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Students` mastery in translating verb plus verbal noun collocation from Indonesian to English.


Academic year: 2017

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A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Ayoe Risna Hanna Kusuma 051214039





Kusuma, Ayoe Risna Hanna. 2010. Students’ Mastery in Translating Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation from Indonesian to English. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Programme, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

The current study investigated the mastery of sixth semester students in translating verb plus verbal noun collocation from Indonesian to English. There were two objectives of this research. First, it was to find out to what extend the students were able to master the translation of verb plus verbal noun collocation. Second, it was to find out the errors made by the students in translating the verb plus verbal noun collocation from Indonesian into English.

The participants of this research were the students of Translation II. Since it was not feasible to study the entire population of Translation II, there were 68 students becoming the participants as the representative of the entire Translation II. In fulfilling the objectives of this research, the writer administered a test. It was conducted twice. First, it was used for the piloting test to find out that the test was well applied. Second, it was used for achieving the research objectives. The writer applied mixed method. Qualitative method was used to help in explaining the quantitative findings which were in the form of percentage. Besides, some dictionaries and books related to collocation were used to analyze the students’ answers in translating verb plus verbal noun collocation.



Kusuma, Ayoe Risna Hanna. 2010. Students’ Mastery in Translating Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation from Indonesian to English. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Pendidikan dan Ilmu Keguruan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penelitian ini mengkaji penguasaan mahasiswa semester enam dalam menerjemahkan kolokasi kata kerja digabung dengan kata benda dari Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris. Ada dua tujuan diadakannya penelitian ini. Pertama, penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana mahasiswa mampu menguasai dalam menterjemahkan kolokasi kata kerja digabung dengan kata benda. Kedua, penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesalahan-kesalahan yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa dalam menterjemahkan kolokasi kata kerja digabung dengan kata benda dari Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris.

Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Translation II. Karena tidak memungkinkan untuk mengkaji seluruh populasi, ada 68 mahasiswa yang menjadi sampel sebagai wakil dari seluruh mahasiswa Translation II. Untuk memenuhi tujuan dari penelitian ini, penulis mengadakan tes. Tes diadakan dua kali. Pertama, tes digunakan sebagai tes uji coba untuk mengetahui bahwa tesnya dapat digunakan dengan baik. Kedua, tes digunakan untuk memenuhi tujuan dari penelitian ini. Penulis menggunakan metode gabungan. Metode kualitatif digunakan untuk membantu menerangkan perolehan data kuantitatif yaitu dalam bentuk persen. Selain itu, beberapa kamus dan buku yang berkaitan dengan kolokasi digunakan untuk menganalisa jawaban mahasiswa dalam menerjemahkan kolokasi kata kerja digabung dengan kata benda.


dengan tata bahasa/struktur kalimat yang benar. Tetapi, ada beberapa mahasiswa yang menguasai dalam memerjemahkan kolokasi dengan baik tetapi mempunyai kesalahan pada struktur kalimatnya. Mereka sekitar 10, 5% dari mahasiswa.



First of all, my great gratefulness is worth giving to ALLAH SWT that gives me strength and hope when I feel burdened and frustrated. Without HIS power and blessing, I doubt this thesis could be finished well. His never ending blessing accompanied me in finishing this thesis.

I owe an enormous debt to Carla Sih Prabandari, S.Pd., M.Hum., my sponsor, for her sincere and continuous guidance, support and encouragement in finishing this thesis. I thank her for giving the biggest contribution to my thesis through her comments, correction and suggestion.

My deepest gratitude goes to Sasmoyo, S.Pd., as the lecturer of Translation II who allowed me to administer the test related to this thesis for several times. I also thank the students of Translation II who were willing to spend their time and energy to do the test well. I owe a debt of sincere gratitude to all PBI lecturers who have guided me to be more mature in both knowledge and social life. My appreciation also goes to Mbak Dani, Mbak Tari and all of the librarians for their assistance during my study.

My greatest gratitude goes to my beloved family: my father, Nur Bambang W., my mother, Sunarsih, my sister, Ella Rosita D., and my brother, Aulia Nur S., for their never ending support, encouragement, prayers and precious love and care for me. I love you.


and my friend from UNY Harries Marithasari, and other friends that I could not mention all here for wonderful, amazing and marvelous friendship, laughter and cry, sharing moment and support wherever and forever.

My greatest thankfulness also goes to my boarding house’s friends: Nona, Icha, Mbak Iin, Mbak Eni, Vony, and Susie for their support, attention, and the unchangeable and unforgettable friendship. Besides, I would like to thank to my landlady of my boarding house for giving me the most comfortable place to work on this thesis and for her support.

Last but not least, my sincere thanks go to many others whose names I cannot mention here, thank you for helping me in many ways. May God bless us all forever.




TITLE PAGE ………... i




DEDICATION PAGE ………... vi CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Theoretical Description ………... 10

1. Collocation ...……….. 10

a. Definitions of Collocation ….……….. 11

b. Kinds of Collocation ……….………. 13


d. Collocation versus Idiom ……….. 19

e. Importance of Collocation Mastery for non-native English Learners ……….. 20

2. Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation ………...………... 22

3. Collocation in Translation ...………...……….. 24

4. Error and Mistake ……… 24


2. The errors made by the students in translating verb plus verbal

noun ……….. 50


A. Conclusion ………...

B. Suggestions ………..

72 74




Table 2.1 Common Collocation 16

Table 2.2 Fixed and Loose Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation 23

Table 3.1 Percentage of Students’ Score 33

Table 3.2 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation 34 Table 3.3 Mastery of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation 36

Table 4.1 Students’ Scores 40

Table 4.2 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation: 42 Number 1

Table 4.3 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 2 42

Table 4.4 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 3 43

Table 4.5 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 4 & 12 43

Table 4.6 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 5 & 18 44

Table 4.7 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 6 & 14 44

Table 4.8 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 7 45

Table 4.9 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 8 & 19 45

Table 4.10 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 9 46

Table 4.11 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 10 46

Table 4.12 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 11 47

Table 4.13 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 13 47

Table 4.14 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 15 48

Table 4.15 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 16 48

Table 4.16 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 20 49


Table 4.11 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 10 46

Table 4.12 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 11 47

Table 4.13 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 13 47

Table 4.14 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 15 48

Table 4.15 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 16 48

Table 4.16 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 20 49















This chapter describes six major sections in creating the main rationale of conducting this research. They are the background of the study, the problem limitation, the research objectives, the research benefits and the definition of terms mentioned in this study.

