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The Analysis of Skopos, Translation Methods and Strategies in BBC Online Articles of Middle East News

Robi Rizkiana (1002766)

Main Supervisor : Ahsin Muhammad, Drs. M.Ag.

Co-Supervisor : Susi Septaviana, S. Pd. M.Pd.

The research aims to investigate and identify the skopos of the target texts, translation method and strategies used by BBC in translating Middle East news online articles. This research employed descriptive qualitative methodology with descriptive statistics method. The data were taken from BBC main website for 20 original articles (English version) and BBC Indonesia for 20 translated articles (Indonesian version). The data were analyzed based on translation theories of translation methods proposed by Newmark (1988) and translation strategies, including selected microstrategies proposed by Schjoldager (2008, in Jensen, 2009); and strategies related to journalistic translation from Klaudy and Laviosa in Vybíralová (2012), Bani (2006), and Bielsa and Bassnett (2009). The result revealed that the skopos of the target texts is to make informative text in form of brief online news articles for Indonesian readers. The target texts also should have the characteristics of the journalistic translation which are to give less-effort readability (Bani, 2006) and immediate comprehension. The translation method which becomes the translator’s overall plan is Communicative Translation in 14 articles (70%) with 93 occurrences (50%). Communicative Translation makes the target texts comprehensive and acceptable to the readership (Newmark, 1988). It also establishes less-effort readability. The other methods are Faithful Translation in 6 articles (30%) with 72 occurrences (38%) and Free Translation with only 21 occurrences (11%). In translation strategies analysis, Explicitation has 28 occurrences (37%), Calque with 26 occurrences (34%), Change of sentence order with 10 occurrences (13%), Simplification with 9 occurrences (12%), Direct transfer with 2 occurrences (3%) and Inclusion of explanation with 1 occurrence (1%). Explicitation is used more often than calque in the translation process as one of the functional characteristics of informative text type which is to transmit referential contents (Reiss, 1976 in Munday, 2001). The other strategies, Cutting was used in 18 articles (90%) and there are 13 articles (65%) in which their titles were changed. 12 articles were changed from direct to indirect titles and one article from indirect to direct titles. Cutting supports the skopos by omitting additional information (subsections), while Indirect Titles make the target text titles brief and establish attraction to the target readers by presenting hint.



Penelitian yang berjudul “Analisis Skopos, Metode dan Strategi Penerjemahan pada Artikel Online BBC Berita Timur Tengah” bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi dan mengidentifikasi skopos teks sasaran, metode dan strategi penerjemahan yang digunakan oleh BBC dalam menerjemahkan artikel berita online Timur Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi deskriptif dengan metode descriptive statistics. Data diambil dari situs utama BBC untuk 20 artikel berbahasa Inggris dan BBC Indonesia untuk 20 artikel terjemahan. Data dianalisis berdasarkan teori metode penerjemahan yang digagas oleh Newmark (1988) dan strategi penerjemahan yang mencakup microstrategies oleh (Schjoldager, 2008 di Jensen, 2009); dan strategi terkait penerjemahan jurnalistik oleh Klaudy dan Laviosa (di Vybíralová 2012), Bani (2006) dan Bielsa dan Bassnett (2009). Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan skopos Bahasa sasaran adalah untuk membuat teks informative dengan bentuk artikel berita online ringkas untuk pembaca Indonesia. Teks sasaran juga harus memiliki karakteristik penerjemahan jurnalistik, yaitu keterbacaan yang mudah dan komprehensi langsung. Metode penerjemahan yang dominan adalah Communicative Translation pada 14 artikel (70%) dengan 93 frekwensi (50%). Communicative Translation membuat teks terjemahan komprehensif dan diterima bagi keterbacaannya (Newmark, 1988) dan membangun keterbacaan yang mudah. Metode lainnya yaitu Free Translation pada 6 artikel dengan 72 frekwensi (38%), dan Free Translation dengan hanya 21 frekwensi (11%). Analisis strategi penerjemahan menemukan 28 frekwensi (37%) Explicitation, 26 frekwensi (34%) Calque, 10 frekwensi (13%), 10 frekwensi (13) Change of sentences order, 9 frekwensi (12%) Simplification, 2 frekwensi (3%) Direct transfer, 1 frekwensi (1%) Inclusion of explanation. Explicitaion lebih banyak digunakan daripada Calque karena salah satu fungsi karakteristik teks informative adalah menjembatani konten referensial (Reiss, 1976 in Munday, 2001). Strategi lainnya yaitu Cutting digunakan pada 18 artikel (90%) dan ada 13 artikel (65%) yang judulnya mengalami Change of title. Ada 12 artikel yang judulnya berubah dari Direct titles menjadi Indirect titles dan satu artikel dari Indirect menjadi Direct title. Cutting mendukung skopos teks sasaran dengan menghilangkan informasi tambahan atau subsection, sementara Indirect Titles membuat judul teks sasaran singkat dan menarik bagi pembaca sasaran dengan menampilkan gambaran artikel yang menarik perhatian pembaca.




