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Academic year: 2018



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Mengapa dosen perlu menulis (Phylosophy)

• Bagi dosen:

1. kenaikkan pangkat dan/atau memenuhi tugas 2. mendapt/menjadi Peer review

3 meningkatkan kemampuan akademis 3. meningkatkan kemampuan akademis

4. memperkenalkan kemampuan diri dan meningkatkan daya saing 5. Mempermudah mendapatkan dana penelitian

6. Kalau di LN: “Publish or perish” (survive) Bagi mahasiswa Pascasarjana:

. Bagi mahasiswa Pascasarjana: 1. persyaratan ujian/lulus

2. memperkenalkan kkemampuannya

• Bagi Universitas: untuk menjadi universitas berkualitas/dikenal duniaBagi Universitas: untuk menjadi universitas berkualitas/dikenal dunia 1. Tuntutan globalisasi

2. Persaingan lulusan untuk kerja

3. Persaingan mendapatkan bantuan dana

4 Persaingan memperoleh mahasiswa baik secara regional nasional dan internasional ( pd 4. Persaingan memperoleh mahasiswa, baik secara regional, nasional dan internasional ( pd

th 2003 3,1 jt mhsw Int, th 2010 diperkiranak 5,8 jt, 2/3 berasal dari asia). 5. Dana pemerintah utk pendidikan terbatas


Menulis pd Jurnal internasional mudah :

Menulis pd Jurnal internasional mudah :

• Kunci utama:

Kunci utama:

1. Kemauan

2 Kerja keras kerja keras dan kerja keras

2. Kerja keras,kerja keras dan kerja keras

3. tidak mudah menyerah

4 M

t h i k j


tik l

4. Mengetahui ke jurnal mana artikel

ditujukan ( jurnal kelas 1, kelas 2 dan

kelas 3 )

kelas 3 )

5.Memahami dan mengikuti persyaratan

jurnal yang dituju


• Perbedaan menulis artikel untuk Jurnal

• Perbedaan menulis artikel untuk Jurnal

ilmiah dan laporan : tulisan harus ringkas,

padat tetapi tetap harus lengkap dan

padat, tetapi tetap harus lengkap dan

jelas. Artinya pembaca mengerti apa yang

ditulis tanpa harus bertanya kepada

ditulis tanpa harus bertanya kepada

penulisnya, dan jika pembaca ingin

menguji/melakukan penelitian yang sama

menguji/melakukan penelitian yang sama,

dengan membaca artikel tersebut


Agar tulisan diterima disuatu Jurnal :


Mengetahui ke Journal mana artikel dikirimkan

1. Mengetahui ke Journal mana artikel dikirimkan

2. Sesuai dengan mandat Jurnal ybs.

3. Memahami dan mengikuti prasyarat penulisan.

3. Memahami dan mengikuti prasyarat penulisan.

- format

- teknik penyajian (hurup, spasi, tabel, satuan,

dan gambar, kepustakaan )

3. Keterbaruan




pustaka yang dapat ditelusuri

pustaka yang dapat ditelusuri

4. Kritis dan analitis (dalam hasil dan



Mengapa perlu menulis yang baik

1. Penerbitan artikel di suatu Jurnal tdk berarti bhw


tlh b k




tik l


penulisnya tlh berkualitas (banyak artikel sampah)

2. Untuk dosen UB: penentuan insentif, Utk mhsw

Pasca Sarjana: penentuan dpt tidaknya digunakan

Pasca Sarjana: penentuan dpt tidaknya digunakan

sebagai syarat/pengganti ujian

3. Kualitas artikel ditentukan oleh banyaknya



pengguna artikel tersebut (Citation)

4. Banyak reviewer yang kurang kompeten

5. Banyak reviewer menggunakan standard ganda

6. Untuk kenaikan pangkat perlu artikel yang baik

(dampaknya bkn hanya pada ybs, tp pd Jurnal ybs)

7. Bagi UB, yang lebih penting adalah “citation”.

Sitasi bkn berdasarkan kualitas jurnal tetapi


Sukoharsono, EG

Cendekia Urutan 1 - 10 dari sekitar 16 hasil telusur. (0,10 dtk).

