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c. Students Response in Learning English


Academic year: 2022

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Submitted as partial fulfillment of requirement to obtain an undergraduate (S1) degree in English Education













proud, Sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad Shalallahuaalihi Wasallam. His coming really changed the world.

Special Thanks to:

My parents, beloved father (Asmawi) and my beloved mother (Siti Barangi) Who always give me everlasting love, support, motivation and never stop praying

for my success now and in the future with endless love thanks for your support and praying

My beloved husband (Seh Mursalin) who always give support and praying My beloved brothers (Hozin, Unzir, Kaswin, Baili) and my beloved sisters

(Simorni, Alviah) thanks for your praying for me

All of my family, thanks for your support, love, and never stop giving spirits to finish this thesis is make me strong and wish your hopely will come true All of my classmate’s friends, my KKN friends, and my PPL friends who can not

say your name one by one, thank you for being my best friends in giving support every day, thanks for help, suggestions and spirit in arranging this thesis, without

all of you I don’t mean.

May Allah SWT always bless us.




ـَﻡ ْﺡﻩﺭﻝﺍ ِ ﻩاللَّ ِﻡْﺱِﺏ ِﻡْﻱِﺡﻩﺭﻝﺍ ِﻥ

ىَعَس اَم َّلَِّإ ِناَسنِْلِْل َسْيَّل نَأَو

And that man can have nothing but what he does (good or bad)” [QS. An-Najm: 39]


viii Assalamu’alaikum. Wr.Wb

In the name of Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala, the most gracious and merciful, the lord of universe. Because of him, the researcher could finish this thesis as one of the requirements for S1 degree in English Education Department of Education and Teacher Training Faculty of the State Institute for Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guide us from the darkness into the lightness.

In this process of completion of this thesis, the researcher received much advices and contribution from many people who cannot be enumerated especially from my advisors. Dr. Najmul Hayat, M.Pd.I as my first advisor and Dr.

Muhammad Taridi, M.Pd as my second advisor. They are my great inspiration in teaching field. Next, this success would not be attained without support , guidance, help, encourage from individual and institution. The researcher would like to say thank to:

1. Prof Dr.H. Suaidi Asy’ari MA Ph. D, the Rector of the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

2. Dr. HJ. Armida, M.Pd.I as Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

3. Dr. H. Lukman Hakim, M.Pd.I as the first assistant of Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training. Dr. Zawaqi Afdal Jamil, M.Pd as the second Assistant of Dean Faculty of Education anf Teacher Training, and Dr. H.

Kemas Imron Rosadi, M.Pd as the third Assistant of Dean faculty of Education and Teacher Training.

4. Amalia Nurhasanah, S.Pd. M. Hum as the chairwoman of English Education Program



5. All lecturers at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

6. An English teacher of Senior High School 7 Jambi city Muhammad Isa, S.Pd who help me in collecting data

7. Best friends in arms, Nisty Laili, Tuti Nurfauziaty, Yuni Suraya, Nur Lela, Nikmatul Munawaroh, Memi Sulastri who always accompany, thank you for being best friends in giving support every day, thanks for help, suggestion and spirit in arranging this thesis.

Finally, this thesis is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the reader, and the researcher is pleased to accept more suggestion and contributions from the reader for the improvement of this thesis.

Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr.WB

Jambi, 2019 The Researcher

Nur Saroh TE. 151602


x Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : The Students’ Interest in Learning English at the Tenth Grade of Senior High School 7 Jambi City

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketertarikan siswa dalam berlajar bahasa Inggris kelas sepuluh SMA 7 kota Jambi. Desain dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif yang menggambarkan situasi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris pada kelas sepuluh dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui pengamatan, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas sepuluh SMA 7 kota jambi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya beberapa factor yang dapat mempengaruhi minat belajar siswa yaitu a). Factor internal; kesehatan, bakat, kecerdasan, perhatian dan anggapan siswa terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dan b). factor eksternal;

keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat. Respon siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris pada kelas sepuluh di SMA 7 kota Jambi yaitu kebanyakan dari seluruh siswa kelas sepuluh memiliki minat yang lemah pada pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.

Kata kunci: minat siswa dan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris



Name : Nur Saroh Student Number : TE. 151602

Major : English Education Department

Title : The Students’ Interest in Learning English at the tenth Grade of senior High School 7 Jambi city

This study was aimed to find out the students’ interest in learning English at the tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi city. The research design in this study was a descriptive qualitative describing a situation of learning English at tenth grade by using technique data collecting through observation, interview, and documentation. The subject in this research is the students at tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi city. The result of this research conduct have some factors can influence students’ interest in learning English that is a). internal factor; health, talent, intelligence, attention and students assumption in learning English and b). external factor; family, school and community. Students’

response in learning English at tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi city that is most of them student of tenth grade have lack interest in learning English.

Keywords: Students’ interest and learning English






MOTTO ... vii



ABSTRAK ... xi




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem ... 1

B. Focus of the Problem ... 4

C. Formulation of the Problem ... 4

D. Purpose of the Research ... 4

E. Objectives and Significant of the Research ... 4


B. The definition of interest ... 6

C. Elements of Interest in Learning ... 8

D. Role and Functions of Interest ... 10

E. Factors that Effect Interest in Learning... 11

F. Increase Student Interest ... 13

G. Relevant Studies ... 14



A. Research Design ... 16

B. Setting and Subject of Research... 17

C. Source and kind of Data ... 17

D. Technique and Instrument of Collecting Data ... 18

E. Technique of Data Analysis ... 20

F. Triangulation ... 21

G. Research Schedule ... 22


B. Discussion ... 33


B. Suggestion ... 38






2. List of names head of private ... 23




Appendix 1 : Instruments of data collecting Appendix II : Research activities documentation



A. Background of the Problem

English is one of the most popular language in the world today is used as a means of communication in daily life. English is use to convey the aspirations by human being. Therefore, English is as important lesson this time for the younger generation as an international language mastered that must be in order to get their brightness future in the globalization era and to the next years.

