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Vol. 12, No. 1 (2006), pp. 113–130.



M. Baˇ



, E.T. Baskoro


, M. Miller


, J. Ryan



R. Simanjuntak


, and K.A. Sugeng


Abstract.An (a, d)-edge-antimagic total labeling ofGis a one-to-one mappingftaking the vertices and edges onto 1,2, . . . ,|V(G)|+|E(G)|so that the edge-weightsw(uv) =

f(u) +f(v) +f(uv) :uv∈E(G), form an arithmetic progression with initial termaand common differenced. Such a labeling is called super if the smallest possible labels appear on the vertices. In this paper we survey what is known about edge-antimagic total and super edge-antimagic total labelings and provide a summary of current conjectures and open problems.


All graphs in this paper are finite, undirected, and simple. A graphG has vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G). We follow the notation and terminology of Wallis [31] and West [33].

A labeling of a graph is any mapping that sends some set of graph elements to a set of positive integers. If the domain is the vertex-set or the edge-set, the labelings are called, respectively,vertex labelingsoredge labelings. Moreover, if the domain isV(G)∪E(G) then the labelings are calledtotal labelings.

Hartsfield and Ringel in [16] introduced the concept of an antimagic graph. In their terminology, a graphG(V, E) is calledantimagicif its edges are labeled with labels 1,2, . . . ,|E(G)| in such a way that all vertex-weights are pairwise distinct, where a vertex-weight of vertexv is the sum of labels of all edges incident withv.

Hartsfield and Ringel [16] point out that among the antimagic graphs are pathsPn,n≥3, cycles, wheels, and complete graphs Kn,n≥3. They conjecture that every connected graph, exceptK2, is antimagic.

Received 13 August 2005, Revised 28 October 2005, Accepted 10 Nov 2005.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C78.

Key words and Phrases: Edge-antimagic total labeling, Super edge-antimagic total labeling.


Alon, Kaplan, Lev, Roditty and Yuster [2] used probabilistic arguments with tools from analytic number theory to show that this conjecture is true for all graphs having minimum degree Ω(log|V(G)|). They also prove that ifGis a graph with |V(G)| ≥4 vertices and maximum degree ∆(G)≥ |V(G)| −2 thenGis antimagic and that all complete partite graphs, exceptK2, are antimagic.

It is not difficult to produce many antimagic labelings for most graphs. Thus Bodendiek and Walther [10] introduced further restriction on the vertex-weights. They defined the concept of an (a, d)-antimagic labeling as an edge labeling in which the vertex-weights form an arithmetic progression starting fromaand having common difference d. In [18] this labeling is called (a, d)-vertex-antimagic edge labeling.

For a graph G(V, E), an injective mapping from V(G)∪E(G) onto the set {1,2, . . . ,|V(G)|+|E(G)|}is an (a, d)-vertex-antimagic total labeling if the set of all vertex-weights is {a, a+d, a+ 2d, . . . , a+ (|V(G)| −1)d}. The (a, d )-vertex-antimagic total labeling was introduced by Baˇca et al. [4] as a natural extension of the notion of vertex-magic total labeling defined by MacDougall et al. in [19] and [20]. Results about (a, d)-antimagic labelings and (a, d)-vertex-antimagic total labelings can be found in the general survey of Gallian [14].

In this paper we concentrate on a variation of antimagic labeling, where we consider the sum of all labels associated with an edge. We defineedge-weightof an edge uv under a vertex labeling to be the sum of the vertex labels corresponding to the vertices uandv. Under a total labeling, we also add the label of the edge


By an (a, d)-edge-antimagic vertex((a, d)-EAV)labelingwe mean a one-to-one mapping f fromV(G) onto{1,2, . . . ,|V(G)|}such that the set of edge-weights of all edges inG,{f(u) +f(v) :uv∈E(G)}is{a, a+d, a+ 2d, . . . , a+ (|E(G)| −1)d}. The equivalent notion of astrongly (a, d)-indexable labeling was defined by Hegde in his Ph.D. thesis (see Acharya and Hegde [1]).

An (a, d)-edge-antimagic total((a, d)-EAT)labelingis defined as a one-to-one mappingf fromV(G)∪E(G) onto the set{1,2, . . . ,|V(G)|+|E(G)|}so that the set {f(u)+f(uv)+f(v) :uv∈E(G)}is equal to{a, a+d, a+2d, . . . , a+(|E(G)|−1)d}, for two integers a >0 andd≥0.