The Genesis of Accounting in Indonesia: The Dutch Colonialism in the Early 17th Century


EG Sukoharsono… - The Indonesian Journal of Accounting and …, 1993

Dinyatakan dengan 8 - Artikel terkait

[PDF][PDF] Accounting in A Historical Transition: A Shifting Dominant belief from HinduAccounting in A Historical Transition: A Shifting Dominant belief from Hindu to Islamic Administration in Indonesia

EG Sukoharsono - 2nd Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary …, 1998 - commerce.adelaide.edu.au Acknowledgements: I am grateful to Professor MJR Gaffikin for his helpful advice in

completing this paper. I also would like to thank the Malangkucecwara College of Economics for the necessary

Economics for the necessary

to conduct the research. ... *) This paper is prepared for theAsia-Pacific Interdisciplinary ...

Dinyatakan dengan 5 - Artikel terkait - Versi HTML - 4 versi

The Boom of Colonial Investment: Dutch Political Power in the History of Capital in I d i


EG Sukoharsono - 5th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting …, 1997

Dinyatakan dengan 2 - Artikel terkait - 2 versi

Accounting in the Coming of Islam: Early Ritual and Administrative Affairs in

Accounting in the Coming of Islam: Early Ritual and Administrative Affairs in Indonesia

EG Sukoharsono - New York Conference on Interdisciplinary Accounting …



Cendekia Urutan 1 - 10 dari sekitar 447 hasil telusur. (0,09 dtk)

Tips: Telusuri laman berbahasa Bahasa Indonesia saja. Anda dapat menentukan bahasa penelusuran di Preferensi Cendekia

penelusuran di Preferensi Cendekia.

Nitrogen release from prunings of legume hedgerow trees in relation to quality of the prunings and incubation method

E Handayanto, G Cadisch, KE Giller - Plant and Soil, 1994 - Springer

E. HANDAYANTO 1'2, G. CADISCH 1 and KE GILLER 1 IDepartment of Biological Sciences,

E. HANDAYANTO 1 2, G. CADISCH 1 and KE GILLER 1 IDepartment of Biological Sciences, Wye College, University of London, Wye, Ashford, Kent TN25 5AH UK and 2Fakultas

Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang 65145, Indonesia ... Received 3 August 1993. ...

Dinyatakan dengan 113 - Artikel terkait - 5 versi

Regulating N release from legume tree prunings by mixing residues of different quality

Regulating N release from legume tree prunings by mixing residues of different quality

E Handayanto, KE Giller, G Cadisch - Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 1997 - Elsevier

In an attempt to regulate the rate of N mineralization from legume tree prunings by manipulating the quality of the prunings, a low-quality legume tree pruning (Peltophorum dasyrrachis) was mixed at various proportions with a high quality legume tree pruning (Gliricidia sepium). N .

Di t k d 82 A tik l t k it 5 i Dinyatakan dengan 82 - Artikel terkait - 5 versi

Manipulation of quality and mineralization of tropical legume tree prunings by varying nitrogen supply

E Handayanto G Cadisch KE Giller Plant and Soil 1995 Springer

E Handayanto, G Cadisch, KE Giller - Plant and Soil, 1995 - Springer

Plant and Soil 176: 149-160, 1995. (~) 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the

Netherlands. ... Manipulation of quality and mineralization of tropical legume tree prunings by varying nitrogen supply ... E. Handayanto 1'2, G. Cadisch 1 and KE Giller 1 l Department



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. (




• Velocity-temperature correlation in strongly heated channel flow

ING Wardana, T Ueda, M Mizomoto - Experiments in Fluids, 1995 - Springer Abstract Velocity-temperature correlations in a strongly heated channel flow

i ti t d i t ll b LDV d i t th t Th ll

were investigated experimentally by a LDV and a resistance thermometer. The wall heat flux is varied up to 50,000 W/m 2 with reference mean-velocity of 15 ...

Cited by 19 - Related articles - Web Search - BL Direct - All 4 versions

• Structure of turbulent two-dimensional channel flow with strongly heated wall

ING Wardana, T Ueda, M Mizomoto - Experiments in Fluids, 1992 - Springer, , p , p g

Abstract. A laser Doppler velocimeter and a resistance thermometer were used to study velocity and temperature statistics in a strongly heated turbulent

two-dimensional channel flow, with the wall tem- perature up to 700 and a ...

Cited by 16 - Related articles - Web Search - All 3 versions

• Effect of strong wall heating on turbulence statistics of a channel flowEffect of strong wall heating on turbulence statistics of a channel flow

ING Wardana, T Ueda, M Mizomoto - Experiments in Fluids, 1994 - Springer Abstract Turbulence statistics of a channel flow with strong wall heating at Reynolds number of 14, ooo were investigated experimentally. The statistical quantities up to triple correlations were estimated, using data measured by ...

