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El e c t ro n ic

Jo ur

n a l o

f P

r o

b a b il i t y

Vol. 15 (2010), Paper no. 68, pages 2069–2086. Journal URL


Standard Spectral Dimension for the Polynomial

Lower Tail Random Conductances Model

Omar Boukhadra

Université de Provence† et Université de ConstantineAbstract

We study models of continuous-time, symmetric, Zd-valued random walks in random environment, driven by a field of i.i.d. random nearest-neighbor conductancesωx y

[0, 1]with a power law with an exponentγnear 0. We are interested in estimating the quenched asymptotic behavior of the on-diagonal heat-kernel

t (0, 0). We show that for

γ >d

2, the spectral dimension is standard, i.e.,

−2 lim t→+∞logh


t(0, 0)/logt=d.

As an expected consequence, the same result holds for the discrete-time case.

Key words: Markov chains, Random walk, Random environments, Random conduc-tances, Percolation.

AMS 2000 Subject Classification:Primary 60G50; 60J10; 60K37.

Submitted to EJP on January 6, 2010, final version accepted November 26, 2010.

To my father Youcef Bey

Centre de Mathématiques et Informatique (CMI), Université de Provence, 39 rue F. Joliot-Curie 13453

Mar-seille cedex 13, France.boukhadra@cmi.univ-mrs.fr

Département de Mathématiques, Université de Constantine, BP 325, route Ain El Bey, 25017, Constantine,



We study the model of random walk among polynomial lower tail random conductances on

Zd, d 2. Our aim is to derive estimates on the asymptotic behavior of the heat-kernel in

the absence of uniform ellipticity assumption. This paper follows up recent results of Fontes

and Mathieu[9], Berger, Biskup, Hoffman and Kozma[3], and Boukhadra[5].

1.1 Describing the model.

Let us now describe the model more precisely. We consider a family of symmetric, irreducible,

nearest-neighbors Markov chains taking their values in Zd, d ≥ 2, and constructed in the

following way. LetΩbe the set of functionsω:Zd×Zd→R+such thatω(x,y) =ωx y >0

iff x y, and ωx y = ωx y ( xy means that x and y are nearest-neighbors). We call

elements ofΩenvironments.

Define the transition matrix

(x,y) = ωx y


, (1.1)

and the associated Markov generator

(Lωf)(x) =X


Pω(x,y)[f(y) f(x)]. (1.2)

X = {X(t),t R+} will be the coordinate process on path space (Zd)R+ and we use the

notation Pxωto denote the unique probability measure on path space under which X is the

Markov process generated by (1.2) and satisfying X(0) = x, with expectation henceforth

denoted byx . This process can be described as follows. The moves are those of the discrete

time Markov chain with transition matrix given in (1.1) started atx, but the jumps occur after

independent Poisson (1) waiting times. Thus, the probability that there have been exactlyn

jumps at time t isettn/n! and the probability to be at y after exactly njumps at time t is


Sinceωx y >0 for all neighboring pairs(x,y),X(t)is irreducible under the “quenched law Pxω" for all x. The sum πω(x) =


yωx y defines an invariant, reversible measure for the

corresponding (discrete) continuous-time Markov chain.

The continuous time semigroup associated withLωis defined by


Define the heat-kernel, that is the kernel ofPtωwith respect to πω, or the transition density ofX(t), by

t(x,y):= P

ω t (x,y)



Clearly,t is symmetric, that ist (x,y) =t (y,x)and satisfies the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation as a consequence of the semigroup lawPtω+s=PtωPsω. We call “spectral dimension"

ofX the quantity

−2 lim


logt (x,x)

logt , (1.5)

(if this limit exists). In the discrete-time case, we inverse the indices and denote the heat-kernel byhnω(x,y).

Such walks under the additional assumptions of uniform ellipticity,

α >0 : Q(α < ωb<1) =1,

have the standard local-CLT like decay of the heat kernel as proved by Delmotte[6]:

Pωn(x,y) c1



c2|xy| 2



, (1.6)

wherec1,c2are absolute constants.

