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vol5_pp1-10. 198KB Jun 04 2011 12:06:14 AM


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The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra.

A publication of the International Linear Algebra Society. Volume 5, pp. 1-10, January 1999.

ISSN 1081-3810. http://math.technion.ac.il/iic/ela




Abstract. A result of Lewis on the extreme properties of the inner product of two vectors in a Cartan subspace of a semisimple Lie algebra is extended. The framework used is an Eaton triple which has a reduced triple. Applications are made for determining the minimizers and maximizers of the distance function considered by Chu and Driessel with spectral constraint.

Keywords. Eaton triple, reduced triple, nite reection group

AMSsubject classications.15A42

1. Mainresults. The purpose of this note is to establish an extension of a result

of Lewis [7, Theorem 3.2] and make some applications.

Theorem 1.1. (Lewis [7]) Let g be a real semisimple Lie algebra with Cartan

decomposition g = k+p where the analytic group of k is K G. For x 2 p, let


0 denote the unique element of the singleton set Ad(


+ where


+ is a closed

fundamental Weyl chamber. For x;y 2 p, (x;y) (x 0


0), where (

;) denotes the

Killing form, with equality holding if and only if there isk2K such that both Ad(k)x

and Ad(k)y are ina +.

Lewis' result generalizes some well-known results including von Neumann's result [10] and a result of Fan [2] and Theobald [15], which are corresponding to the real simple Lie algebrasu

p;q and the reductive Lie algebra gl


R). Here is a framework

for the extension which only requires basic knowledge of linear algebra. Let G be

a closed subgroup of the orthogonal group on a real Euclidean spaceV. The triple

(V;G;F) is an Eaton triple ifFV is a nonempty closed convex cone such that

(A1) Gx\F is nonempty for eachx2V.

(A2) maxg2G(

x;gy) = (x;y) for allx;y2F.

The Eaton triple (W;H;F) is called a reduced triple of the Eaton triple (V;G;F) if

it is an Eaton triple andW := spanF and H :=fgj W :

g 2G; gW =WgO(W)

[14]. Forx 2V, letx

0 denote the unique element of the singleton set

Gx\F. It is

known thatH is a nite reection group [11]. Let us recall some rudiments of nite

reection groups [4]. A reections


V is an element of O(V), which sends some

nonzero vectorto its negative and xes pointwise the hyperplaneH

orthogonal to

, i.e.,s

:=,2(;)=(;),2V. A nite groupGgenerated by reections

is called a nite reection group. A root system ofGis a nite set of nonzero vectors

inV, denoted by , such thatfs :

2ggeneratesG, and satises

(R1) \R=fgfor all2.

(R2) s

= for all


Received by the editors on 3 August 1998. Accepted for publication on 1 January 1999. Handling Editor: Danny Hershkowitz.

yDepartment of Mathematics, 218 Parker Hall Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849-5310, USA (tamtiny@mail.auburn.edu, http://www.auburn.edu/tamtiny). Dedicated to Hans Schneider on the occasions of his 70th birthday and retirement.



2 T.Y. Tam

The elements of are called roots. We do not require that the roots are of equal length. A root system is crystallographic if it satises the additional requirement:

(R3) 2(;) (;)

2Zfor all;2,

and the groupGis known as the Weyl group of .

A (open) chamberCis a connected component ofVn[ 2

H. Given a total order <inV [4, p.7],2V is said to be positive if 0<. Certainly, there is a total order

inV: Choose an arbitrary ordered basisf 1

;:::;mgofV and say> if the rst

nonzero number of the sequence (; 1)

;:::;(;m) is positive where=,. Now


is called a positive system if it consists of all those roots which are positive

relative to a given total order. Of course, = +


,, where ,= ,

+. Now +

contains [4, p.8] a unique simple system , i.e., is a basis forV

1 := span


and each 2 is a linear combination of with coecients all of the same sign

(all nonnegative or all nonpositive). The vectors in are called simple roots and the corresponding reections are called simple reections. The nite reection groupGis

generated by the simple reections. Denote by +(

C) the positive system obtained by

the total order induced by an ordered basisf 1

;:::;mgCofV as described above.