Cited by 13 - Related articles - Web Search - BL Direct - All 4 versions Cited by 13 Related articles Web Search BL Direct All 4 versions

• Structure of grid turbulence through a heated screen

T UEDA, O HISAI, ING WARDANA, M MIZOMOTO - JSME international journal. Series 2, Fluids engineering, …, 1992 - cat.inist.fr

Structure of grid turbulence through a heated screen. T UEDA, O HISAI,

ING WARDANA M MIZOMOTO JSME international journal Series 2 Fluids

ING WARDANA, M MIZOMOTO JSME international journal. Series 2, Fluids engineering, heat transfer, power, combustion, thermophysical ...



Cendekia Urutan 1 - 10 dari sekitar 1.020 hasil telusur. (0,07 dtk)

Tips: Telusuri laman berbahasa Bahasa Indonesia saja. Anda dapat menentukan bahasa l di P f i C d ki

penelusuran di Preferensi Cendekia. • Soil friability

WH Utomo, AR Dexter - European Journal of Soil Science, 1981 - interscience.wiley.com Summary Soil friability is defined and a method for its measurement is developed from the theory of brittle fracture of soil aggregates The variation in friability with soil water content theory of brittle fracture of soil aggregates. The variation in friability with soil water content is in good agreement with the results of tillage experiments done by earlier workers. It is found that ...

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A i f t t d th t d b t

A comparison of penetrometer pressures and the pressures exerted by roots

GM Whiteley, WH Utomo, AR Dexter - Plant and Soil, 1981 - Springer

Previous work is reviewed in which the ratio of the pressures required for soil penetration by roots and penetrometers are compared. It appears that this ratio can vary from about 2 to 8 depending on conditions. However, there is very little experimental evidence and most p g y p of the work ...

Dinyatakan dengan 67 - Artikel terkait - 3 versi

Changes in soil aggregate water stability induced by wetting and drying cycles in non-saturated soil

non-saturated soil

WH Utomo, AR Dexter - European Journal of Soil Science, 1982 - interscience.wiley.com Wetting and drying of remoulded soil resulted in water stable aggregation. The greatest proportions of water stable aggregates arose from wetting and drying in the - 1 to - 100 kPa range of matric water potential. The effect occurred with sterile and non-sterile soil. b t the proportion

but the proportion ...



Author(s): UTOMO, WH

Source: JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE Volume: 32 Issue: 2 Pages: 203-213 Published: 1981 • The above article has been cited by the articles listed below.

Note: The Times Cited count is calculated across all Web of Science editions. More information. Results: 100

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1. Title: Impact of Soil Water Content and Core Sampler Diameter at Sampling for Dry Soil Fragment-Size Distributions

Author(s): Diaz-Zorita M, Grove JH, Perfect ESource: COMMUNICATIONS IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT ANALYSIS Volume: 39 Issue: 17-18 Pages: 2752-2767 Published: 2008

Times Cited 0

Times Cited: 0

2. Title: Morphology, lacunarity and entropy of intra-aggregate pores: Aggregate size and soil management effects

Author(s): Chun HC, Gimenez D, Yoon SWSource: GEODERMA Volume: 146 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 83-93 Published: JUL 31 2008

Times Cited: 0

3. Title: Quantification of tensile strength and friability of an Oxisol (Acrudox) under no-tillage

Author(s): Tormena CA, Araujo MA, Fidalski J, et al.Source: REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIA DO SOLO Volume: 32 Issue: 3 Pages: 943-952 Published: MAY-JUN 2008

Times Cited: 0

4. Title: A simultaneous model for ultrasonic aggregate stability assessment

Author(s): Fristensky A, Grismer MESource: CATENA Volume:74 Issue: 2 Pages: 153-164 Published: Author(s): Fristensky A, Grismer MESource: CATENA Volume: 74 Issue: 2 Pages: 153 164 Published:

JUL 15 2008

Times Cited: 0

5. Title: Tensile strength and friability of an oxisol under different land use systems

Author(s): Tormena CA, Fidalski J, Rossi WSource: REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIA DO SOLO Volume: 32 Issue: 1 Pages: 33-42 Published: JAN-FEB 2008


