• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Integrated Development, Water Legislation


Academic year: 2019

Membagikan "Integrated Development, Water Legislation"


Teks penuh


M odu le 5 – ( L1 9 – L2 1 ) :

“Socio- e con om ic Aspe ct s of

W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t ”

W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t

Socia l Aspe ct s of W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t : Com m u n it y

pa r t icipa t ion , Pr iva t e se ct or pa r t icipa t ion , I n st it u t ion a l issu e s, Socio- e con om y I n t e gr a t e d de ve lopm e n t W a t e r le gisla t ion a n d Socio- e con om y, I n t e gr a t e d de ve lopm e n t , W a t e r le gisla t ion a n d im ple m e n t a t ion s, Ca se st u die s




I nt egrat ed Developm ent , Wat er


i l t i

& I


t t i


Legislat ion & I m plem ent at ions I ssues

Topics Cove r e d

Topics Cove r e d

I nt egrat ed wat ershed developm ent , Wat er

I nt egrat ed wat ershed developm ent , Wat er

m anagem ent policy Wat er Legislat ion

m anagem ent policy Wat er Legislat ion

m anagem ent policy, Wat er Legislat ion,

m anagem ent policy, Wat er Legislat ion,

Nat ional wat er policy, Wat ershed plans &

Nat ional wat er policy, Wat ershed plans &


l I





l I




appraisal, I m plem ent at ion issues.

appraisal, I m plem ent at ion issues.





I nt egrat ed developm ent , wat er legislat ion, I nt egrat ed developm ent , wat er legislat ion, gg pp gg wat ershed plans.


I n t e gr a t e d W a t e r sh e d D e ve lopm e n t

& M a n a ge m e n t ( I W RD M )

& M a n a ge m e n t ( I W RD M )

 I WRDM - effect ive m eans for conservat ion & developm ent of p

land & wat er resources. I t int egrat es t he socio- cult ural, econom ic, biophysical & t echnological aspect s of

developm ent .

 Maj or concern of I WRDM is t he im provem ent of t he

livelihoods of local com m unit ies on a sust ainable basis. I t requires balancing econom ic needs and expect at ions wit h q g p environm ent al concerns - t o avert degradat ion of t he

nat ural resource base, in part icular soil and wat er com ponent s.

 I WRDM & Com m unit y part icipat ion – long t erm changes –

bet t er adopt ion


I n t e gr a t e d W a t e r sh e d




W a t e r M a n a ge m e n t Policy

 Supply side m anagem ent – includes t echnical m easures  Dem and side m anagem ent – includes t echnical, financial Dem and side m anagem ent includes t echnical, financial

and policy based m easures .

 Focus on policy based m easures for wat er resources

m anagem ent m anagem ent

 I nt egrat ed wat er Resources Managem ent Covers everyt hing


N a t ion a l W a t e r Re sou r ce s Policie s

 Nat ional Wat er Resources Policy set s goals & obj ect ives

for m anagem ent of wat er resources at nat ional scale for m anagem ent of wat er resources at nat ional scale

 I ncludes policies for: Regions; Cat chm ent s; Shared or

t rans- boundary wat er resources wit hin I WRM fram e work; I nt er basin t ransfers

work; I nt er- basin t ransfers

A n a t ion a l policy m a y in clu de follow in g m a t t e r s

 Jurisdict ion and delegat ion Jurisdict ion and delegat ion

 The ext ent t o which wat er m anagem ent is

decent ralised or consolidat ed

Th f i i i

 The use of econom ic incent ives

 Capacit y building t o m eet inst it ut ional challenges


I n t e gr a t e d W a t e r Policy

Maj or point s for effect ive int egrat ed policy m aking are:

 Clarified roles & goals of governm ent and st akeholders  Clarified roles & goals of governm ent and st akeholders

