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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of SarjanaPendidikan



Reg. No. 2102121011






Praise to the Lord for His wonderful love to the writer, His Savior who always guides the writer in everything, in sadness and happiness. The writer would have never thought Lord’s plans would bring the writer here, finishing this thesis.

This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan (S-1) at the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

In the process of completing the thesis, the writer has been directly assisted by some people, so at this moment, the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu HajarDamanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of


Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and

Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head of English Department. Rika, S.Pd, M.Hum,. as the Secretary of English Department, Dra. Meisuri, MA., as the Head of English Non-Educational Program and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Program,

Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.  Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd., as her Thesis Supervisor.

Drs. Zainuddin, DIP.TEFL.,M.Hum., as her Reviewer and Examiner.

Dra. Sri Juriati Ownie, M.A., as her Reviewer and Examiner.

All the Lecturers of English Department who have taught, guided, and

advised her throughout the academic years.

Mam Euis, as the administration staff of English Department, for her

attention, assistance, and information in completing it.

Her Dad, Lendianer Saragih and her Mom Nurlianna Purba, thank you for wonderful love, prayer, financial support, and being irreplaceable. The writer’s special gratitude also goes to her dearest brother and sister,

Richardo Saragih, SE and Dewi Julita Putri Sari Saragih. And also for


The Headmaster of SMA Negeri I Raya, Harmedin Saragih, S.Pd. M.Pd, his permission and opportunities in allowing the writer to do observation and to collect data and Winner Purba, the English teacher of SMA Negeri I Raya, for his help during the research

Her best friends, (Elsa Ernawati Nainggolan, Erna Wati Gultom, Helti

Margaretha Tarigan and Roida Sinurat). Thank you for everything that

we have shared. Her Small Group “STEMPEL” (Chandra Irvan Dicky Simarmata, Erna Wati Gultom, Harnoi Asrin Lumban Gaol and Herbiana Sipayung) thank you for being my family almost 4 years. And

also Ingrid Laurensia Simanungkalit who have helped in looking for the reference in completing this thesis and all friends of English Department

2010 year, especially Regular A class.

Her special person, Andreas Sembiring for his wholly time, prayer support, advices and love, during the process in accomplishing this thesis.  All people that can not be mentioned one by one for their care, support,

prayer and love. May all the assistance, support and simplicity given by all of the people can be their charity and got merit from Jesus Christ, Amen.

Medan, September 2014

The Writer




A.Background of the Study ... 1

A. Theoretical Framework ... 7

1. Writing Skill ... 7

2. Criteria of Good Writing ... 9

3. Teaching English Writing for Senior High School Students ... 10

4. Teaching Learning Activities ... 11

5. General Concept of the Text ... 13

6. Genres of Text ... 14

7. The Diffrences betwrrn Spoof ans Anecdote ... 18

8. Concept of Spoof Text ... 20

a. Definition of Spoof ... 20

b. Social Function of Spoof ... 20

c. Generic Structure of Spoof ... 20

d. Significant Lexicogrammatical or Language Feature of Spoof ... 21

e. The Example of Spoof Text ... 22

9. Concept of Media ... 23

a. Definition of Media ... 23

b. Classification of Media ... 23

c. Video as One of Media in Language Teaching ... 24

10. Concept of Video ... 24

a. Definition of Video ... 24

b. Types of Video ... 25


1. Advantages of Using Video ... 26

2. Disadvantages of Using Video ... 27

d. Applying Video in the Teaching of Spoof Writing ... 28


A. Research Design ... 30

B. The subject of Research... 30

C. The Technique for Collecting Data ... 30

D. The Technique for analyzing the Data ... 31




A. The Data ... 37

B. The Data Analysis ... 37

C. Research Finding and Discussion ... 39


A. Conclusion ... 51

B. Suggestions ... 51




Table Page

3.1 Percentage of The Element of Writing... 33

3.2 Scoring Guidance and The explanation of Criterion ... 33

3.3 Category of grade and level of achievement ... 36

4.1 The Lowest and The Highest Score Element of Writing ... 38






A. The Background of the Study

Language is used as a means of communication in human being life. It is very important because it is used when people make an interaction with other

people. Language is the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way.


There are many kinds of languages which are taught in schools, but English is one of these languages which mostly has roles in educational side. Most

of schools in Indonesia take English as the main subject besides German, Japan, Spain, etc. The implication is, students will be able to understand many kinds of things using English language.

Considering the importance of the language, Indonesia’s government has

drawn up English as a foreign language that should be mastered by the students.

In Indonesia, English teaching aims at mastering four basic skills of language, which include listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

One of these four skills which is very important and most required in

academic field is writing. Writing is one of language skills by which students can express their ideas in written form. It means that they have to be able to write


However, a number of people agree to say that writing is a difficult task to do because of its complexity. Such assumption appears to be true because it really

requires many efforts, much time, and great attention from the writer toward the topic as well as the process itself.

