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Sustainable Development Goals Repots Graduate School IPB University


Academic year: 2021

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Graduate School

IPB University - 2020

Sustainable Development Goals

Repots 2019


International Summer Course Program

The International Summer Course Program for Agriculture and Ecosystem Resilience to Environmental Disaster toward Regional Sustainability was held to understand regional sustainability by means of multifaceted research of disaster prevention, agriculture and ecosystem resilience from

disaster and social-technology disruption. The program is arranged to promote talents to find problem and discuss solution independently concerning this science field for graduate student.

Participated by graduate students from Ibaraki University, Ryukyus University, TUAT (Japan), UPLB (Phillipines) and IPB (Indonesia)

The summer course was conducted in Bogor from 20 – 27 August 2019

Target outcome :

Education for sustainable development and global citizenship (4.7)

Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters (13.1)

Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships to share knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial support (17)

URL - https://pasca.ipb.ac.id/en/2019/06/24/the-international-summer-course-program/


Joint Master Program

The Master of Science in Food Security and Climate Change (MS FSCC) is a joint degree offered by five members of the University Consortium for Graduate Education in Agriculture and Natural Resrouces (UC),

namely Kasetsart University (KU) in Thailand, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) in the Philippines,

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) in Malaysia, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) and Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), both in Indonesia.

The 5th University Consorsium Graduate Forum Searca

“Sustainable and Smart Agriculture in the Tropical Region: Concept and Implementation” has been conducted in IPB

University on October 1-2, 2019

Target outcome :

Sustainable food production systems and resilient agricultural practices (2.3)

Education for sustainable development and global citizenship (4.7)

Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to


• The program is expected to produce leaders and create a network to support development in Asia. To this end, through collaborative education with the PARE consortium, quality assurance for multidisciplinary education, creation of an educational collaboration model that coordinates between educational fieldwork and lab work, and establishment of a PARE alumni network that assembles experts in dissimilar fields and research will be achieved.

• This program will establish a collaborative educational system

involving HU’s six partner institutions in Indonesia and

Thailand for the purpose of developing personnel to become global leaders that will be active in resolving challenges

related to populations, activities, resources and environments (PARE) in ASEAN countries, including Bogor Agricultural

University (IPB University)

Joint Academic Program

URL - https://pare.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/en/about

Target outcome :

Education for sustainable development and global citizenship (4.7)

Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships to share knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial support (17)


SUIJI (Six University Initiative Japan – Indonesia) merupakan konsorsium 6 perguruan tinggi, masing-masing tiga dari Indonesia; IPB, UGM, dan UNHAS serta tiga dari Jepang; Ehime University, Kochi University dan Kagawa University. SUIJI menjalin kerjasama pendidikan dan penelitian pada 6 sektor penelitian yaitu; (1) Forestry, (2) Environment

control, (3) Functional Foods, (4) Fisheries and marine sciences, (5) Hydrology and

micrometeorology, dan (6) Soil sciences and nano technology.

URL -https://pasca.ipb.ac.id/2019/04/15/suiji-joint-master-program/

SUIJI Joint Master Program


Monthly seminar series attended by graduate students with resource persons/speakers from international university/institution partners, in collaboration with Center of

Transdisciplinary and Sustainability Sciences.

Seminar series on Complexity and Sustainability


Seminar Nasional “

Peluang dan Tantangan IKM

menuju Revolusi Industri


PS Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah (MPI) menyelenggarakan seminar nasional dengan judul

“Peluang dan Tantangan IKM menuju Revolusi Industri 4.0”

pada hari Sabtu, 27 April 2019 bertempat di Ruang Mawar Gedung Sekolah Pascasarjana, Kampus IPB Baranangsiang. Perlu adanya pemerataan dalam kesempatan berusaha bagi IKM, maupun UMKM yang berorientasi pada ide kreatif dan upaya inovatif yang sesuai dengan era revolusi industri 4.0 berupa Internet of Thing, Robotic serta

penerapan sharing of economy, pemanfaatan asset, smart societiesm dan pentingnya menjaga kelestarian


Contact Person : Prof.Dr.Ir. H. Musa Hubeis, MS, Dipl.Ing, DEA



Industri Pangan Sehat di

Era Industri


Prodi Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah

menyelenggarakan Pelatihan “Industri Pangan Sehat di Era Industri 4.0: Peningkatan Ketersediaan Pangan Sehat

melalui Manajemen Industri Pangan 4.0” pada hari Selasa-Kamis 16-18 Juli 2019 di Gedung Sekolah Pascasarjana, Kampus IPB Darmaga

Kegiatan memberikan konsep tentang pangan sehat,

termasuk prasyarat untuk menuju pangan sehat 4.0, serta kesiapan industri pangan memproduksi pangan sehat yang terjangkau, bermutu dan bergizi.


Pengembangan Industri Kecil dan Menengah

Program Studi Magister Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah (PS MPI) adalah program dari Sekolah

Pascasarjana IPB berkualifikasi Magister (S2) yang bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan ketersediaan SDM

terampil dan profesional, yang didukung oleh kemampuan teknik, manajerial dan entrepreneurial segera terap di bidang industri kecil menengah.

