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THE INFLUENTIAL FACTORS OF STREET CHILDREN’ ENGLISH LEARNING MOTIVATION IN BUGISAN PEKALONGAN A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiner as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) in English Educat


Academic year: 2019

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Submitted to the Board of Examiner as a Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) in

English Education Department of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

Arrange by :

Arifah Aulia Lutfiyah

113 12 045








Orang berilmu dan beradab tidak akan diam di kampung halaman

Tinggalkan negerimu dan merantaulah ke negeri orang.

Merantaulah, kau akan dapatkan pengganti dari kerabat dan kawan.

Berlelah-lelahlah, manisnya hidup terasa setelah lelah berjuang."




This thesis is sincerely dedicated for :

1. My beloved Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW who always

guide me and take care of me to be a good person.

2. My beloved father and mother ( Mr. Moh Zaenal Abidin and Mrs.

Uripah Sri Rejeki) who always have sincerity to grow me up, educate,

accompany and pray for me until getting success and their greatest live

and support for me at all until I can accomplish this graduating paper.

3. My beloved lecturer, Mr Rifqi Aulia Erlangga and Mr Maimun who

always support me and pray for me to success chasing my dreams.

4. My great volunteers in GREAT Indonesia, Volunteers from SCI

France Elen Soyer and Amandin, my best friends Julie Chao and my

closest friends Atik Magfiroh, Sefy Hanida, Badariyah, Nastiti Ardita

Sari, and Laily who always support, entertain, and help me to get my

dreams come true and make my life more alive. Thanks for your




ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Bismillahirrahmanirrahim,

In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, the kings of universe

and space. Thanks to Allah because the researcher could complete this research as

one of requirement to finish study in English and Education Department of States

Institute for Islamic Studies.

This graduating paper would not have been completed without support, and

guidance from individual and institution. Therefore, the researcher would like to

express special thanks to :

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M.Pd., as Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

3. Noor Malihah, Ph. D. as the Head of English Education Department of

States Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Thank for all her

suggestions, recommendations and supports for this graduating paper from

the beginning until the end. She is really outstanding lecturer and mom for

students of English Education Department.

4. Dr. Rifqi Aulia Erlangga, S. Fil., M. Hum. as counselor who has educated,

supported, directed and given the researcher advices, suggestions and

recommendations for this graduating paper from beginning until the end.



seemed will not be finished. He really gave big contributions to this

graduating paper.

5. All lecturers in English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga. Thank for

your guidance, knowledge, and support.

6. My beloved family. Thank for your love, support, and pray.

7. My beloved best friends. Thank for your love, laugh and pray.

8. All of my friends TBI 2012.

9. All of staffs who help the researcher in processing this graduating paper‟s administrations.

10.Everybody who has helped me in finishing this graduating paper. Thank

for your supports, advices, suggestions. The researcher hopes that this

research will be useful for everyone.

Salatiga, September 29th 2017 The Researcher,



Aulia Lutfiyah, Arifah. 2017. THE INFLUENTIAL FACTORS OF STREET CHILDREN’ ENGLISH LEARNING MOTIVATION IN BUGISAN PEKALONGAN. Graduating Paper. English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty. State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Dr. Rifqi Aulia Erlangga, S.Fil., M. Hum.

Keywords: English learning, Street children, Motivation

This research aims are: to know the work of volunteer in vulnerable program in Bugisan, to describe the factors of street children motivation in learning English through the program. The research questions are; how the volunteers of GREAT work in vulnerable children program in Bugisan?, what are the factors of street children‟ motivation to learn English in Bugisan?. Therefore, this research limits the subject of the research. The writer conducted the research in Bugisan village, Pekalongan. in addition, this research used mix quantitative and quantitative descriptive approach. The methods of collecting data are observation, interview, questioner, and documentation. The implementation of vulnerable children project was held in Bugisan such as; Pusdaling - a mobile library on bicycle - is run every week, supporting the foundation in motivation learning trough worksheets, story telling, education games and watching movie in English, artistic concepts. Some




