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Academic year: 2021



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JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN 2016 Mhd. Dahniman Saputra1, Yulia Wahyuni2, Rachmanida Nuzrina3

Program Studi Ilmu Gizi, Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Esa Unggul (dahniman.saputra@yahoo.com/085275228185)


Konsumsi buah dan sayur penduduk Indonesia masih berada dibawah konsumsi yang dianjurkan WHO (400-600 gram) terutama pada anak usia sekolah atau remaja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian edukasi gizi melalui media video dan leaflet terhadap perubahan konsumsi buah dan sayur pada siswa SMP Al Chasanah tahun 2016. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pre eksperimen dengan desain pelelitian one group pre-test post-test. Analisa data pada penelitian ini menggunakan uji Paired Sample T-test dan uji Independent Sample T-test dengan uji alternatif Wilcoxon dan Mann Whitney. Dari hasil uji didapat bahwa tidak ada perbedaan pengetahuan (p=0,479), konsumsi buah (p=0,385) dan konsumsi sayur (p=0,295) sebelum edukasi antara kelompok media video dan kelompok media leaflet. Ada perbedaan pengetahuan (p=0,000), konsumsi buah (p=0,000) dan konsumsi sayur (p=0,000) sebelum dan sesudah edukasi baik pada kelompok media video maupun pada kelompok media leaflet. Dan ada perbedaan perubahan pengetahuan (p=0.047), konsumsi buah (p=0.004) dan konsumsi sayur (p=0.043) antara kelompok media video dan kelompok media leaflet. Berdasarkan hal tersebut disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh pemberian edukasi gizi melalui media video dan leaflet terhadap perubahan konsumsi buah dan sayur pada siswa SMP Al Chasanah tahun 2016.

Kata Kunci : Edukasi Gizi, Media Video dan Leaflet, Konsumsi Buah dan Sayur. ABSTRACT

Fruit and vegetable consumption of Indonesia's population is below the WHO recommended intake (400-600 grams) especially in school age children or adolescents. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of nutrition education through the medium of video and leaflets to changes in fruit and vegetable consumption on Al Chasanah Junior High School students in 2016. The research is a pre-experimental research design with pelelitian one group pre-test post-test. Analysis of the data in this study using Paired Sample T-test and test independent sample T-test with the alternative test Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney. From the test results obtained knowledge that there was no difference (p=0.479), the consumption of fruit (p=0.385) and vegetable consumption (p=0.295) before education between media groups and media groups leaflets video. There is a difference of knowledge (p=0.000), the consumption of fruit (p=0.000) and vegetable consumption (p=0.000) before and after education both in video and media groups in the media group leaflet. And there are differences in changes in knowledge (p=0.047), the consumption of fruit (p=0.004) and vegetable consumption (p=0.043) between the media of video and media group leaflet. Based on this it concluded that there is the effect of nutrition education through the medium of video and leaflets to changes in fruit and vegetable consumption on Al Chasanah Junior High School students in 2016.

Keywords : Nutrition Education, Video and Leaflets Media, Fruit and Vegetable Consumption. PENDAHULUAN

Kecenderungan masyarakat bergaya hidup dinamis sangat berpengaruh terhadap

kesehatan (Irfan, Bahar, & Hendrayati, 2012). Salah satunya yaitu kurang mengonsumsi buah dan sayur. Buah dan sayur memiliki berbagai


manfaat bagi tubuh. Buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran merupakan sumber zat gizi dan zat non-gizi, yang keduanya penting bagi kesehatan tubuh. Sebagai sumber zat gizi, buah berperan dalam mengatur pertumbuhan, pemeliharaan, dan pengganti sel-sel tubuh manusia. Belakangan ini, peranan zat non-gizi pada buah maupun menjadi sangat penting dalam pencegahan dan pengobatan berbagai macam penyakit (Astawan, 2008). Kurang mengonsumsi buah dan sayur merupakan perilaku makan yang dapat merugikan bagi kesehatan. Kurang mengonsumsi buah dan sayur dapat mengakibatkan tubuh mengalami kekurangan zat gizi seperti vitamin, mineral, dan serat sehingga dapat menimbulkan terjadinya berbagai penyakit (Farisa, 2012). WHO merekomendasikan konsumsi buah dan sayur sebanyak 400-600 gram per hari untuk mencegah terjadinya penyakit kronis. Selain itu, berdasarkan Pedoman Gizi Seimbang, anjuran mengonsumsi buah dan sayur di Indonesia sebesar 2-3 porsi buah atau setara dengan 150 gram buah per hari dan 3-5 porsi sayur atau setara dengan 250 gram sayur per hari (Bahria & Triyanti, 2010). Konsumsi buah dan sayur pada remaja di berbagai negara masih belum memenuhi rekomendasi yang diberikan oleh WHO (World Health Organization) atau rekomendasi dari negaranya sendiri. Remaja di Kanada yang mengonsumsi buah dan sayur sebanyak 5 porsi atau lebih hanya sebesar 29%. Hasil penelitian Lock et al. (2005) dalam Mohammad & Madanijah (2015) yang dilakukan di beberapa negara bagian Afrika, Amerika, dan Asia yang terdiri atas 14 wilayah bagian menyebutkan bahwa anak usia 5-14 tahun memiliki kecenderungan 20% mengonsumsi buah dan sayur lebih rendah bila dibandingkan dengan orang dewasa 30-59 tahun. Pada penduduk 10 tahun keatas, prevalensi nasional kurang konsumsi buah dan sayur sebesar 93,6%. Sedangkan prevalensi kurang konsumsi buah dan sayur di Provinsi DKI Jakarta sebesar 94,5%.

Menurut Heinberg & Thompson (1996) dalam Emilia (2009) pola makan yang tidak normal biasanya terjadi pada remaja dan dewasa muda. Berdasarkan teori Rasmussen et al. (2006) diketahui bahwa karakteristik individu dan lingkungan memiliki hubungan dengan konsumsi buah dan sayur pada anak dan remaja. Edukasi gizi selalu dimaksudkan agar anak usia sekolah mengubah perilaku

konsumsi pangan menjadi lebih baik. Edukasi gizi sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan gizi anak usia sekolah, membentuk sikap positif terhadap makanan bergizi dalam rangka membentuk kebiasaan makan yang baik (Krølner et al., 2011). Proses edukasi gizi tidak terlepas dari pengaruh penggunaan alat peraga atau media yang mampu mendukung berlangsungnya kegiatan edukasi tersebut. Media edukasi dibuat dengan menganut pada prinsip bahwa pengetahuan yang ada pada setiap orang diterima atau ditangkap melalui panca indera. Semakin banyak panca indera yang digunakan semakin banyak dan semakin jelas pula pengertian atau pengetahuan yang diperoleh. Panca indera yang banyak menyalurkan pengetahuan ke otak adalah mata (kurang lebih 75% sampai 87%), sedangkan 13% sampai 25%, pengetahuan manusia diperoleh dan disalurkan melalui panca indera yang lain (Kapti, 2010).

Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan oleh peneliti pada 30 siswa yang dipilih secara acak di SMP Al Chasanah didapatkan rata-rata usia siswa yaitu 13-15 tahun. Siswa kurang mengonsumsi buah sebesar 70% dan kurang konsumsi sayur sebesar 85%. Kategori kurang jika konsumsi buah <2 kali/hari dan sayur <3 kali/hari. Maka dari itu perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai konsumsi buah dan sayur pada siswa-siswi di SMP Al Chasanah. Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas, peneliti memutuskan untuk melakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh edukasi gizi melalui media video dan leaflet terhadap perubahan konsumsi buah dan sayur pada siswa SMP Al Chasanah tahun 2016.


Penelitian ini dilakukan Sekolah Menengah Pertama Al Chasanah, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta Barat. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei sampai Juni 2016. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Pre Eksperiment, dengan penelitian One Group Pre-Test Post-Test dimana penelitian ini sudah dilakukan observasi pertama (pre-test) sehingga peneliti dapat menguji perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi dengan memberikan kuesioner kepada responden (post-test) setelah adanya intervensi dengan edukasi gizi melalui media video dan leaflet. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMP Al Chasanah yang berjumlah sebanyak 182 siswa. Sampel pada penelitian ini diambil dengan


cara purposive sampling, yaitu teknik pengambilan sampel berdasarkan kriteria yang telah dibuat oleh peneliti. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan jumlah sampel untuk siswa SMP Al Chasanah adalah sebesar 64 orang.

Data yang dikumpulkan pada penelitian ini yaitu data karakteristik responden yang meliputi jenis kelamin dan usia, data pengetahuan responden terhadap konsumsi buah dan sayur, serta data konsumsi buah dan sayur responden. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner. Kuesioner pertama mengenai data karakteristik responden, kuesioner berikutnya adalah kuesioner pre-test dan post-test dan

form SQFFQ (Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire). Pengolahan dan analisis data dilakukan dengan program SPSS. Analisis univariat dilakukan untuk melihat karakteristik responden yang terdiri dari usia dan jenis kelamin, dan skor pengetahuan, konsumsi buah dan sayur sebelum dan sesudah edukasi melalui media video dan leaflet. Analisis bivariat dilakukan untuk menganalisis membuktikan ada tidaknya pengaruh edukasi gizi melalui media video dan leaflet terhadap perubahan konsumsi buah dan sayur pada siswa SMP Al Chasanah tahun 2016.


Analisis univariat dilakukan untuk





distribusi deskriptif dari karakterisitik

responden meliputi jenis kelamin, umur

dan masing-masing variabel yang meliputi

variabel pengetahuan dan konsumsi sayur

dan buah.

Karakteristik Responden

Tabel 1. Distribusi frekuensi responden berdasarkan karakteristik responden

Variabel n % Usia 12 tahun 2 3.13 13 tahun 22 34.38 14 tahun 31 48.44 15 tahun 8 12.50 16 tahun 1 1.56 Jenis Kelamin Laki-laki 37 57.81 Perempuan 27 42.19

Pengetahuan, Konsumsi Buah, dan Konsumsi Sayur

Tabel 2. Distribusi frekuensi skor pengetahuan, konsumsi buah dan konsumsi sayur responden


Video Leaflet

Sebelum Sesudah Sebelum Sesudah

n Mean n Mean n Mean n Mean

Pengetahuan 32 7.72 32 11.31 32 8.03 32 10.72


Buah 32 120.59 32 170.85 32 124.49 32 155.29



Tabel 3. Rangkuman hasil analisis bivariat menggunakan uji Paired Sample T-test dan uji Independent Sample T-test dengan uji alternatif Wilcoxon dan Mann Whitney

Variabel P value

Pengetahuan Sebelum Edukasi 0.479

Pengetahuan Sebelum dan Sesudah Edukasi Melalui Video 0.000

Pengetahuan Sebelum dan Sesudah Edukasi Melalui Leaflet 0.000

Perbedaan Perubahan Pengetahuan 0.047

Konsumsi Buah Sebelum Edukasi 0.385

Konsumsi Buah Sebelum dan Sesudah Edukasi Melalui Video 0.000

Konsumsi Buah Sebelum dan Sesudah Edukasi Melalui Leaflet 0.000

Perbedaan Perubahan Konsumsi Buah 0.004

Konsumsi Sayur Sebelum Edukasi 0.295

Konsumsi Sayur Sebelum dan Sesudah Edukasi Melalui Video 0.000

Konsumsi Sayur Sebelum dan Sesudah Edukasi Melalui Leaflet 0.000

Perbedaan Perubahan Konsumsi Sayur 0.043

PEMBAHASAN Karakteristik Responden

Masa remaja adalah periode kehidupan yang berawal di usia 9-10 tahun dan berakhir di usia 18 tahun. Pada rentang usia ini, seseorang akan mulai untuk mengadopsi perilaku diet yang cenderung akan menetap pada masa dewasa (Sandvik et al., 2005).

Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah siswa SMP Al Chasanah yang tergolong kedalam usia remaja dengan rentang usia antara 12 sampai 16 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 64 siswa di SMP Al Chasanah sebanyak 2 siswa berumur 12 tahun, 22 siswa berumur 13 tahun, 31 siswa berumur 14 tahun, 8 siswa berumur 15 tahun dan 1 siswa berumur 16 tahun. Dari hal ini dapat diketahui bahwa responden pada penelitian ini sebagian besar berumur 14 tahun. Usia siswa pada penelitian ini semuanya tergolong kedalam usia remaja. Sedangkan jenis kelamin siswa pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari 64 siswa di SMP Al Chasanah sebanyak 37 siswa (57,81%) berjenis kelamin laki-laki dan sebanyak 27 siswa (42,19%) berjenis kelamin perempuan. Dari hal ini dapat diketahui bahwa siswa pada penelitian sebagian besar adalah laki-laki.