Penulisan Artikel


Judul : menarik, berbeda dengan judul yang sudah banyak kalau perlu agak



Abstract: Merupakan bagian penting yg menentukan nilai jual artikel. Hrs

menggambarkan pentingnya artikel dan hasil yg penting Jangan memasukkan

menggambarkan pentingnya artikel dan hasil yg penting. Jangan memasukkan

pendahuluan dan metoda


Kata kunci: membantu/memperluas pengutipan, kdg-2 disarankan 3-4 kata di

luar judul


Pendah l an Padat lengkap telah merangk m latar belakang kep stakaan


Pendahuluan : Padat, lengkap , telah merangkum latar belakang,kepustakaan,

dan tujuan penelitian


Metodologi : Padat tapi lengkap. Jika pembaca ingin melakukan

percobaan/pengukuran yang sama dapat melakukan tanpa harus tanya pada

penulis Metode analisis yang telah baku cukup ditulis metodenya saja yang

penulis. Metode analisis yang telah baku cukup ditulis metodenya saja, yang

belum baku ditulis agak rinci.


Hasil dan Pembahasan : Padat, kritis-analitis. Bukan hanya menyajikan hasil

tetapi juga membahas dan membandingkan dengan hasil peneliti/artikellain.

Jelas apa yang ingin ditonjolkan dalam tulisan tersebut

Jelas apa yang ingin ditonjolkan dalam tulisan tersebut.


Kesimpulan/penutup. Padat, gayut dengan judul-pendahuluan, dan berasal dari

hasil yang telah dibahas sebelumnya (bab 4).





l i th



f th

Concise, explain the objective of the

research, short methodology, the important


ll 150


d (


result: usually 150 – 400 words (according

to the Journal)




1. Problem statement: the important of the

problem (support by data)

problem (support by data)

2. Theoritical consideration (support by





3. Previous research (support by literature)

4. Novelty/originality/the objective of the


Materials and Methods

1 Valid and Reliable

1. Valid and Reliable

2. Clear but not too detailed: explained only

the principle; if the method is already

the principle; if the method is already

used as the standard method enough to

be shown the reference

be shown the reference

3. Statistical analysis: Clear what the

l ti

l t b



Results and Discussion

1. Present in Table or Figure ?

2. In Figure, what the figures? histogram or

2. In Figure, what the figures? histogram or

line? Do not duplicate Table and Figure

3 Explain the data in Table or Figure; clear

3. Explain the data in Table or Figure; clear

enough but not too laborious

4 Di


lt (b



4. Discuss the results (based on the

theoretical) and compare with the

th /




Kelemahan artikel

(penglmn sebagai penulis, editor, pembimbing dan reviewer)


: Berisi pentingnya topik yang diteliti, pembuktian

b h

l h

dit liti


j di

bahwa masalah yg diteliti memang masih menjadi

masalah, teori yang berhubungan dengan pasalah, hasil

penelitian/pengalaman terdahulu, keterbaruan apa yg

diteliti tujuan penelitian

diteliti, tujuan penelitian



Perumusan masalah kurang tajam (tidak disertai

pendukung/literatur) kepentingan masalah kurang jelas

pendukung/literatur), kepentingan masalah kurang jelas

(tidak disertai pendukung/literatur)


Teori untuk menjelaskan penyebab/penyelesaian masalah

tidak ada/kurang relevant/kurang tajam/tidak ada

tidak ada/kurang relevant/kurang tajam/tidak ada



Pengalaman/penelitian terdahulu tidak ada/kurang

relevant/keterbaruan/tidak ada pendukung

relevant/keterbaruan/tidak ada pendukung


Effect of Different Cooling Method Due to the Width of

Reinforced Concrete Beam Burned in High Temperature

M t h i f t lli d i fi i fl h d l d l t l Th d l t f thi

Many techniques for controlling or decreasing fire influence has developed lately. The development of this phenomena and dinamic of fire influence has carried out as on building protection and prediction of building ability for holding fire. The existence of influence on heating and cooling process caused the concrete

structure will be wider crack for longer time and the concrete structure will be collapse by the end. Some experiments had conducted with variety temperature and different watering process. It was intended to observe how far their influence to crack width and in further it was known that the concrete structure can still be used or not after burning process.

Concrete is a composite material and based on previous experiment presented that high temperature of 2000C did not decrease the srong pressure because there was fast treatment phenomena or accelerated curing [1]. Hansen [2] described that there was some increasing on strong pressure of concrete if it was

heated in the temperature of 200-3000C, but it was more than 80% increasing of the first strong pressure if it was heated until 4000C and 30% if it was heated until 7000C

was heated until 4000C and 30% if it was heated until 7000C.