TITLE... i




MOTTO ... v





CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research ... 1

B. Problems of Research ... 5

C. Objectives of the Research ... 5

D. Significances of the Study ... 6

E. Limitation of the Study ... 7

F. Clarification of Key Term ……...7

G. Research Out Line ... 9




1. Learning ...13

a. Definition of Learning ...13

b. Criteria of Learning ...15

c. Some Factors that Affect Learning Motivation ...16

d. Learning goals ...17

2. Street Children ...17

a. Definition of Street Children ...17

b. The Characteristic of Street Children ...20

c. The Problems of Street Children ...23

3. Motivation ...25

a. Definition of Motivation ...25

b. The Types of Motivation ...27

c. The Function of Learning Motivation...30

d. The Factors that Influence Motivation ...30

e. The Characteristic of High Learning Motivation ...33

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Research Location ...35

B. Research Approach ...36

C. Population and Sample ... 38

D. Technique of Data Collecting ...39

E. Data Analysis ...41




A. Implementation of Volunteers Work in Vulnerable Children Project

Bugisan ...44

B. The Influential Factors of Street Children‟ Motivation in Learning English in Bugisan ...47

1. The Result of Questionnaire of Street Children‟s Motivation in Learning English in Bugisan ...47

2. The Result of Interview of Street Children‟s Motivation in Learning English in Bugisan ...57

3. Analysis Factors of Street Children‟ Motivation in English Learning in Bugisan...51


A. Conclusions ...61

B. Suggestions ...63




Table 2.1 Problem Faced by Street Children ...24

Table 3.1 List of Children in Bugisan Pekalongan ...38

Table 4.1 First Questionnaire of Street Children‟ Motivation ...47

Table 4.2 Second Questionnaire of Street Children‟ Motivation ...48

Table 4.3 Third Questionnaire of Street Children‟ Motivation ...49

Table 4.4 Fourth Questionnaire of Street Children‟ Motivation...50

Table 4.5 Fifth Questionnaire of Street Children‟ Motivation ...51

Table 4.6 Sixth Questionnaire of Street Children‟ Motivation ...52

Table 4.7 Seventh Questionnaire of Street Children‟ Motivation ...53

Table 4.8 Eight Questionnaire of Street Children‟ Motivation ...54

Table 4.9 Ninth Questionnaire of Street Children‟ Motivation ...55




Figure 3.1 Concurrent Triangulation Design ...37

Figure 4.1 Graph Total of First Indicator ...48

Figure 4.2 Graph Total of Second Indicator ...49

Figure 4.3 Graph Total of Third Indicator ...50

Figure 4.4 Graph Total of Fourth Indicator ...51

Figure 4.5 Graph Total of Fifth Indicator ...52

Figure 4.6 Graph Total of Sixth Indicator ...53

Figure 4.7 Graph Total of Seventh Indicator ...54

Figure 4.8 Graph Total of Eight Indicator ...55

Figure 4.9 Graph Total of Ninth Indicator ...56



A. Background of the Research

Language is the most important component of human-life activities

through language human can communicate with other and express feeling.

Every country has their own language which is used to communicate

within the local citizen. Most of the country in the world use English as a

language of international communication in order to ease the process of

communication with the people who has different cultural background and

nationalities. Along the time, the existence of English can replace other

language as main international communication because English is a

rapidly developed language.

English currently develops into more significant language for

people in Indonesia. Indonesia as a developing country needs some

information exchange of science, technology, economu and etc from other

developed countries to improve the quality of human life. In this

globalization era, The Ministry of Education of Indonesia considers the

important of English as a lingua franca for the students to learn it in the

school from Junior high school until university level. However, English is

still categorized as a foreign language in Indonesia. According to Jeremy



“Although English is not the language with the largest number of native or “first” language speaker, it has become

a lingua franca. A lingua franca can be defined as a language widely adopted for communication between two speaker whose native language are different from each

included in national examination and many companies have certain

requirement for everyone who would like to apply it, they should be able

to speak in English. It is as a result of economic and cultural globalization

that would be unavoidable. It can be concluded that English becomes an

important language to be learned by the students in Indonesia.

Based on Waluyo (2000:183), The economic development that has

been done by the Indonesian government has made progress in several

economic sectors. However, it cannot be denied that the development has

been implemented has resulted in several negative impacts. One of the

example is the creation of socio-economic disparities in Indonesian

society. The economic gap has generated many problems in both rural and

urban areas. One of problem is the emergence of street children


Living as the street children is not an easy way. They are life in the



They work to survive their life in society. The existences of street children

are ignored by the community because they are considered as sources of

problems in the society. The perception exists in communitiy‟s mindset.

However, street children have their own right. They must have good

quality of life and education.

Other factors that cause children to fall into life on the streets are

due to economic problems, lack of parental attentions and environmental

influences. To solve the problems of street children is not easy. Many

efforts have been done by non-government organization, government,

professional organization, social organization and individu. They help the

street children to get out from their problem.

Gerakan Kerelawanan International (GREAT) or International

Voluntary Service Movement is a non government organization, which

organizes international voluntary service in Indonesia. It was established

on 23rd of august 2015 with its base in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.

It consist of dedicated volunteers who believe that trough thiw movement,

it gives the opportunity to all youth without exceptions and discrimination

to access education, experience and etc; by with the grow as the agent of

change in their respective (www.greatindonesia.org).

In Pekalongan, GREAT has some projects related to environment

case and social issues. One of social project is about vulnerable children



Bugisan. However, the writer focuss on vulnerable project in Bugisan

which place is slum area, nearby Loji river and Borobudur market. In this

project, GREAT of Pekalongan community works together with the local/

international volunteer, other organizations, foundation and surrounding

citizen to organize the learning activities for the street children in Bugisan.

Most of the children in Bugisan are still students of primary until

senior high school. They can access education for free from the donator

who supports their school fee. However, some of teenagers in Bugisan

don‟t want to go to school and prefer to be worker. The motivation of the people in Bugisan to get higher education is still lower. For example, the

fresh graduate students (Junior high school) are prefered to work or get

merried than to continue their study to get a better life.

To motivate the street children to get better education, GREAT

support the learning process by the material and the learning facilities for

the children. All learning facilities such as chairs, tables, book cases, white

board, stationaries, educate toys were obtained from donations and

fundings. One of funding that organized by Melanie, Elen and Amandin

the volunteers of SCI Concordia France is a website that created for crowd

funding and to support them to improve the street children‟s education

through non formal education in Bugisan and Pasir sari. From this website



succed to collect around 945 Euro or 14.819.898 Rupiah (accesed on

August 19, 2017).

Based on the background of Bugisan, the writer is interested to

know the advantages of vulnerable children project in improving their

quality life trough the activities of project and motivating them to learn

English with the volunteers from GREAT of Pekalongan. The writer is

interested in conducting a study case entitled “THE INFLUENTIAL


B. Problem of Research

Based on the background discussed above, the writer underlines the

problem as follow:

1. How do the volunteers of GREAT work in vulnerable children project

in Bugisan?

2. What are the factors of street‟s children motivation to learn English in Bugisan?

C. Objectives of the Research

Based on the background discussed above, the writer underlines the



1. To describe the volunteers of GREAT work in vulnerable children

project in Bugisan.

