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character Education Values in the Reading Text of English Textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris” for Grade XII published by Intan Pariwara.


Academic year: 2023

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submitted to State Institute of Islamic Studies of Jember In partial fulfillment of the requirements to obtain a bachelor’s degree

of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

English Education Departmen


Rini Maslikhah NIM: T20156083

STATE INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC STUDIES OF JEMBER Facultyof Tarbiyah and Teacher Training



:ُلﻮُﻘَـﻳ َةَﺮْـﻳَﺮُﻫ ﺎَﺑَأ ﺎَﻘْﻟا ﺎَﺑَأ ُﺖْﻌِﻤَﺳ

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Abu Hurayra said, "I heard Abu'l-Qasim say, 'The best of you in Islam is the best of you in character when they possess understanding (of the deen)."1


1 -,“Al-Adab Al-Mufrod”, https://sunnah.com/urn/2202850, ( 5th September 2019 ) 


This thesis is dedicated to:

My Family Especially for:

My beloved parents Nandir Sasmito and Hartik My beloved brother Arif Badrus Sholeh Thank you for everything you have done for me I love you more than there are stars in the sky and fish in the sea

And also, My new partner Dwi Cahyono, S.E

Thank you for the support

I wish I could turn back the clock,

I’d choose you sooner and love you longer


For my advisor Mr. As’ari, M.Pd.I

Who guided me to finish my thesis,

Also helped me to start new story with a new partner


Praise to Allah SWT, the most gracious and the most merciful, all praises and thanks to Allah SWT, who has given His blessing and helping so that the writer can accomplish this thesis entitled “Character Education Values In The Reading Text Of English Textbook Entitled “Bahasa Inggris” For Grade Xii Published By Intan Pariwara”

The writer would like to express his gratitude and appreciation to the honourable people who give their help, encouragement, and countless contribution to the writer in the process of the study:

1. Mr. Prof. Dr. H. Babun Suharto SE. MM, as the Rector of State Institute of Islamic Studies of Jember (IAIN Jember).

2. Mrs. Dr. Hj. Mukniah, M.Pd.I., as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of IAIN Jember

3. Mr. As’ari, M.Pd.I, as the Dean of English Education Department of IAIN Jember as the Advisor, thank you for your patience, guidance, and suggestions.

4. Mrs. Sari Dewi Noviyanti, S.Pd,. M.Pd., as the Investigator of this research, thank you for nicely scrutinizing to valid the data.

5. All of the Lecturers of English Education Department, thank you for everything gave to me and I love you.

6. The writer’s parents and families, thank you for uncountable love.


The writer realizes that, this thesis is still far from being perfect.

Therefore, the writer accepts every suggestion, criticism, and comment from the readers. The writer hopes, this thesis gives contribution and be useful for the improvement of the English teaching and learning process.

Jember, 2nd of August 2019

The writer



The recent curriculum in Indonesia is curriculum 2013. It emphasizes on character education building. This curriculum integrates character education values into teaching and learning process. Textbook is one of important things in that process. Therefore, it is important to know whether the textbook represented character education values or not. In order to know about that, the teachers should analyze character education values which are represented in the textbook.

There are two research questions in this research, which are: 1) What character education values are represented in the reading text of English textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris” for Grade XII published by Intan Pariwara ? and 2) How do the writers integrate character education values into reading text in the English textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris” for Grade XII published by Intan Pariwara ?.

The research objectives of this research are: 1) To reveal character education values represented in the Reading Text of English Textbook entitled

“Bahasa Inggris” for Grade XII that was published by Intan Pariwara. 2) To describe how the writers integrate character education values in the Reading Text of English textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris” for Grade XII that was published by Intan Pariwara.

To answer the problem, the researcher uses qualitative as the approach in analyzing character education values in the reading text. The document analysis is used in collecting the data. The data of this research is reading texts in English textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris” published by Intan Pariwara.

After analyzing the data, the researcher find some findings: 1) Five (5) character education values are represented in this textbook, which are Religious, Nationalist, Independent, Mutual Assistance, and Integrity values. Independent is the most dominant character education value, which is represented twenty (21) times. The second is Mutual Assistance value, which is represented seventeen (17) times. The third is Nationalist value, which is represented eight (8) times.

Then Integrity value is represented three (3) times. The last is Religious value, which is represented twice (2). 2) The writers integrate those character education values by using two techniques, explicit and implicit techniques. Explicit technique means that, character education values are cleared stated and spelled out and there is no room for confusion. While implicit technique means that, the writers integrate character education values implied or understood though not plainly or indirectly expressed. This technique is the most dominant technique used. It is appropriate for students of Senior High School, because in this stage they are able to think critically and understand the implied meaning.