A. Research Background

Each language has its own characteristic. English, for example, it has different characteristic from Bahasa Indonesia. The differences between them can arise some difficulties for Indonesian learners in studying English. Indonesian learners will be distracted by their mother tongue, Bahasa Indonesia, when they study English. Richards (1971: 173) affirms that errors of using a second language can be caused by the interference of learner’s mother tongue which is called interlanguage errors. Errors of this nature are frequent, regardless of the learner’s language background.


neighbouring elements found in language. Therefore, it concludes that the different meaning of the words will carry different meaning of phrase, sentence, etc. Learners of English language, in this research are English Language Education Study Programme of Sanata Dharma University, must understand those differences in order that they can master English language well. They have to know the appropriate words that are suitably applied in sentences that make the sentences sound naturally English. This phenomenon is related to collocation mastery since collocation is sequences of lexical items which habitually co-occur (Cruse, 1997: 40). In other words, collocation is a combination of words which always appears in the same sequences of lexical items.

Collocation often appears in English language. It leads confusion whether the words are appropriate to be used or not in a sentence. Therefore, collocation becomes an important factor of a language because of its relationship with vocabulary. Collocation is also important in translating a language, in this case is Bahasa Indonesia into English language. In translating, the translator has to cling to words, collocations, structures (Newmark, 1981). Based on the writer’s experience, most of the learners often translate from word to word with less considering the appropriateness of the word if it is applied in phrases or sentences. Sometimes English words have a specific combination or phrase that has a different meaning if the words occur separately. For example is in the phrase do your hair. In Bahasa Indonesia, do means melakukan and hair means rambut. If


translation will be lakukan rambutmu. Thus, do your hair in Indonesia means sisir rambutmu because rambut corresponds with the word menyisir not melakukan.

Besides, as Duff (1992: 11) affirms that one of the most frequent criticisms of translation is that it does not sound natural because translator’s thoughts and choice of words are too strongly shaped by the original text. This problem was faced by Translation II students of Sanata Dharma University in 2008 where the writer was joining this class. The writer’s lecturer had noted in this class that most of the students at that class had difficulty in translating naturally English. The students often found difficulty in translating the right words especially appropriate verb in a sentence from Bahasa Indonesia into English. For example was in a sentence: Murid-murid seharusnya mampu mendatangkan makna dari bacaan. Most of the students translate: *Students

should be able to get/have the meaning from the context. The verbs get and have

can be put in that sentence since their meanings are flexible according to the context. Nonetheless, there is a word that collocates with the word meaning. The word is derive. Thus, the sentence should be: Students should be able to derive the meaning from the context. From that experience, the writer considers that the

students of English Education Programme might have difficulties in mastering collocation since collocation involves the use of habitual combinations that have a certain meaning.


skills: reading, writing, listening, speaking. Therefore, the writer chooses to analyze the students’ mastery of collocation in English Language Education Programme of Sanata Dharma because it gives big influence to the students’ translation since collocation can affect the nature of English language in all skills of learning a language.

B. Problem Formulation

Through this research, the writer would like to analyze the mastery of collocation and the collocation errors made by PBI students in their translation. Therefore, the writer would like to address two questions. They are shown as follows.

1. To what extend the students master the translation of verb plus verbal noun collocation?

2. To what extend the students make errors in translating verb plus verbal noun collocation from Indonesian into English?

C. Problem Limitation

In general, collocation is classified into seven types based on Newmark (1981: 114-115). They are verb plus verbal noun, determiner plus adjective plus noun, adverb plus adjective, verb plus adverb or adjective, subject plus verb,

count noun plus of plus mass noun, and collective noun plus count noun.


a sentence. Besides, the verbs and nouns play very important role in a sentence because verbs and nouns belong to lexical categories. As O’Grady (1997: 182) states that noun, verb, adjective, and preposition are often called lexical categories. They play a very important role in sentence formation.

This research is applied to students of English Education Study Programme of Sanata Dharma University who have taken Translation II class. In other word, this research is for the students who are in semester six or above. Translation II class is chosen as the participants since this research is about translating verb plus verbal noun collocation from Bahasa Indonesia into English language. However, the Translation II classes used are only two classes which are taught by the same lecturer.

D. Research Objectives

In this research, the writer will analyze the students’ mastery in translating verb-verbal noun collocation. There are some objectives to achieve. They are stated as follow:

1. To find out to what extend the students master the translation of verb plus verbal noun collocation.


E. Research Benefits

This research is expected to give some significant benefits to those who deal with teaching and learning English language especially in Sanata Dharma University including the students, the lecturers and further researchers. For the students, they are able to know and understand their mistakes in translating the collocation from the research result. Knowing the mistake, the students can limit and even can eliminate those mistakes in translating collocation. Besides, the students can also find their problems in translating collocation. Therefore, the students are able to change the way the study and create the new one that improves their mastery in translating collocation better.

For the lecturers, this research can give an insight about the collocation that can be a problem for the students. Therefore, the lecturers can give more exercises that include the same characteristic as the problem but with different meaning. The lecturers can also create a type of teaching learning activity that can improve the students’ mastery in translating collocation better. The research result can also give benefit for the future researchers. They can find out how far the students master verb plus verbal noun collocation as a description to conduct next research.