Kaprodi : Prof.Dr.Ir. Musa Hubeis, DEA

URL http://pdps.pasca.ipb.ac.id/index.php/site/ kurikulumView?idprodi=179


Research : Pengembangan Industri Kecil dan



Silaturahmi Mahasiswa, Dosen & Alumni

Promosi PS Primatologi ke instansi dimana alumni bekerja.

Bertujuan untuk mendapatkan masukan dari mahasiswa, dosen dan alumni untuk

pengembangan program studi

Menjalin ikatan yang kuat antara mahasiswa, dosen dan alumni

Kontak : Dr dr Irma H. Suparto, MS URL - ipb.link/sdgs-prm


Outreach Education Program

Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang telah

dilakukan mahasiswa dan tenaga pendidik PS Primatologi IPB. Kegiatan adalah penyadartahuan (outreach education program) terhadap kelestarian alam dan primatology serta Kesehatan global pada 80 anak sekolah dasar di Muara Binuangen, Banten Selatan.

Kegiatan ini merupakan kerjasama antara Pusat Studi Satwa Primata, LPPM IPB dan PS Primatologi, dilaksanakan pada tanggal 19 Juli 2019 oleh 2 mahasiswa Program Magister Primatologi (Tommy Langgeng Abimanyu dan Mariana Kresty Ferdinandez), tiga orang dosen PRM (Dr Ir Entang Iskandar, Drh Huda S. Darusman dan Prof Rancall C Kyes, PhD) dan beberapa staf PSSP LPPM IPB.


• Lokakarya akademik PS Primtologi dilaksanakan pada tanggal 27 Juni 2019 membahas tentang penjelasan

kurikulum 2020 (Narasumber : Dr Ir Drajat Martianto, MSi dan dan Ir Lien Herlina, MSc) dan penjelasan filosofi

Learning Outcome (LO) dan RPS (Rencana Pembelajaran Semester), narasumber : Dr Ir Feri Kusnandar, MSc. Lokakarya diadakan di Ruang Mawar 1, Hotel Papyrus, Bogor.

Lokakarya Kurikulum PS Primatologi

URL - ipb.link/sdgs-prm


Sustainable Urban Water International Seminar


The Sustainable Urban Water International Seminar 2019 (SUWIS 2019) was held on January 24th 2019 at Toyib Hadiwijaya

Auditorium in IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor, Indonesia. SUWIS 2019 will bring together

students, lecturers, and researchers in the field of urban water to help fight back the water challenges.

SUWIS 2019 invited Lieutenant General Doni Monardo (Secretary General of Wantannas and Citarum Harum Inisiator) and Dr. Bima Arya Sugiarto (Bogor City Mayor and Chair of Ciliwung Naturation Taskforce) as a Keynote Speakers in the seminar.


The 6


International Symposium on LAPAN-IPB Satellite

http://lisat.ipb.ac.id/symposium2019/ This Symposium was held as a platform of the

related stakeholders who focused on the satellite and remote sensing technology utilization for food security in agriculutre, forestry, climate change and maritime field.

The 6th International Symposium on LAPAN-IPB Satellite 2019 (LISAT Symposium 2019) was conducted in Bogor, Indonesia on September 17-18, 2019 to network with leading experts in the field of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System. The conference has been taken place at the IPB International Convention Center (IICC) in Bogor, Indonesia.


The 1st International Seminar on Natural Resources and Environmental

Management (ISeNREM) 2019

The 1st International Seminar on Natural Resources and

Environmental Management (1st ISeNREM) was held in Bogor, August 15, 2019. This seminar was hosted by the Natural Resources and Environmental Management Study Program, Graduate School of IPB University. The theme of this seminar is

“Managing Indonesian Natural Resources and Environment in Disruption Era”. This seminar was held as a mean to balancing the development in disruptuon era with natural resources and environmental management for a sustainable world.

Contact Person: Dr. Zaenal Abidin, S.Si., M.Agr URL - http://isenrem.ipb.ac.id


Summer Course: Data Mining on Air Pollution Modelling as Impacts of Forest Fires (MAPFire)

Pada kegiatan ini, peserta mahasiswa mendapatkan pelajaran konseptual dan praktikal mengenai data mining, terutama pada penerapannya di bidang

monitoring dampak karhutla. Peserta diajarkan oleh berbagai pakar dan profesor di bidang data mining dari berbagai negara seperti Prof. Dominick Spracklen dan Assoc. Prof. Steve Arnold (School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds).

Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada 26 September – 4 Oktober 2019 dan dikoordinasikan oleh Dr. Imas

Sukaesih Sitanggang dari Departemen Ilmu Komputer IPB.