Indeed +(

C) =f2 : (;)>0 for all2Cg. The correspondenceC7! +(


is a bijection of the set of all chambers onto the set of all positive systems. The groupGacts simply transitively on the sets of positive systems, simple systems and

chambers. The closed convex cone F := f 2 V : (;) 0; for all 2 g,

i.e., F = C

, is the closure of the chamber

C which denes

+ and , is called a

(closed) fundamental domain for the action of G onV associated with . Since G

acts transitively on the chambers, givenx2V, the setGx\F is a singleton set and

its element is denoted byx

0. It is known that (

V;G;F) is an Eaton triple (see [11]).

LetV 0 :=

fx2V :gx =x for allg 2Gg be the set of xed points inV under the

action ofG. Let =f


;:::;ng, i.e., dimV 1=

n. Iff 1

;:::;ngdenotes the basis

of V 1 =

V ?

0 dual to the basis

fi = 2i=(i;i) :i = 1;:::;ng, i.e., (i;j) =ij,

thenF =f




0. Thus the interior Int

F =CofF is the nonempty

set f Pn


cii : ci >0gV

0. There is a unique element

! 2G sending

+ to ,

and thus sendingF to ,F. Moreover, the length [4, p.12] of ! is the longest one [4,

p.15-16]. So we call it the longest element.

We will present two examples requiring some basic knowledge of Lie theory [5]. Letg=k+pbe a Cartan decomposition of a real semisimple Lie algebrag. Denote

the Killing form ofgbyB(;). The Killing form is positive denite onpbut negative

denite onk. LetK be an analytic subgroup ofkin the analytic groupGofg. Now

Ad(K) is a subgroup of the orthogonal group onpwith respect to the restriction of

the Killing form on psince the Killing form is invariant under Ad(K). Among the

Abelian subalgebras of gthat are contained inp, choose a maximal one a(maximal

Abelian subalgebra inp). For2a

(the dual space of

a), setg=fx2g: [h;x] = (h)xfor allh2ag. If 06=2a


g6= 0, thenis called a (restricted) root [5,

p.313] of the pair (g;a). The set of roots will be denoted . We have the orthogonal

direct sumg=g 0+



gknown as restricted-root space decomposition [5, p.313].

We viewaas a Euclidean space by taking the inner product to be the restriction of

B to a. The map a

! a that assigns to each 2 a

the unique element

x of a



AnextensionofaresultofLewis 3

isomorphism to identify a with

a, allowing us, in particular, to view as a subset

ofa. The set =f2 :

1 2

2=ggenerates a nite reection groupW, i.e.,W is

generated by the reectionss (

2), which is called the Weyl group of (g;a), and

is a root system ofW. It is called the reduced root system of the pair (g;a). Now x

a simple system for the root system . Then determines a fundamental domain


+ for the action of

W ona. We now describe another way to view the Weyl group

W. Use juxtaposition to represent the adjoint action of Gon g, i.e., gx = Ad(g)x,

action ofK onginduces an action of the groupN K( w2W,x2a[5, p.325, p.394]. We use the isomorphism to identify these two groups

(in the literature, the Weyl group is usually dened to be N K(

automorphism of g, N K(

a) =fk 2K:ka=ag. ThusW =fAd(k)j a :

k2K ;ka= ag. Obviously a= spana

+. A theorem of Cartan asserts that Ad(

K)x\a6= [5,

p.320] for anyx2p. SinceW acts simply transitively on the (open) Weyl chambers

ina, Ad(K)x\a

For verication of (A2), see [7].

Example 1.2. (real semisimple Lie algebras) With the above notation. Now (p;Ad(K);a

+) is an Eaton triple with a reduced triple ( a;W;a

+). It is also true for

real reductive Lie algebras [3].

Remark: One may verify (A2) by Kostant's theorem. Ifx;y2p, letx

thogonal projection with respect to the Killing form in p, where y

0 = Ad (

k 0


By Kostant's convexity theorem [6] (y

0) is in the convex hull of

Similarly we have the following example.

Example 1.3. (compact connected Lie groups) LetGbe a (real) compact

con-nected Lie group and let (;) be a bi-invariant inner product ong. Now Ad(G) is a

subgroup of the orthogonal group ong[5, p.196]. Let t

+ be a xed (closed)

funda-mental chamber of the Lie algebratof a maximal torusT ofG. Now (g;Ad(G);t +)

is an Eaton triple with reduced triple (t;W;t

+) where the Weyl group

W ofGis often

dened as N(T)=T where N(T) is the normalizer of T in G [5, p.201]. We remark

that Theorem 1.1 is also true for compact connected Lie groups.

