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Having AD HD is not the end of the world


Academic year: 2017

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Having AD/HD is not the end of the world Word Count:

582 Summary:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or AD/HD, what is this? How can this be cured or is it curable?


Bupropion, bupropion HCL, HCL, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, AD/HD

Article Body:

I remember my classmate Sammy; who also happens to be my neighbor. We were both 8 years old when I notice that there was something ˆdifferent˜ about him. He was never still, he seems to be listening but his easily gets bored as quick as the DC comics hero ˆFlash˜ and shift his attention else where. As we both grow up, I realized that Sammy was suffering from AD/HD.

AD/HD is short for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The medical community stated that childhood ADHD does continues up to adulthood. About 5-7% or more of all children suffer from attention deficit. ADHD can co-exist with other disorders. With proper diagnosis there are certain characteristic behaviors can be seen over time and that most common include: Poor attention span; very impulsive; easily distracted; difficulty staying on a particular task at hand; difficulty falling asleep and waking up; irritability. Life is not easy with AD/HD but it is manageable

As a child moves from adolescence to adulthood, the predominant symptoms of AD/HD tend to shift from external, visible ones to internal. AD/AD is broken down into three different types: combine, hyperactive-impulsive type and predominantly. More often, a feeling of shame and guilt follows a person who had AD/HD.

There is no enough information on what parts of the brain AD/AD arises, current findings associate it with abnormalities of connections in the outermost layer at the front of the brain; it may have faulty regulation of certain brain chemical messenger systems. It was established that other psychiatric disorders frequently co-exist with AD/HD. There have been studies that marriage between a spouse with AD/HD and a non-AD/HD partner can work out pretty well. This complementary type of relationship works best when each partner is matured enough to accept his or her unique strengths and weaknesses. The Husband can offer spontaneity while the wife can become the stabilizer.

Sometimes, having an AD/HD partner could put a strain to a marriage. For example, A non-ADD wife may misinterpret her husband’s too frequent disorganization as a deliberate move. Both partners should have a thorough understanding of the behaviors associated with AD/HD before it affects the entire family. Research concluded that AD/HD is likely caused by biological factors which influence neurotransmitter activity in certain parts of the brain, and which have as strong genetic basis. There is evidence that this runs in families, which suggest it likely of genetic factors.

A trip to your healthcare professional can fully diagnose if you do have AD/HD as this can be mistaken for other disorders like anxiety, depression to name a few. Effective treatment for AD/HD is a combination of therapy, counseling so the person can learn to cope and adapt. If it´s really necessary medication is recommended.

However, it may sound controversial about the use of medications to treat children and adults with AD/HD. But Medication can be proven helpful to certain individuals who may have this for years, A medicine like Bupropion HCL is used to treat depression and for those who had AD/HD. It works by increasing certain types of activity in the brain. It comes as a tablet and a sustained-release oral tablet. Your doctor can will be one to start you on a low dose until it he decides it’s time to increase the dosage. It may take 4 to 6 weeks or longer before you would really feel the full benefit of this medicine.

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