Today, English is compulsory subject for study in the state senior high school and state junior high school. In study English there are some skills we should mastered. There are: listening, speaking, writing and reading skills. English is very useful for human life as a means of communication to convey messages to others.

Benefits that can be seen in today’s technological advances and mostly using English as the language identifier and communication.

Learning English language should be strong interests because of the presence of an interest in a person it will be making diligent them in learning anywhere and anytime. Because without interest in all activities will be performed less effectively and efficiently. Interest will make us more attention to something and do it with pleasure.

Idit Katz et.all. (2006) call interest as intrinsic interest or intrinsic value defined as “the enjoyment people experience when doing task, or their subjective interest in the content of the task” (Wigfield & Eccles, 1992, pp. 280). Intrinsic interest may enable children to remain occupied in a task without receiving immediate feedback because it can allow them to perceive the task as enjoyable and as containing personally meaningful information, which they can connect with various issues that interest them.

In addition, children who have an interest in a certain topic, migh be able



to rely on internal cues as to how well they are doing due to their experience with similar tasks.

Interest is one concentration born with full willingness and depends on the talent and the environment. In the study required a concentration of attention to what is learned can be understood, so that students can do something that previously could not be done. There was a change in behavior. Changes in personal behavior include all students, whether cognitive, psychomotor and effective.

Based on the finding in the field by observation the researcher find that some of students at the tenth grade of senior high school 7 Kota Jambi that between of students in tenth grade most of them have a lack interest in learning English. That happens because of the students assumption that they think learning English is a foreign language that is difficult to master and the students have a little knowledge about English subject.

Assumptions that above make them easily bored, lazy learn, shy to speak and afraid making a wrong. It has some influence to their response in learning. When the are learning English most of them to be quiet, and some others eliminate bored by plying and doing other activities when learning English is in progress.

Interest in learning English is very important to cause of pleasure to the English lessons so that students would be interested to learn and attention to all that have been studied. Attention that would encourage him to learn at home, at school and wherever it is located. English is not a difficult subject but English is the language that is easy and fun. With strong interest in students to learn English then it will be the driver to be active in learning English so that lessons will run smoothly, effectively and efficiently.

Arrives to study objectives of English language is the first step in acquire good performance. Intelligence and students’ interest in learning and liveliness will have smooth the process of teaching and learning in school in order to reach the learning objectives. The existence of student


interest in learning English will be seen when the learning process takes place, the good response from students that is active in learning, often ask, pay attention to any explanation from the teacher, not noisy in the classroom, and does not interfere with your friends who are diligent and also active in learning.

English teachers should try to make lessons more interesting and enjoyable so that students are motivated and enthusiasm in learning.

Response students when they interested to learn English it can be seen when they are study in the classroom with a variety of subject matter is interesting and not monotonous, so students do not fell bored and tired of learning English.

Interest is closely related to learning, learning without interest will be felt dull, in fact, not all students learn is driven by an interest factor alone, there is developed a passion for the subject matter due to the influence of his teacher, his friend, his parents. Therefore, it is the duty and responsibility of schools to provide conditions that can stimulate students’

interest towards learning.

The psychology of someone who showed up that has an interest. It is seen in some of the symptoms, such as: passion, will, feeling of love to make the process of behavior change through a variety of activities that include the search for knowledge and experience, in other words, interest in learning that have a dependency on a person’s internal factors (students) such as attention, willingness and demonstrated the need for learning through sigh of people exiting, and active participant in learning.

Based on researcher observation and interviews with the some students senior high school SMAN 7 Jambi City the researcher found that lowing of student interest in learning English in tenth grade senior high school SMAN 7 Jambi City. Therefore, researcher interested to taking little of thesis on “The Students’ Interest in Learning English at The Tenth Grade Senior High School SMAN 7 Jambi City”



B. Focus of Problem

In this research, the researcher will focus on the student’s interest in learning reading at tenth grade senior high school 7 Jambi City

C. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem above the formulation of problem of this research are:

1. How are students interested in learning English at tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi city

2. What factors that influence students’ interest in learning English at Tenth Grade Senior High School 7 Jambi City

3. How are student’s responses in learning English at Tenth Grade Senior High school 7 Jambi City

D. Purpose of the Research

The purpose of the study is to find out the interest of students in learning English in senior high school 7 Jambi City.

E. Objectives and Significant of the Research a) Theoretically

a) The result of the research can be used as input in English teaching process especially for knowing the student interest in learning English at tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi City

b) The result of the research can be used as the references for who what to conduct the research in English teaching learning process.

b) Practically a) For teacher

The writer hopes that from this research will give contribution to the teacher in teaching process and help the teacher find out


suitable material and appropriate technique and motivate their students to learn.

b) For the Student

The result of this research can motivate the students to use English in their English language.

c) For the Researcher

1) To make a thesis a partial requirement for the undergraduate degree (S1) In English Education Program of Education and Teacher Training Faculty at the for Islamic Studies.

2) Many new valuable experience and can apply all the technique of teaching and efforts to solve the problem of teaching learning when the researcher be an English teacher in the future.




A. Interest of Study

1. The definition of Interest

According Tidjan (1976) is a psychological phenomenon that show focusing on an object because there is a sense of excitement. From the definition it is clear that interest as a concentration of attention or a reaction to an object such as a specific object or situation that is preceded by feelings of love toward the object.

Acording to Berhard “interest” does notarise or appear suddenly, but rather arise asa result of participant, experience, practice at the time ofstudy or work, in other words, the interest may be thecauseof eventsand cause of participantion in activities (http://juprimalino.

Blogspot.com/2012/01/penertian-minat-belajar-siswa-defenisi.htmlon may 04,2012.21:20 pm).

