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Index of /enm/images/dokumen


Academic year: 2017

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3 .








Kami tefah menerima st|i.ai dati Canterbuy Employers'

Chambe. af Commerce

(CECC) yang memberilahukan

bahwa CECC akan menladi luan rurnah bagl


dagang dari luar Selandia Baru dalam ftngka Intemational


Prografime di kota Christschurch,


Baru, langgal 14 - 15


2007. Program

ini diselenggarakan


dengan dibukanya


Expoft Pavilion

pada Royal New Zealand

Show, sebuah pamemn pertan

an dan



di Selandia


AG Expotl Pavilion me pakan bagian dari Royal New Zealand Show yang

bertujuan membant! kalangan pengusaha dalam menialin kontak dagang.






dan industri,

serla organisas


b snis loc€l,

Ag Export Pavillon


sebegai ore slop shop

yang menyediakan

infomasi perdagangan,

ekonomi dan kesempatan

usaha di




dengan hal-hal dialas, kami lampkkan surat dari CECC, paket


dan formulir pendaftaran





dapat dimanfaatkan

oleh anggota KADIN yang berminat menghadiri prcgram




alas perhatiannya





I Oktober




Bnail - Fy: Inrernaijotal Connections


I p/mail.google.contnaiv?ik=3et0e3 l26E&view=pl&scarch=in...

Harridz H. Utomo <harridz.work@gmail.com>







To: harridz



-- Odginal



Fromi 4!!4Bi9g

To: AllaBjgg

Senl li,4ooday,


01, 2007






Mon. Oct 1. 2007 at 3:42 PM

De3r EacelleDry

The Iltemational CoDnections


is next mont! Progress

oi al'algeBefts for this risit programme

are gohg n'ell with a di!€fse rarye of oppofirnities on offcr tliough the itinerary'

Attached is turther infomation on Intemational CoDneclions,

itrclDding a pmposed iiindary' Tlis

itilerary may be subjact to minor modificalions as site visits arc fuly confim€d


coEplctc ihc attached

paricipaiion form. We wo\rld be grateful ifyoucould complete tbis to

advise $,hether

.vou ri.ill or will not be participating ltr Iotemational Connections

Coopleted forms should be retumed lo Sioead

Bradley by the 15t of Octob€r 2007 (€mail:



Ifyou requke any forther jdodoatioD, Please

let me know.

Kind regards

Arna Rigg



- Exec iv€ As8{strnt




dnEil - {v: lnternatiooal ConnectLoi-s

57 KilhoreS( 'fEL '64 3i66 J0'6 POBor i59 DDI +64 3 353 0ll0 chisl.h!rcb Fr\x +64I3?9 i454 Ncw Zul0d \IEB




is out-of-date


bv AVG





, Vnrs Oatabase:



' Release




p rr'

2 attachments

-t lnt€mational




a 265K


form October





I nternational






9 30an

10 ooari

1 0 : 1 5 a m

l 2 : l o p m

1 : 3 0 p m

2 . l 5 p m

2 2 0 p m

3 00pm


5 : 3 0 p m


E v e n i n g




1 0 r 4 5 a m

1 1 : 3 0 a m


1 : 1 5 p m


3:00Pm 3 : 4 i p n 4 : 1 5 p m 5:00pm 7:lOpnl

Welcomc for delegates at Canterbury E mplovers' Chamber of Commerce Bus to Royal New Zealand Show

Royal NZ Show ofticial open ing on theVillaS€Gres vrew A8 E\pon Pd!i,,on and rcttof Rolal NZ Shoh

Lunch - hoied by Royal New Z€aland Show jn the Members area View Royal New zealand show

Meet at Canterbuv E mplo!'e6' chamber of Commerce ltand in Ag FxPort Paviljo' New Z@land Food &Wine Pavilion

Cantefiury Employers' Chamber oneon-one business rneetinS5 behreen oelegates and member of Canterbury EmPlover' Chamber of Commefce at the Cantc'bury

E m ployers' Chamber ofcommerce

Canlerbury Employen' Chamber of Commerce networkinE function wifn mrmbers, sponson ard key qhib(ote/pcrsonnel frcm the Roval New Zealand Show at the Cant€rbury fmPloyen' chamber of Commerce

. Drop of at hotel


Bur to Royal Nz Show

Individual nreetings with key exhibitors

viM RoFl NZ Show (NBr Delegates who do not have meetings wiil be shown arcund other s'tes ofthe sholv) Th swillincoPoatea molningteabreak

Bls depart! for site vi5it 1

Sitevisit -south hland Dairving Developrnent Centre 8us depad!

