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MANUSCRIPT PUBLICATION The Influence Of Communication And Leadership To The Performance Of Employee At Orthopaedic Hospital Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso Of Surakarta.


Academic year: 2017

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Prepared and Compiled By:


Approved and Enacted by the Supervisor I and Supervisor II Maintained front of the Board of Examiners for Thesis Proposal

Master of Hospital Management Program University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Supervisor I

Dr. Amin Mustofa, MHA

October 2012

Supervisor II

Drs. Anton Agus Setyawan, S.E






Aissa Hamed Ali Ahmed1); Amin Mustofa2); Anton Agus Setyawan3)

1) performance, leadership on performance and communication, and leadership on performance of employee at the Orthopaedic Hospital of Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta.

This research is quantitative, by taking samples at Prof.DR.R. Soeharso of Orthopaedic at Jl. A. Yani, Pabelan, Kartasura, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia, 57162. The study population and sample as many as 664 employees were taken by 70 employees. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires or questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis.

The results obtained showed that Communications positive and significant effect on employee performance at Orthopaedic hospital Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta. Leadership positive and significant effect on employee performance at Orthopaedic hospital Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta. Communication and Leadership positive and significant effect on employee performance at Orthopaedic hospital Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta.



Communication is the process of an idea transferred from one source to

one or multiple recipients with a view to changing their behavior.

Communication within an organization is one other factor that can improve

employee performance. Communication system is built to support the smooth

running of information that can be received and delivered by and to employees.

Communication between employees in the organization must be built either.

Communication makes us susceptible to various strategies that we can use

in our relationships to work better with others for mutual benefit.

rather than coercion (concoersive) to motivate people to achieve goals. From the

above definition it is clear that leadership involves the ability to influence. This

affects the ability to have an intention to achieve its intended purpose.

Leadership is a dynamic force that can foster motivation, aspiration, coordination

and integrity of the organization to achieve organizational goals in building a

high-performance organization headed.

Leadership is the ability of a person to influence others to work toward

goals and objectives. Leadership will become increasingly important; because

one of the most important factors that will affect the success or failure of a

group or organization to achieve goals. An effective leader is a leader who

recognizes the vital powers are contained in the individual. Expected future

leader can improve the performance of employees to work more effectively.

Performance is a condition that must be known and confirmed to a certain

party to determine the level of achievement of an agency linked to embrace the



impacts of an operational policy. Blanchard in his book (2007: 10) states that the

results of research Don Carew, Fay Kandarin, Eunice Parisi-Carew and Jesse

Stoner managed to formulate and identify values of high-performance

businesses. As a result of their research, created a model "SCORES" high

performing companies. "SCORES" is an abbreviation of the six elements which

are required in every high-performing companies, namely: (1) Shared

Information and Open Communication/distributed information and open

communication, (2) Compelling Vission/a convincing vision, (3) Ongoing

Learning/continuous Learning, (4) Relentless Focus on Custumor Result/relentless

focus on customer satisfaction, (5) Energizing Systems And Structures/systems

and structures that give the spirit, and (6) Shared Power and High

Involvement/power is distributed and high involvement.

In this study the authors propose the following hypothesis: 1)

Communication has positive of significant effect on employee performance

Orthopaedic Hospital Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta; 2) Leadership has positive

of significant effect on employee performance Orthopaedic Hospital Prof.Dr.R.

Soeharso of Surakarta; 3) Communication and leadership has positive of

significant effect on employee performance Orthopaedic Hospital Prof.Dr.R.

Soeharso of Surakarta.

The purposes of this study are: 1) To analyze influence communication on

performance of employee at the Orthopaedic Hospital of Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of

Surakarta; 2) To analyze influence leadership on performance of employee at the

Orthopaedic Hospital of Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta; dan 3) To analyze

influence of communication and leadership on performance of employee at the


Research Methods

Research conducted a quantitative research, on the grounds that this is

proposed for this study. Following the researcher tries to solve the problem on

performance (quality and quantity) with communication and leadhersip in

Orthopaedic hospital Prof.DR.R. Soeharso of Surakarta. Then investigated by

describing an object of research is by concluding, constructing, analyzing and

collating the data. Design research is explanatory research, which highlights the

research roomates or effect relationship between the variables researchers with

previous hypotheses that have been formulated.

This study will be carried out by taking location in Orthopaedic Hospital

Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta is located at Jalan Ahmad Yani, Pabelan,

Surakarta. The population in this study was the entire staff of the Orthopaedic

hospital Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta. The total number of employees in this

hospital is 678 people. In sampling based on the opinions Arikunto (2006:132)

which states "If the subject is less than 100, better taken all of that research is

the study population”. Furthermore, if a large number of the subject can be

taken between 10-15 % or 20-25 % or more depending at least on the ability of

researchers in terms of time.

The data required in this research is primary data and secondary data.

Primary data is information collected by researchers directly from the source, in

the form of respondents to the variable communication, leadership and

employee performance. Secondary data is information collected by others, the

general condition of the hospital environments Ortopaedic of Surakarta,

description of employees, previous performance and the achievement of others

is instruen data collection in the form of questions to be answered by

respondents to whom the questionnaire. Then the presence of the test

questionnaire with validity and reliability, to determine which statement will be

continued as a pure research.The testing process is done before the instrument



researchers use a portion of the population but outside the study sample, ie as

many as 30 employees. According Riduwan, Rusyana and Enas (2011: 194)

Validity is a measure of the degree of validity or the validity of an instrument.