The (a,0)-EAT labelings are usually callededge-magic labelings in the liter-ature (see [12], [17], [24] and [30]).

An (a, d)-EAT labelingf is calledsuperif it has the property that the vertex labels are the integers 1,2, . . . ,|V(G)|, that is, the smallest possible labels, and

f(E(G)) ={|V(G)|+ 1,|V(G)|+ 2, . . . ,|V(G)|+|E(G)|}.


In this paper we extend the survey paper [26] and summarize the results con-cerning (a, d)-EAT and super (a, d)-EAT labelings. We provide several conjectures and open problems for further research.


Assume that graph G has an (a, d)-EAT labeling f. The sum of all the

In the computation of the edge-weights ofG, each edge label is used once and the label of vertexui is useddeg(ui) times,i= 1,2, . . . ,|V(G)|, wheredeg(ui) is the degree of vertex ui. The sum of all vertex labels and edge labels used to calculate the edge-weights is thus equal to


Using parity considerations of the left hand and the right hand sides of (3) we have:

Proposition 1. [25]A graph with all vertices of odd degrees cannot have an(a, d) -EAT labeling withaand dboth even.

Proposition 2. [25]LetGbe a graph with all vertices of odd degrees. If|E(G)| ≡0 (mod4) and|V(G)| ≡2 (mod 4)then Ghas no(a, d)-EAT labeling.

Proposition 3. [25]Suppose Gis a graph whose every vertex has an odd degree. Then in the following cases Ghas no(a, d)-EAT labeling.


For an (a, d)-EAT labeling, the minimum possible edge-weight is at least 1 + 2 + 3. Consequentlya≥6. The maximum possible edge-weight is no more than (|V|+|E| −2) + (|V|+|E| −1) + (|V|+|E|) = 3|V|+ 3|E| −3.


a+ (|E| −1)d≤3|V|+ 3|E| −3,

d≤ 3|V|+ 3|E| −9

|E| −1 (4)

and we have an upper bound for the parameterdfor an (a, d)-EAT labeling ofG. Next we present some relationships between (a, d)-EAV labeling, (a, d)-EAT labeling and other kinds of labelings, namely, edge-magic vertex ((k,0)-EAV) la-beling and edge-magic total ((k,0)-EAT) labeling.

Theorem 1. [3]IfGhas an edge-magic vertex labeling with magic constantkthen

Ghas a (k+|V|+ 1,1)-EAT labeling.

Theorem 2. [3] Let G be a graph which admits total labeling and whose edge labels constitute an arithmetic progression with differenced. Then the following are equivalent.

(i)Ghas an edge-magic total labeling with magic constantk, (ii)Ghas a (k−(|E| −1)d,2d)-EAT labeling.

LetCn be the cycle with V(Cn) ={vi : 1≤i≤n} and E(Cn) ={vivi+1 :

1 ≤ i ≤n−1} ∪ {vnv1}. It follows from (4) that for every cycle Cn there is no (a, d)-EAT labeling withd >5.

Kotzig and Rosa [17] showed that the cycles Cn, n ≥ 3, are edge-magic ((a,0)-EAT in our terminology) with the common edge-weight 3n+ 1 (fornodd),


2 + 2 (for n≡2 (mod 4)) and 3n (forn≡0 (mod 4)). An edge-magic labeling

forCn with the common edge-weight 5n2+3 (fornodd) and 52n+ 2 (forneven) was described by Godbold and Slater in [15]. Explicit constructions that show that all cycles are edge-magic have been found by Berkman, Parnas and Roditty [9].

Ford≥1, the following results are known.

Theorem 3. [25]Every cycleCnhas(2n+2,1)-EAT and(3n+2,1)-EAT labelings.

Theorem 4. [25]Every even cycle C2k has (4k+ 2,2)-EAT and (4k+ 3,2)-EAT


Theorem 5. [25]Every odd cycleC2k+1,k≥1, has(3k+4,3)-EAT and(3k+5,3)

-EAT labelings.

Theorem 6. [3]Every odd cycle C2k+1, k≥1, has (3k+ 4,2)-EAT,(5k+ 5,2)

-EAT, (2k+ 4,4)-EAT and (2k+ 5,4)-EAT labelings.

Theorem 7. [23] Every odd cycleC2k+1,k≥1, has (4k+ 4,1)-EAT,(6k+ 5,1)


Theorem 8. [8]Every cycle Cn, n≥3, has (2n+ 2,3)-EAT and (n+ 4,3)-EAT


Open Problem 1. Find (a, d)-EAT labelings for even cycles withd∈ {4,5} and for odd cycles withd= 5.