This chapter presents the introduction of the research. It provides the background of the research, research questions, aims of the research, significance of the research, scope of the research, clarification of key terms, and organization of the paper.

1.1 Background

In the field of journalistic translation or news translation research, translation is not only about interlingual transfer between a source text and a target text, but also compels the radical rewriting to adapt for a set of readers’ expectations, and adjusts criteria which are suitable to a specific purpose of translation, whether the translation is printed or published in online articles (Bassnett, 2006b). Additionally, it is not only the form but also intended characteristics or functions of the target text from a media institution or a media broadcasting corporation which can determine how the translation process should be conducted. Adaptation or adjustment in translation

process becomes a part of translation issues. In this case, translators should consider situations when the translation takes place to set what translation method and translation strategies for the radical rewriting.

The given situations which are the intended characteristics or functions from a media corporation become a problem for translators to decide what translation method and strategies to be involved in the translation process. These situations provide features which determine the criteria for the translated news to fulfill the target readers’ expectations. Consequently, the translators are required to establish the features from the given situations to generate the appropriate translation method and strategies to be involved in the translation process.


the provisions about journalistic translation, an analysis to be conducted is to uncover what translation method or strategies used when packaging news with the given situations in another language/culture. In addition, to generate the features, functional translation approach with skopos theory can be useful to be accompaniment when investigating the translation methods and strategies in journalistic translation.

There are some scholars who have conducted research related to journalistic translation, for instances: analysis of multimodal aspects in journalistic translation (Bani, 2006), translation analysis of cultural words in a Tempo English magazine (Annisa, 2010), and translation strategies used for translating English to Czech news (Vybíralová, 2012). Meanwhile, different language has different culture so that translation method and strategies used can be different as translating English to Indonesian news and English to other languages, e.g. Czech news. However, there are only little research in English – Indonesian language pair, for instance, analysis of translation methods and strategies in Facebook website translation (Allatief, 2012), analysis of translation strategies in Sony guidebook translation (Satriadi, 2014), and analysis of translation quality and strategies in Google mail web pages translation

(Nugraha, 2015). Research in journalistic translation, especially in online news articles translation is still rare. The previous research is only focused on translation methods and strategies. Therefore, an analysis of translation methods and strategies along with functional translation (skopos) is necessary. The analysis is not only to see the method and strategies used but also to investigate why a method and strategies are chosen by translators for a translation process.


process function to the target text. BBC world news articles related to Middle East are the data which are gathered from BBC official website and BBC Indonesia website. BBC is chosen as it is a famous media corporation which creates local version news websites. News articles related to Middle East are selected as the articles are the most published world news articles in BBC Indonesia website.

1.2 Research Questions

This research is aimed at analyzing the following research questions:

1. What is the skopos of the target texts as opposed to the source texts?

2. What are the most frequent translation method used in translating 20 selected Middle East articles in BBC world news articles?

3. What are the translation strategies used in translating 20 selected Middle East articles in BBC world news articles?

1.3 Aims of the Research

Based on the questions above, this research is conducted to:

1. Investigate the skopos of the target texts.

2. Investigate the dominant translation method used in translating selected Middle East articles in BBC world news articles (macro level analysis), and 3. Observe what translation strategies used in translating selected Middle East

articles in BBC world news articles (micro level analysis).

1.4 Research Methods


The data were gathered from BBC main website (Source Texts) and BBC Indonesia (Target Texts) in Middle East news column for the source texts and Dunia news column for the target texts. In analyzing the data, the skopos of the source texts and the target texts were established and analyzed. After that, translation methods and strategies used in translating selected Middle East articles in BBC world news articles were investigated through percentages of each classification. Each translation process found was observed to see its function to the target texts. Finally, conclusions and suggestions were made based on the research findings.

