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AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHER’S TEACHING SPEAKING TECHNIQUE AT VIII GRADE OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 SINTUK TOBOH GADANG PARIAMAN THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment as one of the requirements for undergraduate program in English Education the Strata one (S1) D


Academic year: 2018

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Submitted in partial fulfillment as one of the requirements for undergraduate program in English Education the Strata one (S1) Degree

Written by: RAHIMIN 1314050824





Rahimin, 2017. An Analysis of Teacher’s Teaching Speaking Technique VIII Grade of Junior High School 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang Padang Pariaman

The inappropriate technique of teacher in teaching-learning made the students less practice in speaking. The students got difficulties to start how to speak and organize it into well sequences, they lack of knowledge in term of grammar, and less of vocabulary. Therefore, to improve the students speaking skill, it needs appropriate technique to make learning more effective. There are many techniques are teachers can performance in classroom such as storytelling, discussion, describing picture, brainstorming, story completing, information gap, role play, simulation, interview and reporting, Kayi (2006: 2-4)

The purpose of this research is to analyze the teacher technique in teaching speaking at class VIII of Junior High School 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang Padang Pariaman, from this research should found what techniques are mostly used by the teacher were

teaching speaking and what are students’ response about the teacher performance in the

classroom when teaching process at class VIII.

The participant of this research was all of the students at class VIII and English teacher in class VIII of Senior High School 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang Padang Pariaman that consist of 219 students who were divided into seven classes. The technique to choose the sample is done by taking the subject not based on the strata, random or area but based on the availability of time, fund and energy in order to reach a certain purpose.

The data was analyzed used the observation sheet, interview and document. The results are the techniques mostly used are storytelling, brainstorming, discussion and describing picture. The students’ response was enthusiasm and enjoyed the classroom learning process.



Rahimin, 2017. An Analysis of Teacher’s Teaching Speaking Technique VIII Grade of Junior High School 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang Padang Pariaman

Teknik guru yang belum tepat dalam proses pembelajaran membuat siswa jarang berlatih bicara bahasa Inggris(speaking). Siswa mendapat kesulitan dalam memulai bicara dan menyusun ide bicara mereka dalam susunan yang baik, Pengetahuan siswa kurang tentang tata bahasa, dan juga penggunaan kosakata. Oleh karena itu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam speaking di butuhkan teknik yang sesuia dalam pembelajaran yang membuat proses belajar lebih efektif. Ada beberapa teknik yang bisa guru terapkan dalam kelas seperti halnya storytelling, discussion, describing picture, brainstorming, story completing, information gap, role play, simulation, interview dan reporting, Kayi (2006: 2-4).

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis teknik guru dalam mengajar speaking di kelas VIII pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang Padang Pariaman. Dari hasil peneltian ini akan tampak nantinya apa-apa saja teknik yang sering digunakan oleh guru dalam mengajar speaking dalam kelas dan bagaimana respon siswa terhadap teknik guru tersebut dalam peruses kelas.

Partisipan dalam peneltian ini ialah mencakup semua siswa kelas VIII an guru bahasa Inggris yang mengajar di kelas tersebut yakni di kelas VIII Sekolah Menegah Pertama (SMP) 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang Padang Pariaman yang muridnya berjumalah 219 siswa yang dibagi atas tujuh kelas. Dalam pemilihan sampel atau subject peneltian, peneliti tidak mengunakan strata atau teknik random melainkan dengan ketersediaan waktu, biaya dan energy untuk menemukan pencapain tujuan penelitian ini.

Data dianalisis mengguanakan alat seperi lembaran observasi, wawancara dan dokumen. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa teknik yang sering dipakai oleh guru yakni storytelling, brainstorming, diskusi dan describing picture. Respon siswa yang antusias dan siswa menikmati peruses pembelajaran didalam kelas.



“In The Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin. Praise to Allah SWT who has given the health, opportunity, knowledge, and strength to finish the thesis entitled An Analysis of Teachers’ Speaking Technique towards Students Speaking Achievement at Class VIII Junior High School 1 of Sintuk Toboh Gadang-Padang Pariaman. Shalawat and Salam may be upon for Prophet Muhammad SAW, the beloved rasul and the prophet of Allah and the leader of Islam who had struggle for the glory of the only belief on the earth, Islam ; May Allah blesses him and gives him peace.

This thesis is aimed at fulfilling one of the requirements in order to complete S1 program at the Department of English Tadris in Faculty Islamic Education and Teacher Training UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. Upon completing this thesis, the researcher got unmeasured assistances and helps from parents, supervisors, lectures, and everyone. So that, the researcher want to say thank

deeply to the following; the first of all, Mr. Besral, M.Pd., as the head of English study program, thank to my both Supervisors Dr. Ramayanti, M.Pd and Drs. H. Elismawati, M.Pd thanks for their professional helps, valuable suggestions, command, advices, correction, and times to support me in completing this thesis. The researcher would also like to express the gratitude to Mr. Besral, S.Pd, M.Pd and Dr. Arwemi, M.Pd as examiners who have given comments, suggestions, and constructive feedbacks in improving this thesis. The researcher’s gratitude is also addressed to the Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty of UIN Imam Bonjol Padang and all staff members of the faculty, and also all lectures of Tarbiyah Faculty for their teaching and supports.



After that, the researcher would also like to express my gratitude to Mrs. Deswiyanti, M.Pd as the headmaster oh Junior High School 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang Padang Pariaman for giving the participation, permission and opportunity during this research. Mr, Zulfitri, S.Pd (English teacher of Junior High School 1 Sintoga) for his permission and opportunity to carry out the research, and to all the students at class VIII for their participation on this research.

Finally, the researcher would like to say thanks to my beloved friends that stay with me in the Nurul Hidayah palace since the first time they came help me, Idil Fitra Markiadi, Boby Riski Ananda, Risky Darwan, Rizal Efendi and Sopiyan Alwi and for all the support. All of her friends in English department study programs, that can not mention one by one, who had given supports and motivation during the study and anyone who assisted me in finishing this thesis. May Allah bless all and give the best in return for all who was participated in writing this thesis. Amin.

