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d pk 0706804 bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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A-158.(2011,8 Desember). SMPN 5 Tarogong Kidul Sulit Ajarkan Calistung. Pikiran rakyat, halaman 17.

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Arends R.I. (2007). Learning to Teach. New York: McGraw Hill Companies.

Burns S dan Ross (1984). Teaching Reading in today’s elementary school, New Jersey: Houghton Miffin company.

Chair S Snow (2002). Reading for Understandanding;Toward an R&D Program in Reading Comprehension. Santa Monika CA: Science & Tehnology Policy Institute.

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Corrinne Roth Smith. (1991). The Interaction of Learner, Task and Setting. USA : Allyn and Bacon.

Curtis,C.K., & Shaver,J.P. (1980). Slow Lerners and the study of contemporary problems. Journal Special Education. 44, 302-309.

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Dorothy M.Aram, Robin Moris. (1992). “The validity of discrepancy Criteria for Identifying Children With Developmental Language Disorder”. Journal of learning Disabilities, Vol.25 Number.9:549- 554.

Dunkin, Michael J dan Biddle, Bruce,J (1974).The study of teaching. New York, Holt, Rinehert and Winston,Inc

Eysenck M W and Keane Mark T (2005). Cognitive Psychology A Student’s handbook, New York: Taylon &Francis Inc.

Fenstermacher G.D dan Goodlad J I (1985). Individual Differences and the Common Curriculum. Illinois: The Univercity of Chicago Press.

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Gaddes W.H.(1980). Learning disabilities and Brain function. A Neuropsychological Approach. New York:Springer-Verlag.

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Gilliland, J.(1976). Readability London:Horder and Atoughton

Haberman,M.(1991). The Pedagogy Of Poverty Versus Good Teaching. Phi delta Kappan,72,290-294.

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Hammil D Donald (1990). “On defining learning disabilities An Emerging Consensus.” Journal of learning disabilities. Vol 23, No 2, february


Harris R Karen.(1988). “Learning Disabilities Research: The Needs, the Integrity, and the Challenge”.Journal of learning Disabilities. Vol 21 (5),267-270

Harwell. J.M.(1989). Complete Learning Disabilities Handbook.New York:The center for applied research in education,Inc.

Howards Melvin (1982). Reading Diagnosis And Instruction An Integrated Approach. Reston:Northeastern University.

Hergenhahn R.R and Olson Matthew H.(2008). Theories of Learning. St paul: Pearson Education

Hibi, Y. & Matoba.M.(Eds)(2004). Jugyou Kiroku niyoru Jugyou kaikaku no Proses. Nagoya: Remeisshobou Publisher

Ichimiya Shunichi.(1989). Gendai Shougai Ji Kyouikugaku.Tokyo: Honsha.

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Jones Phyllis. (2005). Inclution: Lesson from the children. British Journal of special education. Vol.32, Number 2

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Juhanaini (1993). Tadou Gakushu Shougai Kansuru Kenkyu (Penelitian tentang perilaku hiperaktif pada anak kesulitan belajar/learning disabilities). Master Thesis pada Naruto University of Education Naruto Jepang:tidak diterbitkan

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Kozulin, Alex.(Eds) (2000). Thought And Language. Lev Vigotsky :The Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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Mercer. Cecil D and Ann R. Mercer.,(1989). Teaching Students with Learning Problems. Columbus Toronto: Merrill Publishing Company.

Miller, J.P. dan Seller, W. (1985). Curriculum Perspective and Practice. New York: Longman Inc.

Nasution, S. (2006), Asas Asas Kurikulum. Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara.

Nurcholis Hanif dan Mafrukhi.(2007).Saya Senang Berbahasa Indonesia.Jakarta: Erlangga

Nuttall Christine (1996). Teaching Reading Skill In a Foreign Language. Great Britain:The Bath Press.

Obrzut J.E dan Hynd G.W (1991). Neuropsychological Foundations of Learning Disabilities. A handbook of Issues, Methods, and Practice. San Diego, California: Academic Press,Inc.

Oliva, Peter.E. (1992), Developing the Curriculum. Third edition. New York: Harper Collin publisher.

Polloway E.A, Patton J.R ( 1993 ). Strategies For teaching learners with Special Needs. New York: Mac Millan Publishing company

Print, Murray. (1993). Curriculum and Design. Second Edition, New Sout Wales Australia: Allen & Unwin.

Robert Burden and Julia Burdett(2005). Factor Associated With Successful Learning In Pupils With Dyslexia: A Motivation Analysis. British Journal of special education.Vol 32 Number 2; 100- 103.

Schloss J Patrick, Smith A. Maureen, Scholoss N Cynthia. (1990). Instructional Methods for Adolesents with Learning and behavior Problem , Boston: Allyn and bacon

Semiawan, C.R.,(1992). Pengembangan Kurikulum Berdiferensi Jakarta:Gramedia.

Shulman L.S (2004). The Wisdom Of Practice Essays On Teaching, Learning, And Learning To Teach, Hoboken, NJ: Jhon Wiley &Sons,Inc.


Sigehiro Kiyono and Michihara Tanaka.(1995). Shougai Ji no Hatattsu to gakushu. Tokyo: Korer Publishing.

Sigmon B Scott (1990). Critical Voices on Special Education, New York, State University of New York Press

Smith, R,C( 1991). Learning Disabilities: The Interaction Of Learner, Task And Setting, Boston:Allyn and Bacon.

Sukmadinata, N. Syaodih. (2006), Prinsip dan Landasan Pengembangan Kurikulum, bandung: Cetakan ke-8, PT Remaja Rosdakarya Offset.

Sukmadinata N Syaodih S (2007). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung:PT Remaja Rosdakarya.

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Tanner, Daniel. (1980), Curriculum Development. Secon Edition. New York,: MacMillan Publishing Company.

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Wahjawidodo,M.,dkk.(1985). Panduan Penggunaan kata,kalimat, dan Wacana bagi pengembang kurikulum, Penulis Buku dan Guru Sekolah dasar. Jakarta:Depdikbud Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Pusat Pengembangan Kurikulum dan Sarana Pendidikan.

Wasliman Iim (2007). Modul problematika Pendidikan dasar. Bandung UPI.Sekolah Paska Sarjana, Program Magister Pendidikan Dasar.

Wasnilimzar.(2004). Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman siswa Kelas V SD Negeri Percobaan Padang. Jurnal Pembelajaran, Volume 27,Nomor 3, Halaman 259-271

Widdowson (1983). Teaching Language As Communication, Oxford:Oxford University Press.


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