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Agronomi KELAS X Prosedur Teks


Academic year: 2022

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Agronomi KELAS X Prosedur Teks

Nama Rina Sofia Jenjang/Kelas X

Asal Sekolah SMK N 5 Jember Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Alokasi Waktu 1 x Tatap muka Jumlah Siswa 33

Profil Pelajar Pancasila

 Mandiri

 Kreatif

 Bergotong royong



Blended Learning

1. Fase

Pada akhir Fase E, peserta didik membaca dan merespon berbagai macam teks

seperti narasi, deskripsi, prosedur,

eksposisi, recount, dan report. Mereka membaca untuk mempelajari sesuatu atau untuk mendapatkan informasi. Mereka mencari dan mengevaluasi detil spesifik dan inti dari berbagai macam jenis teks.

Teks ini dapat berbentuk cetak atau digital, termasuk di antaranya teks visual, multimodal atau interaktif.

Pemahaman mereka terhadap ide pokok, isu-isu atau

pengembangan plot dalam

E Elemen/Domain Membaca



berbagai macam teks mulai berkembang.


mengidentifikasi tujuan penulis dan mengembangkan keterampilannya untuk melakukan inferensi

sederhana dalam memahami informasi tersirat dalam teks.

Durasi : 270 Menit (4 x pertemuan @2x45’) 2. Tujuan


A. Tujuan Pembelajaran yang akan dicapai:

 Peserta didik mampu menganalisis fungsi sosial,struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks prosedur dengan bekerjasama dan bernalar kritis.

 Peserta didik mampu menemukan ide pokok dan informasi terperinci dari teks posedur secara berkelompok (bergotong royong)

 Peserta didik mampu menemukan gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci dari teks prosedur lisan maupun tulisan yang disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda secara mandiri.

3. Kata Kunci


 Prosedur Teks

 Fungsi sosial:

Menjelaskan langkah-langkah cara kerja membuat/mengoperasikan sesuatu

 Struktur Teks;

 Goal

 Method


 Bagaimana saya dapat menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan pada teks prosedur untuk menjelaskan langkah kerja cara membuat atau mengoperasikan sesuatu?

 Bagaimana saya dapat menerapkan unsur kebahasaan (language features) dalam teks prosedur untuk menjelaskan langkah kerja cara membuat atau mengoperasikan sesuatu?

4. Sarana Prasarana

A. Fasilitas yang dibutuhkan

Media/alat : Laptop/komputer, LCD, Video, Audio, HP, Jaringan Internet dan Loud Speaker.

5. Target Peserta


A. Peserta didik yang menjadi target yaitu : tidak ada kesulitan dalam mencerna dan memahami bahan ajar. (siswa reguler)

B. Peserta didik dengan kesulitan belajar yang terbatas pada satu gaya belajar, kurang percaya diri, kesulitan berkonsentrasi (siswa yang sulit memahami konsep)


C. Peserta didik dengan pencapaian tinggi mencerna dengan cepat, dan mampu mencapai keterampilan berpikir aras tinggi/HOTS.

6. Asesmen

 Asesmen individu

 Asesmen kelompok Jenis asesmen:

 Diagnostik

 Formatif

 Tertulis (tes objektif, esai)

7. Kegiatan

Pembelajaran Utama

Pengaturan siswa:

 Individu

 Berkelompok (3-4 orang) Metode:

 Diskusi

 Presentasi

 Demonstrasi

8. Materi ajar, alat

dan bahan

Materi Pembelajaran:


It is a text that informs audiences to do or to make something.

Its social function is to inform some steps in making or doing something.

A. The generic structure of procedure text:



Method/steps B. Language features:

Use simple present

Use imperatives

Use connective sequences: then, while, next, after that, finally, etc.

Use numbering: (first, second, third, etc.)

Use action verbs: (e.g. turn on, plug in, push, etc)

Use adverbs: slowly, carefully, gently, etc.


How to use an autoclave

 First, place the material to be sterilized inside the pressure chamber and fill the cylinder with sufficient water.

 After that, close the lid and put on the electrical heater.

