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PPT UEU Ilmu Bahan Makanan Pertemuan 10a


Academic year: 2018

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1. Actinidiacee (kiwi or kiwi fruit),

2. Anacardiacee (cashew, mango), 3. Betulacee (hazel),

4. Bromeliaceae (pineapple), 5. Cactus (prickly pear),

6. Cucurbits (watermelon, cantaloupe), 7. Ericaceae (blueberry, strawberry) 8. Fagacee (Chestnut)

9. Moracee (fg),

10.Musacee (banana),

11.Palm trees (date palm, coconut),

12.Rosaceae (apricot, cherry, cherry, strawberry, raspberry, almond, apple, quince, medlar, pear, peach, plum),



simple classifcation and sufciently appropriate in terms of both

nutritional and practical, fruit divide into 3 categories:

1. Fleshy (sour and sweet), 2. Floury


Classifcation - Time of ripening

Spring Fruits cherry, loquat, strawberry

Summer Fruits

peach, apricot, plum,

pear (William, Guyot, Thigh), fgs, berries, watermelon,


Autumn Fruits apples, grapes, persimmons, kiwi, pears (Abate, Kaiser)

Winter Fruits

apple, pear

(Skip Crassane, deans), citrus  (oranges, lemons,

mandarins, citrus,



FRUTTA Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Apricots Oranges Clementine Strawberrys

Apples Pears Peach Plums Lemons


Consumption data: fruit

• The consumption of fresh fruit is around 198.4 g / day / capita

- Apples 26.7% - citrus 18.7%  - Peaches 11.8% - Pears 8.5%

- Banana 7.3% - Melons 7.1% - Grape 4.1% - Apricot 3.4%


Composition and nutritional value


1. luscious/feshy/pulpy fruit : high (80-90%);

2. powdery/foury fruit : Less (40% fresh chestnuts);

3. greasy fruit : minimum (average 10%)

Banana 76.8%


Composition and nutritional value


modest (from 0.2 to 1.2 g/100 g) in fresh - feashy and greasy fruit);

the oil has dried but signifcant

amounts (13.0 g per 100 g hazelnuts, pine nuts in about 30 g/100g) of


Composition and nutritional Value


modest in fresh - feshy and powdery fruit, but the higher content is in fresh-greasy fruits (15-30 g/100 g) and dried-greasy  (50% up to 70% in the pine nuts).

The lipids consist of a high percentage of PUFA, especially in the nuts as linoleic


Composition and nutritional Value


small quantities, particularly simple sugars such as fructose and glucose, which increases during ripening at the expense of organic acids.

The exceptions are bananas and chestnuts which


Composition and nutritional Value


mainly cellulose and pectins, which are important for their ability to form gels in the

preparation of marmalades.

It 'very variable from 0.2 in watermelon to 7.4% in raspberries.

The content is higher in dried - greasy fruit (from 6.2g in nuts to 14.3g in almonds)


Composition and Nutritional value

Water-soluble vitamins

Vitamin C: ascorbic acid, present mainly as a kiwi fruit, citrus fruits, strawberries (30-200mg/100g)

Group B are poorly represented in


Composition and Nutritional value

• Fat-soluble vitamins

1.Carotenoids: the apricots and orange-yellow fruits generally are rich

in β-carotene,lycopene, β-cryptoxanthin

By contrast, carotenoids are scarce in fruits in which the higher concentration of vitamin C


Composition and nutritional value


Relevant to the presence of alkaline mineral elements (K and Mg);

Ca is present in abundance in dried – fruits (nuts from 83 to 236 mg/100mg/100g


The dried-greasy fruit also contains Fe, Zn


Composition and nutritional value

ORGANIC ACIDS: present in moderate quantity:

Malic acid in apples, citric acid in citrus

fruits, tartaric acid in grapes, oxalic acid in pineapple.

The organic acids along with essential oils and volatile compounds give favor;

Furthermore, the




In addition to the Mediterranean, the

orange is cultivated in the Americas, Africa and Australia.