The resulting decision will show the following results: 1) If rxy > rtabel and a

significance level of less than significant 5% (0.05), means that the item (item

questionnaire about) is valid as well have a requirement to be a research

instrument; 2) If rxy < rtabel and significance level significantly greater than 5 %

(0.05), means that the item (item questionnaire about) declared invalid at the

same time do not have the requirements to be used as research instruments. To

determine the stability of the measuring instrument reliability test. According

Riduwan, Rusyana and Enas, (2011: 194) reliability refers to a sense that

something reliable instrument to be used as a data collection tool because the

instrument is considered to be good. Assessment criteria, using a significance

test level α = 0.05. The instrument can be said to be reliable if the Alpha value is

greater than rtable (Product Moment).

While the data analysis techniques that include classical test assumptions

and multiple linear regression analysis, classical test assumptions is a

requirement prior to multiple linear regression analysis to determine the

contribution of each variable.

Multiple regression analysis is a linear regression analysis tool for more

than two variables. Multiple regression is used to determine the effect of the

dependent variable with the independent variables. In this study multiple


Discussion of Data Analysis

Based on the analysis of data, which will be discussed and then compared

with previous studies. Generate some decisions of which is that communication

and leadership contribute or positive and significant effect on performance of

employee at Orthopaedic hospital Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta. Another

decision indicates that communication contributes positive and significant effect

on performance of employee at Orthopaedic hospital Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of

Surakarta and leadership are also positive and significant impact on performance

of employee at Orthopaedic hospital Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta. To be

more clear in the concluding results of the analysis, the following results are

more clear from the studies above:

The results of the first test of the hypothesis which states that the

communication positive and significant effect on performance of employee at

Orthopaedic hospital Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta, proven. This can be

evidenced by the regression coefficients of the variables is positive

communication is by 0.434, so it can be said that the positive effect of

communication variables on performance of employee. Based on t test for

leadership variables obtained tcount > ttable, that is 2.956 > 1.996 and significant

value < 0.05, that is 0.004. This suggests that there are significant means of

communication between the employee's performance at Orthopaedic hospital

Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta. Based on this conclusion it can be said that the

higher the communication, the better the performance of employees, and vice

versa, the lower the communication will also lower the performance of


Based on the previous research, the first hypothesis is more likely to study

Rajhans (2012), who states that organisational communication plays a vital role

in employee motivation and performance as real changes are taking place in



increased workloads, longer hours and a greater emphasis on performance,

risk-taking and flexibility. Employee communications have a crucial role to play in the

management effort to reorient employees perplexed by changes, or inform and

motivate those who adapt more readily.

The results of the second test of the hypothesis which states that

leadership and significant positive effect on performance of employee at

Orthopaedic hospital Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta, proven. This can be

evidenced by the regression coefficients of the variables is positive leadership is

at 0.183, so it can be said that the leadership variable positive effect on

performance of employee. Based on t test for leadership variables obtained tcount

> ttable, that is 2.311 > 1.996 and significance value < 0.05, that is 0.024. This

means showing that there is a leadership influence on performance of employee

at Orthopaedic hospital Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta. Based on this

conclusion it can be said that the higher leadership, the better the performance

of employees, and vice versa, the lower the level of leadership will also lower the

performance of employees.

From the results above can be attributed to a previous study, based on

research results Abbas and Yaqoob (2009), this research shows that, training

development that are part of leadership can be used to effectively increase the

learning and make use of developed skills during problem solving. Therefore it

can be analyzed that all the factors precede or succeed each other. Training and

development of leadership as combined effect that can influences the employee

performance and if they are properly planned then these factors can results into

high performance by the employees and collectively resulting into organizational


The results of testing the third hypothesis, that communication and

leadership positive and significant impact on performance of employee at

Orthopaedic hospital Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta, proven. In accordance


simultaneous or F test, it is known that the value of Fcount > Ftable, that is 20.809 >

3.134 and significance value < 0.05, that is 0.000. This means, there is the

contribution of communication and leadership to employee performance. Based

on this conclusion it can be said that the trend of increase in variable

combination of communication and leadership will be followed by an increase in

employee performance, otherwise if there is a downward trend variable

combination of communication and leadership will be followed by a decrease in

employee performance.

The results of this study can not be separated from the problems that

existed before, Orthopaedic Hospital Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta as

healthcare organizations must have a commitment to provide quality healthcare

for the community. Hospitals should be able to keep going financially, in a cost

effective and sensitive to the needs of its customers. In carrying out its function

as a referral hospital and specialty hospitals owned Central Government are

included in the category of type A Specialized Orthopaedic Hospital of

Prof.Dr.R.Soeharso of Surakarta implement required services to all walks of life

quality, effective and efficient.


Communications positive and significant effect on employee performance

at Orthopaedic hospital Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta, it is proved by the

results of the analysis have been obtained. Namely the influence of

communication on employee performance at Orthopaedic hospital Prof.Dr.R.

Soeharso of Surakarta, the presence of these effects indicates that

communication also includes things that are very important in improving the

performance of employees. While the second result is obtained that leadership

and significant positive effect on performance of employee at Orthopaedic

hospital Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta. Based on the latest analysis shows



employee at Orthopaedic hospital Prof.Dr.R. Soeharso of Surakarta, it is proved

that the communication and leadership simultaneously influence on employee



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