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Neuroscience from basic research to its clinical aplication, vice versa.


Academic year: 2017

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Neuroscience from basic research to its clinical aplicat ion, vice versa

Ahmad Faried, M D., PhD

Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of M edicine, Universitas Padjadjaran-Dr. Hasan

Sadikin Hospital, Bandung 40161, Indonesia. Email: faried.fkup@gmail.com


The underst anding of t he human brain represent a scient ific conundrum and ult imat ely, t he human brain in it s st udies of it self may be incapable of solving many of it s myst eries. M ore t han a cent ury ago, Fridjof Nansen, an Norw egian neuroscient ist , first described t he cell as a basic and individual elem en of t he nervous syst em in 1880’s; as w e reveal in more det ail t oday. In fact it s change our paradigm in how w e t hink about nervous syst em, especially for me regarding t he clinical problem in neurosurgical field. Some of t he major discoveries in fundament al nervous syst em funct ion have been aw arded t he nobel prize in physiology and medicine, t hat I w ill t ell m ore about it in my present at ion.

Neuroscience now adays is t ransforming int o a m ult idiciplinary t hat have implicat ion far beyond basic science and medicine, affect ing educat ion, law , business, government , and many more part s of our social w orld. M edical neuroscience and neurosurgery is an excit ing, ever-changing, and challenging discipline of medicine. M y research orient ed are focuses on t he brain microvessel endot helial cells, neural st em cell applicat ions and malignant brain t umor cell deat h induced by our novel compund, t hat I w ill elaborat e lat er-on. Recent ly, w e bridging up bet w een neuroscience biology and t echnology, as t w o great pow er t o change t he w orld, from my point of view . Even in my research, t here is more quest ions t han answ er; t herefore, I alw ays looking for t he answ er in bot h w ays. I t ry t o applied t he result s of my basic research int o clinical applicat ion, and if t here is obst acle or problem, w e should ret urn-back t o t he lab t o search for t he answ er. In ot her w ord, from basic research t o it s clinical aplicat ion, vice versa


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