Approval Sheet ... ii

Ratification Sheet ... iii

Motto ... iv

Dedication ... v

Acknowledgement ... vi

Abstract ... viii

Table of content ... ix

List of Tables ... xi


A. Research Background ... 1

B. Research Questions ... 6

C. Research Objectives ... 6

D. Research Significances ... 7

E. Definition of Key Terms ... 7

F. Research Methodology ... 8

1. Research Approach and Type of Research ... 8

2. Data and Source of Data ... 9

3. Technique of Data Collection ... 10

4. Technique of Data Analysis ... 11

5. Validity of Data ... 13

G. Structure of the Report ... 14


A. Previous Research ... 16

B. Theoretical Framework ... 20

1. Character Eductaion ... 20

a. Definition of Character ... 20

b. The Purpose of Character Education ... 21


b. Pra-Operational stage ... 34

c. Concrete Operational stage ... 34

d. Formal Operational stage ... 34

3. Textbook ... 35

a. Definition of Textbook ... 35

b. The Function of Textbook ... 36

c. Criteria of Good Textbook ... 37

4. Reading Text ... 37

a. Definition of Reading ... 37

b. Objective of Reading ... 38

c. Analysis Reading Text ... 39

d. Techniques of Integrating Character in the Reading ... 40


A. Data Collection ... 43

B. Data Analysis ... 43

C. Finding and Discussion ... 83


A. Conclusion ... 91

B. Suggestions ... 92



1. 1 Reading Texts in Every Chapter ... 9

2. 1 Similarities and Differences of Previous Research ... 19

3. 1 Finding Table of Character Education Values in Chapter I ... 48

3. 2 Finding Table of Character Education Values in Chapter II ... 52

3. 3 Finding Table of Character Education Values in Chapter III ... 55

3. 4 Finding Table of Character Education Values in Chapter IV ... 58

3. 5 Finding Table of Character Education Values in Chapter V ... 62

3. 6 Finding Table of Character Education Values in Chapter VI ... 66

3. 7 Finding Table of Character Education Values in Chapter VII ... 70

3. 8 Finding Table of Character Education Values in Chapter VIII ... 72

3. 9 Finding Table of Character Education Values in Chapter IX ... 76

3.10 Finding Table of Character Education Values in Chapter X ... 79

3.11 Finding Table of Character Education Values in Chapter XI ... 82

3.12 The data findings are about the type of character education values ... 83

3.13 The data findings are about the techniques of integrating character education values ... 84




A. Research Background

Every country has different goals of education. The goal of education in Indonesia is National Character Building. This goal was stated in the Act of Republic of Indonesia Number 20, year 2003 Chapter II Article 3. The statement is;

The National Education functions to develop the capability, character, and civilization of the nation for enhancing its intellectual capacity, and is aimed at developing learners’ potentials so that they become persons imbued with human values who are faithful and pious to one and only God; who possess morals and noble character; who are healthy, knowledgeable, competent, creative, independent and as citizens, are democratic and responsible.1 That law stated about the function and the aim of National Education. There were some functions of National Education. They were; developing students’

capability, character, and civilization to increase intellectual capacity. Meanwhile the aim of National Education is developing student’s potential. In this case, education is intended not only to establish students’ intelligence, but also to build personality or character of students.

1 Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20, Year 2003 on National Education System.Chapter II Article 3.8. (terjemahan dari pernyataan “Pendidikan nasional berfungsi mengembangkan kemampuan dan membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, bertujuan untuk berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis sertabertanggung jawab”)


The basis of character education was also stated in Al-Qur’an. One of the verses which explain about character education is Surah Al-Isra verse 23.2 :



























The meaning : And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him,and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age (while) with you, say not to them (so much as), “uff”, and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.

That verse contains about educational material, which must be embedded in the family environment. The commandment contains about the field of character education in the form of Aqidah, worship and morality which must be built to children. “The role of parents in providing moral guidance and nobleness are crucial as effort to build Muslim quality”.3Some people said that, the teachers are students’ parents in the school area. So, the teacher also has a crucial role in developing student’s character.

In developing qualified education, government tried to make variety of reformation in Education. Indonesia had improved curriculum ten times. They were, Curriculum 1947 (Rentjana Pelajaran 1947), Curriculum 1952 (Rentjana

2 Departemen Agama RI, Al-Qur’an dan Tafsirnya, (Jakarta: Lentera Abadi, 2010),23.

3 Mufdil Tuhri, “Konsepsi Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Membentuk Insan Muslim Yang Berkualitas (Tinjauan Surah Al-Isra’ Ayat 23)”. https://mufdil.wordpress.com/2013/10/03/konsepsi-pendidikan- karakter-dalam-membentuk-insan-muslim-yang-berkualitas-tinjauan-surah-al-isra-ayat-23/. ( 01st April 2019)


Pelajaran Terurai 1952), Curriculum 1964 (Rentjana Pendidikan 1964), Curriculum 1968, Curriculum 1975, Curriculum 1984, Curriculum 1994, Curriculum 2004 (Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi/KBK), Curriculum 2006 (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan/ KTSP), and then Curriculum 2013.

Based on that data, the recent curriculum is Curriculum 2013.

This curriculum focused on Character education, because National Character building is a goal of education. According to Abourjilie, “Character education is a national movement, creating school that foster ethical, responsible, and caring youth by modeling and teaching good character through an emphasis on universal values”.4 In addition, Fahmi stated that “Character education emphasizes on moral building. It emphasizes on character building which integrates character education in developing the knowledge and skill of the students in formal education”.5 The newest government’s regulation about character education values is called PPK (Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter). The regulation of Mentri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaa (Permendikbud) number 20 of 2018 stated that:

“PPK is implemented by applying values of Pancasila in character education which are religious values, honest, tolerant, disciplined, hardworking, creative, independent, democratic, curious, nationalist,

4 Charlie Abourjilie, Character Education: informational handbook and Guide II for Surrot and Implementation of The Students Citizen Act of 2001 (Character and Civic Education). (North Carolina:

State board of education Department of Public Instruction Middle Grades Devision, 2006), 2.

5 Rahmi Fahmi, Nasri Bachtiar, Rida Rahim, Melini Malik. 2015. “Measuring Student Perceptions to Personal Characters Building in Education: An Indonesian Case in Implementing New Curriculum in High School”. Procedia Social and Behavior Sciences, 211 (September 2015), 858.


patriotic, appreciative, communicative, social care, and responsible. All those character education values are implemented of five main character education values which are interrelated one with another”.6

Five main character values are religious, nationalism, independent, mutual assistance and integrity which are integrated in the curriculum of school.7 Many schools use textbook as a media for teaching and learning process.

In Indonesia, there are many different publisher of textbook. Such as;

textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris” and “When English Rings a Bell” were published by the government (Kemendikbud), “Pathway to English” and

“Practice Your English Competence” were published by Erlangga, and “Bahasa Inggris (Mata Pelajaran Wajib)” was published by Intan Pariwara, etc. However, those textbooks need to be continually examined to check whether those textbooks are relevance with the government’s goal or not.

