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Farida Intan Hastuti C9308098


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts,

Sebelas Maret University


Farida Intan Hastuti







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Success is not determined by the size of a person's

brain, but it is determined by the way how a

person thinks


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I dedicate this final project report to:

o My Beloved Parents

o My Beloved Brothers


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A lot of praise for Allah SWT, only because of Allah SWT finally the

writer was capable of finishing this final project report which is entitled Teaching

English Vocabulary to the 3rd Graders of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu,

Karanganyar. This final project is submitted as a partial requirement in obtaining

degree in the English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas

Maret University. This final project discusses about the problems that were found

in the process of teaching English in SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu and the

way how to solve the problems.

The writer would like to express her great gratitude to everyone who has

given motivation, support and help during the process of writing this final project

report. The writer realized that this final project is far from being perfect.

Therefore, all constructive criticisms and suggestions are welcomed.

Surakarta, July 2011

The writer


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Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, All praise is to “ALLAH SWT” for the

wonderful blessing that I got. On this occasion, I would like to express my sincere

gratitude to:

1. Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M. Ed, Ph.D. the Dean of Faculty of Lettes and Fine

Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

2. Yusuf Kurniawan, S.S, M.A. the Head of English Diploma Program of

Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University and my

supervisor as well, thank you very much for your endless guidance, help,

advice, motivation and comfort from the very beginning until the end of

my final project writing. Without you, my final project report would have

never finished so well.

3. Dra. Endang SA, M.S. my Academic Supervisor, thank you for your


4. All of the Lecturers of English Diploma Program, thank you for your

valuable knowledge and skill.

5. Drs. Suparwoto, the headmaster of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu, for

giving me the opportunity to have the job training in SD Negeri Gawanan

01 Colomadu.

6. Miss. Freti Hanna, the English teacher of SD Negeri Gawanan 01

Colomadu, for her guidance and help during the job training.

7. All of the teachers, staff, and students of SD Negeri Gawanan 01


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8. My beloved parents: Papah and Mamah. Thank you for everything you

have given to me.

9. My beloved brothers: Bima and Rama. Thanks for messing my days.

10.My beloved friends: Boma, Ellen and Happy. Thanks for the things we

have done, for the unforgettable moments, and for accompanying me in

sadness and happiness.

11.Everyone who has provided me with help and support whom I cannot

mention them all here.

Surakarta, July 2011


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KARANGANYAR. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

This final project report was written based on the job training in SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu. The objectives were to describe the process of teaching English vocabulary, to investigate the problems, and to find the solutions to the problems.

During the job training, the writer applied some procedures in order to make the teaching of English vocabulary more effective and meaningful. The procedures of teaching English vocabulary to the 3rd grade students of SD Negeri GAWANAN 01 Colomadu consist of some steps, they are: greeting, warming up, explanation, exercises, assessment, and ending the lesson.

There were some problems encounterd by the students. The problems of the students were students’ behavior which was noisy, students’ pronunciation, and their low-writing capability. The writer also presented the solutions to solve the problems, i.e. attracting their attention by giving them more exercises and asking them to keep quiet, making them more active by having more exercises on pronunciation with the writer, and making the students be able to write English vocabulary correctly.


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TITLE ... i




A. Teaching ... 4

B. Teaching Vocabulary ... 6

C. Young Learners ... 6

D. Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners ... 8

E. Technique of Teaching Vocabulary ... 9


A. SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu ... 12

1. General Description of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu ... 12 2. Vision and Mission of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu ... 14

B. Job Training Activities ...15


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2. The Teaching Material ... 16

3. Making Lesson Plan ... 17

C. The Process of Teaching English Vocabulary to The 3rd Grade Students of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu ... 19

D. The Problems of Teaching English Vocabulary to The 3rd Grade Students of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 colomadu... 22

E. The Ways in Solving The Problems ... 23


A. Conclusion ... 24

B. Suggestion ... 26



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today is abstracted in English language. The reference shows that English language

is preferred to other languages. Furthermore, English language is used in verbal

communication in nearly all over the world in both formal and informal sectors.

In Indonesia, English, as a foreign language, has become one of the

obligatory subjects that must be learnt at schools, from kindergarten to university

level. However, generally English is considered a difficult subject for most of the

Indonesian students, because maybe English is completely different from

Indonesian language in terms of its structure and pronunciation.

