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Suitability analysis of pearl oyster farming in Lampung Bay, Pesawaran, Lampung Province, Indonesia


Academic year: 2019

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Su it a bilit y a n a ly sis of pe a r l oy st e r fa r m in g in

La m pu n g Ba y , Pe sa w a r a n , La m pu n g Pr ovin ce ,

I n don e sia


Her m an Yuliant o,


Agus Har t oko,


Sut r isno Anggor o,


Put u C. Delis


Depart m ent of Aquat ic Resources, Agricult ure Facult y , Universit y of Lam pung, I ndonesia;


Depart m ent of Aquat ic Resources Managem ent , Agricult ure, Fisheries, and Biology Facult y , Bangka Belit ung Universit y , I ndonesia;


Depart m ent of Aquat ic Resources Managem ent , Fisheries and Marine Science Facult y, Diponegor o Universit y, I ndonesia.

Cor r esponding aut hor: P.C. Delis, pt cint hia@yahoo.com

Abst r a ct. Pear l oy st er is fisher y pr oduct w hich has a pr om ising pr ospect . Lam pung Pr ov ince has a pot ent ial ar ea of 2260.5 ha. Effor t s in pear l oyst er far m ing in t he Lam pung Bay hav e been done in Pidada ar ea, and Cape of Put us, how ev er it st ill failed. Therefor e, it is necessary t o analy ze t he lev el of suit abilit y for pear l oy st er s farm ing in t he Lam pung Bay . Sur v ey m et hod w as applied t hrough spat ial and t em por al approach. The dat a used in t his st udy were der iv ed fr om pr im ary and secondar y dat a. Geo-st at iGeo-st ical m odel w as used as a for m of m apping t he ear t h’s surface ( biot ic and abiot ic) t hr ough Geo-st at iGeo-st ical applicat ions. To obt ain t he suit abilit y class, a suit abilit y m at r ix of w at er for phy sical, chem ical and biological par am et ers w as cr eat ed. Based on t he scor ing r esult , it is k now n t hat t he w at er s of Lam pung Bay is v ery suit able as pear l oy st er cult iv at ion ar ea, especially in t he ar ea around t he st at ion of 9, 10, 11, 12 ( ar ound Puhaw ang I sland) , 13, 14, 15 st at ion ( ar ound Mait em and Tegal I slands) and st at ion 18 w hich t he far m ing locat ion belongs t o pr iv at e ent er pr ise ( PT. Ky ok o Shinj u) .

Ke y w or ds: pear l oy st ers, Lam pung Bay , fish far m ing, suit abilit y analy sis.

I n t r odu ct ion. Pearl oyst er is fishery pr oduct w it h prom ising prospect . Unt il now , t he pearl indust ry st ill relies on fishing act ivit ies from nat ure. Pearl oyst er farm ing act ivit ies have a posit ive im pact , including on reducing fishing oyst er from t he w ild in order t o m aint ain st ock s in nat ure ( Haw s et al 2010) . Pearl oy st er farm ing can also r educe w ast e/ pollut ant in coast al w at er ( Gifford et al 2005) . Som e count ries have been dev eloping t he pearl oyst er farm ing including, Aust ralia ( Wells & Jernakoff 2006) , Mexico ( Saucedo et al 2007) , China ( Zhifeng et al 2009) , Japan ( Fukum ori et al 2008; Nagai 2013) , and French Polynesia ( Andréfouët et al 2012) . Most of t he far m ing act ivit ies in I ndonesia focus on pearl product ion as com par ed w it h oyst ers for consum pt ion ( Rim m er et al 2013) . I ndonesia has t he pot ent ial as an indust rial area of pearl oyst er s, not only because it has a st able nat ural condit ions t hroughout t he y ear, but also because t he t ype of pearl oyst ers pr oduced in I ndonesia is superior t o t hose produced in ot her count ries ( Suryant o et al 2005) .

