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Dealing With A Six-Year-Old Boy Who Has ADHD Problem At Sunflower Class in Tunas Cemara Kindergarten.


Academic year: 2017

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Maranatha Christian University


Berdasarkan pengalaman magang di TK Tunas Cemara sebagai asisten guru di kelas Sun Flower, saya ingin membahas mengenai kesulitan yang saya hadapi dalam mengajarkan kosakata bahasa Inggris kepada seorang anak berumur 6 tahun bernama Kevin di TK Tunas Cemara yang memiliki masalah dengan Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder atau yang biasa disingkat dengan ADHD. Penyebabnya adalah karena saya tidak mengetahui metode yang efektif dan tidak memiliki pengalaman dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris kepada anak yang memiliki masalah ADHD. Dampak dari masalah ini yaitu Kevin tidak memperhatikan saya ketika saya mengajar. Selain itu, saya menjadi sering kehilangan kendali untuk menangani Kevin di dalam kelas dan juga saya tidak bisa berkonsentrasi dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris.

Sehubungan dengan hal itu, saya membahas empat pilihan solusi dalam menghadapi masalah ini.

Pilihan solusi yang pertama adalah saya mencari informasi mengenai Kevin melalui orangtua, guru dan psikolognya. Kedua, saya belajar bagaimana cara mengajar anak yang memiliki masalah dengan ADHD melalui internet atau buku. Ketiga, saya menggunakan metode yang sesuai seperti menggambar dan menggunakan media gambar yang sangat


Maranatha Christian University






CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION...1-6 A. Background of the Study

B. Identification of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution

E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study

G. Organization of the Term Paper









Maranatha Christian University




Causes :

1. I do not have any knowledge of the effective method to teach vocabulary to a child with ADHD problem. 2. I have no experience in teaching a

child with ADHD problem.


I have difficulties in dealing with a six-year-old boy who has Attention Deficit and

Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) problem during English lesson at Sun Flower

class in TK Tunas Cemara.

3. I cannot concentrate when teaching vocabulary.

Potential Solution I

I find out more information about this child from his parents, teachers and his

psychologist. Potential Negative effect

1. I have to spend more time to do an interview with the psychologist and spend some more money.

Potential Positive effects :

1. I can learn his characteristics and

obtain some useful tips to handle him

Potential Solution II

I learn how to teach a child with ADHD problem from the Internet or

books. Potential Negative effect

1. The techniques I learn might not suitable for the child.

Potential Positive effect

1. I can learn some new techniques about teaching and gain useful knowledge about ADHD.

Potential Negative effect

1. He probably would be bored if I only teach in the same way continuously.

Potential Solution III

I use suitable teaching methods or techniques such as drawing and using pictures to teach the child.

Potential Positive effect

1. He can understand the lesson.

Potential Solution IV

I use reward and penalty system. Potential Negative effect

1. He might focus on the reward.

Potential Positive effect

1. He will be motivated to show good behavior and not to break the rules.

Chosen solutions

1. I find out more information about this child from his parents, teachers and his psychologist.

2. I learn how to teach a child with ADHD problem from the Internet or books.

3. I use suitable teaching methods or techniques such as drawing and using pictures to teach the child.




1. Based on the result of your diagnosis to Kevin, what is your conclusion

about Kevin?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages for children with this


3. What are the causes that make Kevin behave like this?

4. What are the effects of this problem for his life?

5. What are the suitable teaching techniques or teaching methods for Kevin?

6. What could be done to make Kevin more motivated in learning?

7. What are the suitable tasks for Kevin at school?

8. What kind of school is appropriate for Kevin?




No. Issued to be clarified/justified

Interviewee’s answers

(the exact words) Conclusion


Berdasarkan hasil analisa yang

didapat, apa kesimpulan tentang


Emm.. Kevin ini mengalami gangguan

pemusatan perhatian dan hyperaktifitas, yah.

Emm.. Jadi ada kecenderungan kearah

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder

atau biasa disebut ADHD.

