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Index of /papers/Business


Academic year: 2017

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Business Grants. Word Count: 479


Anyone planning about going into business for himself, or wishing to enlarge an existing business should head for the world’s largest "one-stop-money-hub" where FREE MONEY is being held for you to begin or expand a business by the Federal Government.


Government, Grants, Business, Money

Article Body:

Anyone planning about going into business for himself, or wishing to enlarge an existing business should head for the world’s largest "one-stop-money-hub" where FREE MONEY is being held for you to begin or expand a business by the Federal Government. It is absolutely amazing that people living right in the United States of America wouldn’t know that every year the world’s biggest source of free business aids in delivering.

While there are still no direct small business grants that can be borrowed from the federal government, many state development agencies offer direct small business grants and other types of financial assistance designed to encourage and help businessmen in starting or expanding a small business

Attempting to get funds through a orthodox financial institution can be very lengthy and requires loads of paperwork, only to find out that you’ve been refused. These Government Agencies don’t have to work under the same abovesaid requirements that banks do. You work on how much funds you require, as long as it’s a legible amount and complies with Government Agencies basis, the fund is yours to keep and you don’t have to repay it.

There are some Government grants that are available for EXPANSION OF businesses (but not to establish a new business). When a government agency makes funds available for a grant, it places an announcement in the Federal Register which is issued every weekday. For the major part, these grants are very specialized. Moreover, many Government grants are not available through the year. That is, you can’t apply for most of them at any time you wish -- in practical, you can apply for them only when they are announced by a Government agency. GRANT is not exactly a loan, This money is interest free and non taxable . None of these plans need a collateral ,co-signers , credit check, security deposits , you can apply even if you have a bad credit or bankruptcy , it doesn’t matter, you as a U.S. citizen and tax payer are entitled to these funds.

Majority of people never want to try for FREE government GRANTS since they feel it is not meant for them, or simply don’t know who to contact or feel there’s too much red-tapism but the fact is that this money is meant for you. Over $29 trillion dollars in low-interest loans and free grants;

over one-third billion dollars in obtaining of contracts; and Around $32 billion dollars in research grants FREE consulting.

With a market that remains unpredictable, and a requirement for even greater economic growth on all aspects, the federal government is more interested than it ever has been earlier to give you the money you need to establish your own business and become your own boss! The fact is, however, that people from all aspects of life do receive GRANTS MONEY free and other help from the government, and you are entitled to it.

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