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Directive speech acts performed by the main character “Thomas” and the character’s responses in the Maze Runner (2014) movie.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities the State Islamic

University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Laily Af’idah

Reg. Number: A33213063










Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities the State Islamic

University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Laily Af’idah

Reg. Number: A33213063







Af’idah, Laily. 2017. Directive Speech Acts Performed by The Main Character “Thomas” and The Character’s Responses in The Maze Runner (2014) Movie. English Department,

Faculty of Arts And Humanities. The State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The advisor: Murni Fidiyanti, M. A.

Key words: directive speech acts, preference structure, the maze runner (2014) movie.

This research entitled “Directive Speech Acts Performed by The Main Character “Thomas” and The Character’s Responses in The Maze Runner (2014) Movie. This research reveals the problem. They are what are the types of directive acts performed by the main character Thomas and what are the types of preference structure that used by the characters

toward Thomas’s directive speech acts. The aims of this research to describe the types of directive speech acts performed by the main character Thomas and to describe the preference structure from the character toward the directive speech acts uttered by Thomas.

The writer uses Searle’s theory in analyzing the types of directive speech and uses the preference structure by Yule in analyzing the types of preference structure that used by the character. The method of the study was qualitative method. The researcher herself becomes the only instrument - human instrument. The steps of data collection are reading and selecting the movie script. Then, identifying, classifying and describing the data becomes the technique of data analysis. The data was taken from the movie script and some scene from the movie. Drawing the conclusion becomes the last step required.

The result of this research is Thomas uses 199 utterances of directive speech acts in The Maze Runner (2014) Movie, they are advice, command, order, question and order. The question type becomes the biggest frequency among the all features. Moreover, there are also

82 utterance performed by the character toward Thomas’s directive speech acts belongs to



Af’idah, Laily. 2017. Direcrive Speech Acts Performed by The Main Character “Thomas” and The Character’s Responses in The Maze Runner (2014) Movie.. English Department, Faculty of Arts And Humanities. The State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing: Murni Fidiyanti, M. A.

Kata kunci: tindak tutur perintah, struktur preferensi, film the maze runner (2014)

Penelitian ini berjudul “Tindak Tutur yang Dilakukan oleh Karakter Utama Thomas dan respon-respon dari karakter di the Maze Runner (2014) Movie. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan masalah. Mereka adalah tentang jenis tindakan direktif yang dilakukan oleh karakter utam Thomas dan jenis-jenis struktur preferensi apa yang digunakan oleh krakter terhadap tindak tutur Thomas. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendiskripsikan jenis tindakan ucapa direktif yang dilakukan oleh karakter utama Thoms dan untuk menggambarkan struktur preferensi dari karakter terhadap tindakan ucapan direktif yang diucapkan oleh Thomas.

Penulis menggunakan teori Searle dalam menganilsis jenis pidato direktif dan menggunakan struktur preferensi oleh Yule dalam menganalisis jenis struktur preferensi yang digunakan oleh karakter. Metode penelitian adalah metode kualitatif. Peneliti sendiri menjadi satu-satunya instrument manusia. Langkah-langkah pengumpulan data adalah membaca dan memilih nskah film. Kemudian, identifikasi, klasifiksi, dan penggambaran dan menjadi Teknik analisis data. Data diambil dari naskah film dan beberapa adegan dari fim tersebut. Menggmbar kesimpulan menjadi langkah terakhir yang dibutuhkan.



Inside Cover Page………...i

Inside Title Page………..ii

Declaration Page……….iii



Thesis Advisor’s Approval Page……….vi

Thesis Examiner’s Approval Page...vii

Acknowledgement……….…………...viii Table of Contents…………..………...…………....x

List of Appendices………...………….………....xiii



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study………1

1.2Research Problems……….6

1.3Research Objectives………...7

1.4Significance of the Research…...………...7

1.5Scope and Limitations………8



2.1Theoritical Framework...………...10

2.1.1 Pragmatics...………...10

2.1.2 Speech Acts………....11

2.1.3 Classification of Speech Acts...………12

2.1.4 Directive Speech Acts………16

2.1.5 Preference Structure………...17

2.2Previous Studies………...20

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1Research Design………...23

3.2Subject of The Study………24

3.3 Data and Data Sources………24

3.4Research Instruments………...25

3.5Techniques of Data Collection……….25

3.6Techniques of Data Analysis………...26


4.1.1 Types and Forms of Directive Speech Acts………35 Advice………...30


4.1.2 The Types of Preference Given Given by The Character……...………...48 Type of Preference Structure Given by The Character Toward Advice

of Thomas’s Directive Speech Acts.………...……...48 Type of Preference Structure Given by The Character Toward

Command of Thomas’s Directive Speech Acts………...50 Type of Preference Structure Given by The Character Toward Order

of Thomas’s Directive Speech Acts………...52 Type of Preference Structure Given by The Character Toward

Question of Thomas’s Directive Speech Acts…………...54 Type of Preference Structure Given by The Character Toward

Request of Thomas’s Directive Speech Acts…………...57

4.2 Discussion………...59


5.1 Conclusion………62

5.2 Suggestion…….………...64



plays a significant role as a main tool that used to transmit message, or to

express what the people thought. In many cases, people usually use the

language to organize or to order the listener. So, language is an

inseparable thing in human lives. Austin was convinced that we do not

just use language to say things (make statements), but also to do things

(perform actions) (Mey 2009 p.1009).

While doing a conversation, the speaker should make an

understandable purpose for the listener. Moreover, the speaker must be

sure to avoiding misinterpretation in their communication to make the

listener doing something based on the speaker’s aim. The study of

interpretation itself can be found in the pragmatics study, as stated by

Mey (2009 p.744) Pragmatics is concerned with meaning in the context of

language use. The advantage of studying language via pragmatics is that

one can talk about people’s intended meanings, their assumption, their

purpose or goals, and the kinds of action (for example, request) that they

are performing when they speak (Yule 1996: 4). In addition, pragmatics is



One of the main studies in pragmatics is concern about how the

listener can understand what are the speaker’s meaning from the

utterances. In certain conditions, the speaker’s speech is actually need to

be understood by the listener which expected can be performed by future

action from the listener. One of significant approach to the functional

classification of speech is based on speech acts.