Lam pung Province is one of ar ea t hat has t he pot ency of pearl oyst er farm ing . The pot ency of pearl oy st er farm ing in t he Lam pung Bay, I ndonesia is 3260.5 ha, w her eas in 2008 about 2560.50 ha of ar ea has been ut ilized. Based on dat a fr om DKP Pesaw aran ( 2010) , t he ut ilizat ion rat e of m arine cult ure w as appr oxim at ely ± 73.19% so t hat t he pot ent ial of aquacult ure can be dev eloped by 26.81% . Pearl oyst er cult ured in I ndonesia

is Pinct ada m axim a ( Goldlip Pearl Oyst er) ( Sury ant o et al 2005) . Som e exam ples of pearl


Pearl farm ing act ivit ies r equire a locat ion t hat is free of w ast e and pollut ion ( Chellam et al 1987) . Effort s in pearl oyst er cult ure in t he Lam pung province had ev er been per form ed in Kyoko, Pidada, and Cape of Put us. How ev er, based on observat ions, oyst er farm ing w as successfully carried out only in t he Kyoko ar ea w hile it failed in Pidada area and cape of put us. Several fact or s affect ing t he success or failure of pearl farm ing act ivit ies including physical fact or s, w at er qualit y, biology, and ant hropology fact or ( Suryant o et al 2005) . I t is also disclosed by ( Pouv reau & Pr asil 2001) t hat t he environm ent ( t he pr esence of food and t em perat ur e) as w ell as t he condit ion of cult ivat ed land ( densit y, dept h, and com pet it or s) ar e t he dom inant fact or s. The purpose of t his st udy is t o analyze t he degree of suit abilit y of Lam pung Bay w at er s for pearl oyst er farm ing based on ecosyst em variables, as w ell as t o det erm ine t he appropriat e m aricult ure zoning for pearl oyst er s. Therefore, t his research is expect ed t o m inim ize t he failure of pearl oyst er farm ing in t he Lam pung Bay.

M a t e r ia l a n d M e t h od. The st udy w as conduct ed in April- May 2012 in t h e w at ers of Lam pung Bay, Pesaw ar an Regency, Lam pung Province, I ndonesia. The locat ion w as one of Minapolit an developm ent ar eas. The m et hod used in t his st udy w as a surv ey m et hod t hrough spat ial and t em poral approach. Spat ial approach w as car ried out t o present ing and m odeling t he spat ial aspect s of t he phenom enon, w hile t he t em poral approach w as t aken t o pr esent w at er condit ions at a cert ain t im e.

D e t e r m in in g t h e sa m plin g loca t ion. Resear ch w as conduct ed in m ult iple use zone in Lam pung Bay. Det erm inat ion of t he observ at ion point w as designed by using purposive sam pling m et hod. Sam pling point as m any as 20 st at ions w er e expect ed t o r epresent all t he condit ions of t he w at ers by considering t he ’ecological prefer ence’ of species cult ured, t hat is t he pearl oyst er ( Table 1) . Coordinat es of sam pling w ere recorded by using t he Global Posit ioning Syst em ( GPS) w it h t he for m at ( lat it ude; longit ude) . Map of r esear ch sit es is show n in Figure 1.


Table 1

1 Siuncal 5° 46’21.53" S 105° 18’35.95" E The Nor t h of Siuncal I sland, about 1. 2 km fr om t he

coast line.

2 Siuncal 5° 47’7.62" S 105° 18’21.90" E Labuhan Saw ah ar ea, t he nor t h of Siuncal I sland, about

4 Legundi 5° 47’1.20" S 105° 17’38.04" E The nor t h of Legundi I sland, about 2 km fr om coast line. 5 Punduh


5° 44’19.89" S 105° 11’33.21" E Locat ed at Punduh Pidada Bay.

6 Tanj ung Put us

5° 44’25.93" S 105° 13’20.91" E The sout h of Lalanggabalak I sland is a for m er pear l

oyst er far m ing. 7 Punduh


5° 45’29.82" S 105° 11’35.97" E The ar ea in Punduh Pidada Bay.

8 Punduh Pidada

5° 45’30.53" S 105° 13’30.01" E The m out h ar ea of Punduh Pidada Bay .