 After the water boils, allow the steam and the air mixture to escape through the discharge tap until all the air has been displaced. This can be tested by using the steam-air mixture liberated from the discharge tap into a pail of water through a connecting rubber tube. When the air bubbles stop coming in the pail, it indicates that all the air has been displayed by steam.

 Then close the discharge tap.

The steam pressure rises inside and when it reaches the desired set level (e.g.15 pounds (lbs) per square inch in most cases), the safety


valve opens and excess steam escapes out.

 Next, count the holding period from this point of time, which is about 15 minutes in most cases.

 After the holding period, stop the electrical heater and allow the autoclave to cool until the pressure gauge indicates that the pressure inside is equal to the atmospheric pressure.

 After that, open the discharge tap slowly and allow the air to enter the autoclave.

 Finally, open the lid of the autoclave and remove the sterilized materials.

(source: https://microbeonline.com/autoclave)

Alat dan bahan yang diperlukan

Termasuk alat dan bahan pengganti apabila alat/bahan yang dianjurkan tidak tersedia

LCD, video, speaker aktif, kabel Aux, Kertas Koran/Karton,

8. Kegiatan


Kegiatan Awal

1. Peserta didik dan Guru memulai dengan berdoa bersama.

2. Peserta didik disapa dan melakukan pemeriksaan kehadiran bersama dengan guru.

3. Peserta didik bersama dengan guru membahas tentang kesepakatan yang akan diterapkan dalam pembelajaran.

4. Peserta didik diberikan penjelasan materi hari ini adalah kemampuan yang mendasari seluruh jenis kegiatan pembelajaran teks prosedur. Dengan demikian wajib dikuasai peserta didik dan diminta untuk fokus dan menyiapkan catatan apabila dibutuhkan.

5. Peserta didik dan guru berdiskusi melalui pertanyaan pemantik:

Pay attention to the following pictures:

Peserta didik dan guru berdiskusi melalui pertanyaan pemantik: (Pemberian Stimulus)

Pay attention to the following Pictures:


What pictures is it?

 Have you operated it?

Can you operate them well?

Kegiatan Inti

Peserta didik berkelompok secara heterogen.

Peserta didik menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks prosedur secara berkelompok.”(bergotong royong).

Peserta didik menganalisa konteks, gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci dari teks prosedur secara kritis dan berkelompok”.

(bernalar kritis dan bergotong royong).

Peserta didik dan Guru mendiskusikan hasil kerja siswa.

Peserta didik diberi LKPD

Peserta didik secara mandiri menentukan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks prosedur.

Peserta didik secara mandiri menemukan gagasan utama dan informasi terperinci dari teks prosedur.

Kegiatan Penutup

Peserta didik mengkomunikasikan kendala yang dihadapi selama mengerjakan. (refleksi)

Peserta didik menerima apresiasi dan motivasi dari guru.


Modul Bahasa inggris untuk SMK, Forward an English course for Vocational School, Erlangga,

Lembar Kegiatan

 Lembar Observasi terkait kerjasama, kemandirian, dan bernalar kritis

 Soal-soal Latihan Pertemuan 1

 Lembar asesmen diagnostik

 Lembar asesmen teks prosedur

Refleksi Siswa

1. Apa yang sudah kamu pelajari hari ini?

2. Apakah kamu mendapatkan kesulitan saat pembelajaran?

3. Bagaimana perasaanmu saat belajar dalam kelompok?

4. Apakah kamu berkontibusi aktif saat bekerja kelompok?

5. Bagian mana pada pembelajaran yang membuat kamu tertarik?


9. Refleksi Guru

1. Apakah kegiatan belajar berhasil?

2. Apakah ada kendala pada kegiatan pembelajaran?

3. Apakah semua siswa aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran?

4. Apa saja kesulitan siswa yang dapat diidentifikasi pada kegiatan pembelajaran?

5. Apakah siswa yang memiliki kesulitan ketika berkegiatan dapat teratasi dengan baik?

6. Apa level pencapaian rata-rata siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran ini?

7. Apakah seluruh siswa dapat dianggap tuntas dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran?

8. Apa strategi agar seluruh siswa dapat menuntaskan kompetensi?

10. Kriteria untuk mengukur

ketercapaian Tujuan Pembelajaran dan asesmen

(asesmen formatif)

 Penilaian Sikap: Observasi saat pembelajaran tentang kerjasama, kemandirian, dan berpikir kritis

 Penilaian Pengetahuan : Penugasan berupa aktivitas-aktivitas pemahaman konsep tentang teks prosedur.