Yule (1996 p.47) defines speech acts as an action performed via

utteraces. Speech acts does not investigate how the speaker organize the

suitable words but also having more meaning behind the word utterances.

J.R. Searle in his development of work by J.L. Austin, establish speech

acts into six terms. He clarified the speaker words have a primary

meaning and aim and also to clearly convey the message to the listener.

The primary concept of speech acts is that various functions can be

implemented by means of language.

According on Paltridge (2006 p.55) classified speech acts into

three. They are locutionary act, illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act.

In other hand, based on Searle’s development of speech acts (Mey 2009

p.1004), he classified the types of speech acts into five types. The first is

representatives. It is kind kind of speech acts that commit the speaker to

the truth of the expressed proposition and thus carry a truth value. The

second is directives. It is kind of speech acts that represent attempts by the

speaker to get the addressee to do something. The third is commissives. It



action. The fourth is expressives. It is kind of speech acts that express a

psychological attitude or state of the speaker such as joy, sorrow, and

likes/dislikes. The fifth is declarations (or declaratives). It is kind of

speech acts that effect immediate changes in some current state of affairs.

From the explanation above, directive speech acts is kind of speech acts

that used by people in their daily activities in many aspects, it used to

make the listener to do some future action based on speaker utterances.

Yule (1996 p.54) also defines directives as speech acts that speakers use

to get someone else to do something.

The usage of directive speech acts in society can persuade the

listener to do what are the speaker’s say. As stated by Mey (2009 p.1017)

directives express the speaker’s wish that the hearer do such a thing and

are uttered with the presumption that the hearer is under some obligation

to carry out the action in question (status and roles within an office or an

institution determine the right to utter the directive in question). While

directive is uttered by the speaker, the listener has a freedom to respond

the speaker utterances. So, the listener’s response can be accepted or


The listener’s response toward the speaker utterances can be

accepted or rejected. Basically, the first part that contains a request or an

offer is typically made in the expectation that the second part will be

acceptance. An acceptance is structurally more likely than a refusal, this



preference structure divides into two part, they are preferred and

dispreferred social acts. The preferred is the structuraly expected next act

and the dispreferred is the structurally unexpected next act (Yule 1996


There are several studies that have discussed about speech acts in

various objects, such as analyzing Movie (Kristanti, 2013), and

directive speech acts is The Maze Runner (2014) Movie.

The Maze Runner (2014) Movie is a story which is begun with the

male teenager wakes up in the underground elevator without remember

anything except his name is Thomas. When he is awake, Gally greet him

with a group of male teenagers in a wide field surrounding by grass and

high stone walls which call a glade. Those group of teenagers had been

lived in the glade almost three years with Alby as the leader, because

Alby is the first glader who send in the glade. The gladers think if the

maze which surrounding them is the one way to them to run out. So, they

make a group of runner and Minho as the leader of the runner to learns the

maze structure to designed the escape route of the maze. The next coming



come with a note in her hand “she’s the last one ever” when she is awake

in the elevator. Day by day, Thomas realizes if he and the other gladers

are not trapped in the glade, but there are some reasons why he and the

gladers are send in the glade. Unconsciously, Thomas remembers of his

past before he trapped in the glade. He flashback on his past and Teresa,

both are working in the organization called W.C.K.D, an organization

who created the maze and send the gladers to the maze.

In some cases, Thomas uses directive speech acts to direct the

escape, but Gally and few others are refuse to leave the glade.

Based on the explanation above, there are some significant

considerations why the writer concerned to analyze the directive speech

acts in The Maze Runner (2014) Film. For the first reason why the writer

choose a movie as the subject of this study, because movie sometimes

adapted the problem from human daily activities as represent and

reflection the human’s life. That’s why, society can inspire and influence

some movies. The second reason is because directive speech acts are the

speech which frequently used to get the greatest attention from listener to



Thomas as the subject of this study because Thomas is the major

character who gives some contribution for his friends to run out from the

glade, and also he uses some types of directive speech acts frequently.

Furthermore, directive is the significant speech in Thomas

communication which performed frequently in this film to organize the

gladers group to escape from the maze.

Overall, the writer interested to analyze the directive speech acts in

her study entitled Directive Speech Acts Performed By The Main

Character “Thomas” and The Character’s Responses In The Maze

Runner (2014) Movie. In this study, the writer analyzes the types of

directive speech acts performed by Thomas in The Maze Runner (2014)


1.2Research Problem

This study is conducted to answer the problems formulated in the

following questions:

1. What are the types of directive acts performed by the main character

“Thomas” in The Maze Runner (2014) Film?

2. What are the types of preference structure that used by the characters

toward Thomas’s directive speech acts in The Maze Runner (2014)



1.3Research Objectives

Based on the problems above, the objectives of the study are aimed


1. To describe the types of directive speech acts performed by the main

character “Thomas” in The Maze Runner (2014) Film.

2. To describe the preference structure from the character toward the

directive speech acts uttered by Thomas in The Maze Runner (2014)


1.4Significance of The Research

The present study is purposed for giving both theoritical and

practical contributions. Theoritically, this study can be useful to give

some contribution in linguistics field especially in pragmatics, also give

the better understanding to the readers about speech acts particularly in

directive speech acts. The writer expected the findings, especially the use

of directive speech acts and to find out the responses of the character

toward Thomas’s directive speech acts in “The Maze Runner (2014) Movie” will be useful as reference for the readers who interested in this

topic and and to organize the further research.

Practically, thw writer expected this study can give the readers of

The Maze Runner (2014) Movie for better understanding with directive



usage of directive speech acts in society, thus can match the listener

action with the speaker utterances. The writer also hopes the results of

this study can easily practice by people while conducting a conversation

which consist of directive speech acts.