F. Definition of Terms


especially about teaching and learning second language acquisition including translation and collocation.

The terms that the writer considered to be defined are stated as follows: 1. Students’ Mastery

According to Fries (1945), mastery of a language meant the ability to use or even to understand all the words in a language. Students’ mastery meant to analyze not only the mastery of students in learning a language but also the errors that the students make in learning it since none of students was said to have mastered their own native language. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, mastery is great knowledge about or understanding of particular thing (2000: 822). In other words, students’ mastery is how far the students know and understand about something. In this thesis, the students should understand the use of verb plus verbal noun collocation. According to Newmark (1981), the translator has to cling to words, collocations, structures in translation. Therefore, to be able to translate well, the students’ need to master the use of collocation especially verb plus verbal noun collocation. In this study, the students’ mastery means how far the students know and are able to use English collocation in translating Indonesian words or phrases.

2. Error


“An error cannot be self-corrected” (James, 1998: 83 as cited by Brown, 2000: 217). Brown (2000: 218) also states that errors arise from several possible general sources. In this study, the errors are a part of the students’ ability in translating verb plus verbal noun collocation which cannot be analyzed by the students’ themselves.

3. Collocation

According to Cruse (1997: 40), collocation is sequences of lexical items which habitually co-occur. In other words, collocation is a combination which always appears in the same sequences of lexical items. Besides, Newmark (1981) affirms a collocation is the element of system in all the words of a language when they are arranged syntagmatically. “Syntagmatically means the words associate with other words that can typically precede or follow it” (Coady and Huckin, 1997: 250). Therefore, in this study, collocation is the combination of words that habitually occur and the words associate with the other words that precede or follow it.

4. Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation


noun so that it sounds naturally English. The verbal noun in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary is noun derived from the verb. Based on Cambridge Advanced Lerner’s Dictionary, verbal noun means something that relates to words. In this study, verb plus verbal noun collocation is the combination of verb combined with the appropriate noun and the meaning is expressed by the noun.

5. Translation II Students




In this chapter, some theory of related literature to the research is presented. It is to help the writer and the reader understand more easily about the research. The writer proposes several theories and ideas from the written and electric sources. To be more enlighten, this review of related literature illustrate two general area; they are theoretical description and theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

In answering the research problems, the writer has collected some related literature. The citations which are stated here are based on the previous research or books. Therefore, the writer will be able to analyze to what extend the students master the translation of verb plus verbal noun collocation and the students’ collocation errors.

1. Collocation


1. Definitions of Collocation

There are some researchers who analyze collocation. First, Larson (1984: 141) states that collocation is concerned with how words join together or in other words collocation can be explained as words that occur in construction with other words. Some words occur together often, some words occur occasionally, and other combinations are not likely to occur. Some words do not occur together because their combination would be nonsense, which means that it would not make sense because it is outside reality. From what Larson has explored, the writer can conclude that collocation is the combination of words which are often used by native speaker of the source language, English language. If the speaker does not apply the combination, it sounds awkward to the native speaker. In other word, it does not sound naturally English.

Second, Newmark (1981: 114) affirms that collocation is the element of system in the lexis of language which consists of a common structure and is arranged syntagmatically. Syntagmatically means the words associate with other words that can typically precede or follow it (Coady and Huckin, 1997: 250). Syntagmatic collocations are usually difficult for the students because they sometimes are different from the original translation (Newmark, 1981: 114-115).


Besides, according to Hunston (2002: 68), collocation is also the tendency of words to be biased in the way they occur. For example is the word, toys, co-occurs with children more frequently than man or women. This collocation can be explained in logical explanation. The word, toys, usually belongs to children rather than to adults. The other examples of collocation are strong tea and powerful car. It is awkward if to be said powerful tea and strong car. Therefore, the writer is able to conclude that collocation is the tendency of two words to occur together.

According to Baker (1997: 47), the tendency of certain words to co-occur together has to do with their propositional meanings. For example is in the word cheque. The word cheque is more likely to occur with bank, pay, money and write

than with playground or repair. However, meaning cannot always account for collocation patterning. Furthermore, words which the students might think of as synonyms or near-synonyms will often have quite different sets of collocate. English speakers usually say break rules not break regulation. Besides, they say wasting time not squandering time.


parts and frequently involves metaphorical meaning: the lion's share, a pain in the neck, a fly in the ointment. Such idioms may also blend into proverbs and proverbs provide a useful access into this subject for foreign learner.

2. Kinds of Collocation

Some researchers have described the kinds of collocation. However, they mention it in different words. Therefore, in this part, the writer would like to explore some of the collocation types based on some researchers. According to Newmark (1981: 114-115), there are seven types of collocation. He calls it as Syntagmatic Collocations. They are:

1. Verb plus verbal noun. The verb is the collocation for which the translator must find the appropriate corresponding. The verbs in these collocations simply have an operative function means ‘do’ and does not have particular meaning since the action is expressed in the noun. For example are ‘pay attention’, ‘suffer a defeat’, ‘run a meeting’, ‘make a speech’, etc.

2. Determiner plus adjective plus noun. The noun has to found the appropriate adjective. For example include ‘a brave man’, ‘a pretty boy’, ‘a young woman’, etc.


4. Verb plus adverb or adjectives. The adverb or the adjective must be founf in this collocation. For examples are ‘work hard,’ ‘run well,’ ‘shine brightly,’ ‘smell sweet,’ etc.

5. Subject plus verb. There are two groups. First, the noun and verb may commonly attract each other. For example are ‘the dog barks,’ the cat purrs,’ the telephone rings’. In the second group, there is merely a fairly high expectation that a particular verb will follow the subject. For example is ‘the door creaks’.

6. Count noun plus ‘of plus mass noun. This restricted collocation consists of a term indicating a unit of quantity and the word for the substance it quantifies. For example are ‘a loaf of bread’, ‘a pinch of salt’, a cloud of dust’, etc. 7. Collective noun plus count noun. For example are a bunch of flowers’, a flock

of geese or sheep’, a pack of cards’, etc.