Pengetahuan Tentang Buah dan Sayur

Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa rata-rata skor pengetahuan siswa SMP Al Chasanah sebelum dan sesudah diberi edukasi melalui media video adalah sebesar 7,72 dan 11,31 dengan standar deviasi sebesar 1,37 dan 1,63. Sedangkan rata-rata skor pengetahuan siswa SMP Al Chasanah sebelum dan sesudah diberi edukasi melalui media leaflet adalah sebesar 8,03 dan 10,72 dengan standar deviasi

sebesar 1,53 dan 1,61. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat dilihat bahwa terjadi peningkatan rata-rata skor pengetahuan siswa SMP Al Chasanah antara sebelum dan sesudah diberi edukasi melalui media video dan media leaflet.

Dengan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan, diharapkan adanya perbaikan pola konsumsi makanan pada siswa SMP Al Chasanah terutama terhadap konsumsi buah dan sayur. Pengetahuan gizi yang baik merupakan faktor penting dalam menentukan sikap dan perilaku seseorang terhadap makanan. Semakin memiliki pengetahuan gizi yang baik, seorang individu akan semakin mempertimbangkan jenis dan kualitas makanan yang akan dipilih untuk dikonsumsi (Farisa, 2012). Pengetahuan adalah suatu domain dari hal yang dapat membentuk perilaku. Pengetahuan merupakan hasil dari tahu dan terjadi setelah orang melakukan penginderaan terhadap suatu objek tertentu. Sebagian besar pengetahuan diperoleh melalui mata dan telinga. Pengetahuan dapat meningkat setelah mendapatkan edukasi gizi sehingga dengan adanya edukasi gizi dapat mengubah konsumsi makan remaja yang lebih baik (Waruis, Atika, Punuh, 2015).

Pada penelitian ini, hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji Mann Whitney untuk melihat perbedaan pengetahuan siswa tentang buah dan sayur pada kelompok media video dan media leaflet sebelum edukasi di SMP Al Chasanah, didapatkan nilai p=0,479 (p>0,05), yang berarti bahwa tidak ada perbedaan pengetahuan antara siswa sebelum diberi edukasi melalui media video dan media leaflet pada siswa SMP Al Chasanah dengan nilai rata-rata pada media video sebesar 7,72 dan nilai rata-rata pada media leaflet sebesar 8,03. Proses edukasi gizi tidak terlepas dari


pengaruh penggunaan alat peraga atau media yang mampu mendukung berlangsungnya kegiatan edukasi tersebut. Media dapat diartikan sebagai semua sarana atau upaya untuk menampilkan pesan yang ingin disampaikan oleh komunikator kepada sasaran sehingga dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan yang pada akhirnya mampu mengubah perilaku sasaran kearah positif (Lazzeri, et al., 2013). Media edukasi dibuat dengan menganut pada prinsip bahwa pengetahuan yang ada pada setiap orang diterima atau ditangkap melalui panca indera. Semakin banyak panca indera yang digunakan semakin banyak dan semakin jelas pula pengertian atau pengetahuan yang diperoleh (Kapti, 2010). Pemilihan video dan leaflet sebagai media edukasi karena kedua media tersebut bersifat visual dan audiovisual. Panca indera yang banyak menyalurkan pengetahuan ke otak adalah mata (kurang lebih 75% sampai 87%), sedangkan 13% sampai 25%, pengetahuan manusia diperoleh dan disalurkan melalui panca indera yang lain.

Pada penelitian ini, hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji Wilcoxon untuk melihat perbedaan pengetahuan siswa tentang buah dan sayur sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi melalui media video di SMP Al Chasanah, didapatkan nilai p=0,000 (p<0,05), yang berarti bahwa ada perbedaan pengetahuan siswa tentang buah dan sayur sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi melalui media video di SMP Al Chasanah, dengan nilai rata-rata sebelum edukasi sebesar 7,72 dan nilai rata-rata sesudah edukasi sebesar 11,31. Sedangkan untuk media leaflet pada penelitian ini, hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji Paired Sample T-test untuk melihat perbedaan pengetahuan siswa tentang buah dan sayur sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi melalui media leaflet di SMP Al Chasanah, didapatkan nilai p=0,000 (p<0,05), yang berarti bahwa ada perbedaan pengetahuan siswa tentang buah dan sayur sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi melalui media leaflet di SMP Al Chasanah dengan nilai rata-rata sebelum edukasi sebesar 8,03 dan nilai rata-rata sesudah edukasi sebesar 10,72.

Selanjutnya, untuk melihat perbedaan perubahan pengetahuan pada siswa yang diberi edukasi melalui media video dengan siswa yang diberi edukasi melalui media leaflet di SMP Al Chasanah digunakan uji statistik

menggunakan uji Independent Sample T-test dan didapatkan nilai p=0,047 (p<0,05), yang berarti bahwa ada perbedaan perubahan pengetahuan antara siswa yang diberi edukasi melalui media video dan yang diberi edukasi melalui media leaflet pada siswa SMP Al Chasanah. Nilai rata-rata pada media video sebesar 3,59 dan nilai rata-rata pada media leaflet sebesar 2,68. Selisih nilai rata-rata antara media video dan media leaflet sebesar 0,91.

Menurut teori Piaget (1970) dalam Qalbi et al. (2015). siswa SMP dalam tahap perkembangannya berada pada tahap periode perkembangan yang sangat pesat dari segala aspek, yaitu perkembangan aspek kognitif, psikomotor dan afektif. Pada perkembangan aspek kognitif, periode yang dimulai pada usia 12 tahun, yaitu lebih kurang sama dengan usia siswa SMP, merupakan ‘period of formal operation’. Pada usia ini, yang berkembang pada siswa adalah kemampuan berfikir secara simbolis dan bisa memahami sesuatu secara bermakna tanpa memerlukan objek yang konkrit.

