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Sustanon 250 A Four Testosterone Blend


Academic year: 2017

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372 Summary:

Sustanon 250 is an oil-based injectable steroid. Sustanon 250 contains mixture of four esterized testosterone compounds, which include Testosterone Propionate (30 mg), Testosterone Phenylpropionate (60 mg), Testosterone Isocaproate (60 mg) and Testosterone Decanoate (100 mg). The testosterone mixtures remain active in the body for up to a month in order to provide an immediate effect.

Keywords: Sustanon 250

Article Body:

Sustanon 250 is an oil-based injectable steroid. Sustanon 250 contains mixture of four esterized testosterone compounds, which include Testosterone Propionate (30 mg), Testosterone Phenylpropionate (60 mg), Testosterone Isocaproate (60 mg) and Testosterone Decanoate (100 mg). The testosterone mixtures remain active in the body for up to a month in order to provide an immediate effect.

In the late 80´s and the mid 90´s, Sustanon 250 was highly adored testosterone version. Sustanon 250 has several testosterone esters with different action continuations. As soon as the esters enter the general circulation, they get hydrolyzed into the natural hormone testosterone. As with other testosterones, Sustanon 250 is an androgenic steroid with a distinct anabolic effect. Thus, weightlifters, bodybuilders, jocks, runners normally use Sustanon 250 to put on mass and size while escalating potency. The use of Sustanon 250 causes less water retention and estrogenic side effects, which is really helpful to muscle-builders suffering from gynecomastia. This property of Sustanon 250 makes it a desirable steroid for jocks enthusiastic about cutting up or building a solid foundation of quality mass.

Some of the side effects associated with Sustanon 250 are acne, disturbance of liver function, polycythaemia, hypertension, weight gain (in female-to-male transsexuals), water and sodium retention, oligospermia, decreased ejaculatory volume, priapism and other signs of excessive sexual stimulation. The Sustanon 250 side effects that appear in pre-pubertal boys include precocious sexual development, an increased frequency of erections, phallic enlargement and premature epiphyseal closure. Sustanon 250 can be used with caution in boys who have not yet reached puberty, elderly people, decreased kidney or liver function, heart problem, high blood pressure (hypertension), epilepsy, migranes, diabetes, cancer, sleep apnea, blood clotting disorders. Sustanon 250 can not be used in prostate cancer, breast cancer in men, kidney inflammation and high calcium amount. Sustanon 250 is not recommended for women.

Normally, Sustanon 250 can be taken intravasculary at least once a week that can be stretched up to 10 days. The quantity in muscle building and power lifting ranges from 250 mg every 14 days up to 1000 mg or more a day. A dose of 500 mg/week is enough for the majority of jocks, and can often be diluted to 250 mg/week by blending with an oral steroid. To gain mass rapidly, Sustanon 250 is often taken in conjunction with Deca Durabolin, Dianabol (D-bol) or Anadrol. Parabolan, Winstrol, Anavar or Primobolan Depot.

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