9 Puhaw ang 5° 42’59.50" S 105° 13’40.57" E The nor t h of Puhaw ang I sland.

10 Puhaw ang 5° 41’38.32" S 105° 12’14.48" E The nor t hw est of Puhaw ang I sland, t her e ar e seaw eed 15 Tegal 5° 34’46.96" S 105° 17’11.23" E The Sout heast of Tegal

I sland.

16 Tegal 5° 34’2.69" S 105° 17’23.83" E The east of Tegal I sland. 17 Tegal 5° 33’5.12" S 105° 17’14.39" E The nor t h of Tegal I sland. 18 Kyoko 5° 31’55.78" S 105° 16’41.33" E Pear l oyst er far m ing ar ea

ow ned by PT. Kyoko. 19 Teluk

Hur un

5° 32’4.11" S 105° 16’1.19" E The ar ea of gr ouper cult ur e.

20 Ringgung 5° 33’23.36" S 105° 15’53.39" E The ar ea of gr ouper cult ur e.


dissolved oxygen, pH, and salinit y w as m easured direct ly in t he field based on APHA param et er s of physics, chem ist ry and biology. ERMapper produces cont our by using grid file as t he basis for int erpolat ion and ex t rapolat ion. This process seem s t o increase t he Suit abilit y level w as divided int o four classes according t o DKP ( 2002) , nam ely, Class S1: Highly Suit able; Class S2: Moderat ely Suit able; Class S3: Marginally Suit able; Class N: Not Suit able w here t he suit ablit y value of S1 ( > 85- 100% ) , S2 ( > 75 - 85% ) , S3 ( > 65-75% ) and N ( 0- 65% ) .


variables abov e, relat ionships am ong sev eral dom inant variables t ow ard variables as support ing dat a w er e needed. The r elat ionship w as analyzed using a m at hem at ical m odel of m ult iple regr ession. Soft w ar e St at ist ical Produ ct and Ser vice Solut ions ( SPSS) w as used as an analysis t ool.

Table 3 Assessm ent syst em of w at er suit abilit y for t he aquacult ure area of pearl oyst er

Par am et er s Ranges Rat ings

The t ot al score obt ained w as analyzed for it s level of suit abilit y by using Table 4.

Table 4 Evaluat ion of suit ablit y assessm ent on zoning of pearl oyst er farm ing


Re su lt s a n d D iscu ssion

En vir on m e n t a l con d it ion s of La m p u n g Ba y. I n general, coast line condit ions ( w est ) w er e t w ist y w it h som e sm all Bays included Hurun Bay, Rat ai Bay and Pidada Bay. Clust er of sm all islands w er e found along t he beach. Besides, beach t opography w as w it h slight ly slope. The exist ence of Siuncal and Legundi I slands locat ed at t he m out h of t he Lam pung Bay ( sout h) increased t he level of w at er prot ect ion from t he t hreat s of t he w av es, bot h from t he I ndian Ocean and from t he Java Sea.

Generally, t he charact er ist ic of Lam pung Bay w at er s in coast al area of Pesaw aran dist rict w as r elat ively st able and support ed t he applicat ion of m aricult ure act ivit ies ( Table 5) . The r esult s show t hat t he w at er qualit y value w as st ill wit hin t he range required for m arine biot a ( Decree of Minist ry of Environm ent Num ber 51 Year 2004 on Sea Wat er Qualit y St andard) . Saucedo et al ( 2001) st at ed t hat t he suit able t em perat ur e for pearl oyst er is at 24oC, w hile t he t em perat ure of 28oC st ill can be t olerat ed by pearl oyst ers. The adverse effect on t he grow t h of pearl oyst er s is at t em perat ur e of > 30oC ( Pouvreau & Prasil 2001) . How ev er , t he survival and grow t h of larvae can be increased t hrough const ant t em perat ur e and low st ocking densit y ( Saucedo et al 2007) . I n addit ion , salinit y also influences t he grow t h of pearl oy st er. Based on t he dat a obt ained, Lam pung Bay had a suit able salinit y for pearl oyst ers, w hich w as in t he range of 32- 35 ppt ( O’Connor & Law ler 2004) .