1.5Scope and Limitation

This study is conducted to describe the directive speech acts

uttered by “Thomas”. The data is taken form the movie script of The

Maze Runner (2014) Movie by Wes Ball which based on James

Dashner's 2009 novel of the same name as the object. Then, the subject

of the study is Thomas as the main character. The writer applies Searle

illocutionary acts of directive speech acts actually in the types of

directive speech acts cited by Mey for analyzing the directive speech

acts performed by Thomas. Then, analyzing the types of preference

structure of listener toward Thomas directive speech acts are actually

investigated by using the preference structure by Yule. The limitation is

intended to make the writer only focus in directive speech acts by the



1.6Definition of Key Terms

To avoid many misunderstanding in delivery of the terms would be

better if the researcher explain the meaning of term that they used. Some

terms will be defined as follows:

a. Pragmatics: is a concerned with the study of meaning as a

communicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a

listener (or reader) (Yule 1996 p.3).

b. Speech Acts: is an action performed via utteraces (Yule 1996


c. Directive Acts: are attempts by the speaker to get the hearer to

do something. They express what the speaker wants; typical

representatives are commands, orders, request, suggestion

(Mey 2009; 1013).

d. The Maze Runner (2014) Film: is a 2014

American dystopian science fiction action thriller film directed

by Wes Ball, in his directorial debut, based on James Dashner's





This chapter deals with review of literature. It includes theoritical

framework and also provides some important theories which are related with this

study such as pragmatics, speech acts, classification of speech acts, diretive

speech acts, and preference structure.

2.1 Theoritical Framework

2.1.1 Pragmatics

Pragmatics is one of the branch of linguistics studies that describe the meaning

of the words by the speaker in communication. A successful communication can

happen when the people understand each other correctly, that is in accordance

with what the speaker means and the hearer understands the speaker to mean.

Pragmatics is about how the listener interpret utterances and the speaker produce

interpretable utterances (Griffiths 2006 p.21).

Moreover, according to Yule (1996 p.3-4) pragmatics is concerned with the

study of meaning as communicated by the speaker (or writer) and interpreted by

the listener. In brief explanation, pragmatics is the study of the speaker meaning

by the utterances and the interpretation by the listener. Finally, pragmatics is

thought of as the relation of signs to those who interpret the signs, the users of

language (Morris, 1938: 6). The advantage of studying language via pragmatics is



performing when they speak (Yule 1996 p.4). So, pragmatics is the branch of

linguistics field which concern with the listener perform or interpretation and the

speaker’s ability to produce the interpretable utterances.

2.1.2 Speech Acts

Austin is the first founder of speech act theory in 1962 then develop by

Searle in 1969. Both J.L. Austin and Searle are the philospohers which give the

great sources of inspiration with how language works especially in speech acts

theory. Speech acts theory explains the use of language between the speaker and

the listener which can influence the listener to do. According to Yule (1996 p.47)

speech acts is an actions performed via utterances. An utterance has a purpose, in

order to achieve the purpose or to appropriate the purpose the speaker must be

sincere to know what actually he says with the result that the listener accepted the

utterance as the purpose.

Furthemore, Austin in (Mey 2009 p.1002) explain that there are three fold

distinction of speech acts which introduced by Austin as follows:

1. Locutionary act: the production of a meaningful linguistic expression.

2. Illocutionary act: the action intended to be performed by a speaker in

uttering a linguistic expression, by virtue of the conventional force

associated with it, either explicitly or implicitly.

3. Perlocutionary act: the bringing about of consequences or effects on



consequences or effects being special to the circumstances of


2.1.3 Classification of speech acts

Under Searle’s taxonomy, speech acts are universally grouped into five

types. The five types of speech acts are further explained next:

1. Representatives (or assertives; the constatives of the original Austinian

performative/constative dichotomy) are those kinds of speech acts that

commit the speaker to the truth of the expressed proposition and thus carry

a truth-value. They express the speaker’s belief. Paradigmatic cases

include asserting, claiming, concluding, reporting, and stating. In

performing this type of speech act, the speaker represents the world as he

or she believes it is, thus making the words fit the world of belief.

Example: The Berlin Wall came down in 1989.

2. Directives are those kinds of speech acts that represent attempts by the

speaker to get the addressee to do something. They express the speaker’s

desire/ wish for the addressee to do something. Paradigmatic cases include

advice, commands, orders, questions,and requests. In using a directive, the

speaker intends to elicit some future course of action on the part of the

addressee, thus making the world match the words via the addressee.

Example: Put the cake in the oven.

3. Commissives are those kinds of speech acts that commit the speaker to



something. Paradigmatic cases include offers, pledges, promises, refusals,

and threats. In the case of a commissive, the world is adapted to the words

via the speaker himherself.

Example: I’ll never buy you another computer game.

4. Expressives are those kinds of speech acts that express a psychological

attitude or state of the speaker such as joy, sorrow, and likes/dislikes.

Paradigmatic cases include apologizing, blaming, congratulating, praising,

and thanking. There is no direction of fit for this type of speech act.

Example: Well done, Elizabeth!

5. Declarations (or declaratives) are those kinds of speech acts that effect

immediate changes in some current state of affairs. Because they tend to

rely on elaborate extralinguistic institutions for their successful

performance, they may be called institutionalized performatives. In

performing this type of speech act, the speaker brings about changes in the

world; that is, he or she effects a correspondence between the

propositional content and the world. Paradigmatic cases include

(officially) opening a bridge, declaring war, excommunicating, firing from

employment, and nominating a candidate. As to the direction of fit, it is

both words-to-world and world-to-words.

Example: I object, Your Honor.

Austin (in Mey 2009 p.1010) claimed there are five general classes of speech



1. Verdictives, which give a finding or verdict by a jury, arbitrator, or umpire

(sentencing, pleading, pronouncing, etc.).

2. Exercitives, which are the exercising of a power, right, or influence

(appointing, voting, ordering, urging, advising, warning, etc.).

3. Commissives, which commit you to an action, including declarations or

announcements of intention (promising, announcing, opening, declaring,


4. Behabitives, expressing attitudes about social behavior (apologizing,

congratulating, commending, condoling, cursing, challenging, etc.).

5. Expositives, which make plain how utterances fit into conversations or

arguments (I reply, I argue, I concede, I illustrate, I assume, etc.).