Once the assumption of uniform ellipticity is relaxed, matters get more complicated. The most-intensely studied example is the simple random walk on the infinite cluster of

super-critical bond percolation onZd,d 2. This corresponds toωx y ∈ {0, 1}i.i.d. withQ(ωb =

1) > pc(d) where pc(d) is the percolation threshold (cf. [10]). Here an annealed

invari-ance principle has been obtained by De Masi, Ferrari, Goldstein and Wick[7, 8]in the late

1980s. More recently, Mathieu and Remy[15]proved the on-diagonal (i.e., x = y) version

of the heat-kernel upper bound (1.6)—a slightly weaker version of which was also obtained

by Heicklen and Hoffman[11]—and, soon afterwards, Barlow[1]proved the full upper and

lower bounds on Pωn(x,y)of the form (1.6). (Both these results hold fornexceeding some

random time defined relative to the environment in the vicinity of x and y). Heat-kernel

upper bounds were then used in the proofs of quenched invariance principles by Sidoravicius

and Sznitman[16]ford 4, and for alld 2 by Berger and Biskup[2]and Mathieu and


LetBd denote the set of (unordered) nearest-neighbor pairs inZd. We choose in our case the

familyω={ω(x,y) : xy,(x,y)Zd×Zd}= (ωb)b∈Bd ∈(0,∞)B


i.i.d according to a lawQon(R∗+)Zd such that

ωb≤1 for allb;


where γ >0 is a parameter. In general, given functions f and g, we write fg to mean that f(a)/g(a)tends to 1 whenatends to some limit a0.

Our work is motivated by the recent study of Fontes and Mathieu [9] of continuous-time

random walks onZd with conductances given by

ωx y =ω(x)∧ω(y)

for i.i.d. random variables ω(x) > 0 satisfying (1.7). For these cases, it was found that

the annealed heat-kernel,RdQ(ω)P0ω(X(t) =0), exhibits opposite behaviors,standardand anomalous, depending whetherγd/2 orγ <d/2. Explicitly, from ([9], Theorem 4.3) we

have Z

dQ(ω)P0ω(X(t) =0) =t−(γd2)+o(1), t→ ∞. (1.8)

Further, in a more recent paper [5], we show that the quenched heat-kernel exhibits also

opposite behaviors, anomalous and standard, for small and large values ofγ. We first prove

for alld 5 that the return probability shows an anomalous decay that approaches (up to

sub-polynomial terms) a random constant timesn−2 when we push the powerγto zero. In

contrast, we prove that the heat-kernel decay is as close as we want, in a logarithmic sense,

to the standard decay nd/2 for large values of the parameterγ, i.e. : there exists a positive

constantδ=δ(γ)depending only ond andγsuch thatQa.s.,

lim sup n→+∞

sup x∈Zd


logn ≤ −


2+δ(γ) and δ(γ)−−−→γ→+∞ 0, (1.9)

These results are a follow up on a paper by Berger, Biskup, Hoffman and Kozma[3], in which

the authors proved a universal (non standard) upper bound for the return probability in a system of random walk among bounded (from above) random conductances. In the same paper, these authors supplied examples showing that their bounds are sharp. Nevertheless, the tails of the distribution near zero in these examples was very heavy.

1.2 Main results.

Consider random walk in reversible random environment defined by a family (ωb) ∈Ω =

[0, 1]Bd of i.i.d. random variables subject to the conditions given in (1.7), that we refer to as conductances, Bd being the set of unordered nearest-neighbor pairs (i.e., edges) ofZd. The

law of the environment is denoted byQ.

We are interested in estimating the decay of the quenched heat-kernelt (0, 0), ast tends to


the quenched case, a similar result to (1.8). Although our result is true for alld≥2, but it is

significant whend≥5.