 Governm ent - as regulat or, as organiser of t he

part icipat ory process and as a last resort adj udicat or in

f fl

cases of conflict

 I dent ificat ion of key wat er resources issues

 Wat er is a social and econom ic good m eans designing

 Wat er is a social and econom ic good m eans designing

policies t o allocat e resources

 Make explicit in t he policy t he links bet ween land use and

h i i i i

ot her econom ic act ivit ies


W a t e r Righ t s

Righ t t o u se w a t e r

Good wat er law m ust be flexible enough t o perm it

 Good wat er law m ust be flexible enough t o perm it

reform in response t o t echnological change and socio-econom ic need

 The t enet s of effect ive and beneficial use are:  Wat er m ust not t o be obt ained for speculat ion or

let run t o wast e let run t o wast e

 The end use m ust be a socially accept able use

 Wat er is not t o be m isusedWat er is not t o be m isused

 The use m ust be reasonable as com pared wit h


Le gisla t ion for w a t e r qu a lit y

Ch a r a ct e r ist ics

 Measures t o prot ect t he qualit y of wat er resources m ust

encoded legislat ion -g prevent ive or correct ivep

Prevent ive m easures include effluent & discharge

regulat ions, t echnical st andards & requirem ent s for t reat ing pollut ed effluent s, econom ic inst rum ent s as well as qualit y pollut ed effluent s, econom ic inst rum ent s as well as qualit y st andards for receiving wat ers

 Legislat ion set s out t he principles upon which pollut ion

cont rol is based cont rol is based

Correct ive m easures include cease & desist orders,

com pensat ion for dam age & econom ic losses, & abat em ent and rem ediat ion requirem ent s

and rem ediat ion requirem ent s

 The pollut er pays principle allocat es responsibilit y for


Reform of exist ing legislat ion for

st rong I WRM fram e work

st rong I WRM fram e work

 Enabling inst it ut ional fram ework including t he legal  Enabling inst it ut ional fram ework, including t he legal

roles and responsibilit ies of inst it ut ions and t heir int er-relat ionship

 Mechanism s for st akeholders t o part icipat e in wat er

resources m anagem ent

 Conflict resolut ion m echanism s  Conflict resolut ion m echanism s

 Provision of wat er for basic hum an needs, and

st andards of service

 Tariff and wat er pricing syst em s

 Clear m echanism s for t ransfer of wat er right s t o


W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t – Gu ide lin e s

& Policie s

& Policie s

 Most im port ant policies and guidelines for wat ershed

m anagem ent include m anagem ent include

– Agricult ural policy; Wat er policy; Land policy

– Forest policy; Wat ershed m anagem ent guidelines

 Nat ional agricult ural policy provides st rong support t o

t he wat ershed developm ent program s. I t reflect s t he observed com m it m ent of Gov. t o t ake wat ershed

observed com m it m ent of Gov. t o t ake wat ershed

m anagem ent program s m ore aggressively, including provision of necessary financial & inst it ut ional support .

Land policy prot ect s t he int erest of sm all and m arginal

 Land policy prot ect s t he int erest of sm all and m arginal


W M - Gu ide lin e s & Policie s

 Wat er policy ident ifies wat er m anagem ent as one of t he

m ost crucial elem ent s in developm ent planning of count ry.

 Wat er policy st at es t hat t he wat ershed m anagem ent  Wat er policy st at es t hat t he wat ershed m anagem ent

t hrough soil erosion, cat chm ent area t reat m ent ,

preservat ion of forest s and increasing forest cover & const ruct ion of check dam s should be prom ot ed.

const ruct ion of check dam s should be prom ot ed.

 Environm ent al laws oft en dict at e t he planning and act ions

t hat agencies t ake t o m anage wat ersheds.

 Som e laws require t hat planning be done ot hers can be  Som e laws require t hat planning be done, ot hers can be

used t o m ake a plan legally enforceable & ot hers set out t he ground rules for what can & cannot be done in developm ent & planning

& planning.

 Most countries & states have their own laws regarding watershed


Fin a n cin g & I n ve st m e n t Policie s

 Gov. have a responsibilit y for invest m ent policies t hat affect

t he wat er sect or.