Besides, Moehkardi (2002: 54) states that collocation divides into two types. They are grammatical and lexical collocation. “Grammatical collocation consists of a noun or an adjective or a verb plus a particle (a preposition, an adverb or a grammatical structure such as an infinitive, a gerund or clause).” (Bahns, 1993: 57 as cited by Moehkardi, 2002). Besides, grammatical collocations include the combinations as follows (Benson as cited by Moehkardi, 2002):

1. Noun combine with combinations of preposition, 2. Noun combine with to infinitive,


4. Preposition combine with combinations of noun, 5. Adjective combine with combinations of preposition, 6. Predicate adjective combine with to infinitive, 7. Adjective combine with that clause,

8. Collocation verb patterns.

According to Nattinger and DeCarrico as quoted by Moehkardi (2002: 58), lexical collocations do not contain grammatical elements. There are fixed and loose combinations especially in verb plus noun collocation. Fixed combinations of verb plus noun collocation is such as commit a murder and break the law. In comparison, the loose combinations of verb plus noun collocation are such as analyze/study/witness a murder and practice/study the law. There are seven types of lexical collocations. They are shown as follows.

1. Verb plus noun/pronoun (or prepositional phrase), 2. Verb plus a noun,

3. Adjective plus noun, 4. Noun plus verb, 5. Noun plus noun, 6. Adverb plus adjective, 7. Verb plus adverb.


collect foreign stamps (Greenbaum, 1970 as quoted by Moehkardi, 2002). Second, lexical collocation does not depend on grammatical types. For example is in the collocation strong argument. It can be expressed He argued strongly or His argument was strengthened (Halliday, 1966 as quoted by Moehkardi, 2002).


The other types of collocation (Firth, 2008) are shown as follows.

1. Adverb plus adjective

a) Invading that country was an utterly stupid thing to do. b) We entered a richly decorated room.

2. Adjective plus noun

a) The doctor ordered him to take regular exercise. b) He was writhing on the ground in excruciating pain. 3. Noun plus noun

a) Let's give Mr Jones a round of applause. b) I'd like to buy two bars of soap please. 4. Noun plus verb

a) The lion started to roar when it heard the dog barking. b) The bomb went off when he started the car engine. 5. Verb plus noun

a) The prisoner was hanged for committing murder.

b) I always try to do my homework in the morning, after making my bed. 6. Verb plus expression with preposition

a) We had to return home because we had run out of money. b) Their behaviour was enough to drive anybody to crime. 7. Verb plus adverb


Besides, according to Hall (2008), another type of closed collocation is the formulaic utterance which is used in very specific contexts. Examples are once upon a time, suffice it to say, unaccustomed as I am, be upstanding in court, time, gentlemen, please. A characteristic

of these formulae is that they allow us to predict the situation in which they will occur. A less fixed form of collocation is seen in such combinations as heavy rain, uphill battle, pay attention. In examples of this kind one or other element may be substituted by a synonym: heavy downpour, uphill struggle, pay heed.

3. Verifying Collocation

Nattinger and DeCarrico (2001: 20-21), states that collocation can be analyzed in both computer and natural language process. Collocations are defined along a syntagmatic, or horizontal, dimension, and a paradigmatic, or vertical, dimension. A collocation unit consists of a node that co-occurs with a span of words on the other side. The span consists of particular word classes filled by specific lexical items.

Figure 2.1: Collocation span node span Y X Z


certain words in the span occur with the node is the more fixed and idiomatic the collocation.

According to Larson (1984: 145), only a native speaker of the language can judge whether or not a collocation is acceptable. It means that the non-native speaker cannot create their own collocation since acceptable collocations are from the native speakers’ speaking habit. Therefore, collocation cannot be arranged by the non-native learners of English. If the learners do not use the acceptable collocation in translation or in other purposes, the translation result will not sound naturally English.

d. Collocation versus Idiom

Collocation is different from idiom in some aspects. However, the occurrence of collocation is often related to idioms. According to Larson (1984: 142), idioms are special collocations, or fixed combinations of words which have a meaning as a whole, but the meaning of combination is not the same as the meaning of items. Consequently, it is obvious that collocation is different from idiom in the case of meaning. The meaning of collocation is still related to the meaning of the words which is combined. For example is in the collocation: make a speech. The meaning of this collocation still has relationship with the word

make and speech. Therefore the reader can say that make a speech means

membuat/melakukan pidato or in brief berpidato. On the contrary, the meaning of


meaning of the words face and music themselves. Literary, face the music in Indonesian language means menghadapi musik. Nonetheless, the idiom face the music means menghadapi kenyataan.

Carter (2000: 65) also stated that idiom is fixed expressions which can most obviously cause difficulties for non-native learners of a language. Thus, the choice of words in idiom cannot be changed because it is fixed. This is which lead difficulties for non-native learners of English since the different choice of words have the different meaning of the idiom itself. However, both collocation and idiom are related to the use of common expression of a native language and it can influence whether the result sounds naturally English or not.

e. Importance of Collocation Mastery for Non-Native English Learners Definitely, there are some problems that can be found in learning a language. In learning a language, the learner must memorize the vocabularies of the target language. According to James and Huckin (1997: 16), memory contains more than records of past experiences; it also has plans for action on the basis of what the learners know and what the learners have done.


1. T he ability to identify and memorize new sounds,

2. T

he ability to understand the function of particular words in sentences,

3. T

he ability to figure out grammatical rules from language samples,

4. M

emory for new words.

Besides, motivation and attitudes are also important in learning a language. According to Lightbown and Spada (1999: 56), motivation is a complex phenomenon which can be defined in terms of two factors: learners’ communicative needs and their attitudes towards the language in wide social situations or to fulfill professional ambitions, they will perceive the communicative value. There are seven factors which can characterize and influence the learner’s language use. They are mentioned as follows.

