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Dealing With Lack of Staff With Ability To Do The International communication in Rumah Cemara.


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i Maranatha Christian University


Selama mengikuti program magang di Rumah Cemara, saya melihat adanya masalah yang terjadi di bidang komunikasi antara pihak Rumah Cemara dengan International HIV/AIDS Alliance di Inggris dalam

melakukan international communication dengan Alliance. Komunikasi

internasional ini penting dilakukan karena merupakan laporan rutin yang menjadi tanggung jawab dari pihak Rumah Cemara. Kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh pihak Rumah Cemara dikarenakan minimnya staf yang dapat melakukan sambungan telepon dalam Bahasa Inggris dan

minimnya wawasan staf tentang program yang sedang berjalan di Rumah Cemara.

Permasalahan saat ini adalah hanya dua orang staf yang dapat

melakukan komunikasi internasional dan seringkali kegiatan ini dibatalkan karena ketidakberadaan mereka di kantor. Jika hal ini terus terjadi, maka akan menimbulkan kesan buruk bagi Rumah Cemara karena tidak

melakukan tanggung jawabnya untuk memberikan laporan rutin tiap minggunya kepada Alliance. Saya mendapatkan tiga pilihan solusi yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini. Solusi pertama adalah memberikan kursus intensif Bahasa Inggris kepada para staf di Rumah Cemara. Solusi kedua adalah mengadakan rapat antar koordinator program seminggu sekali. Sedangkan solusi ketiga adalah para staf mengambil kursus Bahasa Inggris online.


v Maranatha Christian University






CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1-8 A. Background of the Study

B. Identification of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution

E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study

G. Organization of the Term Paper










 Other staff have no courage in speaking English.

 Other staff have no good basic education in English.

 Some of the staff only know small amount of information about the other programs from different divisions.


There are only two staff who are able to do the international

communication at RC.


 When Grant-Writing Manager and Public Relations Officer are unavailable, the international communication is cancelled.

 It will give a bad impression for RC.

Potential Positive Effects:

 The staff can increase the English knowledge for free.

 There is no time restriction. Potential Positive Effects:

 Every program coordinator will get the update news from the other programs.

 All of the staff will know about all of the programs held by RC.

 All of the staff will be able to do the international communication. Potential Positive Effects:

 There will be more staff who are confident in speaking English.

 It will increase the quality of all the staff.

Potential Negative Effects:

 There is no supervision in

evaluating the staff’s


Potential Negative Effects:

 It will add to the program

coordinators’ working


 It is hard to find the time when all of the program coordinators can attend the meeting.

Potential Negative Effects:

 It needs a lot of money to join an English course.

 It needs a long time to see the staff’s progress. Potential Solution I:

RC gives an English course to staff who handle the programs.

Potential Solution II: All program coordinators hold an

updating meeting once a week.

Potential Solution III: All staff take an English online

course in the Internet.

Chosen Solution:



Interview 1


 Aditia Taslim, Grant-Writing Manager


1. Sudah berapa lamakah Anda bekerja di Rumah Cemara?

2. Apakah Anda cukup mengenal para staf yang bekerja di Rumah


3. Apakah melakukan international communication dengan Alliance

merupakan salah satu tugas Grant-Writing Manager?

4. Apa tujuan dari international communication?

5. Jika Anda sedang berhalangan, siapakah yang menggantikan

tugas Anda dalam melakukan international communication?

6. Tidak adakah staf lain yang dapat menggantikan tugas tersebut?

7. Menurut pandangan Anda, mengapa mereka tidak mau


8. Apakah menurut Anda, staf-staf tersebut dapat berbahasa Inggris


Interview 2


 Anton M. Djajaprawira, Program Coordinator of Harm Reduction


 Kheista Leonie, Public Relation Officer

 Reza Ozyan Havidz, Finance Officer


1. Apakah Anda dapat berbahasa Inggris?

2. Jika ya, apakah Anda merasa komunikatif dalam berbahasa Inggris?

3. Jika tidak, faktor apa yang membuat Anda sulit melakukan

percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris? Tidak percaya dirikah? Atau

ada alasan lain?