Konsumsi Buah dan Sayur

Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa rata-rata konsumsi buah siswa SMP Al Chasanah perhari sebelum dan sesudah diberi edukasi melalui media video adalah sebesar 120,59 gr dan 170,85 gr. Sedangkan rata-rata konsumsi buah siswa SMP Al Chasanah perhari sebelum dan sesudah diberi edukasi melalui media leaflet adalah sebesar 124,49 gr dan 155,28 gr. Dari hasil penelitian ini juga didapatkan bahwa rata-rata konsumsi sayur siswa SMP Al Chasanah perhari sebelum dan sesudah diberi edukasi melalui media video adalah sebesar 205,33 gr dan 257,24 gr. Sedangkan rata-rata konsumsi sayur siswa SMP Al Chasanah perhari sebelum dan sesudah diberi edukasi melalui media leaflet adalah sebesar 198,80 gr dan 233,85 gr.

Buah dan sayur memiliki berbagai manfaat bagi tubuh. Kurang mengonsumsi buah dan sayur merupakan perilaku makan yang dapat merugikan bagi kesehatan. Kurang mengonsumsi buah dan sayur dapat mengakibatkan tubuh mengalami kekurangan zat gizi seperti vitamin, mineral, dan serat sehingga dapat menimbulkan terjadinya berbagai penyakit. Konsumsi buah dan sayur pada remaja di berbagai negara masih belum memenuhi rekomendasi yang diberikan oleh


WHO atau rekomendasi dari negaranya sendiri (Farisa, 2012).

Pada penelitian ini, hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji Indenpendent Sample T-test untuk melihat perbedaan konsumsi buah siswa pada kelompok media video dan media leaflet sebelum edukasi di SMP Al Chasanah, didapatkan nilai p=0,385 (p>0,05), yang berarti bahwa tidak ada perbedaan konsumsi buah siswa pada kelompok media video dan media leaflet sebelum edukasi di SMP Al Chasanah. Nilai rata-rata pada media video sebesar 120,5 dan nilai rata-rata pada media leaflet sebesar 124,5. Sedangkan hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji Mann Whitney untuk melihat perbedaan konsumsi sayur siswa pada kelompok media video media leaflet sebelum edukasi di SMP Al Chasanah, didapatkan nilai p=0,295 (p>0,050), yang berarti bahwa tidak ada perbedaan konsumsi sayur antara siswa pada kelompok media video dan media leaflet sebelum edukasi di SMP Al Chasanah dengan nilai rata-rata pada media video sebesar 205,3 dan nilai rata-rata pada media leaflet sebesar 198,8.

Pengetahuan gizi yang baik merupakan faktor penting dalam menentukan sikap dan perilaku seseorang terhadap makanan. Semakin memiliki pengetahuan gizi yang baik, seorang individu akan semakin mempertimbangkan jenis dan kualitas makanan yang akan dipilih untuk dikonsumsi (Farisa, 2012). Dengan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan, diharapkan adanya perbaikan pola konsumsi makanan pada siswa SMP Al Chasanah terutama terhadap konsumsi buah dan sayur. Pada penelitian ini, berdasarkan hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji Paired Sample T-test, untuk melihat perbedaan konsumsi buah siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi melalui media video di SMP Al Chasanah, didapatkan nilai p=0,000 (p<0,05), yang menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan konsumsi buah siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi melalui media video di SMP Al Chasanah. Hal ini berarti ada pengaruh pemberian edukasi gizi melalui media video terhadap perubahan konsumsi buah pada siswa SMP Al Chasanah. Nilai rata-rata konsumsi buah sebelum edukasi melalui media video sebesar 120,5 dan nilai rata-rata konsumsi buah sesudah edukasi melalui media video sebesar 170,8. Sedangkan hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji Paired Sample T-test, untuk melihat perbedaan konsumsi sayur

siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi melalui media video di SMP Al Chasanah, didapatkan nilai p=0,000 (p<0,05), yang menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan konsumsi sayur siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi melalui media video di SMP Al Chasanah. Hal ini berarti ada pengaruh pemberian edukasi gizi melalui media video terhadap perubahan konsumsi sayur pada siswa SMP Al Chasanah. Nilai rata-rata konsumsi sayur sebelum edukasi melalui media video sebesar 205,3 dan nilai rata-rata konsumsi sayur sesudah edukasi melalui media video sebesar 257,2.

Selanjutnya pada media leaflet, berdasarkan hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji Paired Sample T-test, untuk melihat perbedaan konsumsi buah siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi melalui media leaflet di SMP Al Chasanah, didapatkan nilai p=0,000 (p<0,05), yang menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan konsumsi buah siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi melalui media leaflet di SMP Al Chasanah. Hal ini berarti ada pengaruh pemberian edukasi gizi melalui media leaflet terhadap perubahan konsumsi buah pada siswa SMP Al Chasanah. Nilai rata-rata konsumsi buah sebelum edukasi melalui media leaflet sebesar 124,5 dan nilai rata-rata konsumsi buah sesudah edukasi melalui media leaflet sebesar 155,2. Sedangkan hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji Paired Sample T-test, untuk melihat perbedaan konsumsi sayur siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi melalui media leaflet di SMP Al Chasanah, didapatkan nilai p=0,000 (p<0,05), yang menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan konsumsi sayur siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi melalui media leaflet pada siswa SMP Al Chasanah. Hal ini berarti ada pengaruh pemberian edukasi gizi melalui media leaflet terhadap perubahan konsumsi sayur pada siswa SMP Al Chasanah. Nilai rata-rata konsumsi sayur sebelum edukasi melalui media leaflet sebesar 198,8 dan nilai rata-rata konsumsi sayur sesudah edukasi melalui media leaflet sebesar 233.8.

Adanya perbedaan konsumsi buah dan sayur sebelum dan sesudah intervensi pada penelitian ini juga dapat diartikan sebagai hasil dari pendidikan kesehatan dengan pemberian edukasi gizi dengan alat bantu berupa media video dan leaflet. Video merupakan media edukasi yang materi dan penyerapannya melalui pandangan dan pendengaran sehingga


membangun kondisi yang dapat membuat siswa mampu memperoleh pengetahuan dan ketrampilan. Sedangkan leaflet merupakan media edukasi melalui lembaran yang dilipat. Adapun keuntungan menggunakan leaflet antara lain sasaran dapat menyesuaikan dan belajar mandiri serta praktis karena mengurangi kebutuhan mencatat. Sasaran dapat melihat isinya disaat santai dan sangat ekonomis (Siagian, Jumirah & Tampubolon, 2010). Pemilihan dan penggunaan video dan leaflet sebagai media edukasi merupakan salah satu komponen yang penting. Menurut Maulana (2009) dalam Kapti (2010), panca indera yang banyak menyalurkan pengetahuan ke otak adalah mata (kurang lebih 75% sampai 87%), sedangkan 13% sampai 25%, pengetahuan manusia diperoleh dan disalurkan melalui panca indera yang lain. Media seharusnya mampu merangsang atau memasukan informasi melalui berbagi indera. Semakin banyak yang dirangsang maka masuknya informasi akan semakin mudah (Kapti, 2010).