The researcher realized that this thesis may be having several weaknesses. Therefore, any comment and suggestion, and criticism are expected to come up, in order to make a great one.

Padang, 2017





A. Background of the Problem ... 1

B. Focus of the Problem ... 5

C. Formulation of the Problem ... 5

D. Objective of the Problem ... 5

E. Significant of the Problem ... 5

F. Definition of the Key Terms ... 6

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Theories... 1. The Concept of Speaking Skill ... 7

a. Definition of Speaking Skill ... 7

b. The Component of Speaking Skill ... 10

c. Assessment of Speaking Skill ... 12

2. The Concept of Teaching Speaking Technique ... 15

a. Definition of Teaching Speaking Technique ... 15

b. The Principles for Designing Speaking Technique ... 17

c. Material in Teaching Speaking ... 19

d. Effective Teacher in Teaching Speaking ... 21

e. Types of Teaching Speaking Technique ... 24

1) Discussion ... 25

2) Role Play ... 26

3) Simulations ... 27

4) Information Gap ... 28



7) Interview ... 31

8) Story Completion ... 32

9) Reporting ... 33

10)Picture Describing ... 33

B. The Review of Related Research ... 34

C. Conceptual Framework ... 35

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Design... B. The Time and Place of Research ... 37

C. Participant of The Research ... 37

D. Research Instrument... 39

E. Technique of Data Collection ... 42

1. Observation ... 43

2. Interview ... 43

3. Triangulation ... 44

F. Technique of Data Analysis ... 45

1. Analysis the data Before in the Place of Research ... 45

2. Analysis the data in the Place of Research ... 45

a. Data Reduction ... 45

b. Data Display ... 46

c. Conclution Drawing ... 46


B. Discussion ... 54




Table 1.1 : Mean of Speaking Scores of Class VIII ...3

Table 2.1 : Indicator of Speaking Skill Assessment ...12

Table 2.2 : Procedure of Discussion Technique ...25

Table 2.3 : Procedure of Role Play Technique ...27

Table 2.4 : Procedure of Simulation Technique ...28

Table 2.5 : Procedure of Information Gap Technique ...29

Table 2.6 : Procedure of Brainstorming Technique ...29

Table 2.7 : Procedure of Story Telling Technique ...31

Table 2.8 : Procedure of Interview Technique ...31

Table 2.9 : Procedure of Story Completing Technique ...32

Table 2.10 : Procedure of Picture Describing Technique ...34

Table 3.1 : The Total of English Teacher at Junior High School 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang Padang Pariaman ...37



Appendix : Observation sheet of Teacher’s Teachings Process and students’ activities

Appendix : Transcript of Interview with the Teacher, headmaster and Students

Appendix : Field note



A. Background of the Problem

The aim of the teaching English in Indonesia especially teaching English at

Junior High School is to help students to be able to use English in spoken and

written form. The important of English as increasing competition in global

community, and developing the students‟ comprehension about relation between

language and culture. Education Low(2003:13). Speaking is one of skills should

be mastered to help students increase their competence in English lesson. At

Junior High School level, speaking is one of the four basic skills which are taught

to the students based on “Curriculum based Educational Level (KTSP) 2006, as

the follow up of the previous curriculum (curriculum based on competence). The

goal of teaching speaking in junior high school is communicative competence

(Department of Education 2004). It means that at the end of teaching and learning

process, the students are able to communicate either in spoken or in written form.

In teaching speaking, the teacher can use many techniques, According to Kayi

(2006) in her article entitles “Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)”

journal writes that there are some techniques in teaching speaking to promote

speaking. Are; Discussion, role play, Simulations, Information Gap,

Brainstorming, Storytelling, Interviews, story completion, reporting, picture


According to Nunan (2003)there are techniques in teaching speaking

namely:Information gap, Jigsaw activities,role plays, simulation andContact

assignments.Teaching and learning in the classroom can be run effectively if

supported byteacher technique, the learning process with applying the effective

teacniques, teaching and learning situation would be nice, it can raise the students

motivation in learning. Creative teachers can develop learning material, so that

teaching and learning are not monotonous. The teacher also use media to

supportteaching and learning process.

Based on the preliminary observation was done in Junior High School

1Sintuk Toboh Gadang Padang Pariaman. The researcher found that the English

teacher had been teaching the English lesson at class VIII, in this class has two

teachers who teaches English lesson, the English teachers in this class also had

been teaching the speaking material in many time and situation. Class VIII has

seven classrooms, for each classroom there 32 or 31 students, in a week they have

two times English lesson meeting, the students are enthusiastic in learning

English. But, sometime the students get difficult in speaking, they had lack

motivation to perform their spoken language, lacked of vocabularies and

pronounce. So, most of students have no self-confidence to speak in English.

However, programs that prepared language teachers gave little attention to

techniques for helping students learn speaking English, choosing classroom

techniques is the day-to-day bussines of every English teacher to make the good


Many techniques are used by the teachers to teaching speaking in classroom such

as researcher discusses it in the next chapter in this research.

Additionally, there are facts of the students‟ problem in learning English at

Junior High School 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang: First, some of student feel English lesson as difficult lesson. Second, students do not know how to use grammar effectively and most of student doesn‟t know what grammer is.Third, sometime,

students are not interested in speaking English and they do not have self-confident

to speak English. Fourth, most of students weak in vocabulary, its make them shy

to speak English. It can be seen also from the mean score of students‟ examination

of speaking as in the table.