Kevin mengalami gangguan

pemusatan perhatian dan

hiperaktifitas yang biasa

disebut dengan ADHD


Termasuk dalam kategori apakah

Kevin berdasarkan kemampuan

yang ia miliki?

Umm, kalau dilihat dari kemampuannya sih

bisa dibilang dari IQ nya sih normal yah.

Kategori normal. Tapi kalau dari pengelolaan

emosi dan dorongan, itu bisa dibilang seperti

anak berkebutuhan khusus karena dia ga

bisa melakukan tugas-tugasnya tanpa

bantuan, seperti yang diperoleh anak-anak


Kevin merupakan anak

berkebutuhan khusus

karena masalah ADHD yang



Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan

anak dengan kemampuan seperti


Umm, kalau kelebihannya sih anak-anak

seperti ini biasanya kritis, pandai

berargumentasi, kalau sudah suka sama

sesuatu sangat fokus, kadang bahkan over

fokus. Mereka biasanya berani, spontan, ga

banyak ragu-ragu, tapi kekurangannya

biasanya kurang memperhatikan

rambu-rambu aturan, kadang-kadang terkesan

kurang sopan, prestasinya kalau di akademi,

prestasinya cenderung fluktuatif, tidak stabil,

kemudian sulit menunda dorongan dalam diri,

tergesa-gesa, kadang bertindak dulu baru

berpikir, dan anak itu ga organize, suka susah

mengikuti aturan dengan tertib, lalu potensi

lalainya juga tinggi karena dikuasai oleh

dorongan sesaat itu, jadi anak grasak-grusuk.

Kira-kira seperti itu.


Kritis, pandai

berargumentasi, fokus,

berani, spontan, tidak



Tidak taat aturan, terkesan

kurang sopan, prestasi

akademik cenderung

fluktuatif, tidak stabil, sulit

menunda dorongan dalam

diri, tergesa-gesa, bertindak

dulu baru berpikir, tidak


umm, penyebabnya, biasanya kondisi dalam



Apa yang menyebabkan Kevin

seperti ini? Dan apa saja efek bagi

kehidupan dia?

terkena virus seperti Toksoplasma atau selagi

hamil ibunya itu perokok, atau ada penyakit,

atau ibunya mengalami pendarahan. Bisa juga

penyebabnya itu proses kelahiran yang sulit.

Proses kelahiran yang menggunakan operasi

sesar. Dengan proses vakum. Bayi kurang

cukup umur. Berat badan rendah. Tidak

segera menangis. Bayi mengalami

Hyperbilirubin, atau infeksi setelah 1 bulan

melahirkan. Seperti, panas tinggi, diare, itu

penyebabnya. Efeknya buat anak ini tentu

saja seperti yang tadi saya bilang. Pasti tidak

optimal. Biasanya pengendalian dirinya

kurang baik, motivasi belajarnya kurang baik,

kurang popular, karena teman-temannya ga

suka sama anak yang grasak-grusuk. Sering

lalai. Sering lupa. Ya jadi, bisa perkembangan

kedepannya, masa depannya bisa kurang baik

kalau tidak ditreatment.


Kondisi dalam kandungan

infeksi, virus Toksoplasma,

sang ibu perokok, sang ibu

mengalami pendarahan,

proses kelahiran yang sulit,

operasi sesar dan vakum,

bayi kurang cukup umur,

berat badan rendah, bayi

tidak segera menangis

ketika dilahirkan, bayi

mengalami Hyperbilirubin,

infeksi kelahiran.


Pengendalian diri kurang

baik, motivasi belajar

kurang, sedikit teman, sering


Sebelum metode pengajaran dilakukan,


5 Bagaimana tehnik pengajaran atau

metode yang tepat untuk Kevin?

mengalami neural behavioral disorder. Jadi

masalah prilaku yang disebabkan

kekurangmatangan fungsi syaraf. Jadi fungsi

syarafnya harus diperbaiki dengan terapi

sensori motor. Terapinya hanya seminggu

sekali selama sejam. Setelah itu, orang tua

yang harus banyak mengerjakan dirumah.