Moreover, Alisuf Sabri (1998) says that interest is tendency toward something to be frequently notified and recalled gaudily. Interest is closely relative to feeling, mainly a pleasure. Therefore, interest would be happening because of pleasure toward something.

According to Kartini Kartono (1980) “minat merupakan momen dari kecenderungan-kecenderungan yang terarah secara intensif kepada satu obyek yang dianggap penting” (p.78). The moment of interest trends intensively directed to an object that considered important

According to Mangal (2007) interest is the central force that drives the whole machinery of the teaching learning process. It means, with have an interest students will more focus and easy to understands the material that given by the teacher. Big interest will give influence on students’ activity, because the students’ interest will be doing something that interested for them, in this case is an interest in learning. In addition, interest help in overcoming unusual or early arrival or frequent repetition of plateaus in


learning. They also give enough strength to an individual to resist fatigue and avoid failure.

According Slamato (2003) “minat adalah suatu rasa lebih suka dan rasa ketertarikan pada suatu hal atau aktivitas, tanpa ada yang menyuruh”(p.180). interest is a preferred taste and interest in a matter or activity, without being told. Interest is essentially the acceptance of a relationship between own self with something outside selves. The stronger the closer the relationship or it will be great their interest.

Hilgard in Slameto (2003) give formulation about interest “interest is persisting tendncy to pay attention to and enjoy some activity or content”


Based on these definitions it can be argued that the interest of researcher contains the following elements:

1. Interest is a psychological phenomenon

2. The existence of concentration, feelings and thoughts of the subject with interest

3. The existence of good feelings toward the target object

4. A willingness or tendency to subject themselves to undertake activities to achieve the goal.

According to Ahmad Rohani and Abu Ahmadi (1995) “belajar adalah proses perubahan tingkah laku berkat pengalaman dan latihan (p.18) study is a process to change behavior through experience and exercise.

Based on the definition mentioned by experts in the above, then the interest of study is a tendency to learn a thing or the other in a learning situation with focus, which is preceded by a feeling of love toward the object so that it is able to make changes better in this life and also we can know that interest is the important aspect to get succes learning english and it can influence of someone when they want to do something. Without will have no any willingness to do everything.



2. Elements of Interest in Learning

In teaching and learning, an interest has an important role to motivate the students will be more diligent study. Immense interest for students to influence the development of intelligence, so what he did on the basis of its own and the high interest of students will feel found by duty, giving great attention to what he does and enjoys his work.

According to Suharsimi Arikunto (1990) there are some elements of interest that can be catching someone’s eye in teaching and learning process. If students have interest to study so they will give their attention to learning. The elements are: the material of lesson attractive, means of lesson attractive, condition and situation that attractive, teacher that attractive interest

Students interest or attention to something that is very important to know by the teacher, in along didactic principle mentioned that with the students’ attention to the lessons that we given the contents of the course material will be absorbed properly. Otherwise without concern for what we give with difficulty will not be heard, let alone mastered by students.

There are elements of interest in learning activities affect the learning process that including: attention, willingness and need (http://acenale.wordpress.com/2011/12/21/minat-belajar/,December 21, 2011).

a. Attention

Caution is essential in the following activities well, and this will also effect on students’ interest in learning. Learning activities of students accompanied by an intensive care will be more successful, and his performance will be higher than students who have no interest in learning.

People who took an interest in an activity will give the most attention. He did not hesitate to sacrifice time and energy for such activities. Therefore, a students who has interest in a lesson, he would try hard to get good grade is to learn.


Therefore as a teacher should always strive to attract the attention of their students with a fun way to teach students’ attention to present it self to further deepen the lessons he tough. Several indicators related to aspects of attention in this study include asking the teacher, pay attention to the teacher’s explanations, looking for sources of learning outside the school, the concentration in the study, and do day daydream while the teacher explains the lesson to the class.

b. Willingness

Willingness of a condition in which student is likely to perform an activity in the absence of coercion. Students who have a strong desire to learn something, then he will try to seek a deeper knowledge of something.

This condition causes the learning activity. If the student does not exist since the beginning of willingness to learn, it is difficult for him to start learning these activities.

Several indicators related to this aspect of them will try to do exercise though difficult, still learning even though teachers do not enter teaching, diligent reading English, willing to do the practice questions in addition to the assigned English teacher, and eager to follow the lessons have been wherever.

c. Needs

Need of the state in the person of a student who encouraged her to perform certain activities in order to achieve a goal. This requirement can only be felt by an individual. Someone learning activity because there is a push. In this case the basic driving motivation that drives a person to learn.

Interest in psychology and is a potential that can be used to explore the motivation when someone is motivated to learn, then he will learn to perform activities within a certain time span.

Several indicators related to these aspects need them learn English to succeed in a career, the awareness to make their own notes, like a smart English language in order to follow the Olympics, wanted to study abroad and not too late to follow the lessons.



Tenacity and intensity of the experience had a lasting effect on memory. Someone will always be remembered automatically wins the award-winning event or events that are expected to achieve something.

Someone learners will always remember the high value in one of the subjects take it if the value is achieved with a tenacious effort and intensity. Research has show that an interest or an interest, tenacity or persistence and intensity of the highly influential in increasing the success off learning, and this has been applied to both adults and children (Suprijanto, 2007, p.17)

3. Role and Functions of Interest a. Role of Interests

The role of interest in teaching and learning is for the concentration of thought and also to create excitement in an effort to learn to like the excitement of the heart may enlarge the ability to learn and also help him not forget what he learned. Learning so full of passion can create a sense of satisfaction and pleasure.

It is therefore of interest to have a great influence in the study because of the lessons learned when the material of interest to students the students will not learn as well as possible, because there is no appeal for him. Whereas when the lesson materials to attract students, it will be easy to learn and stored because of the interest thus adding learning activities.

b. Function of Interest

Function of interest in learning as a motivating force that is as a force that encourages students to learn. Students who are interested to continue the lesson would seem compelled to diligently study, in contrast to students who just received his lessons. They just moved to want to learn but the difficult to continue to persevere because there is no pusher. Therefore, to obtain good results in learning a student must


have an interest in the lessons that will encourage him to continue learning.