L u n c h - v e n u e i o b e c o n f i m e d

Bus departs ior eite visit 2 - scenic driveto desti.ation 5 te vlsit- hon lo b€ confi.'ied

Bus depart! for site vi3it l Sire visil -honto be conlimed B u r d e p a n r f o r R o y a l N z s h o w

Royal NZ lhow cockrail fonction in the MembeE'maquee


releare note lhe tritmry 6 5ubl..1lo charSe 4 5it€ wEae tuliv coni rred


' / i c







l . - \ - u l l k d r d D r . j t r g l { r o p n p - r ( P n r r e { c D D C ' o r ! 5 p o h n L e a l 8 l r r c d ' \ n ' n l n l o i

,",,r'lii*d a",","s i", "t Sorrrll

l'lan'l darr, fzrrrels'

S DDC Prolldes

a 'hstef of expenise'


;; ;;;";

;; 'i'#B nnovative'





on and er'ten"ioh

and trainins

. ^-^i 1^ r.'^, 6nn.r( Tha .enrre

rs a venL

re formed

i. septetrrber

2ool bv a padne6hip



,] ';;;;. i, o",."1 ri.t"ll sourh ,Lntl Ddirv Fa'mcE,


Fatii'er (;ooperitrvo

i m L t e d

C r c u o s F o o d R e s c a t u h

a h d

L v e r t o c k

l m

p roverrcnt

C o

l p o ' a t i o

n '

L n a i l .



R i c h a r d ( : h i n i e , E\ec!ii!e Diru(i.r P O B o x 1 6 0

+ g l 3 2 5 . 1 B 8 . 1 + 6,1 I 125 :]618 rchrist e@!idci.o#.n;


The Rcval Nelv Zealafd Show ita busvtime ln ChristchLrtch and rooms are ata prcn !n \\c hA!' hc d rcoms atthe lollowirg mo est,blishmentsl


MiLlennium Hoiel ChrGlchu.ch s q u a r e t r i g h t i n d r e h e a d o i l h e

ir an eleg.nt luxury hotei ocat€d in:he icon c and pi.ture5q!e Calh(ka NZs?65 for 5uPerior:oonr Per niEh:

NZS395 Jor sLrhe Per nighr 1 4 C . t h e d f a l S q u a r e ?O Box I 44i

Christ hur.h +64 0800 645 s 16 + g 3 3 6 5 1 1 1 1 + 6 1 3 3 6 5 7 6 7 6

r&!1i]!.!b,1iO!j4@d!€!l !*hoellgjj

Conlact details


l f e C o p t h o , r e F o l , I C f t \ \ n u ' . h C F l n d l i( o n e o r ' r ' s ' c h u F h s l " r o n B b r r n e ' ( ' * h L t " d r t r l r . . , ' J i ^ , 1 " , * n " " * . i t l o ' e ' l n o l r ' s L e a L r i f r , l \ ' ' c r o r ' ' s q J d t F n F A ! ' n R " e t R J r e d I i s r '

N Z $ ? 2 5 f o r io o m Pe'n thl 776 Colombo Street P O B o x I3 1 5 9

+ 6 4 3 9 6 1 J 5 0 0 + 6 4 I l / 9 5 8 8 0 + 6 4 I 3 6 5 . 1 8 0 6

book your accommodalor prdmpiv The booking €',re.ence for the rooms ir






Ior pirrt:leli


tou we cin uflcr thc lollowinB


lor th'm to exfren'e lhe siShts'

{,!.d! and

la(es ofChristchurch

and canierbury:


Royal New Zealand sho* Visil -npprorim.telv 5 houts

lcin:he cl€l€gdtu bus \itiling thc Roya New Zealand Show atth€ pLrrpose'buil AglicLrlturaland Parloral 'prrk

in Chrisrchurch. The v sit $ill enconpiss thc offi.ial opening of thc Roval New Z€laid Show, a rorr of the As Expoit Pavi ion, a vis l to the Ncw Z.:land rood & Wi'e Palllion' rnd vlewing oi other ar€ar ottho RoyalNew Zea and Show Lunch is provided'

Cost No chaGe

Depadurc: canterbury EmPloye6' ChaDber oJ CommcKe al approxlmatelv 9:30am

City dd subutb ShoPpintTour- 2 hours

lhis tolr will take you lo prcmiet, local reta I shop, in Christchurch in Meriva e and the cilv centre The lime vou are lisiti;g Christchurch s New Zealand Cup & Show W€ek, which ncoQotates Cantedury :ashi;n Week A Breat opporilfity to be irspited and pamperyounelf

Cosr NZ$25 p.r peGotr

Depanure: From Royal Ncw Zealand Show ataFproximately 3:00pm

NB: Yos will havethe opponunitv to join the netwc*in I fun ction at 5:l0pm althe Canterbury Eniployen' chamber of Commerce ii voo wish.