In addition, the teachers are supposed to be smart in choosing the appropriate and relevance textbook for their students. The relevance textbook is a textbook, which contained some values of national education goal and also used appropriate techniques to integrate the values in the content of textbook. While, irrelevance textbook is a textbook, which is contained unacceptable material for students. There were some cases about the irrelevance textbook, such as the

6 Peraturan Mentri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2018 Pasal 2 ayat 1, tentang Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Pada Satuan Formal

7 Sekretariat TIM PPK Kemendikbud, Konsep Dan Pedoman Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter, (Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017), 8-9.


reading text talked about intimacy adult with the title ”Anak Gembala dan Induk Serigala” stated in a textbook for sixth grade in elementary school.8

Further case was also happened in the textbook of Junior High School Students. It was about the instruction for describing actress blue film’s picture in student worksheet for Junior High School.9 That textbook was not appropriate for the students of Junior High School. Actually, in the age of Junior High School, students should be given educated/ good picture, because according to Piaget the students in that stage wanted to know and apply anything without considering it is good or bad. It would be dangerous if they are curious about the actress of blue film and then wanted to know further about their video. Hence, the teachers need to be really careful in choosing textbook for their students.

Therefore, the researcher was interested in analyzing reading texts in the English textbook for Senior High School. Sometimes, the reading text gave knowledge or particular messages that wanted to be delivered by the author for the readers. In this research, the researcher wanted to analyze the particular message about character education values that are represented in the reading texts of the textbook. Then, the researcher wrote the research, entitling “Character

8 Republika.co.id “Beredar buku Pelajaran SD Berbau Porno”,

https://www.republika.co.id/berita/koran/newsupdate/13/07/10/mpq3lg-beredar-buku. (01st March 2019).

9 Kompas.com “Buku LKS SMP Mojokerto Bergambar Artis Porno”

https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2012/09/20/15514844/buku.lks.smp.mojokerto.bergambar.artis.porn o. ( 01st March 2019).


Education Values in the Reading Text of English Textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris” for Grade XII published by Intan Pariwara”.

B. Research Questions

Based on the background above, the researcher analyzed the reading texts which were provided in English Textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris” for Grade XII that was published by Intan Pariwara. So, the researcher formulated the following research questions, that would be answer in the result of research;

1. What character education values are represented in the Reading Text of English Textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris” for Grade XII that was published by Intan Pariwara ?

2. How do the writers integrate character education values into Reading Text of English Textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris” for Grade XII that was published by Intan Pariwara ?

C. Research Objectives

Based on the research questions, the objectives of this study were:

1. To reveal character education values are represented in the Reading Text of English Textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris” for Grade XII published by Intan Pariwara.

2. To describe how the writers integrate character education values into Reading Text of English Textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris” for Grade XII published by Intan Pariwara.


D. Research Significances

The result of the research was expected to give some contribution for:

1. State Institute of Islamic Studies of Jember

This research could be used as a reference material for all academic activities to explore further knowledge about something that related with this study.

2. English Teacher

The result of this study was expected to give inputs to the English teachers in selecting appropriate textbook for teaching learning process.

3. Other Researcher

The result of this study was expected as reference for other researchers who were interested in conducting advances research or relevant research especially for Students of English Education Department.

E. Definition of Key Terms

The researcher has two definition of Key terms were used to clarify the meaning of the terms. They were;

a. Character Education Values

Character education values were all of values which were launched by the government. Those were religious, nationalism, independent, mutual assistance and integrity.


b. Reading Text

Reading text was all of the texts which have the instruction “Read” in every Task in the textbook. In this research, the researcher analyzed reading text in the Task (dialogue and essay) and reading text in the Assessment (reading section) of textbook.

F. Research Methodology

1. Research Approach and Type of Research

In this study, the researcher used qualitative approach. “Qualitative research seeks to understand a phenomenon by focusing on the total picture rather than breaking it down into variables. The goal is a holistic picture and depth of understanding rather than numeric analysis of data”.10 So, the result of this study was provided in the form of description.

The researcher used content analysis as a type of research. “Content analysis is used to make replicable and valid inferences by interpreting and coding textual material”.11 Another writer said that “Content or document analysis is a research method applied to written or visual materials for the purpose of identifying specified characteristics of the material”.12 According

10 Donal Ary, et,al,. Introduction to research in Education, 8th edition (Belmont, USA: Wadsworth, 2010), 29.

11 University of Georgia, “What is Content Analysis?”,

https://www.terry.uga.edu/management/contentanalysis/research/, (07th March 2019)

12 Ary et.al, Introduction to Research in Education, 30.


to Ary “The materials which can be analyzed are textbooks, songs, essays, newspaper, novels, etc”.13 Meanwhile, this research would analyze a textbook.

The researcher analyzed the content of reading text in English Textbook entitling “Bahasa Inggris for SMA/ MA/ SMK kelas XII published by Intan Pariwara” by investigating character education values in Curriculum 2013.

2. Data and Source of Data

In this research, the researcher took all of the reading texts which have the instruction “Read”. There were ninety two reading texts in this Textbook. All of them were used as data of this research. Those reading texts were provided in every chapter. The detail could be seen in the following table:

No Chapter Total of Reading text

in the Task

Total of Reading text in the Assessment

Total of Reading Text in a Chapter


1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Chapter I 8 reading text 4 reading text 12 1-16 2 Chapter


2 reading text 4 reading text 6 17-40 3 Chapter


3 reading text 4 reading text 7 41-56 4 Chapter


6 reading text 3 reading text 9 57-75 5 Chapter V 2 reading text 3 reading text 5 83-98 6 Chapter


6 reading text 4 reading text 10 99-114 7 Chapter


4 reading text 3 reading text 7 115-130 8 Chapter


4 reading text 4 reading text 8 131-154

13 Jack R. Fraenkel, Noran E.Wallen and Helen H.Hyun, How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, 8th ed, (New York : cGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Language,2011), 478.