The major producers of oranges are Brazil and the United

States, representing about 2 / 3 of world production, approximately 55


COMPOSITION & ENERGY Of Orange (100g product)

Edible portion 80 %

Water 87.2 g

Protein 0.47g

Lipid 0.2 g

Available carbohydrates 7.8 g

Fiber 1.6 g

Energy 34 kcal

Sodium 3 mg

Potassium 200 mg

Fe 0.2 mg

Ca 49 mg

Phosphorus 22 mg

Niacin 0.2 mg



• Oranges are highly valued for their vitamin C content.

• They are the primary source of vitamin C for most Americans.

• However, oranges are also a good source of: folacin, calcium, potassium, thiamin,

niacin, and magnesium.

• The juice contains more vitamin C per serving than does the whole fruit.

• However orange juice does not contain fiber, whereas the fruit does.


Citrus Fruits

 Citrus fruits contain photochemical called flavonoids.

 The flavonoid hesperidins was first described about two centuries ago.

 Research throughout past years has confirmed that hesperidins is an

anti-inflammatory agent used to treat many conditions.

Hesperidins blocks an enzyme involved in an inflammatory reaction such as the release of histamine.


Citrus Flavonoids & Cancer

 Research has shown that citrus flavonoids

and their metabolites are potent antioxidants. It is believed that they are able to suppress many of the events of cancer and

inflammation which involve reactive oxygen species.

 Some of the flavonoids in citrus fruits such as tangerine and orange are the most potent cancer fighting compounds, particularly against lung and prostate cancer cells.


The cultivation of apples

Originally from of East Asia, the apple tree is now

grown extensively in China, the United States, Russia, Europe (especially Italy and France).

Apples are available on the market almost all year round;

1. summer varieties, as Summered, Royal Gala

and Ozark Gold

2. Autumn varieties, such as Golden Delicious, Stark Delicious, Emperor, Jonathan, Fuji, Renetta Canada, Granny Smith, Starking and Starkrimson.

3. Winter varieties, the most common are Annurca


COMPOSITION & ENERGY Of Apples (100g product)

Edible Portion 94 %

Water 86.6 g

Protein 0.2 g

Lipid 0.3 g



11 g

Fiber 2 g

Energy 45 kcal

Sodium 2 mg

Potassium 120 mg

Fe 0.3 mg

Ca 6 mg

Phosphorus 12 mg

Niacin 0.3 mg


Apples in the world

Asia 62%

Africa 2%

Europe 29% South America

2% North and center



Production (Mt) OF APPLES IN Europe 


French 2,477,790 Italy 2,199,220 Poland 2,168,856 Russia 1,800,000 Germany 1.600,000 Spain 652,500 United kingdom 176,700


Apple production (2002)

Europe Italy


APPLES: positive efects on health


1. Several studies have specifcally linked apple consumption with a reduced risk for cancer, especially lung cancer.

2. A reduced risk of cardiovascular disease has been associated with apple consumption.

3. Apple consumption has been inversely linked with asthma and has also been positively associated with general

pulmonary health


Apples : Positive Efects on Health

Animal and in vitro studies

1. Antioxidant activity

2. Antiproliferative activity

3. Inhibition of lipid oxidation



An Overview

 Berries are one of the nation’s most

well liked fruits.

 Berries are believed to have been first

incorporated into the diets and lifestyles of Native Americans.

 Traditionally, when we think of berries,

we think of things like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and

blackberries, but there are also other varieties such as cranberries,



Nutritional Value

1. Many berries are suitable to eat raw after rinsing and most types of berries vary from 50 to 100 calories per serving when eaten raw.

2. Berries are loaded with: vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.

3. All berries with strong red and blue colors have phytochemicals that can potentially reduce cancer rates and other chronic diseases.