DayTip to Akaroa - apProximatelv 7r1to I houls

A se hour dfivc iakes you over the Pon llille of Christchurch ro $e French senlement df Aka'oa on Banks PeninruLa. rnst settled by he French in the 19'i century before New Zealand was officli Iy claimed by the Biti<h- Today the village mainuins much of i$ irench heritage, including early foms ot ,rchitectu€ and namlne oflhe main streeis. The manv ba''5 an.i to;ralt blue watcrc nake Akr'oa a v'ry loDutar day trip aod weekend reveat fol Chistchurch rcsiden6 and lourids alke For tunher infomarr'n on A'croa and su rrourd! visit $aM'.bankspen in !r la. inio.'inio mat:o.,'a karoe.

Con: NZ$86 Pcr Peron

Depadure: Pick up frcm hotcl at approximalelv 9:00:m

N 8 :

These rou6 will onl-\, opebie with minimum oithree people. Allcosts are inc urive oi Nelv Zealand 65T

Cosisare ioitransporiat on and guidc only

A L costs incured over 3nd above those shown are at ihe evens€ oi ihe pasenser ie meals, d' n*s, entEnce lees and €xcucions

Paymenr musr be made prior to lour departureto the louroperdtor by crth orcredit.ard

To retists please complete the enclosed registtation fom'

'/ t9





Ne-,ta1hnd Mlnut p'oduds - t , pa5re, pi.i ei cnLtrey, la ve{. pic.e, nshe i.d iuk[:h Al$

nndanrc llo idat CMneEhiD ClLb .ficr n3 la ai c .hoice rdilpllbllt toit membe6 naw:delznel.l ol loduc$ -_or iwioe Fdr mo'e n6mar on v lir

ls and o$eda'd ope:aied Ecruitmenl .mp:'l fiar specalkd in dE pdvk on oileFp.riryci{'e &

'Wa'Lelol tdk..ncR a€.: rctureda.d I di,iibul€d hyAsBdnd Pdud! !:d carvanrset: i hishtedslc rlbe anl sieelb gbaLe i:ede6, ffosnsed

;;;v. moncy m tbd, iert horiday ro rhe

A . . o l P € n e E v : c | l o i L r b . i n P \ i n : .

-rr e*rwst-an s.-ent tne. ra

dd nsioriumans ar seLLs an equine and a cai'.e


W E L - 0 1 8 5 - B B . m a x

r n i r h e , d u , r b ' , r y 5 y r a f s 6 L e o n r e w z a r h d I

frm! | t!M\ srt 'rdcr co -r

NR zealand 5 la4en crc{n R6ea..h Inst tLte tcRD, @aed br:h€ phFLe oiNewzealand, $o* n8lo'rh€ $nefi ol N& zeabtn. Ou. aii !

NewZealand, vrue lor our.uslot

.liei/ sha'ehcLdar HdD brit-v ,\iaQua

^l a ctfins & cdishadel'on ^lPndibe. ^pa@5 rors.Le md fiienb'e !2m ft rrp:€ orcnucc. we t@rde edu@tonzl lefrria6, tar{p advrce .nzoine suppon Md stud *Me to ssisl vou

i€n hodc, bao suF and di nks [,:.a & sndrhi$ &wiler

F |€sLq,.cleb, vRE, PulhveE, H:t, BrbY Blrnketr

o )id, & soiia.h Bhai... Bder diclPn rwr.a'iLrbha*.co.nz

Veh:cle .kal.Ehip! - slbaru, Pe0seol Cnrysle. lep

D.d{e. Me@dsleM Vans }a* tlit4rc.emoiorsroup.co nz

Melted b.tlp .ldk5, barchet.A, wE lh€r slaliofs, reh.c bd1e .n6e plate6 and enmic.

QuaLily @de. od@rrnd odtddlur ure,iM: .'.r.1 'd( :ni orher w@den ooduds.

oi-_ed bath.' h,l', sued€ l6l5e', p.cre. h:ls, kanFrco hatirer hds, $ede tnled and @nvr w €d

IraB, Flexiblcbr:ms. Alio w alkaboui Hats ( lne old hloudlet




I N f o R M A I I o N P A C K

wwv,ldye!:qD 'tr Match:ly we.r, n$ii8 N6r, baltrtii d c d r rg rtu

denft tEtions. adli.e ii 6ft .l

Display of vii63E tam M:chinery, Cese & VrihSe F;mMacn ncry Erc. { Td.ror, Implemen'6, statio.ary Eng ne,


W E L - 0 1 8 5 - B B . m a x

Imtar)iP" f,ihrB

Sropttoi ro of hedlnq l{hl io'ri ruk & C!t5,rvou.d!, buh,, rkin pmbleBltei t dse and

Iai loEd Clo(hJng io su I bofi il ihan 2t Ru € W ! k r . S ' 2 e 5 8 . 2 4 t h ' t u S l ' . : 5 h . n i

-soxnln c.ouD i\a Lid 'as4ir!9r!l!!.!!i!4C-q

r l o t o 6 . G , t m . s l e w r E d n . $ - .

