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T ING 1103236 Chapter5


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Nia Kurniawati, 2014

Perceived self efficacy vs actual teaching performance : A case in teaching writing Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter discusses three sections namely conclusions, and suggestions for

further research. The sections summarize up the information, the research findings, and

arguments from the discussion of the previous chapters.

5.1. Conclusions

After discussing the findings from the data gained from the questionnaires, the

classroom observations, and the interviews, and documents analysis, the researcher

draws the following conclusion.

Regarding the first research question concerning the lecturer’s perceived TWSE,

this study found that from the ten aspects of TWSE, the lecturer perceived her

self-efficacy in teaching writing in three different ways. In general, the respondent claimed

herself to be a efficacious writing lecturer. Her level of teaching writing

self-efficacy was varied from very high to low depending on her mastery to the content

knowledge in writing. The source of the lecturer’s TWSE mainly came from her

mastery experience (Bandura, 1997), and external factors which came mainly from her

students’ condition.

Meanwhile, for the second research question, it was revealed that her actual

teaching writing performance somehow different from her perceived TWSE. What he

mentioned in the questionnaire and interviews was not carried out in her real teaching

writing performance. As from the teaching product perspective, it was found out that

there was a slight improvement on the students writing, the average score of the second

writing assignment was improving around 12.88 %. However, in general the students

microskills on writing was still poor. Many students still made mistakes, especially on

grammar in which the lecturer’s admitted to have no self-efficacy in dealing with it, and on punctuation and capitalization to which the lecturer actually admitted to have high


Nia Kurniawati, 2014

Perceived self efficacy vs actual teaching performance : A case in teaching writing Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

discrepancies of the respondent’s perceived TWSE in her actual teaching writing performance.

The last issue of the factors that might cause the discrepancy between the

respondent’s perceived TWSE and her actual teaching writing performance is also answered. The internal factor comes from the respondent herself. Mostly, the

respondents did not meet the requirements to conduct good teaching. Ingeneral, her

teaching performance was not really satisfying. First, because the lecturer rarely gave

real example of material she explained in the classroom. Secondly, the lecturer

transformed the writing class into a speaking class, where the students were more

frequently required to speak rather than to write.

Considering the findings above, it can be concluded that the lecturer failed to

recognized her actual TWSE. There were many discrepancies occurred in her actual

teaching performance compared to her perceived TWSE and those might occur because

of several reasons. First, the respondent had limited reading proficiency to understand

the items in the questionnaire which were written in English. Second, the respondent

might be confused with the terminologies used in the instruments, even actually those

were common terminologies in teaching writing. Last reason, the respondent had no

ability to recognize her own strength and weaknesses as a writing lecturer.

The external factor come from the respondent’s environment started from her educational and working environment, until the students’ condition. The failure of the respondent to recognize her level of TWSE might happen because all these time

language teachers were not equipped with sufficient content knowledge as well as

pedagogical knowledge that contributes to the teaching self-efficacy. Realizing the

importance of TWSE for a writing teacher, the pre-service teacher training institutions

should seriously take part in preparing the pre-service teachers to have good writing

skill and also teaching writing skill. However, the resposibility is not only for the

pre-service teacher training institution. The writing teachers themselves should have the

willingness to improve themselves and it can be assisted by the institution where they

work by providing or sending them to any writing and teaching writing professional


Nia Kurniawati, 2014

Perceived self efficacy vs actual teaching performance : A case in teaching writing Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

In conducting this study, there were some limitations of the study. The first one

was the number of participants. This study only involved an English lecturer and her

students. If this study involved more participants, the data gained would be richer. The

second one was limited time in collecting the data. If this study were conducted in a

longer time, the data would be more detail.

5.3 Suggestions

Based on the findings and the limitations of the study, the researcher offers

thefollowing suggestionsns for further research related to the main issue.

The first, as discussed in the previous section, a research particularly

incollecting data of classroom observations and interviews with sufficient time might

contribute on more significant findings regarding the primaryissue. A further study

related to the English lecturer’s TWSE in its application in teaching-learning activities

in a longer timeand more participants might present more significant findings on

theprimary issue.

The second, concerning the instrument especially the questionnaire, it is better

to be written in the respondent first language. It is to avoid the possibility that the

respondents failed to understand the item because of their limited proficiency in

English. The specific terminologies involved in the instruments also should be carefully

chosen to prevent misunderstanding among the respondents, or else the data gained

would be unsatisfactory.

The third, regarding to the English lecturers’s TWSE, it isa must for the English

lecturer toequip themselves with all of the four language skills equally well, not only

with the skills they feel comfort to teach.Itwas also recommend that the English

lecturers follow prefessional development sessions to improve her knowledge, skill and

ability in writing, and to develop her self-efficacy in teaching writing.


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