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Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal 2009, Vol. 11, No 2, pp. 43–45

UDC 517.98



Dedicated to Safak Alpay on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday

V. G. Troitsky

This note is a nonstandard analysis version of the paper «When are ultrapowers of normed lattices discrete or continuous?» by W. Wnuk and B. Wiatrowski.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2000):46S20, 46B42.

Key words:normed lattice, discrete element, nonstandard hull.

In Functional Analysis, the ultrapower and the nonstandard analysis approaches are equivalent: results obtained by one of these two methods can usually be translated into the other. In this short note, we present nonstandard analysis versions of the main results of [5], where they were originally presented in the ultrapower language. We believe that in this new form the ideas of the proofs are more transparent.

Suppose that E is a Archimedean vector lattice. Recall that an element0< e∈E is said to bediscrete if06x6eimplies thatxis a scalar multiple ofeor, equivalently, the interval

[0, e] doesn’t contain two non-zero disjoint vectors (see [3, Theorem 26.4]). We say that E is

continuous if it contains no discrete elements anddiscrete if every non-zero positive vector dominates a discrete element or, equivalently, E has a complete disjoint system consisting of discrete elements (see [1, p. 40]).

IfEis a normed space. We will write∗

E for the nonstandard extension ofEandEbfor the nonstandard hull ofE. We refer the reader to [2, 6] for terminology and details on nonstandard hulls of normed spaces and normed lattices. We will use the following standard fact (see, e. g., [4, Remark 4]).

Lemma 1. Suppose that E is a normed lattice and a, x, b ∈ ∗

E such that a 6 b and ˆ

a6xˆ6ˆb. Then there exists y∈∗E such that y

≈x anda6y6b.

The following is a variant of Theorem 2.2 of [5]:

Theorem 2. LetE be a normed lattice. Then the following are equivalent.

(i) Eb is continuous;

(ii)∃ε >0∀x∈E+ ∃a, b∈[0, x] a⊥band kak ∧ kbk>εkxk.

⊳(i)⇒(ii) Suppose thatE fails (ii). Letεbe a positive infinitesimal. Then there exists a vector x∈∗E

+ such that for all a, b∈∗[0, x]witha⊥b we have kak ∧ kbk< εkxk. Without loss of generality, kxk = 1. Let ˆa,ˆb ∈ [0,xˆ] and ˆa ⊥ ˆb. By Lemma 1, we may assume that



44 Troitsky V. G.

a, b∈∗

[0, x]. Furthermore,ˆa⊥ˆbimplies thata∧b≈0. Letu=a−a∧bandv=b−a∧b, then u, v∈∗

[0, x]andu⊥v, so thatkuk ∧ kvk< ε. It follows that eitherkukorkvkis infinitesimal. Say,u≈0. Thena=u+a∧bis infinitesimal as well, so thatˆa= 0. Thus,xˆis discrete inEb. (ii) ⇒ (i) Suppose that (ii) holds for some (standard) ε >0. Let xˆ∈ Eb+, show thatxˆ is not discrete. Without loss of generality,x∈∗

E+ andkxk= 1. By (ii), we can finda, b∈∗[0, x] such that a⊥band kak ∧ kbk>ε. It follows that neitheranor bis infinitesimal, so thata,ˆ ˆb are two non-zero disjoint elements of [0,xˆ]. Hence, xˆ is not discrete.⊲

Recall that a normed lattice satisfies the Fatou property if 06xα ↑x implies kxαk →

kxk, and the σ-Fatou property if 06xn ↑x implies kxnk → kxk, see, e. g., [1]. We will use the following simple lemma.

Lemma 3. Suppose that E is a normed lattice with the Fatou property and S ⊆ E+

such that x = supS exists. Then for every ε > 0 there is a finite subset γ of S such that ksupγk > (1−ε)kxk. The same is true for countable families if E satisfies the σ-Fatou property.

⊳ Let Λ be the collection of all finite subsets of S, ordered by inclusion. Clearly,

supα∈Λsupα=x. Letxα = supα, then(xα)α∈Λis an increasing net and06xα ↑x. It follows from the Fatou property thatkxαk → kxk, so that there existsγ ∈Λwithkxγk>(1−ε)kxk.

Now suppose that E satisfies σ-Fatou property and x= W∞

i=1xi. Let zk =Wki=1xi, then xk 6 zk 6 x, so that x = Wk∞=1zk. Now σ-Fatou property guarantees that kzkk → kxk, so that(1−ε)kxk6kzmk=kx1∨ · · · ∨xmk for some m.⊲

The following is a variant of Theorem 3.1 of [5].