Kreidler (1998 p.183-189) also define the classification of speech acts into

seven types as follows:

1. Assertive utterances: In the assertive function speakers and writers use

language to tell what they know or believe; assertive language is

concerned with facts. The purpose is to inform.

2. Performative utterances: Speech acts that bring about the state of affairs

they: bids, blessings, firings, baptisms, arrests, marrying, declaring a

mistrial. Performative utterances are valid if spoken by someone whose

right to make them is accepted and in circumstances which are accepted as

appropriate. The verbs include bet, declare, baptize, name, nominate,



3. Verdictive utterances: are speech acts which the speaker makes an

assessment or judgement about the acts of another, usually the addressee.

These include ranking, assessing, appraising, condoning.

4. Expressive utterances: an expressive utterance springs from the previous

actions or failure to act of the speaker, or perhaps the present result of

those actions or failures. Expressive utterances are thus retrospective and

speaker-involved. The most common expressive verbs (in this sense of

‘expressive’) are: acknowledge, admit, confess deny apologize.

5. Directive utterances: Directive utterances are those in which the speaker

tries to get the addressee to perform some act or refrain from performing

an act. Thus a directive utterance has the pronoun you as actor, whether

that word is actually present in the utterance or not:

6. Commissive utterances: Speech acts that commit a speaker to a course of.

These include promises, pledges, threats and vows. Commissive verbs are

illustrated by agree, ask, offer, refuse, swear, all with following infinitives.

They are prospective and concerned with the speaker’s commitment to

future action.

7. Phatic utterances: is to establish rapport between members of the same

society. Phatic language has a less obvious function than the six types

discussed above but it is no less important. Phatic utterances include

greetings, farewells, polite formulas such as “Thank you,” “You’re



Searle, Austin, and Kreidler are defined and grouped their own

clasification of speech acts. Searle and Austin classified speech acts into five

types, but Kreidler classified the speech acts into seven types. Searle,

classified speech acts to representatives, directives, commisives, expressives,

and declarations utterances. Then, Austin, grouped speech acts to verdictives,

excercitivies, commisives, behabitives, and expositives utterances.

Furthermore, Kreidler divided speech acts to assertives, performatives,

verdictives, expressives, directives, commisives, and phatics utterances.

2.1.4 Directive Speech Acts

Directive is kind of speech acts which uttered by the speaker in everyday

aspects. This speech is uttered by the speaker in order to make the listener to do

some action by the speaker utterances. In using directives, speaker must be sure

while conducting the conversation to avoiding misinterpretation. Knowing of the

directive speech acts will be useful to make a good communication.

Based on Kreidler (1998 p.190-191) there are three kinds of directive

utterances can be recognized: commands, requests and suggestions.

a. A command is effective only if the speaker has some degree of control

over the actions of the addressee.

b. A request is an expression of what the speaker wants the addressee to do

or refrain from doing. A request does not assume the speaker’s

c. Suggestions are the utterances we make to other persons to give our



In short, directive speech acts is concern with the relationship between the

speaker’s expectation and the listener interpretation. Searle in (Mey 2009 p.1004)

divided directive speech acts into five types include advice, commands, orders,

questions, and requests. In addition, directive acts are those kind of speech acts

that speaker uses to get someone else to do something. They express what the

speaker wants. They are commands, orders, requests, and suggestions. They can

be positive or negative (Yule 1996 p.54).


a. Give me a cup of coffee. Make it black.

b. Could you lend me a pen, please?

c. Don’t touch that.

2.1.5 Preference Structure

In everyday interaction actually in communication, people may use

directive speech acts in some aspects. If the speaker is presenting directive speech

acts, so the listener is presenting the response of the directive speech acts. The

listener response toward directive speech acts can be accepted or rejected. This

term is called preference structure. Basically, a first part that contains a request or

an offer is typically made in the expectation that second part will be an

acceptance. An acceptance is structurally more likely than refusal. This structural

likelihood is called preference Yule (1996 p.78). There are two kinds of

preference structure. Those are preffered and dispreferred social acts. The



In this aspect, when somenone speak a directive speech acts, the preferred will be

acceptance and the refusal will be the dispreferred next act.

The general pattern of preference structure:

First part Second Part

Preferred Dispreferred

Assesment Agree Disagree

Invitation Accept Refuse

Offer Accept Decline

Proposal Agree Disagree

Request Accept Refuse

In this example is represents the second part of preferred. Thus, acceptance

or agreement is the preffered second part response to a request, an offer, an

assessment or a proposal.

First Part Second Part

a. Can you help me Sure.

b. Want some coffee? Yes, please.

c. Isn’t that really great? Yes, it is.

d. Maybe we could go for a walk That’d be great.

From the example above, can be concluded that, acceptance or agreement



to a request, an offer, an assessment or a proposal. Paltridge (2006 p.117) also

describes that a compliment that can be followed ‘accept’ or a ‘reject’. Thus some

second pair parts may be preffered and others maybe dispreffered. In many cases,

the expression of a refusal (a dispreferred second) can be accomplished without

actually saying ‘no’. hesitation and prefaces are also found in dispreferred second

part in invitation, as show:

Becky : come over for some coffee later.

Wally : oh, eh, I’dlove to, but you see. I’m supposed to get this finished,

you know.

The patterns associated with a dispreferred second in English are presented

as a series of optional element (Yule 1996 p.81)

How to do a dispreferred and example

How to do a dispreferred Example

a. Delay/hesitate Pause; er; em; ah

g Appeal for understanding You see; you know

h Make it non-personal Everybody else; out there

i Give an account Too much work; no time left



k Hedge negative I guess not; not possible

2.2Previous Studies

The writer found some previous studies on pragmatics dealing with

directive speech acts which are taken as references before doing a thesis. The first

study of directives case which was done by Muhartoyo and keilly Kristanti (2013)

entitled Directive speech acts in the movie “Sleeping Beauty”. They examined

how often the directive acts appear and what are the most frequently used in the

movie. This research also exposed the important of using directive acts custody

the flow of storyline in the movie. The result of this research showed that 20

tables is contain of 139 directive speech acts which performed in the movie. The

percentage shows that directive speech acts of ordering is the most frequently

used in the movie (21,6%). The least frequently used directive speech act is

inviting directive speech act (0,7%).