Selanjutnya, untuk melihat perbedaan perubahan konsumsi buah pada siswa yang diberi edukasi melalui media video dengan siswa yang diberi edukasi melalui media leaflet di SMP Al Chasanah digunakan uji statistik menggunakan uji Mann Whitney dan didapatkan nilai p=0,004 (p<0,05) yang menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan perubahan konsumsi buah antara siswa yang diberi edukasi melalui media video dan dengan siswa yang diberi edukasi melalui media leaflet di SMP Al Chasanah. Nilai rata-rata pada media video sebesar 50,30 dan nilai rata-rata pada media leaflet sebesar 30,70. Selisih nilai rata-rata antara media video dan media leaflet sebesar 19,60. Sedangkan hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji Independent Sample T-test, untuk melihat perbedaan konsumsi sayur antara siswa yang diberi edukasi melalui media video dan leaflet pada siswa SMP Al Chasanah, didapatkan nilai p=0,043 (p>0,05) yang menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan perubahan konsumsi sayur antara siswa yang diberi edukasi melalui media video dan dengan siswa yang diberi edukasi melalui media leaflet di SMP Al Chasanah. Nilai rata-rata pada media video sebesar 51,90 dan nilai rata-rata pada media leaflet sebesar 35,05. Selisih nilai rata-rata antara media video dan media leaflet sebesar 16,85.

Nilai rata-rata pada kelompok video yang lebih tinggi tersebut sejalan teori Daryanto (2011) dalam Kurniawati (2014) bahwa video sebagai media edukasi dapat memperkokoh proses belajar maupun nilai hiburan dari penyajian. Gerak yang ditunjukkan dalam video dapat menjadi rangsangan yang serasi atau berupa respons yang diharapkan dari penonton. Penonton mendapatkan isi dan susunan yang utuh dari materi pelajaran atau pelatihan. Penonton juga dapat belajar secara mandiri dengan kecepatan masing-masing. Selain itu dengan melihat video, penonton seperti berada di suatu tempat yang sama dengan program yang ditayangkan video sehingga video lebih menarik. Leaflet sebagai media visual hanya mengandalkan indera penglihatan jika dibandingkan dengan media video. Daryanto (2011) dalam Kurniawati (2014) mengungkapkan bahwa daya serap manusia yang hanya mengandalkan indera penglihatan saja hanya berkisar 82%. Pada media leaflet, ibu hamil hanya memperoleh materi dengan mengandalkan indra penglihatan saja. Penyajian materi kurang menarik dan daya serap yang diperoleh lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan penyampaian materi dengan media video yang mengandalkan indera penglihatan dan indera pendengaran. Daya serap manusia dengan indera penglihatan dan indera pendengaran sebesar 93% (Kurniawati, 2014).


Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada pengetahuan, konsumsi buah dan sayur responden sebelum dan sesudah edukasi melalui media video dan leaflet menunjukkan nilai yang signifikan. Hal ini dapat diartikan bahwa ada pengaruh pemberian edukasi gizi melalui media video dan leaflet terhadap perubahan konsumsi buah dan sayur pada siswa SMP Al Chasanah tahun 2016.

Disarankan pada siswa SMP Al Chasanah agar meningkatkan konsumsi buah dan sayur untuk meningkatkan asupan vitamin, mineral, serat dan antioksidan yang sangat diperlukan oleh tubuh.


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Krølner, R., Rasmussen, M., Brug, J., Klepp, K.-I., Wind, M., & Due, P. (2011). Determinants Of Fruit And Vegetable Consumption Among Children And Adolescents: A Review Of The Literature. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 8(112). Hal: 1-38.

Kurniawati, N. (2014). Perbedaan Media Leaflet Dan Video Terhadap Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Cara Mengatasi Keluhan Pada Masa Kehamilan. Jurnal Komunikasi Kesehatan. 5(2). Hal: 1-8.

Lazzeri, G., Pammolli, A., Azzolini, E., Simi, R., Meoni, V., de Wet, D. R., & Giacchi, M. V. (2013). Association Between Fruits And Vegetables Intake And Frequency Of Breakfast And Snacks Consumption: A Cross-Sectional Study. Nutrition Journal. 12(123). Hal: 1-10.

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Sandvik, C., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Due, P., Brug, J., Wind, M., Bere, E., … Klepp, K.-I. (2005). Personal, Social And Environmental Factors Regarding Fruit And Vegetable Intake Among Schoolchildren In Nine European Countries. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism. 49(62). Hal: 834-841. Siagian, A., Jumirah, Tampubolon, F. (2010).

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JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN 2016 Mhd. Dahniman Saputra1, Yulia Wahyuni2, Rachmanida Nuzrina3

Nutrition Science Study Program, Faculty Of Health-Science Esa Unggul University (dahniman.saputra@yahoo.com/085275228185)


Fruit and vegetable consumption of Indonesia's population is below the WHO recommended intake (400-600 grams) especially in school age children or adolescents. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of nutrition education through the medium of video and leaflets to changes in fruit and vegetable consumption on Al Chasanah Junior High School students in 2016. The research is a pre-experimental research design with pelelitian one group pre-test post-test. Analysis of the data in this study using Paired Sample T-test and test independent sample T-test with the alternative test Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney. From the test results obtained knowledge that there was no difference (p=0.479), the consumption of fruit (p=0.385) and vegetable consumption (p=0.295) before education between media groups and media groups leaflets video. There is a difference of knowledge (p=0.000), the consumption of fruit (p=0.000) and vegetable consumption (p=0.000) before and after education both in video and media groups in the media group leaflet. And there are differences in changes in knowledge (p=0.047), the consumption of fruit (p=0.004) and vegetable consumption (p=0.043) between the media of video and media group leaflet. Based on this it concluded that there is the effect of nutrition education through the medium of video and leaflets to changes in fruit and vegetable consumption on Al Chasanah Junior High School students in 2016.