4. Oxygen radical absorptive capacity (ORAC), is a way to measure the antioxidant capacity of fruits and vegetables.



Worldwide, the last three years, the

production of strawberries is attested around 2.5 million tones, the largest producers are the United States,

Poland, Japan, Spain, Italy, Russia

and Korea. In Italy this crop covers an area of approximately 6,000



STRAWBERRY (100G OF product)

Edible portion 94 %

Water 90.5 g

Protein 0.9 g

Lipid 0.4 g

Available carbohyrates 5.3 g

Fiber 1.6 g

Energy 27 kcal

Sodium 2 mg

Potassium 160 mg

Fe 0.8 mg

Ca 35 mg

Phosphorus 28 mg

Niacin 0.5 mg




• Because of the antioxidant power found in strawberries,

regular consumption of this fruit has been shown to have the potential to lower one’s risk of heart disease.

• In addition, studies have shown that strawberries are involved in inhibiting inflammatory. This reduces the

inflammatory response that is involved in the etiology of many diseases.



Recent Findings

 Studies on two antioxidant compounds in strawberries

(ellagic acid and quercetin) have demonstrated that these substances:

1. Have anticancer activity

2. Work to block the initiation of carcinogenesis 3. Suppress progression and proliferation of tumors



The nuts are mostly represented in the dried fruits. It's


Nutritional Value of dried fruit

(per 100g products)


(g) Lipid (g) Carbohydrates (g) Energy (Kcal) (mg)Fe (mg) Ca

Peanuts 29 50 8.5 598 3.5 64

almonds 22 55.3 4.6 603 3 240

Hazelnuts 13.8 64.1 6.1 655 3.3 150

Nuts 14.3 68.1 5.1 689 2.1 83




 In 2003, the U.S. FDA approved this package label:

 “Scientific evidence suggests but does not prove that eating 1.5

ounces per day of most nuts, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.”

 According to FDA, "Types of nuts eligible for this claim are

restricted to almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, some pine nuts, pistachio nuts and walnuts..”



Nutritional Value

 Nuts are important for what they don’t offer:

 1. Nuts do not contain cholesterol.

2. Nuts only contain trace amounts of sodium.

(Unless it has been added to the nuts during processing)

 Nuts are usually thought of as a high fat food. Although, this is true–

nuts are high in fat-- it is not the same as animal fat. Nuts are mostly high in heart-healthy unsaturated fats, the fats that lower your bad


The Importance of Specifc


 Walnuts

One ounce of walnuts (about 14 shelled walnut halves) is all that is needed

to meet the 2002 dietary recommendations for omega-3 FA. The type of omega-3 FA found in walnuts is alpha-linolenic acid, which can be

transformed into either EPA or DHA in humans and animals.

 Almonds

One ounce of almonds (about 20-24 shelled whole almonds) provides 35%

of the daily value for vitamin E.

 Peanuts

Although it is often discussed with nuts, peanuts are actually a legume,

along with dry beans, peas and lentils. One ounce of roasted peanuts provides about 10% of the daily value for folate.


The Importance of

Specifc Nuts

 As discussed earlier, omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid

found in walnuts and other sources included) help to decrease one’s risk for CVD.

 Vitamin E is an antioxidant and is important in that it is

believed to help promote healthy aging. A recent study has also suggested that a diet rich in foods containing vitamin E may help protect some against the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

 Folate is a B vitamin that has been recognized for some time

now, particularly for women of childbearing age, as it is believed to help reduce the incidence of birth defects and lower the risk of heart disease.



Informazioni nutrizionali per 100 g

Carboidrati, di cui: g 21,67

� Zuccheri totali g 3,89

� Amido g 0,74

� Fibre g 12,2

Grassi Totali g 49,42 g 49,92

o Grassi saturi, di cui: g 3,73 o Grassi monoinsaturi, di cui: g 30,89 � Acido oleico (18:1) g 30,61

o Grassi polinsaturi, di cui: g 12,06 � Acido linoleico (18:2 ω-6) g 12,06

� Acido linolenico (18:3 ω-3) g 0,01

Proteine, composte da: g 21,22

o Acido glutammico g 6,81


o Calcio mg 248

o Fosforo mg 474

o Magnesio mg 275

o Manganese mg 2,53

o Potassio mg 728

o Zinco mg 3,36


o Tocoferolo (Vitamina E), di cui: mg 29,21 mg 29,21


The Amygdaline

• The amygdaline and Laetrile are contained in the

seeds of almonds. Cyano-geneticglucosides are used by the plant as a means of defense, they can easily undergo enzymatic hydrolysis with evolution of hydrogen cyanide.