 Macroeconom ic policies: Trade policies affect t he pace and  Macroeconom ic policies: Trade policies affect t he pace and

t ype of developm ent in t he wat er sect or

 Tax incent ives m ight result in t he growt h of wat er- int ensive

indust ries indust ries

 Public invest m ent : I nvest m ent in m any sect ors m ay affect

dem and for wat er, such as housing, new t own & indust ry developm ent t ransport power & energy agricult ure & developm ent , t ransport , power & energy, agricult ure & t ourism

 Public & privat e invest m ent in t he w at er sect or it self: Wat er


Or ga n iz a t ion a l Fr a m e w or k

Role s a n d r e spon sibilit ie s

 Policy form ulat ion

Educat ion and prom ot ion

 Educat ion and prom ot ion

 Net working and inform at ion exchange

 Regulat ion, cont rol and enforcem entRegulat ion, cont rol and enforcem ent

 Surveillance and m onit oring

 Allocat ion and supply of wat er

 Flood cont rol and risk m it igat ion

 Wat er t reat m ent and reuse

Conservat ion and prot ect ion

 Conservat ion and prot ect ion


W a t e r Le gisla t ion s in I n dia

Wat er in I ndian const it ut ion

– “ Wat er” in ent ry 56 of union list and ent ry 17 of Wat er in ent ry 56 of union list and ent ry 17 of st at e list .

– Art icle 246 & Art 262, em powers parliam ent t o

m ake law regarding developm ent and m anagem ent m ake law regarding developm ent and m anagem ent of int er- st at e rivers.

– “ Art 262, specifies t hat parliam ent m ay by law provide t hat neit her t he suprem e court or any provide t hat neit her t he suprem e court or any

ot her court shall exercise j urisdict ion wit h respect of int er- st at e river disput es . ……int erpret at ion

Tribunals set up under int er st at e River Disput e Act

 Tribunals set up under int er- st at e River Disput e Act

- 1956, t hough can announce award , but it can not be 1) liable t o follow for part ies , 2) can not be


W a t e r Le gisla t ion s in I n dia

Surface wat er and groundwat er is not defined separat ely Surface wat er and groundwat er is not defined separat ely


N a t ion a l W a t e r Policy

First adopt ed in 1987 and form ulat ed in 2002

I t advocat es wat er resources of t he count ry should

be brought wit hin t he cat egory of ut ilizable

be brought wit hin t he cat egory of ut ilizable

resources t o t he m axim um possible ext ent

Salient feat ures

– Policy prom ot es use of non- convent ional m et hods such as t radit ional wat er harvest ing, rooft op

rainwat er harvest ing rainwat er harvest ing

– Wat er t ransfer t o wat er scarce region – People’s part icipat ion p p p

– Public Privat e Part nership

– Wat er Resources planning at hydrologic unit not on polit ical nit


N a t ion a l W a t e r Policy

 Direct ed st at e t o devise it s own wat er policy – in

pract ice very few st at e has prepared it so far.

All t i i it ( t i l l l diff t t t l l)

 Allocat ion priorit y ( nat ional level, - differ at st at e level)

1.Drinking Wat er

2.I rrigat ion Hydropower 2.I rrigat ion Hydropower 3.Ecology

4.Agro- indust ries

5.Non- agricult ural indust ries 6.Navigat ion

Sam e for all st at e except Maharasht ra where wat er

 Sam e for all st at e, except Maharasht ra where wat er


N a t ion a l W a t e r Policy

I t em phasizes

on-1 Need for efficient pricing syst em and t ransparent 1. Need for efficient pricing syst em and t ransparent

subsidy st ruct ure for disadvant aged and poor 2. Transfer t he wat er m anagem ent t o user groups

and local bodies

3. Privat e sect or part icipat ion in wat er sect or

4 Undert aking phased program m e for im provem ent 4. Undert aking phased program m e for im provem ent

of wat er qualit y based on ‘ pollut er pay principle’ 5. Need based econom ic act ivit ies on t he wat er

zoning of t he count ry


W a t e r sh e d Pla n s & Appr a isa l

 Wat ershed plan – Out line

– Wat ershed m anagem ent goals – e.g. wat er use

 St eps:  St eps:

 1. Develop a wat er use invent ory – Gat her inform at ion,

survey, wat er balance.