Table1.1. The Mean of Speaking Scores of Class VIII No Class Student


Mean score of component of speaking

P G V F C Total

1 VIII 28 2,6 2,3 2,3 2,4 2,4 12

The data show that the average scores of students‟ speaking were not

satisfying result in speaking ability. It means that students were still lack of

capability to communicate in English. The researcher has found that there are

many similarities and difficulties faced by the students in speaking English such

as fear of making mistakes, fear of being laughed by their friend as they have no

idea about pronunciation and grammar that they use. Besides, they are also not

confident enough to express their idea and feeling hesitant due to the lack of

vocabulary that they have. Then, they are also bored in learning English because


teacher asked the students to perform the text they have memorized. Furthermore,

they also cannot speak based on their willingness because what they want to speak

is structured by the teacher, in other words they just repeat the word that has been

produced. Afterward, those problems make students get lazy or less ability to

speak. Those cases are quite problematic considering that even though speaking is

not included in final test, in daily teaching and learning activities it is involved in

the scoring and become teachers‟ concern and consideration in determining

whether or not the students pass the subject. Therefore, the researcher considers

that it is very necessary to find out an alternative way to create suitable and

interesting technique related to the students‟ condition.

In this study, I focus to analys teacher‟s techniques in teaching speaking

process, how do the teacher teaching technique toward speaking, what is

technique mostly used by teachers in teaching speaking, how is the students‟

speaking achievementand how does student‟s responce towards teacher‟s

techniques in teaching speaking at class VIII of Junior High School 1 Sintuk

Toboh Gadang Padang Pariaman.

Based on the background above the researcher decides to carry out a


B. Focus of the Problem

Based on the Background above, this research just focused on the analysing

of Teacher‟s teaching speaking technique and its effect towards students‟

speaking achievement at the Class VIII Junior High School 1 Sintuk Toboh

Gadang Padang Pariaman.

C. Formulation of the Problem

1. How do the English teacher teaches speaking skill at class VIII of Junior

High School 1 Padang Pariaman?

2. What does teacher‟s teaching technique mostly used by the teacher in

teaching Speaking Skill at Junior High School of class VIII Sintuk toboh

gadang Padang Pariaman?

D. Objective of the Problem

1. To describe what is technique mostly used by teachers in teaching

speaking Skill at class VIII of Junior High School 1 Sintuk toboh gadang

Padang Pariaman?.

2. To reveal its achievement towards students‟ Speaking Skill at class VIII

of Junior High School 1 Sintuk toboh gadang Padang Pariaman.

E. Significant of the Problem

It is expected that the findings of this research can give contribution to Junior

High School 1 Sintuk toboh gadang Padang Pariaman. The teacher can apply the


F. Definition of the Key Terms Speaking skill :

Technique :

Achievement :

Speaking skill is the good performance communication

that used by someone to real his plan to the other.

Way of doing something (Oxford, 2003). It means that

someone use a way in teaching speaking.

accomplishment that obtained by student in Speaking




A. Theories

This part will discuss some concepts related to teaching speaking, namely the

concept of speaking skill, definition of speaking skill, the components of speaking

skill, assessment of speaking skill, the concept of teaching speaking technique, the

definition of teaching speaking technique, types of speaking technique.

1.The concept of Speaking Skill

In this concept of speaking skill, researcher only discuss about definition of

speaking skill, components of speaking skill, and assessment of speaking skill.

a. Definition of Speaking Skill

The researcher has found several resources that explain and clarify

speaking as follow: speaking is to express or communicate opinions,

feeling, idea, etc, by or as talking and it involves the activities in the part of

the speaker as psychological. Speaking also one of the four skills in a

language; the others are listening, writing, and reading. Speaking is a

productive skill, since the speaker is required to produce words and sounds

when they speak.

Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use

of verbal and non-verbal symbol, in variety of context (Chaney1998:13).

Brynealso said that, "speaking is a two way process between speaker and


of understanding" (Bryne (1998:8) According to Tarigan (1985:15)

“Speaking is a skill of conveying words or sounds of articulation to express

or to deliver ideas, opinion, and feeling.”

Furthermore speaking is one of the central elements of communication.

In EFL (English as Foreigner language) teaching, it is an aspect that needs

special attention and instruction. In order to provide effective attention, it is

necessary for a teacher of EFL to carefully examine the factors, condition

and components that underlie speaking effectiveness. Effective instruction

derived from the careful analysis of this area, together with sufficient

language input and speech-promotion activities will gradually help learners

improve their English speaking ability.

Students should learn to speak the second language by interacting to

others. For this case, students should master several speaking components‟,

such as: comprehension, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and fluency.

In brief, English teacher should be creative in developing their teaching

learning process to create good atmosphere, improve the students speaking

skill, give attention to the speaking components‟, and make the English lesson

more exiting.

From this definition, it is Cleary seen that speaking is the process of

sharing about knowledge, interests, attitude, opinion, or ideas with another

person or with other person. Bailey and Savage (1994:7) say: Speaking in a

second or foreign language has often been viewed as the most demanding of


communicate with others, often face to face and real time, drivers us to

attempt to speak fluency and correctly. McDonough and Shaw (1993:152)

state: Speaking is desire and purpose-driven, in other words we genuinely

want to communicate something to achieve a particular end. This may

involve expressing ideas and/solving a particular problem or establishing

and maintaining social relationship and friendships.

In the same respect, Nunan (2003:48) agrees with Bryne that speaking is

theproductive oral skill and it consists of producing systematic verbal

utterances toconvey meaning.According to Chastain (1998:330-358),

speaking is aproductive skill and itinvolves many components. Speaking is

more than making the right sounds,choosing the right words or getting the


Based on the previous definitions, the researcher concludes that speaking

is theprocess of sharing with other persons, one's knowledge, interests,

attitudes, opinionsor ideas. These are important aspects of the process of

speaking which the speaker's ideas become real to him and his listener. In

general, speaking skill is the ability tosay, to address, to make known, to use

or be able to use a given language in theactual communication. So, in the

light of these high lighted definitions, the researcher can compose an

operational definition of speaking skill in this study as Speaking is a skill of

comprehending, pronouncing, and being fluent and accurate in using


Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use

of verbal and non-verbal symbols. Speaking is a crucial part of second

language learning and teaching. Speaking is one of the most difficult aspects

for students to master. This is hardly surprising when one considers

everything that is involved when speaking: ideas, what to say, language,

How to use grammar and vocabulary, pronunciation as well as listening to

and reacting to the person you are communicating with. It is important to

give students as many opportunities as possible to speak in a supportive

environment. Gaining confidence will help students speak more easily.