 Penilaian Ketrampilan : Produk hasil berupa monolog tentang membuat/mengoperasikan sesuatu.

Put a check (

) under one of the pictures which indicate your feeling after learning this lesson!


Your Reflection

Strongly Disagree

Disagree Agree Strongly

Agree Your Reason

1 2 3 4

I can analyze the social function of different

procedure texts 1 2 3 4

I can analyze the text structure of different

procedure texts 1 2 3 4


Your Reflection

Strongly Disagree

Disagree Agree Strongly

Agree Your Reason

1 2 3 4

I can analyzethe language features of different

procedure texts 1 2 3 4

I feel confident for learning English as I am able to analyze social function, text structure and language features of different procedure texts.

1 2 3 4

I am able to analyze main

ideas of procedure texts. 1 2 3 4

I am able to analyze explicit and implicit information about procedure texts.

1 2 3 4

There are some things I want to learn more about this lesson

Penilaian Proses: Menganalisa fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

A Fungsi Sosial Kalimat

B Struktur Teks

 Goals

 Materials

 Steps

C Unsur kebahasaan

 Imperatives

 Sequence of connectors

1-6 Deskriptor Skor

Jawaban lengkap 5

Jawaban kurang lengkap 3

Jawaban tidak lengkap 1

Tidak Menjawab 0

Total 30


Penilaian Pengetahuan:


Pembelajaran Materi Pokok Indikator Soal Bentuk Soal


Soal Butir Soal Peserta didik

mampu menganalisis fungsi sosial,struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks prosedur.

Teks Tulis Prosedur

Diberikan soal terkait teks prosedur tentang mengecambahkan biji petunia, siswa dapat menentukan fungsi sosial dengan tepat.

Pilihan ganda

1 Terlampir Kunci jawaban: C

Peserta didik mampu menemukan gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci dari teks prosedur lisan maupun tulisan yang disajikan dalam bentuk


Peserta didik mampu menemukan gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci dari teks prosedur lisan maupun tulisan yang disajikan dalam bentuk


Diberikan soal terkait teks prosedur tentang menentukan

informasi terperinci dari teks prosedur tentang cara mengecambahkan biji petunia

Pilihan ganda

3 Terlampir Kunci jawaban: C

h e eh

h i x

Mengetahui Jember, Januari 2022

Kepala Sekolah Guru Bahasa Inggris

Dra. Hj. Kumudawati, M.Pd NIP. 19630915 198903 2 004

Rina Sofia, M.Pd.

NIP. 19700926 199703 2 007




Read the following text and answer the questions based on

Germinating Petunia Seeds Follow these instructions to germinate Petunia Seeds

Materials and Equipment You will need:

Ø a pack of petunia seeds Ø a seed tray or small pole

Ø loamy friable soil or potting mix Ø water

Ø fertilizer Steps:

1. Fill seed tray with soil 2. Incorporate fertilizer into soil

3. Scatter seeds on the surface of the soil

4. Cover seeds with a 3 mm layer of soil. Press firmly 5. Spray water to moisten the seed bed

6. Place seed tray in warm, sunny position (at least 25 deg C) 7. Keep soil moist by watering gently while germinating.

8. Seeds will germinate in approximately 10 – 14 day

1. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform the readers about Petunia Seeds B. To amuse the readers about Petunia Seeds C. To tell the readers how to vegetate Petunia Seeds D. To give general description about Petunia Seeds 2. What is the text about?

A. How to germinate Petunia Seeds B. How to plant Petunia Seeds C. How to water Petunia Seeds D. How to cultivate Petunia Seed 3. What is true according to the text?