The second study comes from Winarti et al. (2015) entitled Variations of

Directive Speech Acts in Tembang Dolanan. They examined the directive speech

act in the various songs Tembang Dolanan songs as the object. Besides, they

analyzed the types of directive speech acts, the context which embodied, and the

level decency. Besides, they concluded that Tembang Dolanan is a form of

communication media used by children or parents to deliver a message to their

interlocutor. They also concluded that the speaker are indeed in superior position



From the previous studies above, it is clearly that this research is different

from them. While the previous studies above are examining the directive speech

acts with the politeness strategies, purposes and the context of directive speech

acts in the short story, movie, and traditional song. Furthermore, this study used

movie entitled The Maze Runner (2014) as the object in this research, and focuses

on directive speech acts by main character Thomas and the preference structure by





This chapter presents the methodology of this research, including research

design, subject of the study, data and data sources, research instrument, technique

of data collection, and technique of data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

In this research the writer used descriptive qualitative method to analyze

the data, in order to understand the directive speech acts phenomenon of the main

character and the responses from the character. Qualitative research methods

provide more emphasis on interpretation and providing consumers with complete

views, looking at contexts, environmental immersions and a depth of

understanding of concepts (Tewksbury 2009 p.39). The writer used qualitative

research method because the writer is concerned to analyze Thomas utterances

which consist of directives in the form of words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and

not as dealing with numbers. Furthermore, Litoselliti (2010 p.52) states that

qualitative research is concerned with structure and pattern and how something is.

Overall, that is why qualitative method was applied because this study allowed to

observe and describe the utterances of the main character Thomas which concern

of directive speech acts, and it was used because the writer analyzed Thomas’s

utterances of directive in the form of words, phrases, sentences and as not dealing

with numbers produced by Thomas in The Maze Runner (2014) Film and the



3.2 Subject of The Study

In this case, the subject of this research is the main character of The Maze

Runner (2014) Film namely Thomas. The reason why the writer picks Thomas as

the subject because Thomas is always endeavor to invite his friends to escape

from the maze with his directive speech acts which performed frequently in the

film. He is the one who is provoking to leave the glade. Hence, the writer

interested to find out the types of directive speech acts used by Thomas and the

responses from the other character toward Thomas directive speech acts.

3.3 Data and Data Sources

The data source of this study was a film entitled The Maze Runner based

on James Dashner’s 2009 novel as the same which published in September 19th,

2014 in United States, which was downloaded from the site

www.layarkaca21.com. The time running of this movie is 113 minutes. The writer

got the data from the movie and script of The Maze Runner (2014) Film. The data

of this research was the utterances (words, phrases, sentences) by Thomas which

contain of directive speech acts and the responses produced by the character



3.4 Research Instrument

One thing that is very important to obtain the data of the study is the

instrument. Prabhat and Mishra (2015 p.58) noted it is an important that

instrument being used to gather information from widely scattered sources. Thus,

the instrument of this study was the writer herself and the other instrument was

the laptop to helped the writer watched the film and the movie script of The Maze

Runner (2014) Film.

3.5 Technique of Data Collection

The writer used several steps to collect the data was needed for the

research, such as:

1. Downloading the film entitled The Maze Runner from


2. Transcribing the subtitle file of the film into script and then print out the

film script.

3. Watching the movie in many times and pay attention to the scene which

consist of Thomas’s directive speech acts and the responses.

4. Stopping the scene and repeating the film in many times when the writer

find the directive speech acts from the main character and the responses



5. Underlining the minute of the scene and the utterances which consist of

directive speech acts from the main character and the responses from the


6. Giving sign and underlining the conversation in the dialogue which shows

the directive speech acts from Thomas and the responses.

7. Comparing the film script with the dialogue in The Maze Runner (2014)

Film. It needs to re-check whether both the film script and the dialogue in

the film actually fix each other.

3.6 Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the writer did some steps to analyze the data such


1. Classifying the types of directive speech acts which performed by the

main character Thomas in the film.

2. Explaining and describing the types of directive speech acts according to

Searle. There are five types of directive speech acts. Those are advice,

commands, orders, questions and requests.

3. Classifying the types of responses from the character toward Thomas

directive speech acts based on Yule’s theory of preference structure. There

are two kinds of preference structure, that are preffered and disprefereed



4. Concluding the data analysis to obtain the answer of the statement





This chapter presents the finding and discussion. The focus of this resarch

is to describe the types of directive speech acts performed by the main character,

Thomas, in The Maze Runner (2014) Film and the preference structure from the

character toward Thomas’s directive speech acts. Then, there is also discussion of

the research findings.

4.1 Findings

In this point, the writer divides the result of the research into two points.

The first point consists of the findings from the first research question. That is

“What are the types of directive speech acts performed by the main character

Thomas in The Maze Runner (2014) Film?” This point divides into five items.

Afterwards, the second point consists of the findings from the following research

question.That is “What are the types of preference structure used by the character

toward Thomas’s directive speech acts in The Maze Runner (2014) Film?”

4.1.1 Types and Forms of Directive Speech Acts.

Based on Searle, the classification of speech acts divides into five types.



speech acts uses by main character, Thomas, in The Maze Runner (2014) Film for

114 minutes analyzes by the writer. The writer finds 198 of directive speech acts

uses by Thomas. The number of data analysis are 15 and the data is divided into

some cases and classified according to the theory, and this present chart shows

directive speech acts used by Thomas in The Maze Runner (2014) Film.

Furthermore, the writer finds 100 utterances are belonged to preference structure.