The following lemma is a slight extension of Proposition 2.1 in [7] which is stated for Weyl groups. Now we add the lower bound and the proof is similar.

Lemma 1.4. LetH be a nite reection group acting on a real Euclidean space W. For any x;y 2 W, (x



4 T.Y. Tam

that bothhx andhy lie in a common closed chamberF (hx2F andhy2,F).

The following is an extension of Theorem 1.1 except we add an assumption for the upper (lower) bound attainment.

Theorem 1.5. Let(V;G;F) be an Eaton triple with a reduced triple (W;H;F).

the interval[(x 0

F which denotes

the relative interior ofF in W, then the upper (lower) bound is achieved if and only

if there exists g2Gsuch that bothgxandgy are inF (gx2F andgy 2,F).

0) by (A2). We notice that the inequality is true

without using reduced triple.

For the lower bound, notice that (x;y) = (x 0

;gy) = (x 0

;(gy)) where:V !W

is the orthogonal projection ontoW. According to a result of Niezgoda [11, Theorem

3.2],(gy) =

obviously and (,y 0)

Now we are going to handle the attainment of the upper bound. Suppose x

0 or y

0 2 Int


F. For deniteness, let x 0

because otherwiseP


0) by (A2), a contradiction. In

consequence, there existsg h

h=his a product of simple reections


0and hence

(gy) =y

0. However

gyandy 0have

the same norm (induced by the inner product) sincegis an element of the orthogonal

group onV; thusgy=y

The proof of the attainment of the lower bound is similar. We remark that

it is not known whether the condition x

0 or y

0 2 Int


F can be removed. For

the semisimple Lie algebra case [7], no such assumption is made (same for compact connected Lie groups) and is mainly due to the richer structure of the Lie framework.

Applying Theorem 1.5 on the reductive Lie algebrasgl n(

F), F = R, C, and H

respectively, we have the following result.

Corollary 1.6. (Fan [2], Theobald [15]) Let A and B be real symmetric

(Hermitian, quaternionic Hermitian) matrices with eigenvalues


n, respectively. The set


B :U 2SU n(



AnextensionofaresultofLewis 5

isthe interval [a;b]where

symmetric groupS

n. The longest element sends the elements diag( a

1 ;:::;a

n) in F

to its reversal diag(a n SL(2n;R) which leaves invariant the quadratic form,x


has two components (usuallySO


n;n) refers to the identity component) and hence

is not connected. It is also noncompact. It is well known that [5]


The Killing form is


Now the adjoint action ofK onpis given by

nn and thus

a will then be

iden-tied with real diagonal matrices. We may choose a

+ =

jg. The action of K on p is then orthogonal equivalence, i.e.,

H 7! UHV where U;V 2 SO(n). The action of the Weyl group W on ais given

symmetric group) and the number of negative signs is even. The longest element !



6 T.Y. Tam

Applying Theorem 1.5 on the simple Lie algebraso

n;n, we have the following result. Corollary1.7. (Miranda-Thompson [9], Tam [13]) LetAandB bennreal

matrices with singular values 1





0 respectively, the


ftrUAVB:U;V 2SO(n)g

is the interval [a;b], where


, P

n,1 i=1


i+ sign det( AB)s

n if

nis odd ,

P n,1 i=1

s i

,signdet(AB)s n if

nis even,

b= n,1 X

i=1 s

i+ sign det( AB)s

n ;

wheres i=



i= 1;:::;n.

Proof. Recall thata + =

fdiag(a 1

;:::;a n) :

a 1


n,1 ja


j 0g. Any

realnnmatrixAis special orthogonally similar to diag(a 1

;:::;a n,1

;[sign detA]a n)


+ where

a 1



0 are the singular values ofA.

2. Applications to least squares approximations with orbital


In [1] Chu and Driessel considered the following two least squares

prob-lems with spectral constraints. Let S(n) be the space of n n real symmetric

matrices. Given H 2 S(n), the isospectral surface O(H) is dened to be the set O(H) = fQHQ

T :

Q 2 O(n)g. It is simply the manifold of all real symmetric

matrices which are co-spectral withH, by the well-known spectral theorem.