4. Bisa ceritakan sedikit tentang basic English waktu masih sekolah?

5. Pernahkah mencoba melatih Bahasa Inggris Anda, dengan kondisi

Anda bekerja di LSM yang banyak berhubungan dengan pihak


6. Apakah Anda menguasai semua program yang sedang ditangani

Rumah Cemara?

7. Jika sampai terpaksa, apakah Anda mau melakukan international

communication dengan pihak Alliance?

8. Jika mau, mengapa?

9. Jika tidak, mengapa?



Name of interviewee: Aditia Taslim

Day/Date : Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Time : 5 PM to 6 PM

Venue : Rumah Cemara Director Room

No. Issue to be clarified/jusified

Interviewee's answers (the exact

words) Conclusion

1. Lama bekerja di

Rumah Cemara 6 tahun, dari 2005. 6 tahun.

2. Kedekatan dengan staf lain

Iya. Beberapa ada yang deket tapi

ada juga sih yang ga terlalu deket. Iya.


4. Tujuan international communication

Jadi ic itu salah satu bentuk laporan rutin kita ke Alliance. Seminggu sekali lah idealnya mah. Hmm... Kita ngelaporin progres dari program-program kita yang dananya didapet lewat si Alliance. Yang ga dari mereka juga gapapa sih kalau mereka nanya mah yah kita jawab aja. Trus kaya kemaren pas Skype call, mereka juga nanya kita lagi butuh apa ga. Meski belum tentu bisa penuhin, tapi mereka juga bantuin kita nyari donor yang mau danain kita. Jadi sistemnya mereka tuh kaya penjembatan RC sama donor. Tapi si Skype call ini teh ga formal. Kaya kemaren aja sambil ngobrol-ngobrol keketawaan. Mereka juga nanya-nanya hal-hal di luar program RC kan? Gitu lah kurang lebihnya mah, Tan.



Pengganti kalau Grant-Writing Manager berhalangan

Kishi lah. Dia kan Inggris-nya paling lancar. Ada beberapa yang bisa ngomong Inggris kaya Ginan atau Ikbal sebenernya bisa. Tapi loba ku hoream. Ya posisi juga meren nya. Tuh da si Ojon juga sebenernya bisa Bahasa Inggris mah. Tapi ya

kendalanya beberapa staf ga ngerti keseluruhan program. Ada yang ngerti rehab, ga ngerti dampingan. Kalo Kishi dia sebagai PR tau lah sedikit banyak program RC.

Kishi. Bahasa Inggris-nya paling lancar dan sebagai PR RC sedikit

Nah itu. Harusnya mah ada. Tapi so far kalo gue sama Kishi ga bisa ya udah cancel aja Skype call-nya. Lo tuh sebagai asisten gue harusnya kalo gue ga bisa lo yang gantiin. Hahahaa...

Hanya Kishi.


Alasan staf lain tidak mau menggantikan

Yah itu yang tadi udah gw jelasin. Ada yang ga bisa Bahasa Inggris, ada yang ga pede, ga ngerti program nanti bisi salah ngomong. Ada faktor males juga sih.


Sebagian bisa. Buktinya kalo ada pelatihan di luar negeri pada lancar-lancar aja tuh. Trus kalo ada EP beuh yang cewe-cewe yang tadinya ga bisa mendadak bisa kalo EP-nya cakep mah. Cuma itu sih

masalahnya di percaya diri. Padahal mah coba aja dulu, kalo dicoba gue rasa sebagian besar juga bisa.


Name of interviewee: Anton M. Djajaprawira

Day/Date : Friday, 7 October 2011

Time : 1 PM to 2 PM

Venue : Ruang Divisi Harm Reduction

No. Issue to be

clarified/jusified Interviewee's answers (the exact words) Conclusion

1. Kemampuan

Bahasa Inggris Bisa sih, tapi ga komunikatif. Bisa.