English teaching involves four language skills, i.e. Listening, Speaking,

Reading and Writing. In teaching and learning a language, there are several

aspects that support four language skills above, namely grammar, vocabulary, and


Vocabulary is one of the important factors in all language teaching. It is very

important for the first time to learn English and it is the basic matter in teaching

and learning. The significance of English vocabulary in English learning is one of


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the reasons why vocabulary should be given as a part of English lesson in primary

school. Students must continually learn English words as they learn structure and

as they practice sound system. There are many media that can be used to teach

vocabulary for elementary school students like using songs, pictures, and games.

Based on the explanation above, the writer was interested to have the job

training in SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu. The writer handled the third grade

students, so in this final project the writer presents a report entitled “TEACHING



B. Objectives

1. To describe the process of teaching English vocabulary to the 3rd Grade

students of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu.

2. To investigate the problems in the process of teaching English vocabulary

to the 3rd Grade students of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu.


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C. Benefits

This classroom action research is expected to provide benefits to the followings:

1. Writer

It is expected to serve as a means of self-reflection to the writer herself

regarding the learning process which had been done and to improve the quality of

her teaching skill in the future.

2. The English teacher at SDN Gawanan 01 Colomadu

The job training is expected to make the English teacher at SDN Gawanan

1 Colomadu know the strengths and weaknesses of various teaching methods and

then choose the right method in effort to improve and facilitate the teaching

materials of English vocabulary.

3. The 3rd Grade Students of SDN Gawanan 01 Colomadu

The result of this job training is expected to give some benefits to the 3rd

grade students to overcome their difficulties in improving their English


4. SDN Gawanan 01 Colomadu

The result of this job training is expected to give contribution to the school


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A. Teaching

Teaching is a part of learning process. It involves a teacher and students in

giving knowledge and information in teaching process. According to Brown in his

book Principles of Language Learning and Teaching is defined as “Guiding and

setting the conditions for learning” (Brown, 2000:7). Meanwhile, Cole and Chan

said “Teaching is a complex phenomenon that takes into account a wide range of

personal characteristic, professional skill and specialized based of knowledge”

(Cole and Chan, 1994:2). In addition, “Teaching is essential social activities,

implying role relationship between the teacher and learners, learners and learners”

as stated in the Roles of Teacher and Learners (Wright, 1987:10).

This activity is carried out by someone to give knowledge to

others. There are some issues that teachers should notice and take care:

1. A teacher should make his/her lesson interesting.

A teacher must be able to make his/her lesson and way of teaching

interesting, so the students will be attracted and easy to understand.

2. A teacher must love his/her job.

Teaching young learners requires more attention and devotion of the

teacher. Children will love their teacher if the teacher loves them.


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3. A teacher should have his/her own personality.

A teacher must maintain his/her own personality since he/she will

become a model to their students. Therefore, he/she mustn’t imitate

other person’s personality.

4. A teacher should have lots of knowledge

A teacher is expected to have broad knowledge, especially English


5. A teacher is an entertainer in a positive sense not in negative sense.

A teacher is expected to be able to become an entertainer to the

students. It is meant that the students will not get bored of the lesson.

(Harmer, 1998:1-2)

A teacher should have all the requirements above in order to become a

good teacher. They must make the students interested and happy to learn

something. According to Harmer “A good teacher is someone who asks the people

who do not always put their hands up’ and acting upon their hopes and

aspirations.” In relation to the quality, there are several indicators of a good


1. Teacher makes his/her course interesting

A teacher must be able to make students interested in the lessons and

happy in the classroom.

2. Teacher explains clearly

Teacher must be able to explain the materials clearly in order be easily


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3. Teacher shows the same interest in all their students

In a teaching process a teacher must make all the students interested in

learning, he/she should not differentiate between one student and the


4. Teacher makes all the students participate

A teacher must be able to make all the students participate in the


5. Teacher shows great patience

In the process of giving materials, a teacher must have great patience

while explaining the materials to the students.

6. Teacher insists on the spoken language

A teacher must use spoken language more frequently than written


7. Teacher makes his/her pupils work

A teacher must support the students work in pair-work or group-work.