Setelah terapi berjalan lancar, penanganan

yang lain adalah sekolah yang sesuai dan

pola asuh yang benar. Kalau metode

mengajarnya, anak-anak seperti Kevin itu

kondisi syarafnya disebut under aravel. Jadi

tidak bangkit. Jadi dia tidak suka yang

monoton atau biasa-biasa. Makanya, harus

diajarkan dengan penyajian warna-warna

yang menarik, kata-kata yang exciting, atau

eksperesi muka kita yang menyenangkan.

Jadi anak ini senang dan tertarik. Kalo ga, ya

ga diperhatiin kita ngajar juga.

Kevin harus diterapi terlebih

dahulu agar kegiatan

mengajar bisa menjadi lebih

mudah. Adapun metode

pengajaran yang digunakan

bisa dengan metode visual

atau cara mengajar yang

menarik baginya.

Kevin bisa dikasih system reward dan



Apa saja hal yang membuat Kevin

termotivasi dalam belajar dan

tugas seperti apa yang cocok

untuk Kevin kerjakan?

mengerjakan tugas dalam waktu sekian menit.

Dikasih stiker, atau dia menyelesaikan 2 soal,

dikasi bintang misalnya. Kalau bintangnya

udah 10 buah, dikasi reward. Itu akan

memotivasi, karena kesadaran dari dalam diri

anak-anak seperti Kevin itu kurang sekali. Jadi

harus kita yang member stimulant/member

sarana-sarana untuk reward. Maka dia tertarik

dan termotivasi.

umm, Kevin harus dikasih tugas jangan yang

sepotong-sepotong. Misalnya matematika,

baru 30 menit atau sejam udah ganti pelajaran

baru. Buat dia, kaya gitu monoton. Boring.

Belum juga ngerti, udah diganti. Kevin itu

harus dikasih project. Misalnya, tugas yang

didalamnya udah ada matematikanya, bahasa

indonesianya, sejarah. Misalnya, project 17

Agustus. Bagaimana cara mencari dana untuk

perayaan 17 Agustus. Dari situ dia bisa

mencari uang, matematikanya terlatih. Dia

bisa mempelajari, misalnya membuka

stand-Kevin akan termotivasi

apabila diberi sistem

rewards and punishment.

Rewards untuk setiap

kelakuan baik dan

punishment apabila ia

berkelakuan buruk.

Tugas yang cocok untuk

Kevin yaitu seperti

mengerjakan sebuah project

atau hal-hal yang terfokus


stand berdasarkan Bhinekka Tunggal Ika. Dia

bisa jadi belajar kesukuan. Nah kalau yang

berbentuk project, Kevin akan suka.


Jenis sekolah seperti apa yang

cocok untuk Kevin?

Pertama, sekolah yang punya sarana untuk

anak-anak seperti Kevin, misalnya yang punya

halaman yang luas. Karena Kevin itu sebelum

masuk kelas harus beraktifitas fisik dulu.

Lari-lari, manjat-manjat, seperti itu. Lalu, jumlah

muridnya tidak boleh terlalu banyak, karena

Kevin itu harus lebih diperhatikan secara

khusus. Kalau terlalu banyak, guru ga akan

bisa terlalu menghandle dan dengan cara

mengajar Kevin itu bukan satu arah seperti

sekolah konvensional, yang muridnya banyak.

Misalnya duduk melingkar, belajar dihalaman,

atau langsung ke lokasi seperti field trip.

Biasanya sarana seperti itu adanya disekolah

yang fun learning, yang ga konvensional. Itu

lebih cocok.

Sekolah yang cocok untuk

Kevin adalah sekolah yang

memiliki sarana yang

menunjang untuk anak-anak

ADHD seperti, halaman

yang luas, jumlah murid

yang tidak terlalu banyak,

atau sekolah dengan system


8 Adakah saran, informasi atau

komentar untuk kefin kedepannya?