A. Scatter seeds at the bottom of the soil.

B. Fill the seed tray with water.

C. Spray water to moisten the seedbed.

D. Seed will germinate in approximately 15-20 days.

4. How long will you germinate the seed?

A. In a week B. 10 to 14 days.

C. a month D. 7 to 15 days


5. Cover seeds with a 3 mm layer of soil. Press firmly The italic word means . . .

A. weakly.

B. flexibly.

C. indefinitely.

D. thoroughly




Plantable pots or large peat pellets

Seed starting soil

Seed trays

Clear tray lid

Heat mat

First, Prepare the soil or pellets – If you want to direct sow them, then loosen up the top few inches of soil in your garden first. Othe wi e, if y ’ e g i g t t t the i d , e-moisten the pellets or potting soil before filling the trays or pots.

Second, Decide how many seeds to plant – Indoors, plant one seed per pellet hole or pot. In the garden, space them about 1 inch apart.

Then, Plant the seeds – Since they are fairly large, they should be planted about a half to one inch deep.

You can either lay them on top of the soil, and gently push them down to the proper depth. Or make holes first, and then drop them in.

Next: Cover the seeds – Whe y ’ e d e wi g y c c be eed , fi the hole back in with soil. Then gently press it down to ensure the soil comes in contact with them.

After that, Water – Afte y ’ e d e ti g, w te the we . M e e the i i eve y i te ed, b t t t the i t whe e it’ ggy c ete y aturated.

Finally, Cover the trays indoors – If y ’ e t ti g the i d , c ve the t y with plastic dome lid, and place them in a warm location. Using a heat mat will help them germinate faster.


6. What is the text about?

A. The description of cucumber.

B. The steps in planting cucumber.

C. The general information of cucumber.

D. The story of cucumber

7. The following are tool for planting cucumber. . . . A. Pails

B. Seed bags C. Polybags D. Seed trays

8. What should you do before planting the seeds?

A. Decide the number of seeds will be planted.

B. Cover the seeds


C. Water the plants

D. Cover the trays indoors.

9. Why do we have to press the seed down?

A. To make sure the soil is moistened.

B. To make sure the soil reaches the cucumbers.

C. To protect the cucumber plants D. To make the plants fertile.

10. What do you use to help them germinate faster?

A, Plastic dome lid

B. Seed trays C. Heat mat D. Tray lid

 First, turn on the moisture meter and make sure that button indicating "paddy" is on.

 Then, fill the tray of the moisture tester with paddy to the required level.

 After that, turn the knob until the moisture reading is displayed.

 T e e e e t f 3−5 e

 Finally, compute the average moisture content

11. Why did the writer write the text?

A. To inform about type of moisture meter.

B. To show the way for using moisture meter.

C. To give an opinion about moisture meter.

D. To describe moisture meter in general 12. What should you do after turning the knob?

A. Take e e e t f 3−5 e .

B. Turn on the moisture meter and make sure that button indicating "paddy" is on.

C. Fill the tray of the moisture tester with paddy to the required level.

D. Compute the average moisture content.

First, move the shifter. Now that your tractor has started, depending on the year, it may have a steering wheel hand clutch, which will be located on the right of your steering wheel. Locate your shifter, and most tractors follow the same procedure for taking off.

Then, release the clutch. The tractor has labeled gears between first to the last one, including reverse.

Push in the clutch, which is your left foot and push the shifter into first gear.

Next, throttle the tractor up slowly to increase the RPMs. Slowly release your foot off the clutch and you will feel the tractor begin to move. throttle the RPMs again to increase speed, and power.

Finally, shift the gears. Now that your tractor is moving, in order to shift gears, locate second, or the next gear you need.Press in the clutch and shift the gear. Slowly release the clutch and you will feel a small kick or since of power. The gear has locked and you are now in that desired gear.

13. What is the best title for the text?

A. How to start a tractor B. How to keep a tractor.

C. How to drive a tractor.


D. How to promote a tractor.

14. The following is true based on the text.

A. After pushing the clutch throttle the tractor up slowly.

B.A tractor have a steering wheel hand clutch on the left of steering wheel.

C. When a tractor is moving locate the first to shift gears.

D. You feel the tractor will stop when you release your foot off the clutch.

15. Next, throttle the tractor up slowly to increase the RPMs.

The word throttle has similar meaning to . . . . A. release

B. encourage C. control D. let go



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