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Index of /papers/Recreation_Sports I Enjoy A Nice Fire


Academic year: 2017

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435 Summary:

Summer is here, and that means only one thing if you have the privilege of living on or near water, like I do. It means that it is time for being on the water, in the water, and near the water. The hours you spend near the water should have one element in common: a great fire. There is nothing that compares to spending an entire day at the beach and staying as the sun sets to enjoy time around the fire. I love nothing more than just this kind of day. Gathering friends and ...

Keywords: fire

Article Body:

Summer is here, and that means only one thing if you have the privilege of living on or near water, like I do. It means that it is time for being on the water, in the water, and near the water. The hours you spend near the water should have one element in common: a great fire. There is nothing that compares to spending an entire day at the beach and staying as the sun sets to enjoy time around the fire. I love nothing more than just this kind of day. Gathering friends and family members for some hours in the water and then for great conversation, games and snacks around a fire. Gathering around a fire is a great way to enjoy the summer long after the heat of the day has passed you by.

If you are looking to spend a long day at the beach with your family and friends, then be sure to include building a fire into your plans. See to it that someone brings dry wood, a lighter, and newspaper or another source of kinling. An even better way to celebrate at the end of the day is to make fresh smores around the fire. If you want to make smores, simply bring along a bag of puffy marshmallows, some chocolate bars, and a box of graham crackers. You’ll simply need to go exploring for sticks or bring some of your own.

I guess that I have always enjoyed a great fire on the beach. Typically, people think of enjoying fires when it is cold and snowy outside as a way to heat up and make an atmosphere better. But my family never had a fire except in the summer when we spent days at our lakehouse, so I guess that I have come by my love for fires honestly. I have countless good memories of spending hours around a fire with my family and with our friends. Often it was around the fire that we had the most laughs and enjoyed each other’s company the most. It was almost as if there was something magical in the fire that made everyone funnier when they were near it. You have to experience a fire near the beach if you haven’t already. There is just no excuse. No one who lives on or near water can go an entire summer without taking time to enjoy a fire once in a while. You and your friends will be so glad to talk and play around the beauty and warmth of a fire at the end of a hot summer day.

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