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Academic year: 2018



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ISWI APSARI 1 , DADAN SURYANA 2 Pasca Sarjana Pendidikan Anak usia Dini

Universitas Negeri Padang

Email : iswi_sastro@yahoo.co.id dan iswiapsari1978@gmail.com


This article gives an idea that early childhood experience growth and development. Where for growth it will see how the physical growth of the child itself, such as the height and weight of the child. While for early child development based on government regulation number 137 year 2014 covers 6 aspects of early child development that is (1) Moral and religion development (2) physical motor development (3) Language Development (4) Emotional Social Development (5) Cognitive Development and (6) the development of Art. In this article only discussed how language development and emotional development of early childhood. Early Childhood language and social development stages in each age will continue to experience changes and developments. But in this case we find the existence of early childhood cases whose language and social development are not in accordance with his current age. In children aged 5 years should be able to communicate fluently and can socialize with the surrounding environment, but there are children who can not talk or socialize with the surrounding environment. There are several factors that cause the development of early childhood disorders from the language and social aspects, one of which is caused by parental care from parents.



Parents have a very important role in the growth and development of early childhood. How the future of the child depends on how parents educate and raise their children. Every parent would expect to have a child who has the advantages of other children his age.

Suryana, D (2014: 1.3) Every child is born with different potential inherent component of abilities and is manifested because of the dynamic interaction between the unique individual of the child and the influence of the environment.

Actualized abilities move from the functioning of our

brain. The

functioning of the brain, is the result of the interaction of genetic blueprints and environmental influences. At the time of human birth, the completeness of

the brain

organization contains about 100-200 billion neurons or nerve

cells that are ready to connect between cells (Teyler, 1997, in Clark, 1986 in Semiawan, 2007), ready to be

developed and

actualized to reach high levels of potential

development. This number includes several trillion types of information in human life. (Sogan, 1977, in Clark, 1986 in Semiawan, 2007). It's a pity that research proves to only achieve 5% of

that ability

(Ferguson, 1973 in Clark, 1986, in Semiawan, 2007). Cells of neurons

when linked

together, the number of connections can be estimated to be about one hundred trillion, which is roughly as many as ten followed by millions of zeros behind it (more than the estimated number of atoms in the known universe). The figure provides an idea of the capacity of the human brain. (Eric Jensen: 2008: 19). Early childhood

learning should develop intelligence. Research in the field of neuroscience (neuroscience) found that intelligence is strongly influenced by the number of brain neurons, intercellular neuronal brain, and balance because the right brain and left brain. At birth the brain's nerve cells have formed all of which

reach 100-200

billion, in which each cell can make connections with 20,000 other brain neurons, or in other words form a combination of 100 billion × 20,000. Based on that, early age (0-8 years) is a very critical age for the development of children's

intelligence, so this golden period should be optimized and utilized earnestly by stimulating it.

Ulwan (2016: 55) says it is known and undeniable that the hearts of both parents in their nature are created with affection for their children. Their hearts are equipped

with psychological feelings and parental love to protect, love, love and care for all their children's affairs.

The affection of the parents is what ultimately leads to various ways parents can how to make the child comfortable and calm. Parents give freedom to children without any limitations and certain rules that will be a provision of personal recruitment when adult children later.

Not only

from the

environment parents also have a very important role in the

growth and

development of early childhood. The environment we mean here is another family apart from

both parents

including the

neighbors around the child's residence.


people semangkin many also their way to deal with problems faced by a child.Disorders of

language and


development in early childhood, such as diusia that should be children can speak but still can not talk like other friends and when children want something that wants the child can not restrain his emotions to hit and hurt others or vice versa when the child in bothered by other children does not give any response.

The Nature of Early Childhood


childhood is an individual figure who is undergoing a process of rapid development and fundamental for the next life. Early childhood is in the age range 0 - 8 years (http:

www.naeyc.org). At this time the process of growth and development in various aspects are experiencing a rapid period in the

development of human life (Berk, 1992: 18).

Suryana.D (2014: 1.3) Early age is the most important and fundamental beginning period throughout the

growth and

development of human life. This

period is

characterized by fundamental periods of fundamental importance in the life of the child further until the end of its development. One of the periods that became early age thieves was the golden period. Many concepts and facts are found to provide an explanation of the golden period in early childhood, which is the period of all the potential of the child develops most rapidly. Some

concepts are

juxtaposed for early childhood is the

period of

exploration, the

period of

identification / imitation, sensitive period, playing period, and early rebellion period.