4. Factors that Effect Interest in Learning

Interest are not innate, but acquired later. Interest in something to learn and subsequently affect learning as well as affect the acceptance of new interests. So the interest in something is the result of learning and to support further learning. Although interest in something that is essential to be able to learn it, assuming that interest will help someone learn.

Successful or not students in the study due to several factors influence the achievement of that learning outcome. Great interest in their effects on learning, because if the material of the lessons learned are not in accordance with the interest of their students will not learn with the best as there is no appeal for him. He was reluctant to learn it does not get satisfaction from the lesson.

Learning materials that interest students more easily learned and stored in memory for adding interest and learning activities. These factors may include factors of the individual (internal factors) such factors as health, talent and attention, and factors outside the individual (external factors) such as family circumstances, school and community environment.

a. Internal Factor 1) Health

Learners are physically and mentally healthy will be encourage to learn. Impaired physical health such as colds and fever, making students get tired of learning and less enthusiasm for learning.

Similarly, spiritual health, learners who have a sense of disappointment for your friends or parents, creates a feeling lazy to learn and the lack of concentration in the study.



2) Talent and Intelligence

Aptitude effect learning, if students are learning the lesson material according to their talents, the students will be interested in these subjects, as well as intelligence, people who have the intelligence (IQ) is high, generally easy to learn and the results tend to be good, otherwise if someone is “IQ its “low will experience difficulty in learning.

3) Attention

To achieve good learning outcomes, students should have the attention of the learned material. This will create interest in students and has a passion in learning so as to achieve good performance.

b. External Factors 1) Family

Family is the first education center and primary that experienced by child. Since

The atmosphere of the home will support children in learning.

Neatness and tranquility should be maintained. It is intended that the child feels comfortable and easy concentration of the material.

Families have a major role in creating interest in learning for children.

As we know, the family is the first education institution for children.

Ways parents can influence the interest in teaching and learning of children. Parents should always be ready when your child need help in advance of a difficult subject matter captured by the child. Children learn the necessary equipment, also need to be considered by the parent. In other words, parents should keep up to date on children’s learning every day.

2) School

Knowledge and experience provided by schools must be done with the process of good teaching. Education provide education with due regard to the condition of their students. Thus, the children created a situation that is fun and not boring in the learning process.


3) Community

School activities would be better if balanced with activities outside of school. Many activities in the community to foster interest in children’s learning. Such as youth activities. Children can learn to organize in it. But, parents need to pay attention to her activities outside the home and school. For activities that will reduce the excessive zeal in following the lessons in school.

5. Increase Student Interest

Action to encouragement student to concentrate (interesting focus) and doing something investigate and also find something that can using later to live of community, so in every teaching, the teacher asked to can be arrange or design the lesson with attractive (Ahmad Rohani and Abu Ahmadi, 1995, p.20)

If the above efforts are not successful teaching can be put incentive in an effort to achieve learning objectives. Incentives are a tool used to persuade someone to do something that will not do or are not doing well.

Expected incentives to motivation and possible students’ interest in teaching that will appear (Slamato, 2003,p. 181)

To mastery English subject as a foreign language the student have to llike the subject so that the interest will appear in students self. Some magnate in education world believe that almost all of students can mastery the lesson material fully by some qualification: talent to learning something, teaching quality, aptitude to understanding lesson, discipline and time available for study (Nasution, 2005, p.38)

Increase students’ interest in learning a few things that could arouse their interest to keep the attention and learning with enthusiasm.

Increase the students’ interest in learning process will be more effective that the purpose of learning get success.

a. Learning Material that Interest



Learning materials is a core element in the teaching and learning activities because learning material that is in trying to do for the control of the student. Therefore, in particular teacher or curriculum developers generally should not forget to think how far the materials listed in the syllabus topic related to the needs of students at a certain age and in a certain environment as well.

b. Learning tools that interest

Another element that may serve to support the delivery of learning materials is the tools or media studies and education. In the description of the teaching-learning strategy has been much talk about anything that can be categorized as a means of learning, why should we use and why you should use.

c. Creating a Calm Atmosphere and Fun for learning

Situation of study environment that calm and fun will be caught students’ interest in learning English. Atmosphere very supported to the teaching and learning process in the class. These supports will adding students spirit to do the learning activities.

d. Explain the Purpose of Learning English

Explain the purpose of learning English to the student can build good assumption for student. Know about purpose of learning English its means know what English is very important in own life. Interest can be developing by study. So the students must know about purpose of learning English.

6. Relevant Studies

In this study, the researcher did the research about the students’

interest in learning English at the tenth grade of senior high school Jambi city. There aresome previous researcher that have discussed about students interest in learning English, they are:

Firstly, the student from English education study program of teacher training and education faculty Tanjung University Pontianak


named Friscka Manurung (2018, p.5), by journal entitled “ students’

interest in learning english” the finding of this research revealed that third semester students of Indonesia Language Education Study Program teacher training and Education Faculty of TanjungpuraUniversity have high interest in learning english and they are awre of the importance of English language in their education but do not really use English as a source or media to obtain information or knowledge.

Secondly, the other reseach in a journal is from Teflin (2017) by titled “Exploring Students Interest in Learning English”. In his research, the students of elementary school in Kudus tend to have high interests in learning English. There are 83 students who are interested in learning English, and 55 students are very interested, while only 4 students are not interested in learning English.

