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Health Concerns Of Going Low Fat


Academic year: 2017

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Consuming low-fat food is perceived by the majority as an effective method in improving overall health, physique, and athletic performance. Many health studies show that fat is a major source of energy for the human body, but excessive or insufficient fat in one’s diet may cause ill-effects to one’s health.

Keywords: diet

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People wanting to lose weight are trying different kinds of diets. It has become a craze over the past decades and gave birth to many food regimens that reduces carbohydrate and fat intake and increases proteins. Many health studies show that a reduction in fat will lead to reduced calories because the calories in fat is twice as many than those found in carbohydrates. Consuming low-fat food is perceived by the majority as an effective method in improving overall health, physique, and athletic performance. Consuming low fat food has long been thought to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, gallbladder disease, diabetes, and many more.

Advocates of low-fat food regimen are pointing out that high cholesterol in the blood is unhealthy. They eliminate food sources that are rich in animal fats, meat, poultry, fish, oils, egg yolks, and other dairy products. Many believe that cutting fat from a food consumption is an easy and effective way to cut calories and therefore shed some unwanted pounds. In addition, cholesterol levels in the bloodstream play a key role in the development of coronary heart disease and other health ailments. This happens because of the buildup of cholesterol in the blood vessels may constrict the blood and inhibit the flow of blood in the heart.

People think that food consumptions low in fat automatically has low calorie. Many health experts however warn that ˆfat-free˜ points may cause more harm than good. A dramatic decrease of fat can be unhealthy for many individuals. A diet too low in fat may lead to shortage of certain necessary dietary vitamins and nutrients like zinc, B vitamins, and other essential fatty acids that the human body needs. Fat in food is also needed to absorb fat-soluble nutrients like vitamins A, D, E, K, as well as other compounds like lycopene. A kind of phytochemical that is primarily found in tomatoes and other food products and may protect against certain cancers. However, there are certain foods that should be avoided or taken in moderation to reduce the risk of developing ailments associated in consumption of excessive fat. Food that should be avoided or eaten in moderation may include the following.

¯ Commercial biscuits, cakes, and pastries

¯ Butter is not only high in fat, but saturated fat as well ¯ Palm oil

¯ Margarine ¯ Cheese

¯ Processed meats (sausage, salami, hot dogs, bologna)

Foods that are low in fat that are better to eat include the following: ¯ Fruits

¯ Vegetables

¯ Fish and shellfish ¯ Cereals, rice

¯ Whole wheat products ¯ Nuts and seeds

¯ Vegetable oils ¯

Many health studies show that fat is a major source of energy for the human body, but excessive or insufficient fat in one’s diet may cause ill-effects to one’s health. Before partaking in low-fat food regimens, individuals are advised to consult health professionals like dietitians and nutritionists. They may devise programs that involve a balanced portions of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Good eating habits coupled with exercise may lead to improved health and enhanced well-being.

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