However, on the other hand, early childhood is at a critical time, that is, the golden age of the child will not be repeated in the future, if its potentials are not

optimally and


stimulated at such an early age. The impact

of the

unpredictability of various potentials during the golden age, will hamper the next stage of child development. So, golden age only once and can not be repeated again.

Suryana.D (2014: 1.5) Early childhood has a certain age limit, unique

characteristics, and is in a process of rapid development and fundamental to the next life. During this time adults identify early childhood as a mini adult, still innocent and have not been able to do anything because they have not been able to think. This view affects the pattern of treatment given to the child,

among others, often treating the child as an adult. When educating or guiding the child is forced to follow the mindset and rules of adults. However, as science progresses and the number of studies on early childhood,

adults are


understanding that early childhood is not a mini adult, and different from adults.



irreplaceable in the future. According to various studies in the field of neurology it is evident that 50%

of children's

intelligence is formed within the first 4 years. After 8 years of age, brain development reaches 80% and at age 18

reaches 100%

(Slamet Suyanto, 2005: 6). In accordance with the National Education Act of 2003 article 1 verse 14, the guidance efforts aimed at children aged 0-6 years are conducted through early childhood education (PAUD). Language


The mastery of the child's language develops according to the natural law, that is to follow natural talent, nature and rhythm.

According to

Lenneberg the

development of children's language goes according to biological schedule (Eni Zubaidah, 2003: 13). This can be used as a basis for why a child at a certain age

can already speak, while at a certain age can not speak.


development is not determined by age, but it leads to motor development.

However, these developments are strongly influenced by the environment. The language of the child will arise and evolve through various social interaction situations with adults (Kartini Kartono, 1995: 127).

Language has a very important role in everyday life. Suhartono (2005: 13-14) states that the role of language for early childhood such as a means for thinking, a means to listen, a means to speak and a means for children to read and write. Through language one can convey his wishes and opinions to others.

Children aged 5 years have been able to collect 8000 vocabulary. They can create sentence questions, negative sentences, single sentences, sentences

mejemuk, and other forms of preparation. They have learned to use language in different situations (Gleason in Slamet Suyanto, 2005: 74). Mansur (2005: 36), states that the ability of language is closely related to the cognitive abilities of children, although initially language and thought are two different aspects. But in line with the child's cognitive development,

language becomes the expression of the mind. Ninio and Snow as quoted Caroll Seefelt and Barbara A.Wasik (2008: 76) added that, 5-year-olds are getting smarter in their ability to communicate their ideas and feelings with words.

According to Caroll Seefelt and Barbara A.Wasik (2008: 74) the characteristics of child language development are as follows:

1. Children at 4 years of age: - Mastering 4,000 - 6,000 words

- Able to speak in

5-6 word


- Can participate in a conversation, already able to listen to others

speak and


- Can learn about which words are socially accepted and which are not. 2. Children at 5 years of age:

- Vocabulary treasures reach 5000 - 8,000 words.

- Sentence

structure becomes more complicated.

- Speaks


correctly and clearly grammar except on some misconduct. - Can use person pronouns


- Be able to listen to the person who is talking

- Pleased to use language for games and stories.

Based on the study of child language


occurs in interaction

with the


Language is an expression of what the child thinks, so language has a very important role in communicating with

others. In

characteristic language

development that has been delivered, it can be seen that children aged 5-6 years (group B) has been able to speak with a

more complex

sentence structure and the child likes to use language to tell ideas, experiences, knowledge and what he thinks to others, so the child's drawings can be selected in order to improve the child's speech. This is done by asking the child to explain the results of the drawings he made. Thus the ability to talk children can be known.

According to Hurlock (1980: 82-83) Speaking is a

means of

communicating. In

order to

communicate with

others, all individuals must be able to assume two different functions; ability to capture the intent to communicate

overseas and the

ability to

communicate with others in such a way

that is


According to

Hurlock (1980: 82-83), Speech speaking tasks are divided: Age 0 - 2 years:

1. The first task: in


ng with

others in the form of an understanding of the words of others. In every stage of

the age,

children are better able to understand what others are saying

than to

express their own thoughts and feelings in words, this

is more

pronounced in infancy

than in

childhood. The

expression on the speaker's face, the tone of voice and hand signals enables the

child to

understand what is being said to him. The sense of senag, anger and fear has been

understandabl e for three months. Until the

baby is

eighteen months old, words must be reinforced by gestures,

such as

pointing objects. At the age of two,

according to Merrill's terman-scale intelligence

test, the

average baby should be

able to

understand and react to two of the six commands, such as "Give the cat to me" and "insert

the spoon into the cup," if it is easy to reach . But the extent of understanding depends partly on the stimulation and

encourageme nt of others to make the baby

understand what they say.