1. Language transfer, 2. Intralingua interference,

3. The effects of the sociolinguistic situation,

4. The modality of experience to the target language and the modality of production,

5. The age of the learner,


7. The effects of the intrinsic difficulty of the particular item being learned (Richards and Sampson, 1977: 4).

2. Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation

In this thesis, the writer analyzes verb plus verbal noun collocation. This type of collocation was introduced by Newmark. He states that the verb is the collocation for which the translator must find the appropriate corresponding. The verbs in these collocations merely have an operative function means do and no particular meaning since the action is expressed in the noun. For example are pay attention, suffer a defeat, run a meeting, make a speech, etc (Newmark, 1981:

114). Verbal noun in this collocation based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary means noun derived from the verb. Based on Cambridge Advanced Lerner’s Dictionary, verbal noun means something that relates to words. Besides, Newmark affirms that the meaning of verb plus verbal noun collocation is expressed in the noun and the verb itself has implicit operative function means do. Therefore, the meaning of the verb plus verbal noun collocation is expressed by the noun.


means idiomatic and it sounds naturally English. Besides, loose means it does not sound naturally English or it is translated from word to word (Nattinger and DeCarrico, 1992 as quoted by Moehkardi, 2002). Some books and dictionaries related to verb plus verbal noun collocation are used in separating those collocations into fixed and loose collocation. Some kinds of collocation taken from Oxford Collocation Dictionary are shown as follows.

Table 2.2: Fixed and Loose Verb plus Verbal noun collocation

No. Bahasa Indonesia Fixed Verb plus Verbal

Noun Collocation

Loose Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation 1. Memberi penghargaan Pay a respect

Give a reward Give an award

Give an appreciation Show respect Grant an award 2. Memberi pidato Deliver a speech

Make a speech

Read a speech Give a speech 3. Membatalkan janji Break a promise Cancel a promise

Break a appointment Cancel an appointment 4. Melemparkan pertanyaan Address a question

Throw a question

Ask a question Give a question 5. Melemparkan ciuman Blow a kiss

Plant a kiss Lay a kiss

Throw a kiss Give a kiss 6. Menarik perhatian Draw attention

Grab attention

Call attention Attract attention Catch attention 7. Mengadakan kunjungan Pay a visit

Make a visit 8. Menyampaikan berita Deliver news


9. Membawa kesengsaraan Bring poverty/misery/ 10. Memupuskan rencana Cancel a plan

Drop a plan

Break a plan Eliminate a plan 11. Menjalankan bisnis Run a business Handle a business

Do a business Conduct a business Operate a business Manage a business 12. Memenuhi kebutuhan Meet the needs Supply the needs

Serve the needs Ful fill the needs Satisfy the needs 13. Menderita kekalahan Suffer a defeat

Experience a defeat

Get loss

14. Melahirkan bayi Deliver a baby Give birth to a baby

Have born to a baby

15. Melambaikan salam perpisahan

Wave goodbye Say goodbye Give goodbye Wave hand

3. Collocation in Translation

Collocation is very important in translation since collocation is related to the choice of words. A translator has to cling to words, collocations, structures in translation (Newmark, 1981). Besides, Baker (1992: 11) states that the smallest unit which posses individual meaning is the word. Therefore, collocation is one element which has a big influence in translation.

4. Error and Mistake


make the learners slowly but surely learn to produce an acceptable speech of native language.

a. Error

Error must be carefully distinguished from mistake. An error is a noticeable deviation from the adult learners or native speakers that reflects the competence of the learners. Therefore, an error reveals the learners’ competence in learning a language. Besides, an error cannot be self corrected (James, 1998: 83 as cited by Brown, 2000:217).

b. Mistake

Mistake refers to performance error that is rather a random guess or a slip of tongue which is a failure to utilize a known system correctly. All people make mistake in both native and second language situations. “Mistake can be self corrected” (Brown, 2000: 217).

B. Theoretical framework


example are pay attention, suffer a defeat, run a meeting, make a speech, etc. (Newmark, 1981: 114-115).

Besides, this theory is supported by the theory from Moehkardi. She explains that verb plus verbal noun is a combination of transitive verbs plus noun/pronoun (prepositional phrase). However not all combination of verb plus noun are called collocation. Build, cause, cook, make, and prepare are examples of non-collocation verbs. The meanings of those verbs are predictable. Therefore, they can create many kinds of combinations through their synonyms (2002: 59). However, the writer is open to use many sources from other researchers. Those are used as a guideline for the writer to analyze the participants’ tests.



This chapter presents a description of the methodology applied in this research. They include research method, research participants, research instrument, data gathering techniques, data analysis techniques, and research procedure.

A. Research Method


research had the potential of being a clue that might open a more comprehensive understanding of what was being studied. Therefore, this research had actual settings as the direct source of data and the researcher was the key instrument (Bogdan & Biklen, 2003). In this research, the writer was as the human instrument that observed and analyzed the data to describe.

Since the research was to describe the students’ mastery in translating verb plus verbal noun collocation which was in form of fixed and habitual combination, the writer applied dictionary study by collecting some possible combinations of verb and verbal noun from some dictionaries and some related books especially collocation dictionary.

B. Research Participants

The participants analyzed in this research were the students who took Translation II. Translation II class was chosen because in Translation II class, the students were trained to translate Indonesian language to English language that required the students to know the correct words to be applied in sentences. Therefore, it was suitable to conduct verb plus verbal noun collocation test in that class since collocation was also related to the application of correct words choice in a sentence.


collocation of the six semester students in English Education Study Programme Sanata Dharma University. Those classes were chosen because they were handled by the same lecturer. They had mostly the same teaching learning process.