Here my thesis is different from the previous research, which is by observation the researcher find that some of students at the tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi city that between of students in tenth grade most of them have a lack interest in learning English. That happens because of the students assumption that they think learning English is a foreign language that is difficult to master and the students have a little knowledge about English subject




A. Research Design

In this study, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative, because this research was conducted to reveal how students are interested in learning English and the researcher found the student problem at tenth grade when they are study in their classroom. It can be seen at their response in learning English. They showed less spirit, noise in the classroom and can’t focus to the explanation their English teacher.

Moleong (2010:5) state “qualitative research is research that intends to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by the subject of research such as behavior, perception, motivation, action, holistically, and by means of description in the form of words and languages.

According Latief (2015:77) qualitative research is a process of inquiry aimed understanding human behavior by building complex, holistic pictures of the social and cultural setting in which such behavior occurs. It does so by analyzing words rather then numbers, and by reporting the detailed view of the people who have been studied. Such inquiry is conducted in setting where people naturally interact, as opposed to specially designed laboratories or clinical/experimenta setting

According Sugiyono (2009:15) qualitative research method is a method of research based on the philosopy of post-positivism is used to examine to condition of natural objects. (as apposed of experiment) where the researcher are as a key of instrument, sampling data is done purposively and snowball, techniques of collecting with the triangulation (combined), data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and the result of the qualitative research emphasizes the meaning of generalization.


In conclusion, this research will be a descriptive qualitative research because data are in the form of word. This will cause the researcher wants to describe about what are the factors that influence students’ interest in learning English at tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi City and how are student’s responses in learning English.

B. Setting and Subject of Research 1. Setting Research

This research does in senior high school 7 Jambi City and it is located on JL.KH.M. Zuhdi Kel. Ulu Gedong Kec. Danau Teluk Kota Jambi.The students and the teacher can reach this school easy the condition of this school is a good enough because the government and gives some helps in improving the quality of their school. The building of this school in a good condition and the facilities of this school can help the student’s process so far.

2. Subject Research

The subject in this research is student at tenth grade senior high school Jambi City. There are six classes at tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi city such as X MIA 1, X MIA 2, X MIA 3, X ISS 1, X ISS 2, AND X ISS 3, in this research the researcher only takes class X ISS 1.

C. Source and Kind of Data 1. Source data

The data will be taken from:

a. Headmaster b. English teacher c. student

2. Kind of data a. Primary data



Sugiyono (2012:308) stated that primary data is the data has been taken directly from participant that correlated with this research. In this research, primary data is the main data to get information about the students interest in learning English at tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi City.

b. Secondary data

Secondary data is the data supporting of this research.

Sugiyono (2010:193) stated that secondary data us the data has been taken indirect from respondents with data taker. The secondary data will be data collected the lesson plan.

D. Technique and Instrument of Collecting Data

According to Nazir (2005), he said: “pengumpulan data adalah prosedur yang sistematis dan standar untuk memperoleh data yang dibutuhkan”.

Collecting data doing by researcher to get information and coherences’ data and suit to the purpose of research, so this research using method of collecting data as follows:

1. Observation

Marshall said in Sugiyono (2010), “through observation, the researchers learn about behavior and the meaning attached to those behavior” (p.310). with observation we can learn something about research object.

According to Suharsimi Arikunto (2006), he said “metode observasi adalah suatu usaha sadar untuk mengumpulkan data yang dilakukan secara sistematis, dengan prosedur yang terstandar”

Observation do to get information about human behavior like happen in the reality (Nasution, 2011, p.106)

This method use by researcher to direct look and knows about the location of researxh, write that related with research like: condition of


teaching and learning process at English subject and students’ interest in learning English at tenth grade senior high school 7 Jambi city.

2. Interview

According to nasution (2011), “ wawancara atau interview adalah suatu bentuk komunikasi verbal jadi semacam percakapan yang bertujuan memperoleh informasi”’

Esterberg 2002 in sogiyono (2010), he said “a meeting of two persons to exchange information and ideas through question and responses, resulting in communication and joint construction of a meeting about a particular topic” (p.317). interview is a meeting of two persons to do communication, exchange ideas through question and responses in one topic so that take a result data.

According to Nazir (2005), he said:

Yang dimaksud dengan wawancara adalah proses memperoleh keterangan untuk tujuan penelitian dengan cara Tanya jawab, sambil bertatap muka antara si penanya atau pewawancara dengan si penjawab atau responden dengan menggunakan alat yang dinamakan dengan interview guide (panduan wawancara) (p.193). interview is process to get information for objective of research through interview, face to face interview with responder through use tools that namely interview guide.

This method used to know students’ interest in learning English, what aspects makes lack students’ interest in learning English, how student response in learning English and another have connection to the research.

In this research, the writer willconduct face-to-face interviews with the students to get some information that will need for this research.

The interview will be about how are students interest in learning English, question as intrument to collected the data of this research



students interest and other data which correlated to the research. The complete instrument of this collecting data will explain in appandix.

3. Documentation

Documentation is a record of past events (Sugiyono,2010, p. 329).

Documentation can form writing, image, or someone monument composition. Through documentation we can to know much about something. Through documentation we can read and study about science by our self.

According to Suharsimi Arikunto (2006),,“metode dokumentasi yaitumencari data mengenai hal-hal atau variable yang berupa catatan, transkip, buku, surat kabar, majalah, prasasti, notulen rapat, lengger, agenda dan sebagainya”

This method helped the researcher to get the data needed. The data about:

a. Number of class in senior high school 7 Jambi City

b. Number of students in every class in senior high school 7 Jambi city

E. Technique of Data Analysis

According Nasution (1988), in Sugiyono (2010), he said: “analisis telah mulai sejak merumuskan dan menjelaskan masalah, sebelum terjun ke lapangan dan berlangsung terus sampai menulisan hasil penelitian” the data analysis that used in this research as follows:

1. Data Reduction

In this research do the data reduction to get specific information, focused to important data and dump something data that no needed from data found in field by technique of collecting data that namely:

observation, interview and documentation. After data choose suit to the formulation of problem in this research than do the data display.