1 2 3 4 5 6 9 Chapter


6 reading text 4 reading text 10 155-170 10 Chapter X 5 reading text 4 reading text 9 171-188 11 Chapter


4 reading text 5 reading text 9 189-204 Total of Reading Text in the Textbook 92

Source: Reading Texts in Textbook “Bahasa Inggris”

Published by Intan Pariwara

From that table, the total of reading text in the textbook is 92 texts. There are different reading texts in every Chapter. Chapter I consist of twelve (12) reading texts, Chapter II consist of six (6) reading texts, Chapter III consist of seven (7) reading texts, Chapter IV consist of nine (9) reading texts, Chapter V consist of five (5) reading texts, Chapter VI consist of ten (10) reading texts, Chapter VII consist of seven (7) reading texts, Chapter VIII consist of eight (8) reading texts, Chapter IX consist of ten (10) reading texts, Chapter X consist of nine (9) reading texts, then Chapter XI consist of nine (9) reading texts.

In this study the main source of data was taken from Engllish textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris” for SMA/ MA/ SMK kelas XII published by Intan Pariwara. It was published in 2018 and used Curriculum 2013.

3. Technique of Data Collection

The researcher used document analysis to collect the data. “Document analysis can be of written or text-based artifact (textbooks, novels, journals, meeting minutes, etc) or of non-written records (photographs, audiotapes,


videotapes, image, etc)”.14 The textbook which would be analyzed has eleven (11) Chapters. The researcher investigated five (5) main character education values in the reading text of each chapter.

4. Technique of Data Analysis

Data analysis technique deals with the procedures of analyzing the object of research. In this study, the researcher used content analysis based on theory of Donal Ary et, al, to analyze the data. There were some steps used, to analyze the data. Those would be explained below.15

1. Familiarizing and Organizing a. Familiarizing

First, the researcher must be immersed in the data. So, in order to make the researcher familiar with the data, the researcher read and reread all of text in the textbook. There were two kinds of texts, they were text in Task and texts in Assessment of textbook.

b. Organizing

In this research, the researcher read the text in each Chapter, in order to know how many reading text that would be analyzed in each chapter. The researcher chose all of reading texts (which have an instruction “Read”) in the Tasks and also reading text in Assessment (reading section).

14 Ary et.al, An Introduction to research, 442.

15 Ibid, 482.


2. Coding and Reducing.

a. Coding

In this step, researcher read again all the data that have been organized. Then researcher gave the code to every data that would be analyzed. The researcher had two kinds of the code. They were; the code for reading texts in the Task and the code for reading texts in the Assessment.

1. For Reading Tasks;

a. 1/ET1/T1/C1/P1:

(Number (1)/ Reading text (1)/Task (1)/Chapter (1)/ Page (1) for Essay Text

b. 1/Dial-1/T1/C1/P1:

(Number (1)/ Dialog (1)/Task (1)/Chapter (1)/ Page (1)

for Dialogue text.

2. For Reading Assessment;

1/RA//RS-1/ C1/P1 :

(Number (1)/Reading Assessment/Reading Section (1)/Chapter (1)/ Page (1).


b. Reducing

The researcher shorts the data by looking for units of the reading text that indicated character education values. Afterward, the researcher gave a sign to the data in the textbook.

3. Interpreting and Representing.

a. Interpreting

In this step, the researcher would interpret the data that were gotten from the textbook.

b. Representing

Here, the researcher represented finding and the result of analysis by using descriptive explanation.

5. Validity of Data

The researcher used triangulation to test the validity of the data.

“Triangulation is a powerful way of demonstrating concurrent validity, particularly in qualitative research”16. There were some types of triangulation, those are; Time Triangulation, Space Triangulation, Theoretical Triangulation, Investigator Triangulation, etc.

While this research used investigator triangulation. The type of this triangulation is often used by the researcher who used library research.

16 Louis cohen, et al, Research Methods In Education, (New York: Routledge, 2007), 141.


According to Silverman, investigator triangulation engages independently by more than one observer17.

G. Structure of the Report

There were four chapters in this research and each chapter had several sub chapters having relevance to each other. Generally, a research had three parts.

They were initial part, core part, and final part that would be explained as follows:

The first was initial part. It included the research title, approval sheet, ratification sheet, motto, dedication, acknowledgement, abstract, table of content and list of table.

The second was core part that included:

1. Chapter 1 discussed about introduction of the thesis which consists of research background, research focus, research objectives, research significance, definition of key terms, research methodology and structure of the report.

2. Chapter II discussed about review of related literature which consists of theoretical framework, previous research of this study.

3. Chapter III discussed about findings and discussion. The data in this study is about character education values are represented in the reading text and the techniques of integrating character education values.

4. Chapter VI discussed about Conclusion and Suggestion of this study.

17 Cohen, et al, Research Methods, 142.


The third was final part including references, statement of authenticity of writing and appendixes consisting of research matrix, bibliography of researcher, declaration sheet, research journal, code of data, sheets of analysis.




A. Previous Research

This research is not the first study in analyzing English Textbook. The researcher found some research that related with this study, such as;

1. Amrina wrote a thesis for S-1 degree of Ar-Raniry State Islamic University Darussalam-Banda Aceh entitled “An Analysis of “Bahasa Inggris” Textbook used in the second grade of Senior High School” published in 2018. The purpose of this research is to find whether or not the materials provided in the English textbook “Bahasa Inggris” designed for the second grade of Senior high school compatible with the curriculum 2013. Qualitative approach is used in this research to analyze the data.

The result of this research was concluded that (1) the English Textbook of “Bahasa Inggris” compatible with the curriculum 2013, as every single KI and KD successfully implemented in the textbook. (2) The materials provided in the textbook completely developed, as all the suggested English language skills exercises of writing, speaking, reading and listening materials in the curriculum 2013 are implemented. (3) The feasibility of content has mostly met the standard of an English textbook in delivering curriculum 2013, using the basic frequency formula from Sudjiono assessment score acquired with 80% in feasibility of content fulfilled.


There are two similarities between this research and Amrina’s research. First, both researchers used English textbook as the object of research. Second, both researchers used qualitative approach. While the difference between this research and her research was the investigation. This research analyzed Character Education Values in English textbook, while she analyzed the compatibleness of English textbook with curriculum 2013.