The main result of this paper is as follows:

Theorem 1.1 For anyγ >d/2, we have

lim t→+∞

logt (0, 0)

logt =−


2, Q−a.s. (1.10)

Our arguments are based on time change, percolation estimates and spectral analysis. In-deed, one operates first a time change to bring up the fact that the random walk viewed only on a strong cluster (i.e. constituted of edges of order 1) has a standard behavior. Then, we show that the transit time of the random walk in a hole is “negligible" by bounding the trace of a Markov operator that gives us the Feynman-Kac Formula and this by estimating its spectral gap.

An expected consequence of this Theorem is the following corollary, whose proof is given in part 3.3 and that gives the same result for the discrete-time case. For the random walk

associ-ated with the transition probabilities given in (1.1) for an environmentωwith conductances

satisfying the assumption (1.7), we have

Corollary 1.2 For anyγ >d/2, we have

lim n→+∞

logh2ωn(0, 0)

logn =−


2, Q−a.s. (1.11)

Remark 1.3 As it has been pointed out in[4], Remark 2.2, the invariance principle (CLT)

(cf. Theorem 1.3 in[13]) and the Spatial Ergodic Theorem automatically imply the standard

lower bound on the heat-kernel under weaker conditions on the conductances. Indeed, letC

represents the set of sites that have a path to infinity along bonds with positive conductances.

Forωx y ∈[0, 1]and the conductance law is i.i.d. subject to the condition that the probability

ofωx y >0 exceeds the threshold for bond percolation onZd, we have then by the Markov

property, reversibility ofX and Cauchy-Schwarz

t(0, 0) 1



x∈C |x|≤pt

P0ω(X(t/2) =x)2

≥ 1


P0ω€|X(t/2)| ≤ptŠ2

|C ∩[pt,+pt]d|



with c(ω) > 0 a.s. on the set {0 ∈ C } and t large enough. Note that, in d = 2, 3, this

complements nicely the “universal” upper bounds derived in [3], Theorem 2.1. Thus, for

d 2, we have

lim inf t→+∞

logt (0, 0)

logt ≥ −


2 Q−a.s. (1.12)

and for the cases d =2, 3, 4, we have already the limit (1.11) under weaker conditions on

the conductances (see [3], Theorem 2.2). So, under assumption (1.7), it remains to study

the cases whered5 and prove that forγ >d/2,

lim sup t→+∞

logt(0, 0)

logt ≤ −


2 Q−a.s.

or equivalently, since the conductances areQ−a.s. positive by (1.7),

lim sup t→+∞

logPtω(X(t) =0)

logt ≤ −


2 Q−a.s. (1.13)


In this section we introduce a concept that is becoming a standard fact in the fields of random walk in random environment, namely random walk on the infinite strong cluster.

Choose a threshold parameterξ >0 such thatQ(ωbξ)>pc(d). The i.i.d. nature of the

measure Q ensures that for Q almost any environmentω, the percolation graph(Zd,{e

Bd;ωbξ})has a unique infinite cluster that we denote withCξ=Cξ(ω).

We will refer to the connected components of the complement ofCξ(ω)inZd asholes. By

definition, holes are connected sub-graphs of the grid. The sites which belong toCξ(ω)are

all the endvertices of its edges. The other sites belong to the holes. Note that holes may

contain edges such thatωbξ.

First, we will give some important characterization of the volume of the holes, see Lemma 5.2 in[13]. C denotes theinfinite cluster.

Lemma 2.1 There exists¯p<1such that for p>¯p, for almost any realization of bond perco-lation of parameter p and for large enough n, any connected component of the complement of the infinite clusterC that intersects the box[n,n]d has volume smaller than(logn)5/2.

For the rest of the section, chooseξ >0 such thatQ(ωbξ)>¯p.

Define the conditioned measure


Consider the following additive functional of the random walk :

(t) = Z t



its inverse()−1(t) =inf{s;Aξ(s)>t

}and define the corresponding time changed process

(t) =X(()−1(t)).