2. In


ng with

others is learning to speak.

Because learning to speak is a difficult old task, and since babies are not yet mature

enough to learn in this difficult and complicated case of the first year of Selma, nature provides alternative

forms of


they are ready to talk. Many babies during the first and second years try to tell their needs and wants in this way. These forms of


ons are

known as "pre-spoken forms". If the form of pre-spoken

communication is satisfactory and an effective substitute for speaking, the motivation to learn to speak will weaken. The baby will continue to use forms

of baby

communication even after he is able to learn to speak.

Ages two years to late childhood:

1. Learning to speak is a central

medium in socialization. More

children easy communicati ng with peers will be easier to establish


contacts and more easily accepted as group

members than children with limited

communicati on skills. Children who attend

preschool activities will experience a good hurdle in social

terms of

education unless they are good at speaking like their

classmates. 2. Learning to

speak is a means to gain independence . Children who can not express their wants and needs, or can not try to be understood by others tend to be needed as infants who do not succeed in obtaining the desired independence . If children

can not tell their parents or caregivers that they try to cut the meat or comb their own

hair, the

adults will continue to help because they think they are too small to do it themselves. This prevents the child from becoming confident and independent. Dadan. S (2014: 1.55-1.56) Language

development of preschool children can be classified into two phases (as a continuation of the previous two stages) as follows:

1. The Third

(2.0-2.6) which

characterizes the child has begun to compose a perfect single sentence. The child is able to understand the comparison, for example a smaller sparrow of a turtle, a dog bigger than a cat. The child asks for names and places;

what, where and where. Children have used many words

beginning and


2. The Fourth Period (2.6-6.0)

characterized by: a. Children can

already use

compound sentences along with clauses. b. The child's thinking level is more advanced, the child asks about time, cause and effect through questions: when, where, why, and how.

Further Dadan.S (2014: 1.55-1.56) In order to foster child's

language, or

communication skills, parents and kindergarten teachers should facilitate, provide convenience, or opportunities for the child as well as

possible. The

opportunities are as follows.

1. Speak good words with your child 2. Want to listen to the conversation.

3. Answering

children's questions

(do not


4. Invite dialogue in simple terms, such as maintaining the cleanliness of the house, school, and maintain personal health.

5. In kindergarten,

children are

accustomed to

asking, expressing

their wishes,

memorizing, and singing songs and poetry.

Emotional Development

Mashar (2011: 15) the definition of emotion is very diverse, some

people focus

emotions as a compound contained in physiological feelings or existence. Others describe emotions as a set of components with a deterministic or probabilistic

structure, which sees emotions as a state or process that a person experiences in responding to an event. Emotions can be interpreted as intrapersonal

conditions, such as feelings, certain circumstances, or patterns of motor activity.

According to Lazarus (1991) which Mashar wrote (2011: 16), Emotion is a complex state of the organism, which includes bodily changes-in breathing, heartbeat, changes in the gland and mental state, such as an exhilarating state characterized by feelings which is strong and usually accompanied by a drive that refers to a form of behavior. If emotions happen very intense, it usually will disrupt intellectual

functioning. The emotional variable consists of two forms: (1) action, in the form of attacking behavior, dodging, approaching or away from place or person, crying, facial expression and posture; and (2) physiological

reaction, in the form

of autonomic

nervous system activity, brain

activity, and

hormonal secretion. Thus it can be concluded that emotion more as a patterned reaction

rather than just an unorganized event and emotion is also closely related to the coping process as an attempt to solve problems in the life of the invidu.

According to Suparini and Wati (2017: 66) the emotional

development of children related to the way children when interacting with friends, interact with toys, and interact with adults in the environment. Moreover, the social development of children's emotions is also a process whereby children learn about the values and perilku received by the community.

Supasrini and Wati say (2017: 66) the purpose of child's emotional

development is: 1. The child has a positive self-concept, the child knows about himself and how to interact with others.

2. The child is accountable to himself and to others, ie the child will

follow the agreed rules and routine

routine done

everyday, respect for others and take the initiative.

3. The child behaves in favor of social interaction, ie the child demonstrates

empathy, and

interacts with his

world through

various and take turns.