Saran saya, Kevin ini harus ditangani secara

terintegrasi. Semua ahli harus bekerja sama.

Ga bisa bekerja sendiri-sendiri. Jadi, pertama

Kevin harus terapi. Kedua, sekolahnya harus

sesuai. Ketiga, orangtuanya harus benar cara

mengajarnya dan itu perlu dikoordinir oleh

seorang psikolog dan rutin orangtuanya ini

datang ke psikolog dan harusnya ada catatan

koordinasi antara orangtua, guru dan terapis.

Semua dikoordinir oleh psikolog, nanti

psikolognya yang akan memberi masukan ke

terapis, guru, dan orangtua untuk tahapan

yang udah dijalani. Apalagi yang harus

ditingkatkan. Bila dilakukan seperti itu,

perkembangannya akan optimal. Bahkan tidak

sedikit anak yang ADHD masa depannya jadi


Saran untuk Kevin adalah

Kevin harus menjalani terapi

terlebih dahulu agar

kondisinya berangsur



Maranatha Christian University



A. Background of the Study

Being a teacher is important and it is also a job that has its own

challenges. For example, a teacher must be able to overcome the

problems that occur, which can be caused by interference from within the

child (such as illness and personal desire) or from outside (such as

environment). A good teacher should be able to adapt themselves to the

class situations. Derrick explains that, "Being flexible and adaptable are

two key characteristics of a good teacher" (par. 4). These two

characteristics are important especially when there are children who have

a deficiency in following lessons. I found such problem when I participated

in an internship at TK Tunas Cemara. I had difficulties in dealing with a

six-year-old boy who has Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder

(henceforth, ADHD) problem during English lesson at Sun Flower class in

TK Tunas Cemara.

Before discussing the problem, I would like to give some information



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characterized by the presence of a set of chronic and impairing behavior

patterns that display abnormal levels of inattention, hyperactivity, or their

combination” (par. 1). Furthermore, in the article ADD/ADHD in Children

Melinda states that,

The three primary characteristics of ADD/ADHD are inattention,

hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The signs and symptoms a child with

attention deficit disorder has depended on which characteristics

predominate. Children with ADD/ADHD may be: inattentive, but not

hyperactive or impulsive; hyperactive and impulsive, but able to pay

attention; or inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive (the most common

form of ADHD) (par. 9).

Therefore, ADHD problem is a problem that must be taken care of

seriously, especially for teachers who have students who suffer from

ADHD. The children with ADHD problem also need to have a good

education. The teacher must be flexible and adaptable to teach in every

situation, including with a child who has ADHD problem.

During my internship at TK Tunas Cemara, I found a significant

problem that made me struggle when teaching English vocabulary. In Sun

Flower class there were twenty one children of 5-6 years old. I usually

taught English twice a week for forty five minutes. During the internship, I

had difficulty in dealing with one child in the class. The name of the boy is

Kevin and he is 6 years old. When the teacher or I were teaching English

vocabulary in front of the class, Kevin rarely paid attention. Kevin usually



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addition, Kevin usually liked drawing. Therefore, during the lesson, he

usually drew on a piece of paper an image he had in his mind. Teachers

could not even handle this child. After having observed the class and

conducted an interview with his psychologist, I found out that Kevin had

ADHD problem. This fact is reinforced by a medical certificate from the

psychologist who examined Kevin, the information from his parents about

ADHD problem and the information from his teachers. This situation

challenges me as the teacher to teach a child like Kevin.

Considering the above explanations, in this term paper I would like to

analyze how to deal with a boy who has problems with ADHD.

Additionally, I will find out the best solution on how to deal with children

with such problem.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on my experience as a teacher assistant at TK Tunas Cemara,

I would like to analyze:

1. Why do I have difficulties in dealing with a six-year-old boy who has

ADHD problem during English lesson at Sun Flower class in TK Tunas


2. How should I handle the boy with ADHD problem at Sun Flower class in



Maranatha Christian University

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

The objectives of this study are to find out the causes of my difficulties

in handling a six-year-old boy who has ADHD problem at Sun Flower class

at TK Tunas Cemara and also to find possible solutions for the teacher of

English to handle the child with this problem.