The participants were from the sixth semester or above. Therefore, they had comprehended enough knowledge related to translation in some previous classes such as Vocabulary I and II, Structure I, II, III, IV, and Translation I. Therefore, the writer assumed that the participants had good vocabulary mastery since they had study English for about three years in Sanata Dharma University including four skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening.

The verb plus verbal noun collocation test was conducted at the same time after the students of both classes finished their final examination of Translation II. Nevertheless, a piloting test was conducted before in class C in order to know whether the test deserved to be tested.

C. Research Instrument

The instrument for this research was a test. There were two kinds of test applied in this research. The first test was made for piloting test and the second test is for the real test to be analyzed. The piloting test was made in order to know the weaknesses of the test before the test was analyzed. Therefore, the second test/real test to be analyzed had the criteria of a good test and was appropriate to collect the data to be analyzed.


was relatively easy to administer, and it had a scoring/ evaluation procedure that was specific and time efficient (Brown, 2004: 19).

Second, the test was reliable since the test was consistent and dependable (Brown, 2004: 20). In this study, the test for both classes was identical. The students received the same quality of input such as every student got a cleanly photocopied test sheet and the condition was optimal and equal for both classes (Brown, 2004: 31). To check whether the test was reliable or not, the writer conducted split-half method. The purpose was to estimate reliability from a single administration of a single test. The formula proposed by Hatch and Farhady (1982: 244-245) in estimating the reliability was shown below:

Reliability = true score variance = Vt

observed score variance Vx

Reliability = Vt = 1 – VE

Vt + VE Vx

After the reliability of half test was found, the Spearman Brown prophecy formula was used to determine the reliability of the full test.

rK = 2r1

1 + r1

rK = the reliability of the full test

r1 = the reliability of the half test

The Spearman Brown prophecy explained that the test had a major characteristic of a good test which was reliable.


abilities it claimed to measure (Brown, 2004: 26). There were four types of validity.

1. Content-Related Evidence

The writer could define the achievement that was measured. The test was in the form of translation questions so it was suitable with the objective of this research. Therefore, the test could represent the subject that was intended to measure.

2. Criterion-Related Evidence

Since this research was to know the mastery of Translation II students in translating verb plus verbal noun collocation, the test result could show the mastery of Translation II students.

3. Construct-Related Evidence

The test was made referring to some books and dictionaries related to verb plus verbal noun collocation. Besides, the Translation II students had enough knowledge related translation of verb plus verbal noun collocation since they had taken Vocabulary I and II, Structure I, II, III, IV and IV, Translation I.

4. Face Validity

The appearance of the test had shown the objective of the test which was to measure the students’ mastery in translating verb plus verbal noun collocation.


Both tests were formulated by the writer referring to Cambridge electric dictionary and Oxford Advance Learner’s dictionary. The test consisted of twenty translation questions. This was one examples of the test:


Translate the underlined words in each sentence into English. Pay attention to the verb + verbal noun! Translate them idiomatically in order that your translation sounds naturally English!


Dia baru saja menyandang gelar sarjana in Ingte University.


He has just landed a diploma degree in Ingte University.


Verb-verbal noun collocation land a diploma

The test was used to know the students’ mastery on verb plus verbal noun collocation. There were some terms that should be considered in assessing the participants’ answers. According to Newmark (1981: 40), a translator had to cling to words, collocation, structures. Therefore, the writer considered the participants’ choice of words, verb plus verbal collocation, and the structure of the answers.

D. Data Gathering Technique


those classes. The writer explained her purpose of conducting the test in those classes first before distributing the test. Then, the writer explained how to do the test and prohibition of using dictionary. The participants did the tests for about forty minutes.

After all the tests were collected, the writer thanked the participants for their willingness to do the test. Furthermore, the data will be analyzed. The tests were analyzed by referring to Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary, Cambridge Advanced Learner’s electronic dictionary and Oxford Collocation dictionary.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The data gathered were analyzed using several steps to answer the research questions as follows.

1. Data presentation

In order to have the clearer description about the data gathered, the writer made a data presentation about the scores that the participants had. The tests analyzed were 68 tests. The score’s result was shown in the form of a table as follows.

Table 3.1: Percentage of Students’ Score

Score Number of


Number of Participants in Percentage

90-100 … …%

80-89 … … %

70-79 … …%

60-69 … … %

50-59 … … %

40-49 … … %


Besides, the formula to know the percentage of the students was described as follows.

Percentage score = number of students who had certain score all number of observed students

Furthermore, the writer also calculated the reliability of the test. The reliability of the test was very important since “it showed the major characteristic of a good test” (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 247). The reliability was between 0 and 1. “The test will be perfectly reliable if the reliability would be equal 1” (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 245).

2. Discussion

a. The analysis techniques in answering the first research question

1) Analyzing the students’ fixed and loose answers in translating verb plus verbal noun collocation based on Nattinger’s and DeCarrico’s Theory.

This step was to know the Students’ mastery in translating verb plus verbal noun collocation without considering the structure. This was only to know how well the students could find the acceptable combinations of verb and noun in translating verb plus verbal noun collocation. A table was used to show the students’ answers related to verb plus verbal noun collocation. The students’ answers were presented per number. The table was shown as follows.

Table 3.2: Students’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation Number…


2) Analyzing the students’ answers in translating verb plus verbal noun collocation based on Newmark’s Theory.

Since in this research was about translating verb plus verbal noun collocation, there were some other answers which were not totally wrong. Some of the answers were meaningful but they were not the verb-verbal noun collocation expected. According to Nattinger and DeCarrico, 1992 as quoted by Moehkardi (2002: 59), the fixed structures of collocations were idiomatic, but their meanings were still predictable from the elements of the combination. On contrary, the meanings of loose collocations could still be derived from the individual words.

From the analysis of students’ errors, the writer acquired numbers of various participants’ answers including the errors. To make it clearly understood, the writer classified the participants into 5 types. It was based on the books and dictionaries related to verb plus verbal noun collocation. The types were shown as follow.