LetPn be the path with V(Pn) = {vi : 1 ≤i ≤n} and E(Pn) = {vivi+1 :

1≤i≤n−1}. Applying Equation (4) to the paths, we obtain that for every path

Pn there is no (a, d)-EAT labeling withd >6.

Theorem 9. [30] All paths are edge-magic((a,0)-EAT).

Theorem 10. [3]Every pathPnhas (2n+ 2,1)-EAT,(3n,1)-EAT,(n+ 4,3)-EAT

and(2n+ 2,3)-EAT labelings.

Theorem 11. [23] Every odd pathP2k+1,k≥1, has(4k+ 4,1)-EAT,(6k+ 5,1)

-EAT, (4k+ 4,2)-EAT and (4k+ 5,2)-EAT labelings.

Theorem 12. Every odd path P2k+1,k≥1, has(3k+ 4,2)-EAT,(5k+ 4,2)-EAT,

(2k+ 4,4)-EAT and (2k+ 6,4)-EAT labelings.

Theorem 13. [3]Every even pathP2k,k≥1, has(3k+ 3,2)-EAT and(5k+ 1,2)

-EAT labelings.

Theorem 14. [29]Every even path P2k,k≥1, has (2k+ 4,4)-EAT labeling.

Theorem 15. [29]Every pathPn,n≥2, has (6,6)-EAT labeling.

We propose the following open problem.

Open Problem 2. Find (a,5)-EAT labelings for paths Pn, for the feasible values

of a.


We start this section by a necessary condition for a graph to be super (a, d )-EAT which will provide an upper bound on the parameterd.

The minimum possible edge-weight in a super (a, d)-EAT labeling is at least 1+2+(|V(G)|+1) =|V(G)|+4. Consequently,a≥ |V(G)|+4. On the other hand, the maximum possible edge-weight is at most (|V(G)| −1) +|V(G)|+ (|V(G)|+ |E(G)|) = 3|V(G)|+|E(G)| −1.


a+ (|E(G)| −1)d≤3|V(G)|+|E(G)| −1

and we have the following

Theorem 16. If a graphG(V, E)is super(a, d)-EAT then d≤2|V(G|E)|+|(G)|−1E(G)|−5.


Theorem 17. [3]IfGhas an (a, d)-EAV labeling then

The edge-magic labeling for an odd cycleCnwith common edge-weight 5n2+3, described by Godbold and Slater in [15], is super¡5n+3

2 ,0

n to mean the graph constructed from a cycleCn by joining two vertices whose distance in the cycle is t. Forn≥4, 2≤t≤n−2, the graph


n is of course also the graphC n−t n .

This section provides the values oftfor which there exists a super (a, d)-EAT labeling of Ct

n. If n is odd we can restrict our attention to t either odd or even, while ifnis even we will pay attention only totat most n

2. Suppose the endpoints

of the chord receive labelsxandy. The following result (in the light of Theorem 16) provides the valuesaandx+y under a super (a, d)-edge-antimagic total labeling.

Theorem 20. [6]LetCt

The following results for super (a,0)-EAT labelings were obtained by Mac-Dougall and Wallis [21] and for super (a, d)-EAT labelings,d∈ {1,2}, by Baˇca and Murugan [6].

Theorem 21. [6, 21] For n odd, n = 2k+ 1 ≥ 5, and for all possible values t, every graphCt


(i) super(a,0)-EAT labeling witha= 5k+ 4 ora= 5k+ 5, and (ii) super(a,2)-EAT labeling with a= 3k+ 3or a= 3k+ 4.

Theorem 22. [6, 21]Forn≡0 (mod4),n≥4, the graphCt n has

(i) a super(5n

2 + 2,0)-EAT labeling, and

(ii) a super(3n

2 + 2,2)-EAT labeling,

for allt≡2 (mod4).

Theorem 23. [6, 21] Forn= 10and forn≡2 (mod4),n≥18, the graphCt n has

(i) super(5n

2 + 2,0)-EAT labeling, and

(ii) super(3n

2 + 2,2)-EAT labeling,

for allt≡3 (mod4) and fort= 2andt= 6.

Theorem 24. [6, 21]Forn odd,n≥5, and for all possible values of t, the graph


n has a super (2n+ 2,1)-EAT labeling.

Theorem 25. [6, 21]Forneven,n≥6, and for t odd,t≥3, the graphCt n has a

super (2n+ 2,1)-EAT labeling.

