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Team Logo Ideas for Uniforms Sports Equipment Bags and Other Team Logo Items


Academic year: 2017

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Team Logo Ideas for Uniforms, Sports Equipment Bags, and Other Team Logo Items Word Count:

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Use these ideas to create an eye-catching team logo for uniforms, products, and sports equipment bags. Create a logo that will make a lasting impression.


sports equipment bags, team bags, team logo bags, team player bags, bags for sports teams

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Putting together a strong team for sports, work, or scholastic purposes can be a challenging task, but creating a fitting team logo can be even more daunting. A team logo is significant in representing the team’s personality. It can inspire the team players and spectators while bringing a sense of unity to the team. Your team logo will also be printed on equipment, uniforms, sports equipment bags, memorabilia, and casual apparel. The quick tips below illustrate ways to make your team logo count. Lettering Style for Your Team Logo

The first step in creating a team logo is to choose the proper lettering style, or font, for your team and/or school name. The letters should be clear and easy to read. They shouldn’t be so fancy that one has to squint to read them. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of letter fonts to choose from today. Choose a simple font that isn’t complicated with fancy notations and accents (save these for your actual logo drawing). Create a sample of several fonts using your actual team name. You can easily experiment with a computer word processor or publishing program. Imagine what the letters would look like printed on sports equipment bags or team logo bags, uniforms, caps, shirts, and other items. Will the logo be easy to read? Will the letters stand out from a distance, even on wrinkled material?

Some font styles include gothic, elegant, formal, casual, corporate, and sci-fi, with font categories such as Arial, courier, serif, block, script, and outline. The font should be bold with a generous amount of space between letters for easy reading. Keep in mind that even the simplest of letter styles can be enhanced with graphic design techniques. Plain letters can easily be transformed into remarkable logos with just a click of the mouse! The Logo Design

Once you choose the proper lettering for your team logo, it’s time to decide on a graphical design. Though there are many types of designs you can use, narrow the design to what best illustrates your team’s personality. Consider the team mascot and the school’s overall theme and colors if these already exist. Ask team members to contribute their ideas and even their own drawings of logo possibilities. Do you want the logo to be simple, dramatic, sophisticated, dominant, or subtle? Will the logo be friendly to all, or will it be used to intimidate your opponents? Consider these themes:

1. Animal themes such as lions, bears, panthers, tigers, horses, buffalo, vipers, sharks, and dolphins. 2. Cartoon themes of players in action.

3. Illustrations.

4. Sports-related drawings of balls, bats, hockey sticks, nets, goals, and so forth.

If you’re unable to create your own logo, you might consider hiring a professional logo designer. It will be well worth the money and effort to get a logo that makes a lasting impression! Put Your Logo to the Test

Draw up a few possible logo sketches and show them to people you know including team members and other students. Write down comments and suggestions to help create a final logo example. Create a final print-ready example of the logo that will be used for printing on team shirts and uniforms, caps, equipment, and team bags.

To get the logo printed on various items, you can shop locally or visit online stores that specialize in team sports equipment bags and other accessories with team logos. Order only top quality uniforms, products, and bags for sports teams so the players can depend on the items throughout the year. For example, high quality team player bags can be used for travel and should be made of durable materials to prevent wear and tear. Uniforms should be of top quality fabric to ensure flexibility and durability throughout the season. With online resources, it’s easy to create an amazing team logo and to get your logo noticed on all sorts of products. Use these ideas to start building team morale today with a spectacular logo!

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