1.5 Significance of the Research

The analysis of translation methods in BBC world news articles is expected to contribute being a reference in the use of translation methods and strategies for journalistic translation, especially in translating world news articles, and to be a source for students who take internship program as translators for foreign desk at mass media institutions. This research also can enrich references for translators and students to decide what method and strategies which are appropriate to translate

online foreign news articles, especially in translating world news.

1.6 Scope of the Research

This research focuses on finding the skopos, the types of translation methods and strategies used in translating 20 selected Middle East articles in BBC world news articles and how they function and shape the translations. The articles gathered are only those which are displayed on BBC Indonesia world news and Middle East news column of BBC main website. The articles are 20 selected articles from BBC Indonesia and 20 original articles of the Indonesian version articles from BBC main website.


Source Text – The original text which is to be translated into another

language. ST is the acronym.

Source Language – The language which is being translated from, called SL.

Target Text – The translation of the source text. TT is the acronym.

Target Language - The language which is being translated to, also TL.

Skopos – The function of a text or a translated text which gives the translators or initiators prediction of what translation methods and/or strategies must be involved in the translation process (Munday, 2001).

Translation methods – Translation method refers to “the way a particular

translation process is carried out in terms of the translator’s objective, i.e., a global option that affects the whole text” (Molina & Albair, 2002, p. 489).  Translation strategies – Strategies are “the procedures (conscious or

unconscious, verbal or nonverbal) used by the translator to solve problems that emerge when carrying out the translation process with a particular objective in mind” (Molina & Albair, 2002, p. 489).

BBC – BBC is the world's leading public service broadcaster. Its mission is to

enrich people's lives with programs that inform, educate and entertain. BBC World Service broadcasts to the world on radio, on TV and online, providing news and information in 27 languages and world service English language. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/aboutthebbc/insidethebbc/whoweare/atglance)

News – reports on the events, ideas, facts which are interesting and important

to be published in the mass media to be known by public (Barus, 2010).

1.8 Organization of the Paper

This paper is organized into five chapters with specific function and organization elaborated as follows:


significance of the research, scope of the research, clarification of key terms, and organization of the paper.

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW: This chapter provides the theories of translation and previous related researches for conducting the research.

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: This chapter discusses the methodology used for the research, steps and procedures of the research, the instrument of the research, and the reason for choosing the procedures.

CHAPTER IV: DATA PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSIONS: This chapter provides the findings after conducting research and obtaining data. This section will be included data presentation, analysis, and discussion.




This chapter provides the methodology used in this research. As explained in Chapter I, this research inquires into what translation method and strategies used in translating news articles, especially Middle East world news articles. This chapter covers research design, data source, data collection and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

The methodology used to conduct this research was descriptive qualitative methodology since the research aims to make categorical data and analyze the translation phenomena at an informative text. The objective of qualitative research is to understand the individuals, events, and social phenomena, where the researcher observes, analyzes, and makes conclusion (Muhammad, 2011). One of the qualitative characteristics is interpretative which means that the researcher is responsible to make an interpretation of the data (Rossmann and Rallis, 1998 in Creswell, 2003). Wolcott

(1994 in Creswell, 2003, p. 182) explains that:

This includes developing a description of an individual or setting, analyzing data for themes or categories, and finally making an interpretation or drawing conclusions about its meaning personally and theoretically, stating the lessons learned, and offering further questions to be asked.


use frequency distribution which lists each categories of the data and the number of occurrences for each categories of the data in the form of a proportion or a percentage (Weiss, 2013).

In relation to the research, translation methods and strategies used in translating selected Middle East articles in BBC world news articles were investigated by making percentages of classifications.

3.2 Data Source

The data are the articles from BBC local website which are the products of BBC World Services (BBC WS). BBC WS is a part of BBC department which serves multi-lingual news services over many countries (Cheesman, 2011). It creates local websites and broadcasts news in the forms of radio, television, and online news (articles). 32 languages are offered by BBC WS.