Problem 1. GivenX 2S(n). Find the minimizerL2O(H) for



kL,Xk 2


where the norm is the Frobenius matrix norm, i.e.,kYk 2= tr

YY .

GivenH 2R

pq, set O


H) =fUHV :U 2O(p);V 2O(q)g. SoO 0(

H) is simply

the manifold of all real matrices which have the same singular values of H, by the

singular value decomposition.

Problem 2. GivenX 2R

pq. Find the minimizer L2O

0( H) of


L2O 0


kL,Xk 2


where the norm is also the Frobenius matrix norm.

The minimizerL2O(H) provides the shortest distance between the given X 2 S(n) and the isospectral surfaceO(H). Notice that

kL,Xk 2= (

L,X;L,X) = (L;L) + (X;X),2(X;L);

where (X;L) := trXL, X;L 2 S(n). Since (L;L) = (H;H) for all L 2 O(H) and



AnextensionofaresultofLewis 7

maximizerL2O(H) for (X;L). We can assume that trH = trX= 0. It is because

n. So the simple Lie algebra sl

n( R)

with Cartan decompositionsl n(

R) =so(n)+pcomes into the scene. Though we have SO(n) instead ofO(n), the orbits of H are the same.

Theorem 2.1. Letgbe a real semisimple Lie algebra with Cartan decomposition g=k+pwhere the analytic group of kisKG. Forx2p, letx

0 denote the unique

element of the singleton set Ad(K)x\a

+ where


+ is a closed fundamental Weyl

chamber. Givenx;y 2p, ifz2Ad(K)y, thenkx ! is the longest element of the Weyl group of (g;a). The lower (upper) bound is

achieved if and only if there is k2K such that both Ad(k)x and Ad(k)z are ina

Proof. Just notice that


0 and then apply

Theorem 1.1.

Applying Theorem 2.1 on sl


R) we have the following solution to Problem 1

(Chu and Driessel made the assumption that the eigenvalues ofx andy are distinct,

but it is not necessary. That x has distinct eigenvalues means that x

0 is in Inta a


(the relative interior of a + in

a) and x is called a regular element in Lie theoretic

language. See [1, Theorem 4.1]).

Corollary 2.2. Let X;H be nn real symmetric matrices with eigenvalues x

n respectively. Then for any


T. The lower (upper) bound is achieved if and only if there is

a Q 2 SO(n) such that QXQ

One can deduce the solution for Problem 2 (Chu and Driessel [1] also made the assumption that the singular values of x and y are distinct, but again it is not

necessary. See [1, Theorem 5.1]) by applying Theorem 2.1 onso

p;q. However, special

care needs to be taken whenp=q. Let us proceed for the case p=q=n.

We have the following renement of the result of Chu and Driessel by applying Theorem 2.1 onso




T. The lower (upper) bound is achieved if and only if there are U;V 2SO(n) such that

Corollary2.4. LetX;H bennreal matrices with singular valuesx 1

T. The lower (upper) bound is achieved if and only if there

are U;V 2 O(n) such that UXV = diag(x

Proof. Notice that we can assume thatH andX are of nonnegative determinants

sinceL2O 0(

H) andkkis invariant under orthogonally similarity. LetK=SO(n) SO(n) be the group in the discussion ofso

and only if detH 6= 0. So the problem is reduced to the optimization ofkX,Lkwhere



AnextensionofaresultofLewis 9

The minimizersLare in Ad(K)H since


L2O 0



2= min

f min


kX,Lk 2

; min


kX,Lk 2

g= n X


(x i

,h i)

2 :

The maximizers are either in Ad(K)H or Ad(K)(DH), dependingnis even or odd.



L2O 0



2= max

f max


kX,Lk 2

; max


kX,Lk 2

g= n X


(x i+

h i)

2 :

We remark that when p6=q, sayp<q, then the action of the Weyl group ona

is given by diag(d 1

;:::;d p)

7!diag(d (1)


(p)), diag( d

1 ;:::;d


2a, 2S p

(the symmetric group) and there is no restriction on the signs, under the appropriate

identications. Nowa

+ =

fdiag(a 1

;:::;a n) :

a 1



0g. The orbit Ad(K)H

is equal toO 0(

H). Thus we can apply Theorem 2.1 directly to arrive at the results of

Chu and Driessel whenp6=q, i.e., Corollary 2.4 is true for realpqmatrices. When

one considerssu

p;q, the complex case will then be obtained and the treatment of the p =q case is the same as p6= q case. Needless to say, application of Theorem 2.1

on various real simple Lie algebras yields dierent results, e.g., real (complex) skew symmetric matrices, complex symmetric matrices, etc.

