collins


Academic year: 2018

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2.1 Novel

Novel according to Peck and Coyle in book : Literary Terms and Criticism

(1984:102) said that novel is a move away from an essentially religious view of

life towards a new interest in the complexities of everyday experience. Most

novels are concerned with ordinary people and their problems in the societies in

which they find themselves. In fact, novels tend to tell the same few stories time

and time again. Novelists frequently focus on the tensions between individuals

and the society in which they live, presenting characters who are at odds with that

society. Novels, however, are long works with a great amount of detail on every

page. As readers, our real interest lies in the complications the novelist creates

within the familiar pattern of characters at odds with their society that enable us to

gain a vivid sense of what it is like for particular individuals to be caught in

certain events. A productive critical method for achieving a sense of a novel’s

complexity is to look closely at scenes which you found interesting or memorable,

seeing how to details create a vivid and distinctive impression of an individual and

society conflict. The novel is a work of prose fiction written in the narrative,

usually in story form. The word comes from the Italian, novella which means “a

story or piece of news.” The novel is literary form of the most popular in the

world. This form of literature is the most outstanding, because the vast power of

communication in society. As literature, the novel can be devided into two groups,

namely the work seriously and works of entertainment, but not all are able to


entertainment for us. But he also demanded more than that. The novel is novel

primary requirement is taken it must attract, entertain and bring people out of

complacency after reading.

From the above statement, concluded that novel is a work of prose fiction

written in the narrative. Novelists frequently focus on the tensions between

individuals and the society in which they live, presenting characters who are at

odds with that society. Novel is long works with a great amount of detail on every


2.2 Plots

Plot according to Roberts and Jacobs in book Literature: An Introduction to

Reading and Writing (1995:88) said that plot is all the actions or incidents,

speeches, thoughts, and observations are linked together to make up an entirety,

sometimes called an organic unity. The essence of this unity is the development

and resolution of a conflict in character. The plot is interactions of causes and

effects as they develop sequentially or chronologically. Plot of stories are made up

mostly of actions or incidents that follow each other sequentially. Finding a

sequential or narrative order, however, is only the first step toward the more

important consideration. The plot is the controls governing the development of the

actions. In a well-plotted story, things precede or follow each other not simply

because time ticks away, but more importantly because effects follow causes.

From the above statement, concluded that plot is organized how actions


events. And the plot is interactions of causes and effects as they develop

sequentially or chronologically.

2.3 Characters

Character according to Roberts and Jacobs in book Literature: An

Introduction to Reading and Writing (1995:131) said that character is natural

facsimile of a human being, with all the good and bad traits of being human. The

character is interaction with another character, with a difficult situation, or with an

idea or general circumstances that force action. Through action, speech,

description, and commentary, authors portray characters who are worth caring

about, rooting for, and even loving, although there are also charaters you may

laugh at, dislike, or even hate. Characters from every area of life, and, because we

all share the same capacities for concern, involvement, sympathy, happiness,

sorrow, exhilaration, and disappointment, you should be able to interest yourself

in characters and the ways they deal with their circumstances.

From the above statement, concluded that character is any representation of an

individual being presented in a dramatic or narrative work through extended

dramatic or verbal representation. Through action, speech, description, and

commentary, authors portray characters who are worth caring about, rooting for,

and even loving, although there are also charaters you may laugh at, dislike, or


2.4 Setting

Setting according Roberts and Jacobs in book Literature: An Introduction to

Reading and Writing (1995:158) said that setting is concerned with the places

where story take a place. Setting refers to geographical location of the story, time

period, daily lifestyle of the characters and climate of the story. Background

elements can be divided into three main elements, namely a place, time, and

social. Backgrounds on the location of the place suggest the occurrence of the

events recounted in a work of fiction. The setting is important to give realistic

impression to the readers, created a certain situation at a glanced is really


From above the statement, concluded that setting is the place or location of the

action. Setting refers to geographical location of the story, time period, daily

lifestyle of the characters. The setting provides the historical and cultural context

for characters.

2.5 Intrinsic Approach

The intrinsic approach starts from the interpretation and analysis of literary

works itself. We are interested in discussing the author, social environment, and

the literature, because of the literature. Romantic flow is the flow that can only

change the system of Neo-Classical critical with pressing arguments relativism.

Other times require other standards as well. Old methods such as classical


modern terms. The trend is actually an attempt to imitate the methods of the

natural sciences.

"Poetica" in the 19th century moved to the tastes of readers. This supports the

idea that art can be enjoyed simply irrational. The concentration of research

literature aimed at literature itself. Sir Sidney Lee concludes theory approach to

the academic literature is “In literary history we seek the external circumstance,

political, social, economics, in which literature is produced”. Wellek and Warren

(1977:158) continues that the old methods such as Classical rhetoric, poetika, and

the dimensions must be learned and translated in modern terms. New methods

based on a survey of modern literary forms have been widely introduced. Such

research will be widely used in France is the method of explication de textes.

While in Germany developed the formal analysis based on the parallels between

works of art and art history, which has been pioneered by Walzel. Later, the

Russian formalist movement and his followers in Czechoslovakia and Poland

greatly stimulate the development of literary studies. In the UK, followers I.A.

Richards began to focus on the text and the poetry critic in America began trying

to restore a group of primary concern in the study of literature. Many studies of

novel who not only see the connection works with the social structure, but

studying the artistic method, point of view, and narrative techniques.

Intrinsic approach takes part from the literary work itself. Intrinsic approach

emphasizes the analysis intertext by describing the elements of the prose that


range of forms in modern literature. They also stated that the main part of intrinsic

approach is based on the text of literary works itself by doing an interpretation and

analysis of it (1977: 139).

2.6 Descriptive Research

According to John W. Best (1982:42) in book “Methodology of Educational

Research” said that there are three types of analysis that can be used to classify

educational research is historical research, description research, and experimental


Historical research is research that applies the scientific method of solving a

problem from a historical perspective. Collection and interpretation process that

occurred in the past, the present, the future also.

Descriptive research is a type of research that is happening in the present. In it

there is an attempt description, recording, analysis, and interpretation of the

current situation. It is purpose to describe and explored the circumstances that

occurred at this time.

Experimental research is the only research that can test hypotheses to establish

causal relationships. This is the strongest chain of reasoning about relationships

between variables.

In writing this paper, the writer uses type of description research. Descriptive


attempt description, recording, analysis, and interpretation of the current situation.


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Roberus and Jacobs in their book Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing (1987:2) say, “Litelature is classified into four genres: prose fiction, poetry, drama,