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Academic year: 2021



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5.1. Conclusions

Based on the above findings and discussions, the researchers came to the following conclusions:

1. The types of classroom interaction four way communications; they are: 1) Interaction between the teacher and the students, 2) Interaction between the teacher and a student, 3) Interaction between a student and another student, and 4) Interaction between the student and the material 2. The teacher’s interaction can be seen from the teacher’s activities, such

as handling feelings, complimenting, encouraging, accepting or using students’ ideas, asking questions, providing information, giving guidance and criticizing students. Student interaction is reflected in students’ specific and active responses, while student interaction appears in students’ discussions or group work in the teaching process. 5.2. Suggestions

The researcher suggests the following things:

1. For the teacher; it would be better if the teacher conducts a needs assessment at the beginning of each study. This is to determine what his/her student actually needs. In this way, the learning process of students may become more interesting.

2. For students; it is recommended that they use any type of learning that best suits their learning needs in classroom interaction. It is also recommended that they ask the English teacher what they want to learn. In this way, they can help teachers and the government achieve the curriculum goals.



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Nama :

Researcher : kalau bapak mau pelajaran atau waktu masuk kelas bapak


biasanya ngasih salam gak pak?

Teacher : ya of course tentu pasti itu tapi ya tergantung good morning atau good afternoon gitu

Researcher : tujuan bapak memberi salam ke anak-anak apa pak? Teacher : gimana ya kalau itu wajib karena melatih disiplin

membiasakan anak berbahasa Inggris untuk

menghormati guru kayak good morning, good afternoon

Researcher : bahasa yang bapak gunakan bahasa apa pak? Teacher : bahasa inggris

Researcher : pembicaraannya biasanya berkembang gak pak? Teacher : ya kadang saya tanya yang lain ada PR atau gimana

kabarnya gitu

Researcher : sebelum masuk ke materi pokok bapak biasanya ada semacam reinforment ke siswa gak pak?

Teacher : ya ada sedikit

Researcher : biasanya bentuk kegiatannya apa pak?

Teacher : biasa mengulang pelajaran yang kemarin dan kadang mencari vocab yang menuju ada hbapakngannya dengan materi yang kita ajarkan, misalnya reading tentang my library saya kasih pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang library disekolah ada perpustakaan, what is the function of library? Seperti itu

Researcher : biasanya bapak memberikan oral explanation atau dengan sedikit menulis dipapan tulis?

Teacher : kalau saya jelaskan dulu lalu saya tulis kan gak semua anak pintar ada anak yang bisa nyantol di otaknya kadang anak yang paling bawah itu harus ditulis, ditunjukkan biar nyantol diotaknya


Teacher : mencatat mbak kalau saya member materi ya harus dicatat kadang-kadang saya rangkumkan dari LKS saya suruh tulis dbapakku tulis, nanti itu harus kamu punya. Saya piker-pikir kalau pakku tulis itu gak mungkin dbapakang tapi kalau LKS itu habis semesteran langsung dbapakang padahal banyak yang harus kit abaca kadang- kadang suruh ini dirangkum sedikit masukkan pakkunya gitu

Researcher : jika anak mengerjakan latihan bapak mengawasi dengan keliling dari meja ke meja atau gimana? Teacher : mengawasi sambil keliling ngecek kalau ada yang

salah saya kasih tahu ini salah gitu

Researcher : saat keliling ada yang bertanya bapak jawabny keras-keras atau hanya untuk siswa yang bertanya saja? Teacher : jawab untuk keseluruhan, kalau ada yang

bertanya saya ungkapkan ke anak lain artinya apa ini gitu

Researcher : siswa nangkap gak dengan arahan yang bapak berikan Teacher : o…ya jelas

Researcher : antusias anak biasanya saat jauh apa dekat pak? Tearcher : jauh dekat tetap antusias kok kalau kelas A itu bagus

aktif kok anaknya

Researcher : apakah bapak sering memotivasi siswa?

Teacher : kalau saya lihat nilai ulangan jelek saya kasih tahu kamu gak les ya? Diluar les ya tambahan meskipun disekolah les gitu itu menurut saya sudah memotivasi. Saya member tugas untuk belajar dirumah atau saya suka begini anak pintar saya suruh duduk dengan anak yang bodo biar ketularan rajinmu gitu saya

Researcher : jika memberi pujian pernah gak pak?