Theorem 26. [6, 21]Forn≡0 (mod4),n≥4, and fort≡2 (mod4),t≥2, the graph Ct

n has a super(2n+ 2,1)-EAT labeling.

The paper [6] concludes with the following conjecture.

Conjecture 1. There is a super (2n+ 2,1)-EAT labeling ofCt n for

(i)n≡0 (mod4) and fort≡0 (mod4), and (ii)n≡2 (mod4)and fort even.

3.3. Friendship Graphs

Thefriendship graphFnis a set ofntriangles having a common central vertex, and otherwise disjoint. If the friendship graphFn,n≥1, is super (a, d)-EAT then, from Theorem 16, it follows that d <3. The following result characterizes (a, 1)-edge-antimagicness of friendship graphs.


From Lemma 1 and Theorem 17 we obtain

Theorem 27. [7] Forn∈ {1,3,4,5,7}, the friendship graph Fn has super (a,0)

-EAT and super (a,2)-EAT labelings.

Moreover, Baˇcaet al. [7] proved that

Theorem 28. [7]Every friendship graph Fn,n≥1, has super(a,1)-EAT labeling.

For further investigation, we propose the following open problem.

Open Problem 3. For the friendship graph Fn, determine if there is a super (a,0)-EAT or super(a,2)-EAT labeling, forn >7.

3.4. Fans

AfanFn, n≥2, is a graph obtained by joining all vertices of pathPn to a further vertex called the centre. It follows from Theorem 16 that if Fn, n≥2, is super (a, d)-EAT thend <3.

Lemma 2. [7]The fan Fn has(3,1)-EAV labeling if and only if2≤n≤6.

Figueroa-Centeno, Ichishima and Muntaner-Batle [12] showed that fanFn is super edge-magic (super (a,0)-EAT) if and only if 2≤ n ≤6. Then, in light of Lemma 2, we get the following

Theorem 29. [7] The fan Fn is super (a, d)-EAT total if 2 ≤ n ≤ 6 and d ∈ {0,1,2}.

Open Problem 4. For the fan Fn, determine if there is a super (a,1)-EAT or

super (a,2)-EAT labeling for n >6.

3.5. Wheels

AwheelWn,n≥3, is a graph obtained by joining all vertices of cycleCn to a further vertex called the centre. If wheel Wn, n ≥3, is super (a, d)-EAT then

d < 2. Enomoto, Llado, Nakamigawa and Ringel [11] proved that a wheel graph

Wn is not super edge-magic (super (a,0)-EAT). In [7] it is proved that:

Theorem 30. [7]The wheelWn has super(a, d)-EAT labeling if and only ifd= 1


u1 u2 u3 u4 un1 un

v1 v2 v3 v4 vn1 vn

Figure 1: Ladder Ln=Pn×P2.

3.6. Ladders

Let Ln = Pn ×P2 be a ladder with V(Ln) = {ui, vi : 1 ≤ i ≤ n} and

E(Ln) = {uiui+1, vivi+1 : 1≤i ≤n−1} ∪ {uivi : 1≤i ≤n}. See Fig.1. From Theorem 16 it follows that if ladder Ln, n ≥ 2, is super (a, d)-EAT, then the parameterd≤7


Figueroa-Centeno, Ichishima and Muntaner-Batle [12] proved that the ladder

Ln has¡n+52 ,1¢-edge-antimagic vertex labeling. Then, in the light of Theorem 17, the next theorem holds.

Theorem 31. [27] The ladder Ln =Pn×P2 is super (a, d)-EAT if nis odd and d∈ {0,1,2}.

Theorem 32. [27]The ladder Ln=Pn×P2 is super(a,1)-EAT ifnis even.

It is easily verified thatL2is not super (a,0)-EAT. Figueroa-Centeno, Ichishima

and Muntaner-Batle [12] have found super (a,0)-EAT labelings forn= 4 andn= 6. They suspect that a super (a,0)-EAT labeling might be found for larger even values ofn. Thus the following conjecture may hold.

Conjecture 2. The ladder Ln = Pn×P2 is super (a, d)-EAT if n is even and d∈ {0,2}.

Another variation of a ladder graph is specified as follows. A ladder L′


n≥2, is a graph obtained by completing the ladderLn=Pn×P2 by edgesuivi+1

for 1≤i≤n−1.

Lemma 3. [27] The ladderL′n,n≥2, has (a,1)-EAV labeling.