• The scientifc community has focused more recently its attention on these molecules was tested as an

antineoplastic. This property would be due to the presence in tumor cells of an enzyme that breaks




1. Reduces levels of LDL 2. Reduces blood glucose 3. Prevents CHD

4. It does not cause weight gain 5. Reduces lipid peroxidation


Protective role of fruits and vegetables

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables may

exert a protective role against chronic diseases such as cardiovascular

disease and cancer.

Part of this efect has been attributed to

the presence of specifc components such as vitamins, fber and a wide


Protective role of fruits and vegetables


1. Reduced risk of lung cancer associated with the presence of carotenoids(especially β-carotene) and vitamin C

2. Reduced risk of cancer of the esophagus and stomach associated with the presence of

carotenoids (especially lycopene) and vitamin C


Protective role of fruits

and vegetables



antioxidants such as carotenoids (especially β-carotene), vitamin E, C and favonoids

present in fruits and vegetables have been

shown to reduce oxidation of LDL, the process involved in atherosclerosis, and risk


Antioxidant activity:

minerals such as Mn (cofactor of SOD), Se (cofactor GSHpx)

substances such as carotenoids, vitamin E and C, favonoids and sulfhydryl mostly found in

garlic and onions.

Modulation of detoxifcation enzymes:

1. Isothiocyanates present in garlic and onions. 2. Flavonoids such as naringenin present in

grapefruit substances found in cruciferous. 3. Vegetables such as that for thermal

degradation of glucosinolates and


Stimulation of the immune system:

ascorbic acid, β-carotene, folate, B6 and α-tocopherol

Alteration of cholesterol metabolism:

fber, especially pectin, which increases the excretion of bile acids, alters the ratio

primary / secondary, increases the fecal excretion of cholesterol, reduces the consumption of foods high in cholesterol;

and garlic extracts reduce blood concentrations of cholesterol and TAG.

Modulation of the concentration and metabolism of

steroid hormones:


Fiber intake with foodstufs has been

linked to reduced risk for

major chronic diseases in particular colorectal tumors, diabetes and



• Transformation of the fruit produced in to pieces

• Transformation of fruit juice



1. Selected raw materials








• The "fruit preserves" are the products of fruit storage. include:

  1. Fruit juices are fermentable product but unfermented obtained by mechanical process, which present color, aroma and taste typical of the fruit from its derives

  2. Jams/marmalade product obtained from the pulp, puree, juice, aqueous extracts and peel of citrus fruit and sugar;

  3. confectionery products that are obtained from the pulp of the fruit with added sugar. It defnes extra if contains at least 45% of pulp;

4. fruit syrup is obtained by sterilizing the product in containers with the addition of syrups which protect it from thermal changes during processing and during storage oforganic crops.

5. Fruit Candied is slowly impregnated fruit with sugar up to a concentration that prevents any alteration of biological origin.


Marmalade Industry


1. Frozen fruit pulp or sulphited 2. Sucrose and invert sugar

3. pectins

4. organic acids 5. Dyestufs

(limited to certain fruits) 6. Ethyl

vanillin-Processing: 1. mixing ingredients 2. heating 3. evaporation 4. heating 5. cooling 6. packaging Storage:


Confectionary Jam/marmalade

processing: heating Added sugar heating packaging Storage:

You can see the formation of mold on the surface of the

product unopened. In this case, discard the jar.


1. Fresh fruit, washed and choice

2. sucrose

3. Hopefully apple pulp, 4. rich in pectin



The cluster is a 'infructescence,

consisting of:

The stalk structure has more or less

branched, woody vine, and depending on the degree of maturation

The berries, round or oval in




Stalk 2,5 ÷ 8 %

Grapes 92 ÷ 97,5 % •Peel 6 - 10 % • seed 2-15 %



The surface is covered with wax,

the bloom that protects the berries from the evaporation of water and holds a

number of microorganisms on the surface



Among the components of the

skin, those colors are:

1. Phenols, or phenoli acids not favonoids. Content in limited quantities and present

as glycosides and esters. The peel must pass in the wine.COOH



coloring substances

Anthocyanins. They are found in red

grapes. They are free or bound to tannins (+stable). Average amount = 1 g/L.