Teacher : of course, pasti itu good-good, you are a good student gitu saya biasanya


Teacher : o…ada yang bengok-bengok, thankyou gitu Researcher : dengan memberikan pujian pada siwa yang

menjawab benar bapak lakukan itu menumpakhkan percaya diri siswa gak pak?

Teacher : ya tentu saja mereka jadi berlomba-lomba ingin menjawab pokoknya jadi lebih berani menjawab

Researcher : waktu jawab latiahan atau soal ada siswa yang jawab tapi salah terus reaksi bapak gimana?

Teacher : salah! tanya temannya gimana benarnya baru saya tulis dipapan tulis

Researcher : kalau menunjuk siswa itu bapak biasanya secara acak tau gimana pak?

Teacher : kalau saya acak kadang-kadang kalau saya ingat namanya kalau bisa saya ratakan

Researcher : itu meningkatkan atensi anak ke pelajaran gak pak? Teacher : ya itu benar meningkatkan atensi siawa

Researcher : sejauh pengamatan bapak ada gak interaksi antar siswa yang muncul tanpa inisiasi dari bapak?

Teacher : ya jelas

Researcher : bahasa yang biasa siswa gunakan bahasa apa pak dalam berinteraksi tersepakt?

Teacher : kadang-kadang saya suruh pakai bahasa inggris kalau gak ya kebanyakan pakai bahasa Indonesia Researcher : pernah gak pak siswa disuruh praktik berbahasa inggris

didepan kelas?

Teacher : ya pernah terus ini kan anak-anak dibawa ke candi praktek bicara dengan turis itu ka nada programnya 1 semester 1x dicandi dilepas bicara dengan turis. Terus 1 paklan 1x ada turis dating ke kelas untuk percakapan bertanya-tanya dengan siswa meskipun pertanyaannya ya cuma itu-itu aja namanya anak


Researcher : materi untuk kelas bilingual sama gak pak dengan materi kelas regular?

Teacher : pedoman sama tapi materi bilingual lebih banyak lebih ditingkatkan lebih dicarikan materi yang lebih menantang karena pertemuannya banyak sekali kalau pakku LKS diregular belum dibilingual sudah habis kalau materi dari LKS itu anak-anak bilingual sudah pintar kalau kelas lain kita harus menerangkan kalau kelas bilingual kita ngomong sedikit mereka sudah paham memang lebih bagus kelas bilingual materi lebih banyak

Researcher : kalau dikelas bilingual berapa jam pelajaran pak? Teacher : 5jam pelajaran itu 2jam dilab, 3jam dikelas terus les

itu 4jam pelajaran

Researcher : kalau pakku yang biasa digunakan dikelas blingual pakku apa pak? Teacher : banyak Yudhistira, LKS, Lila

Researcher : yang pakku khusus bilingual gitu ada gak pak?

Teacher : ada bilinmgual bahasa inggris itu, tapi saya sering juga kasih fotokopian, rangkuman dari beberapa pakku yang saya carikan karena paket disekolah cuma sedikit Researcher : kalau kurikulum untuk kelas bilingual dengan kelas

regular sama gak pak?

Teacher : sama tapi harusnya berbeda setelah saya ikut pelatihan RPP yang berkarakter sekolah biasa, sekolah bilingual, RSBI itu mereka berbeda karena ada tingkatannya lebih sulit lebih sulit gitu. Bilingual waktu masih awal masih ada yang pakai bahasa Indonesia tapi untuk salam dan penutup harus pakai bahasa inggris

Researcher : sekolah ini untuk kelas bilingual sudah berapa tahun pak? Teacher : sudah 4tahun tapi saya terlibat dikelas bilingual baru 2 tahun Researcher : kalau petugas yang dilab itu guru atau karyawan pak?