Keywords : Nutrition Education, Video and Leaflets Media, Fruit and Vegetable Consumption. INTRODUCTION

Community lifestyle tendency dynamic impact on our health (Irfan, Bahar, and Hendrayati, 2012). One of them is the lack of eating fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables have various benefits for the body. Fruits and vegetables are a source of nutrient and non-nutrient substances, which are both important for health. As a source of nutrients, fruit plays a role in regulating the growth, maintenance, and replacement cells of the human body. In recent years, the role of non-nutritional substances in fruit and become very important in the prevention and treatment of various diseases (Astawan, 2008). Less eating fruits and vegetables is eating behavior that can be detrimental to health. Less eating fruits and vegetables can cause the body to experience a shortage of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber that may cause the occurrence of various diseases (Farisa, 2012). WHO recommends consumption of fruits and vegetables as much as 400-600 grams per day to prevent chronic diseases. In addition, based on the Balanced Nutrition

Guidelines, the suggestion of eating fruits and vegetables in Indonesia by 2-3 servings of fruit or the equivalent of 150 grams of fruit per day and 3-5 servings of vegetables or the equivalent of 250 grams of vegetables per day (Bahria & Triyanti, 2010). Fruit and vegetable consumption among adolescents in many countries still do not meet the recommendations made by the WHO (World Health Organization) or the recommendation of their own country. Young people in Canada that eating fruits and vegetables as much as 5 servings or more only by 29%. The results of the study Lock et al. (2005) in Mohammad & Madanijah (2015) conducted in some parts of Africa, America, and Asia consisting of 14 areas of the states that children aged 5-14 years have a 20% propensity to consume fruits and vegetables is lower when compared to the adults 30-59 years old. In the population 10 years and older, the national prevalence of less consumption of fruits and vegetables by 93.6%. While the prevalence of consumption of fruits and vegetables in Jakarta amounted to 94.5%.


According to Heinberg and Thompson (1996) in Emilia (2009 diet is not normal usually occurs in adolescents and young adults. Based on the theory of Rasmussen et al. (2006) note that the characteristics of the individual and the environment linked to the consumption of fruit and vegetables in children and adolescents. Educational nutrition have always intended that school-age children to change the behavior of food consumption to be better. Educational nutrition is very necessary to improve the nutritional knowledge of children of school age, form positive attitudes towards nutritious food in order to establish good eating habits (Krølner et al., 2011). The process of nutrition education can’t be separated from the effect of the use of props or media that is able to support the ongoing educational activities such. media education is made by adhering to the principle that knowledge that exist in every person received or captured through the five senses. the more senses that are used more and more and the clearer the understanding or the knowledge acquired. Senses that a lot of channel knowledge to the brain is the eye (approximately 75% to 87%), while 13% to 25%, human knowledge is acquired and distributed through other senses (Kapti, 2010).

Based on preliminary studies conducted by researchers at 30 randomly selected students in Al Chasanah Junior High School obtained an average age of students is 13-15 years. Students consume less fruit by 70% and less consumption of vegetables by 85%. Category less if the consumption of fruit <2 times / day and vegetable <3 times / day. Thus it is necessary to do research on the consumption of fruits and vegetables on Al Chasanah Junior High School students. Based on the above, the researchers decided to conduct research on the effect of nutrition education through the medium of video and leaflets to changes in fruit and vegetable consumption on Al Chasanah Junior High School students in 2016


This research was conducted Al Chasanah Junior High School, Tanjung Duren, West Jakarta. The study was conducted in May and June 2016. This type of research is Pre Experiment, with research One Group Pre-Test Post-Pre-Test where the research has been done the first observation (pre-test) so that researchers can examine the changes that happen by giving questionnaires to respondents (post-test) after the intervention with nutrition education through the medium of video and leaflet. The population in this study were all Al Chasanah Junior High School numbering as many as 182 students. Samples were taken by purposive sampling, the sampling technique based on the criteria that have been made by researchers. Based on the results of the calculation of the sample size for Al Chasanah Junior High School students amounted to 64 people.

The data collected in this study is the data characteristics of respondents that include gender and age, data on respondents' knowledge of the consumption of fruit and vegetables, as well as data consumption of fruits and vegetables respondents. Data obtained through questionnaires. The first questionnaire about the data characteristics of the respondents, the following questionnaire is a questionnaire pre-test and post-test and form SQFFQ (Semi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire). Processing and data analysis using SPSS. Univariate analysis was conducted to see the characteristics of the respondents including age and gender, and score of knowledge, the consumption of fruits and vegetables before and after education through the medium of video and leaflet. The bivariate analysis was conducted to analyze the effect of proving the existence of nutrition education through the medium of video and leaflets to changes in fruit and vegetable consumption on Al Chasanah Junior High School students in 2016.



Univariate analysis was conducted to determine the frequency distribution or distribution descriptive of the characteristics of respondents include sex, age, and each of the

variables which include the variable knowledge and consumption of vegetables and fruit.

Characteristics of the Respondents

Table 1. The frequency distribution of respondents by the characteristics of the respondent

Variable n % Age 12 years old 2 3.13 13 years old 22 34.38 14 years old 31 48.44 15 years old 8 12.50 16 years old 1 1.56 Sex Male 37 57.81 Female 27 42.19

Knowledge, Fruit Consumption and Vegetable Consumption

Table 2. The frequency distribution of knowledge score, the consumption of fruit and vegetable consumption respondents


Video Leaflet

Before After Before After

n Mean n Mean n Mean n Mean

Knowledge 32 7.72 32 11.31 32 8.03 32 10.72


Consumption 32 120.59 32 170.85 32 124.49 32 155.29


Consumption 32 205.33 32 257.24 32 198.80 32 233.85

Table 3. Summary results of the bivariate analysis using Paired Sample T-test and test independent sample T-test with the alternative test Wilcoxon and Mann Whitne

Variable P value

Knowledge Before Education 0.479

Knowledge Before and After Education Through Video Media 0.000

Knowledge Before and After Education Through Leaflet Media 0.000

Differences Knowledge Changes 0.047

Fruit Consumption Before Education 0.385

Fruit Consumption Before and After Education Through Video Media 0.000 Fruit Consumption Before and After Education Through Leaflet Media 0.000

Differences Fruit Consumption Changes 0.004

Vegetable Consumption Before Education 0.295

Vegetable Consumption Before and After Education Through Video Media

0.000 Vegetable Consumption Before and After Education Through Leaflet



Vegetable Consumption Knowledge Changes 0.043


Characteristics of the Respondents

Adolescence is a period of life that starts at the age of 9-10 years and ends at the age of 18 years. In this age range, someone will begin to

adopt dietary behavior that would tend to persist in adulthood (Sandvik et al., 2005).