s. oil, Blood P65!re Monrtor iwilted:r

Agriculiural, iech0 cl. b6ins and cllluE tolE !o

Newzealand and lhousiou t5e wodd c R McPhail Ld @mb n6 an indeplh und*.t2ndingof ag cu tr€ w $ ex.r'ti!. in i6rel r. pDvlde )ou wirh a va

-ALlo.l6k ^1:nuncluins solui'ms ProCL.ls: A,r'tDGd, Autoad ELedi auntchairal, Autodek

Alull iel.ction of ludg.e, Noulalr, Sntt!s, aoled

eer, Lollipop! Gndy Sli.l6 & SWar Frt eftt lor Coit'nuoc Roofing spour n& fa.la &

NLI1S P.anutr,Alnroodt Haze

$vw cn voroJs.i.t6tu! com A hugd Ln8E cl CnrLvoo6 pl.nls tun alldel lle

Curom d€rsned.nd buih ^lpJGnaiti

Limned edirion books, Crlc6lr Couniry H.dser2 Cnatham k aids v sito. Lndunry

hromanon and prnud d lplayro p'omde k.owled8€ a inrcEt nrhe Ch.rh:m h and. a atale

darlndid. iullv maiied bv knd ledFble locah Fo euti wo*',i;i-irrema ana wate|pooi ,ned owaik dcisneJ by a Ne!! Zealand dairy lamer !pe. fial:y la'set nB the ned. ol ru.auda r/ 2t

\wwdi{churchhe coot 6.co iz c . r f 3 t . h u r h R ! C e n t E L r d Gdvans & Ho6€ lloais.





sa,! lhelin€i6 le.r on,. h. V !:tor ,niohal on llour!n)


i-ta*"t "'a t"*,n-e,.u...,

' 7 , t

iah Mach neryldtr CNe lN, Ongir,Agro!p, Durcan Ar:rd rde ! ' moraF^_MlD:ff C

R w w . o . L ' a n n $ r n . c o r r

C(lr:n {"!ar Motor

fo'doa5. We suPFLyqualilY prod!.'6 soL'ed ron S h . e . h a r J S r q u i P m e n l a i d P r

S:o4re Conl|i nd6, A.mmdcdalim Cofia ne6, Tack

a^"rs ah'm![ed Cnemical stods.. w\!.nnrain.6dlM1 r!.rr

Heahh scetrinslo ideit t pohlem .,dlevr.ulrr' B @d Llid & Gly.aenc hLnct oro ta vwam ngior !r",n phhhm & Diab.r c Tendenq,

Coon.ry ieaLti lmprovcmenr

l*** --

.,Brihch drn! & wlftn\w€r

Machine tNr-€d, rranc sn 3am.it,, SGft' rlats olM aid N2tui H,j!


n iqr, T

1j:_--?;;;;l & Dinid5 Pmnouon

P'onot orl v:t€na - Cedral otre" | *" t-te I oe n'

Fih n€ coods, *tic6ahd rlopt, elerrq

sAME Tcctos, Xuhn Fafl Alach re./, 5i!o5, Daia


4!!.9:gg:s-s9.!L-fdr-'iEii, tm'o I ta'."as gitu nade wLlh o I :nd dned lawin?L Grom& Producedin GritedrLrv h./ DeLoh liveidcr.

odan Planlcs is Nz! lerdinSwalerldnisp4arsi, lsiir qofd GnoR.sl recnm ogv lo p6d!c. Kh;,c |v "",".."d and sophrrctedwd€r& rpr. 1:nf,r De!.n F15 r . a!a'l1bG ina ranBeors'ze: tM,4500 nEsld 3000Q1!!g q!! 113-E!lfi

Lrre E.R ofinlon2l on a"d d b*r6 prdu6o hd; rd;ucpod |.nph w Lh d,,htu Bamahy 3* anEe .i lundEsisii prcducG- Cook}@k3, iru6 and

b-...rlt! ffi and sus.tedaak !:!99

Fa el! oi CoB ou5 tii\ vccfun sae Pdwn [ehrbd on co6 cos wth ]oshu su@.sala!.n Rj@ Excavaror & Erdvalor B!de! & Aracfments

^$.dpd mode, ol oi^on ZTR R'de o.lasnr@eE

chid36 d€r:gner cdnrng ^l

nclude cAi, NEXT, Ldr, oshkdh, Ra ph -:ukn, old Navy and otheu. sizes ql 2 lq6, a:l ar .fiodab e

i-:re, sr."cr, ho!, cold, stca- orsel anc rpc

Ll.dmn c ip.ayEce rorsaErFr'r L3 ice.

