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Combining Chart Parsing and Finite State


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Combining Chart-Parsing and Finite State


Conference Paper

· January 1999

Source: DBLP





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Koldo Gojenola

Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Uni…






Izaskun Aldezabal

Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Uni…






Maite Oronoz

Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Uni…






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Combining Chart-Parsing and Finite State


I. Aldezabal,K. Gojenola, M. Oronoz

InformatikaFakultatea,649 P. K.Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea,

20080 Donostia (Euskal Herria)

E-mail: jipgogaksi.ehu.es



with nitestatetehnology. It isbeingappliedtoBasque, anagglutinativelanguage. Ina rst phase,a

uniationgrammarisappliedtoeahsentene,givingahartasaresult. Thegrammarispartialandgives

agoodoverageofthemainelementsofthesentene,buttheoutputisambiguous. Afterthat,theresulting


hoosethebestsingleanalysis. Thesystemhasbeentestedontwodierentappliations: theaquisitionof


0.1 Introdution

Thispaperpresentsa projetforthedevelopment of aparsing systemthat

ombines a uniation-based partial hart-parser with nite state

tehnol-ogy. ThesystemisbeingappliedtoBasque,anagglutinativelanguage,with

freeorder among sentene omponents.


a hart as a result. The grammar is partialbut gives a ompleteoverage

of the main elements of the sentene, suh as noun phrases, prepositional

phrases, sentential omplements and simple sentenes. It an be seen as a

shallowparser[2 ,3℄thatanbeusedforsubsequentproessing. However,it


ofdierent interpretations persentene.

After that, the resulting hart is treated as an automaton to whih

-nite state disambiguation onstraints and lters an be applied, so that

unwanted readings or information an be disarded or parts of a sentene

anbehosen,dependingontheappliation. Thesystemhasbeentestedon

two dierent appliations: the extration of subategorization information

fora givenverb, and thedetetion of syntatierrors.

In this manner, we ombine onstrutive and redutionistiapproahes

to parsing: inarstphase theuniation-grammarobtainssyntatiunits,

usually with many dierent interpretations, while in a seond phase the

analysesarerestritedaordingto theontext andthekindofappliation.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Setion 2 we

presentadesriptionofthehart-parser. Setion3desribesthenitestate


applia-0.2 The hart parser

0.2.1 Previous work

Thesystemreliesondierentwide-overage toolsthathavebeendeveloped


The LexialDatabaseforBasque [4 ℄. Itisa largerepositoryof lexial

informationwithabout70.000entries(60.000lemmas),eahone with

its assoiatedlinguistifeatures: ategory,subategory,ase, number,

deniteness, mood and tense, among others. As this database is the


related to verbsubategorization.

A morphologial analyzer [4℄. The analyzer applies Two-Level

Mor-phology forthemorphologial desriptionand obtains,foreah word,

itssegmentation(s)intoomponentmorphemes. Themoduleisrobust

and hasfulloverage of free-runningtexts inBasque.

A morphologial disambiguator based on boththe Constraint

Gram-mar formalism [13 , 5℄ and a statistial tagger [9℄. This tool redues

the high word-level ambiguity from 2.65 to 1.19 interpretations, but

stillleavesa numberofdierent interpretationspersentene.

0.2.2 The syntati grammar

Basque being an agglutinative language, linguisti information like ase,

number and determination are given by means of morphemes appended

to the last element of a noun/prepositional phrase. Following the most

extendedlinguistidesriptionsforBasque,we tookmorphemes(seeFigure



innon agglutinativelanguages likeEnglish. Althoughthegureonlyshows

the ategory of eah lexial/syntati unit, there is a rih information for

eahofthem,enodedintheformoffeaturestrutures. Moreover, afterthe

syntati unitsareobtained, theanalysis tree isnotusedanymore.


Therewere two mainreasonsforthiseletion:

Simpliity. Thegrammaris notlinkedto alinguistitheory,likeLFG

or HPSG,asthere hasnotbeenabroad desriptionfor Basqueusing

those formalisms [1℄. Moreover, theirappliation would require

infor-mation notavailableat the moment, suh as verb subategorization.