 2. Set t ing goals & priorit ies

 3. I dent ify wat er m anagem ent opt ions – econom ic analysis

4 D fi l f t i

 4. Define a plan of act ion

 5. I m plem ent wat er m anagem ent plan – im plem ent at ion &

m onit oringg

 I m plem ent at ion Schedules & Budget s: Schedule; Budget ,


W a t e r sh e d Pla n I m ple m e n t a t ion

 Classifying crit ical wat ersheds t o est ablish priorit ies for

conservat ion and m anagem ent st rat egies.

I d t if i it i l t h t h f & d t

 I dent ifying crit ical t hreat s, such as surface & groundwat er

pollut ion, t o a wat ershed's int egrit y in order t o prot ect it s resources and value t o societ y.

 Making wat ershed m anagem ent recom m endat ions t o

ensure sust ainable, clean wat er flow & m aint enance of aquat ic resources.

aquat ic resources.

 I dent ifying syst em - wide cont rolling processes &

m echanism s t o dist inguish environm ent al indicat ors for ecosyst em healt h evaluat ion

ecosyst em healt h evaluat ion.

 Recom m ending land- use im pact m it igat ion, habit at


I m ple m e n t a t ion I ssu e s

 Analyzing socio- econom ic value of wat ersheds & t heir

environm ent al services for policy developm ent & m anagem ent planning.

 Ensuring t echnical assist ance in t he design and inst allat ion of

m anagem ent m easures

 Providing t raining and follow- up support t o landowners and Providing t raining and follow up support t o landowners and

ot her responsible part ies in operat ion & m aint enance.

 Managing t he funding m echanism s and t racking expendit ures

for each act ion and for t he proj ect as a whole for each act ion and for t he proj ect as a whole

 Conduct ing t he land t reat m ent and wat er qualit y m onit oring

act ivit ies and int erpret ing and report ing t he dat a

 Measuring progress against schedules and m ilest ones  Measuring progress against schedules and m ilest ones


I m ple m e n t a t ion Pr oble m s

 I nsufficient st aff assigned t o m onit oring

 Funds allocat ed or reserved for m onit oring have been  Funds allocat ed or reserved for m onit oring have been

divert ed and spent in ot her act ivit ies/ it em s

 Monit oring locat ions are widely dispersed and rem ot e,

l d l l b l k

leading t o logist ical bot t le- necks

 St aff is not properly t rained t o carry out t he processes  Com m unit y looses int erest in com m unit y- based

 Com m unit y looses int erest in com m unit y based

m onit oring over t he period of t im e

 Necessit y of sim ple, inexpensive m onit oring and

l i i li i h h d d


Case St udy:

Co- Managem ent of Elect ricit y &

Groundwat er : Guj arat ’s Jyot irgram Yoj ana

The policy Decision-



1980 shift of t ariff regim e


t o flat t ariff based on HP

I m plicat ions

h l b ll

 Very sharp increase in elect ricit y t ube wells

 Ram pant corrupt ion in t erm s of billing and m et er reading  Flat based t ariff syst em under subsidy regim e has y y g

brought zero m arginal cost of pum ping, result ing – – Excessive wit hdrawal of groundwat er by farm er – Selling of wat er t o t hose who can not afford t he Selling of wat er t o t hose who can not afford t he


Ca se st u dy: Sit u a t ion in Gu j a r a t

Ret uning t o volum et ric t ariff syst em was not easy, since farm ers lobby is very st rong in st at e

 GEB suffered heavy loss due t o power supply t o agricult ure  GEB suffered heavy loss due t o power supply t o agricult ure

consum er, result ing int o gradual reduct ion in power supply.