Furthermore speaking is one of the central elements of communication. In

EFL (English as Foreigner language) teaching, it is an aspect that needs

special attention and instruction. In order to provide effective attention, it is

necessary for a teacher of EFL to carefully examine the factors, condition

and components that underlie speaking effectiveness. Effective instruction

derived from the careful analysis of this area, together with sufficient

language input and speech-promotion activities will gradually help learners

improve their English speaking ability.

b. The Components of Speaking Skill

Generally, Syakur (1987:3) as quoted in Dewi (2010:2) mentioned at

least five components of speaking skill recognized in analyses of speech

process that arepronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency (the ease and


what both the tester and the testeeare talking about or the ability to respond

to speech as well as to initiate it.

There are several components of speaking that should be noted on when

someone speaks or when teachers assess students‟ speaking performance.

Brown (2004) states that to assess speaking, a teacher should assign not one

but several scores, each score representing one of several traits, such as

pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary use, grammar, comprehensibility, etc.

Therefore, the writer can conclude that there are at least five components

that should be considered in speaking. They are as:

Brown (1997:4) defined the five components of testing speaking skills as

follows:Comprehension: for oral communication certainly requires a

subject to respondto speech as well as to initiate it.Grammar: it is needed

for students to arrange a correct sentence in conversation,or the student‟s

ability to manipulate structure and to distinguish appropriategrammatical

form in appropriate ones. The utility of grammar is also to learn thecorrect

way to gain expertise in a language in oral and written form.Vocabulary:

one cannot communicate effectively or express their ideas both oraland

written form if they do not have sufficient vocabulary. So, vocabulary

means theappropriate diction which is used in communication.

Pronunciation: pronunciation is the way for students to produce clearer languagewhen they speak. It deals with the phonological process that

determine how soundsvary and pattern in a language. Fluency: fluency can


speaking is the aim of many language learners. Signs of fluency include

areasonably fast speed of speaking and only a small number of pauses and

“ums” or“ers”. These signs indicate that the speaker does not have to spend

a lot of timesearching for the language items needed to express the message.

c. Assessment of Speaking Skill

To assess the students‟ speaking skill in this research it based on the

components of speaking Skill. Many of formulate speaking score of

speaking skill such as Brown (2004:172-173) formulate speaking scoring

categories into six categories with scale 1-5 such as: grammar, vocabulary,

comprehension, fluency, pronunciation, and task. On the other side, Hughes

(1989:111) also rates the speaking ability in five categories which has scale

from 1 to 6 point (point 1 represents the lowest and point 6 represents the

highest score). They are accent (pronunciation), grammar, vocabulary,

fluency, and comprehension.

Based on those three scoring assessment formulators, writer then chooses

the Hughes one.

1. Pronunciation frequently unintelligible. 0 2. Frequent gross error and a very heavy accent

make understanding difficult, require frequent repetition.


3. “Foreign accent” requires concentrated listening, and mispronunciation lead to occasional misunderstanding and apparent error in grammar or vocabulary.


4. “Marked foreign accent” and occasional mispronunciation which do not interfere with understanding.


5. No conspicuous miss pronunciation but would not be taken for native speaker.


6. Native pronunciation with no trace of

“foreign accent”. 5

2 Grammar 1. Grammar almost entirety inaccurate phrases. 0 2. Constant errors in showing control of very

few major Pattern and frequently preventing communication.


3. Frequent errors showing some major pattern uncontrolled and causing occasional irritation and misunderstanding.


4. Occasional errors showing imperfect control of some pattern but no weakness that causes misunderstanding.


5. Few errors with no pattern of failure. 4 6. No more than two errors during the



3 Vocabulary 1. Vocabulary inadequate for even the simplest conversation.


2. Vocabulary limited to basic personal and survival areas (time, food, transportation, family, etc)


3. Choices of words sometimes inaccurate, limitation of vocabulary prevent discussion of some common professional and social topics.


4. Professional vocabulary adequate to discuss special interest: general vocabulary permits discussion of any non-teaching subject with some circumlocutions.


5. Professional vocabulary broad and precise: general vocabulary adequate to cope with complex practical problems and varied social situation.



sentence maybe left uncompleted

4. Speech is effortless and smooth but perceptibly nonnative in speech and evenness.


5. Speech is effortless and smooth but perceptibly nonnative in speech and evenness.


6. Speech on all professional and general topics as effortless and smooth as a native speaker.

5 require constant repetition and rephrasing.


3. Understand careful, somewhat simplified speech when engage in dialogue but may require considerable repetition and rephrasing.


4. Understanding quite well normal educated speech when engage in a dialogue but requires occasional repetition or rephrasing.


5. Understands everything in normal educated conversation except for very colloquial or low frequently items or exceptionally rapid or slurred speech.

From the indicator of speaking skill assessment above, the reasearcher

can conclude that student who good in pronunciation like native

pronunciation with no trace of “foreign accent”, good in grammar with no

error during the interview, good in vocabulary, apparently as accurate and

extensive as that of an educated native speaker, good in fluency with speech

on all professional and good in pronunciation with understand with

everything style of speech and like an educated native speaker, its all will be


2.The Concept of Teaching Speaking Technique

In this part will discuss about definition of teaching speaking techniques

and types of speaking technique.

a. Definition of Teaching Speaking Technique

Teaching English in Indonesia is considered as the teaching of English as

a foreign language. In the teaching of English as a foreign language, there

are four skills that have to be developed. Speaking is one of those language

skills which are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It has become one

of the central elements of communication.