2. Maria Simanjuntak, Tiur Asi Siburian, Daulat Saragi were a team of research.

They wrote an article entitled “An analysis of Character Education Values in non-fiction novel “Habibie dan Ainun” created by Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie and its advantages as literature reading for senior high school in Medan, Indonesia” published in 2017.

This study aimed to determine the character education values in the novel Habibie dan Ainun by Bacharudin Jusuf Habibie and its advantages as a literature reading material in senior high school. Based on the research results, there are 18 values of character education based on the National Education System. The character education values included: character values relating to God, character values relating to self (honest, disciplined, independent, creative, curiosity, love reading, responsible, and hard working), character value relating to others (tolerance), and character value relating to environment (love of the homeland)

This study had the similarity with researcher’s discussion was about analysis of education character values. The difference was about the book


that was analyzed. They analyzed non-fiction novel, while the researcher’s was analyzed English Textbook that was used by students in the formal school.

3. The investigation about character education values was written by Atik Rahayu. Her research was about “character education analysis of English Textbook “When English Rings a Bell” for the seventh grade of Junior High School” published in 2017. The result of her analysis was, the findings showed that each chapter represented different number of character education values. Chapter 1 represented 5 character education values. Then, chapter 2 and 4 covered 6 character education values. Next, chapter 5 contains 8 character education values. In addition, chapter 3 and 6 consist 10 character education values. Chapter 7 represented 7 characters and chapter 8 represented 3 character education values respectively.

So, there were 16 character education values in Textbook “When English Rings a Bell”, they were: religiosity, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, independence, curiosity, sense of nationalism, patriotism, achievement orientation, friendships or communication, love of peace, fondness for reading, environmental awareness, social care and responsibility.

Two character education values that did not represent in the sentence(s) in 8 chapter of the textbook is creativity and democracy.

That research had some similarities with the researcher’s study. They were about the analysis of character education values, and also the used


English textbook as the object of research. The difference between this research and her research was about the textbook. She used textbook that was published by the government while the researcher used textbook that was published by non Government.

Table 2.1

Similarities and Differences of Previous Research

No Research Titles Similarities Differences 1 Thesis by Amrina, entitled

“An analysis Of “Bahasa Inggris” Textbook Used in the Secon Grade of Seniro High School”

Both research analyzed English Textbook

Amrina analyzed the Compatibleness of English Textbook while this research analyzed

character education values in the English Textbook 2 Article by Maria

Simanjuntak, Tiur Asi Siburian, Daulat Saragi, entitled “An analysis of Character Education Values in non-fiction novel

“Habibie dan Ainun”

Both research used content analysis, and analyzed character Education Values

They analyzed non-fiction novel while the researcher of this study analyzed English textbook

3 Thesis by Atik Rahayu, entitled “Character Education Analysis Of English Textbook “When English Rings A Bell” For The Seventh Grade Of Junior High School”.

Both research used content analysis, and also analyzed character

education values in the English textbook

Atik Rahayu analyzed textbook that was

published by government while the researcher of this study analyzed English Textbook that was not published by the

government, but by Intan Pariwara.

Source: The data Processing from Previous research

Based on the explanation above, it could be seen that all of the researches had their own ways to analyze the English textbook. Therefore, this


research focused on analyzing the reading text in the English textbook by investigating five main character education values that was launched by the government in the Permendikbud number 20, year 2018.

B. Theoretical Framework 1. Character Education

a. Definition of Character

Character is someone’s personality which appeared from his/ her behavior. While according to Ministry of Education and Culture,

“character is an individual’s nature and personality which is derived from various virtues that underlie his or her way of thinking, attitude, and action”. So, Character is about self attitude, not only to her/his self, but also to other people. Fahmi stated that a person’s character cannot be derived by her/his self, but it is the result of the judgment of others. Thus the good character just can be known from the society, because people judge the appearance of someone is based on her/his attitude.18 Based on those definitions, it can be concluded that every people should have good character, because it is important in the social life.

Character education is a new discussion in educational system covered by curriculum 2013. Character education is built from two words, character and education. Character education represented a relationship among knowledge, values and skills those are necessary for success in

18 Fahmy, “Measuring Student Perceptions”, 852.


life.19 Character education is a national movement creating schools that foster ethical, responsible, and caring young people by modeling and teaching good character through an emphasis on universal values that we all share.20

National Education Ministry stated that the aim of character education is improving the quality of implementation and outcomes of education in forming students’ character or moral as a whole, integrated, and balanced. Character education is beneficial for the students to develop their positive character and attitude through the curriculum in the schools.21 The result of this study would be very important for teacher and students. It hoped the teachers are able to deliver character education values, which are represented in this textbook. While for students, the researcher hoped it could make students understand and apply these character values in their life.

b. The purpose of character education

There are some purposes in implementing character education.

According to Hamid, trough character education values, the students are able to develop and implement their knowledge independently, in

19 Eva Sakellaridi. ”What is Character Education and Why is it important?”, https://ethaca.com/character-education/. ( 05th March 2019)

20 Abourjili, Character Education Informational Handbook, 2.

21 Fajar Soniawan, “Character Education Analysis Of 2013 Curriculum English Textbook Entitled

“Bahasa Inggris” For Eleventh Graders of Senior High School”, Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Unesa, 01, (2012), 2.


addition they are supposed to be able to analyze and internalize character values and noble moral to be implemented in daily life.22

In addition, the aims of character education to develop the values that shape the character of the, included:

1. To develop students’ potential to be a good-hearted man, good thoughts, and behave well:

2. Build a nation of character Pancasila

3. Developing the potential for citizens to have an attitude of confidence, proud of their state and nation as well as the love of mankind. 23

c. The values of character education

The national Education system Decree Number 20, year 2003 Chapter 3 states that the national character building is an effort of program education system to build the nation’s character. The government launches 18 character education values in Character – Based integrated curriculum. All the character education values are stated in the

“Pertaturan Mentri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan” Number 20 year 2018 Chapter 3 verse 1 about “Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter”, those character education values are: 1) religious, 2) honest, 3) tolerant, 4)disciplined, 5) hardworking 6) creative, 7) independent, 8)democratic,

22 Abdullah Hamid, Pendidikan karakter Berbasis Pesantren, (Surabaya, IMTIYAS, 2017), 27.

23 Kemendiknas, Panduan Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Karakter, (-:Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, 2011), 7.