PATR-II is more exibleat the ost of extra writing, as it is dened


mendi 0 ko etxe polit 0 an

mountain the of/at house nice the in

noun sing genitive noun adj sing inessive







Figure 1: Parse tree for mendiko etxe politan ('in the nie house at the


The formalism is based on uniation. This is useful for the

ma-nipulation of omplex linguisti strutures for the representation of

grammatial onstituents. We must stress that the grammar uses

good linguisti granularity, in the sense that we keep all the

linguis-tially relevant morphosyntati information, very rih ompared to

mosthunkingsystems. Thisfat willenableusto useitasa general

toolfordierent appliations.

Thegrammaratthemomentontains120rules. Thereisanaveragenumber

of15equationsperrule,some ofthemfortestingonditionslikeagreement,

and othersforstruturebuilding. The mainphenomenaovered are:

Nounphrases and prepositional phrases. Agreement among the

om-ponentelementsis veried, addedto theproperuse ofdeterminers.

Subordinate sentenes, suh as sentential omplements (ompletive

lauses,indiretquestions,...) and relativelauses.

Simplesentenesusingall thepreviouselements. Therih agreement

betweentheverband the mainsenteneonstituents(subjet, objet

and seondobjet)inase, numberand personis veried.

The omponentsfound by theparser are very reliable,as onlywell-formed


Duetothevarietyof syntatistruturesfoundinreal sentenes,the

gram-mar is limited in the sensethat onlya smallfration of the sentenes will

reeive a full analysis. However, onstruting a omplete grammar would

be a ostly enterprise. For that reason, this grammar is applied

bottom-up,resulting ina parser that obtainspiees of analysesor hunks, and the

resultinghart an be usedforsubsequent proessing.



Figure2: State of thehartafter theanalysisof Mendiko etxe politan ikusi

dutnik ('Ihave seen (it)inthenie houseat themountain')

is found, with the aim of orreting a syntati error. In fat, this

sys-temassumedthat every orretsentene getsa ompleteanalysis,whilewe

onsiderthat quite often the grammar will notbe able to parse the whole

sentene. Even inthease whenwe want todetet agrammatial error,we

donotassume thatthe orreted sentene wouldgive a ompleteparse.

0.3 The Finite State Parser

In reent years the eld of nite state systems has gained muh attention

[12 ,13 ℄. Aharateristithatallnitestatesystemshaveinommonisthat


usingmore elaborated information,butwithoutreahing theomplexityof





state tehnology is adequate for this task. Currently we use the Xerox

FiniteState Tool(XFST 1

). Asalinkbetweenbothparsers,thehartmust


Figure 2). In the gure, dashed linesare used to indiate lexial elements,

whileplainlines denesyntati units(thoseobtained by thehart-parser,

see Figure 1). The bold irles represent word-boundaries, and the plain

ones delimit morpheme-boundaries. As before, eah ar in the gure is

represented by its morphosyntati information, in the form of a sequene


Inthe dierent appliations, we have usedsome ommonoperations:

Disambiguation. Twokindsofambiguitywereonsidered:

morphosyn-tati ambiguityleft by the Constraint Grammar and stohasti

dis-ambiguation proesses and that introdued by the hart parser. As




unitslargerthanthe word.

Filtering. Dependingoneahappliation,sometimesnotallthe

avail-able informationis relevant. For example, one diÆultkindof

ambi-guity,noun/adjetive,asinzuriekin (zuri='white','withthewhites'/

'with the white ones') an be ignored when aquiring verb

subate-gorization information, as we are mainly interested in the syntati

ategory and thegrammatial ase (prepositionalphraseand

ommi-tative, respetively), thesame inbothalternatives.

Extrating partsof a sentene. Theglobal ambiguityof a sentene is

onsiderablyredued ifonly part of it is onsidered. Forinstane, in

thease of extrating verb subategorization information, some rules

examine the ontext of the target verb and dene the sope of the

subsenteneto whihtheprevious operationswillbeapplied.