Teacher : kalau itu beda itu dari LEC jadi guru cuma damping dibelakang aja lihat bagaimana panyampaiannnya misal kurang bagus ya kita minta ganti harusnya mereka kan lebih pintar dari kita kalau gak ya mending kita sendiri yang ngajar



Guru :

1. Peneliti dating ke sekolah jam 11.00 dan kelas mulai pukul 11.30. 2. Sebelum masuk ke kelas, guru menyapa dan berbicara dengan

beberapa siswa yang masih di depan kelas

3. Suasana saat masuk kelas siswa sedikit ramai karena siswa belum duduk di tempat masing-masing

4. Siswa mulai mempersiapkan pakku pelajaran bahasa inggris 5. Guru minta ijin ke peneliti untuk ke kamar kecil terlebih dahulu

dan meminta peneliti untuk masuk kelas terlebih dahulu

6. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk mengambilkan kursi untuk peneliti

7. Guru mempakka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam kepada para siswa Teacher: Good morning students? Students: Good morning ma’am

8. Guru menanyakan keadaan siswa dan menanyakan siapakah hari ini yang tidak masuk pada hari ini

Teacher : How are you today? Students : I am fine thank you and you? Teacher : I am fine too

How is absent today? Students : Yusup

Teacher : Yusup he or she? Students : He

9. Guru mulai bertanya kepada siswa apakah siswa membawa pakku paket dan siswa memjawab dengan antusias

Teacher : Okay, Do you bring your packet book? Students : Yes

10. Guru menyuruh ketua kelas untuk mengambil pakku pelajaran yang tertinggal di meja guru

Teacher :Please, would you like to take my English book in the teacher’s office?

Student : Okay ma’am

11. Guru bertanya kepada beberapa siswa tentang ruang-ruang yang ada di sekolahan dan siswa menjawab dengan antusias pertanyaan guru


Teacher : Okay I will ask to Dea Where do you study?

Dea : I am study in SMPN 1 Prambanan

Teacher : Okay good. Next I have a question everyone can answer it.

What is the room in the school?

Students : Class, laboratory, library, teacher office, headmaster office, canteen

Teacher : Do you know the definition of the class? Students : Class is place for study in the school Teacher : Now how many laboratory you have?

Students : Six

Teacher : Okay six mention it

Students :Biology, computer, two languages laboratory, social laboratory, chemistry laboratory

Teacher : What is the function of laboratory? Students : To do some experiment

Students : One

Teacher : Do you understand what I say? Students : Yes

12. Guru meminta siswa untuk

mempakka pakku paket halaman 124 dan mulai membahas isi dari percakapan yang ada di dalam pakku dengan bertanya kepada salah satu siswa

Teacher : Okay next do you bring this book? Open page 124 I want to ask Anita What is dialogue about?

Anita : Library the function of library

13. Guru memberi waktu kepada siswa untuk memahami percakapan yang ada di dalam pakku paket

Teacher : Okay I give you five minutes to understand it! Okay Students : Okay

14. Guru mulai membahas soal dari percakapan yang ada di dalam pakku paket bersama dengan para siswa. Guru memberi pertanyaan dan siswa yang menjawab dengan antusias dan guru meminta agar siswa mencatat di dalam pakku masing-masing.

Teacher : Have you finished understanding the dialogue? Students : Yes

Teacher : Okay who was in the library? Students : Dewi



Teacher : Write in your book! Students : Okay

Teacher : Next how is the library? Students : It is very big and a lot of new book Teacher : How many books are there?

Students : There are some English books Teacher : How many other languages are there?

Students : There are some Dutch books and a few books in other languages

Teacher : Any other kinds of book in the library?

Students : There are many kinds of magazine and tabloid, and also newspapers

15. Karena hari ini ada lomba maka pelajaran hanya satu jam dan guru menutup kegiatan belajar mengajar hari ini dan mengucapkan salam perpisahan kepada siswa

Teacher : Okay good the time is up. Thanks for

your attention Good bye Students : Good bye

16. Guru keluar kelas di ikuti peneliti meninggalkan kelas untuk menuju ke ruang guru tetapi karena guru ada keperluan lomba maka peneliti minta ijin untuk pamit dan kembali ambil data pada hari rapak



1. Peneliti dating ke sekolah jam 08.00 dan menunggu guru di dalam ruang guru sambil bertanya kepada guru

2. Di dalam ruang guru aka nada rapat maka peneliti menunggu guru di luar ruangan

3. Setelah rapat dan jam pelajaran sudah akan dimulai maka guru dan peneliti segera menuju ke kelas

4. Di luar kelas masih ada siswa yang sedang makan dan guru menyuruh siswa untuk segera menghabiskan makanannya dan segera masuk ke kelas

5. Guru menyuruh salah satu siswa untuk mengambil kursi untuk peneliti duduk di belakang kelas

6. Guru mulai mempakka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam kepada siswa Teacher : Good morning students?