8. Teacher uses an audio-lingual method

The teacher must be able to use the audio-lingual method to support

the teaching and learning process. (Harmer, 1991:6)

From the statements above the writer concluded that teaching is helping

the learners to learn something, caring to know and understanding what they


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B. Teaching Vocabulary

Rich vocabulary is really needed in teaching and learning a language,

learners will have difficulty in understanding what they see, read, and learn if they

do not know the meaning of words. According to McCharty “The biggest

component of any language course is vocabulary” (McCharty, 1990:VIII).

Meanwhile, Hornby in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current

English stated that vocabulary is the total number of words in a language, all

words known to a person or used in particular book, subject, etc. (Hornby,


Teaching vocabulary is useful because young learners already have

imitation ability as their natural ability. The functions of teaching vocabulary are

to guide them in understanding new words and how to use the words.

C. Young Learners

According to Sarah Philips “Young learners mean children from the first

year of formal schooling (five or six years old) to eleven or twelve years of age

(Philips: 1993). It means that young learners are Elementary school students.

Young learners can be divided into two groups, they are:

1. Five to seven years old


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They assumed that five to seven year old children are all at level one, the

beginner stage. The eight to ten years old may also be beginners, or they may have

been learning the foreign language for some time, so there are both level one and

level two pupils in the eight to ten age groups (Scott & Lisbeth, 1990:1).

In addition, each of them has some ability according to Scott and Lisbeth,

they are:

1. Five to seven years old

a. They can say what they are doing

b. They can tell you about what they have done or heard

c. They can plan activities

d. They can use logical reasoning

e. They can use their vivid imagination

f. They can argue for something and tell you why they think what

they think

2. Eight to ten years old

a. They can tell the difference between fact and fiction

b. They ask question all the time

c. They are able to work with others and learn from others

d. They are able to make some decisions about their own learning

(Scott & Lisbeth, 1990:1-4)

According to Wendy A. Scott and Lisbeth H, children have some


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1. They understand situations more quickly than they understand the

language used.

2. Their own understanding comes through hands, eyes, and ears.

3. They are very logical-what you say first happened first.

4. They are very short attention and concentration span.

5. Young children sometimes have difficulty in knowing what fact is and

what fiction is.

6. Young children are often happy playing and working alone, but in the

company of others.

7. Young children cannot decide for themselves what to learn.

8. Young children love to play, and learn best when they are enjoying


9. Young children are enthusiastic about learning.


The characteristic of the children are complex, it makes the teacher

difficult to manage them. Before the teacher teaches his/her students, the teacher


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D. Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners

Teaching vocabulary to children is different from teaching adult.

According to McCharty “As few as eight to twelve new items may be appropriate

(eight for elementary, twelve for advanced) per sixty minutes lesson for truly

productive learning to take place” (McCharty, 1990:117).

Scott and Ytreberg in their book “Teaching English to Children”

explained that there are eight points that a teacher must pay attention while

teaching English to children, they are:

1. Words are not enough

Teacher should use more activities including movement and involve

the sense beside the spoken word.

2. Play with the languages

Teacher lets the students express the language freely.

3. Language as language

Students have to be aware in learning English because it takes time and

patience to learn.

4. Variety in the classroom

Teacher must give variety in teaching English, such as variety of

activity, variety of pace, variety of organization, and variety of voice


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5. Routines

Students must be familiar with English language so teacher must have

systems, routines, organize, and plan the lesson.

6. Cooperation not competition

Teacher should make the students cooperative not competitive, so

teacher avoids giving rewards.

7. Grammar

Teaching English to young learners should only include the minimum

of grammar.

8. Assessment

Teacher should make regular notes about child’s progress and

encouraging self assessment for them.

(Scott and Ytreberg, 1990:5-7)

E. Techniques of Teaching Vocabulary

M.J McCharty said that:

We concentrated on vocabulary presentation in the classroom


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There are several techniques of teaching new words according to Adrian

Doff in his book Teach English:

1. Say the word clearly and write it on the board.

Teacher should say the word clearly and ask the students to write

words on the board correctly.

2. Get the class to repeat the word in chorus.

Teacher should say the word for 2 or 3 times and ask the students to

repeat until they are able to say the word clearly.

3. Translate the word into the students own language.

Teacher should translate the word into the mother-tongue language that

will make the students more familiar with the meaning.

4. Ask the students to translate the word.

Teacher should give some words and ask the students to translate the


5. Draw a picture to show what the word mean.

Teacher should draw a picture or shows to the students to make them

easy to understand what the word is about.

6. Give an English example to show how the word is used.

Teacher uses the word in a context to make the students understand

how the word is used.

