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Audio Books 10 Frequently Asked Questions Part 1


Academic year: 2017

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459 Summary:

My friends and colleagues consider me as the audio books expert. They tell their friends that they know an audio books expert and the outcome is that I keep getting dozens of audio books questions and inquiries each day. I have decided to gather the most frequently asked questions for everyone´s benefit. Here are the top five frequently asked questions about audio books (and the answers of course):

1. Are there free audio books? How do I get them? In one word: NO. In t...


Audio books, free audio books, audio book rental, audio books on cd

Article Body:

My friends and colleagues consider me as the audio books expert. They tell their friends that they know an audio books expert and the outcome is that I keep getting dozens of audio books questions and inquiries each day. I have decided to gather the most frequently asked questions for everyone´s benefit. Here are the top five frequently asked questions about audio books (and the answers of course):

1. Are there free audio books? How do I get them?

In one word: NO. In two words: Not exactly. Depends of the type of audio book you are looking for (downloadable audio book are cheaper than the other types), and the audio book title (new audio books cost more), you could find low cost audio books. I believe that one should pay for each product or service he gets. Yet, you could find free audio books mostly by signing up for the free trials most of the online audio book services give you.

2. What is better ˘ Audio books rental or audio books buying?

I personally prefer audio books rental. Mostly because of the price ˘ I read a lot of audio books and it will simply cost too much to buy them all. However, audio books that I really like, Ones that I want to listen to time after time, I buy and keep them on my audio books library. Yet, I have friends who are more possessive ˘ they are not willing to rent audio books and they must hold a remarkable huge audio book library.

3. What do you suggest ˘ downloadable audio books, audio books on CD or books on tape?

Well, that´s a tough question. Basically, I believe that the most worthy audio books format nowadays is downloadable audio books. You must own a media player (e.g. Ipod) to listen to it. Yet, it costs less than the others and has a better quality. However, the widest collection of audio books could be found on the audio books on CD format. If you want to listen to old books you will find them only on CDs.

I do not recommend getting books on tape (also known as audio books on cassettes). They are expensive, low quality and not user friendly. 4. When can I read audio books?

The answer is - Anytime and anywhere. Here are a few examples: While cooking, cleaning the house, exercising, running, walking, driving, flying, before going to sleep, commuting, working etc. 5. Are audio books expensive?

Audio books are not expensive at all. In fact, Downloadable audio books are very cheap ˘ they cost much less than real books and renting them is the most worthy deal. Audio books on CD cost about the same as real books and books on tape are the most expensive ones.

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