Thus the process is obtained by suppressing in the trajectory of X all the visits to the

holes. Note that, unlikeX, the process may perform long jumps when straddling holes.

As X performs the random walk in the environmentω, the behavior of the random process

is described in the next

Proposition 2.2 Assume that the origin belongs toCξ. Then, under P0ω, the random process Xξis a symmetric Markov process onCξ.

The Markov property, which is not difficult to prove, follows from a very general argument

about time changed Markov processes. The reversibility of is a consequence of the

re-versibility ofX itself as will be discussed after equation (2.2).

The generator of the process has the form

Lξωf(x) = 1




ωξ(x,y)(f(y)f(x)), (2.1)



ηω(x) = limt0 1

tP ω x (X

ξ(t) = y)

= Pxω(yis the next point inCξvisited by the random walk), (2.2)

if both x and y belong toCξandωξ(x,y) =0 otherwise.

The function ωξ is symmetric : ωξ(x,y) =ωξ(y,x) as follows from the reversibility of X

and formula (2.2), but it is no longer of nearest-neighbor type i.e. it might happen that

ωξ(x,y) 6= 0 although x and y are not neighbors. More precisely, one has the following

picture : ωξ(x,y) =0 unless eitherx and y are neighbors andω(x,y)ξ, or there exists a

hole,h, such that both x and y have neighbors inh. (Both conditions may be fulfilled by the

same pair(x,y).)

Consider a pair of neighboring pointsx and y, both of them belonging to the infinite cluster

Cξand such thatω(x,y)ξ, then


This simple remark will play an important role. It implies, in a sense that the parts of the

trajectory of that consist in nearest-neighbors jumps are similar to what the simple

sym-metric random walk on Cξ does. Precisely, we will need the following important fact that

obeys the standard heat-kernel bound :

Lemma 2.3 There exists a constant c such thatQξ0a.s.for large enough t, we have

P0ω((t) = y) c

td/2, ∀y∈Z

d (2.4)

For a proof, we refer to[13], Lemma 4.1. In the discrete-time case, see[3], Lemma 3.2.


The upper bound (1.13) will be discussed in part 3.2 and the proof of Corollary 1.2 is given in part 3.3. We first start with some preliminary lemmata.

3.1 Preliminaries.

First, let us recall the following standard fact from Markov chain theory :

Lemma 3.1 The function t7−→P0ω(X(t) =0)is non increasing.

Proof. This is an immediate consequence of the semigroup property of the family of bounded self-adjoint operators(Ptω)t0 in the space L2(Zd,πω) endowed with the inner product de-fined by






Next, let Br= [−r,r]d be the box centered at the origin and of radius r that we choose as a

function of time such that tr2(logr)−b whent → ∞, with b>1, and let B

r denote the

set of nearest-neighbor bonds ofBr, i.e.,Br={b= (x,y):x,yBr,x y}. We have

Lemma 3.2 Under assumption(1.7),

lim r→+∞

log infb∈B


logr =−



Thus, for arbitraryµ >0, we can writeQa.s. for r large enough,

inf b∈Br



. (3.2)

Proof. This is a restatement of Lemma 3.6 of[9].

Consider now the following formula

t f(x) =x




, t≥0,λ≥0, x∈Zd (3.3)

This object will play a key role in our proof of Theorem 1.1. Let L2b(Zd,πω)denote the set of bounded functions ofL2(Zd,πω). We have

Proposition 3.3 R = {t,t 0} defines a semigroup (of symmetric operators) on L2b(Zd,πω), with generator

Gωf =Lωf λϕf (3.4)

whereϕ=1{· ∈Cξ}. One also has the perturbation identities

t f(x) =Ptωf(x)λ

Z t




Z t


s (ϕPtωsf)(x)ds,

t 0,x Zd,f L2b(Zd,πω).


Proof. The proof, that we give here, very closely mimics the arguments of[17], Theorem 1.1.