Students : Good morning ma’am

7. Guru bertanya tentang bagaimana keadaan siswa pada hari ini dan siswa menjawab dengan antusias dan bertanya siapakah hari ini yang tidak masuk

Teacher : How are you today?

Students : I am fine thank you and you? Teacher : I am fine too

Who is absent today? Students : Nothing

8. Guru memberitahukan kepada siswa bahwa hari ini hari terakhir pelajaran karena pada hari jumat siswa sudah tes akhir semester dan guru mebritahukan bahwa kegiatan hari ini adalah latihan soal untuk persiapan ujian

Teacher : Today is the last lesson because on Friday all of you will get the test of this semester. Today we will do exercises to prepare the examination on Friday.

Are you ready? Students : Yes

9. Guru menjelaskan jenis-jenis teks dengan memberi pertanyaan kepada siswa dan siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru

Teacher : Descriptive text.

Do you know about descriptive text? Students : Yes

Teacher : What is does means of descriptive text? Help me You answer!

Student : Text that purpose to describe someone or something Teacher : Okay and then the next genre is procedure text.

Do you know what the does it means of procedure text is? Tell about something what?

Students : Steps to do something for example cooking

10. Guru menanyakan siswa apakah siswa sudah paham dengan penjelasan guru dan apakah siswa tahu dari kata-katayang guru ucapkan


11. Dalam menjelaskan guru juga membantu siswa agar siswa dapat memahami penjelasan dengan memberikan kata-kata pancingan agar siswa dapat memberikan contoh

Teacher : Okay next and then greating card, greating card ya for example who can make the greating card for me? For example, congratulation for?

Students : Conggratulation for your Teacher : For your?

Students : Conggratulation for you success Teacher : For?

Students : Conggratulation for your success for the winner on the last test inthis semester

12. Jika siswa kurang bisa memahami guru juga menjelaskan dalam bahasa Indonesia agar siswa lebih paham tentang apa yang di ucapakan oleh guru Teacher : Paham gak yes yes nanti gak paham. Di LKS no 20 sampai 22 itu

notice, no 23 sampai 25 announcement dalam isian, terus no 36 sampai 40 announcement tapi pilaihan ganda. Paham?

Studens : Ya

13. Dalam pembelajaran guru juga bertanya kepada siswa tentang apa yang sedang dibahas dan jika guru lupa namanya guru hanya menunjuk secara acak saja

Teacher : What is does means of descriptive text? Help me You answer!

14. Guru menjelaskan bahwa materi yang dijelaskan bisa dipelajari dari pakku LKS dan guru meminta siswa untuk menulis di dalam pakku masing-masing Teacher : Okay you can study on your LKS book.

Next this is the excercises you can put it one by one. Number 1 until number 5 in the piece of paper

15. Guru membagikan soal fotokopi kepada siswa dan dimita untuk dikembalikan karena soal itu milik pak Amin

Teacher : This is Pak Amin has if it is Pak Anik has I will give to you. Because it is Pak Amin has you must back it.

16. Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa bagaimana cara mengerjakan soal tersepakt apakah jawaban saja atau beserta soalnya

Teacher : No what is the answer for example a, b, c, or d just the answer. Okay?

Students : Okay

17. Guru membahas soal dengan menunjuk siwa untuk menjawab soal jika guru tidak ingat nama guru menunjuk siswa berdasarkan urutan tempat duduk siswa

18. Dalam pembahasan soal siswa sangat antusias menjawab pertanyaan dari guru jadi suasana kelas sangat interaktif karena siswa berlomba-lomba untuk menjawab dan membenarkan jawaban teman yang salah

19. Selain menjawab soal guru juga meminta siswa untuk mengartikan soal dalam bahasa Indonesia


Next Meta translates it in Indonesia for me!

Meta : Di Indonesia banyak orang suka membaca Kompas. Itu adalah Koran. Kompas mempunyai banyak pembaca. Mereka membaca tentang kesehatan, hbapakran, olahraga. Dengan lebih dari 40 halaman. Kompas sangat tebal.