Cocr.dt@d! nCuii^3inj:s.dolveo r,dukbi, !6los and onliments

N s T e a a n d E n u O l d t u o s i n a n i h o h h . a r c I

.bdud!, eqo ne r.duds l ss! ?muol€/ Lo iz

lu'o M.p



B!&r:-It-i-tlq!llit1 c!:,--l

FRcconcrr. ercdlcts wffi fib'econ.@.2

Fremasonry . A way oi llfc Feraonry' Charitv/ a.d

wswitecoa o 1z Ma.!laci,c6 ol hocc, alpaca & softBlrytdileA

dii;Eliiaru- cerron s:us+e wittr conar-e.t

PMIS€quit n.nt,Sloa ndLve n€e.

Cad€n d,ted Cins and p'odtrG can kon Bel s, Natudl oFn . cdrdi6, live mqkeps4lE9llElg i-or,ry oro - orennero'.p."alw c'eB !u.h d slden r,e dr,d rRandwp HaG rirhna l'.arunl F@'js _

Indim sMeEs?Eian lood p 6 trG-, hol diF

{'lraviiy c.,'4. Ha€ K:nhra NatuEl

sl.ndi, a6a, and Asoaale

A-rgn jl i.mplae nbe clenlE 5y*em chem G

rre., ^E, Qual$ rppdtd io' oh@,.'aland

iiz dEi$ed Jr'd ru& qudl,N canon! ner no,

*w hdaeensineniacc.fz

Easy dos stuep hrndret, dass.6 ma:e si*p haxdre! adj shep spEs shep @vevor' continuour Hearing-ledndoByof* FRFEHearingTesls' .nd 'ifomriim an h€ar ns P@bl.itlC

C o m p c l ^ 6 5 i w 2 . ' m i l f 5 ' e h ! G t i n 8 f l I p m . ,

Qlalily Li$ltle dolhrnstor men sd women RM

Fl@d Protecton and Wale' CofiaLnmeni Pmducts ior o R66ns€ Lld EreGencv 5edic6, srtrnses and H





tartualeprcvid.s efcb'tairing rnii edLcat on ,,-,!.$nrin' rudl bur:nBss and ndividulls

Fi;-"an p,ooiior that trrn os5 irorLwood n

li-hl *,ip*"t, .hai","*, a'"'. tr 6m€t, bloweE Clb cadel id€ Lnno+e6, cimD I der un. dr(

cds5; PoMr SviEm.'m s lo o'eide tie Nrk

z€aland ma*et wil[ the n6t comp€ne6,€ $g'n. o rducl 6nsE 6a: oF p' I.r has tu ofis n trLe rei of PoserC@eolcn, Mare, T'ucl:id Oi .Fp iGri6r' suoolyand insd sup.rior met3l rpoutina 5c@ lor p61cdrro, snd ludn8lo elimirule leal..ddebti

homr {d .ommr.hi bu,ld

r€ticu iion, wae tr i4erent,







' tn-fe l uet' is a hr gi peioo:ne waedclnin g hoc \rhi.h i$ bob hpnr an l nr;rsht w€d 4te6 ini otush




k f - D . " r d p " . . A , " , n


M*eE.fine specaliry iu tVVlde & liq!*r lC0%

\s lEalan'i r,12d. . . -2i0.1 L n l.'14, :00.. quac b'€

LrBe rlnib E /dsemenls 'i'rcn dE^ Tun',


umuhou,eof qua'n hoE.rlds Women: Farhlan & Mer no C olhin3:

ABlal.n hris, Tusri 'n+t Moleskh! & oikl i @.G ! l*lea OdF.k ladlE. woollenlumoc6, sr.

Sate or ugr u' 5!d Staer Loadr^ and


tiiftii[ ana lrarlm*- t"3en 'nd rew ror srr'

Quid.ut Kn,s nom ut\ svise Peler, 3u r.r

v-OolDh:ncaroped wsr kl.h€n:dventuB co n:

c n ' d c n r c l o r h ' n s m a d e r N e r 4 + a t New Zealand made drrl;Ex r c olh € aGs.ris

o,rde'sou$, ru bde td l'o^e, aLpacas, hd€lnuB, cl:ves. dqs, shdnrBrhedr, eare! {'d srd< w.ter. t h6 ewn soclGd up ereohanl

t;ix_Iho! ch p. ar.dy ,ld* popcom, @lc dr nks

PMLum oidoor funiilure &a@ro(s

G-r€ Nz nmberCocl indudnSPprdllum, I'de Cloc(3, 92b s & wearB ins:rumeli5, a so sodldr

ii-* v ru-u* ctoct ,n. ,a-c Prndllun, nce

Clock!,8ab! & w€rher nntumdG, also woddef

L n6 n Uriva^ q'1eiary eduatioi prwid.i and Ed'd omlide. shePo scnelq@Let

Venism Mot Caod, NuF3eE-Bu.Pe6, sautaaE tuoi pon$ie Jw ns iiame circularb adt ia!v'nill,; Lu.a!.cnicaled elabnillj L!6 pLa.,ns d !c Maho.sarmilL aEop€j:ti.3. lawniL o. si:e New m o i e l e a v a i l a b l e : E i h e s u p e m l w i l h 1 2 r 3 r o r c l t