2. Komunikatif atau tidak

Ga. Komunikatif atau ga nya kata gue sih tergantung dari orang itu suka ngomong apa ga. Kalo gue

termasuknya yang ga suka ngomong.


3. Faktor penghalang berbahasa Inggris

Hmm... Gue sih emang ga komunikatif. Ga terlalu sering ngomong. Gue tipe orang terututup. Jadi ga gitu suka ngomong. Trus gue orangnya kalo ada apa gitu pengennya bener, bagus, berjalan sempurna lah. Gue sih daripada salah ngomong, mendingan diem aja. Itu kayanya termasuk faktor ga pede juga sih. Gitu lah. baik diam saja.


Pengalaman dasar Bahasa Inggris ketika masih sekolah

Maksudnya les Inggris gitu? Pernah sih pas masih sekolah gue sempet ikut kursus Inggris. Pokonya pas SD SMP nilai gue Inggris bagus lah. SMA mulai biasa aja. Hmm.. SD SMP itu gue udah mulai minum. SMP baru pake andep. Pete tauuuunn... 96 sampe 2003. Sempet bersih taun 2000 sampeee 2002. Pas gue ke Aussie tetep pake sih. Hmm... Di sana sekitar 2,5 3 taun lah. Iya, pas kuliah.

Cukup baik


6. Penguasaan program

Tau sebagian doang. Ada yang ngerti tapi ada juga yang ga terlalu. Kaya yang program bola gue tau dikit-dikit aja. Tapi kalau rehab gue ga tau.

Tidak. Kurang

Bisa. Mau-mau aja sih kalo harus mah. Mau.

8. Alasan jika bersedia

Selama menyangkut program yang gue kuasain ya hayu aja. Saran gue sih lebih baik kalo ic itu sistemnya dibagi sesuai divisi. Jadi ga semua numpuk di Adit. Kasian juga liatnya. Belum kalo Adit ga ke kantor.

Ya kan sebelumnya gue juga suka Skype call sama Alliance. Tapi cuma yang nyangkut HR aja. Harusnya gitu sih. Masing-masing aja jadi lebih jelas.

Suka melakukan international communication juga tapi hanya hal yang


Name of interviewee: Kheista Leonie

Day/Date : Thursday, 6 October 2011

Time : 4 PM to 5 PM

Venue : Rumah Makan Legoh

No. Issue to be clarified/jusified

Interviewee's answers (the exact

words) Conclusion

1. Kemampuan Bahasa

Inggris Bisa. Bisa.

2. Komunikatif atau

tidak Sangaaaatt komunikatif. Hehehee...

Sangat ketika masih sekolah

Nilainya gitu maksud lo? Bagus sih gue. Kalo kursus, dulu juga gue les Inggris. Trus sempet ikut homstay juga meski hanya sebulanan. Kuliah gue kan di HI. Dan selama kuliah gue juga gabung di AIESEC, jadi Bahasa Inggris gue sangat terpakai.


Kalo gue dalam pergaulan dan kehidupan sehari-hari juga terbiasa berbahasa Inggris, Tan. Hehehee...


Ga terlalu mendalam sih. Tau sampe ke akar-akarnya cuma yang bola kan lagi fokusnya itu sama kegiatan For Life aja.

Mau. Tapi kalau sampai terpaksa saja. Hahahaa... Harusnya tugas gue sih buat gantiin si Adit. Tapi kalo harus banget baru gue gantiin. Hehehehee..


8. Alasan jika bersedia

Kalau sampe terpaksa yah. Ada lah hal-hal yang masih bisa gw cover. Atau jadi mediator aja.

Ada hal-hal yang masih bisa di-cover.

9. Alasan jika tidak



Jika bersedia, mengapa baru sekarang

Selama ini itu termasuk tugas

merangkap Adit sih kalau si Aditnya ga bisa. Tapi kalau sampe terpaksa da gue ga terlalu nguasain program.