Stable in Ox environment, in a red fade.

excessive sulfur dioxide attenuation of the color.

Soluble in water-alcohol solution to

must pass when the skins are in contact for


Coloring Substances

2. Anthocyanins. The grapes


Coloring Substances

3. Flavonols. Yellow coloration. Are

present as glycosides. The most important is quercetin.






The tannic substances

Include compounds of diferent

structure that have some common properties:

1. cause the precipitation of proteins;


coloring substances

Condensed tannins.

Polymers of catechin and epicatechin

Catechin Epicatechin









Coloring Substances

5. hydrolysable tannins



• After carbohydrates and acids,

polyphenols are the most abundant chemical constituents of the grape. Has very important role in Wine: they are primarily responsible

for diferences between white wines and red wines, especially for color and favor, in

particular contributing to the bitter taste of the wine have antioxidant properties



At the macroscopic level, the polyphenols are

the colored part of the wine – stain.

Their compounds contained in grape skins and their presence in the wine depends on

fermentation method. More or less

prolonged contact with the skins in the determines the content and then the

wine. Based on the content of polyphenols can be classifed as white wines, rose, red, bright red, and torches. The white wines have


Beneft of Polyphenol

• Epidemiological studies and tests conducted on

humans have shown that red wine reduces the incidence of coronary atherosclerosis, more than any other alcoholic beverage.

• Subsequent investigations have also shown

that polyphenols have potent antioxidant capable of

inhibiting the formation of oxidized lipoproteins (LDL) in humans. It is now agree in this

important therapeutic action primarily

to the polyphenols and resveratrol, compounds


French paradox

The term French paradox (French paradox) was coined in 1991 is about the fact that, in the French population, the incidence of myocardial infarction is about half compared

It is now established that the explanation lies in the habit spread to a moderate consumption of red wine, food rich in antioxidants like polyphenols .


Aromatic Substances

Substances of diferent chemical nature. Most

of the varietal aromatic compounds are

the terpenes,hydrocarbons, ketones, alcohols,  aldehydes but linked the basic unit of isoprene.


citronellol nerol



Other substances present in the


1. nitrogenous substances 2. pectins

3. stilbenes




The Resveratrol

it is believed to have anti-infammatory and

anticoagulant properties relevant to the protection by atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease

In addition, it appears that resveratrol may inhibit cellular

events associated with the onset of cancer and to do and reduce cell death by oxidative stress.

Ultimately, this is one of the noblest compounds present in wine OH



The resveratrol

The biosynthesis of resveratrol is caused in

response to microbial infection or stress

in life, but also to chemical treatments such as application of herbicides and fungicides, or by exposure to UV light

In grapes, resveratrol synthesis is localized predominantly in the skin

cells. In red winemaking, therefore, the maceration with the skins makes red wines have resveratrol levels


The resveratrol

The resveratrol content in

wine depends largely on the genetic characteristics of the grape and wine-making conditions. Level Resveratrol in the American wines is less than

1 mg / L (ppm), while in European

wines the concentration is increased, especially for those of Italian,


The Pulp

The pulp of the middle band is the one that contains more sugar and less acid. In the

pulp there are sugars,

acids, polyphenols (phenolic ac.) in aromatic grapes like Muscat aromas are free

Ripening: sucrose is transported in the 'berry

Glucose and fructose (G / F = 0.9)


The Pulp

1. Water 65-85% 2. Sugar

3. glucose + fructose 15-25% 4. pentoses 0,05-0,1%

5. Acids 1,5 - 2%

6. tartaric 0,2 - 0,8% 7. malic acid 0,1 - 1% 8. citric 0,02 - 0,05% 9. Minerals 0,2 - 0,3% 10. Poliphenols 0,1 - 0,3% 11. Pectin