Figure 4.1 Frequency of Directive Speech Acts Performed by Thomas

Figure 4.1 above portrays Thomas directives speech acts in the film. The

type of question is the biggest frequency among all the features. It portrays for 96

times or 48%. The second is command which portrays 75 times or 38%. The third



because he is the latest male glader who comes to the glade. This situation makes

him asks to the other glader about the maze circumstances. Then, the type of

command becomes the second majority because Thomas is the leader who invites

the other glader to escape from the maze. To explain, the writer describes the

findings based on the sequence in the diagram above - advice, command, order,

question, and request. Advice

The first directive speech acts perform according to Searle’s theory is

advice. Advice is one of directive speech acts which is found in Thomas’s speech

and used by Thomas in some scenes to tell the listener to do something in some

cases based on the situation. In the film, the writer finds seventeen conversations

which about advice. There are some data that can be concluded in advice. This

case could be seen in the data below.

Data 1, (minutes 00:47:33-00:47:57)

Minho : The other runners quit this morning.

Minho : After Alby got stung, they're notin any hurry to get back out


Minho : Why are you?

Thomas : I think it's time we find out what we're really up against.

Minho : All right.

But you’re not going back out there alone. Meet me in the woods in half an hour.

Thomas’s underlined utterance above is classified into advice type of



to enter the maze with an utterance “I think it's time we find out what we're really

up against”. From the utterance above, it can be included in type of advice since

Thomas advices Minho to enter the maze. Based on Horby (1995 p.18) Advising

is to tell somebody what you think you should do in particular situation. In that

scene, Alby is stung by the grievers in the maze and makes the other runners leave

the runner group and do not intend to enter the maze again except Minho and

Thomas. Both of them still effort to find the way to solve the problem that is

happened. Although the other runners left the group, it does not make Thomas

hesitate or afraid to enter the maze again and find out what the grievers are really.

Then, Thomas gives an advice to Minho to find out what the real enemies in the

maze are. The other utterance of advice is also portrayed in the data below.

Data 2, (minutes 01:00:07-01:00:42)

Newt : We don't even know what this stuff is.

We don't know who sent it. Or why it came up here with you.

For all we know, this thing could kill him.

Thomas : He's already dying.

Look at him.

How could this possibly make it any worse? Come on, it's worth a try.

Newt : All right.

Do it.

Thomas : Okay.

Thomas’s underlined utterance above is also classified into advice type of

directive speech acts. That utterance is included to advice since Thomas advices

Newt based on the situation. In that situation, Thomas advices Newt to try using



worth a try”. It is happened when Teresa shows an injection from her pocket to

Thomas. The injection with a W.C.K.D label at the left side was in Teresa’s

pocket since she is awaked in the underground elevator. Suddenly, Thomas

remembers why Teresa is sent to the maze with the injection in her pocket. It may

help Alby from the sting of the griever. Thomas gives advice to Newt becuse it

can be tried to help Alby.

Data 3, (minutes 01:27:26-01:28:09)

Gally : Shut up! Tie him up.

Do you hear me? I said tie him up! You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?

Thomas : You don’t have to come with us, but we are leaving.

Anyone else who wants to come, now is your last chance.

Gally : Don’t’ listen to him, he’s just trying to scare you.

Thomas : No, I’m not trying to scare you.

You’re already scared.

Thomas’s underlined utterance above is also included to advice type. It is

showed that Thomas uses an advice to ask the other gladers to go with him with

an utterance “Anyone else who wants to come, now is your last chance”. That

utterance is included to advice since Thomas advices with gives an option based

on the crucial situation. Thomas says to the gladers when they gather in the field,

while Gally punishes Thomas and Teresa in front of the maze. Gally tries to tie

Thomas and Teresa on the woods. Unfortunately, Thomas, Teresa and the several

gladers have a plan to free themsleves. So, when Gally tries to tie up Thomas, it is

occured a confrontation between Gally and Thomas. At that time, Thomas uses an



find out the way, but Gally has own perspective, he thinks if the maze is the only

home for him and the others and there is no reason to leave the glade. Command

Another directive speech acts which is occured when the speaker attempts

to get the listener do future action is command. According to Kreidler (1998

p.190), command is effective only if the speaker has some degrees of control over

the actions of the addressee. Command is one of majority directive speech acts

which is occured in The Maze Runner (2014) Film. The writer finds seventy five

conversations which are included to command. The utterance is portrayed in the

data below.

Data 4, (minutes 01:14:24 – 01:15:26)

Thomas : Winston, what’s going on?

Winston : It’s the doors. They aren’t closing.

Thomas : Chuck, go to the Council Hall and start barricading the doors.

Newt :Winston, you go with him.

Got it.

The underlined utterance above is classified command type of directive

speech acts. This case brings the utterance as command since Thomas says an

utterance to Chuck which Thomas wants Chuck to do some future action. It is

showed Thomas’s utterance “Chuck, go to the Council Hall and start barricading

the doors”. The utterance is belonged to command because the speaker tries to

control the listener to do future action. The scene above shows when the gladers



Thomas and Minho enter the maze to explore and map the maze. When the maze

not lock again, it may possible if the grievers come out from the labyrinth and

pour in the glade and make the gladers feel scary. Then, Thomas asks Winston

what the problem that is happened. Winston says if the maze condition is open.

So, Thomas hurries up for commands Chuck with an utterance “Chuck, go to the

Council Hall and start barricading the doors”. The following data tells that

command is also happened in the Thomas’s conversation.

Data 5, (minutes 01:24:29 –01:25:38)

Newt : It doesn't matter.

These creators took care of that.

But what does matter is who we are now, and what we do... Right now.

You went into the maze and you found a way out.

Thomas : Yeah, but if I hadn't, Alby would still be alive.


Newt : But I know that if he were here, he would be telling you the exact

. same thing.

Pick your ass up and finish what you started. Because if we do nothing...

Then that means Alby died for nothing, and I can't have that.

Thomas : Okay.

Okay, but we gotta get through Gally first.

Based on Thomas’s underlined utterance above, the utterance is included

to command type of directive speech acts. The utterance shows when Thomas

tells to Newt, Teresa and Minho to do future action. That utterance is included to


Newt suggests Thomas to free, although Thomas hesitates but Newt still struggles

to force Thomas to enter the maze because Thomas finds the way out from the

labyrinth. Thomas as the runner agrees for follows Newt’s desire to return to the

maze, and gives a command what the first thing is they should do for return to the

maze for escape from the glade. Another case of Thomas’s command utterance is

also happened in the data below.