 Farm ers found alt ernat ive of using capacit or t o cover single

h h h f l

phase t o 3 phase power, get t ing 18- 20 hr of elect ricit y. This heavy t heft of elect ricit y has led t o

– Huge financial loss t o ut ilit y Huge financial loss t o ut ilit y

– Excessive wit hdrawal of groundwat er- in nort h Guj arat , farm ers have gone down t o 1000 ft for drawing wat er

Const ruct ion of groundwat er well was expensive require m ore – Const ruct ion of groundwat er well was expensive – require m ore

t han Rs 12 lakh t o drill bore well

– Pract ices such as cooperat ive bore well drilling , sharecropping

d lli d t i d i t h i


Ca se st u dy:

Pr opose d solu t ion

 Provide qualit y power t o t he farm ers and convert flat based

t ariff syst em int o m et ered t ariff syst em ( I t was also a condit ion negot iat ed by ADB w hile providing loan for t he condit ion negot iat ed by ADB w hile providing loan for t he unbundling pow er syst em t hrough pow er sect or reform) -(im plem ent at ion im possible)

Providing logist ic is problem at ic – Providing logist ic is problem at ic

– May at t ract m assive opposit ion of farm ers

 Though m et ering process was init iat ed , but at very slower

rat e t han ADB’s expect at ion

Th e Re su lt – ADB suspended loan inst allm ent of US$ 350 m , p $ ,


Jyot ir Gram Yoj ana ( JGY) proposed &

I m plem ent ed

I m plem ent ed


Case St udy:

JGY – Sa lie n t fe a t u r e

 Separat ion of agricult ural feeder from non- agricult ural

use use

 8- 12 hours qualit y power t o farm s

 24 hr non st op power t o villages for dom est ic


 Gradual increase of flat based t ariff syst em t o

approach average cost consum ed by t ube well approach average cost consum ed by t ube well

 I nt elligent scheduling and m anagem ent of ‘rat ioned’

power supply t o farm sect or – cent ral elem ent of co-m anageco-m ent of elect ricit y and irrigat ion

m anagem ent of elect ricit y and irrigat ion


Com pa r ison Be for e a n d a ft e r JGY

 Before Ref: Shah & Verm a 2007: www iwm i cgiar org  Before

 Tube wells get 12- 13 hours of

3-phase power supply of variable volt age, wit h frequent t ripping,

k i l d i

Aft er

Farm ers get 8 hours/ day of high

Ref: Shah & Verm a, 2007: www.iwm i.cgiar.org

g , q pp g,

at unknown t im es m ost ly during night s

 Flat t ariff: Rs 350- 500/ hp/ year

volt age unint errupt ed power at fixed schedules; night in one week, day- t im e t he next

 Massive use of capacit ors t o

convert 1 and 2 phase power t o run t ube wells

Flat t ariff Rs 850/ hp/ year

Capacit ors out ; im possible


I m pa ct s of JGY

P l t i lt Power supply to agriculture 

fell from 13 b units in  2000/1 to 9 b units in 



draft  is  expected to

expected to  


Ca se St u dy: Le sson s Le a r n t

Ca se St u dy

e sso s

e a


 Policy based m easures under dem and side m anagem ent

really play great er role.

 Groundwat er wit hdrawal could be curbed in t he deplet ed

areas wit h t he help of policy based innovat ive solut ion like areas wit h t he help of policy based innovat ive solut ion like JGY

 Subsidy rest ruct uring is big issues, especially for st at es

h d t d l t i i f t d f i f

where groundwat er deplet ion is fast and farm power is free ( eg. Punj ab and Tam il Nadu)

 JGS significant ly reduced t he m isery of t he agrarian poor by g y y g p y


Re fe r e n ce s

Re fe r e n ce s

• J.V.S Murt hy ( 1991) , Wat ershed Managem ent , New Age int ernat ional Publicat ions  Econom ic and Polit ical Weekly Sept em ber 16, 2000, 3435- 3444, Sust ainable

Wat ershed Managem ent I nst it ut ional Approach. V Rat na Reddy.

S l h R M 2004 “ S i A l i f W I i i i I di A li i  Salet h R M, 2004, “ St rat egic Analysis for Wat er I nst it ut ions in I ndia: Applicat ion

of a new Research Paradigm ” , Research Report 79, Colom bo: Sri Lanka, I nt ernat ional Wat er Managem ent I nst it ut e.