Further Suparsini and Wati say (2017: 66-67) some indicators of children who have emotional readiness: 1. The child has a confident, friendly attitude and can get along with his friends well.

2. Children can concentrate and be diligent in carrying out the tasks given by other teachers / adults close to the child.

3. Children will listen and understand the commands given.


things). This awareness is derived from his experience, that not every desire is fulfilled by others or other objects. He realizes that his desire confronts the wishes of others, so that others do not forever fulfill his wishes. At the same time, there is also a sense of self-esteem

that demands

recognition from the environment. If the environment

(especially the parents) does not recognize the child's self-esteem, such as treating the child hard, or less loving, then the child will develop attitudes: (1) stubborn / opposed, or (2) feeling less self-esteem with shy attitude.

Dadan.S (2014: 1.52-1.54) some types of emotions develop in childhood, that is as follows.

1. Fear, that feeling is threatened by an object that is considered

dangerous. The fear of something

takes place

through the

stages: (a) at first not afraid, for the child has not been able to perceive the possibility of danger in the object, (b) the fear arises after recognizing the danger, and (c) the

fear may

disappear after know how to avoid danger. 2. Anxious, that is a

feeling of fear that is imaginary, that there is no object. This anxiety arises from possible situations that are figured out, based on experience gained, either parent, reading / comic books, radio, or film.

Examples of

feelings of

anxiety: the child is afraid of being in a dark room, and afraid of ghosts.

3. Anger, is a feeling of displeasure, or hate either against another person, self, or a particular object, manifested in verbal (abusive / verbal / cursive), or nonverbal

forms (such as pinching, hitting, kicking, slap, and damage). Feelings of anger is a reaction to the frustration

situation experienced, namely feelings of disappointment or

feelings of


because of the obstacles to the fulfillment of his wishes. At this time anger often occurs because: (1) many stimuli cause anger, and (2) many children find that anger is a good way to get attention or satisfy their desires. Various stimuli that cause feelings of anger, among them: obstacles to physical needs, disruption to the movements of children who want to do, obstacles to

the ongoing


obstacles to desire, or the aggravation of accumulation. The source of feelings of anger may come from oneself

(such as disability and weakness), or others (parents, siblings, teachers, and peers).

4. Jealousy, that is feeling unhappy about others who are seen to have

grabbed the

affection of someone who has poured affection on him. Sources

that cause

jealousy are always social situations,

relationships with others. Like a jealous sister to her sister, because she has seized the love of her parents. This

jealousy is

accompanied by tension, which can

usually be

relieved by

reactions: (a) aggressive or hostile towards

rivals; (b)

regressive, ie infantile behavior, such as bed

wetting, or

sucking the

thumb; (c)


5. Joy, pleasure, pleasure, that is a positive feeling, comfortable, because fulfilled desire. Conditions that give birth to feelings of joy in children,

including the fulfillment of physical needs

(eating and

drinking), healthy physical

circumstances, the acquisition of affection, there is the opportunity to

move (play

freely), and have a toy that pleased. 6. Compassion, a

feeling of pleasure to give attention, or protection to other people, animals or things. This feeling develops based on

a pleasant

experience in dealing with others (parents, siblings, and friends), animals (like cats and birds), or objects (like toys). Child's love for parents or siblings is heavily influenced by the emotional climate of the family. If

the parents and their relatives put affection on the child, then he will also love them. 7. Phobia, the fear of

objects that should not be dreaded (fear of the abnormal) such as

fear of

caterpillars, fear of cockroaches, and fear of water. This feeling comes from the treatment of parents who like

to frighten

children. punish, or stop the child's unloved behavior. 8. Want to know

(curiosity), the feeling of wanting to know, know everything or objects, both physical and nonphysical. This

feeling is

characterized by the questions the child asks. As the child asks where he comes from, who is God, where God is. This question period begins at age 3 and peaks at about 6 years of age.

Dadan.S (2014: 1.56) The development of healthy emotions is very helpful for the success of children learning. Therefore, in order to develop

healthy child

emotions, teachers (in kindergarten) should guide them, so they can develop the following.

1. The ability to recognize, accept, and talk about his feelings.

2. Realize that there is a relationship between emotion and social behavior. 3. Ability to channel his desires without disturbing the feelings of others. 4. Ability to be sensitive to the feelings and needs of others.