Indeed, we begin with the proof of (3.5). Observe that Pxωa.s., for every x ∈Zd, the time

functiont7→eλAξ(t)is continuous, and

lim h→0

1 h


=λϕ(X(s))eλAξ(s), ∀s∈[0,t], t>0,

except possibly for a countable set{αi}iI⊂(0,t],|I| ⊂N∗. Then, fort ≥0, we have

eλAξ(t) = 1λ

Z t



= 1−λ

Z t



¨ −

Z t





Multiplying both sides of the first equality of (3.6) by f(X(t))and integrating we find :

which is the first identity of (3.5). Analogously we find the second identity of (3.5) with the help of the second line of (3.6). This completes the proof of (3.5).

Clearly||t f||22c(t,ϕ)||Ptωf||22, thent f L2b(Zd,πω), for fL2b(Z

semigroup follows readily by letting t tend to 0 in (3.5).

Let us finally prove (3.4). To this end notice that for fL2b(Zd,πω):

r be respectively the restrictions of the operatorsL


Gω(cf. (1.2)–(3.4))

to the set of functions onBrwith Dirichlet boundary conditions outsideBr, that we denote by

L2(Br,πω)(that is,LandG ω

r are respectively the generators of the processX and of the

semigroupR, which coincide with the ones given byLωandGωuntil the processX leaves

Br for the first time, and then it is killed). Then −Lrω and −Grω are positive symmetric

operators and we have

Grωf =L ω

r fλϕf,

with associated semigroup defined by

(Rω,t rf)(0):=E0ω


f(X(t))eλAξ(t);t< τr



whereτr is the exit time for the processX from the boxBr.

Let{λωi (r),i∈[1, #Br]}be the set of eigenvalues of−Grω labelled in increasing order, and

{ψω,i r,i∈[1, #Br]}the corresponding eigenfunctions with due normalization inL2(Br,πω).

3.2 Proof of the upper bound.

In this last part, we will complete the proof of Theorem 1.1 by giving the proof of the upper bound (1.13).

Proof of Theorem 1.1.

Assume that the origin belongs toCξ. By lemma 3.1, we have

P0ω(X(t) =0) 2

The additive functionalbeing a continuous increasing function of the time, so by operating

a variable change by settings= ()−1(u)(i.e. u=Aξ(s)), we get

which is bounded by


and using lemma 2.3,

It remains to estimate the second term in the right-hand side of the last inequality, i.e. P0ω((t/2) ) or more simply P0ω((t) 2ǫtε), but we can neglect the constant 2ε in the calculus as one will see in (3.15).

For eachλ≥0, Chebychev inequality gives

P0ω((t)) = P0ω((t);t< τr) +P0ω(A

From the Carne-Varopoulos inequality, it follows that

P0ω(τrt)≤C t rd−1e


4t +ec t, (3.9)

where C andc are numerical constants, see Appendix C in[15]. With our choice ofr such

that t r2(logr)−b (b>1), we get thatP0ω(τrt)decays faster than any polynomial ast

tends to+.

Thus Theorem 1.1 will be proved if we can check, for a particular choice ofλ >0 that may

depend ont, that

lim sup

decays faster than any polynomial intasttends


The Dirichlet form of −L on L


r,πω) endowed with the usual scalar product (see

Lemma 3.1), can be written as

Eω,r(f,f) =¬−Lrωf,fω= 1





where d f(b) = f(y) f(x) and the sum ranges over b = (x,y) ∈ Brω+1. By the min-max

Theorem (see[12]) and (3.4), we have

λω1(r) = inf f6≡0

Eω,r(f,f) +λPx∈Cξ

r f

2(x)π ω(x)


. (3.11)

where Crξ is the largest connected component of CξBr, and the infimum is taken over

functions with Dirichlet boundary conditions. (Recall that λω1(r) is the first eigenvalue of


To estimate the decay of the first term in the right-hand side of (3.8), we will also need to estimate the first eigenvalueλω1(r). Recall thatµdenotes an arbitrary positive constant.

