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ProdukHukum BankIndonesia


Academic year: 2017

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The " I nt ernat ional Convergence of Capit al Measurem ent and Capit al St andards -

A Revised Fram ework" ( Basel I I ) ,, issued by t he Basel Com m it t ee on Banking

Supervision at t he Bank for I nt ernat ional Set t lem ent s ( BI S), is a revised and updated

version of t he Basel Accord 1988 ( Basel I ) . This fram ework provides a m ore risk

-sensit ive definit ion of capit al adequacy and cont ains incent ives for banks t o im prove

t heir risk m anagem ent . Basel I I is specifically aim ed at int ernat ionally act ive banks and

seeks t o st rengt hen t he securit y and soundness of t he int ernat ional financial syst em by

em phasising risk- based calculat ion of bank capit al, t he supervisory review process and

m arket discipline. The Basel I I Fram ework is based on a forward- looking appr oach t hat

enables im provem ent s and adj ust m ent s t o be m ade over t im e. I n t his w ay, t he Basel I I

fram ew ork is able t o keep pace w it h changes in t he m arket place and advances in risk

m anagem ent .

For t he G10 nat ions t hem selves, Basel I I com es int o force by t he end of 2006.

Nevert heless, t his t im efram e is not binding on non - G10 nat ions, given t hat in t he

developm ent of t heir supervision processes, each count ry has different priorit ies. Am ong

t hese priorit ies is im proved com pliance w it h t he Basel Core Principles for Effect ive

Banking Supervision ( BCPs) . The st at e of preparedness for com pliance wit h t he various

precondit ions for Basel I I is a key fact or in t he t im efram es adopt ed by individual

count ries. The preparedness encom passes such areas as qualit y of r isk m anagem ent

and of inform at ion syst em s and dat abases in t he banking syst em . I n addit ion , Basel I I

im plem ent at ion is dependent on t he condit ion of infrast ruct ure, w hich includes

account ing st andards and est ablishm ent of a rat ing agency, and readiness on part of t he

supervisory aut horit y, part icularly in t he area of nat ional discret ion.

I n August 2004, Bank I ndonesia conduct ed a survey t o ascert ain bank

percept ions of Basel I I and t he expect at ions and preferences of banks for

im plem ent at ion of Basel I I in I ndonesi a. The survey also sought inform at ion on levels of

preparedness, obst acles and const raint s faced by I ndonesian banks in regard t o t he

planned im plem ent at ion of Basel I I . The survey’s overall findings indicat ed t hat

I ndonesian banks gener ally under st ood t he obj ect ives, benefit s and consequences of

Basel I I . The m ost im port ant benefit s from Basel I I would be im provem ent s in t he

qualit y of r isk- based m anagem ent of capit al, developm ent of risk m anagem ent pract ices

and corporat e governance, along wit h im proved t ransparency t hat would prom ot e

m arket discipline. The banking indust ry also responded posit ively in t heir affirm at ion t hat

Basel I I would becom e one of t heir m aj or priorit ies. How ever, m ost banks st ill regarded

im plem ent at ion of risk m anagem ent as an obligat ion, not as a need.

I n t he area of I T infrast ruct ure and especially dat abases, m ost I ndonesian banks

were unable t o sat isfy t he requirem ent s set out in Basel I I . Alt hough banks plan t o

rect ify t his condit ion int ernally and t hrough use of ext ernal sources, in 2004- 2005 bank


budget ed spending. For t his reason, banks are unlikely t o m eet t he Basel I I dat abase

requirem ent s for t he next several years.

Most banks expressed t h e preference for Basel I I t o be applied t o all com m ercial

banks. However, 34.7% of banks want ed Basel I I t o be m andat ory for banks m eet ing

cert ain crit eria as int ernat ionally act ive banks, while com pliance wit h Basel I I for ot her

com m ercial banks should be volunt ary. Concerning t he t im e needed t o im plem ent Basel

I I , t he t im e fram es put forward by banks varied widely from 2005 t o 2012, depending on

t he approach t o be followed.

Based on t he st udy and analysis of t he survey and t he readiness of t he

super visory aut horit y, 2009 is proposed as t he year for full im plem ent at ion of Basel I I

for all banks in I ndonesia. Bank I ndonesia is t o consider t his r ecom m endat ion in t he

policy direct ion for t he banking syst em . Under t his plan, banks will apply t he

st andardised approach for calculat ion of credit risk and t he basic indicat or approach for

calculat ion of operat ional risk. This policy recom m endat ion is int ended t o allow sufficient

t im e for t he banking syst em and t he supervisory aut horit y t o set up t he required

infrast ruct ure for Basel I I .

I n t he next st ep, t w o essent ial t asks for t he pract ical im plem ent at ion of t his

policy are t he preparat ion of a roadm ap and act ion plan for im plem ent at ion of Basel I I .


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