Among the nite state operators used (see Figure 3 2

), we apply

omposi-tion,intersetionandunionofregularexpressionsandtransduers 3

. Weuse

bothordinaryompositionandthereentlydenedlenientomposition [10 ℄.

This operator allows the appliation of dierent eliminating onstraints to

asentene,alwayswiththeertaintythatwhensome givenonstraint

elim-inatesall the interpretations, thenthe onstraint is notappliedat all, that

is,theinterpretationsare"resued". Astheoperatoris denedinterms of

regularrelations itan be omposed withother automata.

0.4 Appliations

0.4.1 Aquisition of subategorization information

We are interested in automatially obtaining verb subategorization

infor-mationfrom orpora[7, 8℄. Ourobjetive is to enrih theverbentries


(noun phrases, prepositional omplements and subordinate sentenes)

ap-pearingwitheah verb.


state rulesarry outthefollowingtasks(see Figure 3):

Reognition of therelevant subsentene. The mean numberof words

persenteneis22,rangingfromone tosixsubsentenes. Theproblem

isthat ofdelimiting thepartorrespondingto the target verb.


The .o. and & operators denote respetively the omposition and intersetion of

regularlanguagesandrelations. 3



Chart parser

chart (automaton)









verb + elements

No Error / Error Type(s)


ErrorPattern & NotException



Figure 3: Dierent appliationsof thesystem

Disambiguation. Some heuristisareused to solve theremaining

am-biguities, related,amongothers, to dierent typesof subordination.

Seletion of the longest NP/PPs. This heuristi proved to be very

reliable to exlude multiplereadingsof asingle NP/PP.

Cleaning the output. The result of the previous phase ontains a

lot of morphsyntati information, but most of it is superuous for

thisappliation,as we aremainlyinterested inthegrammatial ase,

numberand subordinationtype of eahelement.


real texts. Nevertheless, the delarativeness of nite state tools improves

signiantly our previous version of the system implemented by means of

ad ho programs, diÆult to orret and maintain. Moreover, XFST also

improves eÆieny. About 350 nite state denitions were made for this


As a rst experiment, 500 sentenes for eah of 5 dierent verbs were

seleted. Figure 4 shows theases that have mostlyappeared around eah

of the seleted verbs. When there was more than a single analysis for a

subsentene, it was not taken into aount. This eliminated about 5% of

thesentenes. Thisisnotaproblemaslongastheorpusisbigenough[7℄.

Theabsolutive ase (theone that usuallyrepresentsboththeobjetof the



Figure4: Frequenyofelementsforeah verb

to haraterize the dierent behaviour of the verbs. On the other hand,

we ndases that seem to have lose relationship to a given verb, suh as

the ablative ase ('from') in the atera verb ('to go out'), the alative ase

('to') in the joan verb ('to go') and the inessive ase ('in') in the agertu

verb ('to appear'). Both the ablative and alative ases usually represent

respetively the soure and the goal of an ation, whih means that both

represent a movement. As for the inessive ase, it represents the

spatio-temporal oordinates of an entity or event. That is why it appears in all

theverbs. Finally,thereareases thatshowanexlusivetendenytowarda

givenverb,suh astheompletivesubordinate-la ('that') intheikusi verb

('to see'), and theadverbial subordinate-tzeko ('for', 'so that').


from the ones representing the objet and subjet of the sentenes, and

thereforeit doesnotstrike usasimplausibleto assume thattheyshouldbe

taken into aount inthe mainstruture of the verbs. In other words, the

systemanhelp usindeidingwhether agivenphraseanbeonsideredas

an argument forthetreatedverb.

Added to this experiment, we are also working on getting statistial

patterns from thedierent ombinations ofthe elementsappearingineah

sentene. Wewillapplythesystemto8.000sentenes(about200.000words)

orresponding to 10 new verbs. In thisway, we expet to obtain patterns

that willlet us groupall verbs indierent lasses. It will be also a wayto

verifythe suggestionsand similaritiesgot from theaboveexperiment.