 Shah T, 2003, “ The Groundwat er Econom y of Sout h Asia: An Assessm ent of Size, Significance, and Socio- Ecological Aspect s” , source :

www.law.ku.edu/ publicat ion/ j ournal/ pdf/ v15n3/ shah2.pdf

 Shah T and Verm a S, 2007 “ Real Tim e Co- m anagem ent of Elect ricit y and Groundwat er: An Assessm ent of Guj arat ’s Pioneering ‘ Jyot irgram ’ Schem e” , j g y g , source: www.iwm i.cgiar.org/ Publicat ions/ Ot her/ PDF/ NRLP% 20Proceeding-2% 20Paper% 2015.pdf

 Jam es A J, 2003, “ inst it ut ional Challenges for Wat er Resources Managem ent : I ndia and Sout h Africa” Wat er Household and Rural Livelihood Proj ect Working I ndia and Sout h Africa , Wat er, Household and Rural Livelihood Proj ect Working Paper 7 ( draft ) .


Tu t or ia ls - Qu e st ion !.?.

 Crit ically st udy t he various wat er legislat ions in

I ndia.?. ( Ref: www.ielrc.org; www.wrm in.nic.in

 Discuss how t he various wat er legislat ions helped t o Discuss how t he various wat er legislat ions helped t o

im prove wat er m anagem ent plans in I ndia. im prove wat er m anagem ent plans in I ndia.

Review t he Nat ional Wat er Policy of I ndia Discuss Review t he Nat ional Wat er Policy of I ndia Discuss

 Review t he Nat ional Wat er Policy of I ndia. Discuss Review t he Nat ional Wat er Policy of I ndia. Discuss

t he salient feat ures?. What are t he m ain em phasizes t he salient feat ures?. What are t he m ain em phasizes of Nat ional wat er Policy.

of Nat ional wat er Policy. of Nat ional wat er Policy. of Nat ional wat er Policy.

 How t he Nat ional Wat er Policy can be effect ively How t he Nat ional Wat er Policy can be effect ively

im plem ent ed?. im plem ent ed?.


Se lf Eva lu a t ion - Qu e st ion s!.


What is t he im port ance of I WRDM in wat ershed

m anagem ent plans?

m anagem ent plans?.

Discuss salient feat ures of successful wat er

m anagem ent policy.




What are t he im port ant point s t o be considered

for int egrat ed wat er policy.?.

What are t he im port ant wat ershed m anagem ent

policies & guidelines?.

What are t he im port ant st eps t o be considered

What are t he im port ant st eps t o be considered


Assign m e n t - Qu e st ion s?.



How a t ypical I WRDM schem e can be

im plem ent ed in a wat ershed?

im plem ent ed in a wat ershed?.

What are t he basic requirem ent s of Nat ional

Wat er Policy?.


I llust rat e im port ant feat ures of good wat er

legislat ion.

Discuss t he various organizat ion fram ework for

wat er legislat ion.

What are t he im port ant wat ershed

What are t he im port ant wat ershed


Un solve d Pr oble m !.

Un solve d Pr oble m !.

 Develop an I WRDM schem e for your wat ershed area. Develop an I WRDM schem e for your wat ershed area.

St udy t he various I WRDM relat ed issues in your St udy t he various I WRDM relat ed issues in your St udy t he various I WRDM relat ed issues in your St udy t he various I WRDM relat ed issues in your wat ershed area.

wat ershed area.

 Develop appropriat e schem es for I WRDM plan in Develop appropriat e schem es for I WRDM plan in


Dr. T. I. Eldho Dr. T. I. Eldho

Professor, Professor,

Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, pp gg gg

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, 400 076.

Mumbai, India, 400 076.


Email: eldho@iitb.ac.ineldho@iitb.ac.in



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Aplikasi Tata Cara Shalat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran yang singkat dan padat tentang shalat, baik Gerakan, bacaan pada setiap Gerakan serta gambaran ketentuan

Cslon Pemenang Pengadaan Jesa Kanzu[tsnsi Bakeriaen Penyucunm hfeket Visual Tata Ruang Kegiatan Pernbuatan Maket dan Penyr.unan Aldia \fisuaf Pus€t lnfonnasi Panbnagunan

Kebijakan Bidang Kebudayaan Fasilitasi dan koordinasi pelaksanaan penyusunan program, pengumpulan data, monitoring, evaluasi dan pelaksanaan bidang kebudayaan yang