. . : a " r - " " r < a r i , l t i i r l n d V i . m a r 1 2 x 3 nah*.**m I i@hotma r..om

Ho6eEd'!h Sauce/Musd




l\FoRMAroN PAcx

casualclorling rndac.e$ories, jE\d er/ anc

iim lvUcl_liery I lry ledes sh*p Ramp(

Meloe Molc'spc( hr ihe laEcsi EnEe oi rfjoad 3G ki r Ahoa nn8€ ot h€rmets and aGor'o! Fo.



thrcu8hout N.w Zea and, frcF laEt da ry op.:at cns t' smrl lin{ylebloCd ourenaGy sv ng jnnda( a6 ar.oid@hed dp n lhe bedffi. 'Ihey aE €rnrrl ouab o(ei;!eldnBs our Nn

daiai _ ww.net an.rcrsy co f z weather loreGsls via TXTm.$agiig, iiiemel Nlel

Phonernd Met F.x and4a$erwatnings toc. Chal *ili o0r verther am$53.ddr

Tanr!, Pip€ and til: ng5, T@ughs, Valle., Mete6,

Mld Onle'bury Sacl&Coloudd

D sblay oi a ad wel lo'iudBins

3a6. d o$ins ,nd a...scti6

Mob e F..ds Spcc al Ereits Ltd

Flot and cold f@. &dinG Hoi Bacon.nd e8B

Men!rea' da,l- trorir mdlask i rtouleE Morve6 ard h(s DiEd

\Je & Uled 3oar & Motor Ratail.6

v'whiow L.e crcan sot€re/od lon dirk

N:rima l6de ^eddv LtC

Rdk s:|! NalEl Sala@ na{ -ron ., s€a\q.d, oda.ic F m trdvi$0seNi.e

Pn.pa.ked lud8.. IEwl,s.h@l & tehion Ba3s & r.€rl ssee! cao'

Child cldh6, .l^ ld shc6, .,\ild watd, ii:hiod b.si, c.: ad:'l orcdlcts lc6lU.

T06 ..b. 5unqlase5, doJB and crrrvre. New zealahd i/a5teu CanB '&w Zeil.nd Mllle6 Game! dtrplal/.ror.fon |is! Z€land Modii.d Tnctor PuLl Modfed rcctoB oragdon3 lor lhe f.l5h ioe. tDt5 of

ho^€ewe. and lo|5 ot io e

Ma1€aa od n n3 rhe NzPcA md8ft.'" nr.cud6

fkwZd and lho'ollirbFd

rieN ze,aid Vinia*e )"lachimtY Unbge tiacto::, !quiFrenl &v€f'de, tn8nsand w*! dagEkaclud Srrdrxciry.o HoGehold\€a

NDbl+Ar'ami \,lach neN lid

\ew Ho lind tndoE, aor'bin6, Klbda lado6 and rldc on mow.6 and q@lily inpo'led 4' cllllEl

9ee&ld( Drcduc.E o' Nz Anrus F:d i.r

Nz s"A,!|M. & M Pol;;i

F aiblc Onhotrc - tsuc be<r, hip, kne and iml



CPS pciioningiectnoioSv i.to lhe 4riculture indust.y Om.isTAR rdvide *d.es of,trLia locm romris-,AR'!P),sub'ia lmel€ lOmniSlAR-lC aid clb mer€{OmnisT R_VBS) r..Lnc} OmxiSTAR 3 -nBrd

t the n,al€t Lc.ier ir p:ordLn8 hrormar'on:n4 edraroi or

r6d a.ava. *lL n3 Hot oogt, Hol Ch ps cold c:tr\' CandyFi6s Pon ntn 5{eet5 While tsa'i sand* chas

R"mnrEec enri{ cnes. M xed Diik5

taM lwe6, donencand (ommerci. m'aidla3..i

aomp$Er.rt!ipment, LrPtoPs

Ftii-n:ns mld leade, n th. aes sn d n 3it Fno,h.K€, h'en-qual,rv ltdlng tneru Phon ; f t e 6 u l l a n s . o h e a n ^ s r d ! r o rr a L h e a ' n g ;e€ds, LiGryl;$d buds.! Wo't.8 \Y$ hs,-v machincry or no.yiam.qdpm can d.ruse Your

-ftiilhs and cttle handlin3rynems:.1 assdialed orcllcir Includ€t alr.maEd d'aiing fo'

€ght an3e(:nd FIO and rcvo,oo$ry ^es5\*p


W E L - 0 1 8 5 - B B . m a x



N / t B e s l H f $ f l o r t s

r , F * , N P . . ' F d - \ ' r ' c r ' o N r " !

ili6-ns, relecopcs t, nu.urar :uzleana

aE runl,|iacJreEand d'st'

