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Academic year: 2017



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(Studi Pemberdayaan Pedagang Pasar Klithikan Notoharjo Surakarta) Oleh Trisni Utami

Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Tahun 2010.

Di Kota Sola beberapa waktu yang lalu telah melakukan penataan PKL, salah satunya dengan cara merelokasi PKL Banjarsari menjadi pedagang pasar di Pasar Klitihikan Notoharjo. Hal ini merupakan salah satu penangan PKL yang sekaligus bertujuan meningkatkan tarap hidup PKL. Bagi Komunitas PKL, hal ini tidak hanya menyangkut perpindahan lokasi usaha, namun terjadi perubahan yang fundamental, yakni perpindahan dari komunitas sektor informal sebagai PKL menjadi komunitas yang bekerja/berusaha disektor formal sebagai pedagang pasar. Perpindahan dari PKL (komunitas sektor informal) menjadi pedagang pasar (komunitas sektor formal) sudah barang tentu memerlukan adaptasi (penyesuaian) secara baik agar lebih berhasil setelah menjadi pedagang pasar. Kalau tidak dapat melakukan adaptasi secara baik, dikawatirkan terjadi kegagalan dan menyebabkan komunitas tersebut menjadi lebih marginal dan menjadi miskin.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun model pemberdayaan komunitas PKL melalui revitalisasi pasar tradisional sebagai alternatif penanggulangan kemiskinan.

Tentu kita ingin melihat apakah revitalisasi ini sesuai dengan kehendak warga pasar sehingga identitas pasar yang telah lama terpatri tidak tercerabut begitu saja oleh program revitalisasi. Kita pun ingin mengetahui apakah warga pasar terlibat secara aktif sebagai bentuk kontrol sosial terhadap program revitalisasi. Dan kemudian kita pun ingin menemukan jawaban apakah revitalisasi bermanfaat ataukah tidak terutama bagi pedagang pasar sendiri.

Revitalisasi memang menjadi kebutuhan sebagian besar pasar tradisional di berbagai kota. Sebagai upaya untuk melindungi bangunan, ruang sosial yang ada dengan mengatur dan menata kembali agar lebih bermanfaat bagi kehidupan masyarakat.


demikian di masa yang akan datang ketergantungan pada pihak luar akan semakin bisa dikurangi.

Kemiskinan merupakan persoalan yang sangat kompleks, untuk itu diperlukan penanggulangan kemiskinan yang tepat, dengan melibatkan seluruh komponen (stakeholders) termasuk kelompok miskin itu sendiri.

Program Pemkot Surakarta dalam penanggulangan kemiskinan : 1. Relokasi dn pemberdayaan PKL

2. Revitalisi pasar dan pemberdayaan UKM 3. Puskesmas buka sampai sore

4. Puskesmas Rawat inap 5. Rumah Layak Huni 6. Sekolah Plus 7. Solo kota vokasi

8. Membuka peluang investasi sehingga tercipta lapang kerja dan mampu mengurangi Jumlah Penganggur.

Public sphare merupakan wadah dimana seseorang atau banyak pihak dapat berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan sebuah kepentingan tertentu atau hanya sekedar saling menyapa maupun berbagi pengalaman. Bisa berujud secara fisik (ruang publik) maupun secara non fisik seperti ruang dalam pengertian maya (internet). Komunikasi perlu dibangun dalam rangka untuk saling berbagi kepentingan dalam mencapai tujuan yang dikehendaki secara lebih baik. Public Sphare ini dapat dipakai sebagai wadah dalam penyaluran aspirasi bagi semua pihak, saling berdiskusi dan saling sharing pengetahuan, proses saling belajar dan mengambil manfaat positif dari hasil interaksi tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini yang digunakan sebagai publicsphare adalah membuka ruang didunia maya (internet) melalui situs: www.pasarklithikansolo.uns.ac.id.

Web tersebut memiliki 3 fungsi :


2. Situs bertemunya komunitas dengan stake holders lainnya yang memiliki kepentingan yang sama dalam pengembangan pasar tradisional, PKL dan Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal.

3. Situs yang membantu Kominitas Pasar Notoharjo untuk promosi agar Pasar Klithikan Notoharjo tidak saja dikenal di Kota Surakarta dan sekitarnya, tetapi juga dikenal di berbagai kota lainnya bahkan juga dikenal ditingkat global atau di negara lain.

Situs ini akan membawa keuntungan semua pihak untuk dapat memanfaatkannya selain sebagai ruang berkomunikasi, bertukar pikiran, sharing ide, bahkan sampai pada solusi penanganan maslah yang dapat melibatkan berbagi stake holders terkait dengan Pengembangan Pasar Tradisional maupun Penataan PKL..