Table 5 The ranges of w at er qualit y param et ers in t he w at er s of Lam pung Bay

Param et ers Average St andard deviat ion Tem perat ur e ( ° C) 29.99 0.50

[ A] 5.22 0.29

Dissolved ox ygen ( m g L- 1)

[ B] 5.63 0.42

Salinit y ( ppt ) 33.07 0.13

pH 8.16 0.12

Dept h ( m ) 26.99 6.53

Bright ness ( m ) 11.32 2.92

Wat er flow ( cm s- 1) 20.00 6.89

MPT ( m g L- 1) 47.05 18.02

Nit rat e ( NO3) ( m g L- 1) 0.06 0.07

Phosphat e ( PO4) ( m g L - 1

) 0.08 0.09

Chlorophyll- a ( m g L- 1) 4.37 1.26 Plankt on abundance ( cell L- 1) 89800.17 12447.56 The subst rat e of bot t om

w at er s Sandy rock s

Source: Yuliant o ( 2013) I nform at ion:

[ A] : m easur em ent at 12.00 am unt il 06.00 am [ B] : m easur em ent at 09.00 am unt il 04.00 pm .


Furt herm or e, j udging fr om t he r esult s of t his scoring , any t r eat m ent s/ feedback on ecosy st em variables t o t he im plem ent at ion of t he pearl oyst er farm ing in t hese w at ers w er e not needed. The abundance level of plankt on, according t o resear cher s, is t he m ost influent ial variable on t he det erm inat ion of t he suit abilit y of pearl oyst er farm ing. All st at ions w er e found t o have t he pr oper r ange t o perform pearl oyst er farm ing. Scor e obt ained by each st at ion w as 5, w hich w as t he highest value. The success of pearl oy st er cult ure is st rongly influenced by t he food presence ( Pouv r eau & Prasil 2001) . Phyt oplankt on is t he m ain food for Pinct ada sp. ( Fukum ori et al 2008) . Research conduct ed by Fournier et al ( 2012) show ed t hat t he concent rat ion of plankt on has a close corr elat ion t o t he developm ent of pearl oyst er gam et es. I n addit ion t o t he pr esence of food, w at er flow is also an im port ant fact or. Wat er flow is needed t o bring food t o t he pearl oyst er , if t he w at er flow is high t hen t he food supply is also abundant ( Lacost e et al 2014) . The r esult s of m easur em ent s of w at er flow show ed t hat scor e of 3 w as only obt ained at st at ion 1, 3, 5, 6, 16 and 17 w hich m eans t hat t hose st at ions had appropriat e m arginal scor e w hile t he ot her st at ion s achieved value of 5 or v ery good.

Considering t he scoring result , it can be int erpret ed t hat t he w at ers of t he Lam pung Bay is very feasible for pearl oyst er farm ing. The best locat ions t o be ut ilized for oy st er cult ure w er e around t he st at ion 9, 10, 11, 12 ( ar ound Pulau Puhaw ang) , 13, 14, 15 st at ion ( around Mait em and Tegal I slands) and st at ion 18 w hich w as t he cult ure locat ion of a privat ely ow ned com pany ( PT. Ky oko Shinj u) .

Pe a r l oyst e r f a r m in g z on e s. Wat er suit abilit y zoning of pearl oyst er farm ing ( Figure 2) show s t hat t he ar ea around Puhaw ang I sland ( st at ion 9, 10, 11, 12) t o Tegal I sland ( st at ion 13, 14, 15) achieved t he highest scor e as w ell as t he area ar ound Tegal I sland t o t he Hurun Bay ( st at ion 17 and 18) . Th us, t hese areas becam e t he m ost suit able places t o be used as a pearl oy st er far m ing zones in t he Lam pung Bay. Surely , considerat ions used in zoning w ere not only based on t he ecosyst em variable, t hey w er e r elat ed t o ot her int erest s t hat view t he use of w at er from Lam pung Bay.