Pa.kvood nnsc ol envimnmenld vniend r 'od '" d@c P"rr- " b I e{"dN. ro ( or5 srPd F"rier I

;-al 6l! 'ns svsieG, n or, hoEe nalls and sale nade ot p!rcwml& silk

dstion, Em@nr lmgrtio, Lrd mll4, Bale i.ed.6, Bai MovinS equi Pneil, Cultivlion Equipment, w6da 'atu'se M lln8 Entrrffi

rmpo'leE.id dntd.ulor of qu.litv horinrlMl ait vilicuLtuEl netins ocdu.li l6m lLlv Mi.o.lindd

rlmer Crcp.MrId1prcE im. Honodtr Fl,wt &

v e r d d b e s u p p o l r n r s P o v d S ' d e r d r o " 1 6 u , s p o r e l c o l r Sw:mmiiB Poos & spd Mpootsrand'onz

py! rE a ma{d ldder in An ma M. ra:.fleit

gwtcms. WlEther ir is a elo@table itock va'C o' AulDrulcd weishitrg & dcughtingt.t€m Pra:tLet

Awad * rij^8 sdrn.pp, l4Je!6 iniused ace bnn :nd o 've o s olu, m !d rot to tm!!E! r9!:-Pi:91

iliiffir,tea sensor. vat' ns HeaLIccp 6

Come and en ov $e un qle & rc1'6hingf,avou' ololf

p,mn. No | ( -F c*hr d 4ji! &t!! j-:----l!lt!,I


ln(ernational Connections




(@nan n'xe'w4on!,36!n slo6ee aid handling equiDrenr, dar.r, shei enstrldion, olir_ plaiiors, r)p:l lod rrg lYdeT!

Arat Pears. Pa.h, Shel lerel,€ry rd in S:i.linq Si \,"r

\t\]\r r,irnfq fn r/

B:.kinslrm€x *ith pmitabl€ard ruoiladlE so,diors -!6 id le l6er,EcF,:n'malherhharC

Rir M:sP H.ie& F nr6Lld

hgntion Equlpnenl includjT irtiS.toE, pumpe, hoee3,

Qua :ty ru ly loldable l$the' Hak; Canvas Bezle Hal' - M . r i i o P 6 u r t @ r - O r l l k n v d l s .

ELpcrc Fencirg P,oduct! - FnejLter!, Mai$ a 5,|3r Poeed. compi6, on sp.n8 Gale Hadd e!, lnsular6'5 Eqlinetencng rne whLlg e' l@k, 'uEt" HoEe com t€nrponable ho6e pen & AREBA

Rd.wors llEnd'u' u 1007 Ltd

Manuiadud aid ma*d.r ol th. Rotovipec w€edwlper lor agidltuhl, honi.:hunl ard

Contriner Hi'e Sa 6 & Mod I cahon $w.royalwoli..dnz New book oral ryp6-ch' d'ei, adu l, ijdLon,

an rol! rd €:, sde. ns, cokior and cEft. sw.nerb@k3 c.. nz

TVmVO mobil€ erien inrsr

Rlaltr Mjn aruc H ghlands M - r u G H s n d ^ o C d r r e ' M ' : ' h d ' 4 d ( L n r Eque*dan prdu.G ndud'i8Alb'on, 8a.rsby, Ldtn

and Rlci@:re, w @f werr, Nuu Med & veEd 6.

OElric S*i and Lnmb, ac@m p*ka3ed and na:lel€d dicdly lo home3 c@bin€d siih soLrh Aticrn nbils (Bil's& dry woa) wllalso p'*it a slls* & barbdle li?zleduinrShot'

sanrell Sale ieneE, UsF Mulrii4deu, MPw 200

SlEde ijlt *li6.crcFi6and siani umb'elas.

L!.ther bnr and stud ed deE.

,e s !€lerororcDmBy.@.n:

seoahn hc!o. ud 6so.rared €cu,DE€nt.

Sheep llandeE- Acr.to6-Balehandler"TETLeE

tdutul on. p'ffiton 3nd t'e aeh'p

S€elbuild re bv slftl Fom

$,€ ae prcviding :ll bNde6 wilh t bpnd new way cl blyin8.ndFl ry animal:.l.lnli ir.i tr €nltllistin$. In doplh Beneri. lEii darabser v dco iniftc1,oq no @mmisi m'lee no ob iniof t al peaod. Frcsh Srh*6er6 wirh cdmyvan'la ieclmand a d6h otic,ng sugr 5e^€d ii an doJdendly pol::o bowl.