Disturbance of

Language and

Social Development Sujiono, Yuliani (2009: 120) There is a difference between speech and language. Talk is a pronunciation, which shows a person's skill of uttering a voice in a word. Language means declaring and


information in a particular way. Language is one way of communicating.

Receptive language is the ability to understand what is seen and what is heard. Expressive language is the ability to communicate

symbolically either visually (writing, marking) or auditing. A child who has a language disorder may be able to say a word clearly but he can not compose two words well.

Conversely, the speech of a child may be a little

difficult to

understand, but he can compile the correct words to express his wishes. The speech and language problems are actually different but these two issues often overlap.

Speech and language disorders consist of articulation


delays in speech or language. Late speech and language can be caused by various factors including


factors or loss of hearing.

Speech and language disorders are also closely related to other supportive areas such as oral muscle function and hearing function. The delays and disturbances can range from simple forms such as "abnormal" sound (nasal, hoarse) to the

inability to

understand or use language, or the inability of the oral motor mechanism in its function to speak and eat.

Articulation developmental disorders include failure to say a letter to several letters.

Often the

disappearance or replacement of the letters makes the impression that he speaks like a child. It can also be an interruption in pitch, volume or sound quality.

Aphasia is losing the ability to form words or lose the ability to grasp the meaning of words so that the conversation can not go well. Children with aphasia have a history of normal early language development, and have an onset after head trauma or other neurological

disorders (eg


Stuttering is a

disorder of

smoothness or

abnormality in speed or rhythm of speech. There is a repetition of sound, syllable or word, or a spasmodic block, a tonic spasm of the speech muscles such as tongue, lips, and larynx. There is a tendency for family history of stuttering. In addition, stuttering can also be caused by the pressure from parents to speak clearly, lateralization disorders, insecurity, and the personality of the child.

Stimulation is the activity of stimulating the basic ability of children for

children to grow and develop optimally. Every child needs to

get regular

stimulation as early as possible and continuously at every opportunity that can be done by mother, father, caregiver, and people closest in everyday life. Lack of stimulation can cause persistent disorders.

Disorders according to experts are as follows

(http://hyugaanna.blo gspot.co.id):

1. According to Van Riper

Speaking to be disturbed when speaking itself brings unpleasant attention to the speaker, the communication itself is disrupted, or causes the speaker to be difficult to position (looks strange, inaudible, and unpleasant). 2. According to

Berry and


Disturbance at speaking: (1) Not easy to hear, (2)

not heard

immediately, (3)

vocally sounds uncomfortable, (4) error on certain sounds, (5) speech itself is difficult to say, normal tone and rhythm, (6) There is a lack of the linguistic side, (7) Not according to the age, sex, and physical development of the speaker, and (8) It seems unpleasant when he speaks.

Etiology of Speech

and Language

Disorders Sujiono, Yuliani (2009: 115-156) causes of speech disturbance or delay are as follows: 1. Hearing loss

Children who have hearing loss are less likely to

hear the

conversation around them. Hearing loss should always be considered when there is speech delay.

2. Speech abnormalities These


deformities and mandibles (lower jaw), cleft palate (palatoschizis / cleft palate), deviation of the rice septum,

adenoid or

laryngeal abnormalities. 3. Mental


Mental redotation is a lack of intelligence of a child compared to other children of his age.

4. Genetic Heriditer Disorders due to decreased genetic disorders of the elderly. Usually also occurs in one or two parents as a child. Usually delays.

5. Chromosomal Abnormalities Disorders due to decreased genetic disorders of the elderly. Usually also occurs in one or two parents as a child. Usually delays.

6. Central Disorders (Brain)

The central

language disorder is the inability to combine problem-solving abilities

with ever-lower language skills. He often uses a mimic to express his will as in pantomime. At school age, seen in the form of learning

difficulties. 7. Autism

Severe speech and language

disorders can be caused by autism. Autism is a pervasive


disorder in


characterized by disturbances and delays in the

fields of

cognitive, language, behavior, communication

and social

interaction. 8. Selective Mutism

Selective mutism is usually seen in children aged 3-5 years, who do not want to talk in certain

circumstances, such as at school or when there are certain people. Or sometimes he just wants to talk to a certain person,

usually an older

child. This

condition is more associated with abnormalities called neurosis or motivational disorders.