Speaking is more important than the other skills. It is because people

know that a language is revered to the speaker of that language. Mastering

the art of speaking is the single most important aspect of learning a second

or foreign language. “The success of learning a second or foreign language

is measured in term of the ability to carry out conversation in the language”.

Nunan (1991:39). Technique is knowladge about how to create one of art in

teaching. Technique is one of style or tactics that used by the teacher to

reach the good teaching result on certain time.Talking about technique,

there many techniques can be used by the teacher in classroom when

teaching technique process. which are suitable for material and studentns

need. Teaching speaking is started at teaching the students how to speak in

English as their foreign language. There many factors that can influence the

determine of technique in teaching, such as; class situation, environment,


there are three main reasons for getting students to speak in the class room:

(1) Speaking activities provide the opportunities to practice real life

speaking in the safety of the class room, (2)speaking tasks in which students

try to use any or all of the language they know provide feedback for both

teacher and students. Everyone can see how well they are doing: both how

successful they are, and also what language problems they are experiencing

(3)and more students have opportunities to active the various elements of

language they have stored in their brains, the more automatic their use of

these elements become.

The ability to communicate in a second language clearly and efficiently

contributes to the success of the learner in school and success later in every

phase of life. Therefore, it is essential that language teachers pay great attention

to teaching speaking. Rather than leading students to pure memorization,

providing a rich environment where meaningful communication takes place is


Teaching speaking means to help students to know about the language

and most importantly to know about how to use the language as

communicative language in every context in their day life. Since speaking is

skill, to teach speaking also means to help students to develop ability to

carry out meaningful conversation in the target language.

The good techniques of teaching speaking are techniques which allow the

students to talk a lot by using the target language in meaningful context. The

techniques should challenge the students to be actively participate because


because they want to contribute to achieving a task objective. Moreover, the

techniques should have relation to real life language use.

The implementation of school based curriculum, teaching English at

senior High School is aimed at developing student‟s ability to communicate

in written and spoken form. Understanding about the importance English

language use to increase competitive ability in global society, and

developing student‟s knowledge of correlation between language and

culture. Thus, students of senior High School are expected to be able to

understand and produce spoken and written text which emphasizes on all. In

the case of teaching speaking skill, the teachers have responsibility to enable

the students to use the target language communicatively in every context in

their everyday life.

b. The Principles for Designing Speaking Technique

Technique is any of wide variety of exercise, activities, or task used in

the language classroom for realizing lesson objective (Brown: 2000).

According to Anthony (1963) state that technique is specific activities

manifested in the classroom that were consistent with a method and

therefore where in harmony with an approach as well.

The teacher must choose of technique what is being need. The

technique is an important factor to teach of intending object and the

teacher has to look the improving speaking learning process in order to can


Brown (2000: 275-276) said that they having seven principles for

designing speaking technique as follow:

1) Technique should cover the spectrum of learner needs from

language based focus on accuracy to message based focus on

interaction, meaning. And fluency.

When the teachers do the jigsaw group technique, play a game or

discuss solution to environmental crisis, so include technique design to

help students to perceive and use the building blocks of language.

2) Technique should be intrinsically motivating

Try at all time to appeal to students‟ ultimate goals and interests, to

their need for knowledge, for status, for achieving competence and

autonomy, and for being that they can be. Even in those technique that

don‟t send students into ecstasy, help student to see how the activity will

benefit them.

3) Techniques should encourage the use of authentic language in

meaningful context.

We all succumb to the temptation to do, say, disconnected little grammar

exercises where we go around the room calling on students one by one to

pick the right answer.

4) Provide appropriate feedback and correction.

5) Give student opportunities to initiate oral communication.


There are many various technique and media to improve and make

conducive situation as student hoping in learning process. The famous of

the technique and media are used picture, cassette, audiovisual and so on.

c. Material In Teaching Speaking

The material is one of element that important in teaching and learning

process. Before teaching and learning process, a teacher should prepare the

teaching materials. The materials are contents that are given to the students

during the teaching and learning process. It can bring the student to the

teaching objectives. In the order words, materials in teaching are content

of subject that will be given to the students acceptable with curriculum that

is used. To make teaching learning process more successful, the material

must be selected appropriately material as anything which is used to help

teaching language. The form of teaching material is anything which

presents or informs about the language to be learned. Teaching material

has important roles of teaching.

There are so many textbooks available so teachers should be able to

choose the most appropriate one. Teacher should look at any course book

to use with a critical eye and check over each unit to see whether it suits

your students‟ goals. If so, teacher can go ahead with it. If not, teacher

might choose a different book or still with the same book and find other

material that can fulfill the lack of material. This can be applied to whole

themes or parts of the book. There might be parts of the book that are too


parts out or supplementing them. It‟s important to look at these aspects

before using the book. Omitting some parts of the book which is too

difficult and giving addition to the lacking material or too easy parts are


Although textbook provide the majority of materials, teacher can also

use other materials in order to provide variety. The numbers of

supplementary materials can be chosen are storybook, songs, rhyme,

chants, game, posters, flashcards, worksheet, video, CDs, the internet, and

other CALL program, etc.

A teacher should master the materials that will be taught, so a teacher has a

competence. According to Arikunto (2006:8) there are three competences

that the teacher must have. The first is professional competence, the

professional competence is a teacher should have the knowledge about the

subject that will teach. The second is personal competence, the personal

competence is a teacher should have good attitude in teaching. Finally is

social competence, it means is a teacher must have ability to communicate

with his environment not only in the school but also in his society. If the

teacher never got or recognize about materials that will be taught for along

his education he can study or learn it from the book to be more understand

and mastered the materials exactly.

So, in teaching process the teacher must be able to choose the teaching


material that will be given student not only can be from the book but also

can be from the other sources like magazine and the other.

d. Effective Teacher In Teaching Speaking

A language lesson should include a variety of activities that combine is

different types of language input and output, leaner at proficiency levels

benefit from such variety, researcher has shown that it is more motivating

and is more likely to result in effective language learning.