Partowiyatmo [1] had found a process to fix the breaking concrete caused by burning. He suggested process of watering. This process intended to obtain the recovery of strong burning concrete so that the water


The Characteristics of Rice Husk Biochar and Its Influence on the

Properties of Acid Sulfate Soils and Rice Growth in West Kalimantan

1. Introduction

• Increasing food production both to meet in-country requirements and to help the world overcome food crises is one biochar, soil amendment, acid soils, rice straw, soil strength, CEC of the major issues facing Indonesia today. However, good productive land is limited and has mostly been utilized either for food crop production or other uses. The only available land for this purpose is that of acid sulfate soil, having a total area of about 6.7 millions ha and is spread out in Sumatera, Kalimantan, and Papua (Widjaja-Adi et al., 1992) These soils have a high iron sulfate mineral content of predominantly Pyrite and when the soil is 1992). These soils have a high iron sulfate mineral content of predominantly Pyrite, and when the soil is drained it will release sulfuric acid, which in turn will release Fe, Al, and other heavy metals that are

dangerous for plants and other living organisms. When these soils are used for rice, Moore (1990) found that the most important constraints were: (i) acidity (which includes the combined effects of pH, Al toxicity, and P deficiency), and (ii) Fe stress (which is due to the combined effects of Fe toxicity and deficiencies of other divalent cations such as Ca).

• A common treatment to reduce the solubility of Al, Fe and other heavy metals in soil is to increase the soil pH, which is mostly done by liming (Ahmad and Tan, 1982; Hakim et al., 1989; Haby, 2002). The ability of liming to increase soil pH, decrease Al and Fe solubility, and increase crop yield is widely known

(Shamshuddin and Auxtero, 1991; Haby, 2002; Kadery, Brown et al., 2008). In Indonesia, the source of lime materials exists mostly in Java, which is far from the location where the liming needs to be done. Furthermore, liming only treats the symptoms of acid sulfate soils rather than the cause (Thomaset al., Furthermore, liming only treats the symptoms of acid sulfate soils rather than the cause (Thomas et al., 2003); therefore, the beneficial effects of liming are short lived, and it has to be done repeatedly

(Shamsuddin et al., 1998). This makes liming very expensive and it is often un-economic for small farmers to obtain lime materials.

• Lately, looking the recalcitrant C-organic in a black carbon material termed “biochar”, and lately many scientists are interested in using this black carbon material as a soil amendment (Glasser et al., 2002;

T li t l 2007 W lf 2008) Alth h th till bj ti (E ti d S lk 2009

Topolianz et al., 2007; Woolf, 2008). Although there are still some objections (Ernsting and Smolker, 2009; Senjen,2009), a lot of experimental results have indicated that biochar applications can improve soil

properties (Lehman et al., 2003; Liang et al., 2006; Chan et al., 2007) and increase crop yield (Yamato et al., 2006; Chan et al., 2008 ). Chan et al. (2007) showed that biochar application had improved some

physical soil properties, such as increased soil aggregation, water holding capacity, and decreased soil strength. An increase in saturated hydraulic conductivity of upland rice soilg y y p


2. Bahan dan Metoda:

harus jelas sehingga jika

orang lain akan melakukan penelitian

orang lain akan melakukan penelitian

serupa bisa melakukannya tanp hrus

bertanya pd penulis (ttp jangan tll panjang)

bertanya pd penulis (ttp jangan tll panjang)



d l



/ i

a. Metodologi/Rancangan percobaan/ instrument

penelitian kurang jelas

b. Variabel yang diamati kurang relevan

c. Metoda pengamatan kurang jelas/tidak



g j



Materials and Methods

• The purpose of this study was to observe the effort to decrease concrete crack width which was caused by normal temperature or high temperature on cooling condition which was caused by normal temperature or high temperature on cooling condition without and with watering in certaint time. The variety temperature was 200°C, 400°C, 600°C and observation was during 28 days.

The influence of temperature in concrete block

• Riley, 1991 in Gani [3] said that crack would happen inside the mortar (pasta of t) d d th t f ti l t th t t b t 300 t 5000C cement) and around the agregate of particle at the temperature between 300 to 5000C, while temperature of 300oC was as the limit of crack which happenned around the

agregate of particle.