7. Ask question using the new word.

Teacher asks to the students about a new word after the teacher


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Based on A Practical Handbook of Language Teaching there are four steps

in the procedure of vocabulary presentation, they are:

1. Sound and meaning

Say the new word several times, pronouncing it clearly, indicate the

meaning of the new word.

2. Repetition

Get the students to repeat the new word a few times, and check the

pronunciation carefully.

3. Written form

Write the word on the blackboard and have the students read aloud,

choose two or three students to read it.

4. Illustrative sentence

Write a short illustrative sentence on the board so that the meaning will

be clear to anyone reading the notes afterwards. (Cross, 1991:11-12)

From the definition above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is very

important in English learning. Teacher must use appropriate techniques to deliver

the materials to the students, so that the students become easier in learning


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A. SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu

1. General Description of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu

SD NegeriGawanan 01 Colomadu is one of state elementary

schools in Colomadu. It is located at Jl. Adisumarmo No.69, Colomadu.

This school was established in 1962 on the area of 2720 square meters.

The building of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 consists of headmaster’s and

teacher’s office, seven classrooms, and other facilities, such as a library, a

computer laboratory, a school health center, a worshiping room, a canteen,

one toilet for man, one toilet for woman, one toilet for staff (staff’s toilet

located in staff’s office), and parking area for teachers and students. The

second grade consists of two classes: class A and class B. All the facilities

are provided to support the process of teaching and learning. The area

arrangements can be pictured as follows:


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Picture’s explanation:

I : Praying room

II : 2nd grade B

III : 2nd grade A

IV : Headmaster’s office

V : Teacher’s office

VI : 6th grade

VII : 5th grade

VIII : 4th grade

IX : 3rd grade

X : 1th grade

XI : Computer laboratory

XII : Library

XIII : Teacher’s parking area

XIV : Student’s parking area

XV1, XV2 : Student’s toilet

XVI : School health center

XVII : Canteen

XVIII : School yard


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male-students and 134 female-students. According to the statistics this

number has been considered very large.

2. Vision and mission of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu

SD Negeri Gawanan 01 has vision and missions in improving the

education system and quality of teachers and students, they are:

a. Vision

“High quality generation based on faith and piety”

(Generasi berkualitas berdasarkan iman dan taqwa)

b. Missions




Mewujudkan siswa belajar dengan sistem “pakem” (pembelajaran

aktif, kreatif dan menyenangkan).

1. Construction of belief and behavior in accordance with the

philosophy of the Indonesian. (Pembinaan keimanan dan

perilaku sesuai dengan filsafah bangsa indonesia)

2. Contribute intellectually with doing to the "PAKEM" learning

process. (Menyumbangkan intelektual dengan melaksanakan


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3. Develop the skills to conduct training as local

content.(Mengembangkan keterampilan dengan

menyelenggarakan pelatihan sebagai muatan lokal)

4. Seriously service in a good learning activities with the

"PAKEM" and cooperate with other parties. (Pelayanan yang

sungguh-sungguh dengan kegiatan belajar yang baik dengan

“pakem” serta bekerjasama dengan pihak yang lain)

5. Ensuring that learners can receive the lesson well and obtain

achievements. (Mengusahakan agar peserta didik dapat

menerima pelajaran dengan baik dan memperoleh prestasi

belajar yang membanggakan)

B. Job Training Activities

1) Class Observation

The writer observed the students and the class condition in the first day of

the job training. The job training started on February 22nd 2011. The writer taught

the third grade and focused this class in doing observation.

The condition of the classroom is good enough and support in teaching

and learning process. The classroom has two doors, one as prime door, and the

other one as way to the students to go to the toilet and canteen that located in back

of the school, it annoyed the teaching and learning process because the students


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Besides that, it has a daily presence board, a list of study group, and a list of team


In the third grade has 20 desks and 40 chairs, it is suitable with the number

of the students, that are 40 students, consisting of 20 male students and 20 female

students. During the English lesson, sometimes the class was noisy and crowded,

they were still talking each other or busy with their own activities when the

teacher were explain the lesson. However, when the writer warned them, they

were silent and listened to the explanation. They are very happy when the writer

gives them the tasks.

From the class observation that explained above the writer concludes that

the teacher’s control management is very important to make the class manageable.