Theorem 4. LetE be a discrete normed lattice, andD the set of all discrete elements of norm one inE. If E satisfies the Fatou property (or the σ-Fatou property if D is countable) then the discrete elements of Eb are exactly the positive scalar multiples of the elements of {ˆe|e∈∗D


⊳ It suffices to show that givenx ∈∗E

withkxk= 1, then xˆ is discrete in Eb if and only if xˆ = ˆe for some e ∈ ∗D

. Suppose that xˆ = ˆe for some e ∈ ∗D

. Take any a∈ ∗

E such that

06ˆa6x. By Lemma 1, we may assume thatˆ 06a6e. It follows thatais a scalar multiple ofe, henceˆais a scalar multiple ofx.ˆ

Conversely, suppose that xˆ is discrete in E. Note that the setb D is a complete disjoint system in E. By [1, Theorem 1.75], we have x = sup{Pex | e∈ ∗D}. For every e∈ ∗D, the vector Pex is a scalar multiple of e, and 06Pex 6x, hence 06Pdex 6x. Therefore, ifˆ Pex is not infinitesimal for somee∈∗D

thenxˆ is a scalar multiple ofPex, hence ofd e.ˆ

Suppose now that Pex is infinitesimal for every e ∈ ∗D. It follows from x = sup{Pex | e ∈ ∗D

} and Lemma 3 that there exist n ∈ ∗N

and e1, . . . , en ∈ ∗D such that kzk > 34, wherez=kPe1x∨ · · · ∨Penxk. Choose k6nin


so that°°Pe1x∨ · · · ∨Pek



°< 14, while

kPe1x∨ · · · ∨Pekxk>


4. Putu=Pe1x∨ · · · ∨Pekx=Pe1x+· · ·+Pekx. Then


4 6kuk6


°Pe1x∨ · · · ∨Pek




1 4,

hencekuk ≈ 14. Put v =z−u, thenu⊥v,06u, v6z, and kuk,kvk> 14. Therefore, uˆ and


v are non-zero and disjoint elements of[0,xˆ]; a contradiction. ⊲

Corollary 5. Suppose that E is an AM-space with a strong unit, and H is a discrete regular sublattice of E. ThenHb is discrete.

⊳ Let D be a complete disjoint system of discrete elements of norm one inH. Suppose


When are hulls discrete or continuous? 45 x ∈ ∗

H+ with kxk = 1. Then x = sup{Pex | e ∈ ∗D} by [1, Theorem 1.75]. Since E is an AM-space, we can apply Lemma 3 with ε ≈ 0 and find n ∈ ∗N

and e1, . . . , en ∈ ∗D such that kPe1x∨ · · · ∨Penxk > (1−ε)kxk ≈ 1. Again, since E is an AM-space, we have kPe1x∨ · · · ∨Penxk=kPe1xk ∨ · · · ∨ kPenxk, so thatkPekxk ≈1for some k6n. Then

[ Pekx

is non-zero. It is discrete by Theorem 4 because Pekx is a multiple ofek. Finally, notice that


Pekx6x.ˆ ⊲


1. Aliprantis C. D., Burkinshaw O. Locally solid Riesz spaces with applications to economics (Math. Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 105). 2 ed.—Providence (R.I.): Amer. Math. Soc., 2003.—344 p. 2. Emel’yanov `E. Yu.Infinitesimals in vector lattices // Nonstandard analysis and vector lattices (Math.

Appl., Vol. 525).—Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2000.—P. 161–230.

3. Luxemburg W. A. J., Zaanen A. C.Riesz spaces.—Amsterdam-London: North-Holland Publishing Co, 1971.—Vol. 1.

4. Troitsky V. G.Measures on non-compactness of operators on Banach lattices // Positivity.—2004.— Vol. 8, № 2.—P. 165–178.

5. Wnuk W., Wiatrowski B.When are ultrapowers of normed lattices discrete or continuous? // Positivity IV—theory and applications—Dresden: Tech. Univ. Dresden, 2006.—P. 173–182.

6. Wolff M. P. H.An introduction to nonstandard functional analysis // Nonstandard analysis (Edinburgh, 1996).—Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1997.—P. 121–151.

Received May 19, 2009.

Troitsky Vladimir G.

Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta,Associate Professor


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