By writing this term paper, there are some benefits for the institution,

the readers of this term paper, and for me as the writer. For the institution,

I hope that my term paper will help the kindergarten teachers at TK Tunas

Cemara in providing an appropriate method in teaching English to a child

with ADHD problem. For the readers, I hope this term paper can provide

information and knowledge, especially for those who are interested in

education. For me as the writer of this paper, I can develop my writing skill.

Besides, I could share my experience to the readers and in the future if I

work as a teacher I can apply the solutions and know how to handle a

similar problem.

D. Description of the Institution

Tunas Cemara Kindergarten is an educational institution that was

established by Yayasan Citra Cemara on April 17, 2000. Tunas Cemara

has the area approximately 5.000 m2 at Jl. Sumber Hurip 31, Sumber Sari.

In July 2004, Tunas Cemara moved to Jl. Situ Aksan 41. In 2009, Tunas

Cemara received an accreditation of an A from The National Accreditation

Institution. TK Tunas Cemara plans to have a new building in Jl. Soekarno



Maranatha Christian University

TK Tunas Cemara’s development has increased progressively. At first

there were only 40 children, with three teachers, while now there are 100

more children, with eight teachers and an administration staff.

The school has a vision and a mission. Tunas Cemara School’s vision

is to become a qualified educational institution that prepares the

kindergarten children to be knowledgeable, qualified and responsible. The

school’s mission is to educate students by optimizing the potentials of the

children in their emotional, intellectual, physical, and linguistic

development by having a close cooperation between the school and the

parents. The missions are having children who:

are physically and mentally healthy

are balanced in acquiring both knowledge and skills

E. Method of Study

Based on my observation and teaching experience, I choose to

analyze a problem in dealing with a six-year-old boy who has ADHD

problem during English lesson at Sun Flower class in TK Tunas Cemara.

The subjects of the research are I myself, as the teacher assistant, and

Kevin, the six-year-old boy who has ADHD. The data is taken from my

internship journal, library research, electronic publication and the result of

interview with Kevin’s psychologist at the Perisai Husada clinic. The data



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F. Limitation of study

My term paper focuses on how to deal with a six-year-old boy at Sun

Flower class in TK Tunas Cemara named Kevin who has ADHD problem.

The internship was done from 10 January 2011 until 18 February 2011 at

TK Tunas Cemara, Bandung. The interview with his psychologist at the

Perisai Husada clinic was done in March 2011.

G. Organization of the Term Paper

This term paper starts with Abstract, a summary of the whole term

paper. Then, there is Declaration of Originality, which contains a statement

about the authenticity of the paper. Next is Acknowledgements, which

contains the list of people who supported me during the writing of this term

paper. After that is Table of Contents. Then, there are four chapters which

follow: Chapter I is Introduction, Chapter II is Problem Analysis, Chapter III

is Potential Solutions, and Chapter IV is Conclusion. In the last part of my

term paper there is Bibliography, containing the list of references, and



Maranatha Christian University



During my internship, I faced a problem, namely, a difficulty in dealing

with a six-year-old boy who has ADHD problem at Sun Flower class in

Tunas Cemara Kindergarten. The causes of this problem are I do not have

any knowledge of the effective method to teach vocabulary to a child with

ADHD problem and I have no experience in teaching a child with ADHD

problem. There are three effects of the problem. The first effect is the boy

does not pay attention to me. Second, I often lose control of the boy in the

class. Third, I cannot concentrate when teaching vocabulary. There are

four potential solutions of this problem: finding out more information about

this child from his parents, teachers and his psychologist, learning how to

teach a child with ADHD problem from the Internet or books, using

suitable teaching methods or techniques and using reward and penalty


After having discussed the potential solutions, I would like to present

the best solution to solve the problem. The chosen solutions are the

combination of all four potential solutions because these solutions are



Maranatha Christian University

information about this child from his parents, teachers and his

psychologist. After I gather enough information, I learn how to teach a

child with ADHD problem from the Internet or books. These steps help me

to choose the next solutions. I use suitable teaching methods such as

drawing and using pictures to teach Kevin. These methods will be suitable

for Kevin. Furthermore, I use reward and penalty system in class.