2. To describe the factors of street children‟s motivation to learn English in Bugisan.

D. Significances of the Research

This research is formulated as an effort of finding some significances. The

significances of this research are:

1. Theoretically, the results of the research can contribute useful

information for the development of learning activities for street

children, especially in conducting non-formal education activities.

2. Practically, through this research, it is hoped that the society has

different perception about their point of view of street children.

However, they participate to help the street children to figure their

problems out. Therefore, the street children have a good education.

It is expected that street children in Bugisan Pekalongan realize

and want to get a better education trough the non formal education in

GREAT project. The street children can continue their study higher


7 E. Limitation of the Research

This research is conducted in Bugisan, Pekalongan. The writer

takes the street children who live in Bugisan area, Pekalongan. The subject

of this research is the volunteers of GREAT of Pekalongan Community

while the object of this research is the street children in Bugisan. There are

three volunteers as the subject of the research. It focuses on the English

learning activities and the influence of it to street children‟s motivation in learning English.

F. Clarification of Key Terms

1. English learning

According to Slavin (2000:141) cited in Trianto (2009:16),

states that leaning is:

Learning is usually defined as a change in an individual caused by experiences. Changes caused by development (such as growing taller) are not instances of learning. Neither are characteristics of individuals that are presented at birth (such as reflexes and response to hunger or point). However, humans do so much learning from the day of their birth (and some say earlier) that learning and development are inseparably linked”.

It can be meant that learning is individuals changing from

their habit through experiences. The growth of individual cannot be

meant as a source of experiences. Experiences are taken from

individual activities. Moreover, learning is started from the earliest



2. Street children

According to Suyanto (2010:186-187) says that the street

children are divided into three groups;

Firstly, children on the street are those having activity as

the child worker on the street, but still having close relationship to

their parents. Some of their income is given to their parents. The

function of street children in this category is to help reinforce their

family‟s economic support because their parents cannot fulfill the daily needs.

Secondly, children of street are those who participate fully

on the street, either socially or economically. Some of them still

have relantionship to their parents, but their meeting frequency is

not certain. Some of them are those category as very risk children

to get mistreatment, whether socio-emotionally, physically or


Thirdly, children from families of street are those coming

from the family who living on the street. Although these children

have strong kinship, they should move from one place to another

place with any risks.

It can be learn that the street children have their own type



of families. Furthermore, the children who are still students can

called as street children if they spent their more time on the road

and do social ecomoniec as well.

3. Motivation

Based on Hamzah (2008: 27), basicly motivation can help

in understanding and explain the individual‟s behavior, including

in learning procces. There are several important role of motivation

in learning process, such as (1) determine the important thing to

engage the motivation‟s student to learn, (2) clarify the objectives

of learning, (3) determine the disciplines in learning process.

It can be learnt that motivation as a phenomenon which

determinates to understanding level of the individual. The

motivation determines strength of an enthusiasm will devote to tha

achievement. For example: motivation tolearn and to get high


G. Research Out Line

This research is divided into five chapters. In order to get a tidy

presentation, the researcher conveysthis graduating paper in the following:

Chapter I is introduction. It consists of background of study which



study that is observed by the writer, next is limitation of the study which

mentions the specific problem that the writer explains. Besides that it

includes objective of the study that consist of the aim of the study,

significances of the study that describe the advantages of the study, and

then the clarification of key term. Last is research out line.

Chapter II is theoretical framework. It consists of related literature

review. In this chapter, the researcher divides into two parts, namely:

previous research and theoritical framework.

Chapter III is research methodology. This chapter deals with the

object of research, research types, data sources, the method of collecting

data and the method of analyzing data.

Chapter IV is findings and discussions. It consists of an analysis on

street children‟s motivation in learning English through vulnerable children project by Gerakan Kerelawanan Internasional‟s volunteers

(GREAT) in Bugisan Pekalongan.

Chapter V is conclusion. It is the last chapter of the research. It

ends of the research and the researcher states the conclusions and

suggestions of the research in summary.




A. Previous Researches

There are three researches had conducted in relation to this

research that the street children are as the main discussion. The related

researches are as the following:

Ruswanto (2004) who conducted a research to finish his study in

the Dakwah Faculty of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. His research was

about “Pemberdayaan Anak Jalanan di Rumah Singgah CERIA Yogyakarta”. It was to learn more about how to empower the effort undertaken by Rumah Singgah CERIA, what are some factors can support

and hamper the empowerment of street children in Rumah Singgah

CERIA. Some findings came out as the result of the research such as the

kind of empowerment that was used by Rumah Singgah CERIA; coaching

the street children in spiritual improvement, social development and

education, while the empowerment of effort that done by Rumah Singgah

CERIA were approaching, preparation and termination.

Argyo Demartoto (2012), in his research he focused on “ Need-Based Street Children Management in Surakarta City of Central Java

Province of Indonesia”. The research indicated some characteristics of street children, the cause of children becoming street children and the

management of street children problems in Surakarta City. An evaluation



conducting data study, semi-structured interview, observation, and used

literature source such as electronic media (internet).

Some findings came out as the result that the management of street

children was determined by the need and problem the street children. The

open house for street children as well as community based approaches by

conducting activity and advocacy on the street children problems

involving all potencies of society. In fact, the approaches are overlapping.

The most important point was empathy and commitment to manage the

street children problems.

Abdul Basthit Ar Rido (2015), the was about “Aktivitas Komunitas Save Street Children dalam Pendidikan Moral Anak Jalanan di Daerah

Lokalisasi Baluunggangkring Mojokerto”. The research aimed to describe the activities of the Community Save Street Children in moral education of

street children in the area Balungcangkring localization as well as the

obstacles encountered and solutions did.