20. Waktu pelajaran sudah habis guru mengakhiri pelajaran dan tidak lupa mengingatkan siswa untuk mengumpulkan tugas ke kantor guru dan belajar agar bisa mengerjakan waktu ujian semesteran

Teacher : anggita don’t forget to submit the tasks to the teacher office! Student : Okay ma’am

Teacher : Okay class thank you for your attention good bye Students : Good bye

Teacher : Good luck for your examination Students : Thank


Class : 7A Time : 11.30 am Day : Wednesday, July 15 2020

Teacher : Good morning students? Students : Good morning sir Teacher : How are you today?

Students : I am fine thank you and you? Teacher : I am fine too

How is absent today? Students : Yusup

Teacher : Yusup he or she? Students : He

Teacher : Okay, Do you bring your packet book? Students : Yes

Teacher : Okay I will ask to Dea Where do you study?

Dea : I am study in SMP N 2 Gunungsari

Teacher : Okay good. Next I have a question everyone can answer it. What is the room in the school?

Students : Class, laboratory, library, teacher office, headmaster office, canteen

Teacher : Do you know the definition of the class? Students : Class is place for study in the school Teacher : Now how many laboratory you have? Students : Six

Teacher : Okay six mention it

Students : Biology, computer, two languages laboratory, social laboratory, chemistry laboratory

Teacher : What is the function of laboratory? Students : To do some experiment

Teacher : How many library do you have? Students : One

Teacher : Do you understand what I say? Students : Yes

Teacher : Okay next do you bring this book? Open page 124 I want to ask Anita

What is dialogue about? Anita : Library the function of library

Teacher : Okay I give you five minutes to understand it! Okay Students : Okay

Teacher : Have you finished understanding the dialogue? Students : Yes

Teacher : Okay who was in the library? Students : Dewi has

Teacher : Write in your book! Students : Okay

Teacher : How are you today? Students : “I am fine, Sir, and you”? Teacher : I am fine to, Thank’s Teacher : Every body pay attention your friends will read the name of month.


Teacher : Okay, Lets star.

Students : January, March, May, July, September, November.

Students : February, April, June, August, October, December.

Teacher : Okay, Thank’s you An an and Rachel, very good.

Teacher : Students you must remember your birthday. Then you stand up and you will be tell with all friend.

Students : “Sir, hari, bulan and tahun semuanya kah…?”

Teacher : It is up to you. You can tell every thing.

Students : Okay, Sir.

Teacher : ……..What do you mean “ earliest”

Teacher : ……..What do you mean “ earliest”

Students : (The students tried to answer at the same time)

Teacher : Yes, X, what do you know “earliest”?

Students : Paling pertama, Sir. Teacher : Yes, paling pertama.

Teacher : Danilo, what is your father’s job?

Students : He is Police, Sir? Teacher : “A police”! Good, what about others?

Students : Bussinessmen, Sir.

Teacher : Yes, “bussinessman”, what else?

Teacher : Next how is the library?

Students : It is very big and a lot of new book Teacher : How many books are there? Students : There are some English books

Teacher : How many other languages are there?

Students : There are some Dutch books and a few books in other languages Teacher : Any other kinds of book in the library?

Students : There are many kinds of magazine and tabloid, and also newspapers

Teacher : Okay good the time is up. Thanks for your attention Good bye


Class : 7A Time : 09.30 am Day : Friday, July 17 2020

Teacher : Good morning students? Students : Good morning sir Teacher : How are you today?

Students : I am fine thank you and you? Teacher : I am fine too

Who is absent today? Students : Nothing

Teacher : Today is the last lesson because on Friday all of you will get the test of this semester. Today we will do exercises to prepare the examination on Friday.

Are you ready? Students : Yes

Teacher : Okay today is about the kinds of text. How many kinds of text?

Students : Six

Teacher : Six? I think you know about this and you know that is in every day you can find this.

Okay have you finish to write it have you ready? Students : Yes

Teacher : They are type of reading the functional about notice text. Do you know notice?

Students : Yes

Teacher : Do you have any question? Students : What is the meaning “rhythm”? Teacher : What is “ryhthm” in Indonesia? Students : I think……?

Teacher : Yes, I think? “ryhtm” in Indonesia. Students : ……….

Teacher : Ryhtm is “irama”.

Teacher : Notice and then short meassage, the second one is short message. And then the third is announcement.

Sudah finish?

Do you know announcement? What is announcement? Students : Pengumuman

Teacher : Short message

Do you know the kind of short message? Students : Yes

Teacher : What is “Birthday”? Students : Ulang tahun

Teacher : Yes, Ulang tahun

Students : Sir, apa“Date of birthday”? Teacher : Tanggal ulang tahun.

