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Why People are Turning to an Online Pharmacy


Academic year: 2017

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Many factors play a role in the rise of the online pharmacy as a central player in the healthcare delivery system.


discount prescriptions, viagra, cialis, levitra, propecia, ortho try-cyclen, yasmin, xenical, rozerem, tamiflu, zyban, a

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There’s little question that a healthcare crisis is looming large in the United States. With millions of people uninsured and millions more underinsured, there is mounting anxiety about getting needed medical care and prescriptions. Just as the Internet has revolutionized the way we shop for merchandise, it is also revolutionizing the ways we obtain medical information and prescriptions. Increasingly, people are turning to online sources to research medical conditions before they seek medical attention or during the course of treatment for a medical condition. Similarly, people are increasingly going online for pharmacy services. This trend in buying medications online is partly a function of the healthcare crisis and partly a function of the ubiquitous nature of the Internet. To a large extent, however, other factors are playing a large role in the rise of the online pharmacy as a central player in the way healthcare is delivered in this country.

The Role of Medical Examinations

With the number of uninsured and underinsured people in this country, it’s impractical for everyone to run to the doctor each time they need prescriptions or prescription refills. If you have had a recent medical examination, an online pharmacy typically doesn’t require that you obtain another medical exam before filling your prescription. The best online pharmacies have U.S.-licensed physicians and pharmacists on hand who will review your medical history and, upon approval, prescribe the medication you need. Privacy is Pivotal

The privacy afforded by an online pharmacy is a central issue for many people. Perhaps they live in small towns and don’t want their local pharmacist to know which medications they take, maybe they’re uncomfortable picking up a sensitive prescription in person, or it could be that they don’t want to discuss their medications with a pharmacy clerk. Perhaps they simply like knowing that their prescription will arrive in discreet packaging. Whatever the reason, an online pharmacy offers the discretion that many people seek. Convenience is Key

There’s no question that convenience is playing a major role in the increasing use of online pharmacies. After all, we lead busy lives and don’t always have time to go through the hassle of waiting in line at the pharmacy. Just as shopping online saves us time and money, so can ordering discount prescriptions online. Name Brand Medications

Although insurers who cover prescriptions pressure physicians to prescribe generic drugs, many people prefer name brand, FDA-approved medications. An online pharmacy carries a variety of name brand drugs for a number of conditions, such as: Allergies: Allegra, Clarinex, Zyrtec, Flonase, Nasacort AQ, Nasonex, and Patanol

Skin Care: Vaniqu, Retin-A, Metrogel, and Renova Weight Loss: Xenical

General Health: Rozerem, Tamiflu, and Zyban

Women’s Health: Ortho Tri-cyclen, Yasmin, and Stimula

Men’s Health: Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, Propecia, and Stimula Digestion: Nexium and Prevacid

With advantages like privacy, convenience, and name brand medications, it’s no wonder that Americans are increasingly turning to an online pharmacy to buy discount prescriptions. Besides, with the crisis of healthcare in this country, it’s up to us to ensure that we get the medications we need.

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