2. Data Display

Data display used in this research to show clearly the result of the research. The data will be organizer, arranged between all of the data


with connected so that will more easy to understand. After collected the data, be organized, be arranged and the next manner is writing data.

3. Conclusion/verification

After the collected data by reduce and displayed the next step in data analysis is conclusion drawing. The describing conclusion for all content of research that mention begins and boosted with valid evidences and consistent while researcher back to the field to collecting data so the conclusion drawing is credible conclusion.

F. Triangulation

Moleong (2009:330) triangulation is authenticity audit technique of exploiting data something else outside the data for checking or as comparator to data. Triangulation, which at most applied is inspection through other source. Triangulation with source means to compare and check back of time and different equirement in qualitative research.

That thing is reachable by way: observation, interviewing, and documentation.



G.Research Schedule

Schedule of the study can be seen in the following table

NO Activities Month

May Jane July August Septemb



1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Preparation of proposal

2 Improvement of proposal

3 Seminar of proposal

4 Improvement of seminar

5 Research permit

6 Research preparation

7 Research improvement

8 Scrip arrange 9 Scrip


10 Final report




A. Research Finding 1. General finding

a. History of the senior high school 7 Jambi city

The senior high school 7 Jambi city has been established sice November 20, 1984. The purpose of the school as part of the national education goal is to increase intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and skills to live independently and attend further education.

List of names of Head of Private Senior High School 7 Jambi city

No Nama Periode Pendidikan

1. Dra. Nurlela Samsu, BA 1984-1987 S1

2. Drs. Hamidan Hasyim 1987-1990 S1

3. Drs. Bustomi Ajudin 1990-1996 S1

4. Drs. Maskur, AR 1996-1999 S1

5. Drs. A. Khalik 1999-2003 S1

6. Drs. Fatma Nursidik 2003-2008 S1

7. Arthur S.Ag. M.Pd 2008-2012 S1

8. Samuri, S.Pd 2012-2014 S1

9. Harun Sohar, S.Pd. M.Pd 2014-2016 S2

10. Samuri, S.Pd 2016- S1

Vision, Mission and Objectives Senior High School 7 Jambi City 1) Vision

“Noble, Smart, Indepent”



The above vision reflects the ideal of the future-oriented school by paying attention to the present potential, n accordance with the norms and expectations of the community.

2) Mission

a) Developing the potential of students includes aspects:

knowledge, skills, physical and aesthetics while still paying attention to religious principles, morals, character and cultural values.

b) Carry out the 4S culture (senyum, sapa, salam, salim) c) Deve;oping the potential of students as a whole according to

this intelligence.

d) Developing independence in implementing education/learning in accordance with the National Education Standards (SNP) e) Developing a national insight and love for the motherland.

f) Preparing school residents to face the era of globalization, information, technology and innovation,

2. Specific Finding

a. Students’ Interest in learning English

Teaching learning activities is as a process to reach instructional purpose, the teacher tries to manage learning environment patently, in order to make students enthusiastic to learn.

The students are subject and object of teaching activities. Because of it, the core of teaching process is students learning activities to reach an instructional purpose. Purpose of instruction surely will reach if the students involve not only from their physical but from their spirits too.

If just their physical active, but their thinking and mental is not active, so the possibility purpose of instruction will not reach, it means the same as the students who are not learn, while the purpose of learning is changing.


Learning teaching activities will not be implemented if there is no interest of students because strong or low interest in learning will influence learning goal. Because of that, interest needs to try.

Remembering interest as engine in act, so if the students that have less interest, so they must build it.

Based on observation done in learning teaching English, the students had less interest, for example when teaching learning activities took place, many of students were silent in learn, they did not understand what the teacher said, the students often played truant while the lesson occurred, they seldom did their homework, they often asked permission to go out of class so the end purpose of learning did not reach.

The result of interview that in the writer has done with the students can be seen below:

“saya lebih suka belajar bahasa Indonesia dari pada bahasa Inggris karena belajar bahasa Indonesia lebih mudah dipahami dari pada bahasa Inggris”(Melani Putri, interview in August 28 2019)

“saya tidak suka belajar bahasa Inggris, jika belajar tentang tenses sangat sulit bagi saya karena ada banyak tenses yang harus diketahui, sementara dari semua tenses banyajk yang hamper sama satu sama lain”(febrianti, interview in August 28 2019)

From the result of interview above, it can be understood that less interest of students toward English caused they assume that English is very difficult.



b. The Factor that Influence Students’ Interest in learning English

From the results of observation and interview at senior high school 7 Jambi city with English teacher and students there are several factors the students’ interest in learning English, namely internal factors and external factors.

1) Internal Factor a) Health

Health is very important in learning process because without health own body will tired, floppy, less spirit and easily bored. It has influence to own brain and own manner think. This situation will minimize student’s interest.

Based on an interview with Mr. Muhammad Isa said that:

“siswa yang ada permasalah dalam kesehatan seperti sakit mereka itu akan malas belajar ataupun tidak focus saat belajar”(interview, august 28,2019)

Then the result interview with the student said that:

“saya kalo sakit tidak focus dalam belajar”(interview, august 28,2019)

From the result interview above, health very important in teaching and learning process

Based on observation to some students at the tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi city that there are some students felt not quite well to their health when they are study and fact healthy is very influence to the learning English in the classroom (Observation on august 26,2019)

b) Talent

Talent affect in learning process. If student study suit to their talent that they will more spirit and enjoy do anything to know and learn something because they will easily to adapt and their ability to the subject.