Selama ini termasuk tugas dalam


Name of interviewee: Reza Ozyan Havidz

Day/Date : Thursday, 6 October 2011

Time : 3 PM to 4 PM

Venue : Rumah Makan Legoh

No. Issue to be clarified/jusified

Interviewee's answers (the exact

words) Conclusion

1. Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris

Sedikit. Kalau ada orang ngomong Ojon ngerti, tapi susah ngomong dan nyari kata-kata yang tepat.


2. Komunikatif atau

tidak Ga terlalu komunikatif. Tidak.

3. Faktor penghalang berbahasa Inggris

Kesulitannya di vocab, karena perbendaharaan saya sedikit.

Grammar juga suka pusing-pusing. Ga pede juga. Takutnya kalo ngomong trus salah malah mempermalukan diri sendiri. ketika masih sekolah

Bagus. Waktu SD SMP nilai Inggris ampir mendekati sempurna. Saos tirem pokonya. Waktu SMP sempet ambil kursus tapi cuma sebulan. Nah SMA mulai menurun. Ada faktor dari gurunya juga, Tan. Pas SMP mah gurunya enak meren yah neranginnya apanya jadi merhatiin dan bisa

ngikutin. Pas SMA mah guruna oge pait. Iya itu ada juga faktor mabok. Pas SD mah alkohol gitu ga pengaruh. Lagi SMA mulai pake obat ada juga meren yah faktor obatnya. Tapi ah gurunya we pait pas SMA mah.

Cuma kalo ada tamu asing aja. Tapi da saya mah kalo ga terpaksa juga ga keluar ruangan. Hehee... Oh, sama kalo pelatihan di luar negeri itu mau ga mau harus mau.

Jika ada tamu asing datang ke kantor dan pelatihan di luar negeri.

6. Penguasaan program

Ga. Soalnya ga termasuk cakupan



Kalau terpaksa bersedia melakukan international

communcation atau tidak

Ga mau. Ga akan efektif pasti. Blah

bloh kieu. Tidak mau.

8. Alasan jika bersedia - -

9. Alasan jika tidak bersedia

Keterbatasan yang jadi masalah. Iya di bahasa, kan ga banyak

perbendaharaannya juga. Lagian ga gitu nguasain program, kecuali ada hubungannya sama finance baruuuu...

Keterbatasan yang menjadi masalah utama.


Jika bersedia, mengapa baru sekarang


1 Maranatha Christian University



A. Background of the Study

Rumah Cemara (henceforth, RC), is a national non-government

organization which is concerned with drugs and the HIV/AIDS issue.

RC is based in Bandung and extends its service around West Java

Province. According to the RC Annual Report 2010, the organization

does not get too much attention or financial support from the

government (9). Because of this, the majority of RC’s financial source

is from international donors. One of them is International HIV/AIDS

Alliance. They link RC to some financial resources that would like to

fund RC’s projects. Thus, as a grant recipient, RC has a responsibility

to provide the donor with reports, as is mentioned in the written


These reports are required to be submitted in English, both oral and

written. The oral report is done once a week with the International

HIV/AIDS Alliance in Brighton, England, through a Skype call. At RC,

the oral report with the international donors is named “International


2 Maranatha Christian University

(30) to sixty (60) minutes. The report gives regular updates of the

running programs that relate to the grant provided by the Alliance.

These updates include overall progress, problems that are faced in

implementation, as well as to make sure that the programs run

according to the plan. On the other hand, the Alliance monitors and

provides all the necessary support to RC.

The person in charge of doing this international communication is

the Grant-Writing Manager. When he is not available, it is the Public

Relations Officer who covers his duty. However, sometimes when both

of them are not in the office, which is most of the time, the call will be

cancelled. This is due to the fact that there is only a limited number of

staff who can do the international communication in RC.