These four solutions are the best solutions for me to deal with a

six-year-old boy who has ADHD problem during English lesson at Sun Flower

class in Tunas Cemara Kindergarten. Hogan states that, “as a teacher,

there are a few things that you can do such as consulting the experts

(parents, previous teacher, specialist or psychologist), finding information

from books or internet resources, giving reward success (use stickers,

post points on chart or use verbal praise), and giving variety learning

method” (par. 2). It is not enough for me only to learn from the internet or

books. I need to do the interview with his psychologist for getting more

information about Kevin. It will help me to decide the suitable method for

him. Therefore, these solutions will support the other teachers in TK Tunas

Cemara when handling a child with this problem.

I believe that the four solutions that I choose will help me to improve

my teaching skill and can be applied for the teachers at TK Tunas Cemara

to handle this problem. Therefore, these four solutions will support the

teachers in the process of teaching and also can make the child with

ADHD problem enjoy the lessons. I suggest that the teachers of Tunas



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for the children in the process of teaching in the class. Also, the teachers

must anticipate the problem, especially for child who have learning


Maranatha Christian University


Printed Sources

Leong, Fredrick T. The Psychology Research Hanbook. Thausand Oaks: Sage Publications. 2006

National Institute of Mental Health. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Maryland: NIMH. 2004

Wender, Paul H. ADHD: Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adults. New York: Oxford University Press. 2000

Electronic Sources

“ADHD Child Book.” ADHDchildparenting.com. 2011. 12 May 2011


Block, Jocelyn and Melinda Smith. “ADD/ADHD and School: Helping Children

with ADHD Succeed at School.” Helpguide.org. January 2010. 15 May



Davies, Leah. “Reward in the Classroom.” Kellybear.com. 2011. 10 May




Maranatha Christian University <http://hubpages.com/hub/ADHD-Books-to-Read>

Harris, Bronwyn. “What are Some Different Teaching Methods.” Conjecture

Corporation. 2011. 16 May 2011


Hogan, Dawn. “ADHD: A Travel Guide to Success.” Childhood Education.

Findarticle.com. 1997. 21 May 2011


“Homeschooling ADHD children.” ADHDchildparenting.com. 2010. 5 May



Honos, Lara. “Ways to Help Your Child Focus And Pay Attention.”

Brainy-Child.com. 2011. 4 May 2011


Meador, Derrick. “Want to Become a Teacher.” About.com. 2011. 3 May 2011

<http://teaching.about.com/od/pd/a/Want-To-Become-A-Teacher.htm >

Ronquillo, Holli. “How to Take an ADHD Test.” eHow.com. 2011. 7 May 2011


Raunch, Kate. “How to boost your ADHD child’s self-esteem.” Baby Center

LLC. 2011. 10 May 2011


Smith, Melinda, Jocelyn Block and Jeanne Segal. “ADD/ADHD Tests & Diagnosis: Diagnosis Attention Deficit Disorder in Children & Adults.” Helpguide.org. February 2010. 2 May 2011


Smith, Melinda and Robert Segal. “ADD/ADHD in Children: Sign and


Maranatha Christian University <http://helpguide.org/mental/adhd_add_signs_symptoms.htm>

“Teaching A Child With ADHD.” Demand Media Inc. 2010. 2 May 2011


Witmer, Denise. “ADHD Definition and Symptoms.” About.com . 2011. 3 May



Wolfended, Scott. “How Do I Make Teaching ADHD Student Better.” Deman

Media. Inc. 23 August 2010. 15 May 2011


Interview Sources


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