Samples are Al Chasanah Junior High School students were classified into adolescence with an age range between 12 to


16 years. The results showed that of the 64 students in Al Chasanah Junior High School as many as 2 students aged 12 years, 22 students aged 13 years, 31 students aged 14 years, 8 students 15 years old and 1 student aged 16 years. From this it can be seen that respondents in this study mostly 14 years old. Age of students in this study are all classified into adolescence. While the gender of students in this study showed that of the 64 students in Al Chasanah Junior High School as many as 37 students (57.81%) male sex and as many as 27 students (42.19%) were female. From this it can be seen that the students in the study are predominantly male.

Knowledge About Fruit and Vegetable

From the results of this study found that the average score of students' knowledge of Al Chasanah Junior High School before and after given education through video media is at 7.72 and 11.31 with a standard deviation of 1.37 and 1.63. While the average score of students' knowledge of Al Chasanah Junior High School before and after given education through leaflet media amounted to 8.03 and 10.72 with a standard deviation of 1.53 and 1.61. From these results it can be seen that an increase in the average score of students' knowledge of Al Chasanah Junior High School between before and after given education through the medium of video and media leaflet.

With the increased knowledge, expected improvements in food consumption patterns in Al Chasanah Junior High School students primarily on consumption of fruits and vegetables. Knowledge of good nutrition is an important factor in determining attitudes and behavior someone to food. Increasingly have the knowledge of good nutrition, an individual will increasingly consider the type and quality of food that would have to be consumed (Farisa, 2012). Knowledge is a domain of things that can shape behavior. Knowledge is the result of out and going after people perform sensing on a specific object. Most of the knowledge gained through the eyes and ears. Knowledge can be increased after getting nutrition education so that with nutrition education can alter food consumption adolescents better baik (Waruis, Atika, Punuh, 2015).

In this study, the statistical test using Mann Whitney test to see differences in students' knowledge of the fruit and vegetable

on group of video media and leaflet media before education in Al Chasanah Junior High School, p value=0.479 (p>0.05), which means that there is no difference students' knowledge before education between group of video media and leaflet media on Al Chasanah Junior High School students with average grade ratings on video media at 7.72 and the average value of ratings on media leaflet at 8.03. The process of nutrition education can not be separated from the effect of the use of props or media that is able to support the ongoing educational activities. Media can be defined as all means or attempt to display the message to be conveyed by the communicator to the target so as to improve knowledge in turn will change the target behavior towards the positive (Lazzeri, et al., 2013). Media education is made by adhering to the principle that knowledge that exist in every person received or captured through the five senses. The more senses that are used more and more and the clearer the understanding or the knowledge acquired (Kapti, 2010). The selection of video and leaflets as a medium of education for both media is visual and audiovisual. Senses that a lot of channel knowledge to the brain is the eye (approximately 75% to 87%), while 13% to 25%, human knowledge is acquired and distributed through the other senses.

In this study, the statistical test using Wilcoxon test to see differences in students' knowledge of fruits and vegetables before and after education through the medium of video in Al Chasanah Junior High School, p value=0.000 (p<0.05), which means that there are differences in students' knowledge of fruits and vegetables before and after education through the medium of video in Al Chasanah Junior High School, with an average value of 7.72 before education and the average value of 11.31 after education. As for the media leaflets in this study, the results of statistical tests using Paired Sample T-test to see differences in students' knowledge of fruits and vegetables before and after education through media leaflets in Al Chasanah Junior High School, p value=0.000 (p<0.05), which means that there are differences in students' knowledge of fruits and vegetables before and after education through media leaflets in Al Chasanah Junior High School with an average value of 8.03 before education and the average value of 10.72 after education.


Furthermore, to see how changes in students' knowledge by education through the medium of video with students by education through media leaflets in Al Chasanah Junior High School used statistical tests using test independent sample T-test and p value=0.047 (p<0.05), which means that there are differences in changes in knowledge among students by education through the medium of video and by education through the medium of leaflets on Al Chasanah Junior High School students. The average value of the video media amounted to 3.59 and an average value of 2.68 on a media leaflet. The difference between the average value of the video media and media leaflet 0.91.

According to Piaget's theory (1970) in Qalbi et al. (2015) junior high school students in the stage of development at the stage of a period of very rapid development of all aspects of a development cognitive, psychomotor and affective. In the development of the cognitive aspects, the period beginning at the age of 12 years, which is approximately equal to the age of junior high school students, is a 'period of formal operation'. At this age, which develop in students the ability to think symbolically and can understand something meaningful without the need for a concrete object.

Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

From the results of this study found that the average consumption of fruit Al Chasanah Junior High School students per day before and after given education through the medium of video amounted to 120.59 g and 170.85 g. While the average consumption of fruit Al Chasanah Junior High School students per day before and after the education given through media leaflets amounted to 124.49 g and 155.28 g. From the results of this study also found that the average consumption of vegetables Al Chasanah Junior High School students per day before and after given education through the medium of video amounted to 205.33 g and 257.24 g. While the average vegetable consumption Al Chasanah Junior High School students per day before and after the education given through media leaflets amounted to 198.80 g and 233.85 g.

Fruits and vegetables have various benefits for the body. Less eating fruits and vegetables is eating behavior that can be detrimental to health. Less eating fruits and vegetables can cause the body to experience a

shortage of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber that can cause many diseases. Fruit and vegetable consumption among adolescents in many countries still do not meet the recommendations made by the WHO or the recommendation of their own country (Farisa, 2012).