3.3 Data Collection

The data were collected from BBC main website and BBC website for

Indonesian language at world news column related to Middle East. BBC websites were chosen as the company which makes translation products, which are the local websites for many countries. In producing the products, the main articles in English version created, translated and then published in the main and local websites. Thus, BBC provides the data or the translation products to be analyzed in order to get provision of how to translate informative texts like online world news articles. Both versions of the articles were taken from October to November 2014 on the news about Middle East conflicts. The news articles of Middle East arise and mostly put in the headline, for instances Islamic State crisis and conflicts in Syria. The researcher chose only news articles at world news column related to Middle East as they were mostly translated and published in the local website of BBC.


original articles, which were the originals and the same or having most identical sentences of the Indonesian version articles. Since not all of translated main articles from different world news column were chosen, they might not show the pattern of translation methods and strategies used by BBC to translate online news articles. However, they can give the readers some ideas of the methods and strategies of translation used in the BBC Indonesia. These were the samples of the article in main website and the article in BBC Indonesia website:


b. Article in BBC Indonesia website (http://www.bbc.co.uk/indonesia)

3.4 Data Analysis

There were several steps to analyze the data. First, the writer read and compared both articles in order to make the juxtaposition of English and Indonesian

version of the articles. The second step was identification and classification of the data based on translation methods proposed by Newmark (1988) and strategies which proposed by Laviosa (1997 in Vybíralová, 2012), Bani (2006), Schjoldager (2008), and Bielsa and Bassnett (2009). Third, the translation methods and strategies found were listed in each categories. Fourth, analyzing and calculating the percentage of each translation methods. Fifth, analyzing and calculating the percentage of each translation strategies classification and analyzing the functions of each strategies were conducted. Last, the conclusions and suggestions were drawn.


P = Note:

P = Percentage F = Frequency N = Overall Number

3.4.1 Analysis of Translation Methods

The identification and classification of translation methods focus on each sentences of a text to see the overall use of each methods (macro level) in each articles. Here are the examples of data analysis of translation methods, as follows:

Table 3.1 Samples of Analysis of Translation Methods

No. English version Indonesian version Methods

1. The situation in Kobane in northern Syria remains "dangerous" says US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel (22).

Situasi di Kobane bagian utara Suriah masih "berbahaya", menurut Menteri Pertahanan AS Chuck Hagel.

Faithful Translation

2. US aircraft have bombed IS positions as Kurdish

fighters cling on to the town's vital border crossing with Turkey (26).

Pesawat AS telah membom daerah yang dikuasai ISIS

sementara pejuang Kurdi melakukan pertempuran darat di daerah perbatasan penting dengan Turki.

Communicative Translation


3.4.2 Analysis of Translation Strategies


Translation strategies used to analyze the news articles are Simplification (Laviosa, 1997 in Vybíralová, 2012), Textual Translation Strategies (Bani, 2006), Microstrategies (Schjoldager, 2008), and Textual Modifications (Bielsa and Bassnett, 2009). Translation strategies focus on the micro units (words, phrases, and expressions) for the analysis. Here are the examples of data analysis of translation strategies, as follows:

Table 3.2 Samples of Analysis of Translation Strategies

No. English version Indonesian version Strategies

1. IS threatened to kill him ISIS mengancam

membunuh Alan

Henning, 47 tahun (4)


2. Officials in the Iraqi Kurdish region said they were ready to send forces but had so far received no orders to do so.

Para pejabat di

wilayah Kurdi Irak mengatakan mereka

siap untuk mengirim pasukan tapi sejauh ini belum menerima perintah. (105)


Note. The words or phrases are those which have the equivalents or translated and the

numbers inside the bracket is used to locate where the units belong to a sentence in Appendix II.


because “received no orders” or “belum menerima perintah” is clear enough for the readership. As are, Explicitation and Simplification are used as the appropriate strategies.

In these samples, the Explicitation and Simplification are used to fulfill two of functional characteristics of informative text, which are to transmit referential content and avoid redundancy.

3.5 Concluding Remark




This chapter is divided into two parts. First, it conveys the conclusions of the present research based on the findings and discussions from the previous section. Second, it presents some suggestions for further research.

5.1 Conclusions

There are conclusions pertaining to the three research questions. In relation to the first question, the skopos of the target texts is different from the skopos of the source texts. The analysis was based on Nord’s translation brief (1997 in Munday, 2001). The skopos of the source texts obligates the news to be presented in depth or completely with the additional or related information. Prominently, it derives from the purpose of the BBC Internet service, which is to present comprehensive news website. Besides, the location where the source texts published, namely Middle East news column indicates priority. Meanwhile, the skopos of the target texts is to make

informative text in the form of brief online news articles for Indonesian readers. Since the source texts were published in World news column where all of the news from around the world is published, the source texts become secondary news in which only main coverage is presented. Thus, the additional or related information are omitted. In addition, the translation brief reveals that the target texts should have the characteristics of the journalistic translation which are to give less-effort readability and immediate comprehension (Bani, 2006).