This is the problem that I found in RC. When I did internship there

as the Grant-Writing Manager Assistant, I could see that English is

important for effective communication between RC and the

international donors. This is due to the fact that the majority of the

international donors use English as their first language. As Crystal

says, that there are huge numbers of people who work in organizations

use English as an official language (115). Due to the situation

explained above, I choose lack of staff with ability to do the

international communication in RC as my topic, specifically about the


3 Maranatha Christian University

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the description above, I would like to analyze the problem

to answer the following questions. They are:

1. Why are there only two staff who have ability to do the

international communication in RC?

2. How should RC solve this problem?

3. What is the best solution that can be given to the staff?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

There are three objectives of this term paper. The first one is to find

out why there are only two staff in RC who have ability to do the

international communication. The second one is to analyze some

solutions to handle the problem in RC. The last one is to give the best

and most effective solution to solve the problem.

Besides the objectives mentioned above, there are also some

benefits for the institution, for the readers, and for me as a writer. The

first benefit for the institution is to realize that the lack of courage and

ability in English knowledge and fluency among RC staff members

could inhibit communication with the international donors. The second

benefit is to convince the staff about the importance of English for

them, not only for the company’s interest, but also to increase the

quality of each staff. The last benefit is they will get some solutions that


4 Maranatha Christian University

By reading this term paper, the readers will be informed that having

an English ability is important. It is not only important for working in the

general institution, but also in some non-government organizations.

This is because some of the non-government organizations have

international collaboration with foreign institutions.

The benefit for me as a writer is this experience of this study, doing

an internship in RC teaches me to analyze the communication problem

in the workfield and look for the best solution for it. It might be useful

for my future career if I discover the same problem.

D. Description of the Institution

RC is a community-based organization for drug users and for

people living with HIV (henceforth, PLHIV), which was established on

January 1st,2003. It is located at Jalan Gegerkalong Girang No. 52

Bandung. All of the founders of RC, who are Patrianto Handoyo,

Hartanto M. K., Darwis B., Ikbal Rahman, dan Deradjat Ginandjar

Koesmayadi, used to be drug users. When they recovered from the

drugs addiction, they realized that there was no safe and comfortable

place for drug users and PLHIV to share their experiences, strengths,

hopes, and information. For those reasons, they established RC as

their second home. RC also has become a safe place for other drug

users and PLHIV from the police and temptations which could lead


5 Maranatha Christian University

The name of RC was taken from a television series, called Keluarga

Cemara. There is a reason why RC took this name. In these series, a

family named Keluarga Cemara raises family values, such as sincerity,

and positive thinking to face all their shortcomings and limitations.

Those values are intended to be given to everyone who joins RC,

whether they are drug users, PLHIV, or the general populace.

Nowadays, RC has four running programs, with the goal not only to

help drug users who want to stop their addiction, but also to reduce the

effects of HIV/AIDS. Those programs are recovery centre, HIV/AIDS

support group, harm reduction program, and intervention for the

general population. Each program is led by a program coordinator.

Recovery center offers drug users a recovery program which

includes in- and out-patient programs. During the in-patient program,

the participants, who are called residents, must spend four to six

months in the recovery center facility. This is done in order to prepare

them for coming back to the drug free society. In the out-patient

program, the residents will be assigned to intensive and regular

counseling to monitor the progress of their recovery.

RC’s support group program focuses on empowering PLHIV in

creating peer support groups in different cities and towns in West Java.

These groups are financially and technically supported by RC staff.

This also means that these groups are required to submit regular


6 Maranatha Christian University

Harm reduction program is RC's effort to reach the populations who

are the most at risk to HIV infection. These key populations include

people who use drugs, men who have sex with men, people who are

transgender, female sex workers, and high-risk men (who are

customers of sex workers). Through the harm reduction program, RC is

able to provide access to services needed by the key populations.

These services include the provision of clean needles and syringes,

condoms, and other service referrals, for instance, access to primary

health care, sexual and reproductive health care, HIV testing, support

and treatment, drug substitution program, and other services that may

be needed.