2) The Teaching Material

Teaching material is the most important thing in teaching and learning

process. It is a means that is very helpful for teachers to deliver the material to the

students. Besides, it also provides a stimulus in learning. For the handbook that

was used by the writer for 3rd grade students is Fokus, published by CV


3) Making Lesson Plan

A lesson plan is important. It has important function in teaching activities.

Before presenting the material, teacher has to make a lesson plan for each topic. It


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Besides, the allocation of time can be arranged according to schedule that has

been determined. One lesson plan consists of one material used for one or two


The lesson plan is divided into four section, they are: BKOF (Building

Knowledge of Field), Modeling, Joint Construction of Text and Independent

Construction of Text.


Topic : Things in the Kitchen

Grade Level : 3rd grade student

Alloted Time : 1 session (1 hour)

Discussion Focus : Things in The Kitchen

Communicative Skills : -What is that? , What is this?

-That is a.... , This is a....

Goals :

The students knows many kinds of Things in the Kitchen

The students can pronounce the names of Things in The Kitchen.

The students can differ many kinds of means of Things in The


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1. BKOF (Building Knowledge of Field)

a. Greeting

b. Checking students’ attendance

c. Introducing through short story with pictures about Things in The


d. Asking the students to respond by answering questions about

Things in The kitchen.

2. Modeling

a. The teacher introduced some vocabulary of Things in The Kitchen.

b. The teacher read the vocabulary, then the students repeated after

the teacher, then repeated several times.

c. The teacher explained

The use of “What is that?” and “What is this?” questions.

The answer of the previous questions. “That is a....” , “This

is a....”.

d. The teacher gave examples of the dialogue.

3. Joint Construction of Text

Student worked in pairs

Filling in the blanks

Arranging words into good sentences

4. Independent Construction of Text

Homework : students fill in the blanks the dialogues. In the next


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C. The Process of Teaching English Vocabulary to the 3rd Grade Students of

SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu

This part discusses the English class activities of the 3rd grade students in

SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu. English lesson in SD Negeri Gawanan 01

Colomadu was taught from the 1st grade to the 6th grade. The English teaching and

learning of the 3rd grade were given once a week, 70 minutes per meeting. It

began on Tuesday at 09.45 a.m. until 10.55 a.m. The class activities can be

described as follows:

1. Greeting

On this occasion, the writer greeted the students and asked about their

condition such as: “Good morning students. How are you today?” After greeting

the students, the writer checked the students’ attendance.

2. Warming up

Before starting the lesson, the writer began to discuss homework. After

that, the writer continued to teach new material. The writer told the students what

they are going to learn at that day, “Well students, today we are going to learn

about Things in the Kitchen”. Next, the writer asked some questions about the

topic, like: “Do you like cooking?”, “Where do your mother cook food?” and

“What kinds of things in the kitchen that you know?” these were used to make the


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3. Explanation

After having a warming up, the writer continued giving explanation to the

students. Firstly, the writer introduced the vocabulary of things in the kitchen.

After that, the teacher drilled the students’ pronunciation and the meanings of the

vocabulary by letting the students repeat what the teacher pronounced. Here the

teacher used pictures for supporting the learning process.

4. Exercise

In this stage, the writer gave the students exercises. It has purpose to know

whether the students understood about the material or not. The exercises which

the writer gave to the students consist of some skills, they are:

1) Listening and Speaking skill

The writer read vocabulary about Things in The Kitchen then asked the

students to listen and repeat the vocabulary for several times. It has

purpose to make the students speak the words clearly.

2) Reading skills

The writer read a dialogue about the topic, then she asked the students to

repeat the dialogue together. After that, the writer asked some students to

practice the dialogue.

3) Writing skill

The writer asked the students to do some exercises such as filling the


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5. Assessment

After giving explanations about the material, the writer gave assessment to

the students. It had purpose to know whether the students understood about

the material.

6. Ending the lesson

Before finishing the lesson, the writer reviewed the material which has

been learned together and asks the students some questions about things in the

kitchen to know their ability. In the end of the lesson activity, the students

always asked the writer to give homework to them. After giving homework,

the writer closed the lesson by saying “See you” and reminds them to do the


D. The Problems of Teaching English Vocabulary to the 3rd Grade Students

of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu

During the job training in SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu, the writer

found some problems, they are:

1. The students’ behaviors

One of the problems that cannot be avoided by the writer was the

behaviors of the students who were noisy when the writer gave


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and busy with their own activities, so that it made the writer difficult to

manage class.