• Last report about test of building material after burning presented that the breaking structure of concrete element would become worse after burning results if there was g apalling or getting peeled of concrete blanket. Concrete has increased the temperature for heating, so water is contained in the holes and the concrete capilarry will be

stronger at temperature of 100oC for some water and calcium silicate (CaSi) as the lack of water in cement pasta will disapear. It followed the lack of power. The increasing on number of vapour pressure in the holes caused explosive spalling that is part of p p p p g p concrete segment release from the surface and it happens at the temperature of 300 to 600oC. The next release will gradually be happened because there is formation of

concrete that will became weak and brittle at the temperature of 6000C. • Proof of strengthening concrete due to high temperature

• Concrete was proved having ability for keeping its integrity and strength from time • Concrete was proved having ability for keeping its integrity and strength from time

to time [5]. At burning temperature, hot condition that was received by concrete in the surface was different with in the middle one. So the breaking degree of concrete


2. Materials and methods

2.1. Production and characterization of biochar

• To ensure that the rice husk had come from the acid sulfate soil of West Kalimantan, Indonesia, we h t d it di tl th i f th fi ld d th b ht it f i illi t t th i h k Th i harvested it directly the rice from the field and then brought it for rice milling to get the rice husk. The rice husk was then put in a piece of pyrolysis apparatus which consisted of a stainless reactor of 500mm length with a 15cm inside diameter. The rice husk was then heated externally by an electric furnace (5000 W) to a temperature of 600oC. The reactor for the biochar production is presented in Figure 1.The Biochar was ground to pass through a 0.50 mm sieve……

2.2. Experimental setup2.2. Experimental setup

• A glass house experiment was set up to study the effect of rice husk biochar on rice growth. The soil used was collected from the experimental station of BPTP West Kalimantan in Sungai Kakap. Soil

samples were collected from depths of up to 20cm, and then dried, ground, and passed through a 2.0mm sieve. 5kg of ground soil was then put in a plastic pot with an inside diameter of 30cm. The organic soil amendments used were:

• (1) No soil amendment, as the control (Co) • (2) Rice Straw (RS), 15 t/ha

• (3) Rice husk (RH), 15 t/ha

• (4) Rice husk ash (RHA), 10 t/ha • (5) Rice husk biochar (RHB) 10 t/ha(5) Rice husk biochar (RHB), 10 t/ha • (6) Chromolaena odorata (Chr), 15 t/ha

• These six treatments were arranged in Fully Randomized Design with 4 replications. The amount of soil amendment applied was calculated based on the surface area of the plastic pot, and the amendments were mixed to a 20cm depth, after which they were incubated at water content close to the field capacity for 30 days. y

2.3. Soil Analysis

• Particle size analysis was performed by the pipette method (Soil Survey Laboratory Staff, 1992), and soil bulk density was determined by the clod method as described by Blake and Harke (1986). Soil pH was measured in 1:2.5 ratio soil solutions (with de-ionized water) with a pH meter (Jenway 3305). The

Walkley and Black wet oxidation method was used to determine organic C content (Soil Survey

L b t St ff 1992 T t l N t t d b th Kj ldh l th d (B d M l

Laboratory Staff, 1992. Total N content was measured by the Kjeldhal method (Bremner and Mulyaeny, 1982). Exchange Al3+ and Fe2+ were extracted with 1M KCl (Barnhisel and Bertsch, 1982). The CEC was extracted with 1M NH4Oac (buffered at pH 7.0), and exchangeable base concentrations were measured using AAS (Shimatzu).


3. Hasil dan Pembahasan: Ada narasi (penjelasan

dan interpretasi Tabel/Gb dan pembahasan: utj

membahas bisa dari hasil pengamatan/data

membahas bisa dari hasil pengamatan/data

sendiri atau dari literatur)





(T bl




a. Pemilihan penyajian (Table, Gambar, grafik,

trend, histogram) kurang tepat

b. Gambar kurang jelas

b. Gambar kurang jelas

c. Penjelasan hasil (Tabel/Gambar) kurang/tidak

ada/terlalu detail sehingga duplikasi dengan



d. Pembahasan tidak ada/kurang

e. Wawasan kurang (pembandingan dgn penelitian

e. Wawasan kurang (pembandingan dgn penelitian



Satuan tidak mengikuti sistim yang dikehendaki

jurnal ybs



Test of strength for concrete press

Concrete is tested by using compression testing machine, the test of


Changing of physical concrete

• Based on research result as shown in Table 1 intil 4 as above, it can be read globally changing color which is happened in each material test in every temperature as

described in Table 5 below described in Table 5 below. •

Table 5 changing colour in every temperature • Temperature Changing colour

• 2000C2000C Grey to whiteGrey to white • 4000C Grey to brown

• 6000C Chocolate milk with dark red spots

• Based on research result as above damage on concrete in avery material test isBased on research result as above, damage on concrete in avery material test is described as in Table 6 below.