Teacher : Okay next and then greating card, greating card ya for example who can make the greating card for me? For example, congratulation for?

Students : Conggratulation for your Teacher : For your?


Students : Conggratulation for your success for the winner on the last test in this semester

Teacher : Okay and then short English Do you know short English? Students : Yes

Teacher : Okay on your LKS book, and then in comprehension II number 20 until 22 notice, number 23 until 25 is announcement is an essay. And then in writing number 36 until 40 about announcement is multiple choices. Okay

Students : Yes

Teacher : Let’s think how to operate computer. What is the first thing we shouldn do?

Students : Press power button on the CPU, Sir.

Teacher : Are you sure? I think we should plug the cord first. (Giving her own opinion)

Students : O yes, that is right, Sir

Teacher : Paham gak yes yes nanti gak paham. Di LKS no 20 sampai 22 itu notice, no 23 sampai 25 announcement dalam isian, terus no 36 sampai 40 announcement tapi pilaihan ganda. Paham?

Studens : Ya

Teacher : Descriptive text.

Do you know about descriptive text? Studens : Can I go to toilet Sir?

Teacher : “Of course” Students : Yes

Teacher : Do this assignment in the group with discussion? Students : Kevin, done Sir.

Teacher : “This is group and then discussion with your friend” Students : No Sir, aku mengerjakan sendiri.

Teacher : Tidak boleh mengerjakan sendiri, ini tugas kelompok. Teacher : What is does means of descriptive text? Help me

You answer!

Student : Text that purpose to describe someone or something Teacher : Okay and then the next genre is procedure text.

Do you know what the does it means of procedure text is? Tell about something what?

Students : Steps to do something for example cooking Teacher : Okay you can study on your LKS book.

Next this is the excercises you can put it one by one. Number 1 until number 5 in the piece of paper Students : Yah

Teacher : Sekar, read the teks pragraph one?

Students : Hah, semuanya kah Sir (confusion laughing)

Teacher : Iya, sampai habis 1 buku (laughing) Pragraph one Sekar! Students : Yes, Sir.

Teacher : Come on.

Teacher : This is Bu Amin has if it is Bu Anik has I will give to you. Because it is Bu Amin has you must back it.

Okay number 1! Students : Sebentar bu


Okay? Students : Okay

Teacher : Okay keep silent please! Have you finished? Okay number one Students : Indro is newspaper boy Teacher : Indro is a newspaper boy

And then number two

Students : He delivers newspaper to different houses everyday Teacher : He delivers

Next number three

Students : He has about thirty magazines in his neighborhood Teacher : He has about thirty magazines

Okay good next how it is means in Indonesia? Translate it for me! Students : Indro seorang tukang koran. Dia mengantarkan Koran ke rumah- rumah yang berbeda setiap hari. Dia mempunyai sekitar 30 pelanggan koran yang tetangga-tetangganya

Teacher : Okay next number four Anisa

Anisa : Now the government doesn’t permit people to hunt the rare animals, like komodo, cendrawasih.

Teacher : To hunt

Next number five you!

Student : Those animals must be protected so that they are not extinct Teacher : Must be protected

Okay that number one until five, next number six until ten. Okay? Students : Okay

Teacher : Okay have you finished number six until number ten? Students : Yes

Teacher : Okay number six Caesar Caesar : Amin: Are you thirsty, Lidia?

Lidia: No, but I am hungry. I want to eat now Teacher : I am hungry

Okay good!

Okay next number seven Fahri what is number seven Fahri? Fahri : Amin: What about you, Mia?

Mia: I feel tired, so I want to sleep Teacher : I want to sleep

Okay good!

Next translate in Indonesia what it is means? Students : Amin: Apakah kamu haus , Lidia?

Lidia: Tidak, tetapi aku lapar. Aku ingin makan sekarang Amin: Bagaimana denganmu Mia?

Mia: Aku merasa capek sekali jadi aku ingin segera tidur Teacher : Okay next number eight Dewi

Dewi : In Indonesia, many people like to read Kompas. It is the newspaper

Teacher : It is the newspaper Okay good!

Next number nine is you! Student : It has many readers Teacher : It has many readers


Teacher : Kompas is very thick Okay good!