In this study, the results of statistical tests using test Indenpendent sample T-test to see differences in the consumption of fruit the students in the group video media and leaflet media before education in Al Chasanah Junior High School, p value=0.385 (p> 0.05), which means that there was no difference in the consumption of fruit the students on the group video media and leaflet media before education in Al Chasanah Junior High School. The average value of the video media amounted to 120.5, and the average value of 124.5 leaflet media. While the results of the statistical test using Mann Whitney test to see differences in the consumption of vegetables student in the group of media video media leaflet before education in Al Chasanah Junior High School, p value=0.295 (p> 0.050), which means that there are no differences in vegetable consumption among students in group video media and leaflet before education in Al Chasanah Junior High School with the average value of the video media at 205.3 and the average value of the media leaflet at 198.8. Knowledge of good nutrition is an important factor in determining a person's attitudes and behavior towards food. Increasingly have the knowledge of good nutrition, an individual will increasingly consider the type and quality of food that would have to be consumed (Farisa, 2012). With the increased knowledge, expected improvements in food consumption patterns in Al Chasanah Junior High School students primarily on consumption of fruits and vegetables. In this study, based on the statistical test using Paired Sample T-test, to see the differences in the consumption of fruit before and after the students be educated through the medium of video in Al Chasanah Junior High School, p value=0.000(p<0.05), indicating that there are differences in the consumption of fruit before and after the students be educated through the medium of video in Al Chasanah Junior High School. This means that there is the effect of nutrition education through the medium of video to changes in the consumption of fruit at Al Chasanah Junior High School students. The


average value of the consumption of fruit before education through the medium of video at 120.5 and the average value of fruit consumption after education through the medium of video amounted to 170.8. While the results of statistical tests using Paired Sample T-test, to see the differences in vegetable consumption before and after the students be educated through the medium of video in Al Chasanah Junior High School, p value=0.000 (p<0.05), indicating that there are differences in consumption vegetable students before and after education through the medium of video in Al Chasanah Junior High School. This means that there is the effect of nutrition education through the medium of video to changes in the consumption of vegetables in Al Chasanah Junior High School students. The average value of the consumption of vegetables before education through the medium of video at 205.3 and the average value of vegetable consumption after education through the medium of video amounted to 257.2.

Furthermore, the media leaflet, based on the statistical test using Paired Sample T-test, to see the differences in the consumption of fruit before and after the students be educated through the medium of leaflets in SMP Al Chasanah, p value=0.000 (p<0.05), which shows that there are differences in the consumption of fruit before and after the students be educated through the medium of leaflets in Al Chasanah Junior High School. This means that there is the effect of nutrition education through the medium of leaflets to changes in the consumption of fruit at Al Chasanah Junior High School students. The average value of the consumption of fruit before education through media leaflets at 124.5 and the average value of fruit consumption after education through media leaflets at 155.2. While the results of statistical tests using Paired Sample T-test, to see the differences in vegetable consumption before and after the students be educated through the medium of leaflets in SMP Al Chasanah, p value=0.000 (p<0.05), indicating that there are differences in consumption vegetable students before and after education through the medium of leaflets on Al Chasanah Junior High School students. This means that there is the effect of nutrition education through the medium of leaflets to changes in the consumption of vegetables in Al Chasanah Junior High School

students. The average value of the consumption of vegetables before education through media leaflets at 198.8 and the average value of vegetable consumption after education through media leaflets at 233.8. The big difference in the consumption of fruits and vegetables before and after the intervention in this study can also be interpreted as a result of health education with the provision of nutrition education with tools such as video media and leaflets. Video is a medium of education materials and absorption through vision and hearing so as to establish the conditions to enable the pupils to acquire knowledge and skills. While the leaflet is a media education through a folded sheet. The advantage to using leaflets among other objectives can adjust and learn independently as well as practical as it reduces the need notes. Goals can see its contents while relaxing and very economical (Siagian, Jumirah & Tampubolon, 2010). Selection and use of video and leaflets as a medium of education is one important component. According to Maulana (2009) in Kapti (2010), senses that a lot of channel knowledge to the brain is the eye (approximately 75% to 87%), while 13% to 25%, human knowledge is acquired and distributed through the other senses. The media should be able to stimulate or entering information through the sharing of the senses. The more that stimulated the inclusion of information will be more easily (Kapti, 2010). Furthermore, to see how changes in the consumption of fruit in students by education through the medium of video with students by education through media leaflets in SMP Al Chasanah used statistical test using Mann Whitney test and p value=0.004 (p<0.05) indicating that there are differences in changes in consumption of fruit among students by education through the medium of video and to students who are given education through media leaflets in Al Chasanah Junior High School. The average value of the video media at 50.30 and the average value of the media leaflet at 30.70. The difference between the average value of the video media and media leaflet at 19.60. While the results of statistical tests using test independent sample T-test, to see the differences in vegetable consumption among students by education through the medium of video and leaflets on student Al Chasanah Junior High School, p value=0.043 (p>0.05), which indicates that there is a


difference changes in vegetable consumption among students by education through the medium of video and to students who are given education through media leaflets in Al Chasanah Junior High School. The average value of the video media at 51.90 and the average value of the media leaflet at 35.05. The difference between the average value of the video media and media leaflet at 16.85. The average value of the group higher video is consistent theory Daryanto (2011) in Kurniawati (2014) that video as a medium of education can strengthen the process of learning and entertainment value of serving. The motion shown in the video may be a stimulus that matched or form a desired response from the audience. Spectators get the contents and structure of the whole of the subject matter or training. Spectators can also study independently at their own pace. In addition to viewing the video, the audience is like being in a place similar to programs that display the video so that the video more interesting. Leaflet as visual media only rely on their senses of sight when compared to video media. Daryanto (2011) in Kurniawati (2014) revealed that the absorption of man who only rely on their senses of sight alone is only about 82%. In the leaflet media, pregnant women only obtained the material by relying on the sense of sight only. Presentation materials less attractive and absorption earned less than the delivery of content with video media that rely on their senses of sight and sense of hearing. Absorptive capacity of human senses of sight and sense of hearing by 93% (Kurniawati, 2014).

CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS The results of this study indicate that there are significant differences in knowledge, the consumption of fruits and vegetables before and after education through the medium of video and leaflet shows significant value. This may imply that there is the effect of nutrition education through the medium of video and leaflets to changes in fruit and vegetable consumption on Al Chasanah Junior High School students in 2016.

It is recommended at Al Chasanah Junior High School students in order to increase consumption of fruit and vegetables to increase your intake of vitamins, minerals, fiber and an antioxidant that is needed by the body.


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