Based on an interview with mr. Muhammad Isa said that:

“Siswa itu ada yang memiliki bakat dalam bahasa inggris dan itu cenderung membuat dia lebih mudah memahaminya (interview on august 28 2019)

Based on interview to student of tenth grade that named Dody Kurniawann he said:

“saya tidak suka bahasa Inggris karena menurut saya bahasa Inggris itu sulit untuk dipahami dan kosa kata saya juga masih sanagat sedikit” (interview on August 28, 2019) And interview with khoirunnisa, she said that:

”saya pikir bakat itu sebuah kunci untuk mudah memahami sesuatu” (interview on August 28, 2019)

The conclusion from the answers above, the students who have talent are more likely to understand than student who do not have talent.

c) Intelligence

Intelligence in very important in teaching and learning process. Intelligence will easily the student to understand and mastery the lesson. If students have high intelligence it will make them diligent and smart and on the contrary if students have low intelligence they will experience difficult to understand and mastery the subject. Based on an interview with Mr. Muhammad Isa said that:

“kecerdasan itu sangat penting bagi siswa untuk menguasai dan memahami setiap pelajaran, siswa yang memiliki intelligence akan lebih cenderung meiliki nilai yang bagus dari pada anak yang biasa-biasa saja” (interview on august 28, 2019)

From the result interview above, it can be understood that intelligent students will found it easier to understand lessons.



d) Attention

Attention to the subject and all of has relation them will help student to understand and deepen their knowledge to the subject. Therefore, attention will be rising students’ interest in learning. If student have attention more to the English subject automatically their study outcome will be better.

Based on observation to the students when they still learning English most of them did not give their full attention to the English subject its can be seen by their response in learning English. Most of them playing, talking to their friend and noise when their English teacher explain the material in front of the class (observation, on august 26, 2019)

e) Students Assumption

Assumption to the English is very important. If we have good assumption to the English we will enjoy to study and diligent to reading the book English. If students learning English with good assumption, interested, enjoy and diligent so the result of final test will better.

The result of interview that the writer has done with students can be seen bellow:

“Saya tidak suka bahasa Inggris karena saya rasa bahasa Inggris itu sangat susah seperti tulisan dan bacaanya berbeda” (interview in august 28, 2019}

Besides that other student also stated

“menurut saya bahasa Inggris cukup sulit dikuasai dan saya merasa malu jika ditanya tentang bahasa Inggris saya tidak biasa menjawabnya”(interview in august 28,2019)


“saya pikir bahasa inggris adalah bahasa yang sulit untuk dipahami karena saya tidak tau artinya tapi kadang-kadang saya suka belajar bahasa inggris”(interview in august 28,2019)

From the result of the interview above, it can be comprehended that less interest of students toward learning English is caused by difficulties of pronunciation and way of reading English and do not know vocabulary.

2) External Factor a) Family

To get the result better in teaching and learning process has to support by the family. Situation and relation between one to the other in family is very important to support student activity and give suggestions that can raise someone spirits in learning activities.

Based on interview with mr. Muhammad Isa said that:

“Keluarga atau orang tua itu pendidikan pertama bagi anak- anaknya, jadi cara orang tua mendidik anak-anaknya sangat berpengaruh bagaimana cara belajar siswa disekolah, jika orang tua nya itu memberikan dukungan yang kuat untuk nya dalam belajar bahasa inggris mungkin anak nya akan tertarik belajar bahasa inggris” (interview on august 28 2019

Based on interview to student of tenth grade that named M. Ilham Pirdaus he said:

“saya bukan keturun bule sehingga saya tidak suka belajar bahasa inggris” (interview on august 28 2019)

From the resul interview above, family encouragement is very influential in achievement the learning objectives of their children.



b) School

Participate from the school to create enjoy situation and support teaching and learning activities in the school will help students to increase their attention and interest. Therefore, participate from the school is very important. The program that created by the school have to attractive. The principal, all teacher especially English teachers must give support and encouragement to the student to get successful in study.

c) Community

Community environment where students live can be influence students’ interest in learning English. The students who live in the community environment that usual use English as means to communicate to the other will help student to know vocabulary much and understand every words that pronounced by the someone. This situation will give full support to the students in their learning English in the school.

The students will find fact from the theory that they learn in the school. The facts will make students brain more grown up and to think sharp. Successful in the community environment will indirectly support student to get success in the school by study diligent.

Based on an interview with mr. Muhammad Isa said that:

Karena dilingkungannya jarang yang berbahasa inggris sehingga anak itu malas untuk belajar inggris padahal bahasa inggris itu sangat penting untuk masa depannya.

(interview on august 28 2019)

c. Students Response in Learning English

Students’ response in learning English at tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi city can be say it’s still very low and it can be seen when they are teaching and learning English process. Most of them have lack


interest in learning English. When they are teaching and learning English process in the classroom most of them talk to others person, noisy in the classroom when their English teacher explain about the English material, easily bored and most bed is go out from the class when English learning in progress. It makes them have difficult to understand the English material.

The low students’ interest in learning English is very influential on learning in the classroom. This can be explained on the following:

1. Wrong assumption to the English

Basic assumption is crucial to learning in the implanted in the heart. So the basic assumption of this will give impressions when the learning process takes place. If the basic assumption is wrong then the response to learning English will not be entirely come from the heart and this will cause lazy to learn English because it considers that it is not important and does not benefit to them.

Based on the observation in the tenth grade of senior high school 7 jambi city that most of students in the tenth grade they are less like English subject. They assume that learning English is difficult to master and they have a weak interest towards learning English. It can be seen by the researcher through student responses when they are in teaching and learning in English lessons. They are a lot of talk in the classroom, whispering to their friends, play games and many are bored. (observation, august 26, 2019)

Based on the interview with Yuridal Hana he said that:

“saya tidak terlalu suka bahasa Inggris karena pelajaran bahasa inggris cukup sulit untuk dipahami” (interview, august 28 2019)

2. Easily bored

Students who do not have a high interest of the lessons in school, especially learning English so he will tend to be easily bored and sleepy when learning English. By the time students feel



bored and tired of the English lessons the student would find a way to eliminate boredom like invite their friend to talk, playing with own self and ask permission to go out of the classroom with a variety of reasons.