Data 6, (minutes 00:51:20 – 00:51:40)

Thomas : We found this.

It was inside a griever.

Newt : These are the same letters we get in our supplies.

Thomas : This is the first real clue, the first anything, you’ve found in over

. 3 years

Thomas : Right, Minho?

Minho : Right.

Thomas : Newt, we gotta go back out there.

Who knows where this might lead us.

The underlined utterance above is included into command type of directive

speech acts. As the theory, Thomas’s utterance above is included to command

since Thomas says his desire to the listener to come back in to the maze. Besides,

the situation above shows that Thomas wants the listener to do some future action



Newt it’s important to go back in the maze in order to discover the maze. The

scene tells when Thomas, Minho and the other gladers come back to the hut from

return the maze. They return the maze because there is a dead griever inside of the

maze. Curiously, Thomas and Minho enter to the maze with struggle what the

clues which can be found in the dead griever which can be used to explore the

maze more detail. When they observe the dead griever, Thomas and other gladers

find something that is never found in three years. There is a device in the griever’s

body. Order

Directive is an attempt from the speaker to get the listener does something.

Furthermore, order is included directive speech acts which is uttered by the

speaker to direct the listener with authority. According to Horby (1995 p.816),

order is something that somebody is to tell to do by somebody else in authority. In

the film, the writer finds four conversations about order. The first case describes

in the data below.

Data 7, (minutes 00:14:31 – 00:15:39)

Gally : What do you saya, Greenie?

Wanna see what you’re made off?

Gladers : Greenie! Greenie! Grenie!

Gally : Okay, All right.

The rules are simple, Greenie. I try to push you out of the circle… You try to last more than five seconds. Take it easy on the Greenie.




Gally : Come on, Greenie. We’re not does yet.

Thomas : Stop calling me Greenie.

Gally : What do you wanna be called? Shank?

What do you think, boys? Does he look like a Shank?

Gladers : Come on!

The utterance above is classified to order type of directive speech acts. It is

occured when Thomas is arose from Gally’s blow, and Thomas uses an order to

direct Gally’s behavior. It is proved by the underlined utterance from Thomas

“Stop calling me Greenie” it is belonged to order of directive speech acts, since

Thomas says an authority to Gally to not call himself Greenie again. Because at

that time, Thomas, Gally and few other of the glader are gather in the field in the

evening. They do a game with a rule if the players should hold on their body on

the circle from the enemy for five second. Then, Gally challengs Thomas to tries

the game with him. Then, when the game is happened, unfortunately, Thomas is

defeated by Gally and he uses order to direct Gally. The following data shows that

order type is also happened in Thomas’s utterances.

Data 8, (minutes 00:08:41–00:09:11)

Chuck : I told you, you can’t. No one leaves, especially not now.

It’s not safe.

Thomas : Okay, all right, I’m not.

Gally : Hey!

We gotta stop meeting like this, Greenie.

Thomas : Get off me!

Gally : All right! Calm, calm, calm.

Thomas : Don’t touch me!

Gally : Take it easy!



Order is type of directive speech act which is uttered by the speaker to

attempt or to direct the listener with an authority by the speaker. Based on the

conversation above, the underlined utterance is included into order type. It is

proved by Thomas’s utterance “Don’t touch me!” for Gally, when Gally pushes

him down to the ground. Thomas says with an authority to order Gally for not

touch Thomas’ body. As the theory, the utterance above is included in directive

speech acts of order since Thomas says to do not touch his body to Gally. The

situation above is begun when Thomas and Chuck in front of the labyrinth.

Thomas tries to find out what are inside of the labyrinth but Chuck always forbids

Thomas to enter the labyrinth. Chuck says to Thomas if there is no one who can

leave the glade and enter the labyrinth. While they have a conversation, suddenly,

Gally attacks Thomas and pushes him down to the ground because of Thomas

curiosity with the labyrinth. Then, Thomas uses an order with an authority to

direct Gally. Another case of an order utterance by Thomas is also happened in

the data below.

Data 9, (minutes 00:56:28 –00:57:23)



The utterance above which is underlined is included into type of order. It

is occured when Thomas says to Ben for avoid him, but Ben does not pay

attention to Thomas’s utterance. Thomas says an order to Ben with utterance “Get

the hell off me!” to. This case brings the utterance to directive speech acts as

orders since Thomas says to Ben with authority to keep away Ben from his body.

The situation above is begun when Thomas in the forest to get the fertilizer to the

plants as Newt’s message. Before Thomas enters the forest, He has a discussion

with Newt and maze as the topic, Thomas always tries to question to Newt about

the maze, but suddenly, Newt asks Thomas to help to take care of the plants and

ask to Thomas to bring the fertilizer in the forest. Meanwhile, when Thomas in the

forest, he meets the other maze runner Ben, unintentionally. At that time, Ben’s

body is stung by the griever. Unexpectedly, Ben attacks Thomas violently. With a

big effort, Ben tries to hurt Thomas as strong as he can. Ben blames Thomas for

all the problems which is happened in the glade. Thomas tries to escape from

Ben’s attack and says an order to make Ben for avoid him. Question

Question is kind of utterance which is included to directive speech acts. It

is happened when the speaker asks something to the listener. In the film, the

writer finds ninety six conversations about question. The first case is described in

the data below.

Data 10, (minutes 00:03:34 –00:04:23)


Thomas : I can’t remember anything.

Why can’t I remember anything?

Alby : It’s okay.

The utterance that is used by Thomas in the data above is clasiffied into

question type of directive speech acts. It is occured when Alby invites Thomas,

introduces his identity to Thomas. Then, Thomas clarifies that he does not

remember anything in his mind. Alby asks Thomas what is his name, but Thomas

does not remember. Then, Thomas utters a question to Alby with an utterance

“Why can’t I remember anything?”. This utterance is included directive speech

acts in case of question type since Thomas asks to Alby about his condition. That

situation is happened when Alby visites Thomas in the hole. Thomas as the new

member at the glade does not understand with his new circumstance. Thomas is

awaked at the glade with no memory with his identity, it is sure that the condition

makes him confused. Another case about question is also happened in the data

Right, that's enough questions for one night. Come on.


