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Upper Back Pain Identification And Some Useful Solutions


Academic year: 2017

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Upper Back Pain: Identification And Some Useful Solutions Word Count:

486 Summary:

Upper Back Pain is as painful or troublesome as the pain in the lower back or the neck. An injury or a strain is the most common reason for the pain in the upper portion of our backs. Although back pain in upper portion is not a common phenomenon, it can cause significant discomfort and needs to be treated carefully. The identification of the exact cause is necessary to treat the pain in the upper back.


Upper Back Pain, Back Pain

Article Body:

Upper Back Pain is as painful or troublesome as the pain in the lower back or the neck. An injury or a strain is the most common reason for the pain in the upper portion of our backs. Although back pain in upper portion is not a common phenomenon, it can cause significant discomfort and needs to be treated carefully. The identification of the exact cause is necessary to treat the pain in the upper back. Muscular irritation and joint malfunction have been found to be the most common causes of upper back pain. An injury or a poor posture can also result in back pain. In recent years, it has been found that people sitting in one posture for example working in front of the computer are more prone to suffer from this type of back pain.

Lack of activity or poor strength of our muscles is a very common cause of upper back pain and can be treated through chiropractic cure, acupuncture, massage, physical therapy and various types of stretching exercises. Again an injury or strain in the joints between the ribs and the upper back can result in severe pain. Such a situation can be rectified by exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles and loosening the back. A ruptured disk or a degenerative disk disease can also result in back pain in upper part.

An appropriate posture and regular strengthening exercises are a must for avoiding the pain in the upper back. A poor posture can lead to weak muscles and a strain in our joints and ligaments and thus cause upper back pain. Osteoporosis, a disease which makes ones bones fragile and weak, a rupture in the spinal disk or any other form of injury can also result in back pain. People suffering from heart disease can also experience pain in the upper back. Such people need to consult a specialist so as to avoid any complexities. It is important to get proper medical treatment if the cause of your upper back pain is Osteoporosis, a ruptured disk or any other injury. However, if the pain is caused by a poor posture or a strain, we can take some self remedial action such as massaging the area of pain. Pain in the Trapezius or the triangle shaped muscles of the upper back and the shoulder blades can be rectified through self massage or massage by somebody else. Also try to concentrate on improving your posture and sit straight instead of slouching. A poor posture eliminates the natural, weight-supporting S curve in our backs and weakens them. In contrast a right posture- chest out, stomach in, and buttocks tucked under- helps one to restore the S curve in our back. Proper exercises can enable one to rectify his/her posture. Proper massage by a physical therapist, use of acupuncture techniques and physical therapy also go a long way in relieving upper back pain.

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