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Academic year: 2017



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1. Baziad A (1), 2003. Menopause dan Andropause. 1st ed. Jakarta: Yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirohardjo.

2. Djokomoeljanto R, 2003. Postmenopausal osteoporosis. Patofisiologi dan dasar pengobatan. Simposium Osteoporosis Postmenopausal. Semarang: p.1-12.

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9. McCord JM. Oxidative Stress and Aging; Advances in basic Science, Diagnostics and Intervention, Vol.II. Cutler RG, Rodriguez H. Singapore: World Scientific. 2003. p.883-5.

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12.Ganero P, Delmas PD, 2004. Contribution of bone mineral density and bone turnover markers to the estimation of risk of osteoporotic fracture in post menopausal women. Musculoskel Neuron Interact. 4(1): p.50-63.

13.Ott SM., 1999. Osteoporosis and Osteomalacia in Principles of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology. 4th Ed., New York, Mc. Graw Hill: p. 1057–83.

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22.Brehm BJ. Trans- Fatty Acids : Coming Soon to Your Food Labels. In Diet and Nutrition. University of Cincinnaty 2003.

23.Inis SM. The Trans Fatty Acid Composition and Content of Canadian Foods in Child and Family Research Institute Nutrition Research Program. University of British Columbia. JADA 2001.



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36.Turpeinen AM, Wubert J, Aro A, Lorenz R, Mutanen M. Similar Effects of Diets Rich in Stearic Acid or trans- Fatty Acids on Platelet Function and Stearic Acid or Trans- Fatty Acids on Platelet Function and Endothelial Prostacyclin Production in Humans.. Aterioscler. Thromb Vasc Biol. 1998;18:316-322.

37.Nicolosi RJ, Wilson TS, Lawton C, Handelman GJ. Dietary Effects on

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38.Madge LA. Pober JS. TNF signaling in vasculer endothelial cells. Exp Mol Pathol 2001;70:317-25.

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40.Isbagio H,. 2005. dalam : Panduan Diagnosis dan Pengelolaan Osteoporosis. Pengurus Besar Ikatan Rematologi Indonesia (IRA): hal. 1-31.

41.McCord JM. Oxidative Stress and Aging; Advances in basic Science, Diagnostics and Intervention, Vol.II. Cutler RG, Rodriguez H. Singapore: World Scientific. 2003. p.883-5.

42.Chandalia M, Cabo Chan AV, Sridevi D, Jialal I, Grundy SM, and Abate N. Elevated plasma high Sensitgivity C-eacvtive Protein Concentration in Asdia Indians Living in the United states. The Journal of Clinical Endocrrinology & Metabolism Vol 88,377- 9.

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44.Riis BJ. The role of bone turnover in pathophysiology of osteoporosis. Br J Obstet Gynecol. 1996;103 (13): p. 9-15.

45.Lane NE. Lebih lengkap tentang osteoporosis rapuh tulang 1st ed. Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada. 2001.

46.Rachman IA. Osteoporosis primer (Post menopause osteoporosis). In: Osteoporosis. edisi I. Editor: Suherman SK, Tobing S Dohar AL. Perhimpunan Osteoporosis Indonesia. Indomedika.2006; p. 1-16.



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49.Rosenberg AE. Bones, joints and soft tissue tumors. In: Kumar V, Abbas AK, Fausto N, editors. Robbins and Contran Pathologic Basic of Disease 8th ed. Philadelphia: Elseiver Saunders. 2005;(26) ; p. 1273-83.

50.Hoffbrand A.V, Pettit J.E. Essential Haematology; alih bahasa, Iyan Darmawan. Ed.2. EGC Penerbit Buku Kedokteran. Jakarta. 1996;hal. 180-5.

51.Drajad RS. Struktur dan fungsi skeleton. In: Kursus dasar metabolism kalsium dan penyakit tulang. Editors. Soeatmadji DJokoW, Rudijanto A, Arsana PM. PERKENI,Malang. 2002;(III): p.1-9.

52.Van Essen HW, Holzmann PJ, Blankenstein MA, Lips P, Bravenboer N,2007. Effect

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54.Soeatmadji Djoko W. Kendali hormonal metabolisme calsium dan skeletal. In: Kursus dasar metabolisme kalsium dan penyakit tulang. Editors. Soeatmadji Djoko W, Rudijanto A, Arsana PM. PERKENI, Malang. 2002;(IV)1-17.

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57.Ivaska K. Osteocalcin. Novel insights into the use of osteocalcin as a determinant of bone metabolism. Department of Anatomy, Institute ofBiomedicine, University of Turku, Turku, Finland, and The National Graduate School for Musculoskeletal Diseases (TULES) University of Turku, Finland. Clin Chem: 2005,p.1-113.

58.Soekidjo N. Metode Penelitian Eksperimen. Dalam Metode Penelitian Kesehatan. Rineka Cipta. 2010: 50-9.



60.Taylor A.F. Osteoblastic glutamate receptor function regulates bone formation and resorption. J Musculoskel Neuron Interact. 2002; 2(3):285-90.

61.Van’t H., Ralston S. Nitric oxide and bone. Immunology 2001;103:255-261.


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