2. The students’ pronunciation

Young learners are difficult in pronouncing the words in foreign

language. They still pronounced the words in their mother tongue.

For examples:

The word “pan” should be read [ p n ], but they read it “pan”.

The word “knife” should be read [ na f ], but they read it “kenaif”.

3. Writing

Students were often mistaken in writing activity. They could not

differentiate between the spelling and the pronunciation. For example: the

writer asked the students to write the word “calendar” on the board but

some of students wrote the word into “calender”.

E. The Ways in Solving The Problems

1. The students’ behaviors

Noisy students frequently annoyed the teaching and learning

process. In handling this problem the writer asked the noisy students, by

calling their names, to pay their attention to the lesson. Sometimes, I gave


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2. The students’ pronunciation

The writer always gave examples of the correct pronunciation of the words

first then asked them to repeat several times until they could pronounce the words


3. Writing

The writer asked the students to write some vocabulary about a topic then


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A. Conclusion

Based on the discussion in the previous chapter, there are several

conclusions that can be obtained from this final project report, they are:

1. The Process of Teaching English Vocabulary to the 3rd Grade

Students of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu.

The English lesson in SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu was studied from

the 1st grade to the 6th grade. The third grade became the focus of the observation.

The English teaching and learning of the 3rd grade were given once a week, 70

minutes per meeting. It began on Tuesday at 09.45 a.m. until 10.55 a.m.

In teaching English vocabulary there were some procedures done by the

writer, they are:

1) Greeting

2) Warming up

3) Explaining

4) Giving exercises

5) Evaluating

6) Ending the lesson


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The applications of the four basic skills to the students based on the material

used are:

1) Listening and Speaking skill

The students listened some vocabulary from the teacher then the teacher

asked the students to repeat several times.

2) Reading skills

The students listened to the teacher reading a dialogue while they repeated

every sentence together, then the writer asked some of the students to read

the dialogue.

3) Writing skills

The students did several exercises such as filling the blank with

vocabulary and arranging the words into good sentences.

2. The Problems of Teaching English Vocabulary to the 3rd Grade

Students of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu.

1) The noisy students

Most of the students made noise during the teaching and learning process.

2) The students’ pronunciation

Many students were not capable of pronouncing the words correctly.

3) Errors in Spelling


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3. The Ways in Solving The Problems

1) The noisy students

To solve this problem the writer used strategy to attract their attention by

giving games and quiz.

2) The students’ pronunciation

To solve the student’s problem in students’ pronunciation, the writer

always gave examples of pronunciation of the words first then asked them

to repeat several times.

3) Errors in Spelling

To solve the student’s problem in spelling, the writer asked the students to

write some vocabulary based on a topic then asked them to make

sentences based on the vocabulary.

B. Suggestion

Based on the discussion above, the writer wants to give some suggestions, as


1. To the English teacher in SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu

The teacher should be more active to teach the students. The teacher

should give short, clear and simple instruction. Besides, the teacher should

keep controlling the students’ activities and give motivation to the students in


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she is required to be more creative and interesting in teaching, so that the

students will be more interested in learning English.

2. To the third grade students of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu

The writer expected that the third grade students of SD Negeri Gawanan

01 Colomadu will be more motivated in learning English language and study


3. To the English Diploma students

The writer expected that this final project report can give description about

the process of teaching English vocabulary in the elementary school to the

English Diploma students in their job training. Besides, it can be a reference to


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commit to user BIBLIOGRAPHY

Brown, H. Douglas. 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New York: Longman.

Cole, Peter G and Chan, Lorna. 1994. Teaching Principles and Practice. New York: Prentice Hall.

Cross, David. 1991. A practical Handbook of Language Teaching. Great Britain: Detesios Limited.

Doff, Adrian. 1988. Teach English: A Training Course for Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Harmer, Jeremy. 1998. How to Teach English: An Introduction to the Practice of

English Language Teaching. London: Longman.

Harmer, Jeremy. 1991. The Practice of English Language teaching. London: Longman.

Hornby, A.S. 1995. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

McCharty, M.J. 1990. Vocabulary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Philips, Sarah. 1993. Young Learner. New York: Oxford University Press.

Scott, A Wendy and Lisbeth H Ytreberg.(1990). Teaching English to Children.

New York: Longman.


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