He used a qualitative approach such as descriptive study,

observation and structured interviews. The findings result of this research

was conducted by Save Street Children were archipelago class, hygine

education, discipline and manner. Further, edutrip activities of the street

children taught about the moral culture. Furthermore, they concerned

about moral education.

From the previous researches, this research has the distinction



took the subject in Bugisan Pekalongan. Beside this research further

highlighted the motivation of street children in English learning process

through the Vulnerable children project by GREAT NGO. Furthermore,

the writer investigated the works of volunteers on the learning activities

for street children.

B. Theoretical Framework

1. Learning

a. Definition of Learning

Learning according to Kennedy (2011:11), learning

involves the acquisition of particular skill which is useful in here

and now, or knowledge which is relevant for the moment but may

not have broader educational value.

According to Uno (2008: 23), learning is a relatively

permanent change in behavior and potentially occurs as a result

and practice or reinforced practice.

This behavioral change is the acquisition that results from

learning. Learning is a human process to achieve various

competencies, skills and attitudes.

According to Pritchard (2008:01), learning is something of



participated. Furthermore, learning is the development of new

associations as a result of experience.

Learning it is a pure internal process Learning is a process

that can not be seen, that process occurs within a person who is

learning. All learning takes place internally within the individual..

According to Schunk (2012:03), also explain some

definition of learning, such as (1) Learning is acquisition or

"getting.", (2) Learning is retention of information or skill, (3)

Retention implies storage systems, memory, cognitive

organization, (4) Learning involves active, conscious focus on and

acting upon events outside or inside the organism, (5) Learning is

relatively permanent but subject to forgetting, (6) Learning

involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practice, (7)

Learning is a change in behavior

Learning is a change of behavior or appearance with a

series of activities such as reading, observing, imitating, listening

and so on. Learning would be better, if the learners have

experience and do it.

Furthermore, Pritchard said in his book “Teaching ways of

learning: learning theories” the definition of learning into some

items. They are : (1) a change in behavior as a result of experience



through study, (4) to gain knowledge of, or skill in, something

trough study, teaching, instruction or experience, (5) a process by

which behavior is changed, shaped or controlled, (6) the individual

process of constructing understanding based on experience from a

wide range of sources.

Those explanations have the same focus that learning is an

effort to get something done. It may that they have different point

of views on how they define learning such as; intentional learning,

integral part of life and behavioral changing. Those still lead to the

conclusion that learning is a process of self development.

b. Criteria of Learning

Based on Schunk (2012:04) in his book “Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective”, there are some Criteria of learning:

1) Learning involves change; is that learning involves change – in behavior or in the capacity for behavior. People learn when

they become capable of doing something differently.

2) Learning endures over time; this excludes temporary

behavioral changes (e.g., slurred speech) brought about by

such factors as drugs, alcohol, and fatigue.. (3) Learning



others). This criterion excludes behavioral changes that are

primarily determined by heredity, such as maturational

changes in children (e.g., crawling, standing).

c. Some Factors that Affect Learning Motivation

Learning is a process that leads to a change or renewal in

behavior and skill. The successfulness of learning depends on a

variety of factors. According to Purwanto (2007:102), the learning

motivation divided into two:

1) Factor that exist in self organism itself or individual factor.

Such as maturity / growth, intelligence, exercise, motivation

and personal factors.

2) Factor that exists outside of individual or social factor. Such as

family / home circumstances, teachers and teaching methods,

tools used in teaching learning, the environment and

opportunities, and social motivation.

Syah (2010:129) says there are three kinds of factor that

affects on leaner‟s motivation:

1) Internal factors, students' physical and mental condition;



3) Factor of learning approaches, types of learning effort that

include strategies and methods used by learner to conduct

activities to learn the subject material.

d. Learning Goals

Every activity that someone does must have a goal to be

achieved. The purpose of learning is to develop the ability of

learners to be more directed. According to Suprijono (2013: 05)

there are two kind of purpose of learning; firstly, the explicit

learning objectives achieved by the action of instructional, or

instructional effects are usually in the form of knowledge and

skills. Secondly, the purpose of learning as a result of instructional

learning commonly called murturant effects.

The learning product which may result from learning

activity. These products are: (1) skill and habit, (2) social

competence, (3) abstract and creative thinking.

2. Street Children

a. Definition of Street Children

The Ministry of Social Affairs (1999) provides

understanding about street children are children under the age of 18

years due to various factors such as economy, family conflicts to



Furthermore, UNESCO explain where the street children

come from, these children from: (1) Urban families, generally poor

or in marital crisis, (2) More and more the rural areas (rural

exodus), (3) Minority ethnic groups from neighbouring countries,

(4) Nomad communities who have settled on the outskirts of town

– shanty towns – who have fled from natural disasters, (5) Political or religious minorities exluded from their own country or rejected

by formal schools due to the rigidity of the school system.

UNICEF defines “street children are those who abandoned

their home, schools and immediate communities before they are

sixteen years of age have drifted into a nomadic street life

(UNICEF, 1997). They are children in difficult circumstances, who

struggle to survive in urban or suburban areas and who, in their

search for help, often fall foul of law.

Based on Amnesty International (UNICEF Assesment of

Street Children), divided the street children into two main

categories; (1) Children on the street are children who do the

economic activities on the road, such as be begger, seller and so on.

These children should return home when they finish. They should

give the money to family because their family is a poor family. The

instability of family‟s economic condition forces the children to



children who really stay and live on the street (outside the family

surronding), the relathionship with family still exist but estranged

and its only for formal status.

