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opening regression upload


Academic year: 2017

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Deskripsi matakuliah

Mempelajari :

Analisis regresi linear sederhana

Analisis regresi linear berganda

Asumsi-asumsi dalam regresi

Estimasi koefisien dan persamaan regresi

Inferensi dan interpretasi dalam regresi

Analisis variansi pada regresi

Pendekatan matriks dalam analisis regresi

Jumlah kuadrat ekstra

Analisis korelasi

Regresi lain (regresi polinomial, regresi

dummy,regresi logistik, regresi PLS)



Neter, John. 1990. Applied Linear Statistical Models : Regression, Analysis of Variance, and Experimental Design . Irwin : Boston

Model linier terapan I dan II (terjemahan)

Sumantri, B. (1997). Model Linear Terapan, Buku I. Jurusan Statistika: FMIPA IPB

Sumantri, B. (1997). Model Linear Terapan, Buku II. Jurusan Statistika: FMIPA IPB

Myers, R.H. (1996). Classical and Modern Regression with

Applications. Boston : PWS-KENT Publishing Company


Kontrak perkuliahan


Why study statistics?

Make decision without complete informations

Understanding population, sample

Parameter, statistic

Descriptive and inferential statistics



A population is the collection of all items of interest or under investigation

N represents the population size

A sample is an observed subset of the population

n represents the sample size

A parameter is a specific characteristic of a population

Mean, Variance, Standard Deviation, Proportion, etc.

A statistic is a specific characteristic of a sample

Mean, Variance, Standard Deviation, Proportion, etc.


Population vs. Sample

a b c d ef gh i jk l m n o p q rs t u v w x y z



b c g i n o r u y

Values calculated using population data are called



Examples of Populations

Incomes of all families living in yogyakarta

All women with pregnancy problem.

Grade point averages of all the students in your



Random sampling

Simple random sampling

is a procedure in which

each member of the population is chosen

strictly by chance,

each member of the population is equally

likely to be chosen, and

every possible sample of n objects is

equally likely to be chosen


Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

Two branches of statistics:

Descriptive statistics

Collecting, summarizing, and processing data to transform data into information

Inferential statistics

Provide the bases for predictions, forecasts, and estimates that are used to transform information into knowledge and decision


Descriptive Statistics

Collect data

e.g., Survey

Present data

e.g., Tables and graphs

Summarize data

e.g., Sample mean =





Inferential Statistics


e.g., Estimate the population mean weight using the sample mean weight

Hypothesis testing

e.g., Test the claim that the

population mean weight is 120 pounds

opening regression

Inference is the process of drawing conclusions or making decisions about a


The Decision Making Process

Begin Here:

Identify the Problem

Data Information

Knowledge Decision


Independent and Dependent


Example case:

A real estate agent wishes to examine the

relationship between the selling price of a house

($1000s) and its size(measured in square feets)

Dependent variable (Y) = house price

in $1000s

Independent variable (X) = house’size

Dependent variable : response variable

Independent variable : predictor variable


Sample Data for House

Price Model

House Price in $1000s

(Y) Square feets (X)

245 1400

312 1600

279 1700

308 1875

199 1100

219 1550

405 2350

324 2450

319 1425


Scatter plot


Graphical Presentation

House price model: scatter plot and

regression line

s) f

(square 0.10977

98.24833 price

house   eet

Slope = 0.10977


Bagaimana mendapatkan

persamaan garis regresi ?


Bawa kalkulator setiap perkuliahan regresi


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