CM = N (5)/ (4)/ (3)/ (2)/ (1) = N (5)/ (4)/ (3)/ (2)/ (1)

N (TTL) x 20 1360

CM 1 = N (5) CM 3 = N (3) CM 5 = N (1)

1360 1360 1360

CM 2 = N (4) CM 4 = N (2)

1360 1360

CM : Collocation mastery,


N (4) : number of participants’ answers of fixed/idiomatic verb plus verbal noun collocation with incorrect structure/tense,

N (3) : number of participants’ answers of loose verb plus verbal noun collocation with correct structure / tenses,

N (2) : number of participants’ answers of loose verb plus verbal noun collocation with incorrect structure / tenses,

N (1) : number of participants’ answers of verb plus verbal noun collocation errors or did not answer with incorrect structure/ tenses.

N (TTL) : N (Total) number of all participants. 20 : number of the test.

The classification of the students’ mastery of verb plus verbal noun collocation was to analyze the range result of the verb plus verbal noun collocation test. The classification was shown in the table as follows.

Table 3.3: Mastery of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation

The Level of Students Mastery


CM 1 The participants mastered the fixed verb plus verbal noun collocation with high understanding of the structure/ tense of the sentence.

CM 2 The participants mastered the fixed verb plus verbal noun collocation with poor understanding of the structure/ tense of the sentence.

CM 3 The participants mastered the loose verb plus verbal noun collocation but have high understanding of the structure/ tense of the sentence.

CM 4 The participants mastered the loose verb plus verbal noun collocation and have poor understanding of the structure/ tense of the sentence.


F. Research Procedure

There were some steps administered in conducting this research. They are shown as follows.

1. Finding the topic of the research

In this step, the writer searched the best topic or problems that were analyzed in this research. The writer found the problems by reading some books related to translation.

2. Collecting the literary review about the research topic

After finding the topic discussed, the writer collected some literary review including books, dictionaries and journals related to the topic found. The writer explored and learned about the collocation in translation.

3. Constructing the test as the instrument

The writer then constructed the test as the instrument after she learned enough about collocation in translation. The test was made by referring to some dictionaries such as Oxford advanced learner’s dictionary, Cambridge advanced learner’s dictionary, and Oxford collocation dictionary. Therefore, the test made was based on the scientific books.

4. Conducting the piloting test


5. Analyzing the piloting test

After conducting the piloting test, the writer found some weak points from the test. Therefore, the writer made some corrections in the test in order that the test reached the practicality, reliability, validity, and authenticity of the test. 6. Conducting the real test

Revised the test, the writer then administered the test in both class B and C of the academic year 2008-2009. The test conducted together in one class after the writer asked for permission to the lecturer.

7. Analyzing the test

After the test succeeded to be done, the writer started to analyze the participants’ answers. It was analyzed based on Newmark’s theory and Moehkardi’s theory. Since the research belonged to qualitative descriptive, the writer analyzed the data by describing it referring to some books and dictionaries related to collocation.

8. Reporting the analysis result




This chapter includes two major sections namely data presentation and discussion. Data presentation presents the data gathered from the instrument applied in this thesis. Whereas, discussion deals with answering the research questions presented in chapter I and is followed by some discussion concerning the research question.

A. Data Presentation


From the participants’ tests, the writer was able to analyze the score of each participant. The participants’ scores were shown as follows.

Table 4.1: Students’ Scores

Mark Number of


Number of Participants in Percentage

90-100 - 0 %

80-89 5 7,4 %

70-79 11 16 %

60-69 12 17,7 %

50-59 10 14,7 %

40-49 15 22,1 %

≤ 39 15 22,1 %

The students’ scores were various. However, no one got 90 or above. The biggest numbers of participants were them who got 39 or less. It indicated that there was no one who really mastered the translation verb plus verbal noun collocation. However, the students’ answers in translating verb plus verbal noun collocation were not totally wrong. Since it was about translating a language, there were some different choices of words to be applied. However, the more fixed the verb plus verbal noun collocation was applied was the more naturally English the sentences sounded.


The reliability of the test was very important since “it showed the major characteristic of a good test” (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 247). The reliability was between 0 and 1. The reliability of the test in this research was 0, 9. “The test will be perfectly reliable if the reliability was equal 1” (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 245). Therefore, the test in this research was reliable to be administered as an instrument of a research.

B. Discussion

1. To What Extend the Students are able to Master the Translation of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation

To know how far the students master the translation of verb plus verbal noun collocation, the writer analyzed two kinds of students’ mastery. First was the mastery of the students in translating verb plus verbal noun collocation in relation with fixed and loose collocation based on Nattinger’s and DeCarrico’s theory. Second was the mastery of students in translating verb plus verbal noun in relation with the mastery of structure or grammar based on Newmark’s theory.

a. Analyzing the Students Mastery in Translating Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation Based on Nattinger’s and DeCarrico’s Theory


comparison, the loose combinations of verb plus noun collocation are such as analyze/study/witness a murder and practice/study the law (Nattinger and DeCarrico as quoted by Moehkardi, 2002: 58). The fixed and loose collocations which had been mastered by the students were shown in the table as follows.

Table 4.2: Students’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation: Number 1 Bahasa

The table showed that half of the students were able to translate memberi penghargaan naturally into English. Besides, there were about 16 students who translated memberi penghargaan loosely but it was still acceptable in English. In other words, most of the students were able to translate memberi penghargaan which were acceptable in English language. Thus, most of the students could master the translation of verb plus verbal noun, memberi penghargaan.

Table 4.3: Students’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation: Number 2 Bahasa Indonesia Fixed Verb plus


memberi pidato into give a speech was acceptable in English although it belonged

to a loose collocation. It indicated that most of the students translated it word to word since memberi was translated into give and pidato was translated into a speech.