• Table 6 Damage on concrete

• Manner of cooling Temperature Damage

• General 2000C Hair crack

• 4000C Hair and big crack

• 6000C Crack and peeling

• watering 2000C Hair crack

• 4000C Hair and big crackg

• 6000C Peeling


Results and Discussion

• The effect of rice husk biochar and other soil amendments on the chemical properties ofThe effect of rice husk biochar and other soil amendments on the chemical properties of acid sulfate soil in West Kalimantan is presented in Table 3. In general, application of organic soil amendments significatly improved the chemical properties of acid sulfate soil. There was an increase in soil organic matter content, soil pH, and CEC and a decrease in exchangeable Al and soluble Fe. The results in Table 3 also show that application of

organic soil amendments increased the level of P, K and Ca, but did not significantly organic soil amendments increased the level of P, K and Ca, but did not significantly influence the amount of Mg and Na.

Table 3

• Rice husk ash and rice husk biochar had a high pH (Table 1); therefore, it is reasonable that the soil treated with rice husk biochar and rice husk ash also had a high pH. This

results indicated that rice husk biochar could be used as a substitution for lime materials to increase the pH of acidic soils. The increase in CEC of the soil with organic soil

amendments would probably be due to the negative charge arising from the carboxyl p y g g g y

groups of the organic matter. The increase in CEC and soil pH with the addition of organic matter has been shown elsewhere (see Bot and Benites, 2005). Biochar has a high CEC (see Table 1), and with its high recalcitrance (Glaser et al., 2002), it is reasonable that soil applied with biochar had the highest CEC. An increase in soil CEC with the application of biochar has also been shown by Chan y et al. (2007)( )


Kesimpulan dan saran : harus gayut

dengan judul pendahuluan dan

dengan judul pendahuluan dan

menekankan hasil utama

K l



a. Tidak gayut dengan judul dan pendahuluan

b. Terlalu singkat atau sebaliknya terlalu rinci

c Saran diambil bukan dari hasil dan



Based on analysis as above, it is concluded that

Based on analysis as above, it is concluded that

Average of crack width on block concrete at variety temperature of

200°C, 400°C, and 600°C with normal cooling treatment are: at

temperature of 200°C is 0.22 mm, 400°C is 0.283 mm, an 600°C is

0 3267 mm

0.3267 mm.

The average of crack width of block concrete at vairety temperature

of 200°C, 400°C, and 600°C with cooling watering treatment are at

temperature of 200°C is 0.1767 mm, 400°C is 0.1967 mm, and

600°C is 0 283 mm

600°C is 0.283 mm.

The process of concrete beams cooling (normal cooling and

watering cooling) indicated that cooling time and burning concrete

temperature is influence the crack width when burdening

Cooling treatment to the concrete with watering can increase the

concrete recovery degree that is about 0.195% at temperature of

200°C; 0.304% at temperature of 400°C and 0.135 at temperatue of




Effect of Different Cooling Method Due to the Width of








The experimental results of biochar made from rice husk grown in acid

sulfate soil had a characteristics of ………..

Application of rice husk biochar and other organic soil amendment

Application of rice husk biochar and other organic soil amendment

applications improve some properties of the acid sulfate soil of West

Kalimantan, Indonesia, namely: decreasing soil bulk density, soil

strength, exchangeable Al, and soluble Fe, and increasing soil pH, soil

organic matter total P CEC exchangeable K and exchangeable Ca

organic matter, total P, CEC, exchangeable K, and exchangeable Ca.

The improvement of soil properties with organic soil amendment

applications resulted in an improvement of rice growth as shown by an

increase in plant height, number of tillers, and dry biomass. A significant

negative correlation occurred between dry biomass and exchangeable

negative correlation occurred between dry biomass and exchangeable

Al, soluble Fe, and soil strength; and a significant positive correlation

occurred between dry biomass, soil organic matter, and total P.