Sugenget al. proved that

Theorem 33. [27]The ladderL′n,n≥2, has super(a, d)-EAT labeling if and only


3.7. Generalized Prisms

The generalized prism can be defined as the cartesian productCm×Pn of a cycle on m vertices with a path on n vertices. Let V(Cm×Pn) = {vi,j : 0 ≤

Figure 2: Generalized prismCm×Pn.

Lemma 4. [27] The generalized prism Cm×Pn has (a,1)-EAV labeling if m is

odd,m≥3 andn≥2.

Theorem 34. [27]Ifmis odd,m≥3,n≥2andd∈ {0,1,2}, then the generalized prismCm×Pn has super(a, d)-EAT labeling.

Note that Figueroa-Centeno, Ichishima and Muntaner-Batle [12] have shown that the generalized prism Cm×Pn is super edge-magic (super (a,0)-EAT) ifm is odd and n ≥ 2. The next theorem shows super (a,1)-edge-antimagicness of

Cm×Pn, formeven.

Theorem 35. [27]Ifmis even,m≥4,n≥2, then the generalized prismCm×Pn

has super(a,1)-EAT labeling.

Lemma 5. [27]For prismCm×P2,m even,m≥4, there is no super (a,0)-EAT

labeling and no super (a,2)-EAT labeling.

Applying Theorems 34 and 35 and Lemma 5 for prismCm×P2, we obtain

the following

Theorem 36. [27] The prismCm×P2 has super(a, d)-EAT labeling if and only if


What can be said about super (a, d)-EAT labeling ofCm×Pn for the

remain-m can be obtained by completing the generalized prismCm×Pnby edgesvi,j+1vi+1,j for 0≤i≤m−1, 1≤j ≤n−1, with indicesi

Theorem 37. [27] The generalized antiprism An

m, m≥3,n≥2, is super (a, d)

-EAT if and only if d= 1.

3.9. Generalized Petersen Graphs

Watkins [32] defined a generalized Petersen graph as follows: Thegeneralized Petersen graph P(n, m), n ≥ 3 and 1 ≤ m ≤ ⌊(n−1)/2⌋, consists of an outer

Figueroa-Centeno, Ichishima and Muntaner-Batle [12] and Fukuchi [13] con-structed (a,1)-EAV labelings for the generalized Petersen graphsP(n,1) andP(n,2) which, together with Theorem 17, give the following result.

Theorem 39. [5] Every generalized Petersen graph P(n, m), n odd, n ≥3, 1 ≤

Furthermore, Ngurah and Baskoro [22] proved






y4 y5

y6 y7






x4 x8



x5 y0




y4 y5

y6 y7






x4 x5

x6 x7



Baˇcaet al. [5] put forward the following

Conjecture 4. There is a super (a, d)-EAT labeling for the generalized Petersen graph P(n, m)fornodd,n≥9,d∈ {0,2} and3≤m≤ n−3

2 .

3.10. Complete Bipartite Graphs

Let Kn,n be the complete bipartite graph with V(Kn,n) = {xi : 1 ≤ i ≤

n} ∪ {yj : 1≤j ≤n}and E(Kn,n) ={xiyj : 1≤i≤n and 1 ≤j ≤n}. Using Theorem 16, if the complete bipartite graphKn,n,n≥4, is super (a, d)-EAT then

d <2, while ifKn,n, 2≤n≤3, is super (a, d)-EAT thend <3.

Theorem 42. [7]Every complete bipartite graphKn,n,n≥2, has super(a,1)-EAT


Theorem 43. [11] A complete bipartite graph Km,n is super edge-magic (super (a,0)-EAT)if and only if m= 1or n= 1.

Theorem 43 asserts that, forn≥2, there is no super (a,0)-EAT labeling of

Kn,n. ForK2,2andK3,3it was proved that

Theorem 44. [7]For complete bipartite graphKn,n,2≤n≤3, there is no super (a,2)-EAT labeling.

From Theorems 42, 43 and 44, it follows that

Theorem 45. [7]The complete bipartite graphKn,n has super(a, d)-EAT labeling

if and only if d= 1andn≥2.

3.11. Complete Graphs

From Theorem 16, it follows that if the complete graphKn, n≥3, is super (a, d)-EAT thend≤2. In [7], Baˇcaet al. proved that

Theorem 46. [7]The complete graphKn,n≥3, has super(a, d)-EAT labeling if

and only if

(i)d= 0andn= 3, or (ii)d= 1 andn≥3, or (iii)d= 2andn= 3.