Heaton (2005-2008: 135) stated that, “The writing are complex and sometimes difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only of grammatical and rhetorical devices but also of conceptual and judgmental elements.Writing should

be practiced and learned gradually in order to make the students master it well. The students also need time and special task to improve this ability. According to

Nunan (2003) writing is both a process and product. The writer imagines, organize, drafts, edits, reads, and rereads. The process refers to the act of

gathering ideas and working with them until they are presented in a manner that is polished and comprehensible for the readers. Writing also needs some other skills such as ability to choose appropriate words, ability to arrange words to be good

sentences and paragraphs.

In reality, most of students always get difficulties when they are asked to

write in English. There are some factors that cause this, they are: 1. Students want to write just because they are asked by the teacher to do that as their task and it makes them feel more difficult to write in English because they do not make it as

their habit, 2. The students are still confused how to start writing, they did not know how to write systematically and how to make every sentences coherence, 3.


sometimes in the other case, the teachers do not check the students’ task, so the students do not know their difficulties in writing

In learning English, there are so many kinds of genres. They are: description, recount, narration, procedure, explanation, discussion, exposition,

news item, report, anecdote, spoof and functional text. Each genre has its own social function, difficulties, generic structure and language feature. However, in the process of learning, sometimes students get bored.

Jeremy adds that students’ boredom is the greatest enemy in teaching learning, he states, “One of the greatest enemies of successful teaching is students’ boredom.

Students frequently know what is going to happen in class and they know this because it will be the same as what happen in the last class and just sitting of

classes before”. In order to eliminate students’ boredom; the teacher should be creative enough in selecting genre of text to be taught of 14 genres.

To make students motivate and enjoyable to learn, the teacher should use an

interesting strategy which motivate students to learn.

Furthermore, based on preliminary observation that the writer has done at

second grade of Senior High School in Pematang Raya, the writer find out the students’ problem in writing Spoof. And the result of the observation showed that

some of the students face problem in generic structure and the other face problem

in language features. Generic Structure and Language features in a text have a big influence in producing a good text.


social function and language features which are produced by the eleventh grade students of senior high school with their writing result.

In understanding the spoof text, in other case the students’ problem in writing mostly caused by some factors such as; the students’ interest and

liveliness in writing class were low because they are not accustomed to write in English, less positive response on writing assignments, they feel burdened to write in English. For example; when the teacher explained the material by using English

language, the students feel bored to follow the lesson because they did not understand what the teacher said, they did not mastering the vocabularies well,

and automatically they did not understand the spoof text correctly. It made the students confused how to differentiate between the spoof text and other text, they

feel confused how to differentiate between the generic structure of spoof text and the generic structure of other text.

Usually, all time of teaching writing only focuses on the theory of

grammar or writing concept, it was not support the students to write as much as possible. Then, when the teacher give the writing assignment, they feel burdened

to write in English because they are still confused how to write spoof text correctly. The students have difficulties in organizing the writing spoof text because they just imagine what they have to write, they did not understand the

concept of spoof text so there were many students who need long time to think although only a few sentences.


the teacher can choose an appropriate teaching media to help students to develop their spoof writing. The researcher will try to solve the students’ problem based

on the teaching and learning spoof text by using video. Video is one of media in which people can record image event, organize them and then communicate them

to others. Most of audiovisual media not only make students more easy to understand the material, but also make students enjoy in the writing class. By using video, students will feel something new and different from what they

usually get in their class. One of the main function of video is that students do not just hear language, they see it too.

Today, using video have some goals. Azhar (2003: 48) states that “Generally, video is used to entertainment, documentation, and education. Video

can provide information, process, and teach some skills, etc.

From the explanation above, the writer concluded that video is one of the audio visual media that can be used in teaching writing. It makes something more

interesting for students. It also can be used in creating situation for writing class more clearly.

B. The Problem of the Study

Related to the background, the problem in this study is formulated as follows:

1. What are the problems faced by the students in writing spoof text?


C. The Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem of study, the objective of this study are:

1. To describe the students’ problem in writing spoof text.

2. To design teaching learning activities to solve the students’ problem of

writing spoof.

D. The Scope of the Study

The scope of this study is limited on analyzing students’ problem in

writing spoof text. Especially, on text organizations and language features.

E. The Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are expected to contribute to:

1. Theoretically, the teachers of English know the students’ problem in writing

spoof text, so the teacher can choose appropriate teaching media in teaching spoof text.

2. Practically, the students of English are able to write spoof text in a good



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Table               Page 3.1 Percentage of The Element of Writing......................................................


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