Chail Cuite. Cra i cilshe^ chlck n Eouiomnt

o8!an*, b€thabh, waElp:sf, sumboorec hip and wa]!t p2ntio lRpy .. and dry in rv.r anri drry .onditoN. Ory inebrealhaule ad

. t , i



rlliiirear* v;t o. rrousc o Por'{L-{ \4.

lrave soLltion5 loyoLi\'{e'concens Elovlie

L t " . l [ r p ! , r e

u f r d . [ , ( , r r f i l { n

l r r ] y l r r r 1

saiesua'!dl aid ptoredec IroF LDil?r1irEr.t Wils






t i i A d K 1 5 , M u r i l . o k , ;

Sp€. alizinE ir theoulC..6, :'aEpng;nd gd.Fl Fnn (lnvd pcni.ba!!, picni. L33,.anvas oErn 3{i lorc bag, Brn.ovetr, ssag5 and var our oth.r aNd

Agncu turil €quiDlrerl, @tle h:.dlLf & !hea.

Rise'ng iupplie & Saiely ham6s, r€ CNn!,.ha].,


wodd\ mo5t c.€nseo rnd Ept€red band lo: loodltonge,p'epalatondd*din8'cm!,loldin moe lhan rm @trih€s aDund (he

t V l 1


solar u.:€r hear.E vo\a.05035Jnsrrrc'@.nz

Quallt/ Slen r3 Sille,lerrelLe.v rcoDonrins rri/s

vacuum5 aid a.Fd cldingfrach n6 ro'

lie riario., B,nk d N*- zeland

alhiFbar sndwi.i6, Ba@r saidw d6, ^rie.@n Hodq5, rlol OoBs, Hoi Chips, Fish, Chickn \JggEls

Squid 'in&, c6b sricG, colcd.ink', sihdbuns, S€eddnLl5 tordi€c di,lins R.w spacinss dI l00hm

Pm.iin8 all aspecis oi Me boune and ihe sbie di

Vrcroiaa:ah.lidavd6rinatio^4ounsh. m!:!14!9!!!!M:!9!

iF roys 3 educir onal eole ai afiordible pri6/ sudLeE !o dn! chtldh*d prdide6 & did to rhe oubli., NZ dklibutoB ot (jd\ iatar quali:y

Ty MTradoB compad 2:'to 100 FiP arelPilla.l lubol. F@dtd. MeB L:srd7e,n'! n C anni

OLr-v. o L d!e, oli4 p'dods, soaps, balms, Uncl. vent Aulhslic Louisana BBQ Sauce & Marn#e


Internalional Cohnections



te.hiolaa6, prcdJct! anc sedice


I "l]""'i1"

"* '' *' '"{ -'rie3 c'rda(

ilurterwell:n$on Bod foradula and ch'dre5:nd llurterLadier laccb. RHs cl.a.

$t sh Pont & Ccb 56rely ot NZ We sh Pony & Cob soci(ty pbmotidnal m:rE.:l .n

fooi Clawni Norelli6

roF, T6ls & Caden lquipmenl Madlin€ry & a v/.rlC solul ons Ltd q,ieiv ofrife5t, d !rcdutu.

!VO\{ Cl.th nB Megan-Jane

Nd Ze.land rude des 4ner . othin8 isorers wea4

A I hydeLi . ri.ewood prc(wE. \*r.wecolo.ou:!e415.19!1,

Ec uenr an s::$. New Zealand! laaet FnSe oi giis iof the houe d.. D6!3e beachlowels, bed linen, lii.hcn a..e$oris, ioyr and nandery,



Dokumen terkait

Now, in the recent years the quality and satety requirements tor tootwear leather Produd and Toys in intemational markets have become stringent, wdh a focus on potential effecl

Marcus Wallenberg mengatakan,&#34; Kamar Dagang Internasional dikenal sebagai wakil bisnis dimana saja, dan masyarakat kamar dagang adalah mata rantai yang peting untuk

Sebaga has nya, nilai keselurlhan foreign exchange rcseNes Pakisian berkurarg menjadi seb€sar US 15 5 miyar dolar pada tanggal 12 Desember 2007 dan SRCA accoonl

Meskipun dalam pameran dagang kali ini tidak dihadiri langsung para pengusaha/perusahaan nasional dari Indonesia, namun stand lndonesia cukup banyak mendapat perhatian

KAMAR DAGANG DAN INDUSTRI INDONESIA lndonesian Chamber of Commerce and lndustry [,4enara Kadin lndonesia 29 fl.. Para Ketua Umum Kadin provinsi Seluruh

Sebagai penanggung jawab proyek ini, GPC merencanakan mengadakan berbagai kegiatan dalam 4 tahun ke depan, diantaranya kunjungan misi dagang ke Asia (bulan MareUApril

Men€ilapkan r Keputusan Musfauardh Nadonal Keenam lcmar Dagang dan Irdustrl tentang Pengesahan hadl sldang Komlsi-komlsi Mu$Ewardh l'laslonal Keenam Kamar Dagang

Menurut Berita Resmi Statistik, No.36/07/Th.X, 2 Juli 2007 dari BPS, berdasarkan observasi sebanyak 627 transaksi gabah di 15 provinsi, rata-rata harga gabah di tingkat petani