3.12. Stars

Letxo denote the central vertex of a starSn, n≥1, and xi, 1 ≤i ≤n, be its leaves. Theorem 16 provides an upper bound on the parameter d, i.e., if a star

Sn, n≥1, is super (a, d)-EAT thend≤3. In [28], Sugenget al. proved that


In light of the preceding lemma and Theorem 17, the next result follows immediately.

Theorem 47. [28] The star Sn, n≥ 1, has super (a,0)-EAT labeling and super (a,2)-EAT labeling.

Applying the construction of (a,1)-EAV labeling from Lemma 6 and com-pleting an edge labeling by a special procedure, it was shown that

Theorem 48. [28]The starSn,n≥1, has super(a,1)-EAT labeling.

To completely characterize super (a, d)-EAT labeling of Sn, it only remains to consider the cased= 3. In [28], it is proved that

Theorem 49. [28]For the starSn,n≥3, there is no super(a,3)-EAT labeling.

Thus from Lemma 6 and Theorems 47, 48 and 49, it follows that

Theorem 50. [28]The starSn has super(a, d)-EAT labeling if and only if

(i)d∈ {0,1,2} andn≥1, or (ii)d= 3 and1≤n≤2.

3.13. Caterpillars

Acaterpillaris a graph derived from a path by hanging any number of leaves from the vertices of the path. The caterpillar can be seen as a sequence of stars

S1∪S2∪. . .∪Sr, where eachSi is a star with central vertexci andni leaves for EAT thend≤3. Kotzig and Rosa [17] (see also Wallis [31]) proved that caterpillars have super (a,1)-EAV labeling. This result, together with Theorem 17, gives

Theorem 51. All caterpillars are super(a,0)-EAT and super(a,2)-EAT.

Theorem 52. [28]Every caterpillar with even number of vertices has super(a,1) -EAT labeling.


x11 x21 x31 xn1−1

2⌋denotes the greatest integer smaller than or equal to


2. The following theorems

give results for super (a,3)-edge-antimagicness of caterpillarSn1,n2,...,nr.

Theorem 54. [28]If ris even andN1=N2 or|N1−N2|= 1then the caterpillar Sn1,n2,...,nr has super(a,3)-EAT labeling.

Theorem 55. [28] If r is odd and N1 =N2 or N1=N2+ 1 then the caterpillar Sn1,n2,...,nr has super(a,3)-EAT labeling.

For the caterpillarSn1,n2,...,nr, r odd and N2 =N1+ 1, we have not found

any super (a,3)-EAT labeling. So, we propose the following open problem.

Open Problem 5. For the caterpillar Sn1,n2,...,nr, determine if there is a super (a,3)-EAT labeling, forr odd andN2=N1+ 1.

It is an easy consequence of the Theorem 54 that a double starSm,n,m, n≥2, can have super (a,3)-EAT labeling ifm=nor|m−n|= 1. For other cases, it was proved in [28] that

Theorem 56. [28] For the double star Sm,n, m6=n and|m−n| 6= 1, there is no

super (a,3)-EAT labeling.

Sugenget al. [28] suggest the following

Conjecture 5. For the caterpillarSn1,n2,...,nr,N16=N2 and|N1−N2| 6= 1, there

is no super(a,3)-EAT labeling.



Many researchers have studied edge-magic total and super edge-magic total labelings for many families of disconnected graphs (see the general survey of Gal-lian [14]) and obtained a wealth of results. We believe that these results can be extended to (a, d)-EAT or super (a, d)-EAT labelings.

Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank the referee for his valuable comments.


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M. Baˇca: Department of Applied Mathematics Technical University, Letn´a 9, 042 00 Koˇsice, Slovak Republic. E-mail: Martin.Baca@tuke.sk.

E.T. Baskoro: Department of Mathematics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung 40132, Indonesia. E-mail: ebaskoro@math.itb.ac.id.

M. Miller: School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, University of Ballarat, Australia. E-mail: m.miller@ballarat.edu.au.

J. Ryan: School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, University of Ballarat, Australia. E-mail: joe.ryan@ballarat.edu.au.

R. Simanjuntak: Department of Mathematics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung 40132, Indonesia. E-mail: rino@math.itb.ac.id.


Figure 1: Ladder Ln = Pn × P2.
Figure 2: Generalized prism Cm × Pn.
Figure 3: Generalized Petersen graph P(9, 4) and P(9, 3).
Figure 4: Caterpillar Sn1,n2,...,nr.


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