9) inquisitive, 10) nationalistic, 11) patriotic, 12) appreciative, 13) friendly/communicative 14) peace-loving, 15) reading interest , 16) environment care, 17) social care, and 18) responsible.24 Those would be explained in the description below:

1. Religious

Attitudes and submissive behavior in carrying out the teaching of their religion, tolerant to other religions worship practice, and live with other religions in a harmony situation.

2. Honest

Behavior based on an effort to make himself as one who can always be trusted in his/him words, actions, and employment

3. Tolerant

Attitudes and actions respect the differences of religion, race, ethnicity, opinions, opinion, attitudes, and actions of others, who are different from themselves.

4. Discipline

Action indicates orderly and obedient behavior on various rules and regulation.

24 Peraturan Mentri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2018 tentang Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Pada Satuan Formal.


5. Hardworking

A tenacious behavior in overcoming difficulties in learning and also in completing learning tasks as well as possible.

6. Creative

Thinking and doing something to create or discover a new ways or new results of something that has been owned.

7. Independent

Attitudes and behaviors that are not easy to depend on other people in completing the tasks.

8. Democratic

A way of thinking, behaving and acting, views the same rights and obligations of him/her self and others.

9. Curious

Attitudes and actions that are always try to know or discover more in depth and larger from something he/she learned, seen and heard.

10. Nationalistic

A way of thinking, acting and knowing that puts national interest higher than personal or group interest.


11. Patriotic

A way of thinking and doing that show faithfulness, care, and respect for the national language, environmental physical, social, cultural, economic and political nation.

12. Appreciative

Attitudes and actions encourage him/her to produce something useful for society, and recognize and respect other people’s successes.

13. Friendly/communicative

Actions showed pleasure in speaking, interacting and cooperating with other people

14. Peace-loving

Attitudes, words, and actions that cause other people feel happy and safe over the presence of him/her

15. Reading Interest

The habit to provide time for reading various materials to learn insights that give him/her the benefit

16. Environment Care

Attitudes and actions which seeks to prevent damage in the natural environment and to develop efforts to repairthe environmental damage that has occurred

17. Social Care


Attitudes and actions which always want to help other people and communities in need.

18. Responsible

Attitudes and behavior of a person to carry out the duties and obligations he should do, to her/himself, the society, the environment (natural, social and cultural), the nation and God. 25

Then the verse two of “Permendikbud” stated that all of character education values in the verse 1 are realization of five main values which are interrelated. The five main values are religious, nationalist, independent, mutual assistance, and integrity.26

1. Religious

Religious character value reflect faith in God the One who is manifested in the behavior of carrying out the teachings religion and beliefs held, respecting religious differences, uphold tolerant attitudes towards the implementation of religious worship and other faiths, living in harmony and peace with followers of other religions.

According to Retno , Religious Value is a value to reconnect a tradition, system which arrange manner of belief and worship to God with the norm which has relation with social intercourse and

25 Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional. Bahan Pelatihan Penguatan Metodologi Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Nilai-Nilai Budaya Untuk Membentuk Daya Saing dan Karakter Bangsa, (Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pusat Kurikulum, 2010), 9-10.

26 Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, Konsep Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Cetakan kedua, (Jakarta: Kemendikbud, 2017), 8-9.


human with her/his environment.27 In addition, Religious values are the crucial pillar and actually it is a basis in character education.28 So, this value is very important for everybody in this universe, included the students.

This religious character value includes three dimensions of the relationship, individual relationship with God, with each other, and with universe (environment). The value of this religious character is indicated in loving and maintaining the integrity of creation.

Religious sub-values include peace, tolerance, respect religious differences and beliefs, firm stand, confidence, work the same between adherents of religion and beliefs, bullied against and violence, friendship, sincerity, do not force the will, love the environment, protecting the small and outcasts.

2. Nationalist

Nationalist character value is a way to thinking, behaving, and doing something. That shows loyalty, care and respect in language, physical environment, social, cultural, economic, and national politics, placing the higher interest of the nation and state than self and group interest.

27 Retno Listyarti, Pendidikan Karakter dalam Metode Aktif, Inovatif, dan Kreatif, (Jakarta: Erlanga, 2012), 5.

28Akhmad Muhaimin Azzet, Urgensi Pendidikan Karakter di Indonesia : Revitalisasi Pendidikan Karakter terhadap Keberhaslan Belajar dan kemajuan Bangsa, (Yogyakarta:Ar-Ruzz Media, 2011), 30.


Nationalist sub-values include appreciation of the nation's own culture, maintain the nation's cultural richness, willing to sacrifice, superior, and achievers, love the motherland, protect the environment, obey the law, discipline, respect for cultural, ethnic and religious diversity.

Other indicators of Nationalist values are29: 1. Proud to be Indonesian

2. Love Indonesian Homeland 3. Willing to Sacrifice for Nation 4. Receive the Difference

5. Proud of Various Culture 6. Appreciate the Patriot’s Merit 7. Prioritize public important.

3. Independent

Independent character value is an attitude and behavior do not depend on other people and use all your energy, mind, time to realize the hopes, dreams and goals.

Independent sub-values include work ethic (hardworking), tough hardiness, fighting spirit, professional, creative, courage, and being lifelong learner.

29 Rofiatul Hasanah, “Peran Guru Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS) dalam meningkatkan Nasionalisme Siswa kelas VIII Mts Hidayatun Nasyiin Pasrepan Pasuruan”, (Skripsi: UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, 2016), 21.


Independent person is a person who is able to think and to function independently, does not need other person’s help, does not refuse the risk and does not only worry about the problem but also able to solve it30.