Translation, while 6 articles (30%) were translated with Faithful Translation. Free Translation is not significant as it is not to be dominant translation used for single article, although there are a few occurrences found.

Communicative Translation method becomes the overall plan as the skopos of the target texts requires less-effort readability and immediate comprehension for the readership. In the findings, the Communicative Translation changes the grammatical structure by making the rendition sound natural and focusing the main message or deleting redundancy and unnecessary information, and using explanation on specific terms to make the target texts easy to comprehend (Newmark, 1988; Nababan, 2003). To conclude, this method removes ambiguities for the readership and achieves less-effort readability and immediate comprehension.

To answer the third question, the classification of translation strategies is based on selected microstrategies, proposed by Schjoldager (2008, in Jensen, 2009) and strategies related to journalistic translation, such as Explicitation and Simplification from Klaudy and Laviosa in Vybíralová (2012), Textual Translation Strategies by Bani (2006), and Textual Modifications in news translation by Bielsa

and Bassnett (2009). After the selection for what translation strategies to be used for the micro analysis, there are nine strategies used to label the analysis, which are Direct Transfer, Direct Translation, Calque, Explicitation, Inclusion of Explanations, Simplification, Change of Sentences Order, Cutting and Change of Title.


reader can understand the translated news easily because the text is explicated or expanded to explain further in the target texts. In other words, less-effort readability is established.

The other strategies, Cutting and Change of title also have high frequencies as both of them have more than 50% occurrences. Cutting is used in 18 articles (90%) as the result of the translation brief for the skopos of the target texts obligates the texts to present only main coverage and omit the additional information. Meanwhile, there are 13 articles (65%) which their titles are changed. 12 articles are changed from direct to indirect titles and one article from indirect to direct titles. Subsequently, there are 13 indirect titles and 7 direct titles. The strategy gives the advantages of opening up attraction for the target readers and creating conciseness to establish the functional characteristic. The indirect titles show only the hint of an article so that the readers want to find out more and are shorter as they are written concisely and objective (Barus, 2010; Vybíralová, 2012).

In addition, Communicative Translation seems to be linked to Explicitation and Simplification. Newmark (1988) explains that the method attempts to render the

precise contextual meaning and makes both content and language acceptable for the readership. In making the (referential) contents acceptable, Explicitation can be said to be a part of Communicative Translation by making the contents explicit and clear as they are comprehensive to the target readers. Meanwhile in making the language acceptable, Simplification, whether it is on lexical, syntactic and stylistic level, contribute to achieve it by minimizing language complexities.


whereas Cutting contributes to establish conciseness. As explained in the previous chapter, this research only focuses on world news in Middle East news column. The method and strategies used may be different if the other news columns, e.g. Magazine and Health were analyzed.

5.2 Suggestions

Based on the entire process in conducting this research, there are some suggestions for the translators and readers who might want to carry out some research regarding to this research. First, from many translation paradigms, functional translation (text typology, skopos and translation brief) is should be accompanied by translation method and strategies for the translation process so that the translation can be fully accepted by the target readers and also an appropriate readership can be established. Through functional translation analysis, the initiator or the translator analyzes the factors that create prominent characteristics for the translation. These factors generate the problems to be solved and the way of how the translation will be conducted including the selection of translation method and strategies for the translation process.

Second, in translating an informative text or journalistic translation, it is better for the writing style to be communicative and explicit in contents. Concerning how people read news, especially from a news website, the reading should be a light activity. The readers have to understand the information without obstacles or difficulties. Therefore, Communicative Translation method and strategies of Explicitation, Cutting and Simplification are very useful for journalistic translation.


Last, for those who are interested in conducting research especially in the field of investigating translation methods and strategies with functional translation, there are some points to be considered. The points are as follows:

1. Since different news column may have different method and strategies to be involved, the other news column can be investigated to enrich references for translation studies.

2. In the methodology, questioners can be involved to see the assessments about the translation process and the translation quality. In addition, interviews can be used to uncover translator’s process and reasons for selecting certain method and strategies.


Robi Rizkiana, 2015


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fighters cling on to the
Table 3.2 Samples of Analysis of Translation Strategies


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