Table 4.4: Students’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation: Number 3

Bahasa Break an appointment 1 Cancel an appointment 23

The table showed that there were only 16 students who were able to translate membatalkan janji fixedly and sounded naturally English. Besides, half of the students could translate membatalkan janji loosely though it was still acceptable in English language. It indicated that the students did not really master in translating membatalkan janji since not more than 25% of the students translated it fixedly which made it sound naturally English.

Table 4.5: Students’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:

Number 4 & 12


pertanyaan was still loosely. In other words, the students were not able to find the

verb which collocated fixedly the noun a question. However, their loosely translation of melemparkan pertanyaan was still acceptable in English language.

Table 4.6: Students’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation: Number 5 & 18

Bahasa Indonesia Fixed Verb plus Verbal Noun

The table showed that the students did not really master the translation of melemparkan ciuman. It could be seen from the number of students who

translated melemparkan ciuman fixedly which was only one person. Furthermore, there were about 56% of the students who translated it loosely.

Table 4.7: Students’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation: Number 6 & 14

Bahasa Indonesia Fixed Verb plus Verbal Noun

Menarik perhatian Draw attention 16 Attract attention 48

The table showed that the students did not really master the translation of menarik perhatian. It could be seen from the numbers of students who translated

menarik perhatian both fixedly and loosely. There were not more than 12% of


Table 4.8: Students’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation: Number 7 Bahasa Indonesia Fixed Verb plus

Verbal Noun

The table showed that the students did not really master the translation of mengadakan kunjungan. It could be seen from the numbers of students who

translated mengadakan kunjungan both fixedly and loosely. There were only two people who were able to translate mengadakan kunjungan fixedly. Besides, there were not more than 36% of the students who translated it loosely.

Table 4.9: Students’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation: Number 8 & 19

Bahasa Indonesia Fixed Verb plus Verbal Noun menyampaikan berita although most of their translations were loosely. There were


their loosely translations of menyampaikan berita were still acceptable in English language.

Table 4.10: Students’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation: Number 9

Bahasa Indonesia Fixed Verb plus Verbal Noun

The table showed that the students did not really master the translation of membawa kesengsaraan. It could be seen from the numbers of students who

translated membawa kesengsaraan both fixedly and loosely. There were not more than 23% of students who translated membawa kesengsaraan fixedly. Besides, there was only one person who translated it loosely.

Table 4.11: Students’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation: Number 10

Bahasa Indonesia Fixed Verb plus Verbal Noun


Table 4.12: Students’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation: Number 11 & 17

Bahasa Indonesia Fixed Verb plus Verbal Noun menjalankan bisnis. It could be seen from the numbers of students who translated

menjalankan bisnis both fixedly and loosely. There were not more than 47% of students who translated mejalankan bisnis fixedly. Besides, there were only 19 students who were able to translate it loosely.

Table 4.13: Students’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation: Number 13

Bahasa Indonesia Fixed Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation

Numbers of students

Memenuhi kebutuhan Meet the needs 2


Table 4.14: Students’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation: Number 15

Bahasa Indonesia Fixed Verb plus Verbal Noun students who translated menderita kekalahan fixedly. Besides, there were only four students who were able to translate it loosely.

Table 4.15: Students’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation: Number 16

Bahasa Indonesia Fixed Verb plus Verbal Noun

melahirkan bayi both fixedly and loosely. There were about 40% of students who


Table 4.16: Students’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation: Number 20

Bahasa Indonesia Fixed Verb plus Verbal Noun

The table showed that the students did not really master the translation of melambaikan salam perpisahan. It could be seen from the numbers of students

who translated melambaikan salam perpisahan both fixedly and loosely. There were not more than 20% of students who translated melambaikan salam perpisahan fixedly. Besides, there were not more than 30% of students who were

able to translate it loosely.

b. Analyzing the Students Mastery in Translating Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation Based on Newmark’s Theory

The second was the students’ mastery analysis in translating verb plus verbal noun in relation with the mastery of structure or grammar based on Newmark’s theory. The numbers of participants who mastered verb plus verbal noun together with the structure were based on the Collocation Mastery presented in chapter 3. The data are shown in the table as follows.

Table 4.17: Collocation Mastery Collocation Mastery Number of


From the table, collocation mastery of the students could be analyzed. It was based on the collocation mastery criteria as stated in chapter 3. There were five level of collocation mastery. First, there were 11, 7 % of students who mastered the verb-verbal noun collocation and the structure/tense of the sentence well. They made few errors in translating verb plus verbal noun collocation. Their translation sounded naturally English since they could translate verb plus verbal noun idiomatically with correct structure. Second, 10, 5 % of the students mastered the collocation well but they had problem with the structure. They could translate verb plus verbal noun idiomatically but with incorrect structure. Third, there are 34, 4 % of the students who had good understanding of structure but they translate verb plus verbal noun collocation loosely. Fourth, 11, 3 % of the students master loose verb plus verbal noun with incorrect structure. The last was the biggest percentage. There were 34, 5 % of the students who made some errors in translating the verb plus verbal noun with incorrect structure. Some of them did not answer the test.


a. The Errors that the Participants Made in Translating memberi penghargaan were shown as follows.

1) Give achievement

Achievement could not go together with give because achievement was

something that was successfully done by ourselves not given by someone else. Achievement collocated with the words: constitute, represent, recognize and


2) Award and reward

Award and reward here were functioned as noun. Therefore they needed

verbs in order that they belonged to verb plus verbal noun collocation. The verbs collocated with award are give, make, and announce. Besides, reward collocated with the words enjoy, bring, have, and deserve.

3) Give….

The word give should have a noun in order that it became verb plus verbal noun.

4) Give a price

The word price was not suitably applied to replace memberi penghargaan because price meant the amount of money which something was sold.

5) Give a throphy


Table 4.13 Participants’ Answers of Verb plus Verbal Noun Collocation:
Figure 2.1 Collocation
Table 2.1: Common Collocations
Figure 2.1: Collocation


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