Next Meta translates it in Indonesia for me!

Meta : Di Indonesia banyak orang suka membaca Kompas. Itu adalah Koran. Kompas mempunyai banyak pembaca. Mereka membaca tentang kesehatan, hiburan, olahraga. Dengan lebih dari 40 halaman. Kompas sangat tebal.

Teacher : Okay good!

Next is number eleven until number fifteen Do you know Mount Krakatau?

Students : Yes

Teacher : Mount Krakatau is an active? Students : Volcano

Teacher : Okay next you ! what is your name? you? Students : Anggita

Teacher : Yes, you

Anggita : It is located in Sunda strait, between Sumatera and Java Teacher : It is located in Sunda strait

Okay next Ryan! Ryan : It erupted in 1883 Student : Has erupted

Teacher : It has erupted in 1883

Kenapa paki has? Why used has? Students : Karena sampai sekarang masih Teacher : Okay next number fourteen

Thousand people? Students : Died

Teacher : Thousands of people died at the calamity Okay next number fifteen until number twenty Students : Waktunya habis bu

Teacher : Sudah bel? Students : Ya sudah

Teacher : Okay forget to study and give the exercises back to me Students : Okay sir

Teacher : Anggita don’t forget to submit the tasks to the teacher office! Student : Okay sir

Teacher : Okay class thank you for your attention good bye Students : Good bye

Teacher : Good luck for your examination Students : Thank you

Teacher : Can you give me example of any dance?

Students : “Seperti gaya Michel Jackson kah Sir”, (the students showed with example) Teacher : Good, okay, what else?


1. Dealing with Students’ Feeling

S : Can I go to toilet Sir? T : “Of course”

Teacher Interaction

2. Jokes T : Sekar, read the teks pragraph one?

S : Hah, semuanya kah Sir (confusion laughing) T : Iya, sampai habis 1 buku

(laughing) Pragraph one Sekar! S : Yes, Sir. T : Come on. Teacher Interaction 3. Using the Ideas of Students

T : Can you give me example of any dance?

S : “Seperti gaya Michel Jackson kah Sir”, (the students showed with example) T : Good, okay, what else?

Teacher Interaction

4. Asking Question

T : Do you have any question? S : What is the meaning “rhythm”? T : What is “ryhthm” in Indonesia? S : I think……?

T : Yes, I think? “ryhtm” in Indonesia.

S : ……….

T : Ryhtm is “irama”. T : What is “Birthday”? S : Ulang tahun

T : Yes, Ulang tahun

S : Sir, apa“Date of birthday”? T : Tanggal ulang tahun.

Teacher Interaction

5. Giving Informati on

T : Let’s think how to operate computer. What is the first thing we shouldn do? S : Press power button on the

CPU, Sir.

T : Are you sure? I think we should plug the cord first. (Giving her own opinion) S : O yes, that is right, Sir


72. Whatdo you see there”?

S : Mengisi table Sir.

T : That’s right! You choose good answer and then you must write in the table. I am going to devide you into some groups. One group are three students. Please do the assigment on page 72. And then you must present with your friends.

7. Criticizin g

Students’ Behavior

T : Do this assignment in the group with discussion?

S : Kevin, done Sir.

T : “This is group and then discussion with your friend”

S : No Sir, aku mengerjakan sendiri. T : Tidak boleh mengerjakan

sendiri, ini tugas kelompok.


No indicator Observation # 2 Interaction 1 Specific Students’ Response T : How are you today? S : “I am fine, Sir, and you”? T : I am fine to, Thank’s T : Every body pay attention your friends will read the name of month. Are you An an and Rachel. S : Yes, Sir.

T :

Okay, Lets star. S1 : January, March, May, July, September,


S2 : February, April, June, August, October, December. T : Okay, Thank’s you An an and Rachel, very good. Students Interaction 2 Students’ Initiated Responses T : Students you must remember your birthday. Then you stand up and you will be tell with all friend.

S : “Sir, hari,


T : It is up to you. You can tell every thing. S : Okay, Sir. 3 Work-Oriented Confusion and Non-Work-Oriented Confusion T : ……..What do you mean “ earliest” T : ……..What do you mean “ earliest” S : (The students tried to answer at the same time)

T : Yes, X, what do you know “earliest”? S : Paling pertama, Sir. T : Yes, paling pertama. Students Interaction



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