In the Al-Qur’an Al-Mu’minun verse 62,31 stated that:














“And we charge no soul except (with that within) its capacity, and with Us is a record which speaks with truth; and they will not be wrong”.

That verse explained that everybody will not get the burden except her/his capacity. So, everybody is claimed to have independent character in solving the problem, the duty without depend on other people.32

4. Mutual Assistance

Mutual Assistance character value reflects the act of respect the spirit of cooperation and work together to solve the problem together, establish communication and friendship, provide assistance / help people who are in need.

30 Mohammad Mustari, Nilai Karakter: Refleksi untuk Pendidikan, (Jakarta:Rajawali Pers, 2014), 78.

31 Departemen Agama, Al-Qur’an dan Tafsirnya, 364.

32 Siti Thoifah, “Pendidikan Karakter Kemandirian di Kelas XI”, (Skripsi, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, 2015), 23.


Mutual Assistance values include respect, cooperation, inclusive, commitment to joint decisions, deliberation, consensus, help others, solidarity, empathy, anti discrimination, anti violence, and attitude volunteerism.

This character education value is also discussed in the Holy Qur’an in Al-Maidah Verse 2,33 ;

















“…. And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is severe in penalty”

Based on the verse of Al-Quran above, God ask the human to do mutual help to other human in a good thing. He forbids doing mutual help in a bad thing.

5. Integrity

Integrity character value is a basis of value. This value is a purpose of character education value. This character value is an efforts to make him/ herself always can be trusted in words, actions, and work, has a commitment and loyalty for human values and morals (moral integrity).

33 Departemen Agama, Al-Qur’an dan Tafsirnya,106.


The character of integrity includes the attitude of responsibility as a citizen the state, actively involved in social life, through consistency in action and words based on truth.

Integrity sub-values include honesty, love for truth, loyalty, moral commitment, anti-corruption, justice, responsibility, example, and respect the dignity of individuals (especially people with disabilities).

The following picture is about the development of character education values.34

Picture. 1

Pengembangan Nilai-Nilai Karakter

34 Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Konsep Dasar Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter, (Jakarta:- 2016), 5.


The new development of character values above, are called PPK (Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter). PPK is realizing from Gerakan Nasional Revolusi Mental. It means that Gerakan PPK put the character of education as the core of national education.35 In addition, Omew said that PPK is the new education program in the school to strengthen students’ character through harmonization olah hati, olah karsa, olah piker dan olah raga with the support from public and the cooperation between one school with other school, family and society.

To success the program of PPK, Prof.Dr.Drs.Emaya Surad made a Mars of PPK entitled “Siswa Berkarakter Indonesia”, the lyrics are

Gerakan Nasional Revolusi Mental Membangun Karakter generasi gemilang Menuju Kebangkitan Generasi Emas Bagi Manusia Indonesia

Melalui Pendidikan Nasional

Tumbuh Kembangkan Moral Etika Bangsa Berbudi Pekerti Akhlak yang Mulia

Siswa Berkarakter Indonesia Religius Hidupnya

Nasionalis Jiwanya Integritas Jadi Tujuannya Mandiri Hidupnya

Gotong Royong Smangatnya Persatukan Bangsa Indonesia 2x

Siswa Berkarakter Indonesia Siswa Berkarakter Indonesia.36

35 Tim PPK, Konsep dan Pedoman Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter, Cetakan Kedua (Jakarta:

Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI, 2017), 5.

36 Pemerintah.net. “Lagu Mars Revolusi Mental”. http://pemerintah.net/lagu-mars-revolusi-mental/.

(12th August 2019)


Generally, this song implicitly stated the purpose of Character education. It also tries to implant the spirit of mental revolution in the student’s self.37

2. Human’s Intellectual development

Every age had different thinking ability. According to Jean Piaget, The students who are under 12 years old feel difficult to understand abstract thing. They are just able to think about something clear.38 Additionally, He also stated about the stage of intellectual development. Those stages are39: a. Sensory-motor stage : 0 – 15 years old

Major Characteristics and Developmental Changes:

 The infant knows the world through their movements and sensations

 Children learn about the world through basic actions such as sucking, grasping, looking, and listening

 Infants learn that things continue to exist even though they cannot be seen (object permanence)

 They are separate beings from the people and objects around them

 They realize that their actions can cause things to happen in the world around them

37 Omew, “Lirik Lagu MARS PPK”, https://www.google.com/amp/s/lirik-lagu- dunia.blogspot.com/2018/07/lirik-lagu-mars-ppk-siswa-berkarakter.html%3fm=0. ( 24th August 2019).

38 Kendra Cherry, “The stages of cognitive development”, https://www.verywellmind.com/piagets- stages-of-cognitive-development-2795457. ( 24th August 2019)

39 Fatimah Ibda, “Perkembangan kognitif; Teori Jean Piaget”, INTELEKTUALITA, 1 (Januari-Juni, 2015), 32.


b. Pra-Operational stage : 1.5 – 6 years old Major Characteristics and Developmental Changes:

 Children begin to think symbolically and learn to use words and pictures to represent objects.

 Children at this stage tend to be egocentric and struggle to see things from the perspective of others.

 While they are getting better with language and thinking, they still tend to think about things in very concrete terms.

c. Concrete Operational stage : 6 – 12 years old Major Characteristics and Developmental Changes

 During this stage, children begin to thinking logically about concrete events

 They begin to understand the concept of conservation; that the amount of liquid in a short, wide cup is equal to that in a tall, skinny glass, for example

 Their thinking becomes more logical and organized, but still very concrete

d. Formal Operational stage : up to 12 years old Major Characteristics and Developmental Changes:

 At this stage, the adolescent or young adult begins to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems


 Abstract thought emerges

 Teens begin to think more about moral, philosophical, ethical, social, and political issues that require theoretical and abstract reasoning

 Begin to use deductive logic, or reasoning from a general principle to specific information.