GLUCOSE, FRUCTOSE 120 to 300 g / L



Ribose, xylose, arabinose, rhamnose 0.5 to 1.5 g / L


the acids

Ac. Total 4 - 18 g / L

TARTARIC 2 / 10 g / L

• And 'the strongest, pK = 3.4 • Salts abundant and unstable bitartrate K

tartrate neutral K tartrate Ca

• Controlled by factors genetic

MALIC 1 / 10 g / L

• poor and soluble salts • Biologically unstable (Malolactic fermentation an d maloalcolica) • Infuenced by factors climate

CITRIC 0.5 g / L • complexing


The nitrogenous


100 - 1000 mg / L total N

  only 10 - 15% ammonia paucity of AA sulfur


1 to 3 g / L

 cations and anions from the soil

abundance of K +, Ca + +, Mg + +,

scarce Na +, Fe + +, Cu + +, Zn + +, Mn + +,



Methanol is enzymatic hydrolysis

formed of pectin, a

polysaccharide present in grapes.


grape maturation

he components of the grapes undergo,

during maturation, a series of

transformation, when culminating happened, reaching the optimal

formulation, we proceed to harvest.

1. Increase in sugars (15-22%) 2. decreased sourness



Secondo le normative CE, si defnisce vino “...il

prodotto ottenuto esclusivamente dalla fermentazione totale o parziale degli zuccheri contenuti nelle uve

fresche pigiate o non, o di mosti di uve, che si trasformano in alcole attraverso la cosiddetta fermentazione alcolica...”

According to EC regulations, defnition of wine "... the

product obtained exclusively from fermentation of

whole or partial sugar contained crushed fresh grapes or not, its must grapes, which are transformed into



Wine is undoubtedly one of the most

valuable foods in many respects. First, it is tied to tradition throughout

the world, it is the symbol of Italy, which has always been recognized as a land of choice for life, just think at the



From the commercial point of view it

represents an area where great interests converge and

large investments. Then it is a

food that in recent years has grown



Finally, it contains

some very interesting from

a nutritional point of view (considering moderate intake) because of the noble substances it contains, such as


Classifcation of Wine

1. Table Wines: wines are without any indication of origin or grape variety name or vintage year

2. Wines  geographical indication type (IGT): at least 85% come from the area whose name they bear, and must meet

certain parameters specifed in production rules

3. Wine with Designation of Origin (DOC): This is a quality wine, originating in an area well-determined, and

organoleptic characteristics of which Technical details must comply with the parameters dictated by the production rules


Classifcation of Wine

The European Union brings together in one

category of table wines and wines with

geographical indication (IGT) in the category of table wines, while the DOC and

D.O.C.G. gathered in the category of quality wines produced in specifed regions(quality wine)

A special place, then have these special wines and

between a role for tradition and nobility are of


Classifcation for alcohol

1. Table Wines 9 (Vini da Tavola) :  alcoholic strength of not less

than 8.5%.

2. Fortifed wines (Vini Liquoroso): set minimum alcoholic strength of not


Classifcation of Wine

Vini Passiti e Vinsanti/ Raisin Wine and Vinsant

: there are no general rules are specifc, are those wines that have a minimum alcohol level established by the production rules even if the actual alcohol content over 15% vol.

Vini aromatizzato/ Flavored wines: wines with a special alcohol

content below 21%, consisting mainly of fortifed wine or of alcohol and sucrose, but the substances permitted by the applicable rules and regulations, which give the product special foreign odors and favors

Vini Frizzanti/ Sparkling wine: alcoholic strength of not less


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Rata-Rata Karbon Tersimpan Dalam Biomassa di Atas Permukaan Tanah Per Daur pada Sistem TPTI Lama dan Baru Dengan Beberapa Intensitas Penebangan dan Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal

Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni. Diberikan

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Alrmot: lhm0u lld|m0molrno lbltrhnd

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Grafik 4.12 Perbandingan Hasil Kuat Tekan dan Permeabilitas Pervious Concrete 58 Grafik 4.13 Hasil Kuat Tekan dan Permeabilitas Pervious Concrete .... Pengujian