University Network for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Indian Ocean Rim-UND4DRR

http://psl.ipb.ac.id/2020/06/30/ps-psl-ipb-menjadi-partners-countries-pada- program-university-network-for-disaster-risk-reduction-in-indian-ocean-rim-un4rr-erasmus-programme-of-the-european-union-https-www-un4drr-com/

PS-PSL IPB menjadi “Partners Countries” pada program

University Network for Disaster Risk Reduction in Indian Ocean RIm (UN4RR); Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (https://www.un4drr.com/)

Modernize the courses related to Disaster Risk Reduction and Management integrating GIS/RS applications as the significant part of the course content. The long-term effect will be to educate future experts for prevention and management of natural and human-induced disasters (e.g. fires) in the Indian Ocean Rim supporting national and EU policies


GCRF TRADE-Hub "Trade, Development and the Environment Hub"

The UK Research and Innovation’s Global Challenges Research

Fund is funding the UKRI GCRF Trade, Development and the Environment Hub, led by the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC). This five-year project, funded until 2024, is the first research hub of its kind – bringing together over 50 organisations from 15

different countries to help make trade sustainable for people and the planet.

Indonesia is one of the focus locations of the hub. Activities here are led by CIFOR with partner organizations (ICRAF, WCS, RCCC UI, IPB and Unila). The TRADE Hub Indonesia will focus on two agricultural commodities (palm oil and coffee), as well as wildlife (songbirds) trade.

Contact Person: Dr. Ir. Suria D. Tarigan, M.Sc


Seri Studium Generale PS PSL

URL - http://psl.ipb.ac.id/2019/02/28/seri-sg-psl-02-14-03-2019-tema-survey-diet-total/ Rangkaian kegiatan studium general bagi mahasiswa PS PSL IPB berjudul "Survey Diet Total", dengan nara sumber: Dr. Fitrah Ernawati dari Puslitbang Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan –

Kementerian Kesehatan RI.

Kegiatan ini dikoordinasikan oleh Prof. Dr. Lina Karlinasari


Seri Studium Generale PS PSL

Rangkaian kegiatan studium general bagi

mahasiswa PS PSL berjudul "Kegiatan Reklamasi dan Suksesi di Area Bekas Tambang" dengan nara sumber: Dr. Tedy Yulianto dari Kementerian ESDM Kegiatan ini dikoordinasikan oleh Prof. Dr. Lina Karlinasari

http://psl.ipb.ac.id/2019/01/31/seri-sg-psl-01-14- 02-2019-tema-kegiatan-reklamasi-dan-suksesi-di-area-bekas-tambang/


Rangkaian kegiatan studium general bagi mahasiswa PS PSL. Pembicara Studium General 04 PS-PSL IPB tanggal 16 Mei 2019, Dr. Ir. Wiwin Ambarwulan, MSc. (Kepala Pusat Penelitian, Promosi dan Kerjasama, Badan Informasi

Geospasial (BIG) dengan tema “Informasi Geospasial untuk Perencanan Pembagunan Berkelanjutan”

Seri Studium Generale PS PSL

http://psl.ipb.ac.id/2019/05/11/seri-sg-psl-04-16-05-2019- tema-informasi-geospasial-untuk-perencanan-pembagunan-berkelanjutan/


Development of potato cultivars IPB CP1 and IPB CP3 as raw materials

for the potato chip home industry in Sembalun, Kabupaten East

Lombok, NTB

The seeds of potato cultivars of IPB CP1 and IPB CP3 were

propagated in vitro at IPB and Go tubers seeds were produced at CV Bumi Agrotech, Bandung. Tuber seeds were cultivated by the Loang Londe Farmer Group, in Sembalun, East Lombok, NTB. The tubers were processed into potato chips by the home industry "Leo Food“

Contact Person: Prof.Dr. Suharsono

Tuber seeds cultivation

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fi5JgZ2iOyg9t8wQUV EgOL75yGYkaHQS/view?usp=sharing


Development of potato cultivar Jala Ipam in Garut

Regency, West Java for Frozen Fried Potatoes industry

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nu5RtLPkzyeXRtxFRcafoz6RB8 npp94m/view?usp=sharing

The potato cultivar Jala Ipam was created by the IPB team. In vitro potato seeds were propagated at IPB. Go tuber seeds are produced at PT Indonesia Agro Resources (IAR), Bandung.

Go tuber seeds were cultivated by the Koperasi Mustika Hutan (KMH), Garut Regency, West Java. The tubers produced by farmers, were processed into Frozen French Fries and

commerciallized by PT Amanah Prima Indonesia, Tangerang, under the trademark "Amantoes". This activity involves

academics, business and farming communities, which reflects the ABC triple helix.


Workshop of Analysis of Genetically Modified Food

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VC94k2vzQjdszISodOzJUXVcs bjox4He/view?usp=sharing

• The workshop was organized by the Indonesian Food and Drug Administration with the aim of increasing skills in drug and food analysis related to

biotechnology. The workshop was conducted from 28 October – 2 November 2019 and attended by

researchers from various institutions related to medicine and food.

• Prof.Dr. Suharsono from PS Bioteknologi has contributed in this workshop as speaker.



Dokumen terkait

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