The setting for Eaton triple with reduced triple is similar and the proof of the following is omitted.

Theorem 2.5. Let(V;G;F)be anEatontriple with areduced triple(W;H;F). Given x;y 2V, if z2Gy, thenkx

0 ,y


kkx,ykkx 0+ (

,y 0)0

kwherekkis induced by the inner product. If, in addition, x

0 or y

0 2 Int


F which denotes the relative interior of F in W, then the lower (upper) bound isachievedif andonly if thereexistsg2Gsuchthat bothgx andgy arein F (gx2F andgy2,F).

We remark that the inequalitykx 0

,y 0

kkx,ykis known and is true for an

Eaton triple without reduced triple [12, p.85].

3. Remarks.

In [8], Lewis introduced the notion of normal decomposition sys-tem (V;G;) for the study of optimization and programming problems, whereV is a

real inner product space andGis a closed subgroup ofO(V) and the map:V !V

has the following properties: 1. is idempotent, i.e.,

2= .

2. isG-invariant, i.e.,(gx) =(x) for allx2V.

3. for anyx2V, there isg2Gsuch thatx=g(x).

4. ifx;y2V, then (x;y)(x;y) with equality if and only ifx=g(x) and y=g(y) for someg2G.

By Theorem 2.4 (the proof does not use equality attainment property) of [8], the range

of is a closed convex cone and we denote it by F. Thus a normal decomposition

system (V;G;) gives an Eaton triple (V;G;F). Conversely if (V;G;F) is an Eaton



10 T.Y. Tam

conditions [11, p.14] except the equality case. The equality case holds if we assume thatx

0 or y

0 are in IntW

F by Theorem 1.5.

The reduced triple is almost identical to the normal decomposition (sub)system [8, Assumption 4.1] while the dierence is only the equality case. It is interesting to notice that the Eaton triple arose from probability while normal decomposition arises from the consideration of optimization and programming.

The condition for attainment in the upper bound in Theorem 1.5 is proved by using the nite reection group structure which is an algebraic approach via a result of Niezgoda [11]. In contrast, the corresponding result [7, Theorem 3.2] of Lewis for Cartan subspace p has an analytic proof (without the restriction that x

0 or y

0 2

Inta a

+ for the equality attainment).


The author gives thanks to an anonymous referee for pointing out that the assumption thatxory2Int


F needs to be made in Theorem 1.5 and

for bringing [12] to the author's attention. He also thanks Professor A.S. Lewis for pointing out the relationship between Eaton triple and normal decomposition system. He thanks Professor M.T. Chu for the reprint of the reference [1].


[1] M.T. Chu and K.R. Driessel. The projected gradient method for least squares matrix approxi-mations with spectral constraints. SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 27:1050-1060, 1990

[2] K. Fan. On a theorem of Weyl concerning eigenvalues of linear transformations.Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 35:652-655, 1949.

[3] R.R. Holmes and T.Y. Tam. Distance to the convex hull of an orbit under the action of a compact Lie group. J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A, to appear.

[4] J.E. Humphreys.Reection Groups and Coxeter Groups, Cambridge University Press, 1990. [5] A.W. Knapp.Lie Groups Beyond an Introduction. Birkhauser, Boston, 1996.

[6] B. Kostant. On convexity, the Weyl group and Iwasawa decomposition. Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup., (4) 6:413-460, 1973.

[7] A.S. Lewis. Convex analysis on Cartan subspaces. Nonlinear Anal., to appear.

[8] A.S. Lewis. Group invariance and convex matrix analysis. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 17:927-949, 1996

[9] H. Miranda and R.C. Thompson.A supplement to the von Neumann trace inequality for singular values. Linear Algebra Appl., 248: 61-66, 1994.

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[12] M. Niezgoda. On Schur-Ostrowski type theorems for group majorizations. J. Convex Anal., 5:81-105, 1998.

[13] T.Y. Tam. Miranda-Thompson's trace inequality and a log convexity result. Linear Algebra Appl., 272:91-101, 1997.

[14] T.Y. Tam. Group majorization, Eaton triples and numerical range, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, to appear.


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