According to Suyanto (2010: 186) based on the results of

field studies, the outline of street children can be divided into three


First, children on the street, children who have economic

activities as child laborers on the streets, but still have a strong

relationship with their parents. Some of their income on the street

is given to their parents. The function of street children in this

category is to strengthen the economic buffer of their families

because the burden or pressure of poverty that must be borne can

not be solved by their parents.

Second, children of the street, the children who participate

fully in the streets, both socially and economically. Some of them

still have relationships with their parents, but the frequency of their

meetings is uncertain. Many of them are children who victim such

as violence, run or leave home.

Third, the children from the family of the street, the

children who come from families who live on the streets. Although

these children have strong familial relationships, their lives move



of this category is the laying of street life since the child was a

baby even from the moment of the womb. In Indonesia, this

category is easily found under various bridges, wild houses along

the railroads, slum area and so on.

b. The Characteristic of Street Children

According to Suyanto (2010:190) says there are some

characteristics of street children, such as;

1. the age average is between 6 – 18 years old,

2. the intensity of the family relationship (regularly the

street children meet their family, not often to meet their

family for example only twice perweek, and no

communication at all with the family),

3. they spent their time more than 4 hours perday on the


4. the common places to meet the street children are in

traditional market, bus station, train station, city park,

road, shopping centre, and public transportation,

5. the street children‟s activities are worker as shoes polisher, scavenger, street singer, car washer, beggar,

joki three in one, sex worker and so on.

Meanwile, based on Rosdalina (2007:72) there are 4



1. They do activities in a public space (on the roads,

markets, shops, malls) for 3 – 24 hours perday,

2. They have lower education (most of them are dropped

out from the school and only few who graduate from

primary school),

3. They come from a poor family (urban community and

some of them don‟t have family),

4. They do economic activities/ work in the informal


Some factors cause the children become street children

based on Suyanto (2010:197);

a. The families‟ financial problem

Most of the street children come from the poorest

family. They should work to fulfill their family needs. It

becomes normal for these children to do economic activities on

the street. The children are still under age and it becomes

difficult to find the good job for them. Sometime their parents

teach them to become street children as well when they are still

kid. Normally, people get easy to meet them directly in the

streets. In other case, we can see the women cradling a baby as

begger in the streets with hope that everyone who see it will be



c. The environment of children community

Friends can cause the children to be street children.

They can influence someone to play and do activities together

with them in the roads. In the teenager social life, positive self

estem has an important role in the strong and healthy of

personal establishment. The good environment creates the

personality to determine which one is good or not, including to

be able to say “no” to reject the negative thing. In other words, these children are not easily influenced by various temptation

that encounter a teenager to do something negative.

d. The violence from the broken family.

A study carried out by UNICEF on children who

categorized as children of the street, shows that their

motivation to live in the street is not only because of financial

problem but also because of violence of the parents. The

children are preferred to live in the street because it provides

them an alternative living than living with the family but full of

violences. The children can survive their life from violence if

they stay in the street. If the still stay with the family, they must


23 C. The Problem of Street Children

The problem of street children is a common phenomenon in

big city cities. The steer children as child labour and the presence

of children on the streets must be seen as less a phenomenon of

poverty and more of phenomenon of social attitudes, exploitation,

compulsions and sensibilities. This is evident from some

developing countries, which tackled this problem much before the

economic advancement.

The term „street children‟ tends to carry very strong emotional overtones, because every aspect of their lives is exposed

to the public gaze - their physical appearance, their way of life and

their behaviour. Hence, conflicting emotions of pity, disgust,

horror and disapproval among the public have resulted.

To survive their life, street children usually do various jobs

in the informal sector both legal and illegal and they involved in

marginal economic activities like collecting rags, shining shoes,

pulling carts and rickshaws, cleaning the streets, dishwashing in

hotels, begging, hawkers, newspapers seller, picking up garbage,

street musician, carpenters, and not infrequently there are street

children who involved in criminal-type jobs such as stealing and



The children who grow in an environment that is not in

accordance with the process of personal formation of children, that

street children have higher risks of experiencing exploitation.

Table 2. 1

Problem faced by street children (Suyanto, 2010:190)

Aspect Problem faced

Education Some of children drop out from the school

Intimidation Become the target of street children violence from other group, officers and sweeping

Drug addictive Drug, alchohol, pills and so on

Health care Range of skin desease, lung and gonorhoe

Living Generally they live in any place or in slums area

Risk of work Traffic accident

Relationship with family Generally they are apart and not connected to the family at all

Food Begging from the trash and sometime they buy the foods.

One of the children's rights is to enjoy education.

Furthermore, the continuity of street children education can be said

to be very apprehensive, while the age of street children is under 18



“Children are our future” as aptly said. Problem with

children will affect the future of our world. Therefore

understanding the status of children in need of the care is also the

need of the hour. Majority of the investigations which have

explored the phenomenon of street children make a mention of the

social and economic conditions such as extreme poverty, marital

discard, family breakdown resulting in the homelessness of the

child, arrival of step parent, etc., Other factors such as

marginalization of families, social and regional inequalities

impinging on individuals, communities and families at local levels

and natural calamities were also found responsible for the swelling

numbers of street children in our society.

The phenomenon of street children is the main reason

behind the clustering children in the cities. The frequent crop

failure due to flood and drought, small economic land holdings,

dearth of employment and above all the lure of the city life pushed

people more and more to the city. When the parents came, with

them children too came to the city. The poor parents who could

seldom earn enough to feed themselves allowed their children to

grow up unprotected and uncared for and many children took

abundance in large cities. Some took up jobs as helping hands to


26 3. Motivation

a. Definition

Arnold (1993:13) in “Affect in Language Learning” said that motivation is actually a cluster of factors that energize

behavior and give it direction. Motivation involves the learner‟s

reasons for attempting to acquire the second language, but

precisely what creates motivation is the crux of matter.