An effective lesson has five parts, the part of lesson may all take place

in one class session or may extend over multiple sessions, depending on

the nature of the topic and activities. The lesson plan should outline who

will do what in each part of the lesson. The time allotted for preparation,

presentation, and evaluation activities should be no more than 8-10 each.

Communication practice activities may run a little longer.

1) Preparation

As the class begins, give student a broad outline of the day‟s goals and

activities so they know what to expect. Help them by eliciting their

existing knowledge of the day‟s topics.

a. Use discussion or homework review to knowledge related to the

grammar and language use point to be covered.

b. Use comparison with the native language to elicit strategies that


c. Use discussion of what students do and or like to do elicit their

knowledge of the topic they will address in communication


2) Presentation / modeling

Move from preparation, into presentation of the linguistics and

topical contents of the lesson and relevant learning strategies. Present the

strategies first if it will help student absorb the lesson content.

Presentation provides the language input that gives student the

foundation for their knowledge or the language. Input comes from the

instructor and from course textbooks. Language textbook designed for

students in U.S universities usually provide input only from of examples.

Explanation and instruction are written in English.

To increase the amount of input that students receive in the target

languages, instructors should use it as much as possible for all classroom

communication purposes. An important part of the presentation is

structured output. In which students practice the form that instructors has

presented. Accuracy of performance is important. Structured output is

designed to make learner. Comfortable producing specific language items

recently introduced. Structure output is a type of communication that is

found only in language classrooms. Because production is limited to

reselection items. Structures output is not truly communicative.


In this part of the lesson, focus shifts the instructor as presenter to

the student as completers of a designed task. Student work in pairs or

small groups on a topic based task with a specific outcome. Completion

of the task may require the bridging of an information gap the instructor

observes the groups and acts as a resource when students have questions

that they cannot resolve themselves.

In their work together, student move from structured output to

communicative output, in which the main purpose is to complete the

communication task. Language become a tool, rather than end in itself.

Learner has to use any or all of language that they know with varied

communication strategies. The criterion of success is whether the learner

gets the message across. Accuracy is not a consideration unless the lack

of it interferes with the message. Active for the practice segment of the

lesson may come from a textbook or be designed by the instructor for

guidelines on developing task that use authentic materials and activities.

4) Evaluation

When all students have completed the communication practice task,

reconvene the class as a group to recap the lesson. Ask students to give

examples of how they used the linguistics content and learning or

communication strategies to carry out the communication task.

Evaluation is useful for reasons: it reinforces the material that was


raise question of usage and style, it enable the instruction to monitor

individual comprehension and learning and it provides closure the lesson.

5) Expansion

Expansion activities allow students to apply the knowledge they have

gained in the classroom to situation outside it. Expansion activities

include out of class observation assignment, in which the instructor asks

students to find examples of something or to use a strategy and then

report back.

e. Types of Teaching Speaking Technique

There are many activities which offer students much time to practice

their speaking ability not only in class but also outside and help them

become more socialized, and make students more active in teaching and

learning process and at the same time makes their learning more

meaningful and fun for them that stated by Hayriye such as role play,

simulations, information gap, brainstorming, storytelling, interview, story

completion, reporting, playing cards, picture narrating, picture describing,

find the difference.

Kayi (2006) in her article entitles Teaching English as a Second

Language (TESL) journal writes that there are some techniques in teaching


Simulations, Information Gap, Brainstorming,storytelling, interview, Story

Completion and Reporting.

1) Discussions

According to Harmer (2001:350) state Discussion technique is three

or more people interacting face to face, with or without an assigned

leader in such a way that each person influences and is and influenced by

another person in the group. Munthe (2002:113-115) Discussion

technique is structured and focused to make sure that learning is taking


Robert A. Shavin (1995:55) explain that to arrange an effective

discussion, the group discussion will be divided into three parts:

Table. 2.2 Procedure of Discussion Technique

Pre- Discussion Activities Teacher give information to the student what topic will be discussed

Whilst Discussion Activities

The students read and do the small group discussion about speaking text, answering the question had given by the teacher, report their own discussion and present the result of their discussion in each group and also in another group in panel discussion. while other member of group may debate, clarify, give opinion and criticize.

Post Discussion Activities

The teacher collect the work of students discussion, comment the group and give the score of each group discussion

Before the discussion, it is essential that the purpose of the discussion

activity is set by the teacher. In this way, the discussion points are

relevant to this purpose, so that students do not spend their time chatting


topic for a given time period, and presents their opinions to the class. It is

essential that the speaking should be equally divided among group

members. For efficient group discussions, it is always better not to form

large groups, because quiet students may avoid contributing in large


2) Role Play

Orlich, et al (1985: 229) states that role play is a process oriented

group technique that may include almost any number of participants,

although we suggest that seven to ten is ideal. In role play the students

need some coaching in three aspects; briefing, establishing of situation

and discussion. Matiru(1995:201) role play is a technique in which

participants act out different role in particular situation and later discuss

their feeling and aspects of the problem. One other way of getting

students to speak is role-playing. Students pretend they are in various

social contexts and have a variety of social roles. In role-play activities,

the teacher gives information to the learners such as who they are and

what they think or feel.

In conclusion, role play used to stimulate real life situations and to

encourage meaningfull communication in the classroom. It gives students

the opportunity to draw together what they have learn and to practice. So


can promote students‟ active participants, and thus the students will get

much chance to practice.

Table.2.3 Procedure of Role Play Technique

Step Description


A situation for a role play

Teacher choices a situation for a role play, keeping in mind students‟ needs and interests. Select role plays that will give the students an opportunity to practice what they have learned. 2

Teacher selected a suitable role play, predict the language needed for it.


Factual preparation

Provide the students with concrete information and clear role descriptions so that they could play their roles with confidence.


Assigning the roles

Some instructors ask for volunteers to act out a role play in front of the class. Though it might be a good idea to plant in advance what roles to students are satisfied with themselves, they feel that they have used their knowledge of the language for something concrete and useful.

