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ATI -Overview.


Academic year: 2021

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ATI - Overview


Outline General Overview

• IT Architecture

• Physical architecture

• Internet & Web architecture

• Business Process and IT in enterprise

• Business Process and IT in enterprise

• Web 2.0 and Mobile Computing architecture


IT Architecture

The roadmap or blueprint that guides the build out (kebijakan) of IT capabilities,

acquisition of networks, cloud services,

Information System, software & hardware Information System, software & hardware

• The IT architecture defines the vision, standards, and roadmap that guide the

priorities, operations, and management of the ITs supporting the business


Physical (HW & Server)




In general, any application where multiple clients connect to a single server.

client1 client2 client3


• one client program (most typical) or


Peer-to-Peer Computing

Another model of distributed system

P2P does not distinguish clients and servers

Instead all nodes are considered peers

May each act as client, server or both

May each act as client, server or both

Node must join P2P network

Registers its service with central lookup service on network, or

• Broadcast request for service and respond to requests for service via discovery protocol


Cluster Network

A cluster is a type of parallel and distributed processing system, which consists of a collection of interconnected stand-alone

computers cooperatively working together as a single,

integrated computing resource.

A node

– a single or multiprocessor system with memory, I/O facilities,

– a single or multiprocessor system with memory, I/O facilities, & OS

A cluster

– generally 2 or more computers (nodes) connected together

– in a single cabinet, or physically separated & connected via a LAN


Cluster Architecture

Sequential Applications

Parallel Applications

Parallel Programming Environment

Cluster Layer

(Single System Image and Availability Infrastructure)

Sequential Applications

Sequential Applications

Parallel Applications

Parallel Applications

(Single System Image and Availability Infrastructure)

Cluster Interconnection Network


Network Interface Hardware

Communications Software


Network Interface Hardware

Communications Software


Network Interface Hardware

Communications Software


Network Interface Hardware

Communications Software


Cloud Computing is…

… virtualized compute power and storage delivered via platform-agnostic

infrastructures of abstracted hardware and software accessed over the Internet.

software accessed over the Internet.

These shared, on-demand IT resources, are created and disposed of efficiently, are

dynamically scalable through a variety of

programmatic interfaces and are billed


Cloud – Virtualization (leads to

Green Computing)


Internet & Web Architecture

Internet & Web Architecture


Protokol Web: HTTP

Hypertext Transport Protocol (RFC 1945)

– Oleh Tim Berners-Lee, 1990

• Protocol that used to communicate between web browsers and web servers

Using TCP port 80 (default)

Using TCP port 80 (default)

This protocol supports hypermedia files


Web tier architecture

Client Presentation HTML rendering Templates, HTML generation scripts, XML and XSLT Application-specific components Business Logic Data Access Data Application-specific components and application logic

Domain-specific and

database-independent layer, typically object-oriented

Data storage, typically an (SQL) RDBMS


Service Oriented Architecture

• SOA adalah sebuah konsep architecture yang mendefinisikan penggunaan layanan untuk mendukung kebutuhan pengguna software.

• A service-oriented architecture is a framework for integrating business processes and

for integrating business processes and supporting IT infrastructure as secure,

standardized components—services—that can be reused and combined to address changing business priorities


Characteristics of SOA

Services have platform

independent, self describing

interfaces (XML)

Messages are formally definedServices can be discovered

SOA SOA SOA SOA Composable Composable

Services can be discoveredServices have quality of

service characteristics defined in


Services can be provided on any

platform SOA SOA SOA SOA Interoperable Interoperable Loosely Loosely Coupled Coupled Re Re--UsableUsable


SOA implementation : Web Service

Mempertukarkan data dalam format XML.

• Tersedia dan dikomunikasikan melalui Internet atau intranet.

• Bersifat operating system/programming language


Web service mempertukarkan data antara service requestor (aplikasi yang menggunakan data/service) dan service

(aplikasi yang menggunakan data/service) dan service

provider (server penyedia data/service) menggunakan service registry (yang berisi kumpulan service-service), dengan salah

satu teknologi:




Web Service Layer

• Service transport

• XML messaging dan encoding/decoding

• Service description

• Service discovery


SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

SOAP merupakan protokol komunikasi

berbasis XML yang memperbolehkan aplikasi saling bertukar informasi melalui HTTP

SOAP merupakan format untuk mengirimkan

SOAP merupakan format untuk mengirimkan message melalui Internet, bersifat platform independent, language independent, dan merupakan standar W3C

SOAP membungkus request & response dalam XML


Elemen SOAP

Elemen Envelope yang mengidentifikasi XML dokumen sebagai SOAP message (wajib)

Elemen Header yang berisi informasi header (opsional) informasi header (opsional)

Elemen Body yang berisi informasi call dan response (wajib)

Elemen Fault yang berisi informasi error yang terjadi (opsional)



REST stands for Representation State Transfer

REST is about accessing resources through a

universal interface (HTTP murni)

Conceived in 2000 as a doctoral dissertation by Roy

Conceived in 2000 as a doctoral dissertation by Roy

Fielding (a principal author of HTTP 1.0 dan 1.1


RESTful URLs are addressable

– Sample: http://www.mysite.com/Products/Trek8300


RESTful Web Services Resources Res 1 Res 2 HTTP Request URL GET Res 2 Res 3 Res 4 HTTP Response Status GET POST PUT DELETE XML JSON Payload XML JSON


Business Process and IT in

Business Process and IT in









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ing use counting ources ons rketing chnology velopment Purchasi Warehou

Finance & Acc

Human Reso Operatio

Sales & Mar

Information Tec Research & Dev



• Penggunaan media elektronik untuk melakukan perniagaan / perdagangan

– Telepon, fax, ATM, handphone, SMS

– Banking: ATM phone banking, internet banking

• Secara khusus

• Secara khusus

– Penggunaan Internet untuk melakukan perniagaan

– Ada transaksi

• E-Commerce dimulai sejak 1970-an


The Structure of E-Commerce in



Web 2.0 and Mobile Computing


Web 2.0 and Mobile Computing



The Seven Key Principles


Data Architecture

Data Architecture


Data Warehouse vs Data Mart

DW: A generic term for a system of storing,

retrieving and managing large amounts of data

Software often includes sophisticated compression

and hashing techniques for fast searching and filtering

DM: type of data warehouse designed mainly to

DM: type of data warehouse designed mainly to

address a specific function or department’s needs

Often uses aggregation or summarization of the data to enhance query performance

– Important, however, to maintain the ability to access the underlying base data to enable drilldown analysis


Data Mining

• Exploration & analysis, by automatic or semi-automatic means, of

large quantities of data in order to discover




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