As Brown (2000) cited in Harmer (2001:160) points out, a

cognitive view of motivation includes factors such as the need for

exploration, activity, stimulation, new knowledge, and ego

enhancement. Motivation usually arises from the self and from the

person we might expect. Motivation is anything that drives

behavior that requires people‟s need.

Motivation is a condition that is formed from various

driving forces in the form of insistence, motives, needs and desires.

In learning activities, motivation is a force that encourages

individuals to do learning activities to achieve learning objectives.

According to Donald (2000) cited in Sardiman (2000:88),



a. Motivation initiates the occurrence of energy changes in

each individual of human being. Energy changes that occur

as an action or do something.

b. Motivation is characterized by the the feeling, such as

someone who has high motivation in learning.

c. Motivation for purpose.

Motivation is one aspect of social psychology, because

without a certain motivation someone will be difficult to do

something. As a teacher we must explore the motivation of

learners so they can learn well.

b. Types of Motivations

Learning motivation according to Sardiman (2004:88-91),

there are two types of motivations;

a. Intrinsic motivation

Instrisic motivation is the motive that becomes

active or functioning does not need to be stimulated from

the outside, because in each individual there is a drive to do

something. In terms of the purpose of the activities

undertaken of learning activities, the instrisik motivation is

the desire to achieve the goals contained within the act of



to gain knowledge, values or skills in order to be able to

change his/her behavior costructively, not for any other


Instrisic learning is inherent in learning situations

and pupil-needs and purposes. The instrisic motivation can

also be said as a form of motivation in which the learning

activity is initiated and passed on based on an impulse

within and is absolutely related to the learning activity.

Learners have motivation to be educated, knowledgeable

person, and an expert in a particular field.

b. Extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation is the active motive and

functioning because of the stimulus from the outside. This

motivation can also be said as a form of motivation in

which learning activities are initiated and impulse from

outside that is not absolutely related to learning activities.

Most of the learners dynamism is changing, and also other

components of learning components are less attractive to

learners, so extrinsic motivation is required.

According to Harmer (1983:51), there are two kinds of



a. Extrinsic Motivation; motivation is caused by any number

of outside factors. For example: the need to pass an exam,

the hope of financial reward, or the possibility of future


b. Instrinsic Motivation; by contrast, come from within the

individual. Thus a person might be motivated by enjoyment

of the learning process itself or by a desire to make

themselves feel better.

Meanwile, based on Yusuf (2009:03) says that learning

motivation can arise from internal and external factors;

a. Internal Factor

1) The physically factors; are the affected factor from the

body and the individual‟s appearance. This factors

include nutrition, health and physical function

especially five senses.

2) The psychological factors; are internal factors related to

the encourage aspect or inhibit aspect for students in

learning activities such as students‟ spiritual.

b. External Factor

1) The social factors; are the factors from people around



2) The non-social factors; are the factors from the physical

condition around the students such as the athmospere,

time, place and learning facilities.

Based on the type of motivation above motivation that

causes a person to move his behavior influenced by the motivation

from within himself. This motivation is more influenced by efforts

to their needs.

c. The Function of Learning Motivation

According to Nasution (1995: 77) Motivation has three

functions, are:

1) Encouraging people to act, as a motor that releases energy for

every activity to be done.

2) Determine the direction of action. Toward the goal to be

achieved so that motivation can provide direction and activities

to be donerelated to the purpose.

3) Selecting the action, which determines what actions should be

done to achieve the goal.

It can be concluded there are three functions of motivation

is to encourage people to do, determine the direction of deeds and

selecting deeds.



According to Dimyati and Mudjiono (2010:97-100), there

are some elements that affect the motivation to learn;

1) The aspiration and the dream of students.

Dreams can take place in a very long term, eventhough

until the rest of life. The dreams of learners to be “someone” will strengthen their spirit in learning and direct their learning

behaviors as well. Dreams are constantly pursued and make

every effort trough such obstacles in order to achieve their


In this case the dream of learners will strengthen the

motivation to learn from the instrisic and extrinsic. The

achievement of the goal will realize self-actualization.

Therefore, aspirations and dreams are very influential on

someone‟s learning motivation.

2) The students’ ability in learning.

There are some psychological aspects inside of

students. For example; observation, attention, memory, and

imagination. The students who have high motivation in

learning, they will get success. The willingness to be success is

strengthen their motivation.



The students who are sick, hungry, sleepy or uncontrol

emotional will interfere the concentration or attention of students

in learning procces.

The learner who had a high learning motivation, suddenly

became low only because of his physical condition and spirit

were disturbed. In other words, the learners' physical and spiritual

conditions influence the motivation of learning.

4) The condition of environment;

it can be the natural condition, living environment or

family, association life and society. As a member of society the

learners can be affected by the surrounding environment.

Natural disasters, slums area, naughty friends, fights between

learners, will interrupt the learning consetrarion. Healthy

environmental conditions, living harmony, a clean and

beautiful environment will make children eager and strengthen

the motivation to learn

5) The basic elements of study dynamic;

the dynamic elements in learning are the existence of

elements in the learning process are not stable, sometime weak

and even disappear totally. The elements of dynamic in



willingness, and the mindset of students about their experience

with their surrounding life.

6) The teachers‟ efforts to teach the students;

How the teachers prepare themselves to teach the

students from mastering the material, how to deliver the

material, how to attract the students‟ attention and how to

applied the role in the classroom or in the school area.