3) Simulations

where they are studying English as foreign language.

In simulations, students can bring items to the class to create a


brings a microphone to sing and so on. The simulations technique applied

in the classroom as follow;

Table.2.4 Procedure of Simulation Technique

1. Orientation The Teacher presents the topic of the simulation and explained the concept of the simulation.

2. Participant training Setting the scenario (rule, role, procedure, scoring types of decisions to be made and goal) 3. Simulation operation Conduct activity, feedback and

evaluation of performance and effect of decisions

4. Participating debriefing Summarizing about event, perceptions, difficulties and insight. Analyze process and compare simulation activity to the real world.

4) Information Gap

Harmer define that information gap as a “gap" between the two

(persons) in the information they possess, and the conversation helps to

close that gap so that now both speakers have the same information

Harmer (1991:48). Bakshi (2009:2) defined it as "a situation where one

person knows something, which the other does not.

In this activity, students are supposed to be working in pairs. One

student will have the information that other partner does not have and the

partners will share their information. Information gap activities serve

many purposes such as solving a problem or collecting information.

Also, each partner plays an important role because the task cannot be


These activities are effective because everybody has the opportunity to

talk extensively in the target language.

Table.2.5The Procedure of Information Gap Technique

5) Brainstorming

Brainstorming is effective and learners generate ideas quickly and

freely. The good characteristic of brainstorming is that the students are

not criticized for their ideas so students will be open to sharing new


As with all brainstorming techniques, the idea is to create an

environment in which there is no judgment. This means that when there

is a new idea presented, participants are not allowed to discredit it or

turndown the idea. Of course, building up on ideas is encouraged. With

the Post-It Throw down, the purpose is to create as many ideas as

possible within a short amount of time.

1. Using information gap activities as the main activities to improve the students‟ speaking skills and to make them involved in the teaching-learning process.

2. Using classroom English during the teaching-learning process. 3. Using interesting media in the teaching-learning process to attract

students‟ attention and maintain their motivation in the teaching -learning process.

4. Giving rewards.


Table.2.6 Procedure of Brainstorming Technique

Step 1: Gather all students into a circular arrangement.

Step 2: Equip each student with a permanent marker and a pile of post-it notes.

Step 3: Explain the goal of the brainstorm: Come up with ideas for _________.

Step 4: Encourage students to draw their ideas out as opposed to writing

Step 5: Start the timer. Throw down sessions are usually held to 10-15 minute intervals.

When a student comes up with an idea, they are to raise their post-it

note and quickly explain their idea to the class. At this time, all students

should stop drawing and pay attention to the new idea. Once the idea is

presented, everyone goes back to drawing their ideas. This fast-paced

brainstorming technique will yield many crazy ideas, and that is the

purpose. It is then the teacher‟s job to encourage students to build on

ideas and turn them in to reality.

6) Storytelling

Students can briefly summarize a tale or story they heard from

somebody beforehand, or they may create their own stories to tell their

classmates. Story telling fosters creative thinking. It also helps students

express ideas in the format of beginning, development, and ending,

including the characters and setting a story has to have. Students also can

tell riddles or jokes. For instance, at the very beginning of each class


as an opening. In this way, not only will the teacher address students

speaking ability, but also get the attention of the class.

According to Jianing in Nugroho , there are six steps in conducting

storytelling, as follows :

Table.2.7 Procedure of Story TellingTechnique a. Warning Up

b. Divide the student into groups and each group prepares a story c. Ask each students to prepare a story (about two minutes long) in


d. Divide the student into four to five groups and each group is given an opening of a story and asked to finish the story in about 20 minutes

e. Ask each group to hand in an incomplete story and redistribute them among the groups.

f. The teacher gives the first sentence to the class and then each student adds one more sentence to make a whole story.

7) Interviews

Students can conduct interviews on selected topics with various

peoples. It is a good idea that the teacher provides a rubric to students so

that they know what type of questions they can ask or what path to

follow, but students should prepare their own interview questions.

Conducting interviews with people gives students a chance to practice

their speaking ability not only in class but also outside and helps them

becoming socialized. After interviews, each student can present this or

her study to the class. Moreover, students can interview each other and

"introduce" his or her partner to the class.

In Three-Step Interview, student pairs take turns interviewing each


Table. 2.8 Procedure of Interview Technique Step. 1 Student A interviews student B Step. 2 Student B interviews student A

Step. 3 Student A and student B, each summarizes their partner„s responses for student C and D.

The teaching steps of Three-Step Interview lead the students to

communicate in target language. When the students interaction each

other, they convey the ideas which involve all indicators of speaking.

8) Story Completion

This is a very enjoyable, whole-class, free-speaking activity for which

student seat in a circle. For this activity, a teacher starts to tell a story, but

after a few sentences he or she stops narrating. Then, each student starts

to narrate from the point where the previous one stopped. Each student is

supposed to add from four to ten sentences. Students can add new

characters, events, descriptions and so on.

The step in doing Story Completion activity, we can see the table

procedure bellow.

Table. 2.9 Procedure of Story Completing Technique

Introduction Teacher explains about story completion and tells to student show to do it well


Teachers explain to the students to perform freely by their creativity. The teacher focuses to assess the vocabulary mastery of the students.



The students are free to speak but they should complete the idea of the

story that has been determined by the researcher for each student in a

group. The students are free to tell the story by using their own words

and they are free to use their gesture or even expression when conducting

story completion.

9) Reporting

Before coming to class, students are asked to read a newspaper or

magazine and, in class, they report to their friends what they find as the

most interesting news. Students can also talk about whether they have

experienced anything worth telling their friends in their daily lives before


10) Picture Describing

One way to make use of pictures in a speaking activity is to give

students just one picture and having them describe what it is in the

picture. For this activity students can form groups and each group is

given a different picture. Students discuss the picture with their groups,

then, a spoken person for each group describes the picture to the whole

class. This activity fosters the creativity and imagination of the learners

as well as their public speaking skills.