Besides providing direct service to the key populations, RC also

reaches people in general to eliminate the stigma and discrimination

against HIV/AIDS and drug addiction sufferers. RC has been

successful in involving people in general through mainstream activities,

such as music concerts, art and cultural exhibitions, football, and fund


E. Method of the Study

For the primary data in this term paper, I did some research and

interviews with the Grant-Writing Manager and staff members. I also

use my internship journal, which I wrote in every day while I was doing


7 Maranatha Christian University

browse the Internet to get theories and data to support my research

and analysis.

F. Limitation of the Study

This analysis is based on my apprenticeship at RC and also extra

time I spent there as a volunteer. I did the internship in RC from

January 5th 2010 to February 5th 2010. I worked from Monday to

Thursday from 10 AM to 5 PM. On Friday, I came after lunch until 6:30

PM to join the Skype call with International HIV/AIDS Alliance. After my

internship time was over, I still came to RC to become a volunteer. As

a volunteer, I continued my research and did interviews with some of

the staff to complete the existing data that I already had.

The objects of the study are four people. One of them is the

Grant-Writing Manager. He is about 26 years old. The rest of them are

general staff members from every program division. The age range is

between 28 to 32 years old.

G. Organization of the Term Paper

The term paper is divided into five chapters. In chapter one, I provide

the Background of the Study, Identification of the Problem, Objectives and

Benefits of the Study, Description of the Institution, Method of the Study,

Limitation of the Study, and Organization of the Term Paper. Chapter two

is Problem Analysis, where I describe the causes and effects of the


8 Maranatha Christian University

problem. I also describe the positive and the negative effects of each

solution. Chapter four is Conclusion, which shows the chosen solution to

solve the problem and the reason why it is the best one. The last part is


21 Maranatha Christian University



The problem I found in RC is related to maintaining the international

communication with the Alliance. The problem is caused by many of the

staff who have no courage in speaking English, some of the staff have no

good basic English, and some of the other staff only know a small amount

of information from other divisions. It has some effects, which are the

international communication is cancelled when no one can replace the two

staff who usually do the international communication, and, sooner or later,

it will give a bad impression for RC. After doing some research about the

causes and effects of the problem which occurs in RC, I come up with

some potential solutions, which I have described in the previous chapter.

Based on my analysis of each solution, I choose to combine all of the

potential solutions. They are giving an English course to the staff who

handle the RC’s programs, holding an update meeting with every program

coordinator once a week, and encouraging all staff to take an English

online course in the Internet. I focus on the first and second solutions.

However, I also suggest that all the staff take the third solution.

Furthermore, I will explain the reasons for the suggestions.


22 Maranatha Christian University

I consider focusing on the first and second solution for some reasons.

The first reason is RC should realize that it is important to have staff who

possess good English skills. This is because RC has partnerships with

some international parties. Moreover, by taking the first solution, it will

increase the number of staff who can speak in English. By sending the

staff to join an English course, RC can use their skills to handle the other

aspects related to the international partnership and the skill learned will

also raise their confidence in speaking English. As the survey conducted

by Global English shows 91 percent of multi-national companies

employees in Latin America, Europe, and Asia believe that English has an

important and crucial role in their career (qtd. in Nugroho par. 2). The

second reason is holding an updating meeting with every program

coordinator once a week is effective and efficient for all staff to know the

progress of each running program. It is a way of delivering information

from one division to another, and then from a program coordinator to their

staff. The meeting should not take too much time to share the update

news. In addition, the program coordinator can inform any news clearly to

the staff of his or her division. Thus, all staff will know the progress of other

divisions so that they will be able to do the international communication if


The third solution is a suggestion for any staff members who think that

they need to improve their English skills. They can increase their English

knowledge for free; therefore, there is no time restriction to take the


23 Maranatha Christian University

take it. It depends on whether an individual has a desire to enhance their

English ability or not.

To sum up, the combination of these solutions will help RC to deal with

lack of staff with ability to do the international communication with the

Alliance. If RC will apply these solutions, they will not face the same


Maranatha Christian University


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Rumah Cemara Annual Report. 2010: 9.

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Maranatha Christian University

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