Some factors that influence motivation are from the learner

themselves, such as students‟ learning ability, the condition of the students and their environment, the students' needs, attitudes and

reinforcement that exist in the students to learn. The efforts of

teachers in learning are motivating learners to learn. High

motivation of the learner in learning, they will get optimal learning


e. The Characteristic of High Learning Motivation

There is motivation that encourages a person to do

something in order to achieve goals. According to Sardiman (2005:

85), the characteristics of learners who have high learning

motivation, are:

a. Diligent and good in facing the task. The learners can work



b. Never give up in facing the learning difficulities;

c. Interest in various problems;

d. Independent, prefer to work alone (not depent on others ) and

feel satisfied with the result achieved;

e. Be bored with the routine tasks which is less creativeness


f. Be able to defend their opinions;

g. Believe in himself;

h. Be happy to find and solve problem in learning context.

The characteristic of motivation will be very important in

teaching and learning process. In teaching and learning activities

will work well if the learners are diligent in doing the task and wise

in the face of learning difficulties. Based on it can be concluded

that component of learning motivation are; discipline, active,





A. Research Location

1. The Background of the Place

The writer conducted the reseach for three weeks, started on

July 1st until 21st 2017. It is located on Kampung Bugisan Rt/Rw 01/01

No.04, Panjang Wetan, East Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia. This

area was created as Bugisan learning center by volunteers from

GREAT of Pekalongan community. It office addres is on Perunggu

street 4E/8 Rt/Rw 04/09, Perumahan Podosugih Indah, Pekalongan


Bugisan is area in Pekalongan where children with less

opportunities and drop out children living. It happens because of very

less income of their parents who normally work in informal sector. A

hard living in the city leads people to be hardly struggle for living.

This cause parents will insist the children as “money producer” by asking them to go down to the street to beg money or be the parking

boy. They asked them to do it because most of the people will feel pity

on children rather than adult in giving money. This situation put the



In fact, according to convention if the righs of the child,

children have rights to survival and development. Include the right to

education, primary healt care, leisure and recreation, cultural activities,

etc (unicef.org/crc). Eager to contribute to fulfill as possible the right

of children living in the Bugisan area with guarantee of suistainable

action and mentoring to the children, GREAT organized Bugisan

learning center as the place to study more and get new knowledge and


The reasons of the writer choose this place are:

a. Bugisan is one of GREAT‟s vulnerable children project in Pekalongan beside in Pasir Sari (prostitution area) and Poncol.

b. The street children in Bugisan are more interested in art, drawing,

handicraft things, non-formal education in line with the project

and normally the love to do the activity near the street.

c. Local and international volunteers are organized to create

interesting creative activities to motivate the chidren to keep

continue their study or go back to school and organize various

skill development activities, like English speaking skills.

B. Reseach Approach

In this research, the writer used mix of descriptive qualitative and



research was chosen due to the type of the study which is to know the

English learning motivation of street children in Bugisan. Creswell and

Plano Clark, 2007:37) define mixed methods research is an approach to

inquiry that combines or associates both qualitative and quantitative forms.

It involves philosophical assumptions, the use of qualitative and

quantitative approaches, and the mixing of both approaches in a study.

This mix method strategies can be described using notation that has

develop in the mixed method field. The folloring is adapted from Morse

(1991), Tashakkori and Teddlie (1998), and Creswell and Plano Clark

(2007), who suggest the following:

 A “+” indicates a simultaneous or concurrent form of data collection,

with both qualitative and quantitave data collected at the same time.

 A “ ” indicated a sequential form of data collection, with one form

(e.g qualitative data) building on the other (e.g. quantitative data)

Figure 3. 1

Concurrent Triangulation Design (Creswell et al, 2003:210) +

QUAN QUAL Data Collection Data Collection

Data Results Compared


Data Analysis Data Analysis


38 C. Population and Sample

One of purposes of this study is to find out what kind of factor that

influence the street children motivation in Bugisan. Subjects identified

should be people who have the information and willing to provide that


In this case, the writer puts the children as the respondents instead

of the volunteers themselves because the writer wants to find out the

results from students‟ perspective, instead of volunteers‟. Thus, the

population is the street children in Bugisan, who come and join activities

in vulnerable children project. There are 10 children who have various

gender, age, knowledge, educational and social background.

The list data of the children in table 1. 1. The writer writes down

the initial of children‟s name as Respondent (R) and number; e.g R1, to

keep the confidence of them and put them according their age. Besides

that, the writer confidentally keeps the indentity of the subjects in order to

make the subjects are comfortable to give the data.

Table 3. 1 List of children in Bugisan



R8 NK F 12

R9 RG M 12

R10 IIP M 12

D. Technique of Data Collecting

Data collection method is a conscious effort to collect data that is

carried out in a systematic and with standard procedure (Arikunto,

1998:223). In data collection, the writer using three different methods of

data collection, each method used to obtain a different data. In the

collection of data in the formulation as follows:

a. Observation

The method of observation is one of the methods of data

collection which requires a researcher down to the field to observe

the things which related with space, place, actors, activities, objects

time, events, goals and feelings (Arikunto, 1998:165).

The type of observation that used by the writer is complete

participant – research conceals role. The writer as researcher has a first hand experience with the participant. The advantage of

complete observation is ease of access. The complete observation

can be quick way to become acquinted with qualitative method. As

an initial research activities, the writer became the teacher to help

the volunteers to teach the street children directly. The writer



facilities, material and the learning method that used by volunteer

to attrack the street children‟s motivation to learn.