Describing picture is one of activity in teaching speaking English. In

this activity, students must describe pictures in front of class. Every


activity are to train students‟imagination and retell story in speaking

English. There are steps of application in describing picture;

Table.2.11 Procedure of Picture Describing Technique

a. The teacher prepares picture according to the topic or material of subject.

b. The teacher asks students to examine the picture accuracy. c. The teacher divides students in groups.

d. The teacher asks all members of groups to write the vocabularies based on the result of their examined the picture (necessary limitation of the time).

e. Then, every group make sentences and writes on the black board. f. After that, every group describes their picture.

g. Clarification/ conclusion/ teacher reflection.

B. The Review of Related Study

This research is supported by some researches. Agung Ginanjar(2013) had

researched about Teachers‟ strategies in teaching speaking to students at

secondary level”. The strategies of teaching speaking that the teacher used were

cooperative activities, creative task, role play, and drilling. While student

responses toward the strategies several positive attitude as they responded that the

strategies helped them to speak, as well as concerned oral production of students

whose participation was emphasized.

Felly Tri Wahyuni (2014) his title research about “Teacher‟s Technique in

Teaching Speaking at Islamic Junior High School 1 Lubuk Basung” she explained

that the teacher technique must appropriate with student needs, the teacher have to

make good atmosphere at classroom learning.

Kendra Warman (2016) did his research an analysis of teacher‟s techniques in


Padang. He was concluded that the teacher has had many experinces in teaching.

They uses many techniques in teaching English especialy speaking skill. The

techniques that they mostly used by them there are Brainstroming, Picture

Narating, Picture Describing, and discussion.

Shafinaz Sikder(2016) Role of a teacher in teaching speaking by following a

communicative approach. From the above study, it is evident that teaching

speaking with communicative approach seems quite difficult in real classroom

since speaking as a skill has always received less importance in our context where

students never have to take oral test.

C. Conceptual Framework

This study can be drawn in the following figure:

Concept English Teaching

Speaking Reading Writing


Techniques are used by the teacher in teaching speaking




A. Research Design

This research is descriptive qualitative research. According to Hancock

Beverley (2009:06) Qualitative research tends to focus on how people or groups

of people can have (somewhat) different ways of looking at reality (usually social

or psychological reality) Qualitative research is concerned with developing

explanations of social phenomena. That is to say, it aims to help us to understand

the social world in which we live and why things are the way they are. It is

concerned with the social aspects of our world and seeks to answer question

about: Why people behave the way they do, the opinions and attitudes are formed.

People are affected by the events that go on around them?, why cultures and

practices have developed in the way they have?.

Qualitative research is exceptionally suited for exploration, forbeginning to

understand a group or phenomenon. Such explorations often result in

development of new theories. Finally, qualitative research can answer questions

and illuminate issues that cannot be addresed by quantitative methods.This

research was described the teacher‟s teaching techniques used in teaching

speaking skill for the students atJunior High School 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang also

will be described how the the students‟ responses of teachers‟s techniques in


B. Time and Place of Research

This research will be conductedat SMP 1 Sintoga Padang Pariaman. Its has

seven classes for Class VIII. The Analysis conducted on May until July in

academic year 2016/2017 at second semester.

C. Participant of The Research

The participants of this research are English teachers are teaching at class

VIII and students at class VIII of Junior High School 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang

Padang Pariaman. Participation is all of the research of subject. The population of

this research is all the students class VIII. While sample is part of population,

which is chosen to participate in the study. This is the technique which is done by

taking the subject not based on the strata, random or area but based on the

availability of time, fund and energy in order to reach a certain purpose.

The following table is the English teachers are who teaches English at Junior

High School 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang.


6 Deswiyanti, S. Pd UNP Government Employees

1991 VII

7 Nova Yulianti STKIP Honorary 2007 VII

Based on the table about, they are some teacher who are teaching at this

school. This reasearch is only focused on English teacher who are teaches at class

VIII, they are Ms. Misnawaty,Sy and Mr. Zulfitri, S.Pd. This research also

involved the students class VIII. The following table is the students‟ are in class


Table. 3. 2 The total Students at Class VIII

No Class Number of Students

1 VIII1 32

2 VIII2 30

3 VIII3 32

4 VIII4 31

5 VIII5 31

6 VIII6 32

7 VIII7 31

Total 219

Source: English teacher of class VIII Junior High School 1 Sintoga

The students in class VIII there 219 students, but in this research the

Researcher observed for all classroom of class VIII. To take the students‟

response the researcher made interview with several students of class VIII. In this

research the researcher did not use the random or strata but researcher found the

data based on availability of time, fund, and what other suitable to found the


D. Research Instrument

Instrument used by the researcher are observation sheet and interview, it used

to know how is teacher technique performance in classroom, in other that the

researcher also used the field note and document as instrument to know student

response about teacher technique and learning process in classroom.

Table 3.3 : Observation Sheet


1 Preparation The teachers create the lesson plan of

Discussion 1. Prediction of text contain



Role play 1. Using Scripted role play Brainstroming 1. Guide the students

to phrasing their Storytelling 1. Warning Up

2. Devide the students


to prepare Interview 1. Guide the students

to selected topic Reporting Students are asked to


vocabularies based students to conclude the lessonand the

E. Technique of Data Collection

Sugiyono(2008:227) said to collect the data in qualitative research by using

observation and interview. In qualitative research, Collecting the data with natural

setting, source primer data, and technique to collect the data with participant

observation, in dept interview and documentation. Catherine Marshall, Gretchen

B. Rossman, in Sugiyono (2008) said “the fundamental method relied on by

qualitative researchers for gathering information participation in the setting, direct


Table. 2.2 Procedure of Discussion Technique
Table. 2.8 Procedure of Interview Technique
Table 3.1:The Total of English Teachers at Junior High School 1 Sintuk toboh gadang Padang pariaman
Table. 3. 2 The total Students at Class VIII


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