Lemma 3.4 Under assumption(1.7), for any d 2andγ >0, we haveQa.s.for r large enough,



γ+µ)(logn)−5, (3.12)

forλproportional to r−(



Proof. For some arbitraryµ >0, let r be large enough so that (3.2) holds. Lethbe a hole

that intersects the boxBr, and for notational ease we will use the same notation forhBr.

Define ∂hto be the outer boundary ofh, i.e. the set of sites in C which are adjacent to

some vertex inh. Let us associate to each holeha fixed siteh∈ Crξ situated at the outer

boundary ofhand for xhcallκ(x,h∗)a self-avoiding path included inhwith end points x

andh∗, and let|κ(x,h∗)|denote the length of such a path.

Now let f L2(Br,πω)and letBω(h)denote the set of the bonds ofh. For each xh, write

f(x) = X


d f(b) +f(h∗)

and, using Cauchy-Schwarz

f2(x)2|κ(x,h∗)| X


|d f(b)|2+2f2(h∗).


and sum over xhto obtain

where in the last term, we multiply by 2dsince we may associate the sameh∗to 2d different


Let us get back to the proof of the upper bound. Let

Then, for large enough t and by (3.14), we have


In conclusion, asµis arbitrary and according to (3.9)–(3.10), we obtain


and finally, by (3.7)


ε→1lim supt+

logP0ω(X(t) =0)

logt ≤ −


2 for γ > d 2,

which gives (1.13).

We conclude that for any sufficiently small ξ, then Qξ0a.s. (1.11) is true and since

Q€∪ξ>0{0∈ Cξ(ω)}


=1, it remains trueQ-a.s.

3.3 Proof of the discrete-time case.

Proof. In the same way, the lower bound holds by the Invariance Principle (cf. [4]) and the Spatial Ergodic Theorem (see Remark 1.3).

For the upper bound, let(Nt)t≥0 be a Poisson process of rate 1. Setn=⌊t⌋. 2n(0, 0)being

a non increasing function ofn(cf. Lemma 3.1), then

P0ω(X(t) =0) = etX k≥0

tk k!P

k ω(0, 0)

et 2n


k=0 tk k!P

k ω(0, 0)

Pω2n(0, 0) 




k=0 tk k!

= Pω2n(0, 0)Prob(Nt2n).

By virtue of the LLN, we have


t→+∞ 1.

From here the claim follows.



I would like to thank Pierre Mathieu, my Ph.D. advisor, for having suggested me the problem and for the numerous fruitful discussions about this subject. Also, I would like to thank Marek Biskup and Nina Gantert, my Ph.D. referees, who helped me correct and improve the paper.


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Unit Layanan Pengadaan Kota Banjarbaru mengundang penyedia Pengadaan Barang/Jasa untuk mengikuti Pelelangan Umum pada Pemerintah Kota Banjarbaru yang dibiayai dengan Dana APBD

Unit Layanan Pengadaan Kota Banjarbaru mengundang penyedia Pengadaan Barang/Jasa untuk mengikuti Pelelangan Umum pada Pemerintah Kota Banjarbaru yang dibiayai dengan Dana APBD

Unit Layanan Pengadaan Kota Banjarbaru mengundang penyedia Pengadaan Barang/Jasa untuk mengikuti Pelelangan Umum pada Pemerintah Kota Banjarbaru yang dibiayai dengan Dana APBD

Metode perforasi yaitu dengan menuangkan 10µL ekstrak hasil fermentasi susu kedelai dan Whey tahu oleh BAL ke lubang sumur (diameter 6 mm) dalam cawan petri

Gelombang elektromagnetik dapat dibedakan menjadi beberapa jenis berdasarkan panjang gelombang atau frekuensinya, yaitu sinar gamma, sinar X, ultraviolet, cahaya