Regarding evaluation, there are not already existing resoures (in the

form of annotated orpus or ditionaries) with subategorization

informa-tionto automatiallyomparewiththeresultsofthetool, asin[7,8℄. Asa


sen-Conerningthereognitionofsubsentenesto whiheahverb applies,it is

done orretly 82% of the times. Sometimesthe subsentene is easily

re-ognizable(forexample, whendelimitedbypuntuationmarks), whileother

ases are diÆult due to the nested struture of omplex, long sentenes.

We also ounted the number of times that the verb is orretly returned

withall its relevant syntati omponents (without examiningtheir role as

arguments or adjunts). This was performed orretly in 70% of the

sen-tenes. Afterexaminingtheglobalerrorrate(30%,thatis,thetotalnumber

oferrorsinludingtheinorretlyreognizedsubsentenes), wefoundroom

forimprovement: halfoftheerrorswereduetothepreviousdisambiguation

proess (either the inorret seletion was hosen or there was more than

an alternative), while a third of errors were aused by the inompleteness

of the uniation grammar. Although these problems will always be error

soures, we feel that after adding some simple and general linguisti rules

theywillorret mostof theerrors.



Syntactic elements









Table1. Resultsofthesystemapplied to50sentenes.

0.4.2 Syntati error detetion

The system has been tested on errors in real texts written by learners of

Basque. As a preliminary experiment, we hose errors related with

date-expressionsfordierent reasons:

The ontext ofappliation iswideand well-denedinBasque,aswell

as themost ommonerrors. In Basque,date-expressions like

'Donos-tian,1995ekomaiatzaren15ean'(Donostia, 15thofJuly,1995)require

that some of the elements are ineted, sometimes aording to

an-other ontiguous element.

As it is relatively easy to obtain test data we eliminate one of the

mainproblemswhendealingwithsyntatierrorsinrealtexts: nding

erroneous sentenesforeah phenomena.

Inorder to reognize 6 dierenterror types, we needed more than 100

def-initionsof nitestate patterns fortheir treatment. We have useda orpus

onsisting of 70 dates (inluding orret and inorret ones) for the

de-nitionof the patterns. Apart from the sixkinds of errors, we also tried to

aountforthemostfrequentombinationsoferrors. Atthemomentweare


again a exibleand systemati way to solve it. We plan to extend the

sys-tem to other typesof errors, like agreement between themainomponents

ofthesentene,whihisvery rihinBasque,beingasoureofmanyerrors.

0.5 Conlusions

Thisworkpresentsthedevelopment of asystemwhihombines:

AsyntatigrammarforBasque. Itoversthemainomponentsofthe

sentene. Dueto theagglutinativenature ofBasque,theintrodution

of the syntati level greatly improves the abilityto treat the wealth

of information ontained in eah word/morpheme. The reognized

omponentsan beusedfor posteriorproessing.

Finite state rules. They provide a modular, delarative and exible



aquisitionof subategorizationinformation.

Thisombinationresultsvery adequate forshallowparsingappliations

to languages like Basque, with limited grammatial resoures ompared to

otherlanguages. Thefreeorderofonstituents,amongotheraspets,would

makethedesignofafullgrammaraveryomplextask. Moreover,thepartial

grammaris enoughfor theintended appliations. The onsiderationof the

hart asthe interfae betweenboth subsystems also adds to the simpliity

ofthe ombined tool. Finally,wemustemphasizetwo mainonlusions:



adequate for agglutinative languages where the grammatial word is

notthestartingpoint ofthe analysis.

The uniationgrammar and thenite state system are

omplemen-tary. The grammar is neessary to treat aspets like omplex


networks, due to the exponential growth in size of the resulting

au-tomata [6℄. On the other hand, regular expressions, in the form of


disambigua-tionand ltering.


Thisworkwas partiallysupported bytheBasque Government,the

Univer-sityoftheBasqueCountry andtheCICYT. Thanksto GorkaElordietafor


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Chapter0,Copyright1999, .


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