Ot her considerat ions t hat support t hese w at er s t o be pearl oy st er farm ing are t he prot ect ion level of Lam pung Bay w at er s w hich w er e relat ively good, and also t he st abilit y of t he w at er flow . Pearl oyst er r equires st able environm ent al condit ions t o grow . Fluct uat ing w at er condit ions can t rigger t he disease in pearl oy st ers ( Kuchel et al 2011) . High light int ensit y in t hese w at ers also support s pearl oyst er cult ure as oy st ers r elying on phyt oplankt on as a food ( Tom aru et al 2002) . Phyt oplankt on has a role in enhancing t he grow t h of pearl oy st er s ( Lodeiros et al 2002) . Research published by Deng et al ( 2013) have show n t hat oyst er s consum ing various t ypes of m icroalgae have a bet t er shell grow t h t han t hose w hich only eat one t ype of m icroalgae.


Figure 2. Zoning of w at er suit ablit y for pearl oy st er farm ing.

Con clu sion s. The suit able area for cult ivat ion of pearl oyst er s is 33847.12 ha. The com posit ion levels of suit ablit y are: Highly Suit able ( S1) 18917 ha, Moderat ely Suit able ( S2) 14151.58 ha and Marginally Suit able ( S3) 778.54 ha. Oyst er cult ivat ion zone is locat ed in t he ar ea around t he st at ion 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 18, w hich is t he area bet w een Puhaw ang I sland and Mait em I sland, as w ell as t he areas in t he nort h of Tegal I sland w hich is t he cult ivat ion area of pearl oyst ers belonging t o privat e ent erprise ( PT. Ky ok o Shinj u) . By looking at t he pot ent ial of t he w at er s of t he Lam pung Bay , planning for appr opriat e ar eas as a cult ivat ion zone is needed.

Con f lict of I n t e r e st. Aut hors ar e not curr ent ly affiliat ed t o and t he resear ch is not sponsor ed by any organizat ion wit h a direct econom ic int erest in subj ect of t he art icle.


>85% 100 % = Highly suitable >75 % 85 % = Moderately suitable >65 %– 75 % = Marginally suitable


Table 6 Dat a of scoring result on each st at ion

I nform at ion: S1 (Highly Suit able) ; S2 (Moderat ely Suit able) ; S3 (Mar ginally Suit able) ; N (Not Suit able)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0


oxygen ( m g L- 1) 5 0 50 50 10 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Salinit it y ( ppt ) 5 0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Bright ness ( m ) 5 0 30 10 50 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 30 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Chlorophyll- a 5 0 10 10 10 10 30 30 10 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 10 10

Wat er flow

( cm s- 1) 1 0 0 60 100 60 100 60 60 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 60 60 100 100 100

Plankt on


( cell L- 1)

2 0 0 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200

Tot a l 5 0 0 400 420 380 420 400 400 420 440 440 440 440 440 460 440 440 400 400 440 420 420


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Receiv ed: 12 Oct ober 2016. Accept ed: 10 Nov em ber 2016. Published online: 28 Nov em ber 2016. Aut hor s:

Her m an Yuliant o, Depar t m ent of Aquat ic Resour ces, Agr icult ur e Facult y , Univ er sit y of Lam pung, I ndonesia; e- m ail: her m an.y uliant o@fp.unila.ac.id

Agus Har t ok o, Depar t m ent of Aquat ic Resour ces Managem ent , Agr icult ur e, Fisher ies and Biology Facult y , Bangk a Belit ung Univ er sit y , I ndonesia; e- m ail: agushar t oko@gm ail.com

Sut r isno Anggor o, Depar t m ent of Aquat ic Resour ces Managem ent ; Fisher ies and Mar ine Science Facult y , Diponegor o Univer sit y , I ndonesia.

Put u Cint hia Delis, Depar t m ent of Aquat ic Resour ces, Agr icult ur e Facult y , Univ er sit y of Lam pung, I ndonesia; e- m ail: pt cint hia@y ahoo.com

This is an open- access ar t icle dist r ibut ed under t he t er m s of t he Cr eat iv e Com m ons At t r ibut ion License, w hich per m it s unr est r ict ed use, dist ribut ion and r epr oduct ion in any m edium , prov ided t he or iginal aut hor and sour ce ar e cr edit ed.

How t o cit e t his ar t icle:


Figure 1. The location of sampling stations.
Table 1Description of sampling stations
Table 2.Table 2
Table 4Evaluation of suitablity assessm ent on zoning of pearl oyster farming


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