They spend most of their time bandaging up the slicers.

Thomas : What if I want to be a runner?

Newt : No one wants to be a runner.

The underlined utterance above is classified into question type. The

conversation above is happened between Thomas and Newt. Thomas says if he

interests in the runner. Thomas says an utterance “What if I want to be a runner?”

this utterance is included in directive speech acts in case question. It is showed

when Thomas expresses his mind about the runner by says a question to Newt.

The situation above is begun when Thomas and Newt have conversation in the

field glade. They discuss the grievers in the maze, there is no one can live in the

maze with the grievers even in one night. Later, newt invites Thomas to look

around the glade, introduce the member, and the condition of glade to Thomas.

Newt introduces the member’s name and the duty for each member. In the middle

of the conversation Thomas interrupts Newt’s speech with says a question to

Newt. The following data below also shows the question utterance is happened in

Thomas conversation.


occured in the middle of conversation between Thomas and Alby. It is proved by

the question mark in the end of Thomas’s utterance. It is begun when Thomas is

awaked from his sleep in the morning. At that time, Alby comes to Thomas, he

invites Thomas to follow him to go to the maze. While they are on the way to the

maze, Alby tells anything to Thomas about the maze, the situation and etc. Alby

says about the maze because he believes if Thomas different with the other glader,

Thomas has a different thinking than other. Thomas curiouses why Alby says

those things to Thomas. So, Thomas asks to Alby with the utterance “Why are

you telling me this?” this utterance is included directive speech acts in case of

question since Thomas expresses his curiosity by asks to Alby why Alby says

anything about the maze to Thomas. In fact, Alby knows if Thomas is special than


42 Request

Request is the last directive speech acts which is indicated with utterance

of the speaker which consists of the speaker’s want to the listener. A request is an

expression of what the speaker wants the addressee to do or refrain from doing

(Kreidler 1998 p. 191). In the film, the writer finds six converstions about request.

The following data describes the directive speech acts of request is happened in

the Thomas conversation.

Data 13, (minutes 01:15:27 –01:15:39)

Gally : Get the others. Tell them to go tothe forest. Gohide now!

Thomas : Minho, I want you to grab every weapon you cand find.

I’ll meet you at Council

Minho : Let’s go.

Thomas : Teresa, you and I are gonna go get Alby, all right? Come on.

Based on the conversation above, the apparent utterance which underlined

is classified request type of directive speech acts. It is occured when Thomas,

Gally and the other gladers gather in the yard in afternoon day. In the same day,

Thomas and Minho enter the maze to map the labyrinth to find out the way to

escape. When Thomas and Minho return to the glade, the maze entrance does not

lock again as usual. It makes Thomas and the gladers confuse and bring them in

the dangerous zone because the maze entrance door uncloses, it makes the

grievers can enter the glade whenever they want. At that situation, Thomas utters

his desire to Minho with utterance “Minho, I want you to grab every weapon you



happened when the speaker says what they want or desire to the listener. The

second case is described in the data below.

Data 14, (minutes 00:07:17 – 00:07:55)

You're alreadydoing better than l did.

I clunkedmy pants three timesbefore they gotme out of the pit. No, come on.

Dude, whereare you going?

Thomas : I just wanna see.

Chuck : You can lookaround all you want.

But you betternot go out there.

The underlined utterance above is included to directive speech acts in case

of request. It is occurred when the speaker says his desire to the listener. The

utterance above is included to request since Thomas says ‘I just wanna see”. It can

be seen if Thomas utters his desire to Chuck to see what are inside the maze. The

situation above shows when Chuck tells Thomas the chronology when he arrives

at the maze,the first time he wakes up at the underground elevator and how Alby

treats him. Chuck also tells to Thomas, if Thomas feeling is better than Chuck’s

feeling for the first time they are awaked in the glade. When Chuck prepares the

hammock for their sleep at night, suddenly, Thomas approaches to the labyrinth,

but Chuck pursues Thomas to the maze. When Chuck closers to Thomas, he asks

Thomas why Thomas approaches the labyrinth. Thomas says if he curiouses to the



Thomas’s desire. Another case of request utterance could be seen in the data


Data 15, (minutes 01:27:57 –01:29:25)

Gally : You're full of surprises, aren't you?

Thomas : You don't have to come with us, but we are leaving.

Anyone else who wants to come, now is your last chance.

Gally : Don't listen to him, he's just trying to scare you.

clearly showed that Thomas says his desire to persuade Gally to follow him to run

out from the maze. This utterance is belonged to directive speech acts in case

request since Thomas says his want to make Gally follow him although Gally

refuses Thomas’ request. The situation above is occured when Thomas and Teresa

get punishment from Gally in front of the labyrinth. Before he gets tie from Gally,



and Newt to escape from the glade. Quickly, the other gladers who join to escape

such as Minho and Newt are attacked Gally. Thomas says to Gally if the glade is

not their own home, they trap. Thomas thinks if entrance the labyrinth the only

way to get the freedom rather than spend the rest of his life in the glade. Then,

Thomas offers the other glader to follow him. Some of them are choose to follow

Thomas’s allurement, but Gally refuses Thomas’s allurement and stay live in the


4.1.2 The Type of Preference Given by The Character.

While doing a conversation, when the speaker utters directives, the listener

may gives the response toward the directive speech acts. The listener’s response

toward directive speech acts can be accepted or rejected, this term is called

preference structure. Based on Yule (1996 p.78) there are two kinds of preference

structure. Those are preffered and dispreffered social acts. The preffered is

structurally expected next, and the dispreffered is unexpected next. Here, it was

found those types of preference structure are used by the character while Thomas

utters directive speech acts. The types of dispreffered is the biggest frequency, it

is portrayed 49 times or 60% in the film. Then, preffered portrayed 33 times or

40% in the film. That is the general frequency of the utterances from the character


Figure 4.1 Frequency of Directive Speech Acts Performed by Thomas
Figure 4.3 Frequency of Preffered and Dispreffered Towards Directive


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