Revitalisasi pasar tradisional merupakan salah satu langkah prioritas dalam rangka mengembangkan daya saing pasar, sehingga pasar memiliki kekuatan dalam pengembangan ekonomi rakyat. Hal ini merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk mengembangkan kekuatan ekonomi lokal yang berdampak pada penanggulangan kemiskinan.




By Trisni Utami

Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, 2010

In the Solo city some time ago have made the arrangement of street vendors by of relocating street vendors Banjarsari to the Klitihikan market of Notoharjo. This is one of the handlers as well as street vendors which aims to improve the living standard street vendors. For the Community of street vendors, it is not only about the transfer of business locations, but a fundamental change, namely the displacement of communities in the informal sector as street vendors into a community work / seek formal sector as a market trader. The move from street vendors (informal sector community) to market traders (formal sector community) are certainly require adaptation (adjustment) is good for more success after becoming a market trader. If it can not adapt well, feared failure and cause the community to be more marginal and to be poor.

Roadmap Based on the research "Community Empowerment PKL Informal Sector", shows that the research model / street vendor community adaptation strategies into the market traders continued research. Trisni-Utami et al. (2006) have examined models of empowerment of street vendors through cooperation among stakeholders. As expressed above that the relocation of street vendor community became a market trader arrangement of street vendors who once intended to improve the living standard of the community. As a continuation of the efforts of street vendors community empowerment, this study will evaluate and attempt to get the model / community adaptation strategies for street vendors into the market traders to be more empowered community.

This study aims to develop models of community empowerment through the revitalization of traditional market vendors as an alternative to poverty reduction.


whether residents are actively involved in the market as a form of social control over the revitalization program. And then we also want to find the answer whether particularly useful revitalization or not of traders for themselves.

Revitalization is a need for most of the traditional markets in various cities. In an effort to protect the building, the existing social space by arranging and re-arrange to make it more beneficial to people's lives.

This study uses Participation Action Research. Community participation is key in every step of the development movement and a variety of reasons that show the benefits of a participatory approach by involving all citizens are involved. During this development program is planned from above (top-down) without directly involving the community - only to receive the program and sometimes does not touch people's needs and sometimes a survey conducted as the basis for a foothold in formulating a program conducted by research institutions are sometimes unduly colored by insights, thoughts of his own views or too academic researchers, so that sometimes the program does not touch the need felt by the community. The reason for this that reinforce why this study used the Action Research in a sense for the society to able to recognize the portrait of himself, able to formulate a program in accordance with the needs required by the communities concerned. And more important thing is no longer the object but the subject, so hopefully through their involvement will be the "owner" not just as an executor. Community involvement, as the executor will not guarantee sustainability of the program. Thus in the future dependence on outside parties will further be reduced.

Poverty is a very complex issue, it is necessary for the proper poverty reduction, involving all components (stakeholders) including the poor themselves.

Surakarta City Government Programme in poverty reduction: 1. empowerment and Relocation of vendor street 2. market revitlization and empowering SMEs 3. Health Center is open until late afternoon 4.Hospitalization Health Center


7. Solo city vocational

8. Investment opportunities so as to create a field of work and able to reduce the number of unemployed.

Public sphare is a place where one or more parties communicate and interact with a particular interest or just say hello to each other and share experiences. Can tangible physical (public space) as well as in non-physical such as space in the sense of virtual (internet). Communication needs to be built in order to share the interest in achieving the desired objectives better. Public Sphare can be used as containers in the distribution of the aspirations of all parties, mutual discussion and sharing mutual knowledge, mutual learning process and take the positive benefits from these interactions.

In this research, which is used as open space is virtual world (internet) by visiting the site: www.pasarklithikan solo .uns.ac.id. The Web has 3 functions:

1. Site to meet the researchers to build communication between researchers interested in the Development of Traditional Markets and sidewalk vendors (PKL).

2. Site meeting of the community with other stakeholders who have similar interests in the development of traditional markets, street vendors and Local Economic Development.

3. Sites that help Notoharjo Market Community to Klithikan Market of Notoharjo promotion for not only known in Surakarta and surrounding areas, but also known in various other cities and even well known global level or in another country. This site will take advantage of all parties to be able to utilize other than as a space to communicate, exchange ideas, sharing of ideas, even to the solution to handling an issue that could involve stake holders share related to the Development of Traditional Markets and Structuring street vendors.



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