The writer also did observation related to the condition of

the environment in Bugisan, the living condition, and the house of

the street children condition. The aim is to know the street

children‟s background.

b. Interview Method

An interview is a conversation done to collect data about

various things from a person or group of people. Meleong

(2013:139) said the interview is used as a data collection technique

when researchers want to study introduction to find problems that

must be examined and also when researchers want to know these

things from respondents more deeply. The type of interview used

by the writer is; face to face, one on one, in person interview, and

email internet interview.

This type of interview is very useful when the participant

can not be observed direcly. The participant can provide historical

information. Data obtained from this technique are non formal

education activities, the volunteers‟ problems while conducted the activities, and the factors can influence the street childrens'



c. The Documentation

According to Noor (2012:141) says that documentation

techniques used to obtain data in the material form of the

documentation form of note or writing. This technique is used as a

tool for data collector attachment that cannot be obtained through

observation, interview. The main features of this data is not limited

to time and space so that the member the opportunity to researchers

to know the things that never occurred in the past.

d. The Questionnaires

The writer used-administered questionnaire to collect the

data. According to Arikunto (1993:202) administered questionnaire

is a tool collection of data or information as the instrument data

collection with how to convey a number of written questions to

answer in writing on the respondents.

E. Data Analysis

Techniques of data analysis refer to the analysis model of Miles

and Huberman cited Sugiono (2003:337) is;

1. Data collection

Data collection is the process of collecting information or data needed



2. Data reduction

Data reduction includes the selection of data through summary or brief

descriptions and data classification

3. Data presentation

Data presentation is done in order to organize data which is arranging

information systematically from the result of data reduction.

4. Conclusion

Conclusion is an attempt to interpret data, record and data

classification. The collected data is presented systematically and given


Analysis is an effort to find what is important and to decide what is

beingexplained to another by working with data, organizing data, selecting

data, synthesizing data, finding its patterns (Moleong, 2009:248). This can

be informed that data analysis is processing data to get the research‟s finding. Analysis is the way of the writer to find the meaning from the data

Based on Sudjono (2012:43) to analyze the collected data and the

data needs to be analyzed the steps that the author do to instructing and

analyzing data is as follows:

1. The Editing, edit data is the activity check collected data. Check the

questionnaires which have been fully charged whether is charged with



2. Tabulating and Scoring, is advanced stage in a series of data analysis

process. By creating the tabulation of the data field will be arranged in

a table so that it can be easily analyzed after data is made in the table

and then all the questions questionnaires given value score each

itemnya with how to answer that a letter will be transformed into a

numeric value.

3. Analiting and interpretation,the next step is to analyze the data after

data tabulated in the number of the frequency of the answers

respondents for each alternative, then dipersentasikan with the

FORMULA : p = f


P= Numbers of answer

F= Frequency that are seeking

N= Number Of Cases (number of respondent)

F. The Validity of Data

The validity of the data relates to a certainty that measured is really

a variable to be measured, this validity can be achieved by a triangulation

process, a technique of checking the validity of data for checking purposes






Implementation of Volunteers Work in Vulnerable Children Project in Bugisan Pekalongan

The results could be known from how the activity of learning

English runs in Bugisan by joining into the classroom diretly. Motivation

had an important role in the world of education because motivation is one

factor that allowed children to concentrate more, spirit and fun in learning


English learning activities in Bugisan took place on Monday until

Friday and it started at 14.30 – 17.00 WIB. The methods used by the volunteers in delivering English materials were vary, such as:

1. Pusdaling - a mobile library on bicycle - is run every week:

Pusdaling library or bike around was one of the methods used

by volunteers to improve the spirit of street children‟s motivation in English reading comprehension. The strategy that used by volunteer to

attract the attention of children were using doll or puppet teathre. The

aim of theathre was to visualize the value of the book. The volunteers

tried to use bilingual book in order and the students could learn



vocabularies in English that related to the story and asked the children

to repeat it.

2. Supproting the foundation in motivating learning of the children

trough learning worksheet, story telling, education game and watching

cartoon movie in English.

Interaction among residents at the teaching and learning with

children in bugisan is not easy especially all learn in the same class.

Every child has the background and different age. To resolve a

problem, the volunteers used worksheets as learning media which was

adjusted with the interest the ability and age of participants.

Story telling was usually done as a learning media listening for

children. Volunteers were using two languages in conveying the story,

there were Indonesia and English. The theme took through story

books and synopsis of a movie. The activities of watching movie were

conducted on weekend as additional activities. The movie was played

such as cartoons until horror movie and all depending on the request

of children.

Education of the game was one of the methods used the

volunteers to teach children in Bugisan about English. Game activities

evaluated most effective to get children about English strategy. The

selected Game usually was a traditional game that was already in

the modification and international games from Japan, France,



children did not feel burdened with the teaching and learning activities

that required them to think and their characters were very hyper


3. Artistic concepts.

How to introduce English to children in Bugisan was not easy,

through the artistic concept, the volunteers made the English language

learning activities become fun such as singing, dancing, painting,

handicraft, music and theater.

The dancing activity was the most favorite thing for children

Bugisan. Most of the girls in Bugisan were fond of dancing because

they got extracurricular dancing in any strands to remember the art in

Pekalongan City such as dance and batik. Volunteers also did not

forget to enter some vocab about movement in English when they

were practicing dancing, such as turn around, jump, and ect.

The activities of painting were an activity done to stimulate the

creativity of children in Bugisan. The volunteers prepared the canvas

and paint colors that wouls be used children as media. The volunteers

also used various forms of which was taken from the fruit of the

passion fruit for example for producing pictures of the stars. The

volunteers also made this activity as a learning media about color in

English so the children in Bugisan were easier to understand because


Table 2. 1
Table 3. 1 List of children in Bugisan
Table 4.1 No Alternative answer Frequency
Table 4.2 No Alternative answer Frequency


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