9. Emotional and other behavioral disorders

Speech disorders usually

accompany the

disorder of

minimal brain dysfunction, symptoms that occur so minimal that it is not easy to recognize. Usually as well as learning

difficulties, hyperactive, unskilled and other disguised symptoms

10. Food allergies

Food allergies can also disrupt brain function, resulting in developmental disorders, one of which is the delay in talking to children. When food allergies as a cause usually delay in talking occurs under the age of 2 years, over the age of 2

years the child appears very rapidly

development of speech.

11. Environmenta l Deprivation

12. In this

situation the child does not get enough

stimulation from the environment. Various kinds of environmental conditions that result in speech delays are:

a. A quiet

environment Talk is a part of behavior, so its skill through imitation. If speech


from the

beginning is lacking, nothing imitated will hamper speech and language in children. b. Social

economic status


doctors or lawyers have children with better

language development than children with semi-skilled and unskilled parent workers. a) The

wrong teaching technique s

Wrong ways and communi cation in children often cause delays in speech and language developm ent in children, because their developm ent occurs because of the process of imitating and learning from the environm ent.

b) The attitude of parents or others in the home environm ent is not fun

Speech can express anger, tension, chaos and unbalance d

personalit y, so the child will avoid talking more to stay away from the unpleasan t

conditions .

c) Excessive parents' expectatio

ns of

children The attitude of parents who have excessive expectatio ns and desires for their children, by

providing excessive training and education in the hope that their children become superior. The child will experienc

e the

pressure that will inhibit his speech. d) Twins

In twins, the

developm ent of language is worse and longer than the only child. They each other give each other a bad speech environm ent, because they usually have mutually imitative

behavior. This causes them to imitate each other at the same level of speech-not necessaril y good. e) Bilingual


languages )

The use

of 2

languages is

sometime s also the cause of speech delay, but this situation is not too worrisom e.

Generally children will have the ability to use 2 languages easily and well. f) Functiona


usually a very good receptive function, and the child is only impaired in

expressiv e

functionin g:

Characteri stic is that the child does not exhibit other neurologi cal disorders. METHOD

The method used in this research is qualitative research with case study type. Case study is when one wants to understand the background of a matter, or the interaction of individuals within a social unit or to know a group of individuals in depth, holistic, intensive, and naturalistic (Yusuf.M: 2013). In case studies, each researcher has a different purpose in studying the case he

wants to reveal. In connection with that slake (in Yusuf.M 2013), suggests three types of case studies: 1). Intrinsic case

studies, 2)

instrumental case

studies, and

collective case studies.

The case study type used is an intrinsic case study according to Yususf.M (2013) intrinsic case study is conducted if the researcher wants to understand better about ordinary cases, such as the nature, characteristics, or individual problems. In this study discuss about individual problem.

A is a child observed, from

observation A

experiencing speech delay. Currently, A is in kindergarten class A in kindergarten. Adzkia III in the city of Padang. From the

results of

observation, questionnaire

interviews and questionnaires

examination of

psychology as


1. Based on the results of interviews and questionnaires filled A aged 5 years 2 months.

2. Being born normally

3. Parents A

separated and

mothers are often out of town

4. A dititip same grandmother and grandfather

5. From the initial mapping results before entering school A has not been willing to shake hands with the teacher, asked not to answer, told to do something not yet willing, unable to speak, afraid to meet the crowd or others. Knowing the person or thing with a hand flick

6. The development of language A after 3 months of school A has not been in accordance with the stages of its development. For example in speaking vokalnya not yet clear but A can already tidy up toys or own goods. A can

already talk


Ouch sick, open, do not want, and others 7. In addition to the data obtained, in this case study the researchers also conducted

obsevation. Where A at school did not have friends yet and still watched his friend play. And now after five months of school just have a close friend of one person, whose friend is always followed in the classroom.

From the results of the above data then the researcher concludes that A experiencing

speech delay.

According to Zainab and Laily (2012), the delay of speech experienced by the child is partly caused by several things that are external, among others:

1) Stimulation of language in the early years of subject life. 2) The lack of an environment that gives her the opportunity to learn the language.

3) Lack of


4) Parenting patterns applied by parents as

well as


conditions that strengthen the subject to "stay happy" in the delay talk.

Habitual ways / style of parents when they interact with their children is an important dimension of parenting. The development of a child's mentality has a long process of searching for parents to improve socio-emotional

development skills Parents should not punish or withdraw, but they should develop rules for children and love them. Habib, Z (2013)


The development of early childhood should we pay attention and keep, how the future of the child will be in this golden period. Many factors and many things that can be made as a disruption in the development of this child, but if we are able to

maintain and provide the best then the development of early childhood will improve their future.



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