Judul: The Characteristics of Rice Husk Biochar and Its Influence

th P


f A id S lf t S il

d Ri


th i W



References: Gunakan prinsip relevansi, keterbaruan,

artikel di Jurnal dapat dilacak secara online ikuti

artikel di Jurnal, dapat dilacak secara online, ikuti

pedoman jurnal ybs dan regerence yg ada di teks

harus sama dgn di daftar reference

K l




References didalam teks tidak sama dengan di daftar



Kurang relevan/keterbaruan


Tidak dapat dilacak





tid k






A i 2003

Purtowiyatmo, Amir. 2003

Hansen, T C. 1976,

Text Book on Concrete Technology

, Directorate

of Building Research, Bandung Indonesia

Gani M S J 1997

Gani, M.S.J. 1997.

Cement and Concrete

Cement and Concrete

, Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

Monash University, Clayton Victoria Australia.

Anonim. 1998.

Laporan Akhir Pengujian Material Pasca bakar


Laboratorium Managemen dan Rekayasa Konstruksi, ITB, Bandung.





2005 P

h K d


T h d

Saelan dan Wibisono. 2005. Pengaruh Kadar Semen Terhadap

Ketahanan Beton Terhadap Api,


, Vol.3 ,No 2,


Mosley, W.H & Bungey, J.H. 1989.


g y,

Perencanaan Beton Bertulang







Kelemahan ….. (lanjutan)

Abstrack: bukan ringkasan memuat

Abstrack: bukan ringkasan, memuat

tujuan penelitian, rancangan perc, hasil

yg penting

yg penting






a. Rancu dengan ringkasan

b. Terlalu singkat/terlalu rinci



Fire disaster on building structure at some big cities is still happened due to

Fire disaster on building structure at some big cities is still happened due to

that fire is one of high risk failure of structure. Fire can be as a burden

thermal which did not want and be hoped on structure buiding, and the

temperature has tendency so high and increasing in a short time. There is

influence of hot cycle and fast cooling will cause the concrete structure

influence of hot cycle and fast cooling will cause the concrete structure

crack and become wider until the concrete structure will be collapse at the

end. This study discussed about the power of concrete structure especially

the comparison of wide crack of reinforced concrete beam and natural

concrete beam due to higher temperature of fire with the difference cooling


t i


th d l

i t d f




process and watering. The methodology consisted of experiment using

cooling process as normal watering process (or cooling without watering)

and cooling by watering. This experiment was carried out by trial kinds

temperature of 200°C, 400°C, and 600°C with factor of cement water was

steady in 28 days and then carried out watering process after the concrete

steady in 28 days and then carried out watering process after the concrete

was burned until 1000°C with dimension of 1m x 1m x 1m. The next step

was cooling without and with watering for the block with the dimension of 75

cm x 15 cm x 15 cm. Crack Detector Microscope was used to detect crack

width in every burden of LCD adding. Results showed that there was



t diff



idth t

hi h








i d

t t

t d th


t i ti


The experiments were carried out to study the characteristics of

biochar made from rice husk and its potential as a soil amendment in

acid soils. Biochar was produced by pyrolysis; after which it was

applied as a soil amendment. The soil was incubated for 30 days, and




t d

ith i




li d


then it was planted with rice. For comparison, soil was applied with:

rice straw, rice husk, rice husk ash,

Chromolaena odorata


and no soil amendment. The experiment was caaried out in a green

house used Fully Rancomized Design with 3 replication. was The


t i ti

f bi




t 4 96%

H 8 70 C

characteristics of biochar were: water content 4.96%, pH 8.70, C

18.72%, P 0.12%, CEC 17.57cmol kg-1, K 0.20%, Ca 0.41%, Mg

0.62%, and Na 1.40%. Application of biochar decreased soil bulk

density, soil strength, exchangeable Al, and soluble Fe and increased


il bl




t C


il H

il bl P

porosity, available soil water content, C-organic, soil pH, available P,

CEC, exchangeable K, and Ca. Out of these improvements, only soil

carbon, phosphorus, exchangeable Al, soluble Fe, and soil strength

significantly influenced rice biomass


Table 1 until 4 below.


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Kurangnya minat siswa dalam mempelajari matematika disebabkan karena pendekatan pembelajaran yang digunakan guru masih konvensional sehingga menyebabkan siswa tidak

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Ide dasar dari konsep otomata yang diterapkan adalah, bahwa dengan mengetahui atau melacak pola difraksi yang didapat dari file gambar, maka dapat diketahui pula kedalaman b

Sumber : Dinas PU dan BPS Kota Madiun 2016.. 17 Dari tabel diatas dapat dilihat jalan sepanjang 419,14 km merupakan jalan yang bestatus jalan Kota atau 96% dari jumlah total jalan

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