Observation to the students, there are some students coming out of the classroom because their bored in learning English during English lessons are in progress. They are tired of learning English in most of them one by one go out from the classroom with the permission from the teacher who was teaching with a variety of reasons (observation, August 26, 2019)

Based on interview to student of tenth grade that named Teddi Ardiansyah he said:

“saya sering merasa bosan ketika saya tidak mengerti apa yang dijelaskan oleh guru karena materinya sulit dan tidak menarik”(interview on august 28 2019)

3. Afraid

Observation to the students in tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi city. In learning English as a foreign language, students tend to be afraid wrong to their words in writing and pronunciation when they speaking English. Thus making the students are not free and feel pressured to learn English and this pressure makes it uncomfortable to learn and sit in the classroom. With so were forced to sit in the classroom and bored, so the material presented by the teacher cannot be mastered maximal by student (observation, August 25, 2019)

Based on interview with Ahmad subhan he said that:

“saya takut dan malu jika seseorang bertanya kepada saya tentang bahasa inggris jika saya tidak bisa menjawab, dari pda takut salah lebih baik saya diam ” (interview, August 28, 2019)


4. Noise in the classroom

When students are learning English in the classroom with a very weak interest towards learning English so students will easily bored and tired and they would try to relieve the boredom and saturation was chatting with a friend so the class becomes noisy.

The atmosphere is calm and conducive learning will also influence the effective learning.

Observation to some student tenth grade that noisy in the classroom because they have a weak interest of English teaching.

The researcher know because if they have a strong interest towards learning English they must be diligent in asking and the spirit of learning and communicating with the teacher to ask that have not understood the lesson and will not be noisy in the classroom when they are teaching and learning process (observation, august 29, 2019)

B. Discussion

a. Students’ interest in learning English at tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi city

Student interest in the tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi city in English subjects is still weak. Their perception of English as a foreign language difficult to understand and make them become lazy and do not learn when they are in the spirit of teaching and learning in schools. This contributes have effect to their English learning achievement. In many of the students in tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi city has a low interest towards learning English.

Based on the observation s when they are study English in the class many students who are not active in learning, they tend to be silent and confused. There are also students who are trying to eliminate boredom by chatting friends who were nearby, so the atmosphere of learning English when it became nosier and less effective. Even more alarming



is the one by one among the students who have a weak interest in their English class out of the classroom with the excuse would wash my face, ablution, want to buy drinking water, etc. (observation, august, 2019)

Weakness students’ interest tenth grade in learning English causes them to lack the spirit to learn English and easily bored. Interest in learning is very important because it is owned by the students’ interest in learning would be devastating students and ways of learning.

Interest which high will encourage someone for more active and do not want to give up. In learning English the students who have a high interest in spirit of learning even though teachers’ English was not able to attend on that day but the enthusiasm students will look by they are learn the English subject with themselves, reading books in English, discussing the English lessons with classmates and hold a study group.

Activeness students in learning English in their classroom and outside the classroom is the impetus an interest who exist within his soul so that they interested and did not feel forced to do learning activity. This gives strength and encouragement to the creative and high spirit of the learning English in the school. Teacher who directs and monitors the process of learning English and looking some different student achievement that have a high interest in learning English to students who have a weak interest in learning English the results are different.

Based on an interview with Mr. Muhammad Isa said that:

“bahwa kuranya minat siswa dalam belajar bahasa inggris sangat berpengaruh dalam cara belejar dikelas dan hasil mereka dari tes akhir berbeda, dimana siswa yang memiliki nilai minat tinggi lebih baik dari pada kebanyakan siswa lain yang memiliki minat belajar bahasa inggris yang lemah” (interview august 28, 2019)


Observation made by researcher in the tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi city showed that most of the tenth grade students have a weak interest in learning English. They seemed do not zealous in learning. They did not attention to the explanations and descriptions of the English teachers. They were more playing around, joking with friends, captured in the classroom so that classroom activities seem not conducive for learning English is not supported by students’ own interest and desires. The lack students’ interest so that they did not attention and do not care about learning English. (observations, august 25, 2019)

b. The factors that influence students’ interest in learning English 1. Internal factor

a) Health

Health is very important in the teaching and learning process. Because if students are sick they are not focused on learning and the end purpose of learning did not reach. On her study Elizabed b. Hurlock, (1978:208), says that good health encourage the dominance of the pleasant emotion, while poor health encourage the dominance of unpleasant emotion. In other words, an emotional health students express feelings and has some measure of control over their reaction.

b) Talent

Based on the result interview and observation at tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi city, talent is also a factor that affects the student’s weak interest in learning English. Many students think English is difficult, even though talent is the easy key for students to easily understand English.

c) Intelligence

Another factor of students low interest in learning English is intelligence, based on the result interview at tenth grade of



senior high school 7 Jambi city, they thinks intelligence is very important to mastery and understand every lesson, because of the high and low intelligence that determiner the success their students have to achieve the learning achievement. Intelligence is the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situation. (Merriam Webter’s, 1993:608). In other words, intelligence here means that students ability to receive the lesson in teaching and learning process.

d) Attention

Attention plays an important role in learning process. It also very important factor which influence on learning. Attention is act on state of attending especially though applying the mind to an object of sense of though. (Meriam Webter, 1993:74)

When learning students who do not get the teacher’s attention will be more easily bored, and they will divert their boredom by inviting friends to talk, they also often asked permission to go out of class, so the end purpose of learning did not reach.

e) Students assumption

The students interest toward learning English is low, it can be seen from the student assumption, they assume that English is very difficult.

2. External factor a) Family

The students’ interest in learning English can be influence by family environment. According to Slamato (2003:60-64) the family factors consist of; the way of parents educate their children will affect the way children learn and think, the relationship of parent with their children, the atmosphere of the house and the family’s socioeconomic status.


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