This textbook is for XII grade senior high school. Usually the age of the student is about 16-18 years old. According to Piaget this stage is called Formal operational stage. This stage is begun from 11/12 till adulthood. In this stage, every people has been able to think rationally and started to think about his identity.40

3. Textbook

a. Definition of Textbook

Textbook is one of important thing in teaching and learning process. Teachers can use textbook to help them in delivering the materials to the students. According to Thomson, “the textbook is a stimulus or instrument for teaching and learning”.41 Textbook is a kind of material which is mostly used in the classroom. Textbook provided much information. According to Al-Ghazo, teachers and students use textbooks as resource that provided the main source of information,

40 Jamaris, Orientasi Baru dalam Psikologi Pendidikan, (Bogor; Galia Indonesia, 2013), 30.

41 Thomsosn Heinle, Designing Language Course: A Guide for Teachers, (Canada: Kathleen Graves, 2000), 175.


guidance and structure. It is expected that the textbook has important role to the students.

Based on the definition above, it is important for teachers to use textbook when they teach a particular subject. It is also supposed to help the student in getting understanding the materials in teaching learning process. The importance of the textbook attracts the researcher to do an analysis to know the content of the textbook whether there represented character education values or not.

b. The Function of textbook

Textbook is one of media that usually used by the teachers in their teaching and learning process. According to Cunningsworth, there are several function and roles of textbook which are:

1. A resource of presentation material

2. A source of activities for practice and communicative interaction 3. A reference book (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation)

4. A syllabus

5. A resource for self-directed learning or self-access

6. A support for less experienced teacher. Who have yet to gain in confidence


It is generally accepted that the role of the textbook is to be at the service of teachers and learners but not to be their master. 42

c. Criteria of Good Textbook

Textbook is one of the important media of teaching and learning activity in the classroom, that it must have a good quality. We also can know the criteria of textbook based on Cunningsworth (1995) in the as follows;


Textbook should correspond to learner`s needs. They should match the aims and objectives of the language learning program.


Textbook should contain (present or future) which learners will make of the language. Select textbook which help to equip learners to use language effectively for their purposes.


Textbook help learners to learn in a number of ways. Textbook should have a clear role as a support for learning like teachers; they mediate between the target language and the learner.43

4. Reading Text

a. Definition of Reading

There are many definition of Reading. Grelled in Rusda, stated that reading is an active skill which is proved with eyes movement to

42 Alan Cunningsworth, Choosing your Coursebook, (New York: Macmillan Heinemann, 1995), 7.

43 Amrina, “An Analysis of “Bahasa Inggris” Textbook used in the Second Grade of Senior High School”, (Thesis, Ar-Raniry State Islamic University, Banda Aceh, 2018), 12.


recognize written symbols and sometimes in pronouncing or loudly reading.44 In addition Penny UR stated that reading is translating written symbols into corresponding sounds.45 We might know it is called reading aloud.

Actually reading is not as simple as people remark. When we remember our first reading, we just pronounce the words which are written, we do not need to comprehend what the words or text mean.

Actually, when we read something, we are not only pronouncing the text but also getting the meaning of the text itself. For some people reading text is able to develop their knowledge about any kind of information, adding new vocabularies, enjoying literature and so on.

b. The Objective of Reading

According to Jeremy Harmer in Rusda, the variety types of reading as follow46:

a. Reading to confirm expectation Students guess what information they will get from the text. The text must be interesting for them. So, they will have motivating for reading.

44 Rusda Ayu Syafniar. “The analysis of the reading materials in “English Alive” Textbook based on school based curriculum for second grade students of senior high school”, (Thesis, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, 2014), 5.

45 Penny UR, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), 138.

46 Ayu Syafniar, “The analysis of the reading”, 7.


b. Reading to extract specific information The students read the text by scanning. They only focus on the demand of the questions by finding the keywords.

c. Reading for communicative tasks Students are active in the task. So, reading will be more than question-answer.

d. Reading for general understanding Student read the text by skimming to understand the whole text.

e. Reading for detail comprehension (information) Students learn about the language use in detail writing based on particular theme.

f. Reading for detail comprehension (function and discourse) Students pay attention to the discourse structure. So, they will understand the text fully a text is anything that conveys a set of meanings to the person who examines it. 47

Based on those explanations, it can be concluded that the reading text is the text that can be read and have structure, and also have much information.

c. Analysis Reading Text

Tomlinson said that, there are three principles in evaluating textbook, one of them is the starting point of any evaluation should be reflection on the evaluator’s practice leading to the evaluation’s theory of

47 Open Oregon, “Educational Resources”, https://openoregon.pressbooks.pub/wrd/chapter/what-is-a- text/, (06th March 2019).


learning and teaching. According to Teun A Van Dijk in fadli, et.al., (2016). They are:

1. Macro structure. It refers to the whole meaning of a text which can be seen from the topic of a text.

2. Superstructure. It refers to the framework of a text, how the structure and the element formed in a text

3. Microstructure. It refers to the content which can be analyzed by analyzing the words, sentences, preposition, and phrase in a text.48 d. Techniques of Integrating Characters in the Reading

In educational system, character could be learned in many ways by the students. It could be learned from their family, teacher, friend, book, etc. Ministry of National Education said that, when the characters will be taught to students, it has many ways to integrate the characters into teacher’s teaching included in textbooks. 49 They said:

These methods include (1) expressing the characters that exist in the learning material, (2) integrating the characters to become an integral part of the learning material, (3) using imagery and making comparison with similar events in the lives of the students, (4) changing the negative things into positive, (5) expressing the characters through discussion and brainstorming, (6) using stories to bring the characters, (7) telling life stories of great men, (8) using songs and music to integrate the characters, (9) using drama to portray the events that contain characters, (10) using variety of

48 Zatul Fadhli, et, al. “Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Analisis Teks”, https://www.academia.edu/24311918/METODE_PENELITIAN_KUALITATIF_ANALISIS_TEKS.

(06th March 2019)

49 Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional. Desain Induk pendididkan Karakter, (Jakarta: Kemendiknas, 2010), 21.


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